Part 2
…My improvised cutting-board paddle was only so bad, even with the surprisingly strong Alice wielding it, but what was most profound for me was laying my naked-self across her lap like a naughty child to receive my punishment; I'm talking serious flashbacks back towards my naughty-years youth. The sound was more intimidating than the sting itself - just as it was back then with Mrs. Henderson - but Alice was setting the obvious precedent of corporally punishing me for even minor social misbehavior, therefore correcting my bad behavior, not truly wishing to physically injure me. She had held her left hand firmly between my shoulder blades while her right did the deed with a near-athletic efficiency and follow-through, telling me this wasn't the first time she had ever paddled a naughty adult. I didn't know exactly what to do with my hands during my punishment either, but I had a pretty good idea what not to do with them! So in short, I wasn't left crying like a little boy by the time Alice was done with me, but I most certainly wasn't laughing either…
Stripping for my rather attractive older neighbor like this wasn't sexy either, it instead made me feel small and humbled, as did apologizing to a lesser degree; and standing before her with my hands passively at my sides, on display, with my manhood compressed, caged, and inert, had been the proverbial coup de gras. Never would our relationship be the same, I was no longer a near-equal, we both felt it after her seeing me in my "caged" least manly condition. It maybe wasn't a sexual power per se, but there was an element of sexual submission in what I had allowed to happen. "Allowed" may only be half-accurate here though, while I technically was an adult with free will to leave Alice's home, the nature of Jess' note implied that I was now firmly under Alice's authority for correction, all to perhaps make me a more obedient and useful husband. Honestly, if one took a step back from the humbling-reality of the situation, it could be a super-hot fantasy element for one with a mind such as mine, caged and submissively motivated as I was until November first at least.
After the first of November was another matter, but in my mind I could do almost anything for two more weeks, to hopefully include not earning any more punishments…
Anyway, Alice has me continue to lay across her lap after she puts her cutting-board paddle down, and she then rubs my punished bottom almost tenderly with some lotion; so "aftercare" and tenderness of a kind with a unique smelling lotion, to prove I suppose that everything is good between us again. She's not angry with me at all, she never was, so this therefore wasn't a hostile act - as crazy as that sounds - so much as a necessary one, and my rude behavior is what bought this proverbial ticket to ride Alice's lap like this in the first place. In my opinion my rudeness and lacking manners earlier were truly insignificant, but in this present new reality of mine my opinion is actually what's insignificant here; simply put, the ladies are in charge until November first, and their opinions therefore are the ones that really matter.
Yes, I know, this makes me a straight-up serving submissive, but the little clues were all there long before this little adventure. Society and manly expectations had a way of occulting that logical conclusion earlier though, but no longer, as I'll likely wear this proverbial badge of submission going forward whether I like it or not. It's after all good to know one's place in the world, there's a kind of comfort in that…
"Jess is a lucky woman, such potential…" Alice tells me softly as she continues to rub me, almost analogous to rubbing a pet dog maybe, as if this is soothing for her as well. I'm not a hairy man at all, and while obviously no triathlete or anything like that, I'm not exactly a soft "couch-potato" kind of man either. My caged guy parts look especially tiny and unimpressive in this device though, because the tube part of the device is very, very small; like small and firm enough that I feel it's constricting presence almost always as a reminder of my commitment to Jess and our Locktober game. I'm Jess' and the cage is perhaps an overt visual reminder of that in my present state of undress, as is my wedding band.
A second thought then occurs to me; "Alice doesn't necessarily mean Jess is lucky because I have a hot body, or obviously because I'm hung like a show-pony, but that she's lucky because of my submissive behavior, dare I say both my trainability and malleability."
This of course brings me full-circle back to being a dog, perhaps even a good dog for the two ladies now intimately in my life. "A neutered dog?" I ask myself with an inward laugh. "Well, that's supposed to make pets more docile and easy to train; so if the proverbial 'shoe' fits…"
Anyway, after that cuddle-time is apparently over and I'm dismissed to dress and return home to Jess; so in effect my disciplinarian was releasing me back to my lovely wife post punishment, all without doing the maid's chores in my skin around Alice's very tidy home as "payment" for her unique services. A part of me was glad to be dismissed - I felt a bit awkward - but a part of me was also inexplicably disappointed that Alice hadn't used me for some mindless chores afterwards as well. I understand these are contradictory emotions, but my mind was truthfully a bit unsettled on the entire affair. So with all that being said, for me, this still isn't straight-up sexual, I don't expect some kind of sex with Alice, but serving her humbly, from some lower social position, in my skin, somehow feels even more natural now; as if this is what I'm good for.
