
by Adegans

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© Copyright 2024 - Adegans - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; bond; Sbf; zipties; gag; cuffs; collar; shave; chastity; naked; hum; drug; punish; whip; cons; nc; XX

This is part of my Ariana series and a continuation of previous events. Taking place a few months after Almost every story in this series should (mostly) work on its own but if you want context and some references/characters to make more sense it's better to read them in order.

Burning Bridges


Ariana Inoue is a 25 year old Japanese woman. She has a naturally slender body and cute face. Both are the envy of many men and women. She has a small B-cup and she stands about 140cm tall. Long black hair flows down to about her butt and she rarely wears makeup other than some eye liner.

Ariana has been working from home, doing contract jobs she finds online. Often she sorts out administration problems. Or doing account reviews before tax submissions. She does Japanese and English translations from time to time as well.

Kate is 27 and is very happy with her 'gym girl' look. She's particularly fond of her blonde hair. Like Ariana's hair it reaches to her butt. Also like Ariana also she has a slim body, but unlike her lover she works out in the gym to stay in shape. She's secretly glad that her body is more toned than Ariana's as it confirms that her gym routine works.

Kate works at a large hotel as a floor manager, dealing with guest requests and coordinating housekeeping and maintenance and things like that. Recently her management skills have been noticed and she's been sent on little trips to other hotels for training or to train the staff there.

Kate and Ariana are living together in Kate's flat on the 12th floor of a residential tower. They have been in an intense relationship for over a year now. Ariana has developed into a stay-at-home partner as she's often frustrated with the world around her. She leaves their flat when she and Kate go out for dinner or do some shopping, but rarely goes out on her own. As a result Ariana only has a few friends that she knows in real life. Kate on the other hand is a little more outgoing but recently that's mostly because she has a job that brings her in contact with people.

Due to past events and her strong bond to Kate, Ariana can be really clingy and dependent on Kate. This is always a problem when Kate has to go away on a work trip. Sometimes she can take Ariana with her, but other times not.

Just like for the last couple of weeks. Kate has been away on a trip for just over 2 weeks and Ariana is feeling super lonely as the internet has been spotty where Kate went. So they didn't talk at all for the last 5 days.

1 - Stuck for Kate

Ariana feels like she's going crazy. She hasn't been able to get in touch with Kate for over 4 days and misses her so bad she even considers camping out at the airport to wait for her so that she can meet Kate as soon as she arrives.

She talks to her downstairs neighbor from the 4th floor, her friend Sheila, about it and she suggests she should do something special for Kate when she returns. Sheila, like Ariana, is a bit of a kinky type and suggests that she ties herself up in the hallway so Kate will find her.

Ariana is no stranger to light bondage herself and likes sexy games like this. She considers the idea and decides she should do something like that and turn herself into a sexy gift for her girlfriend.

Another day passes with no contact from Kate. Ariana sits at her computer cursing the world for its shitty communication options. Waiting for a message from Kate all afternoon.

Nothing comes through, and the messages she sends do not even arrive.

Sighing she gives up once again and starts thinking about how she should present herself to Kate when she gets home the next day. She should tie a big bow in her hair, she thinks. Something cute. Maybe she should wear her leather hood and chain her wrists to her ankles? Or a loose hogtie? Or tie herself onto a chair.

Ariana tries a few things with her hands and poses in several positions in front of the mirror. She decides on a chair tie.

Kate should be home in a couple of hours. So she has to get started with her preparations. Ariana looks at herself in the full length mirror and thinks she should shave everything. She'd been thinking about that for a while. She usually shaves her armpits and removes any fuzz and tiny hairs from her arms and legs two or three times a month. She trims her crotch area and keeps a tiny patch of whatever little hair she has down there above her vagina.

Today she's going to shave it all. As a surprise for Kate. Thinking they'll have matching 'hairstyles' then.

She heads into the bathroom and grabs the shaving cream and a razor. Starting with her legs she wipes them with a wet towel before putting cream all over herself. Carefully she shaves her legs and then does the same with her arms and armpits. Before finally creaming up her crotch and after a few moments of hesitation she swipes the razor through her little patch of hair. She carefully removes all hairs from her pubic area and strokes the smooth skin feeling a bit awkward.

Seeing how clean and neat it looks and feeling the smoothness she likes it after a few minutes of touching herself. ‘Yep, this is the way’, she thinks. Promising herself she's going to keep herself shaven from now on if Kate likes it as well.

She then does up her hair in a thick loose braid as she knows Kate likes it that way and lets it hang over her left shoulder. On top of her head where the braid starts she clips a big hot pink bow made from a ribbon. It looks a bit doll-like and tacky but it's also nice and colorful against her brown skin and black hair.

‘Cute’, she thinks.

Grabbing her ball gag and leather cuffs, as well as her steel collar, a bag of large zip ties and scissors she places those in the hallway, about 2 meters in front of the front door. She then gets a kitchen chair and places it in front of the door as well. Making sure she faces the door she positions herself on the chair trying to find a somewhat comfortable position. "Mmhm, yes, this'll work." She mumbles to herself.

Making sure the chair is in a good spot she then straps on her wrist and ankle cuffs, and her fidgets with her collar. She never got the hang of the Torx screw so she twists it in hand tight, just far enough for the collar to be stuck on her.

Wearing her collar has been an issue for most of the past year, until Kate forced her to wear it for a day, finally ‘curing’ her from her fear. She got this fear while on a trip, Ariana strapped on a shock collar thinking it was a GPS tracking unit and it had shocked her almost continuously for 3 hours straight on one of the highest settings, leaving her writhing in pain for the duration until Kate saved her. She had feared anything or anyone but Kate touching her neck ever since.

Today is the first time she willingly puts the collar on herself since her accident, for Kate.

All cuffs have D-rings on them, which she'll connect to the chair. First, her ball gag. She pushes the medium gag into her mouth and straps it around the back of her head. She then sits backwards on the chair and scoots her freshly shaven vagina to the front of the seat. Placing her legs along the back legs of the chair. With some bending she can reach each ankle fairly easily and puts a zip tie through each D-ring and around the chair leg, pulling it tight. Her legs are now stuck. She cuts away the excess of the zip ties with the scissors. Feeling daring she loops ties around her knees and the lower part of the chairs backrest. Pulling them almost snug her legs are now without movement.

She then straps her collar to the middle of the chairs back. Pulling that tight too and cutting away the excess zip tie. She's now forced to lean forward, with her chin sort of hanging over the chair’s back. Finally she fixes her arms to the chair, tying them to the rear chair legs where it fits between her knees and the seat. First maneuvering her left arm in place and with some effort and fidgeting she manages to almost tighten her right wrist as well. She can't reach to cut away the excess zip tie on the last one though. Her arms are now stuck to the chair's backrest straight down along its length.

She feels thoroughly stuck and is now forced to wait for Kate to release her. She flings the scissors away so they're far away from her and out of sight, mostly, and starts her wait.

Kate will be home soon.

She fidgets awkwardly with her crotch on the seat edge trying to get more comfortable. Her neck feels weird and in her mind she constantly has the urge to pull away and remove the collar, similar to when Kate had locked her in a while ago. Maybe she should've thought this through better.

Ariana flexes her back and strains her neck trying to pull free for over an hour before finally giving up fighting her bondage and just simmering in her made-up misery.

Any moment now. She thinks. Hearing the elevator come up. But it doesn't stop and continues up. For the next 2 hours no Kate shows up and the elevator keeps going up and down every few minutes it seems, as if to taunt her. From the corner of her eye Ariana sees the sun go down, the flat goes dark. After a few more hours the moon rises. But still no Kate. No more elevator rides to respond to as night falls.

Ariana sits uncomfortably all night, unable to stretch her limbs or neck. Dozing off from time to time and having a few minutes of fitful sleep. She can't really lean on her chin for too long because the D-ring pushes into her chin if she does so for too long, which hurts. Leaning her head to the left is somewhat doable and she manages to sleep for a bit while resting her neck on the chair back and leaning on her shoulders.

Unfortunately after a while that's not so comfortable either. Eventually her shoulders feel weird from the pressure and being held into the position they're in and her whole body goes kinda numb. Her gagged mouth started to ache a while ago and she ran out of drool ages ago too. Seeing a pool of it below the chair.

‘Fuck I'm thirsty’, she thinks.

Hours and hours pass and Ariana feels the sun on her back. 6AM came and went, she knows. The sun rises and shadows enter the flat as lunch passes and every time the elevator makes a sound Ariana perks up, hopeful that her girlfriend will finally get home. She feels so helpless it makes her excited. Rubbing her crotch on the seat with the limited movement she has very much adds to the excitement. But it doesn't compare to seeing Kate again.

Ariana keeps going over the date in her head convinced that she has the right day. And Kate must have been delayed or worse, had an accident on her way home. She hears her phone make sounds several times during and around lunch time. Ariana tiredly thinks that's probably Kate.

Having dozed off she doesn't hear the elevator come up, but snaps awake as she hears the krrrt of a key being inserted into the door lock. She quickly scoots upright and into 'position' for her lover to find her in the best way she can manage.

Kate enters the flat backwards, pulling in her suitcase and kicking the door closed. Taking off her jacket and boots before finally turning around and seeing Ariana, stopping dead in her tracks. "Eh wow!" Kate mutters. "Wecum howm!" Ariana calls out through her gag. Ariana looks up at her girlfriend with big tired eyes, trying to be cute.

Kate, stunned at the sight before her, laughs and caresses her lover's face. "Hey cutie. What's all this?" She asks.

"Ah pwesend foh uuh!!" Ariana chirps.

