Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

How To Tame An Amazon

by LilCthulhu

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© Copyright 2024 - LilCthulhu - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+/f; M/f; fantasy; ponygirl; bond; harness; straps; gag; majick; buttplug; hum; sex; reluct; nc; XX

Chapter 1: Meeting at a Tavern

A gust of cold wind swept through the tavern as the door flung open, and an unusual pair stepped inside. One was a small-framed halfling, barely three feet tall, with brown locks, green eyes, and clad in simple leather armor. The other was a towering woman, tall, beautiful, and proud, with long blonde hair and the muscular frame of a warrior.

For a moment, silence fell over the tavern as the patrons stared in awe at the Amazon. A wolfish grin crawled over her face. She was used to the effect she had on most people, and she gave them a second to look at her, before she let out an angry growl, which was enough to scare most of them, and make them avert their gazes awkwardly.

Meanwhile the halfling had taken a look around and spotted a familiar face in a dark corner. “Hey uhm, Cassia, why don’t you get yourself a drink or something while I talk to my contact?” The tall warrior looked down at him, her eyes easily betraying her contempt. “Sure, ‘master’” she simply said, her voice dripping with venom, before she walked off, ordering herself an ale and scanning the room for a strong man, which she could challenge.

The halfling meanwhile sighed, looking wearily after Cassia for a moment, before making his way through the dimly lit room towards the man he had spotted earlier. “Tobin Ironheart, my boy! I haven't seen you in a while!” The old, gray-haired dwarf greeted the halfling, a hearty chuckle in his voice. “Come. Sit down. Have a drink and tell me what brings you here.”

“Gundret, old friend, it's good to see you," Tobin said, before he climbed onto the bank and took a seat next to the dwarf. For a moment he looked around the tavern, searching for the barmaiden to order a drink, but the woman was distracted by Cassia, and not noticing him. He sighed and turned back to the dwarf. “Well, partly because I am searching for a job, partly because I need your advice.” He then answered, his voice revealing a hint of awkwardness about the latter.

“Is it about her?” The dwarf asked with a smirk and nodded towards Cassia, who had by now talked up a tall, strong guy, challenging him to an arm-wrestling match. Tobin nodded with a sigh, leaning back and looking at her with frustration. “She is an Amazon, right? How did you manage to get her to travel with you?” Gundret asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

Tobin nodded as he let out another sigh. “Her name is Cassia and I met her about a month ago.” He explained, and began to tell his story.

Chapter 2: A Thief’s Story

“A minor noble had hired me to get him a ring from an old shrine in the wilderness. I thought that it might be some old heirloom or magic trinket and that it couldn’t be too bad. The villagers had not told me about problems with monsters, so I assumed there would be at most a few simple beasts and old traps to overcome. I stocked up on supplies, and then marched into the wilderness.”

“It took only half a day to find the place, and I was surprised. The shrine was in a small clearing in the woods, essentially just a stone circle with an altar at its center. It was clearly ancient but intact, and a couple of burning fire bowls betrayed that it wasn’t abandoned as I had thought. Alarmed, I spent some time watching the area, trying to find out what danger it might hold.”

“It didn’t take long to notice the guardian - a giant Amazon.” He said, and gestured towards Cassia, who had by now attracted a small crowd of people, trying to challenge to more arm-wrestling. “She was clad in leather and fur, armed with a giant sword, and clearly guarding the altar. I also managed to spot the ring, which was resting at the center of the altar.”

“For a little while I wasn’t sure what to do, but finally I decided that I could steal the ring without her noticing. I could challenge the nobleman for not telling me what I was up against later, and try to raise the reward with the price already in my hands.”

“I waited until nightfall before sneaking to the circle. At first, everything went perfectly, but the moment I stepped into the ring, she somehow noticed me, and chaos ensued. She walked towards me, weapon raised and barking some sort of ritualisting challenge, but I didn’t listen.”

“I figured I still could reach the altar before she could close the distance. I ran for the price and while she was surprised, she was also very fast. She sprang forward and swung her sword, but I managed to duck under the blade, jump onto the altar and grab the ring.”

“However, that’s when my luck ran out. Just as I was ready to jump off the other side, I felt her hand grabbing my ankle and pulling me off the altar. I smashed to the ground and she was already lifting her weapon to deal the death blow. By the gods I never had seen so much anger and rage in a person, but suddenly she stopped. I think she had noticed the ring in my hand and her face changed from hate to surprise and finally to disgust.”

“I think I know where this is going, but go on.” Gundret said with a chuckle. Tobin's face showed a bit of surprise before he continued his story. “Well, instead of killing me, she dropped her weapon and fell to her knees. She looked down in shame and then began to speak in a ritualisting way ‘Brave warrior, you have bested me in combat and conquered my ring. You are my master, and I am your humble wife.’”

