Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Lost in the Woods

by Mikel

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© Copyright 2024 - Mikel - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; ponygirl; gag; buttplug; outdoors; blindfold; corset; training; stuck; harness; cons; X

Jenny loved being his pony, even though recently she had been acting out, desperately wanting his attention. Since the new pony had come she had felt ignored and tried to let her feelings be known by fighting everything she would normally do instinctively. Jenny could not speak, she had not been without a bridle and bit for over a year.

The last time she felt her mouth empty was for a few seconds before the new bridle with its mouth filling tongue suppressor had been fitted. Jenny hated it at first but just like all her other adornments grew to love the feeling of it no longer remembering the day it was riveted tightly on her head and the tears she had shed knowing she might never be allowed to speak again.

The pony boots had changed from time to time but all forced her feet to the en-pointe position so she no longer cared what he strapped onto her feet. The long pony tail had taken the longest to adapt to, Jenny remembering the day when he strapped her collar to a low hitching post and forced her to bend over it.

Without warning he filled her ass with the large plug attached to the long bushy tail. Jenny had fought and whined loudly for hours, being left tied in place while she got used to the large intruder. Like the bridle it hadn’t been removed since, all her body functions were taken care of by one of the stable hands, like she used to be before she accepted the promotion to trainee pony.

Jenny stood panting as she thought “That couldn’t have been three years ago?” But it had been three years since she stepped into her first pony boots and let him lead her around by the steel bit strapped tightly into her mouth. Three years since she had felt anything in her pussy but the wide leather that covered it, making it impenetrable even if she could use her hands.

After the first three weeks her hands had been locked together behind her back and a month after that so were her elbows and she had not been able to use them since. Jenny had truly loved the life of one of his ponies, always prancing perfectly and could still pull a cart better than any of his other ponies.

Then she started getting ignored, left in her stable for days at a time without seeing him or hearing his wonderful voice. Finally one day while she was being groomed she spotted him with a new pony, he was whipping her steadily as he ordered her to prance. Jenny watched as the young foal fought his wishes constantly struggling against him and the leather holding her so tightly.

Jenny started to pull and thrash against her groomer as she watched her owner getting further away desperately trying to reach him. Eventually she succumbed to the trainer’s fierce whip and strong hands as he whipped her while yanking on her reins until she calmed down.

Jenny started fighting with everyone after that, resisting anything they commanded her to do even after her arms were laced exceedingly tight in an arm sleeve and a very tight corset was added to her normal pony gear, she continued to fight them. For weeks she fought them, everyday she would be whipped and punished harder.

Jenny was forced to drag heavy wagons around as her trainer tried to break her spirit but each time she saw her owner she would break all training and try to fight her way to him. Finally, one day he came to her taking in his deep soothing voice asking her what was wrong and taking her out for a day of training.

Jenny performed perfectly while she was with him, doing everything she was commanded to do but when he traded reins with the trainer taking his newest pony Jenny broke training and rushed to him. Jenny wedged herself between him and the young foal and began kicking at her.

Jenny’s owner yanked her away, leading her to the “punishment” stall, roughly tying her reins to the wall and walking out while she whined after him. Standing outside the stall Jenny listened to him tell the trainer to fit his defiant mare with some hobbles and close her blinders but continue her training as before leaving her hobbled and blind.

“We’ll see if a few weeks of being blind and hobbled calms her down.” Jenny would now spend the next six weeks blind, her ankles strapped close together every moment only getting small relief when they were extended a few inches during her training. Jenny was still trying to fight but with her arms crushed together behind her back and now tethered tightly to the bindings her trainer had added around her thighs she could not do much.

Jenny had started to give up hope of ever being with her owner again. When her trainer tightened the corset until she could not take a deep breath and added the weighted nipple clamps she fought even harder but could find no relief. One day she was being worked, forced to prance in large circles while her trainer stung her regularly with his thin lash.

The hot sun made her sweat profusely as her legs fought the restraints with each high step she tried to take. Jenny’s nipples now only hurt while she was forced to prance and she could no longer feel her arms behind her. While she tried to appease her trainer, she was suddenly released from the long lead and could hear people talking in a panic and heavy footsteps going away from her.

