
by Adegans

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© Copyright 2024 - Adegans - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; outdoors; strip; tease; denial; strapon; sex; anal; bond; cuffs; chastity; toys; collar; cons; X

This is part of my Ariana series and a continuation of previous events. Taking place a few months after . Almost every story in this series should (mostly) work on its own but if you want context and some references/characters to make more sense it's better to read them in order.

Naked in the Forest


Ariana Inoue is a 25 year old Japanese woman. She has long black hair, usually done up in a braid or ponytail. She rarely puts on makeup but is fond of some eyeliner. Her slender body and cute face are the envy of many men and women. A small B-cup adorns her chest and she stands about 140cm tall with a cute butt.

Kate is a little older at 27 and is quite happy with her looks. She's more than a head taller than Ariana, being 175cm tall. Her long blonde hair suits her very well. Like Ariana, she has a slender body, but unlike her lover she works out in the gym to stay in shape. Secretly she's happy that her body is more toned than Ariana's, just so she knows her working out pays off.

Kate works at a large hotel as a floor manager, dealing with guest requests, coordinating housekeeping, maintenance and things like that. She has been in this kind of work for almost a year and has gotten quite good at it. She kind of likes her work, but also thinks it's tiring and intense.

The 2 women are living together and have been in an intense relationship for about a year now. Ariana had moved in with Kate in her flat on the 12th floor of a 20 floor residential tower.

Ariana has developed into a stay-at-home partner as she's often frustrated with the world around her. Stupid people, stupid systems. Nothing works the way she thinks it should, it’s exhausting. As a result she only leaves her home to get groceries or when she and Kate go out for dinner or do some shopping. She rarely ventures out alone.

A side-effect of this is that Ariana has few friends that she knows in real life.

Kate on the other hand is a little more outgoing. She often teams up with some co-workers for lunch, sometimes dinner or a movie. But much less so since she met Ariana as the two are generally inseparable.

1 - Following Kate

Kate feels like controlling her girlfriend. Even if it's just for the day. She has always assumed the role of decision maker and Ariana obliges happily most of the time but now she feels it’s time to exert some of her authority and push Ariana a little out of her comfort zone.

An experiment, Kate decides. If Ariana doesn't like it she'll stop.

That evening she semi-orders Ariana to go make dinner instead of just expecting Ariana to do so. Ariana knows her duties and doesn't have to be told. But if Kate is to assert her dominance she should be told, Kate quietly reasons with herself.

Ariana goes into the kitchen to cook dinner and makes her favorite soup. Tomato cream with toasted french bread on the side.

The next morning they get ready for the day and as Kate thinks about what she'll wear today she sees Ariana wiggle into her panties.

"No underwear today babe. Just wear your skirt and a top." She says.

Ariana looks at her weird, but says nothing. Sliding her underwear back down. "A skirt? Which one?" She asks after staring into the closet for a few moments.

"Ehh, the black one?" Kate suggests, pointing at a knee length skirt.

"Ok boss" Ariana grabs the skirt and continues getting dressed. She slips a stretchy gray top over her head and shows herself off to Kate, "What do you think?"

"That is beautiful, sweetie." Kate compliments her, admiring her lover's slender figure and brown skin.

Ariana smiles and caresses Kate's neck, standing to her tiptoes and kisses her girlfriend before heading to the kitchen.

"We'll have some toast, Ariana." Kate calls after her.

Ariana thinks Kate is in a bossy mood lately but obeys without question and digs out the toaster.

Kate meanwhile revels in how easy she can get Ariana to obey her simple wishes, and spends a few minutes getting dressed and doing her hair up in a ponytail. When done she heads to the kitchen where Ariana is buttering toast and pouring juice. Kate sits down at the table looking at her girl who has a focused look on her cute face trying to even up both glasses.

"Kate, set the table please, the toast is ready." Noticing her girlfriend is doing nothing.

"You can set the table yourself," Kate says absentminded while poking at her phone, she’s looking at Maps to find out how to get to a nearby forested area.

Ariana frowns but puts 2 plates and cutlery down. "Strawberry jam on your toast?" She asks.

"Yes, please." Kate confirms.

They sit down eating, Kate smiles at Ariana feeling lucky to have her.

"What are we doing today?" Ariana asks with a grin back.

"Ehh, I was thinking we should go for a ride and take a walk in the forest…" Kate suggests.

