The Surprise That Backfired

by Frosted Moonwright

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© Copyright 2025 - Frosted Moonwright - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; naked; mast; buttplug; toys; cuffs; spreadeagle; tease; clamps; oral; climax; cons; X

As she heard the downstairs door close, Sydney reviewed her situation. The lights were dimmed and a couple pleasant-smelling candles were lit. The pleasant ambient heat was making the linen sheets feel cool on her skin. And she had a lot of skin exposed to it, too. She had removed all of her clothing about twenty minutes before, in order to set the mood for her wife’s arrival.

“Syd? You home?” Alyssa called out while setting her things down.

Sydney remained silent, but was unable to not grin excitedly. As she lay on her back on their shared bed, moving around enough to light up all the nerves in her skin, her right hand kept steadily stroking between her legs. She had tried to wait until Alyssa was home, but couldn’t completely refrain from touching herself. Her own mind said that this was justified by her intentionally slow pace and very soft pressure. She wouldn’t be coming this way at the very least, but it was readily apparent that she was already having a good time.

“Probably has her headphones on again, silly girl," grumbled Alyssa. “Maybe I can sneak upstairs and surprise her!”

As Alyssa ascended the stairs as quietly as she could, there was a bit of a spring to her step. After all, it was usually Sydney that surprised Alyssa, not the other way around! She glided down the hallway towards Sydney’s home office, expecting to hear typing and clicking at any second. But the lights were off, the computer asleep, and no Sydney. I wonder where she is? Alyssa pondered. She probably wouldn’t have gone anywhere without letting me know first?

Sydney, from their bedroom down the hall, silently giggled to herself at Alyssa’s not-particularly-sneaky progress. She could make out almost every step, and had a pretty good guess as to what Alyssa was thinking at the moment. Yes, Sydney mentally decided, It was definitely best to not tell her there was a surprise waiting for her in the bedroom. Now how soon will she figure it out? Her continuously-moving slippery fingers were a sign that she wasn’t minding her current predicament, and she forced herself to not increase the tempo at all.

With a slight change of shadow from the hall, Alyssa slipped into the doorway. She was beautiful, tall and red-haired, with luscious lips and a sparkle in her eyes that had stymied many a potential suitor. Sydney wondered for the thousandth time how she had gotten so lucky, and was entirely unable to resist arching her back just a bit for Alyssa’s appreciation. She watched as a collection of emotions ran across Alyssa’s face in rapid succession: first surprise, followed by a realisation of why Sydney hadn’t responded, a quick smirk of ‘oh, you planned this out, did you?’ before finally settling into a mock-sternness.

“Sydney… You know the rules about starting without me… Whatever am I going to do with you?”

Finally breaking her silence, Sydney says “I really did intend to wait until you got here, but I was ready a bit early, and I was having the most pleasant daydream…”

Sydney started to sit up to properly greet her wife, but was halted immediately with Alyssa’s imperative “Stop! You stay right there! But because you decided to let your fingers have my fun, they can just keep doing that. Don’t stop stroking that pretty little pussy, but definitely don’t go any faster!”

This is not quite what Sydney had been expecting, but it was a bit of a turn-on to see her wife give commands like that. Not that I really needed any more of a turn-on at this point… Sydney thought, as she continued to move her very wet fingers.

Alyssa made a show of thinking of what she was going to do about her rebellious wife, but Sydney knew better - Alyssa’s mind was like a razor, and there were likely only a couple things she was thinking about now. She went into their closet and acquired a couple of items, but held them secretively behind her back, so that Sydney wouldn’t see what they were just yet. She walked over to the bed where Sydney was reclining, and revealed the first item she had retrieved: a blindfold. As she leaned over to put it in place, Sydney’s left hand reached up to run fingers through her hair and pull her down for a kiss. It was impossible at this point to not kiss her thoroughly, but Alyssa fought back the urge for more than one. She pulled away from the kiss almost regretfully, and firmly removed Sydney’s hand from her hair.

“If you want to grab something, grab this!” she exclaims, while maneuvering the errant hand to Sydney’s own breast. “I expect to not be interrupted by those clever fingers until I’m done with you.”

