
by SouperVan

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© Copyright 2022 - SouperVan - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/m; halloween; costume; cuffs; buttplug; chastity; diapers; urine; fart; oral; public; reluct; XX

"Honey, we need to talk."

The words sent ice down my spine.

"Go ahead." I said feeling like I was facing the firing squad wondering what I did wrong.

"Remember last year's Halloween?"




"I remember it."

"I know you do, you still have the pictures don't you?"

"Yes I saved a few." Hundred.

"So I've kept my end of the deal, I was the honey bun hair slave to your star warrior-"

"You were Leia and I was Luke, a jedi not a star warrior." I corrected knowing she wouldn't care but hoping to delay this horrible situation.

"Tomato potato, I did your Halloween costume with the promise that this year you'd wear what I picked out, you're not going back on it are you?"


"No, I'd just hoped you'd forgotten."

"I bet you did, I picked out a good one too. Strip, I'll help you into it."

I sighed but did as she asked.

"Hands behind your back." She said pulling out the handcuffs I used on her a time or ten.

Real and a real pain to get a hold of.

"Am I a prisoner?" I asked, confused as I did as she asked.

"Something like that." She locked them with a snap.

"This'll make putting on a shirt hard." I pointed out, unless I'm going topless?

"Not a problem- get on the bed and bend over."


"Can I pass?"

"No, you made me wear a metal bra and silk when it was 50 degrees out."


I got on the bed and prepared my anus for the horror it was about to face.

Out of the drawer she pulled out a box of gloves that were new and a big jar of lube that was half through.

What costume requires this?

I'm starting to regret this.

Sure enough it was what I thought it was.

She lubed up some fingers and started rubbing my asshole.

It felt kind of good to be honest... then she slowly stuck a finger in.

It hurt a bit and felt gross making my stomach turn, it felt like.

I swallowed my gorge even as she touched something that was too sensitive by far and felt mildly good through the pressure and pain.

Then she started fucking my anus making sure to hit that spot every time.

She added another finger and the feeling of pain and pressure felt ten times worse.

Then she started stroking my cock.

To my shame I came as she added the third.

In the haze of the strangest orgasm that ever came I didn't notice her grabbing something else.

It hurt far worse than her fingers, "Too big-"

"Don't be a wimp." She said pushing it all the way in making me see stars even as my anus clamped down on a narrow part.

A buttplug?

Why would-

I looked back and saw a tail.

Oh no.

"Stay, I've got one more thing to add."

Shit how much worse can this get?

A lot, it turned out.

My penis was forced in a tiny plastic prison and locked shut.

"There, now for your half of the harness."

...What even?

The harness seemed weird to be honest, wrapping all around my head a time or ten getting strapped shut with a few dangly bits.

Then she said "You can get up." She said as she started to strip to prepare herself, curiously not removing her shirt herself and I finally realized.

"A horse?" I asked with some dread.

"Centaur." She corrected as if that made it any better.

Then she put on her own harness around her hips.

Maybe without the plug or the cockcage I could have been into it.

"Alright, step into your half first." She said getting it out of the closet, a white horse's ass.

Just as I was about to step in she said "Wait." leaving it on the floor returning with a diaper.

"No way!"

"Fine, then I suppose you can sleep on the couch until next year's Halloween?"

I let her put the damned diaper on me then stepped in the thrice-damned horse's ass.

Then she said "Bend over." and started strapping me to her, nose firmly between her cheeks, strapped tightly to them.

"Stick out your tongue."

I'd complain that we were going to be late but realized I didn't want to go like this so started licking her vagina only to be stopped by fingers clamping down my tongue and pulling it.

"Ow, let go-"

"No, I'm almost done, there." With a click something was stuck on my tongue ring and when she let go I felt my tongue go up as she adjusted it so that I was acting as her thong.

Shit, already my tongue was starting to regret this.

She finished up getting into her costume leaving me in darkness.

"Just my makeup left, don't worry we won't be late. I know how much you hate being late, you remind me often enough." She complained.

"Because you were five minutes late to our wedding, ten minutes late to-"

"I can't understand a word you're saying you know. You always talk before thinking, maybe tonight will help with that," she said.

Then she started humming, rubbing her thighs and making my tongue slightly slide, enjoying the ride and hurting my tongue more.

"And done, let's go!"

She started walking and I was forced to keep up.

"Always thought he was a bit of a horse's ass, you could do better Carol."


"That's nice of him."

As if I had a choice.

This party sucks and worse my tongue hurts and my mouth is dry and my dick hurts from getting hard only for there to be nowhere for the hardness to go, and the movement of the plug with every step was its own horror.

"Where's your bathroom? Ah, thanks." Oh thank Zod, time for a break!

Only instead of what I thought she walked into the bathroom and awkwardly maneuvered us around to lock it shut.

"Drink up, be careful not to spill a drop. If there's a wet spot in the costume after it's clean I'll make you do this again." She said sticking her hands in the costume and pressing the sides of my tongue and the tip to ensure a watertight fit.


She let out a small amount.

...The taste wasn't so bad, I swallowed.

And again, and again until my throat started to hurt. The farting was the worst part, the smell lingering long after she was done, not that I could breathe very well at all through it but with her pissing I hardly had an option.

Then she started rubbing my sore tongue against her pussy like toilet paper then just kept going until she orgasmed even more liquid to swallow.

"I see why you like tying me up..." She mused, sounding amused and out of it, drunk and in post orgasmiatic bliss.

It was a humiliating painful half hour later that the burps started.

They tasted like old piss smelt, absolutely terrible and worse she seemed to enjoy the feeling, getting wet and rubbing her thighs together forcing my tongue to rub her to orgasm again this time during a conversation about how I shoot blanks, just great.

All of my hate, she has it, I thought after a stop at an alley for a piss on the way home.

As soon as we made it to the bedroom if my memory was right she started working off the costume only to pass out forcing my head to bend way down.

"Wake up! Carol! Don't just leave me like this, please?"

My muffled voice didn't do a thing but make her let out another fart.


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