Chapter 3: Marriage Council

Gundret burst into laughter, slapping his knee, while Tobin turned into deep crimson. “So,” the old dwarf finally said, still chuckling, “you stumbled into an Amazon mating ritual. She waited for a worthy warrior to beat her in combat and take the ring by force, and you simply swooped in and stole it. A fine tale, Tobin. But I can see how that might complicate things.”

“‘Complicated’ is an understatement!” Tobin shot back with frustration. “I think she’d kill me if she wasn’t bound by custom.”

“What about your employer? Why did he want the ring in the first place?” Gundret asked, still chuckling in amusement.

“He wanted an Amazon wife,” Tobin said, his voice filled with annoyance. “He thought if I stole the ring in his name, he could marry her.”

“Hah! I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works!” Gundret replied with a hearty laugh and Tobin answered with a nod. “Giving away or selling the ring wouldn’t change anything. Cassia insists that she is my wife now.”

“Well, you got a strong, young, and dare I say beautiful woman as your wife. I could imagine a worse fate. So, what is the problem?” The dwarf asked, still smirking.

“She hates me! She wanted a strong warrior and got me instead. And just because she is my ‘wife’ doesn't mean… well, you know…” Tobins explained, blushing even deeper.

“Hm, let me guess. She expects you to overpower her, before she respects and gets intimate with you.” Gundret asked, arching an eyebrow, which Tobin answered with a miserable looking nod.

“Hmm. She wants you to prove that you’re stronger than she is. I assume you tried and failed miserably?” The old dwarf continued, earning another nod from Tobin.

The old dwarf began to fill his pipe, contemplating Tobin’s predicament. “You can’t win if you play by her rules,” he finally said, lighting his pipe. “She’s twice your size and a trained warrior. You can’t beat her in a fight. You need to play to your strengths and outwit her, just as you did when you stole the ring.”

Chapter 4: Making a Decision

Tobin lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about what Gundret had told him. The old dwarf was a scoundrel, but wise in its own, eccentric way. That was why Tobin had asked him for council in the first place.

It was late, but Tobin was sure Cassia wasn’t asleep yet. She probably thought he didn’t notice, but he could tell by how she was breathing. “Hey Cassia.” He broke the silence of the dark room, and for a moment there was an awkward pause. “What?” she answered, annoyed.

“Nothing has happened between you and I. Are you sure we can’t divorce or something like that?" She turned around, and stared daggers at him. “The goddess made you my husband, even if I have no idea why” She said with a growl. “Stop trying to weasel your way out of this.”

“Grow a spine already, and at least try to be honorable. Maybe you even managed to get yourself killed in battle, like a real man," she then said with anger, before she paused for a moment. “And before you even think about it, if you dishonor me by running away, I swear to the gods, I will find you and I will slaughter you like a pig!”

“Now shut up and sleep, master," she said, effectively ending the conversation, before she turned around again, literally showing him the cold shoulder.

“Sure, sure. Good night.” He said, only earning himself another dismissive grunt.

With dark silence taking over again, Tobin returned his mind to Gundrets words. “Have you ever heard about the Goblins from the eastern steps?" he had asked, with a conspiratorial grin on his lips.

“The kidnap and enslave women from other folk. Primitive Barbarians! They keep them naked, gagged and tied up, riding on their backs, treating them like beasts of burden and using them for their pleasure. They call such women ‘Ponycunts’ or ‘Ponysluts’, while the other folk used the term ‘Ponygirls’. I am sure you have heard the rumors.”

Tobin could remember how repelled he had felt, but the old geezer had dismissed his protests with a handwave, before getting on with his explanation.

“Those Goblins are often at war with the Amazons. What I have heard, they sometimes even manage to capture one alive, and while taming them must be difficult, those warrior women turn into the most loyal ponygirls you can think of.”

After that the old dwarf paused for a moment and took a breath of smoke from his pipe. Tobine used that to ask a question. “How can that be true?! How can someone as fierce and independent as an Amazon warrior ever give into something so shameful?!”

“Because they had been beaten and subdued.” The old dwarf explained. “Amazons respect not just strength but also dominance and power. They hate the goblins with a passion and disdain their cowardly tactics, but, if a greenskin manages to overpower and bind them, they turn into submissive kittens.”

Tobin sighed, thinking how crazy the implied suggestion of his old friend had been and how much crazier he was even considering it, but he couldn’t just let everything be as it was. He needed to solve the situation with Cassia somehow.

“Shut up already. I got enough of your cowardly wailing during the day," Cassia suddenly hissed, seemingly annoyed by his sigh, unwittingly adding the last bit of convincing Tobin had needed.