Sydney giggled a bit at this, as this was really not turning out as she had expected. With both of her hands exploring her own body, instead of her wife’s as was her preference, what she really wanted right now was a good steamy makeout session. Very little got her going as thoroughly as kissing her lovely wife. But apparently Alyssa wanted to make her wait, and so wait she would. And it seemed that Alyssa was just getting started.

With the blindfold now covering her eyes, Sydney was more reliant on other senses. Her ears desperately tracked Alyssa’s movements in the room, as if trying to divine what was going to happen next. And as instructed, her fingers were continuing to work their magic. It was a bit of a struggle to maintain the same slow/soft pace that she had been doing before Alyssa arrived, as it seemed like her mere presence in the room had turned up the heat in the room. Sydney’s left hand was not helping, as that nipple was also reveling in the attention, and her overall arousal was definitely growing.

“Ok, you deviant, you.” Alyssa’s voice briefly interrupted the reverie. “I want you to roll over onto your hands and knees, but don’t stop what that right hand is doing. And don’t speed up.”

Sydney gradually maneuvered to her knees, supporting her upper body with her left hand, as her right hand stayed right where it was. She felt Alyssa run her fingers along the arch of her back, cool fingertips lightly tickled against her burning skin. She’d have sworn she could feel every spot they were touching. As the hands slid across her ribs and lightly touched the sides of her breasts, Sydney sighed with pleasure. 

Alyssa continued tracing designs and patterns into Sydney’s skin, smiling at all the little sighs and exhalations they caused. But soon, she knew it was time to move on to the next step. She slid her hand down Sydney’s arm, until she was firmly grasping her wrist. This was wordlessly encouraged to move forward until at nearly full extension overhead.

“Where am I going, Aly?” asked Sydney, as her arm began to quiver a bit at supporting her weight at that awkward angle.

“Shush, you.” commanded Alyssa, and pushed Sydney’s face and chest into the mattress. “Keep that butt up nice and high for me. I have plans for it.”

Sydney was aware that she was very likely making an amusing image now, with her blindfold on, her face pressed into the bed in response to the emphatic and unexpected change in positions, and butt fully elevated. She and Alyssa had had fun before in similar positions, but something in her voice made it seem that wasn’t what Alyssa had in mind this time. She focused instead of keeping those fingers at a steady pace, and tried to not drool on the bed. She suspected she was not doing very well at either goal.

The first slap! came as a surprise to Sydney, and it made her jump. Not painful, just a bit of a wakeup. Neither of them was particularly into spanking, but when a nice butt is presented that way for you, it’d basically be a crime to not give it at least some attention. Alyssa gave that cardio-tuned backside a few more swats to each cheek and thigh to even things out, as she wanted a nice warm red color. She looked down at her open-mouthed plaything with an expression full of much more affection than she’d let Sydney see so far today. Then she grinned wildly, and picked up the next toy she had planned.

Sydney smelled the lube before she felt it, and her first thought was oh boy, I’m in for it now. If Alyssa was bringing that out, that meant one of only a couple things, and all of them spelled trouble for Sydney’s arousal. As she felt a couple of fingers spreading lube on her backdoor, she absent-mindedly wondered why it had taken her so long to try anything anal. It was certainly a lot of fun now that she had. And then her train of thought was interrupted by the slow insertion of a smaller toy. She instantly recognized it as one of her favorites, a little purple remote-control vibrating plug that often hit just the right spots. Probably the easiest of the three options, I guess? she mused, but somehow this didn’t seem like the last step either. As the plug was slid into place, Sydney gave a little gasp of pleasure as it nestled into its base. Even though this toy wasn’t particularly large, she always felt delightfully full with it in place. She could already feel her muscles twitching around it in response to her fingers’ actions, and knew it’d only further stoke that inner fire. She tried to mentally calm herself, but knew she was on the losing end of the battle now.

Alyssa smiled at her quarry’s probably-unconscious squirming and arching. And I haven’t even turned it on yet, pet. I can’t wait to see what kind of puddle I can make out of you, she thought to herself. She briefly ran her fingers up the backs of Sydney’s thighs, as the freshly-spanked skin was even more sensitive than usual. Sydney shivered in response, but managed to keep from making any more noises.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.” said Alyssa. “Now I want you to roll over onto your back again, but keep those fingers going. No faster, mind you, and don’t touch that clit; I don’t want you coming just yet.” She just barely resisted giving that lovely ass another swat, just to see Sydney jump.