Ariana says nothing and continues eating her toast in silence.

"So? What do you think?" Kate asks after a few moments.

Ariana says she'd rather go to the city center and try a new restaurant she saw an ad for.

Kate considers that, "No, we'll go to the forest. Less people there." She decides. "Go get your shoes."

Ariana nods, wondering what's up with Kate today. While Ariana finds her shoes, Kate grabs her backpack and stuffs an extra shirt and some drinks in the bag.

15 minutes later they sit in the car. Ariana is looking idly out of the side window, shifting on her seat. Her thin shirt shows her nipples and she feels conscious about it. She pulls her legs up and wraps her arms around her knees to cover herself up.

Kate is focused on driving, wondering if she dares to pull off her idea.

When they arrive at the parking area of the woodland there are no other cars in the area. ‘Perfect,’ Kate thinks. She loves walking in a quiet forest, especially today. She grabs her bag from the backseat.

Ariana gets out of the car and looks around, it's been years since she has been here. The last time was for a fake photoshoot in the middle of winter when she was still in college. Or, she thinks it was this place. She isn’t entirely sure. ‘Whatever!’ Ariana thinks as she pushes the memory from her mind.

The forest is really pretty looking and she takes a deep breath, smelling the leaves and earth. There are lots of birds singing their songs around them and the sun is out, making all kinds of nice lighting effects and shadows.

"Ariana look!" she hears Kate call out. "Let's go that way and see where we'll end up."

Keenly aware that her nipples are showing Ariana wishes she could change shirts. "No people right?" She wants to know.

"I don't see any cars. It'll be just us I'm sure." Kate assures her.

Ariana nods and Kate wraps her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders and they walk into the forest.

"This is nice isn't it?" Kate asks.

"Sure," Ariana says with a flat voice.

"Maybe we'll see a deer," Kate whispers.

Ariana looks around but sees none. They walk for a few minutes and Kate finds a bench and sits down on it. Ariana wants to sit next to her but Kate invites her to sit sideways on her lap, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Are you ok?" She asks Ariana. "You're very quiet."

"Yea… I'm fine." Ariana replies sounding absentminded.

Kate asks, "But…?"

"Oh, nothing. Just not really enjoying myself as I should." Ariana admits.

"How come?" Kate asks.

"I mean, it's pretty here, but you're different today. And my shirt is too thin." Ariana says.

‘Uh oh,’ Kate thinks, feeling caught. "How am I different?" She asks innocently.

"Well, you're a bit bossy?" Ariana says, looking around.

"But you like it if I do that, right?"

Ariana thinks for a moment before nodding. "Sure, but you're never bossy like this, so it's weird."

‘Aha!’ Kate thinks, feeling relieved.

"I see. And do you want to be my obedient little girl today?" She asks Ariana. "Maybe we can do an experiment?"

Ariana nods eagerly, and under her breath whispers. "Hold me please."

Kate laughs, "I am holding you already babe." And she tugs on her arms around Ariana.

Ariana looks at Kate. "No, I mean… wait…" She gets up from Kate and pulls her skirt up a bit so she can sit on her lap facing her. her knees on either side of Kate's waist. "Hold me now?" Ariana asks and drapes her arms around Kate's shoulders.

Kate puts her arms around her waist again and they look each other in the eyes with a grin, their foreheads leaning against each other. Ariana stares intensely in Kate's eyes and whispers, "Bossy woman…" And leans her head next to Kate's on her shoulder smiling dreamy in Kate's embrace.

Kate holds her girlfriend, trying to stay upright with Ariana leaning into her. She enjoys their bodies touching and quietly asks, "Do you want me to control you today?"

"Yesss, every day…" comes Ariana's dreamy response.

Kate looks around, sees or hears nothing other than some birds and the wind rustling through trees. She cautiously asks, "Do you think you can do something for me? Now?"

"Anything… Boss" Comes Ariana's soft response. Ariana has been wanting for Kate to take control of her for months. It’s been ages. Is today the day? She hopes so.

They have had some bondage adventures where Kate plays with Ariana having her wear cuffs, her collar or their remote controlled vibrator. But that's usually only for a few hours. And her being in her leather chastity belt is more a symbolic form of control, Ariana is very helpless in it to use the bathroom for example, but every time she voices her discomfort Kate usually lets her out immediately.