I respectfully and contritely excuse myself and make my way home with both a tingling butt, and a million crazy thoughts racing around within my conflicted brain, although Jess wants to see the actual physical evidence of my freshly punished bottom the moment I walk through the door; no explanation for her note was offered, and none was asked for either. She can obviously see that I'm not angry or anything like that - more-so humbled to be honest - so she orders me to once again to strip, and her breathing and slightly squinting eyes, coupled with her playful naughty smile that I know so well, are all pointing towards my Jess being highly aroused by what she just vicariously had done to me by sweet Alice. I'm thinking "early Locktober parole and fun-fun-fun in bed," so sign me up for this insanity again. I'm a bit aroused myself now too - that part stings as well in it's tiny tube, the same one that I tried very hard no to grind on Alice's rather nice leg with - although there's also an odd bit of quasi deja-vu with stripping for my Jess just about exactly as I just did for my firm disciplinarian Alice. I even catch myself neatly folding my clothes and placing them on a chair just like back at Alice's, proving perhaps that I am in fact trainable.
Once nude, Jess comments on the unique smelling lotion on my ass, and she then rubs my slightly pink ass cheeks herself; feeling is believing I suppose. She likely feels the heat I'm generating there as well, all while still standing in our living room on display before her fully dressed self. Jess knows that it's a turn-on for me to be compelled to stand before her in my skin, all while she's not, it's a power-thing for me I think, but who truly knows why some things turn us on; sometimes they just do. Anyway, we're apparently done talking as Jess grabs my wrist and literally drags me towards our bedroom, and I feel the overhot passion from her as she nearly flings my passive-self onto the bed and throws her clothes off like a flippin tornado just blew through our bedroom, all as I lay on my back and watch the brief show. I half-expect to see her head rotate on her shoulders like in some horror movie though, as she's acting straight-up sexually possessed! "Sign me up for a ride on the bat-shit crazy-train" I think to myself; if this is what getting paddled by my neighbor causes, I'll be a naughty little boy all day long!
Jess mounts up for what we like to call "facetime," and boy-howdy did I call that super-aroused wife thing right, she's a smokin hot mess down there, and three seconds in and she's getting off on my face, rocking her hips and grinding hard enough to maybe break my nose, fists in my hair and being none to gentle about it. This isn't making love, I'm just a human sex-toy there to sate her immediate physical needs! There's a flood of "essence of Jess" to accompany her orgasm that I try my best to keep up with, but trust me this is no hardship, I simply love to both hear and feel my Jess have that kind of pleasure; for a truly submissive soul giving pleasure like this is almost better than actually getting it.
We're hardly finished though; and Jess has a ride on the facetime crazy-train three more times before she turns around on me in 69 fashion, and it's here that I expect to feel my little-guy parts getting unlocked for their turn. I'm still busy with her from this new position, and I'm thinking maybe Jess is even hot enough to reciprocate in kind with me, which would be extraordinarily rare for us as she doesn't really like to do that; and truthfully I prefer her hot box over her mouth any day of the week. Jess' body just feels simply magnificent to be inside of, so much so that I at times feel guilty for having her all to myself, like she deserves better than I.
So sufficient to say that this is a very hot and passionate encounter for both of us, and in an odd sort of way we both have Alice to thank for it. I feel Jess handling my caged little-guy, but I can't actually see such with Jess still dominantly on top and force-feeding me, although to me this feels just like placing the tiny key in the tiny tumbler and removing the device. In my mind this is what's happening though - or at least what I sincerely wish were happening - and I'm trying to hold off cumming myself until she has me free and I can sink myself into her like I so desperately want to. I might only last but a few seconds as charged up as I am, but I selfishly want those few seconds of ecstasy for myself! I've selflessly given a lot of something, and now I'd like just a tiny bit for myself; call me greedy! She's just kind of handling it though, moving it about, examining it, twisting it this way and that as if fumbling with that tiny key, and all that tactile attention down there has me right on the edge of popping off early, which I didn't think was technically possible while both chastity caged and not erect. It's perplexing, but it feels like it might happen anyway…
"Please babe!" I eventually beg from between my bride's thighs, my voice muffled and sounding ever so slightly pathetic from this position, even to me.