Sydney groaned a little internally at this, as any movement was like sending little bolts of electricity through her backside and up her spine. She rotated as slowly and smoothly as she could manage. Maybe if she controlled her breathing, like in yoga? That didn’t seem to be working this time for some reason.

Once she managed to make it onto her back again, she felt that things would maybe get a bit easier. She could just lay here and quietly enjoy the sensations, right? Surely there wasn’t much more in store for her tormented nerves?

As Alyssa moved to reposition Sydney’s left arm, she bent over for a quick teasing kiss. Sydney responded hungrily, desperately wanting to convince Alyssa to stay in the kiss. Alyssa pulled away, a little less regretfully this time, as it seemed like her impromptu plan was working nicely.

“Poor kitten, getting a bit desperate, are we?” she murmured. “Let’s find something to keep you occupied while I finish up here.”

She decided to move Sydney’s unresisting left hand not back to her breast, as she had done before, but put the fingers of this hand into Sydney’s mouth. She knew just how sensitive and sensation-seeking all those lip nerves were at this point.

As Sydney salivated over this newfound experience, her mind raced off into further fantasies of what she’d really like her mouth to be doing. When was Alyssa going to stop teasing me? she wondered internally. She must know I’m way more than ready to go at this point.

Alyssa did, in fact, know that Sydney was rather ready. After years of marriage, she could easily read all the signs, and Sydney was not being subtle about them, despite her best efforts to remain calm and collected. Her long, slow, deliberate breaths were an obvious sign of this, even if somewhat stymied by her distracting fingers and wandering tongue.

Sydney had noticed that Alyssa had not yet paid any meaningful attention to either her eager nipples or oh-so-needy pussy. Part of her mind wondered why this was, as Alyssa usually loved playing with both of these. Whatever the reason, it probably didn’t bode well, but at the same time, she was anxiously looking forward to any attention to either area. She was therefore mildly surprised when the next new sensation was not to either of these, but the wrapping of some strap around her left ankle.

Alyssa had retrieved the leather cuffs from their toy box without Sydney noticing, and had decided now was the time to use them. Fortunately, they already had the ratchet-system ropes run under the bed, so once the cuffs were on, it was easy to attach them. She left them loose for now, but knew that Sydney was appreciating the sensation of the supple leather wrapped around her ankle. She soon added the second cuff to the other ankle, and attached it to the ropes as well. She followed this with the left wrist, which was removed unresisting from Sydney’s mouth with a small ‘pop’ sound. She slowly stretched Sydney out into a partial spread-eagle, but with little tension on the ropes. She just wanted Sydney to feel the light bondage, and know that more was probably coming.

Sydney, being a lover of all things bondage, definitely felt this. As immensely frustrating as it was to not be able to touch herself anymore, being able to pull against the restraints was always something that she revelled in. Her right hand continued its steady, frustrating, maddening pace, as she had to constantly fight to maintain its slow/soft tempo. This was going on far longer than she had anticipated, and she was mildly regretting her decision to surprise her beloved wife.

Alyssa then interrupted Sydney’s little reverie by kissing her collarbone. This very well could have been a taser for how Sydney jumped in response. She followed this with a maddeningly-slow progression of kisses down Sydney’s ribs and under her breasts. She gently fondled both breasts with her hands while continually kissing in ever-shrinking circles, but always carefully avoided touching her very erect nipples.

Sydney was softly moaning almost continuously at this point, her frustration very evident as she pulled against her lax restraints. After what seemed like an eternity to her, that lovely mouth finally reached her hypersensitive areola and aching nipple. A low animal-like noise escaped her lips as the wall of sensation flooded throughout her torso and made all the hair on her neck stand on end. Wave after wave of shivers and tingles radiated outwards as Alyssa kissed, licked, and nibbled her engorged nubs. It was quickly becoming evident to Sydney that this particular attention, in combination with her still-slowly-moving fingers, light bondage, anal play, and the general sense of Alyssa taking charge of things, would very likely be enough to push her over the edge that she was craving. She was drowning in sensations of pleasure, and was already aching for that particular release. 