Chapter 5: Eastern Steppes

“If you keep staring at me, I will break your nose, master," Cassia said angrily, pulling Tobin out of his daydreaming. “Huh? What?" he asked, confused, which annoyed her even more. “Stop staring at me!" she repeated with a hiss, before she put some more wood into the campfire.

It was late, with the last few sunrays casting an orange veil over wide grassland. It had been a few weeks since Cassia and Toben had arrived at the borderlands to the eastern steppes and they had made some good cash. Nearly every village had some missing people or angry monster problem the two could solve for a reward.

At first Tobin even had hoped Cassia would show some respect, once she saw how he could handle himself on adventure. Instead she scolded him for what she called cowardly tactics and fighting, as he preferred to use bow and arrow over melee weapons.

By what he could tell, she had grown even more dismissive of him, which only strengthened his plan.

He would subdue Cassia and put her in so-called pony bondage. More modest than the goblins and not permanently, of course, but long enough that she would either agree to leaving him, or at least stop hating him.

He still thought it sounded crazy, but from everything he had learned about ponygirls, amazones and goblins, it should work. At least it did for the goblins and he had no other options anyway. Also, the plan was already set in motion for tonight. He couldn’t pull out anymore.

“Hey, um Cassia. T-the last few nights have been really cold, don’t you think? Can you look around for a bit more firewood? I’ll take care of the food in the meantime.” He said, unable to hide a certain nervous undertone.

Thankfully the Amazon didn’t pick up on his nervousness, and just snorted. “Yea sure, if you rather play the cock then do some actual work, master," she said dismissively, before she got up and began to walk off.

“So far so good," Tobin said, once Cassia was far enough away, and he pulled a bag of sleeping powder from his backpack.

Chapter 6: Outfitting

Tobin held his breath, as he listened to Cassia. He was pretty sure she was soundly asleep by now, but gave it another minute or so, before he dared to get up. Sneaking over he checked again, by putting hand on her shoulders.

The one time he had tried to touch her like that before, she almost broke his hand, but now she didn’t even flinch.

Tobin allowed himself a deep breath, before he whistled into the dark, giving the sign to his accomplice. A few moments later a trio of Goblins entered the ring of light surrounding the campfire.

“Hey Graxx,” Tobin said, his eyes lingering on the other two. “You didn’t say you would bring others.”

“Amazon cunt is large and heavy. We need more hands to move and bind her.” The Goblin returned with an apologetic grin and a shrug.

Tobin eyed the three for a little while, waying the risk, before he finally nodded, deciding to let it slide for now. “All right, let's start then.”

A few moments later Cassia was laying naked on her belly. The Goblins had worked fast and made Tobin afraid the dangerous women would wake up. However, Graxx explained that the sleeping powder was very potent. She would sleep deep, but not for long and that it was better to work fast, than careful.

Tobin wasn’t really convinced, but agreed anyway, trusting the Goblin knew what he was doing. “We need the bindings now.” Graxx then demanded. 

“Ah, yea…sure. I ordered them to your specifications," Tobin answered, as he had insisted on getting the bondage item on his own, as he wanted the items to be a bit more modest and less primitive looking. 

Seeing the items made the goblins huff in contempt, visibly unimpressed with the things Tobin brought. “It's these or nothing.” The halfling said, standing his ground. The Goblin chief shook his head, but gave his men the command to start.

The Goblins began with a harness of leather straps. It was quite the challenge for Tobin and the three Goblins to lift and pull Cassia around, but in the end they managed to strap her in, with a collar holding everything at her neck and straps running between above and under her breasts, supporting her ample bosom.

Next they hurried to get Cassia's arms bound, and put into long, leather gloves. They were tight, had multiple latches to tie them into place, and rings on the upper arms, ready to fasten other stuff to them.

“Forearm goes on forearm, with left hand holding right forearm and right hand holding left forearm.” Graxx explained while they put Cassia's arms on her back, and began working. “Now you wrap leather around the arms and hands. It needs to be tight and tough, so she can't break and you can use her arms as a saddle.”

“Once the arms are wrapped, you pull the upper end of the gloves tight and connect them to the harness. Another leather strap goes around the center of the saddle, also connecting it to the harness. See? Now she cant slip out or move her arms or hands at all. She is trapped.”

While Graxx was explaining the armbinder, the other Goblins had begun to put Cassia's legs into her new overknee pony boots. The sols would force Cassia to stand on her tiptoes and they had a wide, hoove-like front. 

“She will take a few days getting used to it, but then, she will be fast and steady like a real horse.” Graxx said with a chuckle, while they also added padded metal armor to her shins and knees, which would later help with kneeling, getting up and down, and in case she would fall.

