The Handyman

by Guy le Bouc

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© Copyright 2025 - Guy le Bouc - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; Sbf; lingerie; cuffs; toys; gag; oral; sex; revenge; cons; X

Continues from

Based on a fantasy by mon cheri

Becky’s Repairs, Part 2

With eyes wide and a hushed gasp of desperation, “Justin!”

“Is this not a good time?”

Reginald came out of the spare bedroom with a large volume held aloft and the box under his other arm. “Ha! Found my old writing manual. Oh! Is this the laborer?”

Becky, stunned, looked from one to the other. “Y-yes… I…” Her plans and discourse with Justin quickly withered and died right before her eyes.

Reginald smiled warmly, “Please excuse my wife. I don’t think she was expecting you until a bit later.” Justin looked from Reginald on the second floor to Becky right in front of him with a dumbfounded expression. “Well, do get some clothes on, love. You there, please come in!” Becky gave a nervous pleading look to Justin as she absently cinched her robe tighter and quickly moved away. Justin, for his part, looked confused as he cautiously entered with a tool bag in hand. Reginald, passing Becky on the stairs, took the ‘to-do’ list from Becky. “Well now, I expect everything on here is fairly self-explanatory. Some young hoodlums broke in and smashed up our home while we were out one evening. Probably some East-enders.” Becky, eavesdropping as she hurriedly put on clothes in her room, hadn’t appreciated how fast Reginald could make up a lie out of thin air. “I trust you could do something about the ruts in the front yard as well?”

“…That shouldn’t be a problem sir.”

“Oh! From the States, are you? Very nice to meet you! I’m Professor Reginald. Bit far for you to be doing service calls here in London, eh Mr. …?”

“Justin. Um, I just moved here from Minnesota.”

“Oh ho! Very nice area! Lots of farmland, eh? I gave a lecture in… where was that? Eau Claire once, years ago.”

Justin briefly looked up to where Becky had gone. Justin replied, “I’m afraid that’s Wisconsin,” with a hint of disdain.

“Oh, that’s right. Well, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Ah, Becky do make sure he addresses the lawn, will you? I’m afraid I have a paper to write at the university. Very dull stuff. Well, I’ll leave you two to it.” Reginald regathered his items and went out the door as Becky was on her way down in a skirt and blouse which were hastily put on and mismatched.

Justin angrily began, “Hey, what the fu…”

“Shush!” Becky put an index finger up in the air as she looked hard through the drapes. Her ears concentrated on the sound of a car door closing, an engine turning over, and a vehicle pulling away. She breathed a sigh of relief, putting her finger down.

For reasons known only to Justin, he resumed in a hushed tone. “Hey! I thought you weren’t married! You weren’t wearing a ring!”

“Justin, I can explain…”

His volume and hostility increased, “What! Wanted to see if you still got it? He was out of town and you got lonely?” He gruffly turned to the door.

Becky, desperate to make him listen, got in his way, “Justin, please!”

“Fuck this! You used me!” He easily brushed her aside as he put his hand on the knob. “I’m so fucking stupid.” The door opened. He took a step.

Becky practically yelled out, “He cheats on me!”

Justin stopped cold over the threshold, the knob in his fist, frozen half in, half out. His body rocked very slightly, his jaw flexed before he replied. “…What?”

“Reginald, my husband, I caught him. He… he admitted to more. We’re separated.”

The wheels in his head turned for a minute, then his body softened a bit. He let go of the knob and took a step back inside. “So… What, it was revenge?”

“Not… No, there’s more to it.” Becky breathed in relief, glad to get Justin to close the door, though he looked very hurt. “We… We’ve both been screwed over by the ones that were closest to us. You know what it’s like to give someone everything, and to see your heart crushed and thrown away. It’s like it meant nothing. Nothing at all to him.” Becky was talking more to herself than Justin, though he was invested in what she was saying all the same.

He studied her. “So, that’s why you were in that pub the other night.”