"I 'can't' do that NOW silly," she tells me, as if patiently speaking to a child wanting to know why he can't have ice cream before dinner.
"…Besides, don't talk with your mouth full, it's 'rude'," she playfully admonishes with a shake of her hips.
"'Can't,' or 'won't'? Words mean things to my Jess, she's ordinarily quite precise in her use of language, but then again she works in a legal office too. So her choice in this specific word makes me think I may have somehow missed those little keys in that note Jess had me hand-deliver to our neighbor; and that almost draws me to the absurd conclusion that Alice's offer had been accepted, and I technically have a new non-malleable key keeper for the next two weeks. Alice herself was just full of womanly confidence with me as well, the vibe she projected was as if she were in total control, holding all the proverbial cards… or I suppose keys!" I realize. That rather interesting woman even found her way into our marital bed afterwards, vicariously in my head at least!
"Speaking with your mouth full is rude… and I get punished for being rude now… by Alice!"
My cage's manipulations, those crazy Alice-authoritarian thoughts bouncing around inside my head, Jess' over-hot passion, and the fact that she's both pinning my arms, and riding my face, HARD, like a rented pony at the county fair; all of it's just too much to deal with, and I feel the two week overdue orgasm from hell build deep within me, the unstoppable process officially started. It's like "pull the proverbial pin on the hand-grenade" and stand back. And, as crazy as it sounds, I cum like mad, sweet release, all over both myself and the bedding with the enforced angle my guy parts were held in though, all as my lovely bride watches the spectacle from her front row seat.
Orgasms are supposed to feel satisfyingly wonderful though, where this one was just a hugely disappointing biological reflex action, almost like sneezing; it was therefore another first for me on a day that's had its fair share of them already.
Jess dismounts and kneels next to me on the bed, and she tells me she didn't think that could actually happen while in a chastity cage, concluding verbally with just a bit of sarcasm that we've apparently both gotten something from this hot little scene. I tell her that it didn't feel all that wonderful at all, and I both try and fail to explain how anti-climatic this climax was for me, all while trying not to whine about it like a disappointed little boy.
Jess kind of giggles and has a bit of a smirk with that, so she perhaps already knows this - so no real empathy for my manly plight - and then she takes a different tack, asking me if I had her permission to cum.
I told her I didn't with a feeling of dread on my Jess-messy face - "talk about hypocrisy!" - although asking to cum wasn't something I've ever done before, but neither was she demanding such. It's more power and submission I suppose, so an obvious component of our Loctober game, but in my post orgasmic low it also feels like I've somehow cheated on my chastity commitment to her. I tell her by way of an excuse that it was a big surprise for me too, but this just feels like an unmasculine lame excuse for popping off early, even to me. I get the feeling that she's making a mental list of my infractions of her rules - even the ones that I don't know about beforehand - and that makes me wonder how she's going to use that list, as in who she's going to share it with. I can almost see Alice paddling me again for "rudely" speaking with my mouth full, but full of what exactly? And then, how to share actually cumming without permission, while trapped within my tiny cage that Alice does in fact know about, all without getting even more uncomfortably deep into our sexual kink?
"You realize that you got cum all over my side of the bed; don't you?" Jess asks sternly, channeling a bit of "firm-Alice" apparently. This sounds like a third infraction for Alice to potentially correct, apparently I am running up one hell of a bar tab with my very special, and dare I say "oddly-sexy" authoritative neighbor…
Jess throws a short robe on and leaves the room - the taste of Jess still savored in my mouth - and I get to work changing the sheets, all without being verbally asked. Jess told me what to do with a simple queen-like "off with his head" wave of her hand, as if I were a chambermaid that had just seriously disappointed her, so much so that I didn't deserve to even be addressed verbally. I come out when finished, only to see Jess sitting in the living room, texting somebody and smiling that naughty smile of hers, and I just know that somebody is Alice, and that she's already shared my most recent bad behavior with her, making an ever longer list of things that warrant "correction." I feel like a naughty boy that's disappointed somebody in authority, somebody that perhaps had higher hopes for me.