Cassia was now slowly starting to stir, so the group hurried to finish the outfit. They put a tight leather harness around her head, while Graxx coated the attached rubbery bit gag with some fluid, before he put it into her mouth. “It makes her more docile.” He simply said.

“Okay, I know the necessary bits are done now, but I also ordered a corset and skirt, to cover her modesty. I don’t want her to be… naked," Tobin said to the smugly cackling Goblins, who looked at him confused.

The three looked at each other and Graxx was about to argue, but a grunt of the women pushed aside all room for discussion and the Goblins simply began to put the corset on Cassia.

Chapter 7: Finishing Touches

Tobin just tied down the last string of Cassias corset lacing as a sudden pain exploded on the back of his head, throwing him to the ground.

As Tobin opened his eyes again, he could see the three Goblins wrestling with the tightly bound Cassia, who was now awake and buckling in panic. He tried to get up and help, but his body wasn't following his orders.

Graxx held a magic wand towards the Amazon and spoke a few arcane words. A moment later a bright light flashed from her belly, and Tobin could see some sort of magical tattoo forming itself on her skin.

At the same time Cassia twisted and buckled like a mad bull, violently throwing one of the goblins off her back, before she let out a weird mix of moan and desperate scream, before she collapsed to the ground, whimpering and breathing heavily.

Tobin wasn't sure if he really understood what he had just witnessed, but to him it had looked like she had been knocked out by the mother of all orgasms.

The Goblins seemed not surprised at all. Graxx gave a few orders, and Tobin watched in shock as one of Goblin subordinates pulled a tail plug from his bag, one of the items he had deliberately omitted from the costume.

He helplessly watched as the little monster walked behind Cassia, used some spit to lubricate her backdoor, and with a painful wailing moan of hers, he pushed the rather big plug up her rump.

Almost done, the goblin then added another thing Tobin had omitted. The final touch. A crotch strap, tightly bound to the front and back of Cassia's harness. It dug lewdly between her pussylips and butt cheeks, both to keep her agitated and make sure the plug in her rump wouldn’t come out.

Meanwhile Graxx had taken up the skirt Tobin had bought for Cassia. He shook his head and chuckled in amusement, before he threw it into the darkness. “Stupid halfling. Wants a ponyslut but is too cowardly to go all the way.”

Tobin groaned in tears. He tried to get up, but he could barely lift a muscle and his head felt like it was pumping fire through his brain. Even that nasty little monster was calling him a coward, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

Slowly the world was growing darker and darker, as the void of unconsciousness was taking over Tobin's mind. The last thing he saw was how Cassia slowly got up, with cackling goblins teasing and pocking her, while pulling on ropes they had tied to her harness and collar. They would bring your eastwards - into the wilderness.

Chapter 8: Coward or Hero?

Tobin woke up with a start, followed by a monstrous pulsing of pain echoing through his skull. He had some trouble getting up, and noticed a pool of dried blood where his head had been.

The Goblins had pillaged a few things from the camp, but thankfully not very thoroughly, so he soon could patch himself up with a health potion, some water and a bit of bread to appease his hunger. He still felt a bit dizzy, but at least the world had stopped spinning.

Finally Tobin took a deep breath and looked out into the prairie. What should he do? Sure, he wanted to get rid of Cassia, but not like that. He couldn’t just leave her with those monsters, or could he? On the other hand, she would probably cleave him in two, if she ever found out what had happened.

Tobin didn’t need long to decide. He may have been a scoundrel and trickster, but he couldn’t leave her behind like that. He put together his weapons and some light equipment, before he began to follow the trail the goblins and the Amazon had left.

Chapter 9: Espionage

It had been two days since Tobin had left the old camp and began the search for Cassia. By now he had found Graxx and his man, however, they had reached a small goblin camp which sat atop a hill.

A head on confrontation was out of the question. Even Cassia would have trouble with that many Goblins at the same time. Instead, Tobin had to be clever.

With some patience and tenacity, Tobin managed to sneak up to the camp during the early evening. There were around twenty Goblins in the camp, but only two or three guards at any time, which allowed the clever halfing to spy out the place, without getting notice.

They had a pen full with nine ponygirls, almost all young, female humans. Tobin watched the poor slavegirls and how the Goblins treated them. With their arms bound behind their back, they were forced to eat like animals, and thanks to the tailplugs, they even needed their masters' help, if they wanted to empty their bowels.

All of them looked weirdly agitated or constantly horny, which Tobin soon attributed to the glowing womb tattoo all of them had on their bellies. For the Goblins this seemed totally normal, and they often joked about how horny and wet their ponycunts were.