Jenny stood gasping in the hot sun for a long time before she carefully started walking towards where she hoped the barn was. Each step was more arousing for the blind and helpless pony girl. She had never been allowed to wander by herself and had never been blind and helpless on her own before.

Jenny kept easing forward slowly moving in what she hoped was one direction, the long lead still attached to her stiff collar dragging behind her. After what felt like many hours to Jenny she bumped into something squealing as she almost fell down. Jenny was helpless to figure out what it was, even trying to stretch her arms in front of herself to feel it was useless, since her arms were still laced tight in the arm sleeve that was still secured to her thigh strap.

Jenny eased forward letting her shoulder lead the way until she felt something press roughly on her tortured nipple. Squealing with pain she backed up a few steps and stood whining as the pain faded. Easing forward again she felt her shoulder touch something and began rubbing it trying to determine what it was and hoping it was the barn.

After rubbing it for a few minutes she realized it was a tree! Jenny chuckled to herself until she realized that the only trees on the property were on the borders of it and knew she had walked the wrong direction. She was now all the way across the big open field alone, blind and helpless.

Jenny stood gasping while she thought about her situation, she couldn’t remember what direction she had come from so she turned her back to the tree and started walking. Jenny was walking carefully but much quicker as she was getting scared about where she was and why she had been left alone.

She hadn’t been walking very long when she ran face first into another tree. Jenny staggered back, whining as both of her tortured nipples now screamed with pain. Jenny backed into another tree screaming into the gag as she felt the strange feeling on her upper arms.

Jenny almost jumped forward trying to get away from whatever it was that had touched her only to ram her shoulder into another tree spinning her around. Jenny fought not to fall down and regained control of herself and stopped moving and stood gasping and whining as the fear that she was now truly lost gripped her and she started struggling madly to free herself.

The blind pony was still bound as it stood panting in the fading light, Jenny could tell the sun was going down since the temperature was dropping and whined not wanting to be helpless and alone in the dark. During her struggles Jenny had managed to get the long lead that was already wrapped around her several times wrapped a few more.

When she had walked a few steps, she could feel it tighten around her already restrained ankles. Jenny knew what it was immediately and groaned thinking, “Great! Just what I need more trouble.” Jenny kept moving carefully, having to stretch the lead with each step until she felt it tighten firmly around her ankles.

Groaning and twisting Jenny tried to back step but the tangled lead wouldn’t release its grip on her legs and she could move no more. Jenny knew the lead had gotten tangled in something behind her and twisted and turned even trying to jump towards where she had come from making her scream as the pain in her nipples reawakened.

Jenny could take no more and carefully lowered herself to the ground groaning again since this had been the first time in weeks she had not been on her hooved feet. Twisting as she fell on her side Jenny grunted as she landed hard on her shoulder in the musty smelling leaves and grass.

Jenny had almost forgotten what it felt like to lie down and rolled onto her back sighing as her exhaustion forced her to sleep. Jenny woke up sore and hungry, feeling the temperature was much warmer and knew the sun had come up. She started kicking and rolling desperately trying to free her bound ankles.

While she struggled, she slowly turned herself and began wiggling further from where the lead was stuck and after an hour she felt her ankles get tugged on again. Now every move she made pulled the tangled lead tighter and moved her body further away. Jenny lay on her tortured nipples, her crushed together arms lay uselessly on her back with her tightly roped ankles now pulled towards her head.

She had effectively hogtied herself with her ankles tethered to a solid object, the pain in her nipples making any movement away from it impossible. Jenny lay whining until her temper made her start to struggle again and she forced herself to roll over and twisted so her head was away from the tree.

She lay quietly struggling as the sun warmed her aching body, making her sleepy again, stopping to rest and drifting off to sleep. Jenny awakened to much cooler air making her shiver and immediately started to struggle again. During one of her twists she felt the lead pop loose from whatever had been holding it.

With this small amount of freedom, she was determined to loosen her ankle tether more than ever and within an hour had worked her ankles far enough apart she felt she could walk again. Jenny was practiced at rising to her feet bound in pony boots so she quickly was standing again and began shuffling forwards.

Each tree she bumped into made her change her direction but in her exhausted mind she knew she had to keep walking. The sun warmed her as she carefully walked, no longer caring about the strange things she felt on her bare skin or the bugs flying into and out of her gaping mouth. Jenny walked all day on instinct alone only stopping and dropping to her knees when her body could walk no more.