And just then, Alyssa stopped entirely. Alyssa had noticed that Sydney’s fingers had been gradually increasing in pace, and that wasn’t allowed! Alyssa swatted at that misbehaving hand, to remind her to behave herself. Sydney’s noise of immense frustration made her smile widely, but she knew her lover’s body well enough to read the signs, and didn’t want the game to be over just yet. Sydney wasn’t really a multi-orgasm type, and Alyssa wasn’t even done with the toys yet! But now that Sydney was nice and warmed up, she had some more ideas.

The next thing that Sydney felt was a firm pinch on her deliciously aroused nipple. Oh no! she thought, I’m much too sensitive for those! Her long-ago impulse buy of vibrating nipple clamps was certainly coming back to bite her. They weren’t the strongest clamps that she’d ever used, but they certainly made their presence known to the wearer, and the added sensation of vibrations there was often intensely distracting. But she didn’t have a say in the matter, as her only available hand was still rather occupied with her dripping pussy. Fortunately, even in her distracted state, she seemed to be able to maintain her slow, steady strokes, and only occasionally brushed against her straining clit.

Alyssa put both of the clamps into place and connected their short wires together. She experimentally pulled lightly on this cable, and was highly appreciative of Sydney’s sharp in-drawn breath.

“You’d probably like it if I just played with this for a bit, yeah?” Alyssa asked. “Maybe if I turned these little toys on for you?”

“Yesssss, please…” whimpered Sydney in response. “It’s too much! I can’t stand it! Please!”

“Hmm, then I guess I had better not," Alyssa dropped the string entirely, much to Sydney’s frustration. “But if you’re making demands of me, maybe I should do something about that lovely mouth. What do you think? Should I find something that will make you quieter?”

Sydney mentally reviewed their small collection of gags, and vainly tried to guess which one Alyssa would be selecting. She did love a good ball gag, especially with the full face harness, as it wrapped her up and made her feel controlled in such a lovely way. Ring gags were fun, but usually best if her head was facing downwards so she didn’t drool all over herself. The various tape and panel gags were excellent for making her feel completely unable to make any noise, but also kind of made any sensations of her lips seem forgotten.

Interrupting her reverie, Alyssa decided for her. “Actually, no, I don’t think I want anything in there right now. I want to hear you. I want to see those lips dance. But I’ll warn you: if you start making demands again, I will find something to occupy that tongue.”

Sydney shivered a bit at the authority in Alyssa’s voice, and redoubled her efforts on keeping her fingers’ pace slow and steady. Maybe if she behaved herself, Alyssa would relent?

Alyssa smirked as she noticed the more controlled motion of Sydney’s fingers and body. She thought she could turn down the heat, did she? Just when it seemed like Sydney had things at least temporarily in hand, Alyssa turned on the buttplug vibe to its lowest setting. Even that setting made Sydney jump like she’d been shocked, and she moaned out loud.

Sydney tried hard to control her reactions. It felt like every time she started to get a handle on it, a new sensation was added! It wasn’t fair! All of this for fifteen minutes of teasing myself before she got home? she mentally asked herself. What did I do to deserve all of this?

Alyssa lightly touched the sides of Sydney’s neck, making her jump yet again. “Oh dear, you seem so sensitive. I hope this isn’t uncomfortable for you, pet," she said. “You don’t mind if I get a taste of your skin here, right? It’s just a little taste.”

Sydney moaned again, and tried desperately to not react too obviously to this new stimulus, but her neck and ears had always been extremely sensitive, and Alyssa knew this all too well. “Oh no, it’s too much," whimpered Sydney. “I can’t…”

“You don’t have a choice, do you now, pet?” interrupted Alyssa. “Because you were naughty earlier, you are now mine to play with, and if I want a taste, I will have a taste.” She gripped Sydney by the hair and tilted her head firmly but gently to one side, exposing the soft and tantalizing skin. She began to kiss Sydney’s neck, starting at the juncture of the neck and shoulder, and slowly working her way upwards. As Sydney was quivering fairly continuously at this point, it was easy to tell when a specific location was having less effect than she wanted, so Alyssa moved her lips and tongue to other areas on her neck when this would happen. Every little bit, she’d mix things up a bit by grazing her teeth over the delicate flesh, each time relishing in the gasps, snorts, and moans that Sydney was making. As she neared the top of her neck, Alyssa slid one set of fingernails up the back of Sydney’s neck and promptly nibbled on her ear, drawing a full-body spasm and an ardent moan from the tormented girl.