Kate sits for a minute and decides to go ahead with her idea, "Alright. Let me see you. Stand straight, in front of me." She commands Ariana.

Ariana leans back a little and looks at Kate puzzled.

"Stand up Ariana, right in front of me." Kate repeats her command.

Ariana gets up from Kate's lap and stands in front of her.

"Don't look around, just focus on me." Kate orders, "Take off your shirt and give it to me."

Ariana swallows nervously. "Here?"

"Don't think, girl. Just do it!" Kate snaps.

Ariana is startled at Kate being so commanding and slowly lifts her shirt over her head and exposes her naked torso. Her nipples are poking straight ahead. She nervously gives the shirt to Kate who folds it and puts it in her backpack. Ariana covers her breasts with her arms.

"How does that feel?" Kate asks…

"It's scary…" Comes the timid reply.

"Nobody is here." Kate assures her, "Do you trust me?"

Ariana nods nervously.

"Do you want to continue?" Kate asks for a final time to make sure.

Ariana nods slowly, her eyes focused intently on Kate.

"Good, take off your skirt and give it to me." Kate commands.

Ariana swallows, shifting her eyes.

"Don't look around. Just do it." Kate orders with a sweet smile.

Ariana shivers and lets her skirt drop down to her ankles before stepping out of it and quickly sinking through her knees to pick it up.

"Give it to me." Kate reaches out with her hand.

Ariana looks terrified as she gives her skirt to Kate, who folds it neatly and puts it in her backpack along with the shirt, zipping it shut. "There, that's mine now. You can keep your shoes for now." Kate says.

Ariana stands naked in front of Kate, what if someone sees her? Kate will protect her right? She shivers in her nakedness, rubbing her arms. ‘Why am I doing this?’ She wonders. ‘So public…’ She hates doing this kind of thing in public. She is no nudist.

Worried thoughts race through her mind and Ariana comes to the conclusion that it's love and trust. Or just her submissive nature, an inability to refuse whoever talks with authority to her. But what craziness this is. Though not as crazy as when Kate made her orgasm on a park bench in the city with the remote vibrator.

Kate sees her discomfort and asks again if she wants to continue.

"I don't know Kate," Ariana hushes. "What are we doing?"

"Come beautiful. If you're up for it, we're going for a walk," Kate says, taking her response for a sort of yes.

"Like this?" Ariana says looking around before staring at her feet.

"Ariana!" Kate says firmly, "Hey! Look at me."

Ariana looks up. Kate caresses her cheek, looking at her lovingly. "You're a very special and brave woman." Kate compliments her, "Can you walk to the next bench?" She points to the right, deeper into the forest.

Ariana follows her finger and looks back at Kate nodding while smiling nervously.

Kate gets up and grabs Ariana's hand. "Come, let's go then. Any time you want to stop, just ask. Ok?"

Ariana looks around her but sees nobody. ‘I can do this, for Kate,’ she thinks. Timidly she starts walking alongside her lover. She's scared and feels cold, even though it's summer. She wants to obey Kate. But all this reminds her of her first boyfriend, Matt. She couldn’t refuse his stupid games either.

But this is different. Kate said she's brave and special and gives her a choice, Matt had never done that, but instead humiliated her when she obeyed him. She shudders at the bad memory and tries to force it out of her head and focus on Kate, her sweet sweet loving Kate. Ariana hopes that Kate knows what she's doing.

After about 150 meters Kate spots a little path leading off to the right into the bushes. "There's a path. Shall we explore there?" She points at a narrow path through some bushes.

"Huhwhat?" Ariana mumbles as she snaps back to reality from her thoughts and looks over her shoulder to see they had walked quite a distance from the bench already. She then looks at where Kate is pointing and gladly accepts her suggestion.

They follow the narrow trail-like path into the bushes, pushing branches out of the way and carefully looking ahead to see where they'll end up. Kate admires her girlfriends behind as she moves through the forest, thinking she's doing amazing so far and really enjoys their silly adventure.

After about 30 meters the path widens and ends in a sunny little meadow, maybe 10 meters across. On one side there is a small bench. There is tall grass growing all over the open space which is surrounded by thick bushes. Ariana abruptly stops at the edge of the clearing and looks around.

Kate stops next to Ariana, "Whoa, this is nice and secluded. Don’t you think?" Kate whispers. She looks at Ariana who looks relieved at being in a more private area but says nothing.