She looks up from her phone to acknowledge my presence, and I see that devilish little smirk, the "I know a secret look." It's nothing even close to evil, but there's still an element of "self-inflicted future injuries" I suppose, for lack of better words to describe what I'm seeing. I'm feeling a bit lower than when I first came home from Alice's with a red ass, but an orgasm will deflate you a bit, mentally as well, apparently even if it didn't feel all that good in the proverbial moment.
Jess reads my face and tells me playfully that I must really enjoy being punished by Alice, and this causes me to evaluate that statement myself, because deny it as I may, there is an element of some undefined "something" in seeking that kind of attention from this other dominant woman. It's not sexual per se - in my present caged-mindset I most certainly don't feel sexually worthy of Alice either - but I don't exactly know what it is, other than it's something I'm drawn to most irrationally. To be fair though, my alleged "transgressions" weren't really anything, at least to me. To me it's more of a convenient excuse to be punished again, to submit to another's dominance with a ready-made excuse for doing so, but instead of feeling any injustice over that, I get a more playful message; "I'm the owned toy that others now play with and share…"
…In the morning I make Jess her breakfast, and I already have a load of washing in the machine that includes the sheets I came all over, the pungent smell from that provoking the Proust effect in my mind. Last night was truly odd - it all replayed in my mind's eye - but there's no denying that it was strangely sexy as well. Jess hasn't mentioned it yet, and neither have I, but in her case she seems calm and sated, dare I say both focused and determined on this new day, where for me it's almost like I didn't orgasm last night at all; the pungent contradictory evidence literally under my nose a bit earlier when I carried the sheets down to the machine though. She tells me that she has some shopping to do, and that she's "taking me over" to Alice's for the day, as if I were a new puppy not quite ready to be left home alone for the day all by himself with the new carpets. I wonder what she's shopping for, but I dare not ask as she's using that "no-nonsense" tone with me that she uses when she doesn't want to discuss something, or dare I say explain herself.
It's raining out and the forecast is just terrible, so wanting to go out shopping in this seems odd, but on the upside of that both Alice's gutters and our own apparently got cleaned just in time; Jess obviously preplanned my scheduled labors by watching the forecast. Whatever I'm to do at Alice's this time will therefore almost certainly be inside, and that leads me to ponder if I'm to be punished again, or if that was a one-off occurrence; but deep down I already know the answer to that. Jess has given me strict instructions this time to behave myself, she even laid out my specific clothes as if I were a child not knowing what goes with what. She's also told me in her no-nonsense tone that due to the rain she's delivering me herself this time, even though it's an impossibly short walk to Alice's place under an umbrella. So I'm to be delivered to our neighbor, by my own wife, like an object, or perhaps a small child or puppy that's untrusted to make the short trip on his own; all mentally-arousing concepts for one like myself that takes me back to my one-time authoritative grammar school principal. Such wild thoughts might ordinarily make me hard and ready, but there's also something locked-on presently that's physically preventing that from happening. It's a battle of sorts - mind over matter - but the locked-on device can't help but to win this one; so in this case perhaps, matter - physical-device - over the unwise desires of the mind.
It's a bit odd that Jess locks the house up tight, as if we're going out for a long weekend, something just not necessary in our little community's cul-de-sac with me just a few hundred feet away. It's her car and I feel foolish for riding in it as a passenger for those same few hundred feet or so, but we park in Alice's driveway anyway and go to the door, Alice opening it before my Jess can even knock. This is in contrast to the night before and Alice making me wait, but in all fairness it hadn't been raining then, and I hadn't been in the company of my lovely bride either.