“My, my, what a response. I’m beginning to think that you might actually be enjoying yourself” smirked Alyssa.

Sydney somewhat incoherently mumbled a response to the affirmative. It’s hard to talk when your brain is being turned into pudding by a sadistic torturer!

“Although what am I even doing?” asked Alyssa. “You’re the one who was misbehaving, and somehow you’re getting rewarded? That doesn’t seem fair to me.”

“But Aly…” squeaked Sydney, “it feels so nice when you do that. Can’t you just do it a little longer?”

“There you go, making demands again. Well, it seems you’re in no position to do so any more. Do you remember what I told you would happen if you tried, pet?”

Sydney’s mind immediately went to their collection of gags again. Which one would Alyssa choose? One of the ones that made her extra-quiet? A big ball-gag to give her tongue something to play against?

“And I don’t want to see that hand falter for even a second!” commanded Alyssa. “You wanted to play with it, and now you get to! Until I say otherwise! But no coming!”

Sydney’s addled brain did its best to encourage said hand to continue its behavior. Her lips were inflamed and swollen with arousal, and her tender clit was begging for more direct stimulation, but Sydney knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself if she started now, so she continued to methodically slide her fingers along the rest of her delicate skin.

She was so focused on this particular task that she didn’t even realize that she should be worrying about which gag she was going to get, but was reminded abruptly when the bed shifted, indicating that Alyssa was preparing to administer this next torment. She resignedly opened her mouth to accept whatever option Alyssa had chosen, and was completely surprised to not receive a gag, but instead a strong smell! It was a smell she knew well and intimately loved, and the source of the smell was further explained as both of Alyssa’s apparently-bare legs settled in on either side of Sydney’s head, with her own dripping pussy directly over Sydney’s face. A tenuous tongue stretched up to confirm, and found that yes, her favorite snack in the world was within her reach!

Oh, that’s what she meant by finding something to occupy my tongue, thought Sydney. I thought this was supposed to be a punishment? She knows how much I love going down on her.

Up until now, Alyssa had been priding herself on not letting Sydney know how much this little game of theirs was turning her on. She’d managed to get undressed silently while Sydney had been distracted, and of course her hands had done some exploration of their own, but she had been careful to not make any sounds that might give it away. She had also managed to sound detached, even disappointed, in her commands and exclamations, but now she knew the game was up. There was no way that Sydney couldn’t tell exactly how turned on she was. Oh well, she’d been simmering quietly to herself for a good hour at this point, and she deserved some relief. But maybe Sydney didn’t just yet…

“I think it’s time for you to use that mouth properly, pet," said Alyssa. “Now, if you behave yourself and be a good girl…” she swatted at Sydney’s still-busy right hand to emphasize what she meant by good behavior, “Maybe then I’ll think about letting you come.”

Sydney nodded enthusiastically, promising as well as she could, given that her current predicament was occupying her ability to speak.

As Sydney busied herself with properly burying her face into her wife’s snatch, hungrily licking at the most sensitive bits, she thought to herself Alyssa’s been mean to me this whole time, why should I be so eager to make her come? Shouldn’t she deserve a little payback? And so she deliberately spread out her ministrations to taste everything that she could reach with her nimble tongue.

Alyssa immediately recognized what was happening, as the two were certainly no strangers to all different types and tempos of oral revelry. They both knew each other very well in this regard, and knew exactly how to speed things up or slow things down. Well, I can’t very well let this little strumpet think that she’s in charge, now can I? thought Alyssa. Otherwise we’ll get nothing done all day!

With a push of a button, Alyssa turned on the vibrating nipple clamps that she had put in place earlier. With the time spent in their mild teeth, Sydney’s nipples were still engorged and highly sensitive. She moaned loudly and pushed her face and tongue as far into her wife as she was able to, any thought about taking things slow temporarily forgotten.