"Come sweetie, let's have some fun." She drops her bag on the bench and sits down on it leaving no room for Ariana. When Ariana wants to sit on her lap, Kate says. "No no, you sit there. Face the other way." She points at the middle of the meadow.

Ariana hesitates but kneels in the tall grass a meter or two away from Kate facing away from her. The grass tickles her crotch and butt and she smiles to herself, enjoying the sensation. The grass is very tall and only her head and shoulders are poking up above it but her body is otherwise hidden.

Ariana looks over her shoulder to see what Kate is doing.

"Damn you look cute like that. I'll take your picture. Wait, don't move." Kate pulls out her phone and spends a few minutes taking pictures of Ariana looking cute over her shoulder in the tall grass. From most angles you can't tell she is naked.

"Look, oh wow. Look how beautiful you are!" She compliments Ariana as Kate browses through the photos she took to select her favorite few. "I'll make this my new background." Kate laughs at Ariana showing her one of the photos.

Ariana agrees it's a nice picture seeing herself look cute over her shoulder, the sunlight in the trees and her hair. The hint of a shoulder. Seeing how exciting Kate finds all this she gets a bit more comfortable with her situation.

"Now face forward and wait for me." Kate orders her girlfriend.

2 - Playing in the forest

Kate looks around, unzips her bag and puts Ariana's clothes in a neat stack on the bench. She then quietly takes her own clothes off and folds each item, putting them next to Ariana's clothes.

Rustling the grass a tiny bit Kate steps around Ariana and sits down in front of her and whispers, "Hey cutie."

Ariana looks up at her naked girlfriend with her mouth hanging open. "What are we doing Kate?" She quietly asks. "Are we exhibitionists now?"

"I don’t know…" Kate says. "How do you feel?"

"I’m scared to be seen." Ariana whispers. But her eyes twinkle with excitement.

"We won't be caught, look at where we are." Kate reassures her. She scoots closer to Ariana and caresses her face while leaning in for a kiss.

Ariana kisses back and touches Kate's knee with one hand and caresses her neck with the other.

"Sit straight sweetie, please." Kate whispers at her. She scoots even closer so they can reach each other better.

Ariana grins at Kate, "kiss me, make love to me please… Now!" She urges Kate under her breath. Despite her fears she feels really excited by all this.

Kate smiles and lifts Ariana's face with both hands and kisses her gently. Ariana at the same time reaches out to Kate and caresses her breasts before letting her hands roam to her back and tries to pull her closer. Kate pushes forward and lays Ariana down on her back, she's all over her girlfriend. She looks so beautiful in the bright light and surrounded by grass. "Whoa," she whispers.

"What is it?" Ariana wants to know.

"You… You're the most beautiful woman in the world. Do you know that?" Kate softly says looking at her lovingly. "Fuck all those fancy models. Nobody compares to you…"

Ariana giggles and looks at Kate. "You're not so bad yourself." Admiring Kate's face and enjoying the sunlight coming through her blonde hair making it look like gold. She reaches up and caresses Kate's face, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Kate crawls over Ariana and kisses her again while grinding her crotch against Ariana's thigh. "Mmmm" she moans. "I love you so much, I love it when you're submissive like this."

"Yessss," Ariana moans back, holding Kate close, feeling their nipples rub together.

They smooch for a while, playing with each other when Kate's hand finds Ariana's pussy, and she pushes 2 fingers in her wetness. Ariana tenses up gasping in anticipation and grasps at the grass around her as she's getting even hornier from Kate's attentions. Softly moaning, trying to be quiet in case someone walks near them.

Kate fingers and rubs Ariana for all she's worth and she loves seeing her girl squirm under her. Just as Ariana is about to orgasm Kate stops. Leaving Ariana looking at her disturbed, all hot and bothered. "Noooo, more, do more, I'm almost there." She begs Kate.

Kate laughs. "But you don't get to decide when you cum sweetie." She pinches Ariana's nipple.

"Kaahaate please, I was so close." Ariana whines.

"Earn it…" Kate says. "Please me and I'll make you cum."

"I can just do it myself you know…" Ariana pouts.

"If you do, I'll put you in chastity for a month missy!" Kate says sternly.

Ariana sighs, thinking a month is very long. "Please, just this time? Please please please."