Kate plucks at the pink bow in her hair. "A present huh? And can I unwrap it now? Or should I wait for the evening?" "Noooohw peas!" Ariana looks at her with pleading eyes.

Kate laughs, "Alright then, just a minute." And sets her suitcase in the bedroom and grabs a drink. "Mmm" She admires Ariana naked back and shapely ass. "You look hot, girl!" She compliments her.

Ariana moans pulling on her neck cuff and wiggling her butt.

Kate giggles and caresses her butt cheek. "You look so nice… You're getting me all hot." She whispers in her girl's ear from behind.

"Uhmtye miii peash? Aye nead ah dwink!" Ariana moans.

Kate looks for something to cut the zip ties and sees the scissors a few meters away where Ariana has tossed it. She grabs them and snips her feet free. "There, is that better?" She teases.

Ariana moans unintelligibly.

Kate then removes the gag. "And how about this?" Placing a big strong kiss on her helpless Ariana's lips. Ariana kisses weakly back. Kate feels no moisture on Ariana's lips and thinks that's weird.

"Wait here," She says and heads to the kitchen for a glass of water and a straw.

"Here, drink." She orders Ariana.

Ariana moves her jaw trying to close it and greedily sucks on the straw while Kate strokes the sides of her face.

"How long have you been here?" She asks worriedly.

"Since yesterday afternoon…" Ariana croaks. "Why are you so late?"

"Late? I'm 2 hours early… Did you forget the day and time difference?"

Ariana looks confused and then moans in frustration. "I hate timezones, whoever came up with that should be shot!" She fumes.

Kate laughs and snips the other zip ties away. Helping poor Ariana stand up. "Come girlie, I see that you've once again done something sweet in a dumb way." She guides Ariana to the bedroom, sitting her down on the bed. Kate just smiles and removes Ariana's cuffs, throwing them aside. She then tells Ariana to stay and not move and gets undressed in front of her. Slowly turning around and wagging her butt at Ariana.

Ariana looks longingly at Kate and gasps quietly seeing the sexy woman in front of her. Kate caresses her cheek and pulls her to her feet. "Come my lovely, let's shower… I've missed you so much."

Ariana eagerly nods and timidly follows her lover to the bathroom.

2 - Intruder

Ariana and Kate shower together enjoying each other's bodies. Kate really appreciates the smoothly shaven pubic area of her girlfriend. Thinking it looks super hot and pretty. Ariana promises to stay shaved from now on. Kate keeps rubbing the smooth skin and they make each other orgasm several times before slumping down to the floor. They sit tiredly, chatting about the past week. Kate fumes at the shitty internet in Spain, where she was for work, hating on the people she worked with since nobody spoke any English and her translator was an asshole.

Ariana tells about her boring week, she mostly stayed home and worked on her contract jobs, she even found an accounting contract that paid a lot of dollars again.

Sometimes she would find stupidly simple jobs she could finish in a few hours that paid several thousands of dollars instead of the regular stuff that paid far, far less. Ariana is always on the lookout for these jobs as it means earning a weeks or even a month's wages or more in about an hour.

Kate laughs at her easy work and wonders what's for dinner. Ariana didn't prepare anything and wants to go to her newest favorite restaurant where they have baguettes with grilled cheese toppings. Kate doesn't really care as long as it's a good meal they both like. So baguettes it will be. They get out of the shower and Ariana dries Kate off, blow drying her hair mostly dry and sends her off to do whatever.

Ariana then dries herself and heads to the bedroom to unpack Kate's suitcase. She likes doing these things for her woman. She feels that's just how it naturally should go.

Kate is the leader of the two, pretending to be a dominant partner but she's not very good at it. Ariana is more submissive and very much a follower. She loves Kate for taking the lead, even if she's a crap mistress.

Kate does enjoy leading Ariana through life with little tasks and challenges and being her 'boss' as Ariana calls her. Sometimes taking things a bit too far with their sexy games, but overall they have a good dynamic.

Ariana decides that all Kate's stuff should go into the laundry so she prepares a big load for the wash. Rushing through the flat to start the washing machine adding her own clothes that need washing as well. Kate meanwhile enjoys herself on the couch, catching up on emails, some chats with friends and announcing to her little world that she's back online again. Complaining to everyone who wants to listen that Spain kinda sucks.

That night they have dinner at the restaurant Ariana likes and they have their favorite. A big baguette cut open like a hotdog, filled with spiced minced meat, topped with cheese and pesto. “SO GOOD!” Ariana almost moans at the taste. Kate really likes her sandwich as well, grilled chicken with bbq sauce and salad.

After dinner they walk arm-in-arm around the city center a bit looking at the shops and people before heading home.

Kate gets to stay home for 1 day before she has to report for work. The girls spend the day in bed and on the balcony enjoying each other and catching up. Kate tells all about her time in Spain and how the hotel that's being set up there is nothing like she was used to. Ariana is more interested in nature and the food and nice sunsets but listens carefully hoping Kate would talk about the country as well. She's very curious about Spain. Kate didn't see much of Spain as she was caught up in meetings and the hotel building most of the time.

The next day Kate heads to work, dressed in her uniform. Ariana from their bed looks at her woman admiring her figure.

"It still looks good on you!" She compliments Kate on her uniform.

Kate smiles. "I should get a uniform for normal wear huh?"

Ariana nods. "Or some official looking outfits that look like uniforms. I bet it looks hot." She pictures Kate in a stewardess outfit.

Kate then says Ariana should wear a certain outfit, and has her step into her chastity belt for the day. Locking it on with the pink dildo from Kate's strap-on harness inside Ariana. Ariana doesn't feel like wearing a dildo all day but obeys Kate when she threatens she has to wear the belt for the rest of the month if she doesn't stop complaining. While adjusting the straps they fantasize about what uniforms Kate should wear and what Ariana thinks is nice for a few minutes but Kate has to leave.

Kissing each other goodbye she heads downstairs and Ariana goes back to bed. Trying to sleep for another hour or so, as she usually does, but the dildo distracts her. Other than the intrusion in her body, Ariana feels balance has been restored and she's feeling happy again, knowing she can talk to Kate and that Kate will be home every day.

After a while she finally falls asleep.

Meanwhile on the 4th floor, 8 floors below Ariana and Kate's flat, not all is well. Dana and Sheila, friends of the couple, have a bit of an argument about buying groceries. Dana accuses Sheila of buying too many expensive groceries. And while Sheila argues that they need to eat better so she buys better food, Dana argues that they can't afford it.

Not wanting to give in, Sheila says that Dana then needs to buy groceries if her efforts are not appreciated. But Dana being the dominant of the two gets super mad at Sheila's transverse attitude and tells her to shut up and obey. Sheila believes she is right though and stomps out of the flat in anger. Thinking she'll cool down at Ariana and Kate for a while before trying to talk to Dana again.

Not thinking properly she lets herself in and finds the place seemingly empty. Shit, she thinks. Of-course nobody is home. Kate is at work of-course. And whatever Ariana does on a day. She then spots a foot sticking out of bed.


Walking into the bedroom she sees a smiling Ariana snoozing and can't help but admire her happy face poking out from the bedsheets. She wishes she could be that happy in her sleep.

She and Dana had moved into the flat as a cost saving measure besides wanting to live together. Their house and apartment before were too expensive and wouldn't allow for couples to live there without raising their monthly expenses a lot. Kate had brokered a bit of a deal for them. However, living together has also changed their dynamic a lot. Dana was much more dominant than Sheila anticipated and they fought a lot lately.

Sighing quietly she closes the bedroom door to a crack and sits in the living room. Staring upset at the TV and out the window. She was hoping to talk to Ariana about her woes and maybe get some advice. Ariana is a silly goose, but she sometimes has something smart or practical to say that just fixes everything.

After sitting there for about 10 minutes Sheila wonders if Ariana is wearing clothes. She always thought Ariana was cute and when Dana had told her she saw her naked by accident during a little sleepover she always wondered about the girl. Earlier that year she had overdone it a bit by coming on to Ariana in a time of need and Dana had punished her for her indiscretion for weeks.

Now though… Nobody is here to catch her.

She sneaks back into the bedroom and sees Ariana's foot sticking from under the blanket. She traces her finger along the sole. Ariana twitches her foot but remains asleep. Sheila then moves to her head and traces her finger along her nose. Arians sniffles and moans softly.

Feeling bold she caresses her cheek and rubs her thumb over the girl's lips. Ariana opens her mouth slightly and Sheila bends her thumb inside. Ariana softly sucks on it in a childlike automation. ‘That's cute’, Sheila thinks.

She carefully peeks under the blanket and sees the skin of her shoulder. No shirt then? She wonders. Carefully lifting the blanket. Sheila looks at Ariana's naked body. Whoa, she's fucking hot, Sheila thinks.

She kinda knew that already of-course. But seeing a hottie wearing clothes is very different from seeing that same person naked. Sheila can't resist and cups Ariana's breast. Ariana stirs and moans softly rolling on her side. Frozen, Sheila stares at Ariana's back wondering if she woke up. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Sheila then traces a finger along Ariana's spine, stopping at her leather panties. Not realizing what the garment really is.

Ariana stirs again and mumbles something unintelligible followed by a whisper, "Kate?"

Sheila drops to the floor, hoping she's not caught.

"Hello? Hmm." Ariana rolls on her back and looks around but sees nobody.

A soft rustling of Ariana rolling over again and it's silent. Sheila lays on the floor, her hands covering her mouth, she's quietly panicking, hoping Ariana will fall asleep soon so she can leave. Minutes later she dares to look up and sees Ariana exposed back. Quietly she moves to the bedroom door and out the flat. Back to her bullying girlfriend.