Cassia was in a tent, which seemed to belong to Graxx. Tobin couldn't see into it, but he could hear Graxx taunting and tormenting her. Telling her how he was her master now, and that she soon would be nothing but his ponycunt, happy to serve him however he saw fit.

For the most part she was screaming and kicking, fighting like a tornado, but every now and then Graxx simply used his magic wand on her, which made her buckle to the ground, moaning and mewling in a humiliating fit of mad lust, before he began to belittle her again.

Searching around for a bit longer, Tobin noticed a few carts, filled to the brim with precious trading goods. They stood right next to what essentially must have been the supply tent, and one of them was filled with expensive cloth.

Combining all that information, Tobin soon had a plan. He just needed to wait for night to fall, then he could go to work.

Chapter 10: Chaos and Mayhem

Tobin had waited for a few hours and night had fallen by now. Cassia's constant screaming and moaning was hard to bear, but he knew he needed to take his time.

Finally, most of the Goblins were asleep, and Tobin decided that the right moment had come. He carefully started a small fire at the supply tent. For a good while it had sizzled quietly, mostly just producing smoke, without the Goblins noticing. However, once the fire took hold of the cart with fabric, it only took moments to grow into a hellish blaze.

It only took another minute or two, before the camp was up in arms. The green monsters ran around like headless chicken, before Graxx came out of his tent, and took control.

Using the situation, Tobin climbed into the pony stable. A few of the slavegirls looked surprised at him, mewling and gasping in shock. He tried to ignore them and ran to the door of the pen, which he then swung wide open.

For some reason the girls just looked confused and seemingly frozen. Tobin had to step to the nearest of them and give her a smack on the ass, ordering them to run already. With their paralysis broken, the girls suddenly got into panic, and began to run into the already chaotic camp, as they tried to find a way out.

The camp was now in total mayhem. Some of the Goblins tried to put down the fire, others tried to capture the panicking ponygirls, while others again we're just running around confused.

Most of them didn’t even notice Tobin, as he ran to the other side of the camp, and into Graxx’s tent.

The inside of the tent was lit by a few candles. Cassia lay on the ground at the center. A short leash connected her collar to the ground, keeping her from getting up. Long, painful looking red lines over her butt, hips, and upper legs betrayed that Graxx had flogged her.

Tobin ran over to her, cutting the rope which had held her down. She looked at him with a mix of surprise and relief, trying to say something, which he assumed was some sort of snarky comment, but the bit gag turned it into unintelligible gargles.

“I can’t get you out of the bondage now. It's too tight and would take forever. Let's get out of here first," Tobin said, helping Cassia onto her feet.

Chapter 11: Tent of Murder

Cassia was still a bit wobbly on her pony boots, but with Tobin’s help she managed to stand up. However, suddenly she froze.

Alarmed Tobin turned, and saw what had startled her. Three Goblins had entered the tent, looking at them in stunned surprise.

For a moment both sides just stared at each other, until a high pitched scream from outside broke the spell, and everybody began to grab their weapons.

Everybody but Cassia. Despite being bound and weak on her legs, she didn't hesitate. She ran towards one of the little monsters and kicked it so hard, it flew out of the tent again.

By then the other two had drawn their clubs. One was running towards Tobin, while the other was heading for Cassia.

Tobin too had drawn his bow and arrow, but instead of firing at his enemy, he aimed for the one attacking Cassia. The arrow hit the beast right in the throat, saving the defenseless Amazon from a strike, which surely could have broken her leg or hip.

The other Goblin meanwhile had reached the halfling. The monster swung its club at Tobins head, but he managed to duck out of the way, the club only scratched his shoulder.

Tobin let go of his Bow, and drew a dagger instead. The Goblin tried to attack a few more times, but Tobin easily evaded the clumsy creature, before he made a step forward, and pushed his blade between its ribs, easily killing it.

Breathing heavily, Tobin noticed that Cassia was standing not too far away. She looked at him surprised and with a hint of respect.

While Tobin knew they had no time to waste, he couldn't help but grin at the Amazon. “What? He is my size. If I was as tall as you I could kick a giant ass.” He said, and for the first time since he had met her, Cassia chuckled.

Chapter 12: Graxx the Goblin Chief

With the Goblins dead, Tobin decided to waste no more time. He got to the back of the tent, and began to cut a hole into it. “This is the backside of the camp. With a bit of luck we can avoid the rest of the Goblins.” He explained, feeling Cassia's looming presence next to him.

“I started a fire in the south-west of the camp, and freed the other ponygirls, who probably will try to flee westwards, trying to reach the borderlands. Also, if the greenskins notice that you are gone, they probably assume you are gone westwards too, so we go eastwards instead. This means we get deeper into the wilderness, but we can change direction later” He explained his plan.