Kate's resolve crumbles… She can't do this, she can't be dominant or strict with Ariana if she's cute like this. Her resolve falling apart, she has to think of something else. Disappointed with herself Kate slumps down with her head on Ariana's chest and idly rolls a nipple in her fingers. She should have brought the chastity belt or something, Kate thinks.

Ariana senses the change in Kate and lies there wondering what happened. "Kate, what’s wrong?" She asks after a minute.

"Mmm?" Kate mumbles.

"Are you ok? Please, continue…" Ariana pleads seductively

"I can't do it sweetie…" Kate says dejected.

"Do what?" Ariana wonders.

"Be your boss girl like this…" Kate admits. "You're too cute and sweet."

Ariana doesn't understand the problem, but she's still horny and just wants Kate to make her orgasm. "Then just be my girlfriend, but please make me cum. It's so good if you do it."

Kate gets her thoughts together and refocuses her efforts and rubs Ariana to new heights again. Fingering her with long strokes.

Ariana moves under Kate. "Ohhh Kate. Yes, yes! Yeeeees!" Straining her voice trying to be quiet.

Kate is convinced they’re alone and doesn't care for noise and keeps teasing Ariana. Pinching her nipple painfully as she gives Ariana the pleasure she craves.

"Owwwww," Ariana arches her back and writhes around.

"Cum my dear, cum for me…" Kate whispers to Ariana.

The words push Ariana over the edge and she bucks her hips in a shattering orgasm. Covering her mouth with her hands to stifle her scream.

After a few moments of struggling with her orgasm Ariana lays panting in the grass with Kate next to her leaning on her elbow. She looks at Ariana's chest covered in a sheen of sweat. Ariana has her eyes closed and her head turned sideways, facing away from Kate. Kate traces small circles over Ariana's stomach. Following the outline of her breasts, fingering her navel softly.

She often plays with Ariana like this when enjoying her nakedness, she loves watching her small frame and smooth features and curves. A sight to behold she thinks.

"Ariana?" Kate whispers.

"Mmm!?" Comes her reply.

What are you thinking about? Kate wonders.

"I'm thinking about you, how you're the best thing to ever happen to me." Ariana smiles.

Kate feels emotional at hearing this. She leans down and kisses Ariana's collarbone.

"And you?" Ariana asks.

"I think about that many times…" Kate tells her. "…how lucky I am to have you."

Ariana turns her head and looks at Kate. "You love me right?"

Kate confirms, "Yes baby, you can't imagine how much I love you."

Ariana giggles at hearing this and jokingly says, "I think I can imagine it, because I think you can't imagine how much I love you too."

They laugh together. "So we're in trouble then… Love with no imagination." Kate smirks.

"I'm cold," Ariana shivers after a few moments. "May I have my clothes?"

"They're on the bench." Kate motions, "Can you hand me my clothes as well?"

Ariana gets up and retrieves their things. Kate sits up and grabs Ariana her skirt and helps her step into it. Ariana pulls her shirt over her head and smoothes out the wrinkles and kinks until she's presentable again. Ariana then helps Kate get dressed.

Both women look at each other and the big flat spot in the grass and grin at what they just did.

They sit on the bench looking over the meadow and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Kate rummages through the bag and hands Ariana a bottle of lemonade. "Here, have a drink."

"Thanks…" Ariana greedily drinks most of the bottle.

"So, eh. About just now, you, uh, being submissive…" Kate starts.

"I love it," Ariana hastily interrupts Kate. "…just not outside. Or maybe a place like this. But not when there's people."

"I see…" Kate shushes her. Waving her response away. "But there is a problem.” She admits.

"Oh… What is it?"

"I thought I could do it, and I kinda do… That's why today I've been a bit, ehh, different and experimenting a bit with being more controlling… Be a good boss to you."

"Yesss, anything for you Kate…" Ariana whispers, interrupting Kate again leaning her head on Kate's shoulder.

"Ariana, please let me finish."

Ariana shuts up and looks up at Kate with curious eyes.

"I have this feeling I should control you more. Maybe to take your decisions away? I'm not sure how. Anyway, I know you like it. But I'm not strong like that. I'm sorry…" Kate finishes.

Her girlfriend waits for more, but as Kate falls silent she says after a minute, "But Kate, we're fine now, right? I don't need a mistress or dominant something. Just do what you've been doing. If you feel like making more decisions that's fine. If you want me to obey you in any way I'll do it. Or if you want to own me… That's fine too."