3 - Asking for help

Dana has calmed down and the two talk about money and how sheila should be mindful of spending it. Sheila knows, but she's sick of eating noodles and bread and cheap crap like that.

"Find a job already Dana." She urges her girlfriend to contribute.

"I have school, Sheila, you know that."

"Yes and you also failed your exams, remember. You should be working by now. Go do something you're actually good at." Sheila complains.

Dana looks at Sheila menacingly as if she wants to slap her in the face. She's very dedicated to becoming a psychologist and hates the dismissive attitude Sheila has towards it. Sheila doesn't care much for her studies and just wants to live her life with Dana. And if Dana can just go to work somewhere they can do just that with much less worries.

"Sheila please, we talked about this… I need to finish my studies. It's hard enough without you caring for my dream…"

"I care about your dream Dana. But you also have to be practical."

"Imagine how much easier our lives will be once I am a psychologist."

"That is IF you become one!" Sheila exclaims.

Dana looks down. Knowing full well the burden her failing dreams put on the couple. Sheila shrugs, she wants a happy home. Not this arguing nonsense. Earlier at Ariana she felt at peace, emboldened doing something she shouldn't, free of Dana's oppressive hold over her. And it felt good.

"Well, until you actually start earning and not just leech on my money you can't forbid me to buy proper food." Sheila says. "I want good food and feel healthy!"

Dana can't really argue with that. Sheila earns their money and she herself only has a meager grant from the government on top of a stack of debt. Dana sighs. "Maybe we should talk to the dummies upstairs and see if we can combine our shoppings. Buy large and save money that way?"

"Ah?" Sheila perks up. She didn't think of that. "I'll go talk to Ariana about that tomorrow."

Dana often calls Kate and Ariana the dummies because there is always something going on in their household. Ariana and her weird mind often does unconventional things or something from her past catches up causing trouble or stress for the pair. They don’t really know all of it, but it’s often very apparent that something is going on.

The next day Sheila heads upstairs again and this time remembers to knock on the door. But she gets no answer. Curious if Ariana is sleeping topless again she quietly lets herself in and finds Ariana slumped over her laptop.

She's sitting at her desk in just a t-shirt and pair of panties. Her cheek resting on her laptop and the side of her forehead pushing some keys down. Typing 'M<M<M<MN,lL<M<MMMLL<<<MllM…ll. Mkk<lMk<Mlkk<MM,,,,<<M<M,<M<.<,<.,M.,M<<.,' By the looks of it she'd been asleep for a while as the document she's 'typing' in has tons of pages. Probably all gibberish from her forehead.

Sheila heads back to the front door and smacks it closed loudly, causing Ariana to wake up with a start.

"Hello? Ariana? Are you home?" Sheila calls out into the flat.

"Hello? Ehh, in my office?" Ariana says in a confused voice. "Sheila is that you?"

"Yeah, can I come in?" Sheila pretends she's just entering now.

"Sure, eh, no. Wait in the living room please."

Sheila smiles, picturing her underwear wearing friend.

"What? Oh shit." She hears from the room. Probably seeing her messed up document and Sheila quietly laughs.

"Everything ok in there Ariana?"

"Yea, I just fucked up my work…" Ariana moans.

"Nothing too bad I hope?" Sheila calls out through the door.

"No, it's fine. Just some eh… What are you doing here anyway?"

"I need to talk about groceries if you have time."

"Yea, one sec. I'll be right out." Ariana comes out of the room in a bathrobe rubbing her eyes yawning.

"Late night huh?" Sheila innocently asks.

"Kate kept me up all night."

Uh-huh… Sheila thinks.

A few minutes later Ariana sits next to Sheila dressed properly. "So what's up?"

Sheila sees her friend rub her wrists which still show red marks from cuffs or something. One of the corners of her mouth is red-ish as well. But she says nothing, wondering if that's from a gag, and what size ball gag Ariana uses and if she hates it as much as she hates hers.

Sheila decides to just drop the bomb and says that Dana and her have trouble with money. And that maybe they could do grocery shopping together to buy in bulk and save money that way.

"Food isn't that expensive you know." Ariana counters.

"It is if you only have $20-40 per week for it Ariana…" Sheila's voice trails off. Feeling poor and cheap.

"But… I mean, bread and things." Ariana continues. "Meat and cheese are expensive, but many other things aren't."

"I know, I think, but still. I'm sick and tired of eating pot noodles, bread, cucumber and pancakes and peanut butter my whole life. I want good food and feel more healthy. Look at my skin, it's terrible."

"Hmm." Ariana thinks. Looking at Sheila's face which looks like she has acne. "That's not acne?"

"No, please stop making me feel like a bum with questions like that."

"You're not a bum Sheila," Ariana comforts her. "I don't think so anyway."

Sheila looks uncomfortable and sad wishing she never brought up the idea.

Ariana realizes now that she's being stupid with her responses. "I, uh, I don't know what to do for you." Ariana says. "We shop at the same place right? So you know there is no discount for buying large." She feels wholly inadequate for this conversation. This is stuff Kate usually deals with.

"But…" Sheila starts. Knowing Ariana is right.

Ariana looks at her. Unsure what to say.

"But… How do you buy food cheap? Or where?"

"We don't…" Ariana says softly. "We're not poor, eh, you know… We have enough income." She then perks up, "You should do online contracts. Sometimes the money is really good."

"How good?" Sheila asks suspiciously. She'd heard of Ariana's little jobs and working for peanuts from Kate.

Ariana browses through her phone and looks for her last payout. "Look, this is a normal week for me. Sometimes it's less. Sometimes a little more." She shows a summary receipt of almost 600 dollars.

"Whoa," Sheila says. "What kind of work is that?"

"Usually just simple office work. Or translations." Ariana searches through her phone again. "This is a very good week, with 2 high paying jobs." She shows a similar receipt but for almost $10000. Broadly smiling.

Sheila swallows, her eyes twinkling with greed. "You earn 10 fucking grand a week sitting at home doing office work?"

"Only sometimes. Usually it's only around 600 or 800. And it's not always easy work…" Ariana says.

"And Kate has a salary too?"

"Yea, why?" Ariana says.

"Fucking hell." Is all sheila can say.

Ariana feels validated in her work. Finally someone who's impressed with her efforts other than Kate. Even if it's for the wrong reasons.

"Do you have a quick computer? And can you do accounts?" Ariana asks.

"No, why?" Sheila says, "And maybe, I only ever worked cashier jobs."

"If you have, I can accept more work and we can work together." Ariana suggests.

"I'll talk to Dana about that." Thinking she can work with Ariana, be with her more often. Which in itself is a treat already. Never mind the extra income.

Ariana isn't too sure about Sheila helping her. But she wants to help her friend and she can't think of another way for now. Maybe Kate has an idea.

Sheila comes home and is already spending her imaginary extra money on nice meats and fresh yogurts, juices and real cheese. Buying better vegetables. Her life suddenly looks a lot better. When Dana comes home for lunch she tells her about Ariana's 10 grand a week and her idea to help her with some work so she can earn money too.

"Ariana earns $10k?" Dana says, stunned.

Sheila nods laughing. “She showed the receipt."

"What the fuck?" Dana exclaims. She only believes half of it. "Every week?"

"Sometimes…" Sheila admits.

"Oh goddammit Sheila." Dana burst out in anger realizing her friend only heard the good bits from whatever Ariana showed her. "Stop chasing that fantasy. I bet she only had that once ever."

"But, imagine us having $10000 bucks once…" Sheila laughs.

"Yea that would be nice." Dana admits.

They sit in silence for a moment.

"So when do you start?" Dana inquires. "Or what's the idea?"

"I need a newer computer, Ariana says."

"Oh…" Dana frowns, "Why? If it's only office work… You have office on that thing right?"

"She has a Mac and the newest iPhone." Sheila whispers.

"Fancy dummies up there…" Dana mutters. Unsure why having anything from Apple is relevant.

4 - Getting started

The next day the girls head upstairs to talk to Ariana about Sheila helping her with contracts. Both are expecting a get rich quick scheme kind of thing or some scammy bitcoin crap and are disappointed that Ariana shows she does real work via an online freelancing service.

"That's not nearly as exciting as we thought." Sheila whispers to Dana when they're alone for a minute.

"No, but it's easy money I'm sure. I mean, if she can do it… We'll just make our own account and take jobs before she does." Dana replies.

Sheila has mixed feelings about that. "She's not dumb, Dana. And I don't like to steal her work…" She mumbles.

"If we don't, someone else does, do you think she's the only one accepting work on that site?" Dana says.

Sheila thinks about that. Seeing her fantasy of sitting next to Ariana, ogling her while working, vanishing. Ariana comes back with cookies and juice.

"So Sheila tells me you earn like $10k a week or something?" Dana says.

"Hah, I wish. No, that only happened a few times this year." Ariana naively says.

Dana and Sheila look at each other. They're gonna be rich. Even Dana seems to lose perspective a bit. “Alright, well I have to head back to school, you girls play nice now." Dana teases.

Ariana shows her out and Dana tells her they really need some extra money, so if she can show sheila how it all works that would be great. Surely Sheila can be a good assistant to her.

Ariana hopes so too.

Sheila meanwhile writes down the website name. They'll figure out how that works someday. For now she just wants to tag along with Ariana and see what's going on. Ariana explains the categories and shows the contracts on offer. Accepting a bunch of jobs for the next few days and delegates one to Sheila who stares at the spreadsheets and its contents.

What is she supposed to do with that? She has no idea. "Ehh, and now?" She mutters.

Ariana looks at Sheila's screen, "Usually the jobs I accept have a fault in the files. Like the numbers don't add up. Or the formulas are wrong. Or the entries are misplaced. So really all you have to do is find the mistake and correct it.”