Tobin looked up at her, and while she tried to speak through the gag, she didn’t manage to really say anything understandable and had to settle on a simple nod. Tobin smiled, happy that she agreed with one of his plans for once.

A moment later Tobin was done, and he made a step back, holding open the hole, so Cassia could step through. However, suddenly Cassias entire body tensed, and with a humiliating mix of moan and wail she sank to the ground.

Tobin whirled around. Graxx stood at the entrance of the tent, the glowing magic wand in his hand. “You again?!” The Goblin snarled between his ugly, yellow teeth. “I thought I killed you!”

“You tried and did a really bad job at that," Tobin returned, trying to look as confident as possible, stepping back towards the center of the tent, his dagger in hand.

“You really need your own ponycunt so badly? There are markets where you can buy them.” The monster taunted, also getting closer to the tents center, making his ax ready.

“Sure, but she is not just any ‘ponycunt’ you ugly monsters. She is my wife!” Tobin said, as he made a step forward and threw a handful of sand into Graxx's eyes. The goblin chief screamed in surprise, hacking his ax blindly in the direction of the halfling.

Tobin rolled out of the way, and came back on his feet with the grace of a cat. He waited for the blinded Graxx to make another swing, before he jumped forward and rammed his blade into the goblins' back, killing him instantly.

Tobin could feel his heart beating heavily in his chest, and he took a moment to cool down, before a helpless groan of Cassia brought him back into reality. She had by now managed to get up on her knees, but her tattoo was still glowing and she was visibly tense, with her entire body drenched in sweat.

Putting two and two together, Tobin assumed the wand was somehow controlling the tattoo, which overloaded her body with extreme pleasure.

Swinging the wand about, he simply pointed at her and said “Stop!” with the most stern voice he could muster and to his surprise it worked. The tattoo stopped glowing, and Cassia suddenly relaxed, struggling to regain her composure.

Tobin gave her a second, helping her up onto her feet, while she was breathing heavily. “Come now. Let's get out of here.” He then finally offered, and she nodded thankfully, following Tobin out of the hole he had cut into the back of the tent.

Chapter 13: Heart to Heart

Cassia and Toben had spent the rest of the night and a good few hours of the day running, before they arrived on a small river. Both were exhausted and with no pursuers in sight, they stepped into the shallow water of the stream, washing themselves.

After a few minutes, Tobin stood back up, and looked at Cassia. For the first time he had the time and state of mind to really look at her, and marvel at her tightly bound body.

Her cheeks were flushed and red with arousal and together with the head harness and gag she had a somewhat sheepish, almost cute face, which Tobin liked much better than the constant angry frown she usually showed him.

The bondage of her arms and torso forced her to push her chest out, which to Tobins surprise, was still clad in the leather corset. However, he realized that it was at least a number too small, which made her big, heavy breasts almost bulge out of it.

The Tattoo on her belly was by now slightly glowing again, and the ultra tight crotch strap, which was bound to her harness, dugg deep between her pussylips, which were visibly wet and swollen, betraying that she was more than just a little excited.

Her tush was still red from the flogging, and the plug in her butt pushed her buttcheeks slightly apart, allowing a lewd sight of her bulging backdoor, visibly desperate but unable to get rid of the intruder.

Finally, Tobin looked at Cassia's legs. Long and strong, tightly bound in skin tight leather boots, with the attached pony hooves forcing her to walk on her tiptoes.

After a good while Cassia caught his stares, which she answered with an annoyed grunt, pulling Tobin out of his daydreaming.

She chewed angrily on her gag and tried to argue with him, drawing attention to the annoying bit gag forced into her mouth. “Okay, okay, I understand," Tobin said, as he walked out of the river, up on a small rock, and pointed at the ground in front of him. “Get on your knees, then I get that thing out of your mouth.”

Tobin could see how much she hated following his orders, but in the end she had no choice, and did as he told her. A few moments of fiddling later, Tobin managed to loosen the gag, allowing her to spit it out.

“Finally!" she slurred, her yaw still sore from being forced open for so long. “Get me out of this silly costume already!" she demanded, immediately getting up on her feet again and returning to her entitled self.

“N-no! First we need to talk!” Tobin said, dumbfounding Cassia for a moment. “It was my fault you got caught! I hired the goblins to put you into that costume and it got out of hand.” He confessed in a sorry tone, taking a step back, as he expected the Amazon to explode into a fit of rage.

“I know," she said after an awkward moment of silence, with subdued anger in her voice. “That Goblin chief you killed couldn’t stop gloating about it," she then added, clarifying the situation a bit.

“A-and you… are not angry?!” Tobin asked, still afraid Cassia might explode at any moment. “I am angry!” Cassia growled. “But not that angry. You came back and saved me, and… you fought…honorable," she said, with the last few words noticeably hard for her to accept.