Kate notices the hesitation in her last statement. "Own you?"

"Yea, like make me your pet or slave or something. I dunno… Maybe it's fun." Ariana explains.

"I didn't mean it like that sweetie. And that's what I meant. That kind of level of control. I'm not strong enough for that…" Kate says, thinking she couldn't possibly turn Ariana into a slave or pet…

"Well maybe not like that. I don't know Kate. I love our relationship now. But… ehh…" Ariana falls silent.

Kate pokes Ariana, "But what?"

"Well, sometimes I'm missing something…"

"Like what?"

"Sometimes I wish you would just chain me up more often." Ariana complains, "I thought that's why we have the collar and chain… You know?"

Kate doesn't really know and says nothing. She thinks their lives are generally exciting and fun.

Ariana continues, "But I'm happy with you Kate. Anything you want is good for me I'm sure. I'll follow you whatever you decide."

Kate nods. "We'll figure it out." Kate whispers. "I do know it's easier for me if you're already restrained."

Ariana nods, excited at the idea of Kate keeping her restrained. They sit quiet for a few minutes, both lost in their own thoughts. Ariana feels exhilarated by today's events, even if she rather submits to Kate in the privacy of their home.

Meanwhile Kate feels weak and inadequate for not being strong enough to truly fulfill Ariana's desires.

Kate then carefully asks if she chains Ariana to her desk with the chain and collar if that's controlling enough?

Ariana doesn't really know. But she assumed that's why Kate agreed to buy her restraints and they never did that kind of bondage.

Kate hmms and thinks of the impracticalities of it. No bathroom breaks if she's at work… Similar to how the chastity belt is more of a hindrance for long term wear.

"Shall we walk back to the car?" Ariana asks, "I'm cold."

Kate expected as much. She pulls out a long sleeve T-shirt from her bag. "Here, wear this," She offers Ariana.

Ariana puts on the shirt and after a few minutes they saunter back to the car. Ariana is a bit more talkative now. Pointing at odd shaped trees and branches in her child-like manner as she usually does.

Kate enjoys her company a lot when she's like this and feels conflicted about potentially taking that away if she has Ariana submit to her more. Not wishing to hinder the girl mentally by turning her into some kind of sheepish follower. There has to be another way, she thinks.

During the ride home Kate asks if Ariana is up for being her submissive sometimes. Doing little tasks or challenges. Maybe some sexy games.

Ariana immediately is excited at the idea of Kate wanting to control her. She can't put it into the right words and says she thinks the way they've been doing things with the chastity belt is fine. She's happy to serve Kate like she's been doing with housework and cooking and all that. But if she can have one wish she wants Kate to be a bit more domineering in their sex life.

Kate was afraid of that. She thinks back at their previous experiments which almost all went not as expected because of Kate's silly or ignorant expectations and Ariana quietly accepting whatever they tried until something went wrong.

She promises Ariana to come up with something. But immediately regrets that promise as she has no good ideas…

3 - Argument about drapes

A few weeks go by and today it's Friday. Kate is watching the news while Ariana talks to her about stuff she doesn't care about nor is interested in listening to. She's tired from work, still wearing her uniform and hoping she would find some quiet-time at home.

Instead she found an overly energetic girlfriend who wants to talk to her about… everything, including curtains.

Having had to listen to guests all day and having to deal with their nonsense she doesn't really listen to Ariana. Only occasionally 'uh-huh'-ing or nodding her head while she watches TV not paying attention to that either.

"… and so now I'm pregnant," Ariana continues. "And I don't even remember having sex with a guy…" She exclaims.

"Uh-huh, ehh what?" Kate looks startled at Ariana. "What did you say?"

"Exactly…" Ariana looks annoyed at Kate, "I'm talking to you and you don't even listen to me?"

"Sorry, I was watching the news." Kate sighs, apologizing.

"Who cares about stupid news…" Ariana says, "Come on! Important stuff! What do you think about getting new curtains? Something less sand colored?"

"Uhh, What's wrong with these?" She eyes the stylish tan colored drapes.

"They're brown… It's old." Ariana states.

Giving in, Kate sighs, "Sure, we'll go look at curtains sometime."

Ariana wiggles excitedly, she’s been thinking about a different color for a few days now.

"Not tomorrow though," Kate says, "I have to work…"

"Aww, you and your weekend shifts. Why can't you work normal hours? Ariana complains.