As Alyssa twitched bodily in response, it was apparent the combination of teasing her exquisite wife and the oral lashing was having a response. Sydney was not usually particularly vocal, but any time Alyssa managed to get these sounds out of her, it always did wonders for her own progress. And as expected, the twitch made Sydney redouble her efforts, desperately seeking those favorite spots that would really make her spasm. Alyssa almost missed the associated increase in pace for Sydney’s hand, and she was sure that Sydney hadn’t done it intentionally, but that alone wasn’t good enough. She reached out and slapped lightly at the misbehaving hand, and said “I thought you promised to be a good girl? Did you think I wouldn’t notice your misdeeds?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I promise to be better, how can I make it up to you?” said Sydney’s muffled voice from underneath her.

“This is your last warning, pet. Finish your task and maybe I’ll let you come.” Being this commanding wasn’t particularly natural for Alyssa, but she was finding that she was quite enjoying this game.

Sydney’s focus intensified on her goal. There’s an orgasm hiding in this delicious pussy, and my tongue is the only thing that can find it! she thought to herself. And then most of her rational thought was gone as she single-mindedly pursued that elusive release.

Alyssa let herself drift off into the bliss of the experience. There really was very little like sitting on the face of her hot-to-trot wife. Normally she’d probably bend over into a 69, but currently Sydney certainly seemed to have that well in hand. Alyssa just had to keep enough focus to make sure that that hand wasn’t misbehaving any more, as she knew that Sydney was not paying much attention to it right now. She let her hands wander over her own body, but was careful to not accidentally stimulate Sydney any more than her small collection of toys was already doing.

As her own orgasm was nearing, Alyssa took a brief stock of the situation. Sydney was still mostly behaving herself, but was writhing fairly continuously, very obviously greatly enjoying performing this service. Her butt and nipples were both being vibrated, admittedly on a low enough setting to prevent any accidents from happening. Her blindfold had kept her in the dark for the last hour or so, and both legs and her left arm were currently tied loosely to the bed frame. It wasn’t enough to stop her from moving, but she couldn’t leave the bed, and more importantly, she couldn’t use her left hand to sneakily misbehave again. Alyssa felt wave after wave building up, lapping against her insides, making her feel like she was going to explode. And then it finally crested! After over an hour of teasing one or both of them, and a somewhat disappointingly short amount of time actually getting to use that lovely tongue, Alyssa was suddenly writhing in pleasure astride her wife’s face. The orgasm rolled over her, again and again, spawning new waves of pleasure that left her panting and sighing in response.

Maybe I should let her do that more often, thought Alyssa. Maybe the build-up was worth it?

As she was coming down from that high, she noticed that, unusually, her arousal wasn’t really receding. Normally she’d be extremely sensitive immediately afterwards, and would pull away from whatever Sydney was doing, but this time, Sydney hadn’t stopped, and the sensations, while still extremely strong, were not painful or even uncomfortable. Sydney’s tongue was continually seeking her goal, as if it hadn’t literally just happened. Alyssa was quite interested to pursue this, and decided to incentivize Sydney just a bit further. She reached over, and turned up the butt vibe to the next level.

Sydney almost stopped licking entirely at this point, shuddering strongly as the toy made itself felt. Her hand ached to go just a little bit faster, to change target just a bit. Maybe now that Alyssa has had hers, she’ll let me have one? she thought. Just a little one? Hardly even noticeable. She was fighting a losing battle now with her own impulses, and she knew it. She tried desperately to focus on using her magic tongue, thinking that maybe that would make the other sensations less distracting?

With even less build-up, Alyssa’s second orgasm came crashing over her. This one wasn’t quite as strong, but it just kept going and going and going. She became aware that she was crying out in pleasure and gyrating her hips wildly. Sydney was not complaining at all and just kept licking as best as she could do so. As Alyssa’s senses started to return to her, she thought to herself That was one of the better orgasms I’ve had, period. Maybe I should be mean to Sydney more often, if this is how she treats me.

But then the entire thought disappeared, as she noticed that that dastardly, misbehaving, errant, naughty hand was not doing what it was supposed to be doing! It was furiously focusing its attentions on Sydney’s aching clit, which had been explicitly specified as Not Allowed!

“Why you little naughty girl!” exclaimed Alyssa. “You thought I wouldn’t notice?!”

As Sydney’s addled mind tried to figure out what she was even talking about, her right wrist was grasped in both of Alyssa’s hands and pulled away from her longing pussy.