“I know your dirty secret and no, I will not kill you. I am mad at you! But not that mad,” Cassia growled, allowing her voice to carry more of her rage, as she struggles to regain her confidence. “Now get me out of that silly costume already, before I change my mind!”

“N-no!” Tobin refused again with a trembling voice, which made Case stare daggers at him. “What do you mean? If this is a joke, it's a really bad one!”

“Do you know why I did that?” Tobin demanded, his voice slowly gaining confidence. “You treat me like shit! You yell at me, call me names, constantly tell me how unworthy I am, but you refuse to leave me alone. You know what?! I had no idea what that stupid ring meant, I just took it because it was a job!”

Finally allowing all the pent up anger to vent, Tobin talked himself into a rage. “And you know what, lady? I got that ring, and you couldn’t stop me. I tricked you into that uniform, and you couldn't stop me! I beat an entire tribe of Goblins, just to save your silly ass, and they couldn’t stop me!”

“I am surely not as strong as you are, but you know what? I am just half your size! I use my way of fighting and you better get used to it, because I am in charge now! I conquered your Ring, I beat those Goblins and I got you tied up!”

There was a long pause between the two. Tobin was breathing heavily from his angry tirade, while Cassia looked at him wide eyed, taken aback by his sudden outburst.

“Okay," Cassia finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

“What do you mean with ‘okay’?” Tobin demanded angrily, his cheeks still red with rage.

“Okay," she repeated in a harried voice. “You are right. You are more capable then I give you credit, and I should not be… so… harsh. You are my master, and I should show you respect," she admitted, her voice notably insecure, showing how rarely she apologized.

Tobin looked at her, totally dumbfounded for a few seconds, before he shook his head and began to laugh, unable to believe what just had happened.

“Stop it already! I apologized. You won. Now get me out of this silly thing!” Cassia said, her question now sounding much more like a request, and less than a demand.

“No!” Tobin denied her again, now much more resolute. “If I get you out, I get a day, maybe two, before you get all grumpy and angry at me again! You stay like that until I get the impression you learned your lesson! You will be my ponygirl until I decide otherwise and if your apology was sincere, you accept that.”

For a tense few moments the two stared angry at each other, with an almost palpable spark of sexual tension between them. Finally Cassia broke. “Allright," she said in a surprisingly meek voice, lowering her gaze, admitting defeat.

“Allright master!” Tobin corrected, immediately capitalizing on his victory. “From now on, if you are not gagged, you will use the proper address, and you use it respectfully. Understood?”

“Yes master!” she said, grinding her teeth angrily, but accepting.

“Now then, I think everything is said. Let's get that gag back into your mouth.” He said, and while Cassia was staring daggers at him, she did get onto her knees again and allowed him to push the annoying rubber thing back between her teeth.

“I think we are safe for now, so we should start training. It's a long way back to the borderlands, and I plan to ride on your back for that," Tobin said, with a smug grin on his face and while Cassia was visibly angry, she also felt a weird spark of warmth, growing in her chest. She nodded, her hungry eyes glued to her husband and master.

Chapter 14: Runner’s High

Cassia was exhausted and breathing hard, as she felt the sudden sting of Tobins crop hitting her bum. By now she was pretty used to moving about in her pony boots, and even carrying the halfling had become almost normal, but she was sure she would never get used to the kiss of that devilish thing.

She let out an agitated squeal, but instinctively ran faster, just as Tobin wanted from her, and the realization how well the crop worked at her, stung almost as much as feeling it on her butt. Still, she was in a runners high and tried to simply ignore the annoyance.

With every step her crotch strap shifted and rubbed against the oversexed inside of her pussy and against her clit, and the plug in her rear shifted from one side to the other, making her huff not only from exhaustion, but also pleasure.

She could feel a pull on the left side of her bit-gag, and she followed without much thinking. In the back of her head she noticed how humiliating it was, that Tobin was controlling her with reins, like an animal, but she had no time to think too much about it.

Cassia could almost feel how the tattoo on her belly was getting brighter with every step. The darn thing was the entire reason why Tobin could keep her in this humiliating costume, even if neither he nor she really knew how it worked. Without it, she never would have been able to stay in bondage for so long, and all those leather straps would have chafed her bloody by now, but with it, she was fine.

However, the devilish thing made everything feel much more intense, making sure she was constantly horny. Worse yet, the thing somehow managed to bottle up all that pleasure, but never allowed her to actually feel the release of an orgasm.

If Tobin didn’t use that wand regularly to release the pleasure, she would probably go mad.