A tear trickled down her cheek as a meek smile flitted, “All goes to show that marriage is a misery and a woe.” Justin smirked at the reference. “It’s finished. There’s no going back. I meant to tell you in a different way, but here we are. I’m not looking for love, or sympathy, or any of that. What happened the other night, that’s what I want. Passion, Justin. Something my husband could never give, let alone take away. Something that’s mine alone… What I’m looking for… what I want, is to be free. If in the process, Reginald were to be entrapped by his own philandering, so much the better.”

Justin relaxed though a concerned look remained, “Alright, but you’re going to tell me everything.”

The pair retired to the kitchen table. The aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted while details of her married life and Reginald’s waywardness were given. Becky found Justin attentive given his familiarity with having knives inserted in his back. She summarized, “You and I… we were blind to the takers in our lives. But you’re young enough to be the wiser. I want what you have, Justin. Life as I want to live it.” Looking Justin in the eye, she took on a fiendish grin, her self-assurance palpable. “And, I do want vengeance. I want it like a shark wants blood. To leave him damaged, exposed, and humiliated beyond repair.”

Justin leaned forward, teacup between his fingers. “What are you proposing then?”

“As for you and me, I certainly don’t want you to believe you’re tied down in any way. You’re free and clear whenever it suits you.”

He shifted in his chair. “So, you’d be paying me for…”

Becky interjected, “Special services, Justin. On top of regular work around my estate of course.”

He pondered for a moment before allowing a small smile. “When would you like me to start?”

“First thing’s first. Reginald will have no more unannounced visits. I want all the locks changed and a separate keyed knob for my bedroom. Then, we should set down some rules to prevent suspicion. I will not have anything my husband could use against me hanging over my head.”

That afternoon, Justin began by carrying in a very tall ladder and a large bag of tools. He studied the door locks, jotting notes on a pad before leaving to get replacements. During his brief trip to the hardware store, Becky decided to dish it up for his return. If passion was what she was after, she was going to get it. Glancing at the handcuffs on the nightstand, she slipped into the most seductive lingerie she had. Black silk stockings with bows, thong panty, lacy garter belt, and a matching lace bra. She couldn’t help but admire her figure in the mirror as she locked the handcuffs around her wrists, leaving the key by her lamp. Hearing Justin’s truck return she suddenly felt nervous. Putting their previous encounter aside, this was well and truly crossing the Rubicon. She worried about his reaction, and if this was taking things too far. Too late now, her heart raced. She’d missed the feeling of excitement coupled with trepidation concerning sex with a man. Specifically new sex with a new man. Passing the dresser, she halted to quickly brush her hair and apply perfume, though she found doing so with cuffs on more difficult than she’d figured. The front door closed with a thump. Caught in racy undergarments, her rushed yet limited efforts, and the sounds of Justin entering instantly made her wet with anticipation.


Taking a deep breath, Becky assumed all the seduction she could muster as she took a step out the bedroom door. Justin, below with tool bag in hand, took one look and froze as his erection snaked down the leg of his trousers. A shopping bag slipped from his grasp and landed with a thud on his boot, though he seemed not to notice.

“I… used to have a wild streak that I’d like to revisit.”

Justin swallowed hard, “Used to?”

She took a sharp breath as she descended the stairs. Justin’s eyes, that hungry look gave her a shiver she hadn’t felt in ages. She stopped a few steps in front of him. Justin seemed immediately intimidated. Becky noticed and smiled, her raw sexuality landing with the intended effect.

“Well, um, what… what do you…?”

“I, uh…” Becky stammered. Rushing headlong into this moment, she was taken aback as she was sure he would take the initiative.

Justin, aware of the awkward pause, noticed the handcuffs. “You like to be restrained.”

“Yes.” She batted her eyes.

He pondered for a moment. Sharp enough he countered, “You want to give up control.” His gaining confidence began to put her at ease. “You want to be… enraptured.”

She breathed almost in a whisper, “Yes.”

There was a slight curve of his lip as his eyes sharpened. He suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the handcuffs, yanking her into him. She yelped in surprise at his quickness, sure that he would ravish her right then and there. He grasped her body, looking her over as he held her close. His breathing was loud, his body warm as she could feel his cock throbbing against her hip. Running his hands over her he said with a measured smolder, “Forbid us a thing, and we desire it. Press on us fast, and then will we flee. Only, you’re not fleeing anywhere, are you.” Becky was in thrilling wonderment recalling the quote before her captor practically dragged her across the floor to where the ladder stood, near the stairs. Placing her standing directly inside the legs he said in a low voice, “Don’t move.”