"Yes ok, but where do I look?"

"I always start with just summing everything up, maybe they just wrote the total wrong."

"Oh right." She already thinks her job is harder than expected. “Always like this?"

"The stuff I take, yes, I think it's easy."

"How much does this pay?"

"Eh… $90. And if you're quick you can do multiple per day…"

Sheila hmms and goes summing up the numbers. Calculating the total on her phone. She doesn't know you can sum up a column in excel. Ariana works in silence and finishes 3 jobs before lunchtime but Sheila has trouble figuring out what she's even doing. This is very different from her pharmacy job where she handles the cash register.

Ariana looks at the spreadsheet. "But look, all the months are overlapping. I bet that causes the monthly totals to be off."

Sheila doesn't get it. "I can't do it." She complains. "I suck at math."

Ariana pushes Sheila aside, "Look, just sort the dates." She moves rows around until all dates are in the right months. "Now sum up the per month totals. And then take that and do the quarterlies. See. Now it's correct."

"Ok," Sheila says. "I don't understand how you did that."

"Doesn't matter, let's get paid." Ariana smiles. She submits the 4 jobs.

"And now?" Sheila asks.

"Now someone reviews the work and if they approve it we get paid."

"You get paid. I did nothing."

"You did that one…" Ariana points at the 3rd job.

“Hmm.” Sheila says. Thinking Ariana is way too nice to her.

15 minutes later Ariana shows her the payment summary for $405. "See? And that's just half a day. I think it's fine like this. Let's go do something fun."

Sheila is amazed by how easy Ariana seems to make money for doing very little. "And the salary?"

"Oh right, it'll be deposited in a few days. You want your money now?"

Sheila nods.

"Let's go to the ATM and have a snack. You can treat me…" Ariana giggles.

The women head to the nearby shopping area and Ariana pays Sheila $90.

Sheila feels undeserving but she really needs the money. "What other jobs are available? Different kinds of work that maybe work better for me?"

"Yeah sure, they have all kinds of things. Just search for what you like to do. We'll see about that tomorrow."

Sheila likes to hear that because then she doesn't have to steal Ariana's jobs or compete with her. She grabs Ariana's hand and hand in hand they walk around looking for a place to eat.

5 - Friendship ruined

Sheila tells Dana she sucks at the work but wants to look for a different category that she's better in. She also shows her the $90 she got for practically doing nothing. Dana thinks Ariana is very sweet. But still wants to go ahead with her idea to compete with Ariana.

Over the next few weeks Sheila visits Ariana regularly to talk about work, chit chat about nothing and eventually sets up an account and accepts some jobs she thinks she can do. She tells Ariana that she's going to try something else that's better suited for her skills.

During her visits, Sheila learned that Ariana often sleeps through the morning and sneaks into the girls flat on the regular to look at her. Sometimes she touches Ariana or tickles her. Sheila becomes so infatuated with her intrusive routine that she feels that her day isn't complete if she didn't visit a sleeping Ariana.

Just like today, Sheila is sitting next to Ariana who sleeps on top of the bed today. She's completely naked and Sheila strokes her body ever so gently causing the girl to stir and moan and squirm around. She loves teasing Ariana and enjoys seeing her reaction to her affection for her. She almost got caught the day before when Ariana suddenly seemed to wake up, so today to make her escape more easy she left the front-door slightly ajar. Should she have to run she can just swing the door open and save a second or 2.

Ariana is blissfully enjoying her dream where Kate is stroking her body and lathering soap all over her. She has no idea that the sensation she dreams about is Sheila touching her. Ariana did notice she dreams of a much more sensual Kate recently, but thought nothing of it.

Just as she dreamily moans her slumber is roughly disturbed by the thundering voice of Kate demanding what's going on. Waking up with a shock she sees Kate with a handful of hair attached to sheila who squeals and squirms in Kate's iron grip.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Kate growls. "And why are you touching Ariana?"

She looks at her girlfriend. "Are you part of this?"

Ariana's puzzled look speaks volumes. She has no idea what's going on. "Kate? What are you doing?" Ariana asks. "Why is Sheila here?"

Knowing enough she pulls Sheila along by her hair and throws her on the couch. "I told you before that if you came on to my Ariana I'd have you arrested for sexual assault. So unless you have the perfect justification for touching her just now that's exactly what's going to happen!" Kate yells at sheila.

Sheila says nothing and just looks guilty.

"Ariana, put on a shirt and come here." Kate orders her girlfriend without taking her eyes off Sheila.

Ariana puts on a simple dress that's on the ground and joins Kate.

Kate finally takes her eyes off Sheila and looks Ariana in her eyes and slowly says, "This is one of those times where you have to think really carefully about what you say next. Like your life depends on it." Ariana blinks at her nervously. "Did you know that this slut was here? And did you agree to her touching you?"

Ariana looks at Sheila and back at Kate. "Kate… I, ehh, I don't know. I didn't let her in. I have been sleeping since you left."

"I see." Kate says looking hurt. She raises her phone and dials a number.

"Kate, I'm sorry…" Sheila says.

"Oh shut the fuck up you whore." Kate shouts at her. "I should have known better than to trust you after last time." A voice from Kate’s phone, "Yes, Dana? Kate here. Come get your whore of a girlfriend! … Yes! Right the fuck now, or I’ll call the police instead! … What? I caught her in my flat, touching Ariana in her sleep! Get over here, or I’ll call the cops." Kate yells into the phone and hangs up.

Ariana looks pleading at Kate, "Kate what are you doing? She's our friend."

"Not anymore…" Kate says grimacing.

Ariana looks at Sheila who sits stunned on the couch. Her open door escape route had backfired badly.

Kate also calls the concierge and asks him to urgently come change the door lock on her front door. He'll be up in a few minutes, he promises. A few minutes later the concierge comes out of the elevator carrying his toolkit and knocks on the door that's still open.

"Eh, Ms Birch?" He calls through the open door.

"Yes, in here!” Kate calls him in. “Please change the lock, we caught an intruder." Kate turns back to face Sheila and sees Ariana sitting next to a crying Sheila trying to comfort her.

The concierge walks in and asks what’s going on, and Kate tells her how she found her girlfriend Ariana sleeping, and the slut from the 4th floor feeling her up. That she found the door unlocked, and Ariana none the wiser.

Hearing that, Ariana finally realizes what Sheila did and scoots away from Sheila feeling violated. She looks at Sheila, "How could you!?" And storms into the bedroom feeling dirty and ashamed.

The concierge gets the picture and silently works on the door to replace the lock. When he’s done he hands Kate a set of 5 keys while shaking his head and mumbling that those things shouldn't happen in his building… Apologizing for their troubles.

Kate thanks him for his quick service and asks him to just send the bill for whatever the costs are. He promises he will and leaves.

Dana arrives 10 minutes later and looks very upset. She had to leave her class to rush home, or risk Sheila getting arrested.

“Well?” Dana demands, “Why am I here?”

Kate yells at Dana, “She was at it again!” Motioning at Sheila, “Touching Ariana in her sleep. I caught her! Just deal with her, will you?”

Dana sighs and sits next to Sheila who just looks sullen at the floor. She’s in even bigger trouble now.

“Don’t sit down Dana, get the fuck out of here and never come back!” Kate yells.

“Ok, ok… Geez.” Dana pulls Sheila along and the two step into the elevator.

“I mean it Dana, never show yourselves here again! Don’t talk to us and stay away! Forever!” Not waiting for a reply Kate smacks the door closed and locks it. She then goes looking for Ariana who sits in the closet looking sadly out the open door. "Ariana? Hey, are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine. I just feel stupid. She was my friend. We worked together…" Ariana has a weird blank stare over her when she's deeply disturbed. She never sensed Sheila's ill will. "Kate? Are you sure? Did she really, eh, you know?"

Kate crawls into the closet and tries to sit next to Ariana, not finding a good spot so she sits on Ariana's legs. “She had her hands on you and was masturbating you while you slept sweetie. I'm pretty sure yes."

"I was dreaming of you doing that to me…" Ariana looks ashamed.

"Oh girl, don't feel bad. You did nothing wrong…" Kate soothes her lover. “Right?”

"I had many of such dreams in the past week or so…" Ariana flushes red.

"Oh…" Kate flatly says. Thinking it was an ongoing thing.

"You're very rude when you're angry, you know? I heard you scream…" Ariana softly says.

"That’s because I am angry, sweetie. And I hate it when people abuse us or our trust. Especially when it’s little you…"

Ariana vaguely smiles and whispers she loves Kate and hopes she'll always be there to protect her.

Kate suddenly feels her energy drained. She had been mostly upset and assertive the whole time. But now, she feels completely exhausted, all she wanted was to surprise Ariana and have lunch together and a fun afternoon in the park or something…

6 - Making their escape

"Kate, can we go somewhere? I want to go somewhere nice?"

"Like to the city? Grab a drink, kind of nice?" Kate asks tiredly.

"No like away, away."

"Ehh…" Kate looks puzzled, not sure what Ariana means.

"Can we go to a beach? Forget all this?"

"Ah…" Now she gets it. "Sure babe, I'll look for a nice escape. Leaving tomorrow is good?"

Ariana nods. "Or tonight…"

"Go pack sweetie. 3 days. I'll figure it out." Kate promises.

Ariana crawls out into the bedroom and pulls out their wheeled suitcase.

Kate thinks if she times it right she doesn't even have to take vacation time. She looks for her laptop and searches for a quick midweek deal they can drive to. She soon realizes that it's not the season for beaches right now and looks a bit further.