Suddenly, while Cassia was musing about the tattoo, she felt a pull of both reigns, and Tobin ordered to slow, before finally halting. Totally lost in a haze of lust and exhaustion, she had barely registered where they were going.

Looking around Cassia noticed that they had reached the top of a small hill with a few scraggy looking trees. The sun was slowly setting, which meant it would be dark within an hour. “We make camp here," Tobin said, confirming Cassia's assumptions.

Chapter 15: How to Tame an Amazon

Half an hour later Tobin had set up camp. To Cassia's dismay he had bound her reigns to one of the trees, effectively forcing her to stay where she was.

She hated when he treated her like that. It was humiliating enough to be trapped in this lewd costume, but being simply tied to a tree, so she couldn't get in the way, made her really feel like an animal.

In the meantime she could do nothing but wait, which allowed her to really feel the overwhelming want and lust, trapped in her body.

She looked longingly at Tobin, until he finally walked up to her, a smug grin on his face. She was so incredibly angry and if she was honest, not at him, but herself. How could she let herself be treated like that?

“Come now, let’s give you some water and use the wand.” He said in a patronizing, almost belittling tone, which he had cultivated over the last few days.

While he undid her reigns, she really felt how much she was at his mercy, and there was a sudden realization, hitting her like a lightning bolt. Cassia felt attracted to him! It wasn’t just the costume and the tattoo making her horny. She wanted him! She wanted him because he had made her his pony and was treating her in this degrading way.

He gave her reins a pull, and while Cassia did a few steps she then stopped, refusing to follow him further.

“What's wrong? Any problem? Should I undo your bit-gag?” he asked, after turning and looking at her questioningly. Cassia shook her head, her cheeks grew crimson red, as she tried her best to look proud and tall.

There was a short pause, and Tobin was just opening his mouth to say something, as she turned her back to him. She got onto her knees and leaned forward, pressing her chest and face against the ground, while her ass was still shamefully high up.

She grew even more red, as she spread her legs, and began to wiggle her tush. Offering herself to him just like the horny ponyslut she had become and she realized she was begging him for sex in the same humiliating way the other ponygirls had begged the Goblins, back at Graxx’s camp.

For a while there was a pause, as Tobin was not sure what to do. ‘Come and fuck me allready you stupid halfling!’ Cassia thought to herself. ‘You made me your ponygirl, so you better start using me like one!’

Suddenly she felt his hand on her flank. There was a bit of pain mixed into the touch. His hands slowly and gently petted her perky butt, rubbing over the red stria his crop had left on her skin.

“Are you sure?" he asked, and she could hear the nervousness in his voice. She nodded and let out a wanting mewl, a cutesy sound she never thought she was even capable of.

“Alright then!” Tobins said, and she could feel him undoing the crotch strap. She let out a deep moan, as he pulled the soaking wet string of leather off her pussy.

A moment later she could feel his fingers, exploring her oversexed vulva. Cassia felt like she was in heaven. This was so much better than anything the costume had done to her!

After a few minutes the proud amazon was reduced to a bundle of moaning lust as Tobins ministrations drove her closer and closer to the climax she was craving for so long now.

Then he stopped and Cassia was wailing, panicking that he might deny her just like the magic tattoo had done. Thankfully a moment later she felt Tobins body behind her, before his shaft pushed up against her dripping wet cunt.

She let out an inviting moan, and second later, with a single thrust, he pushed his surprisingly large shaft all the way into her, making her eyes go wide.

Cassia could feel Tobins hands on her hips, taking hold of her, as he began to fuck her. Soon he was grunting just as Cassia was moaning, thrusting his shaft again and again into her, until her entire body grew tense and stiff.

Cassia held her breath. She was straddling along the edge, while he was still drilling into her, again and again, until suddenly, her bubble of pent up pleasure burst into a tense explosion, sending shockwaves of orgasmic bliss through her entire body.

With the orgasm Cassia began to scream in pure ecstasy, and before long, she could feel Tobins thrust growing slower but more powerful.

Finally he buried himself as deep inside of her as he could, before he let out a deep grunt, and his body began to shiver from strain. She could feel his shaft twitching and jerking inside of her, before a comforting warmth was pumped into her wanting womb.

Cassia had by now collapsed to the ground, and Tobin was laying on her back. They both were just resting and breathing heavily, as afterglow was slowly fading out of their bodies.

Cassia tried to say “Thank you master!” but with the gag she only managed unintelligible mumbling. Meanwhile Tobin had regained his composure. He was back on his feet, and pulling his pants up again. “That was great! I think we should do this more often. I kinda remember that one of the Goblins said a well fucked ponycunt is a happy ponycunt. What do you think?”

While a part of Cassia wanted to protest and feel offended, a much louder part felt an eager anticipation and a comforting warmth spreading through her body.


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