"It's a hotel babe, I told you a thousand times already. Hotels don't do normal hours. My weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday." Kate explains.

"But, I miss you…" Ariana pouts.

"You'll also miss me when I work normal days sweetie. Don't think about it too much." Kate soothes her.

"What color curtains do you want anyway?" Kate continues trying to distract her girl from her tiring work schedule.

"Ehh. Something NOT sand colored."

"That's a bit vague, no?" Kate looks at her.

"I'll know what I want when I see it."

‘Ah,’ Kate thinks. ‘One of those ideas.’ She knows Ariana… Once they go shopping for curtains, maybe once or twice, and don't find anything she'll forget about it eventually. Relieved they can probably keep her nice drapes she relaxes a little, all she has to do is steer Ariana to the wrong curtains.

Or the right ones, depending on how you look at it.

"What's for dinner sweetie?" Kate asks, changing the subject.

"Ehh, fuck. I forgot." Ariana looks guilty as she's the cook of the household.

"Let's just grab a burger then." Kate suggests. Thinking of Burger King.

"What kind of burger? I can make burgers…" Ariana wants to know.

Kate assures her, "Any kind, we'll find something…"

"Eh, ok, I'll get ready then." Ariana says, getting up, relieved she dodged a bullet.

"Ariana?" Kate calls after her.

"Yes?" She replies looking cute over her shoulder. Kate just looks back at her with a loving smile. She just wanted Ariana to look at her over her shoulder. "What is it?" Ariana asks.

"Nothing, you look pretty today!" Kate compliments her girlfriend.

Pulling a face Ariana skips into their bedroom with a giggle and changes into a suitable outfit. Ariana decides on a knee length green plaid skirt and a lime green woolen shirt covering a white tank top. She wraps her hair into a big bun. Ariana admires herself in the mirror thinking she looks like a schoolgirl. Twirling around like a kid giggling at the skirt flaring up as she turns.

Kate meanwhile sighs. Annoyed that it's the 2nd time this week Ariana 'forgot' to make dinner, thinking something is up.

4 - Going out

Kate and Ariana walk arm in arm in the downtown area of their city. They took the bus there and are now looking for a burger restaurant. Ariana points at colorful displays in shops. Laughs at people who look funny to her and generally tries to make fun at the world around her.

Kate is a bit more professional, or reserved, laughs along with Ariana, but doesn't really participate in her girlfriend's antics. She's wearing a pair of jeans and her brown jacket with low heels. We look like a teacher and student on a date, she realizes… How inappropriate.

She does enjoy the joy and energy Ariana seems to be overflowing with. She always does, sometimes envying Ariana for her careless attitude towards life.

"When was the last time you were here?" Kate asks, "This street I mean."

"Ehh, a month maybe? 3 weeks or something."

"Do you see anything new?" Kate wonders, she comes here almost every day on her lunch break from work.

Kate likes to give little tasks and challenges to Ariana because she believes it keeps the mind sharp.

"Hah, there! A new store." Ariana points at a clothing store selling pants.

"Yep, looks new. But look next to it." Kate says. "Isn't that new also?"

"The Burger King?" Ariana frowns. "You planned this all along?"

"Noooooo…" Kate laughs jokingly, acting surprised.

Ariana pokes her in the side, "You could have said." She laughs, letting go of Kate walking ahead to look at the posters for whatever new burger they came up with this season.

Kate really wants to try the new triple cheese whopper, she sees the poster every day as she goes to work. Ariana settles for a chicken burger with curly fries.

"You'll order for us?" Kate asks, "I'll find us a place to sit."

"Sure, that cheese thing?" She points at the picture.

"Yes please, with sprite."

"Okaaaay!" Ariana exclaims, ignoring the man behind her in line looking at her outfit with disdain.

‘Stupid anime girls, get proper clothes.’ He grumbles in his mind. Eyeing Kate and not seeing the connection between them.

Kate goes to find a table and drops her head into her folded arms on the table, falling asleep almost immediately. Some 10 minutes later she’s awoken by Ariana who sits down with a big tray of food and bumps her shoulder against Kate.

"Wake up! I cooked dinner." Ariana laughs.

Kate smiles at Ariana, Complimenting her on her cooking.