She finds an evening flight to Merida in Mexico, the site offers a free airport transfer which will take them to a nearby town called Progreso which has a condotel and a white beach right in front of it. That sounds pretty good. Then 2 days later, an early evening flight back and they can be home in time for her to go to work on Thursday. A few clicks later and it's all booked.

While she waits for the emails and tickets to arrive Kate checks on Ariana. Telling her she just needs a bunch of bikinis, a shirt and shorts or skirt. Maybe it all fits in their larger backpack?

"No Kate, we need the computer and things." Ariana says.

Kate nods. "Oh yes. Need any help?"

"No, no, I got it this time." She waves Kate away. "Where are we going?"

"Secret! All I can say now is that there is a beach and it's white."

Ariana looks amused. "I'll see it at the airport, you know."

"We're not flying to our final destination…" Kate teases.

"Ahhaawwww" Ariana whines jokingly. Feeling excitement for the adventure building.

"Hurry now, we have to leave in about 2 hours or we miss our flight."

Ariana lights up, "ohhh? We're not going tomorrow?"

"No babe, you need your escape now, right?"

Ariana giggles.

An hour later they sit in the bus to the airport and head for the international terminal. "Ah? International?" Ariana tries.

Kate simply nods. Entering the main area Kate glances at the flight board and points them to a check-in desk. At the checkin she puts her finger on her lips to the attendant hoping he would get the hint and not spoil the destination. The man thinks she can't speak or something and quietly scans their passports and prints boarding passes. Kate grasps them and Ariana still has no clue where they're going.

At customs the surprise is almost spoiled as the agent asks Ariana for their destination but she won't say it. Kate behind Ariana holds up their boarding passes and puts a finger on her lips again. The man laughs and waves Ariana through as Kate shows them the passes.

"kaahaate tell meee!" Ariana whines. Getting super curious now. Everybody seems to be in on the secret except for her.

Kate tells her to look for their flight number and that distracts her from where they're going enough until she exclaims. "Mexico? Really??" With big eyes she looks at Kate, "Really Mexico?"

"Yes babe. Just like you always wanted."

Ariana nods enthusiastically and speedwalks ahead to the boarding gate to look at the airplane. A stewardess stops her at the entrance of the waiting area and asks for her boarding pass, but she doesn't have one.

"Kate has it." She says and wants to enter the waiting area.

"Miss, you need your boarding pass."

"Ask Kate, she has it!" Ariana tries again.

Kate finally arrives and shows their boarding passes and they're let in.

"Look Kate the plane! It's like a private jet!" Ariana looks out the window at the small plane. Kate just sits down and doesn't care much for the plane, she already saw its a small airplane online.

A man near her says "They're all jets. Because of the type of engine."

Ariana looks at the man like he's disturbing her and walks to Kate, clutching her arm like a scared kid. The man stares at the couple for a few seconds and Kate nods at him with an amused smile. And the man nods back.

Kate leans into Ariana, "So? Where are we going then?"

"It says Mexico Kate." Ariana blurts out.

"Yes, but where in Mexico?" Kate asks.

"Ehh… Merida?"

"That's where the plane is going, yes." Kate smirks.

"But I can't see after."

"So it's still a surprise." Kate smiles amused.

Ariana looks in Maps. "Is it Celestún? Rio Lagartos? Progreso? Sisal? Telchac?" Ariana rattles off a list of coastal towns near Merida.

"One of those, yes." Kate laughs.

"Mmpf" Ariana looks at her phone. Finally a clue, she studies all towns but sees that many of them have a beach. Giving up for now she looks around for a drink. "Kate I'm thirsty," She whispers.

"Get something to drink then, I'll wait here. We're not leaving for another 30 minutes or so." Kate yawns and feels very tired and just wants to sit quietly. She hopes Ariana will be away for a while so she can close her eyes. Nodding off as soon as Ariana walks away. 'She's like a kid in a candy store,' Kate thinks.

Ariana goes exploring hoping to find a bar or a vending machine or something but sees nothing. Walking all the way back to the shopping area outside the boarding area she finds a Burger King and buys a large coke. Greedily sucking at the straw she saunters back to Kate, looking at the people around her and the planes parked outside. Shiny in the night sky and bright lights.

Back at the boarding area Kate has slumped over their suitcase and is sleeping, sitting awkward on the uncomfortable chairs. Ariana pokes at her girlfriend until she wakes and asks if she wants the leftover Coca Cola. Kate sips the drink and looks around, almost time to go and it's just them 2 and the man. 'That's weird,' she thinks.

She whispers to Ariana, "Is the flight still here? On the screen?"

"Yes, why?"

"Look around you, there's nobody here." Kate says suspiciously.

"I'll check," Ariana says. She heads off to find someone to tell her what's what.

The man laughs at the two. "Don't worry miss, almost no-one ever flies at these hours. It's nice and quiet."

Kate smiles at the man, "Where are you headed?" She asks.

"Cancun, I regularly fly this line, much cheaper than a direct flight."

"Oh, right." Kate says.

"She's a lively one huh?" The man nods towards where Ariana disappeared.

"Oh she's lovely. We're going on a little trip to the coast."


Kate nods.

"Friends? Or…"

"Girlfriend," Kate interjects, looking away from the guy. Looking for Ariana.

She sees her girlfriend in the distance talking to a stewardess pointing at the waiting area. The woman says something and gestures for Ariana to calm down and motions her back to the waiting area.

Ariana comes back and says. "I should calm down and just wait for the announcer."

Kate laughs, "But the flight is still coming?"

"I think so."

Kate Mmhm's and closes her eyes again. Minutes later their flight is announced and suddenly there are about 10 more people in line to board. The small plane is not even half full.

Ariana gets more excited by the minute and tries to see out the window but sees nothing but night and some lights from the city.

Arriving at the airport it rains heavily, and to make matters worse, It's a rough landing. Kate hates rough landings as she's scared of how the plane flexes and bends as it bounces on the runway. Ariana doesn't care, she's eager to finally see where they're going. She saw no ocean or beaches when they landed.

Kate wheels their suitcase into the terminal and looks at her phone. "Hah," she exclaims.

"Ariana, there, to the left. Look for the man with our names on a sign." They clear immigration, fill in the little visa form, and Ariana starts looking for their ride.

"Kate, Kate, here!" She calls out. "Hello sir! I'm Ariana and there's Kate." She says to the man. Pointing at the little sign with just her name on it. The man asks for her ID and once confirmed they head to his taxi van and off they go.

"Where are we going?" Ariana asks, but the man doesn't know enough English to answer that question. Fumbling with her phone she translates, "A don de vamos?"

"Nosotras vamos al hotel en progreso mi amor!!" Comes the rattled answer. Ariana nods, not understanding a thing he says.

Kate laughs at Ariana's puzzled look and whispers, "Progreso sweetie. It's a beach town."

7 - Dinner in Mexico

They arrive 45 minutes later at their hotel, a small condotel kind of setup with 6 or so apartments. Much to the girls' relief the check-in people speak some English and they're let into their apartment without trouble. Kate quickly checks over the basic but nice apartment and tries the soft bed.

"What do you think?" She asks Ariana.

"It's cool! But everything looks old." Ariana laughs.

"Right…" Kate thinks the same. Not really like in the pictures. 'Oh well,' she thinks, 'Can't always sleep in a luxury resort.' In her mind a condo is a luxury apartment though.

Ariana closes the door and explores the apartment, checks the shower, the fridge, which is full of beer. And then the balcony, which is flooded from the rain. Checking with the front desk they promise the water will drain as soon as the rain stops. By the morning it'll be nice and blue skies.

"We'll see, thanks." Kate says. Back in the room, she reports that the balcony should be fine soon. And then, "Come, let's shower and sleep, I'm so fucking tired."

Ariana had tried the shower already, it's nice and warm. The women get undressed and rummage through the suitcase looking for their shampoo. "Go get wet." Ariana motions for Kate to let her find the shampoo.

Kate enters the shower and turns on the water, a burst of hot water comes out before it mixes and turns into a nice lukewarm stream. Kate yelps in surprise and hears Ariana laugh from the other room.

Ariana joins Kate and they shower for half an hour soaping each other up and just standing around leaning on each other. Kate does most of the leaning, she's mentally exhausted from today's craziness, from her work, and just everything.

Ariana decides to put Kate to bed and turns off the shower. Drying off her girlfriend and herself. Toweling their hair mostly dry and both slip into bed at around midnight. Kate almost immediately falls asleep in the soft bed and Ariana fidgets around a bit making herself comfortable against Kate's body.

The room is very warm, Merida is very warm, Ariana thinks. Humid too.

They wake up the next morning around 9AM all sweaty and sticky. Ariana kicks off the blankets and thinks they don't need them. Kate feels sticky and looks out over their balcony to a bright blue sky.

"Look babe, the ocean." She mumbles sleepily.

"It's not the ocean." Ariana says, "It's the Gulf of Mexico."

"Same thing." Kate shrugs. "Let's go swim, I feel dirty."

They get out of bed leaving a damp sweaty spot in the bed. 'Yuk,' Kate thinks.

They put on their swimsuits and grab big towels and head downstairs and run straight out the door onto the beach. It's already bright and hot out, which Ariana likes. Kate is a bit more cautious and soon goes back inside to get suncream. Ariana splashes around in the excellent blue water and enjoys herself. Forgetting what little she experienced from yesterday's ordeal.

Kate motions her out of the water and rubs her dry. "Come sweetie, use suncream, or you'll burn up." She applies the lotion to Ariana and herself and they sit down on their towels. "How's that for a getaway." Kate asks.

"It's really nice. I could live like this."

Kate nods. Yes, that would be neat. Living on the beach.