His firmness made her quiver as she autonomically replied, “Yes Sir.” She wasn’t sure why she said it. She only knew it felt right, it excited her.

Justin retrieved an orange extension cord, looping a birds-head knot around the short chain of the cuffs. Becky gave a confused look before Justin pulled the ends of the cord through a hole in the top cap of the ladder. Drawing her arms raised above her head, he looped the coord through the trestles and steps on each side. Down on one knee in front of her he said firmly, “Step wider.” Becky took a breath as she slid her feet just over shoulder width apart. Justin tied loops around her ankles before finishing by securing a taught connection between them. She couldn’t pull her legs together, even if she wanted to, but they wouldn’t slide further apart either. Justin’s hands on her wrists and ankles, drawing her into a pleasing, sensual shape, made her feel oh so sexy. Becky felt a bit like a magician’s assistant, secured inside a bizarre contraption right before the big finale.

“God! You’re so fucking hot. Like… art that I know shouldn’t touch.” His words sent her over the moon. Becky smiled and looked down as she blushed. Justin reached out to touch her before he stopped himself. He stood back with a thoughtful look and a hand on his chin, scrutinizing her restrained form. “Do you have any toys?”

Becky was shocked by the question. “What? Um, no. I don’t think so.”

Justin looked her in the eye and repeated again, “Do you have any toys?”

Becky knew her previous answer was an unsatisfactory lie. “I-I may have one. But it was just a gag gift from a party.”


Abashed, she shakily answered, “It’s in the bottom of my chest of drawers.” Justin smirked as he withdrew, heading up the stairs to her bedroom. Becky felt slightly endangered as she looked over at the front door. Though it was shut, it was still unlocked and anyone from a neighbor to Reginald could have walked right in. And just how would she explain or defend herself? Her mouth hung open as she looked from the door up to her cuffs and back again. In a loud concerned tone she asked, “Justin? Are you…?” She didn’t know exactly how to phrase her anxieties as she kept her eyes on the door. The seconds stretched by at a leisurely pace as Becky’s heart began to race. Was that a car door outside? Was there someone passing by the window? She could hear Justin rummaging through drawers as Becky’s sensual shame mounted. She heard pacing and her on-suite bath door squeak open.

She tried to twist to see Justin as he came back down the stairs. “We may have to improvise a bit. Is this it? There’s nothing else?” He had a pink dildo with small nubs over the seven-inch shaft, still in its original plastic packaging, the insert bearing the moniker ‘The Tickler’. Justin pulled the seal apart, discarding the wrapper.

Becky wasn’t sure whether to be ashamed or insulted. “Yes. I-I haven’t really… I don’t usually have a girls night in.”

Reading her embarrassment, he tried to reassure her. “Alright, I can work with this for now. Think about what you like some more. If you’re shy to look in local shops, there are online stores to explore your desires, what turns you on.” He dropped the warm demeanor, resuming authority. “Now, follow the rules and you’ll be rewarded. Fail to do as I say, and things will get troublesome.”

There was already a strain starting in her shoulders and thighs. “Why do you have my toothbrush?”

Justin looked down at the electric toothbrush in his other hand before moving to set it on a nearby counter. “Like I said, we’re going to improvise. Now, for speaking out of turn, open your mouth, wide.” Becky was unsure but followed the command. When Justin held the dildo aloft, moving to put it in her mouth, she closed a bit and gave him a concerned look. He grimaced, “I said open.”

She began to earnestly question, “You’re not going to stick that – Ah!”

Justin reached up behind, grasping a handful of hair. Her head was pulled back slightly with just enough force that she opened wide in exclaim. The head of the dildo was quickly fed just beyond her lips as his hand on the back of her head kept her from recoiling. Her eyes went large in fright. “I didn’t give you permission to speak. That’s an infraction. I was going to have you just wet this thing, but I see you need a little lesson in following instructions.” He relaxed slightly. “I want you to take this as far as you can.”