So it's apparent that Alice has been both watching and waiting in anticipation of my delivery, and this implies a fair bit of coordination on the ladies' part, coordinating for a team effort to properly train me to be of even more use to these two ladies going forward. The two ladies hug at the threshold as I stand there in the rain for a few more seconds, but don't dare speak up; they have a new female solidarity and closeness that I dare not try to invade.
"Something just happened to change our 'known' neighborly dynamic, and until proven differently, I'll assume I'm the ‘something’."
"I really appreciate you watching him on such short notice, so thank you again," my Jess tells Alice, all as if I'm not there with them, or perhaps don't understand their language.
"It's no problem at all dear," Alice tells my lovely bride as we both enter Alice's fine home, the objectifying vibe strong and bold, and by obvious design too. The ladies are in charge in this world of mine, and such dialogue only reminds me of such, of my proper place amongst them.
"Speak only when spoken to!" Jess had instructed me not twenty minutes earlier, so in my mind I was ball gagged by Jess; something we've actually played with a bit when Jess was in a mood for silence. It was more playful than evil, and yes, my eventual rewards made it worthwhile too.
"Please keep him occupied and busy, and don't take any nonsense from him either. I should be home before dinner, but I may also take some time for myself before I come over to collect him; by all means though, if he's still busy feel free to keep him as long as you need to. By the way, I couldn't find a suitable bag at home; do you happen to have one I could borrow?" Jess asks.
"All day, until dinner, and what's this bag thing?" I ask myself. I dare not speak out loud though, unless directly asked something, that vibe, with both ladies, is crystal-clear to me.
"Certainly dear, I guarantee you he'll be most productive, I have quite the day planned for him today. Do you happen to have a few minutes for some tea before your appointment?" Alice asks my Jess, all sweet-like.
"What appointment?" I ask myself.
"When was there any time to organize all of this?" I further wonder, knowing I was missing quite a bit here; not something to make oneself feel "in the loop" informed and knowing.
I'll soon understand that it's always one tone and attitude for Jess, and quite another for me. I'm the male of the species, still needed and even useful for certain things, but not near the equal of the two magnificent ladies in my presence; that vibe is there as well.
Jess tells her she'd love to sit with her for some tea, but then Alice much more firmly snaps her fingers and tells me to close the shades again, and to then put my clothing on the same chair I did last time. I feel a bit like a pet dog demonstrating two new tricks he's just learned for his owner, and implied here is "don't you dare F this up!"
So many conflicting thoughts within my brain here, but disobedience simply isn't one of them. Stripping for my Jess is usually fun, as it leads to adult fun more times than not, but stripping for both ladies as they don't even bother to watch, as they have a pleasant conversation together instead, is truly humbling. Being both nude and wearing the chastity device in this situation is much less than masculine-feeling too, so there's simply no fight left in me; in all honesty I truthfully didn't bring much fight to the proverbial table even before chastity…
I'm directed to prepare the ladies' tea and plate some tiny pastries for both, but I'm not seeing Jess' gifted bread anywhere in the kitchen, which I thought was curious. I don't dwell on it though as I have work to do - all while the ladies have their private conversation in the other room - which was also good for me so I didn't dwell on the absurdity of the entire situation. Nothing is normal here, but presented as it was, the ladies make it feel all so, so normal, which causes me to then question my own perceptions. Not exactly the thoughts of a confident man, but I'm obviously not pretending to wear that particular mask here either.
Soon the water boils and I pour the breakfast tea I easily found for both ladies, bringing everything required to the table on a proper serving tray, and then standing to the side and out of the way in case either of them needs anything else. There isn't a seat for me, and I certainly wasn't invited to the table to invade their privacy, so hovering just out of sight seemed proper. I'm close enough to be summoned, but not so close that I can hear their individual words as they're speaking softly and intimately, so in other words their private words aren't intended for my ears. I've gone from a neighbor that graciously helped out another neighbor, all the way down to a maid undeserving of a proper uniform, all in a single incredible day. It's simply not natural, but I'm not stopping it either as I'm naturally curious to see where this eventually leads.
At the same time, this subbing-out of my discipline-burden to Alice seems to really excite my Jess, and an excited Jess is a fun Jess too…
…I'm torn, as I think I should be doing something more productive than just standing there like a silent dolt in case I'm needed, but I haven't been specifically directed to do anything else. My mind further wanders; "if I think this is a bit 'out there,' what must this look like from the ladies' unique point of view? Servitude was one thing, but I feel positively owned by both ladies here."