That afternoon the women explore the town and walk along the beach and visit the small town center. Near a large pier is a restaurant where they have lunch. Ariana wants to try enchiladas, which are soaked in a green sauce. Ariana likes it a lot, Kate a bit less so. The girls share some of the 'fancy' wine on the menu but Kate pulls a face at the supermarket quality they get.

"This wine sucks," Kate smirks.

"I think it's fine. It's sweet." Ariana says, not caring at all. She doesn't know one wine from another anyway.

Kate laughs and they order another glass, and with the right expectation it's not too bad.

The town is a relaxed setting full of touristy shops and seemingly modern Mexico mixed with some older tradition. Kate and Ariana enjoy looking at the colorful shops filled with souvenirs and knickknacks.

Heading back to their condo they sit on the balcony, Ariana keeps talking about how she could live in a place like this.

Kate jokes, "See how you like it if you have to change the bedsheets every day."

"I don't mind if I can swim in that every day…" Ariana assures her, pointing at the beautiful azure water.

They laugh at the idea.

That evening Kate is enjoying the setting sun while Ariana sneaks out and heads into town, she wants to surprise Kate with dinner. She is directed to a supermarket called ‘Super Aki’ by the receptionist. Inside the large store she has trouble finding what she needs. The supermarket is very familiar but completely alien at the same time.

After having explored all aisles she finds pasta, tomato sauce and tomatoes along with some vegetables and minced meat and a bottle of wine she thinks looks familiar and Kate will like. And heads home. 'Home'. She thinks. ‘It's not my home… Yet?’

Coming back she sees Kate has fallen asleep and quietly goes to work in the kitchen. She cooks a feast of penne with arrabbiata sauce spruced up with the minced meat, mushrooms and eggplant. One of their favorite dishes to eat.

Kate wakes up and smells the food and follows her nose to the kitchen, "Gotcha!" She grabs Ariana from behind as she's busying herself with the sauce. Ariana squeals in surprise.

Kate laughs, "whatcha doin'?"

"I'm making dinner. Our favorite pasta." Ariana says with a big grin.

"I thought Lasagna was our favorite." Kate inquires.

"Weeeell, 2nd favorite then."

"Smells good babe. Shall we eat outside?"

Ariana nods cheerfully.

Kate wipes the table on the balcony clean and sets it for 2.

"I got wine too!" She hears from inside.

Kate smiles at her thoughtful super girl and adds wine glasses.

"And can you cut the bread?" Ariana asks.

Kate goes to look at what Ariana is doing and finds her with a big pan of sauce plating up.

"That much food and bread too?"

"Yea just a few pieces, look." She nods at a bag of bread rolls. "Bread is so cheap here and it's fresh from the bakery."

Kate nods. She loves dipping fresh bread in the leftover sauce. She rips the bread into pieces and puts it outside along with the bottle of wine, working out the cork.

Ariana joins Kate outside with their plates. "Tadah!" She laughs. "International dinner for 2."

The two eat the pasta in the amazingly orange sunset and finish the sauce with bread and wine. They make love on the balcony, trying to stay quiet so as to not attract attention from nosy neighbors and head inside messing up the bed while sexing each other up more. Ariana feels happy and content with Kate giving her so much attention. Kate feels she needs to do so, so that Ariana forgets her stressful experiences from recent days.

8 - Time to go home

They spend the next day in and around the apartment, mostly on the beach in front of it. Kate gets a sunburn anyway and Ariana almost steps in a sea urchin. She swam out really far to see if Kate is right in saying that if the water gets darker that’s where it gets deep. Testing how deep it is every few meters. Turns out it's pretty deep above the white sand too.

That evening they already have to head home and Ariana really doesn't want to go. She's very much in vacation mode and thinks 2 days is too short. Kate agrees, but for now they have to get home. Kate has to go to work tomorrow.

The taxi van picks them up at around 6PM and they race to the Merida Airport.

They arrive just in time and fly home in another mostly empty airplane. The pilot decides to upgrade everyone to first class. Something about balancing the plane. But Kate suspects it's more so that the stewardesses have an easier job.

Ariana enjoys the nicer chair a lot and thinks they should travel like that more often.

Kate tells her it's too expensive to fly business class every time.

Back home Kate tries to get back to a mindset where she has to work the next day but keeps thinking about their time in Progresso. Ariana thinks they should move to a place like that and even thinks Kate can just work in a hotel there if she wants. Or, become an accountant again.

Late that night Kate lies awake thinking about what Ariana said about moving to some tropical beach place. She rests her head on Ariana's shoulder as she so often does and plays with her girlfriend's hair and traces a finger along curves and features of Ariana's body.

Ariana in her sleep turns to Kate and wraps her arm around Kate's torso mumbling something unintelligible. Kate hugs her tightly and feels Ariana snug against her. She'll talk to her soon about where she wants to go IF it were to happen.

Kate heads to work the next morning, feeling fairly relaxed and ready for action. Ariana sleeps for a while longer before lining up a few jobs for herself. She starts the laundry and starts her work once the chores are set in motion. Boring translation jobs, but these pay alright. That's her motivation for today, to earn money so they can move to some tropical place.

A knock at the door disturbs Ariana. She peeps out the door with the chain on it and sees Dana and Sheila. "Yes?"

Dana motions for Ariana to open the door so they can talk. But she's under strict orders from Kate to not even talk to the downstairs couple.

"What do you want?" Ariana cautiously asks.

"We need to talk and Sheila has something to say. Don't you Sheila?" Sheila nods, looking desperate.

"Kate is not here… I don…"

Dana interrupts her, "what sheila has to say is not for Kate. Let us in."

"I'm not allowed to talk to you." Ariana says. "Let's wait for Kate tonight."

Dana sighs. "Fine, tell Kate Sheila wants to apologize." and to Sheila, "Come dumbass, back downstairs."

Sheila looks at Ariana looking scared or desperate, like she needs to be rescued. Ariana looks back, not really sure what sheila tries to convey and closes the door. She wonders what’s up with Sheila for a moment, but soon forgets they even talked and focuses on her work. She's so motivated today, she finishes 2 long texts before lunch and decides to accept a few more. Finding 2 suitable jobs.

All together she earns a nice amount.

That afternoon Kate comes home and they sit chit chatting in the living room. Ariana is fantasizing again about moving to a beach town and tells Kate she started saving money today by doing extra work. Kate laughs at her dedication for a cause that does not yet exist. But she also understands that Ariana has a real wish to perhaps move.

Another knock on the door and Ariana rushes to the door. It's Dana and Sheila again.

"Yes?" Ariana opens the door.

"I saw Kate come home a while ago. Can we talk now?"

"Ehh… Kate? Dana wants to talk." Ariana calls out.

"Tell them to fuck off." Kate yells back.

"Kate is not available," Ariana apologizes. "She's still very upset." She whispers at Dana.

Kate also comes to the door and sneers at the couple to leave them alone and starts shutting the door.

Ariana stops her. "Kate, they just want to talk. Why can't we?" She pulls the door open again, "What do you have to say?"

Dana prods Sheila, "Tell them dummy."

Sheila looks at Ariana and apologizes for what she did. It was out of line and it is unacceptable.

"Damn straight you were out of line!" Kate scoffs. "That's it?"

Sheila looks desperate and mouths 'help me please' hoping Dana doesn't see it.

Ariana feels something is wrong but Kate looks disinterested at the couple. Clearly not wanting to hear what they have to say. Ariana doesn't know what to do, so says nothing for now.

Dana pokes Sheila, who winces with a pained look. "Tell them…"

"I'll never do it again, really I'm sorry. And maybe one day you can forgive your slutty neighbor whore." Her face is red with embarrassment.

"Well isn't that sweet?" Dana sneers. "The slut is sorry…"

Sheila wishes she could jump off the balcony and fly away, never to return. Dana has never embarrassed her so much before and she hates it.

Kate looks at them weirdly. Puzzled at what the two are trying to achieve. She puts her hand on Ariana's shoulder and softly squeezes as she usually does to warn Ariana.

"Sounds like you two have some shit to work out." Kate says. "Don't come back, good day." And she closes the door.

Sheila looks sad, didn't they get her hint? Her plea for help?

Dana angrily pulls Sheila to the elevator and they head back to their floor. Back inside Dana forces sheila to strip, revealing many angry welts and marks from the beating she gave sheila for the last 2 days. Her butt and back are covered with red lines.

Dana is very very upset with Sheila, but she’ll pay for her indiscretions. Clearly her previous punishment wasn't enough to get the woman on track. She'll beat it into her this time.

Sheila accepts her punishment mostly in silence. Only wincing in pain when Dana hits the same spot a few times. On one hand she is thankful for not being arrested, on the other hand she hates Dana for being so rough and wishes she would be safely in a prison cell. She tried to explain it was just some silly tomfoolery and that it meant nothing.

Hearing that, Dana had scolded her for her stupidity to get caught. She didn't even seem that upset with Sheila touching Ariana. And that was weird, she thought.

That evening Dana is looking for her belt and gets ready for Sheila's next beating. Sheila figures it out. Or so she thinks. "Dana, why aren't you upset I touched someone, you seem more upset that I got caught?"

Dana is caught off-guard and sits thinking for a few moments. "Because it's naughty and can be fun. Until you get caught."

"So let's not get caught then." Sheila says.

"But you DID get caught."

"And so what? Kate could have called the cops, but she didn’t"

Dana thinks about that. "What are you trying to say?"

"Let's find a girl that likes to be fondled in her sleep or something." Sheila suggests.

"Ehh…" Dana says not sure where this is headed.

Sheila feels she's got the upper hand and might be able to avoid her punishment. "Yes. Just get some dumbo in here for a sleepover and we'll feel her up if you like."