Becky arched her eyebrows in worry but allowed Justin to feed the rubber cock slowly into her mouth. He was methodical and measured, taking a long time as he pushed it in and out, gradually deeper and deeper while she got used to it. The small bumps felt tantalizing on her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Becky concentrated as she watched it steadily disappear from her field of view before she eventually gagged.

Justin withdrew the dildo. He spoke in a caring manner, “You Ok?” Becky nodded. “Stick out your tongue. Breathe through your nose. Ready?” The dildo was allowed in willingly this time as Becky followed his instructions. She was surprised that it was much easier during the second go. Justin watched carefully as she took it all the way in and out. He slowly repeated half a dozen times before he stopped with it in as far as it would go. “Hold it. Relax, that’s it. Good.”

A solid twenty seconds had passed as Becky concentrated on staying calm and slowly breathing through her nose. Her eyes began to well as a slight tremor began in her throat, her hands began to contort. Justin smoothly pulled it from her as she took a deep breath. She was rather pleased with herself for such a rapid improvement in technique as a strand of saliva hung from her lips to the head of the cock.

Justin got down on a knee again. With ‘The Tickler’ in hand, he hooked a finger under the edge of her thong, pulling the material to one side. “Ohhhh!” Her voice quavered as Justin ran the bumpy length of the toy slowly and lightly against her lips. He spread her pussy and continued to rub it against her clit, the nubby bumps stimulating her. Becky continued to ooh and sigh as Justin began to insert it into her wet and ready quim. “Oh God!” He gingerly twisted the phallus rhythmically as Becky heaved in carnal gratification. The texture was quite unlike anything she’d ever experienced as it wound its way further and deeper inside. Gingerly tantalizing her for some time, Justin was satisfied with its placement and pulled the fabric of her panty back in place, keeping the dildo from coming out. He retrieved the electric toothbrush, testing its force in his palm, and a strip of duct tape from his bag. “What are you…?”

“Hey, I said no talking.” Justin tucked the body of the toothbrush inside her panty against her clit, using the tape to keep it from shifting. All Becky could think was how she was never going to use it after this.

“OOhh!” Justin tapped the on-button, and the immediate waves of vibration hit her like a train. Her entire body tensed, even her kegels flexed, as she clenched ‘The Tickler’, drawing it inside. “F-Fuck! Oh!” Justin pulled down her bra, exposing her breasts as he squeezed her nipples hard. She shrieked at the ache mingled with pleasure as she began to soak herself.

“I’d keep it down if I were you. Make any more noise and things will become more… desperate.”

“W-wait! Where are you going?!”

Justin turned away, walking purposely towards his tool bag. “Well, you did hire me to do repairs, and these locks aren’t going to change themselves.” Becky was astonished as she convulsed with shocks of indulgence. “It may take me a few, so you may not want to hit that big-O anytime soon.” Justin took some tools and one of the new locksets to the back door. He opened it as he set to work. The sounds of traffic, birds, and the breeze drifted in, past the garden.

Becky was at a complete loss as she looked on, shocked, contending with her bodily desires. Justin snuck glances at her as he did his work. Haughty gasps, moans, and high-pitched squeals escaped as she bucked and writhed against the rubberized cord holding her extremities. The knobby cock bobbed within her pussy as her sex pushed and pulled at it. She fought her body with all she had not to orgasm. Becky wanted to yell, to plead for Justin to either grant her release or stop the torment. But she dared not. Not with the door open and the outside world to hear given Justin’s warnings. Her gasps and muted moans continued as Justin fumbled with tools and hardware. Eventually he set the old assembly aside, the new was installed and he tested out the mechanism, closing the door and feeling the action.

Becky was nearly at her end as she hopelessly watched Justin fiddle with the latch, making adjustments. She was so near the edge, the sounds leaving her were foreign desperations to her own ears. An anguished thought of “Oh god this is it!” as her clitoris feverishly twitched against the hammering buzz of the toothbrush. Her fingers strained apart above as her thighs shook. Becky’s eyes clenched and her mouth drew tight as she held her breath… Then, everything stopped. The buzz at her clit abruptly ceased as she heard the door lock secure with a finality. She opened her eyes with a tremble, looking down at her exposed tits, her hardened nipples jutting out. A long exhale left her as her limbs relaxed. The dildo seemed to slide out a bit, the nubs giving a strange sensation as her soaked knickers chilled her crotch. “Hmm. Timed out at about fifteen minutes.” Justin was moving toward the front door now, passing behind her. He took his tools and the second new lockset to the front entrance, setting them on the rug.