“I’m sorry, Alyssa! I didn’t mean to!” Sydney tried to say, but it was hard to talk with a mouthful of her wife’s snatch.

“And I didn’t say you could stop!” Alyssa interjected. “If you give up now, maybe I’ll just leave you here all night!”

As Alyssa chastised her distracted wife, she also attached the final leather cuff to Sydney’s right wrist, and clipped it onto its proper bed frame ratchet point. Once it was securely attached, she spent a small amount of time getting Sydney’s arms properly tensioned, which also served to tighten up her leg ropes. Now, not only was she not going anywhere, she wasn’t really in a position to do much in the way of moving. She knew this type of bondage was Sydney’s preference, as just the right amount of tightness in the system could really elevate her sensations.

Sydney desperately tried to maintain her focus on her wife, despite the added arousal factor of finally being properly restrained. It felt like her heart, for all its thudding like she’d been running, was located directly in her crotch. She tentatively pulled against her restraints and felt very little movement, which only further stoked her arousal. Her nipples were being squeezed mercilessly and vibrated very distractingly. Her pleasant little purple butt friend was happily vibrating away, and made sure to let her know it was there any time she moved in any way. And it was becoming basically impossible to not move. She could no longer touch her own pussy, which, despite it being overstimulated at this point, still cried out for attention. And her face was still buried in her favorite person, which was really not helping her arousal.

And just as Sydney thought that things couldn’t get any worse, Alyssa attacked. Both buttplug and nipple vibes were turned up to high, and both sets of her wife’s fingernails started exploring Sydney’s breasts, torso, thighs, and crotch. It feels like she has 10 hands! And they’re made of fire! Sydney thought. I’m going insane, my mind is going to break! And the only thing she could do was lick, and so lick she did.

Alyssa was greatly enjoying the pure intensity of Sydney’s reactions. She’d never gotten her this twitchy before! It was like her wife was experiencing a small personal earthquake!

Sydney felt like she was melting. Her poor beleaguered brain was swimming in a sea of sensations, none of which seemed to be making any sense any longer. Waves of feelings, indefinable and of origins unknown, bounced around inside her, lighting up nervous systems that she no longer was really aware of. Impulses demanded that she react, and react she did. The only conscious control she retained was towards the virtual light at the end of the tunnel, the taste and smell and touch of her wife’s fountain of a pussy. So she focused on this as her anchor, and put all the skill she had into this effort.

Alyssa had noticed that despite all the things she’d added, Sydney still appeared able to focus her attention on the ministrations of her tongue, and not all that badly at all. This would have to be remedied. So Alyssa pulled out her last remaining ace, their beloved magic wand. She turned it on to Sydney’s preferred power setting, leaned over as smoothly as she could, and placed the large vibrating head directly on Sydney’s tortured mons. Her reaction was immediate and intense. Sydney arched her back strongly enough to nearly lift Alyssa off the bed, every muscle locked with tension, unable to make a sound or even breathe. And only a scant handful of seconds later, she seemed to experience the largest earth-shattering orgasm that Alyssa had ever seen or even heard of. She was screaming, but there were no words. She was flailing, and it was probably fortunate that she was well-restrained, as there was no way Alyssa would have been able to stay on her at that point otherwise. She bucked wildly, not in control of her own muscles. It seemed to go on forever. And Alyssa did a thing that she would never have thought possible: she had a sympathetic orgasm from just watching her love having the time of her life. Wow…

Later, Sydney slowly opened her eyes, as if coming awake from a long way away. She tried to take stock of her surroundings. I’m… in our bedroom, I think? It looks different for some reason. Hmm, can’t seem to move my arms or legs. She looked around gradually, as the room kept trying to spin on her if she moved her eyes too rapidly. It looked like her hands and feet had leather cuffs on them. Some distant memory said that this was important? Somehow she felt more relaxed than she had in ages. A warmth/presence on her side was revealed to be Alyssa, still naked and lightly dozing. As more memories started to return, Sydney became aware of what had transpired. She was glad that the plug and nipple clamps had been removed, along with the blindfold. How long have I been out? she wondered. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter. She snuggled into her loving wife as best she could, and for that moment, everything felt right with the world.


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