"Someone like Tess you mean?"

"Yea, Tess! She's cute right?" Sheila jumps at the suggestion.

Hmmm, Dana mumbles. Picturing Tess under her spell. Then a pang of anger hits Dana. "We're fucking broke, and you risk everything like this? What if she had you arrested?"

Sheila shrugs, "We were broke before, too. And she didn't…"

Dana puts the belt down. She caresses Sheila, "You're a devious little slut you know that?" She whispers at her.

Sheila smiles carefully. "You're way too cruel and quick to hit me…" She says.

"Don't push it now…" Dana threatens. "Why did you do it anyway?"

"She's so cute when she sleeps, I couldn't help myself the first time. And it's addictive."

"You do it to me too?” Dana frowns, “Or just to her?"

"With you too, but that's different because we're supposed to touch each other. Other people are the forbidden fruit." Sheila feels stupid for admitting that out loud.

Dana nods, she gets that. And thinks it's actually pretty hot to go around touching women without them knowing. The ultimate dirty secret. She caresses Sheila’s behind. "Wait here…" Dana rushes to the bathroom and comes back with a soothing lotion for burns and sores. She tenderly rubs lotion all over Sheila's back and butt, fixing her up with all the love she has. "I'll forgive you this time. But don't go fucking around behind my back again!"

Sheila nods relieved.

Dana continues, "I'll try to get Tess or someone in here so we can try our game on her."

Kate and Ariana meanwhile are a bit confused by the display of apologies, and feel uncomfortable with it.

"Sheila wasn't sorry." Ariana thinks out loud.

"Neither was Dana. She's just upset that Sheila got caught." Kate replies.

"But Sheila did want to escape from Dana."

"Dana probably beat her up too harshly…" Kate thinks. She can be pretty mean.

Ariana thinks about that. "Would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Beat me? If it's for your fun or to punish me?"

Kate caresses Ariana's cheek. "No babe, I'm not cruel like that. I could never hit you for pleasure or to make a point."

"But you did hit me before." Ariana remembers Kate slapping her in anger once or twice.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry I did." Kate assures her. "Sometimes I'm just too jealous… And I'm really sorry for hurting you."

Ariana leans her head against Kate. "We're much cooler than them huh?"

"We're different for sure." Kate sighs.

Ariana and Kate sit in their work room. She finishes up some work while Kate does their accounts and goes over their finances. "If we sell this place we can buy a house for about $500-700 thousand" Kate reasons.

"Really? That's very expensive, right?" Ariana has no idea about house prices really.

"It's the price for a beach bungalow in some countries…" Kate says.

Hmm, Ariana thinks. "And with my money?"

"We'll need your money for furniture and stuff."

"Oh. Where are we going?" Ariana asks, immediately excited.

"I don't know. What do you like? Japan?"

"Japan is not tropical…" Ariana says. "How about in the Caribbean? One of those islands?"

"Then for that money we can buy a nice garden shed…" Kate laughs.

They don't know…

9 - Slumber party

Dana thinks Sheila is a stupid idiot for getting caught. But she also loves her blind and thinks her forbidden fruit analogy is hot and exciting. It's the ultimate trick… Knowing you saw someone naked and played with their body but the person themselves doesn't know. Dana loves a good mindfuck.

She calls her friend Tess to see how she's doing and if she's up for a sort of slumber party. Watch movies all night. Tess is up for that. Having broken up with her boyfriend recently she can use some company. They pin a date and Dana feels optimistic about her plan.

Sheila suggests they should knock Tess out with sleeping pills or something. There is no way anyone will find out then. Dana thinks about that and thinks that might be smart. It'll give them more time and wiggle room for sure. She tells Sheila to bring something home from the pharmacy to sedate people.

That night Sheila comes home with a liquid melatonin which she claims helps people fall asleep in about 20 minutes with only a few drops. Dana feels nervous and a bit scared about what they're planning and wonders if a psychopath would have these emotions as well? Her textbook says no. Something about lacking empathy or emotion… But she doubts her book. She's having all kinds of nervous emotions right now and feels like a psycho.

The next day a happy Tess arrives with a 6 pack of beer and is received with a cheer from Dana. Sheila has lined up a movie marathon full of marvel films. Dana is all over Tess trying to figure out if she's into girls and if Dana should hook her up with someone. She also asks if she's fine sleeping on a couch, or with them in bed.

Tess says she's not a lesbian and has no interest in girls. She'll sleep on the couch.

Dana winks at Sheila. Who smiles cautiously, she doesn’t like Dana’s enthusiasm.

They make jokes throughout the movies and chat about Tess' breakup and assure her she'll find a nice guy soon. Tess asks about the couple and how they're doing. If they like living together and things like that. Sheila offers Tess another drink and Sheila adds the recommended 4 drops of Melatonin. Thinking she wants her completely knocked out, adds 2 more for good measure.

Tess sips her cola and about 15 minutes later looks around drowsy and confused at why she can't seem to sit straight. Dana pushes her and Tess limply falls over on the couch unable to catch herself. Dana and Sheila look fascinated at Tess as she falls asleep in front of them.

"Whoa, that's trippy." Dana whispers. "Now what?"

Sheila shrugs. "Are we sure we're doing this?" She sounds doubtful.

Dana strokes the girl's face. Looking at her hungrily. "How long will she be out?" She asks, ignoring Sheila's doubt.

"Couple of hours at least? It’s like a deep sleep." Sheila thinks. "I'll go pee, be right back." She feels more and more conflicted seeing Dana's eagerness to abuse their friend.

Dana doesn't care anymore. She got over her doubts and her curious wants are taking over. She's horny at the thought of having a limp body to play with and struggles with Tess her clothes as she works her pants down, stripping her naked. She admires the smooth and completely shaven body. Not a hair in sight anywhere below her ears.

Dana carefully strokes the girl's tiny vagina lips. Feeling they're slick. Tess moans in her slumber but doesn't move or wake up. Groping the girls breasts she wishes she could fuck the hottie, forgetting about her strap-on harness.

Sheila meanwhile feels bad for Tess. Fooling around with a sleeping woman is one thing, but knocking someone out rendering her completely helpless is not the same to her. She's going to stop Dana and call off the rape plan. Returning to the couch she sees Dana has stripped the woman naked and is fondling her body with lust in her eyes.

"Dana!" Sheila whispers. "Hey! Can we talk for a sec?"

Dana looks up, "What?" She looks like she's being caught stealing something.

"This isn't right. We shouldn't do it."

Dana looks at her bewildered. "This was your idea, remember? Your fantasy…"

"Yes but, rape? Touching someone in her sleep is just a dumb game. But knocking someone out… That's like rape or kidnap, right?"

"Oh don't be stupid." Dana says. Dismissing the severity of what she's doing. She comes on to Sheila, pushes her backwards onto a chair. "Just sit here then." And she heads into the bedroom. When she comes out she surprises Sheila from behind, clicking a pair of handcuffs shut around Sheila's wrists looped through the chairs back.

Sheila looks at her startled. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure you're a part of this so you don't rat me out." Dana coldly says.

Dana returns to Tess and sucks on her nipple. Sheila looks on helplessly for the next hour as Dana fingers Tess. Tries to probe her anus. Lightly slaps her ass and breasts. Chokes the girl until she breathes raggedly.

So fascinating. Dana thinks. She can do whatever she wants to her and all she gets back is weak moans and mumbling.

Sheila protests Dana's advances on Tess and tells her to stop. When Dana keeps ignoring her, Sheila just watches on, feeling guilty for what she started. Dana comes out of the kitchen with 2 drinks and helps Sheila drink hers. She then gulps down her own drink and continues her exploration of Tess' cute body.

10 minutes later Sheila feels drowsy and slumps in her chair.

10 - Mindfuck

Tess wakes up the next morning curled up on the couch, covered with a blanket. She doesn't remember going to sleep, or getting naked, but sees her clothes neatly folded next to her. Sitting upright shyly she reaches for her underwear and shirt and looks around before putting on her clothes.

"Morning," Dana chimes at her.

"Oh, hi Dana. Good morning."

"Did you sleep ok?" Dana asks.

"Yea I guess. What happened? I don't remember anything…"

"You were pretty tired after the 2nd film," Dana laughs with a naughty spark in her eyes. "Want some breakfast?"

"Oh, ehh, no. I better go. Thanks for having me." Tess says meekly feeling something was weird about Dana. She hurries getting dressed wondering why she would be naked and says her goodbye and leaves.

Tess feels like something happened to her and she doesn't know or understand what. So weird, she thinks.

Dana watches her leave with a smile. Now to tend to Sheila. Fuck with her mind, she thinks.

Sheila lays on the floor of their bedroom with her hands and feet tied and a big gag in her mouth. She hates ball gags, especially for the cramp and pain they cause in her jaw. She's really not good at wearing those things.

Dana doesn't care for Sheila's discomfort today. She already gave her a whipping with her leather belt while she was passed out and Sheila's stomach and breasts are now also marked with red stripes.

"Thought you could get off that easily by distracting me with Tess huh? Trying to back out?" Dana sneers at her.

Sheila moans pathetically. She feels stupid for listening to Dana and giving her the sleep drops. Once again she wishes she was someplace else.

"As hot as last night's events were, you still need to atone for your misdeeds." Dana yells at her. "Kate won't talk to me, Ariana ignores me. The concierge looks at me like I'm a burglar. It's all your fault."

"Pwees Hana, lweth mi goh. Aym sohwy." Sheila moans crying. But Dana ignores her and goes to clean up the living room from last night.