She craned around as he passed, “Oh please! Please, I want to cum!” Becky was scandalized by her own wantonness.

Justin gave a nonplussed sideways look at her as he turned the knob. “I said, no talking.” The door lazily cracked open three to four inches as he walked back toward her. Becky was fully worried now with the front door left ajar. Justin had a serious look on his face. “Now, since you can’t keep it to yourself…” He suddenly reached out with both hands and roughly began to tickle her ribs.

“AAAHHHhh!” Becky shrieked as her body contorted in a vain effort to escape. “NO! HAaah HA! Please! S-Stop! STOP! HAHA!” Her body swung wildly as she went on tip toe, hands strenuously twisting against the cuffs, and head madly lolling. She glimpsed in fear at the open door as her loud cries were clearly carried outside.

Justin went between tickling her stomach and back to her ribs in quick fashion. He smirked, “You swear?! No more talking?”

“HAHA! Yes! YES! Please! NO! No More! AAaahaha!”

Justin tapped the button on the toothbrush once again. “Okay then. Keep it down while I work and I promise to give you a proper fuck.”

Justin’s self-assuredness, his impishness left her wanting more. “Yes Sir! Uhnn…”

Left to her depravations, the toothbrush’s gyrations resumed their crude effect upon her body. She heaved much more quietly as her juices ran down the inside of her leg, the tickler pulsed within her tensing pussy. Justin took his own time, swinging the door widely as he worked. The thrill and danger of discovery, even within her own living room, added a psychological exhilaration she’d never experienced. Becky’s teeth flashed as her mouth strained to quieted oohs and aahs. She was much more conscious of her efforts to quell her quim even as her nipples hardened again. Sweat rolled down her limbs and chest as her muscles strained and flexed. Her eyes rolled as her head went back and breasts jiggled. Her arms and legs burned and seared with the effort of maintaining a bearing just this side of an orgasm. The run-up to the threshold seemed to come on so much more quickly this second time. “Oh! OOhh?!” She closed her eyes as her pronouncements became more worried, eyebrows arching expressively. She retreated into her mind, trying to shut out everything and focus. Time slipped as she sprouted goosebumps, her sweat cooling her. She bit her lip, convulsing as release was again on the cusp while emitting high-pitched whines of desire. Fraught gasps escaped as the nubby dildo heaved in and out. Her body tittered, shaking with the effort of keeping an explosion of lust from overtaking her. Then just as suddenly, the torrid torment stopped.

Becky was panting loudly as she slowly opened her eyes to see a shirtless Justin standing directly in front of her. Without a word, he untied her legs, removed the toothbrush, and slowly pulled ‘The Tickler’ from her. She shuddered as it reluctantly left her sex. He supported her as her arms came down. She felt faint, her eyes were half closed. Justin scooper her up and easily heaved her over his broad shoulders. Her arms and hair slung behind him as he carried her up the stairs. Her body was so drained, she offered no resistance to her abduction.

The bedroom door was pushed open and Becky was carefully flung across the bedspread. Her arms stretched overhead as her eyes fluttered. He looked across her body, running a finger over her lips, down her chin, between her breasts, and over her navel, ending at the top of her thong. Justin pulled the undergarment off slowly as he leaned lower. Her eyes were nearly shut with exhaustion before… “OOohh!” A warm pliant tendril curled around her engorged and sensitive clitoris. Despite having no strength left, her hips tensed as they rocked upwards.