Jenny knelt panting and gasping, the leather crushing her torso felt like it was tightening and the bit wedged into her mouth was getting larger by the second. Jenny could no longer keep any thoughts in her head other than she was going to die lost in the woods and only hoped it was someone from the ranch that found her so her family would be saved any embarrassment.

Falling onto her side Jenny passed out and lay silent on the grass and leaves, unmoving. Jenny felt something shaking her shoulder then her whole body seemed to be floating. Suddenly she could hear voices and knew one of them as her trainer and started whining loudly as she was laid in the back of a truck and blacked out again as she felt it driving off.

Jenny could hear her owner's voice again when she woke up the second time, now she was lying on something soft and her arms were no longer behind her back. She opened her eyes and could see his face over hers and smiled at him getting a big cheer from everyone in the room.

For the next few days Jenny was cared for, hand and foot, by everyone she had ever seen on the ranch, though she couldn’t speak she learned she had been lost in the woods for three days and nights and was now in the ranch’s infirmary, and had been for four days. Her owner came to visit several times a day sitting with her and telling her how sorry he was for not protecting her better and holding her thin hands as he smiled at her warmly.

After another week Jenny was feeling much better and was ready to go back to her life as his pony when he came in and gave her regular street clothes and said “I release you from your obligation.” Jenny started to cry immediately, making him ask what was wrong. Jenny rasped out a few words getting him to understand she didn’t want to leave.

He smiled and said “Then what was all that fighting about, and why did you run off?” Jenny slowly got him to understand that she was jealous of the new pony and that she was trying to find the barn and got lost. Her owner took her in his arms laughing and said “Of course you can stay, and I will tell you now that you have always been my favorite pony!”

The next day Jenny was laced into her corset and new pony boots, she requested the armsleeve and before the bit was stuffed back into her mouth she asked if she could spend a few days a week blindfolded while she was being trained. Her owner smiled as he riveted the straps holding the bridle and bit on tightly then pulled the wide leather strap between her legs covering her bare pussy and attached it to the d-ring on her arm sleeve.

Now every time Jenny pulls on her arms she can feel the strap get tighter across her dampened pussy and hopes one day she can learn to make herself orgasm with it. Jenny was blindfolded and led to the barn, her owner following behind her smiling as he watched her tugging on the strap.

Once inside her stall she felt him wrap his arms around her holding her tight while she leaned her head on his big chest purring as he told her he never wanted any harm to come to her and that her training would be much lighter from now on. Jenny twisted away from him and shook her head no and stomped her hooved feet placing them closely together each time.

After a few minutes of watching her, he got the idea and asked. “You want to be trained wearing the hobbles?” Jenny nodded yes then twisted her head a few times getting him to understand and leave her alone in her stall. The next morning Jenny was awakened by her trainer opening the door.

She felt him tie his lead to the high hook in the wall making her strain to keep herself steady as he wrapped new leather cuffs around her ankles and thighs. She purred again as he lowered her head and wrapped a much firmer collar around her neck and tightened it until she almost choked.

After he was finished, he wrapped another belt around her wrists and body, pinning her hands to her back and making it impossible for her to enjoy the tight strap between her legs. Leaning close he whispered into Jenny’s ear. “I am going to break you bitch! That little stunt got me into a lot of trouble and now I’m going to take it out on you.”

With that he whipped her bare ass several times before dragging the bound and blind pony out into the hot sun. Jenny was loving the attention he was giving her, each lash of the whip made her smile around her bit gag and drove her to try and please him. Her life was back to normal now and she knew her owner loved her so she didn’t care when she was left tied to the fence for hours in the sun or left still bound in her stall unfed or watered.

Jenny never stopped trying to please her trainer and when her owner came to train her, he was always stunned at how well she did with her restraints on. The last day Jenny would be trained by anyone other than her owner she was told she would be going to the BDSM conference with him and be shown as a full-dress pony and pull him around in the cart the entire week.

Jenny knew she was his favorite then and continued to serve him well for years afterwards staying hobbled and blind but now sometimes she is able to spend the night in his room pleasing him and if she gets really lucky, she gets to be pleased also. Jenny thinks back to that day lost in the woods and how scared she was and is thankful it happened because she learned how he really felt about her.


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