I'm literally snapped out of my wandering-mind daydreaming by Alice's snapped fingers, her right hand waving me over to be given further verbal instructions. I stand at attention, hands at my sides on full display before her, so more proverbial simple dog tricks for the ladies I suppose.
"Go over to my hall closet and grab one of the paper shopping bags with the rope handles from the back, and then present it to Miss Jessica," Alice tells me, using that same "no-nonsense" tone that my Jess uses when she wants obedience, without unnecessary explanations.
"So this is the bag Jess mentioned earlier; but what's this 'Miss Jessica' nonsense?" I ask myself. I move some coats and jackets around and eventually find the bag and present it as instructed, catching myself bowing to her like a servant might. My lovely wife looks first at the bag, and then up at me as if she were addressing a waiter that had managed to bring the proper appetizer maybe - so nicely enough - but I also feel the detachment she's projecting now too, like zero recognition for me as her husband. "I'm the naked chastity-caged guy that managed to successfully fetch a paper bag on the first try; it's not really all that great of a 'dog' trick" I tell myself snarkily.
Jess' stare and manner of dealing with me in this setting is a bit off, like total-stranger cold even; never did I realize that Jess could act with such conviction. I suspect she's "saving-face" by presenting herself as the worthy stern equal to her apparent mentor Alice, and I really don't want to contradict that carefully-crafted image for her, diminish her in the slightest way before this amazing woman. I'll gladly pay any price that I can for Jess' happiness and contentment, she knows this, and so do I.
…If my first disciplinary visit with Alice was breaking the proverbial ice, this one was more of "don't you dare embarrass me!" which of course I had no intention of doing. Anyway, I don't have long to wait to see what's intended for the bag I just successfully retrieved, as Jess stands and places every stitch of my clothing into the bag, to include my sneakers, wallet, and even cellphone and house keys; explaining the locked house routine a few minutes earlier. There may not be any actual bars on Alice's windows, but if Jess leaves with my things in that bag as I now suspect, I'll be just as surely trapped here until she returns with them. Unless of course I wish to escape and run home nude in the rain, all to then stand outside my locked house shivering in the cold, with our other neighbors watching the X-rated live show… right before they called the cops!
"I'll call and let you know how it goes," Jess tells Alice solemnly. She gives Alice a hug before she turns to leave with her new bag in hand - as I suspected - and thanks Alice for watching "him," over her shoulder, as if a mere afterthought. She doesn't look back once as she opens the door to leave, but Alice calls out and stops her before she steps over the threshold, asking for my thick leather belt from the bag. Both ladies share a certain look - so much non-verbal communication in that - but to save Jess the bother of the short walk back over to Alice she directs me, with a pointed finger, to go over to both "Miss Jessica" and the open door. The message is clearly twofold to me, my bride's time is far more valuable than my own, and that this belt of mine may well be used for something besides simply holding my blue jeans up in the very near future. Jess knows this, and so do I, but still she's leaving me here to go off on her own and do something presumably more important, or perhaps just more pleasant.
Fortunately it's just terrible out, so nobody is in the street to see me in all my naked glory in the open doorway, and after properly thanking "Miss Jessica" for the belt, she steps out and leaves, the finality of the door closing profound to me. There was a "something" in her very brief eye contact with me, things she maybe wanted to say or explain, but not necessarily here with Alice in attendance. We're back to Jess saving face here, and I'll simply do nothing that presents her in a bad light.
Speaking of presenting, I present my own belt to Alice with a respectful bow, realizing I've also managed to bypass yet another opportunity to tell these ladies that I don't want to play like this any longer. My cooperation, henceforth, becomes my express non-verbal consent to plunge ahead, all as I once again place the method of my correction personally into Alice's hands.