Sheila struggles with her cuffs feeling them slip loose. Pulling her wrists free she unclips her ankles and rushes for a water bottle on the nightstand. She's parched. Drinking the whole thing while she contemplates what to do. Overpower Dana? Escape? Beat her up? Getting scolded or slapped for whatever she does wrong is one thing, even her punishment from several months ago was mild compared to what Dana does to her now. The whippings Dana gives her now are too much. She's had enough of Dana's abuse and rather goes back to her old house and be poor forever than spend another night with her. Thinking about what to do she feels drowsy again and falls over onto the bed before sliding onto the floor.

'Fuck!' Is her last thought before she passes out.

She wakes up hours later lying on the bed, unbound.

Dana is leaning on her elbow next to her. "Hey sleepyhead." Dana whispers at her with a cute voice.

Sheila looks around bewildered. "What?" Her body feels numb.

"What did you do to me?" She mutters.

"Nothing you didn't deserve." Dana smiles at her sweetly.

Sheila looks under the sheets and sees the red whip marks on her tits. "Dana… What the fuck. It's ove…" Sheila starts.

Dana interrupts her. "Shhh, pet. Whatever you feel now and whatever you think of me… Consider that everything you got is your own fault."

Sheila looks at her puzzled. "But… I… Eh, I want… Let me go! Please!"

"Listen," Dana says. She holds up her phone and plays a recording of Sheila moaning and begging for more. As the snapping sound of a whip sounds repeatedly.

"That's not real." Sheila immediately says. Sheila hates being whipped and she can't imagine she wants more of Dana's beatings and abuse.

"Phone says it's real." Dana assures her. Hoping Sheila would believe her trick. She had spent an hour finding the sound clip of a woman who sounds similar to Sheila on the internet.

Sheila looks confused. Not sure what to believe. How can she beg for more if she was passed out?

"I hate you! I really fucking hate you!" She whispers sincerely to Dana.

Dana smiles, thinking she’s just playing the upset victim. "So you'll stay then?"

Sheila nods her head weakly. Unsure of her feelings or what's real. Promising herself she’ll get away from Dana as soon as she can.

11 - Wish for adventure

Kate has found something interesting. If they become residents of Mexico, which is different from becoming Mexican for some reason, they can stay in the country indefinitely but also buy land and a house and actually own property.

Ariana thinks that's really cool and wants to start packing her things.

Kate laughs and tells her to sit down. "Not so fast missy… We don't really know anything about Mexico really."

"So let's go there and find out…" Ariana exclaims. "Come on Kate, we have enough money for a long vacation right? We'll discover if we like it. Can we? Please?"

"Ariana please, calm down. Why the sudden urge to move to Mexico?"

"I don't know, It just feels right…" Ariana hesitates.

"Ok, but what about another place. Like Asia or Thailand or something. That's hot and tropical."

"Ehh…" Ariana never thought of moving to Asia other than maybe Japan. "We don't know those places…" She finally says, "We've been to Mexico."

"Only for 2 days. That doesn't really count." Kate laughs. "What's wrong with living here anyway?"

Ariana hmms and thinks Kate is just being indecisive. "Nothing is wrong here. But it's exciting to live abroad…" She pouts.

"If you save up some more money over the next few months we can prepare and make a big trip around the area there in Mexico and explore several places and maybe decide then which one we like the most."

"Ahhhh" Ariana exclaims. "I see now." But all she hears is that Kate wants Mexico, but maybe not Progresso. She likes Progresso though.

"Or…" Kate continues. "We can buy camping gear and travel all over many countries."

"Ohhhh" Ariana exclaims again. Squirming on her chair with excitement. "An actual adventure life?"

Kate nods.

"But your work?" Ariana asks.

"I'll find other work. Or we do your contract stuff together."

Mmhm, Ariana sounds. "That'll work."

"Do you think you can live in a tent?"

"With you? Anything for you Kate." Ariana whispers with glistening eyes.

"Yes, but do you like it? Can you do it?"

"I don't know." Ariana admits.

Kate thinks it'll be fun to move around where-ever they want and camp out in nature parks and such.

12 - Dana the abuser

Kate and Ariana search for a while more trying to figure out what they want. Ariana is so focused on a beach house she forgets all the woes and difficulties such a move will bring as well. As such her ideas are wholly unrealistic. Kate isn't so sure about what she wants but has a growing need for a big adventure, or something exciting and talks to Lisa about it. Lisa likes the idea but has no good advice.

Ariana has mixed feelings about the whole abuse and trespassing situation. She didn't realize what was going on until Kate caught Sheila, so her negative experience is very minimal. As a result she mostly agrees with Kate's position on it. She thinks Sheila is something of a rapist, but at the same time has no such emotional experience and wants to think she's a friend. And she finds that very confusing.

To solve that issue she simply follows Kate's orders to not talk to the women. Looking away from them when they end up in the elevator or lobby together. Stupid, but simple.

Dana and Sheila give up trying to connect after a while.

Sheila has mixed feelings about ever telling Dana about her 'touching-up-girls' fantasy. Dana wants to do it again and actively seeks out young women to bring home.

A few weeks later Dana overhears a backpacker talking on the phone who is looking for a place to stay for a night as her flight got delayed or something. Dana somehow talks the 19 years old backpacker girl into coming with her. Inviting her into their flat for dinner and a movie. The girl, not wanting to spend much money, is happy to find a place to crash. Sheila makes dinner and the three of them, and they watch a movie together. The young woman even offers to pay for the night, which Sheila refuses.

When she sees the fading red bruises and marks on Sheila's hip and lower back, the woman feels an urgent need to leave. Dana simply offers her a drink and explains Sheila had an accident. Before she can finish with her lies, the woman is unconscious on the couch. Leaving the next morning with an uncertain feeling of what happened the night before.

Sheila is a bit more willing this time and they play with the girl's body together. But when Dana notices Sheila's conscience starts to get in the way and starts to object to their actions she knocks Sheila out too.

When Sheila wakes up she's locked in her chastity belt and is suspicious of what Dana did to her this time.

Dana insists she didn't do anything other than locking on the belt. She does however turn into a mean mistress and refuses to release Sheila from her chastity belt. Even going so far as to hide the keys outside of their flat. Sheila suspects they're in Dana's university locker but Dana won't say.

Feeling deeply unhappy and frustrated Sheila turns into herself and tries to ignore Dana as much as she can until she finds a way out from her abusive lover.

Almost 3 months later she finally gets her way out. She has secretly saved some money, a tiny amount from her pharmacy job and, more notable, she finally strikes it rich on a freelance job. She found a job that pays several thousand dollars. Having worked on it all week she eagerly awaits her payment. When her salary arrives, all Sheila has to do is wait for Dana to be in class and leave. Sheila packs her bag and simply leaves, throwing the keys into the hallway on her way out. She brings only her laptop and some of her clothes. On the kitchen counter she leaves a note for Dana telling her she needs some time on her own and for Dana to leave her alone. No goodbye or kiss. Just 3 lines of cold text.

The wording is ambiguous on the status of their relationship. But Sheila already knows she will never return.

Dana of-course does nothing else but to try and reach Sheila but soon finds Sheila won’t reply. Sheila has blocked her and blissfully ignores her ex-girlfriend. Feeling free and full of energy at finally taking back her life. Feeling she threw away 8 years for Dana.

Sheila had caught Dana’s eye in highschool and they had stuck together ever since. Now at 25 years old Sheila never had a serious boyfriend before, she had given up her studies to follow Dana to Toronto as she went to college and university to become a psychologist. Dana had always promised Sheila a nice life if she could achieve her dream. Sheila had believed it and had never picked up her education after dropping out of college. Eventually she would end up in the pharmacy where she still works to this day.

Unsure where to go she wanders her old neighborhood and sees that her old house is vacant. Sheila talks to her previous landlord who lives a few doors down the street and is informed her old house is indeed empty. After some talking and negotiating she strikes a deal to get her old house back, she can even move in the same day if she cleans the place herself and lets in a few workmen over the next few days to fix a door and some electrical things. Sheila gladly accepts.

It had been rented out for a few months to a family, but it had been empty for some time, the owner hadn't cleaned or prepared the place for the next occupant yet.

Sheila always had really liked her house with the little grassy garden. It's close to her work, not too far from some shops and it’s located in a quiet neighborhood. Just perfect for her simple needs. With her saved money she can afford the deposit, signing an indefinite lease, just like she had before.

Her next order of business is to get rid of the chastity belt and buy a vibrator. Chastity belt first, she thinks. She has been locked in the thing for over 3 months and desperately needs her release, in more than a few ways. Not caring for her modesty she simply heads to the nearest workshop with large cutting tools she can find and begs the people that work there to cut it off of her.

On her 4th stop she finds someone with large bolt cutters who cares enough to stick his tools down her pants and cut the waist strap. A few minutes of fidgeting and close up grunting later the rough cutting tool snaps through the waist belt on the left side. And a minute of fidgeting it cuts the belt on the right side.

Sheila borrows the shop's office for a few minutes where she steps out of her pants and throws the ruined belt aside. Pulling up a pair of panties for the first time in months. It feels so good. She resists the urge to finish herself off there and then. The man is curious what will happen next and is rewarded with a hug and a kiss and $100 bucks for his troubles.

The man is left wondering what kind of dickhead moron would lock such a happy and generous woman in such a thing in the first place.

Sheila has a mattress express delivered along with a set of bedding. She plunders the local Walmart for some kitchen implements, food supplies and buys a dildo from a sex shop on her way home and starts her new life without Dana.

Better to be poor, alone and without furniture than to live without happiness, she reminds herself.

After a week of unfruitful attempts to reach her lover, Dana decides to give Sheila some time and await her return. She still has the key to her chastity after all. She'll be back.


Continues in

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