Justin’s tongue was gentle and warm, quick and rhythmic as it slipped in and around her quim. He was done teasing, his aim was to grant her satisfaction. As he flicked and suckled her button, Becky’s eyes flashed and her breath caught as a finger curled inside, stroking her g-spot. It didn’t take long before an earth-shattering orgasm hit and she cried out with lips in a strained O and eyes clamped shut. “OOohhh! Ughnnn, Ughnn, Oohoo!” Justin slid his pants down quickly to release his veiny throbbing member before burying it in her gushing pussy. Animal roars came from him as Becky rode out her gratifyingly swelling orgasm. He grasped the cuffs, pulling her arms taut. Her body was on fire as he pumped into her, shaking the bed in rhythm to his power. Finally, as her eyes rolled back and her pitched yelps became worryingly loud, she felt jets of hot spurting cum streak her stomach. The weight of Justin collapsed beside her.

“God, you’re so fucking hot…” were the last words she heard before she drifted off.

Hours later Becky awoke to find the night sky just outside the windowsill. Her nearby lamp emitted a soft, feeble glow. She rubbed the bruising around her wrists before she leaned up. Covered with a blanket, she noticed the cuffs back on her nightstand with the key in the lock. There was a note underneath. Becky took it before she flopped back down and smiled.

I hope you found my services to your liking.

I took the liberty of fixing the sconces before I left.

Call me when you’d like me to make further repairs.


The following Monday Becky decided to drop by Reginald’s office during lunch to dictate the new conditions for visiting the house. Nearly opening his door, she halted as she could hear something rather odd on the other side. Reginald was puffing away, loudly, on the other side. A young lady was also clearly faking pleasure. Becky, familiar with trying to get Reginald to finish up, decided to be patient. She wasn’t angry this occasion, she felt blandly indifferent. Chancing a peep through a small gap in the window blinds, she saw a different student than the one she caught him with previous. This one wore glasses and had bobbed blond hair. She was bent over the desk as Reginald finally withdrew, his load spurting in his fist. The girl straightened up and pulled her skirt down as he wiped his hands with a napkin. There was some mumbled conversation before he gave her a peck on the cheek as she gathered her effects, making for the door. Becky took three large steps back just before the girl exited.

“Oh! Hello Ma’am…”

“Is Professor Reginald in?”

She said hurriedly, “Uh, he is. But I think he may need a moment to, um, put some papers away.” The girl clutched her books tightly as her pursed lips and furrowed lines gave her away. Becky didn’t seem to mind.

“Well, why don’t we take a short walk then. Where are you heading to?”

“Um, Algebra 101 Ma’am.”

“Oh, your first year, eh? And what is your name?”

“V-Vera Massey, Ma’am.”

“I’m Becky, head of the Bursar’s Office. Very nice to make your acquaintance. And what do you think of the professor, my husband?”

The girl stuttered to a halt. Looking alarmed, her face blanched. The long pause before her answer that would nag her the rest of the week. “He’s… He’s alright Ma’am.”

They resumed a slower pace as Vera kept fearful, wary eyes locked on Becky. Becky looked straight ahead, “I would agree. Ho-hum for effort. Not even fit to look at. Do you enjoy his lessons?”

“…N-no. I don’t. He…” she trailed off, her voice barely audible. She looked down as her eyes glossed.

Becky didn’t want to denigrate or torture her further. She stopped and took the girl’s hand, “I see. Well, it was very nice to meet you, Vera. We’ll have to chat more another time, soon. Don’t be late for class, deary.”

Vera trotted away, giving an uncertain look over her shoulder as she went. Becky couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about the pleasure she derived from that. She wheeled around with a steely grimace as she marched back toward Reginald’s office. Giving a quick rap on the door, she brusquely entered. Reginald was startled as he had just finished putting himself back in order. Becky didn’t wait for formalities and relayed the new conditions for stopping by the estate.

“What?! You’re joking! It is still my house too, you know!” Her husband seemed very uptight despite having just gratified himself.

“I’m serious Reginald. Rather deadly serious.”

Reginald hmphed, thinking about her threat and the revolver in her nightstand. “Fine. Anything else?”

Becky wanted to tell him to leave Vera alone. However, she thought better of it as any cause for suspicion might ruin retribution down the line. It pained her conscience, but she bit her tongue. “You should really invest in some deodorant, deary. You’re sweating through your shirt.” Throwing in with a sneer as she went out, “And you stink.”

As she walked back to her own workplace, the outlines and sketches of a dark scheme came to mind. All she would need were some willing birds to feather the nest…


To be continued

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