"Kneel before me!" Alice instructs in a tone impossible to ignore. It may sound horrible, but this further submission feels like a natural progression to me, so much so that I feel almost mindless, as if Alice has me in some kind of a trance. She hasn't raised her voice one time, it's her firm tone that instead commands me. But then I'm momentarily distracted by the sound of Jess's car leaving Alice's driveway, marooning me both with her, and under her strict omnipotent authority. I averted my eyes towards the door for a mere fraction of a second, but Alice was talking to me and looking directly at my eyes at the time; which was a huge mistake on my part.
"Rules for the household, young man" Alice instructs, redirecting my attention, and holding her temper temporarily over my most recent disrespect. She goes on to tell me what's expected of me in her home, as in I'm to present myself as I am every time I enter, unless directed otherwise, and I'm to assume the position she then instructs me to take; as in kneeling, knees wide, head down unless being directly addressed, and hands clasped behind my back. Furthermore there will be no speaking unless spoken to first, and I will NEVER break any woman's stare when she's directly speaking to me.
"Yes ma'am," I answer respectfully, this the first near-anger I've ever seen from Alice, and it makes me feel guilty to be the reason for such as I look up into her eyes from my kneeling position. This submission feels natural to me; Alice is in her natural "upper" position, and I am in my own "lower" one.
Alice goes on to tell me that my misbehavior, both at home and here, has obvious consequences, but my good behavior could perhaps buy me a bit of amnesty with her as well. On that note she tells me she already knows of my behavior at home, and added to that are my disrespectful wandering eyes with her, and my behaving like a bull in a China tea shop inside her hall closet. I'm directed to fix that first, and being dismissed I stand and realign her hanging items for proper equidistant spacing between the hangers, something I didn't pay all that much attention to before.
Satisfied that I can accomplish this simple task she directs me to her kitchen, where there are some dishes to be done, and a floor that needs to be steam cleaned. These are known tasks from home that I do frequently enough - Jess and I somewhat share the household chores - but that doesn't stop Alice from checking on me a few times, just to be sure I'm not screwing it up I suppose. She eventually tells me as much, that she didn't want me to break any of her dishes, but I dare not respond with any more than a respectful "yes ma'am."
The rest of Alice's home was impeccable, but she did find me some cleanup busy work down in her dusty unfinished basement, specifically cleaning out from around a below-grade room with a heavy steel fire door. If not for the stout, entry door-style commercial lock, key facing out, and two equally serious deadbolts - top and bottom respectively - it might appear to be the room the furnace was originally intended to go, but Alice's home had central air with a heat pump, so the no-furnace option. With those locks and that door it would also be a great room to use as a home safe too I suppose, or to safely and securely store other things out of one's sight.
The room's single light was high and out of reach inside an equally stout fixture, one that was operated by a single switch on the outside of the room; something making it also feel like a secure closet of some kind. The room was a four foot by eight foot concrete-constructed anomaly that extended beyond the traditional expectations of the perimeter of the foundation, small enough that had I not been shown it's location behind all manner of seasonal storage, I might have missed it's very existence, situated by my estimate to be deep under Alice's driveway.
Everything else in Alice's fine home was tidy and served an obvious purpose, this room the outlier in an otherwise orderly and structured life; or so it appeared. So my curiosity over this odd room soon got the better of me, and with my cleaning done and no further instructions, and also just to get a feel for the room itself, I closed the heavy door from the inside with a commanding thud. The effect was both instantaneous and incredible, like putting your fingers in your ears; like dead, dead silent and isolated from all of the natural noises in the home. I have noise canceling headphones for my music - that Jess doesn't care to hear - this was way better and more quiet than those. I heard my heartbeat, the bones in my neck crackle when I moved my head; in a word it was awesome! I suppose if I had been wearing anything at all I might have also heard the rustle of my clothing too, but nude that just wasn't a factor.
Once pulled closed I noticed something else as well, a tiny air duct providing fresh air and heat - and a second to remove and cycle that air - keeping the contents of the room at the proper humidity level too I'd imagine, explaining why this room felt slightly different than an ordinary basement. Unfortunately my snooping and natural curiosity came at a price, as I soon discovered that there was no way to open this door from the inside, so a non-working inside door knob. The knob was there alright, but it spun ineffectively and didn't actuate the actual mechanism, and for all intents and purposes I was Alice's prisoner, at least until she came down and checked on me…