They dive into their fries and slurp their drinks when Kate feels she should ask. "Hey girl, you uh kinda forgot to make dinner a few times now. Is something distracting you?"

Ariana looks at her, eating fries. "No, why?"

"Well, usually you start forgetting things if you're distracted or have some issues… You can always talk to me about anything. You know that right?"

"Nothing is wrong, well, there is this one thing…" Ariana lowers her voice and leans even closer to Kate. "Remember what I used to do, you know, anal all the time?"

Kate nods.

"I kinda stopped doing it, and now it's back."

"What's back?"

"I wanna do anal," Ariana whispers, "But you won't like it."

That is true, Kate doesn't do or enjoy anal sex. They tried it once or twice when they were still getting to know each other and she freaked out doing it. Secretly Kate is relieved that Ariana had stopped doing it many months ago, when their relationship kicked off.

"But sweetie, you can do that if you want. Just enjoy yourself." Kate assures her girlfriend.

"Yes I know, but I want you to do it to me… With, ehh, you know, like with a dildo or a strap on." Ariana looks at Kate expectantly.

Kate looks at Ariana shocked. "Ehh, ok." And after a few seconds, "That's a new fantasy."

Ariana nods. "I think it'd be so much fun."

Kate whispers, her face close to Ariana's, "But why anal? Why not normal sex?"

Ariana looks away, "See, I knew it. You hate it… Nevermind."

"But… No, let's talk about it." Kate hastily says.

"You always want to talk talk talk. Just do something for once, without talking and overthinking things all the time." Ariana says flippantly.

Kate says nothing for a minute and then pokes Ariana in her shoulder. "That's not fair miss… Don't forget who saved your ass multiple times when you were in trouble. And don't forget, I also am the breadwinner for both of us. I’m doing plenty!"

"Alright alright, but not when it comes to sex things." Ariana says, sounding disappointed. "Can you at least think about it?"

"It would really mean a lot to you huh?" Kate asks carefully.

Ariana looks at Kate and gasps, "Yesss! You know it does."

"Hmm," Kate grumbles. "Fine, I'll think about it."

They finish eating and walk the shopping street up and down. Kate is desperate to distract her partner from her crazy idea and lures her into an ice-cream shop to treat her to a huge sorbet ice cream.

Ariana insists on sharing it and they scoop greedily from the large bowl-like cup tasting the fruity flavors. Feeding each other bites while making jokes and having fun.

After finishing their dessert they walk around the shopping area a bit before Ariana says she's had enough of the busy outside and winks at Kate they should go home.

Kate is already feeling pretty tired since she left work, so she agrees immediately.

Ariana sniffs near Kate like a dog, "You stink like the world, boss. You need a wash."

Kate thinks a soapy shower would probably cheer her up.

5 - Finishing the night

Coming home, Kate has had a while to think and decided to go along with Ariana her fantasy, but on one condition she promised herself. Normal sex first. 'To get used to it' as she reasons with herself.

Ariana and Kate are very basic in their lovemaking… Or Kate is anyway. Fingering, using their tongues and rubbing sensitive body parts is what they mostly do and like. And so they never really need or use any toys other than the remote vibrator.

She knows Ariana has a box with some butt plugs, a dildo and handcuffs somewhere in the house. Kate used to have a vibrator, but she did away with it when Ariana moved in. Ariana never even knew she had it.

Kate would talk about her idea later… Now she's curious what Ariana has up her sleeve.

Kate lets Ariana undress her and is pushed into the shower. Ariana quickly strips and joins Kate a moment later. She wraps her arms around Kate's torso from behind and leans her head on Kate's shoulder blade.

"You look so nice in your jacket babe. I really like how it fits your waist. Just like your uniform does."

Kate is flattered and whispers she wishes her uniform was less form fitting so that the men at work wouldn't look at her like they did.

Ariana giggles in response. "But they can never have you! What a tease."

Kate reaches for the shampoo and soaps both their hair with so much soap the whole cabin is covered in foam. She knows Ariana likes playing with bubbles and they throw soap bubbles at each other and play until they're tired. Ariana rubs her favorite shower gel on both of them. Paying extra attention to Kate's privates.

Kate always really enjoys this positive attention from her girlfriend and also this time she feels desired and invigorated by what Ariana is doing to her. Quietly moaning for herself in pleasure.

Finishing up, Ariana rinses both their bodies with hot water before kneeling down in front of Kate who by now has her eyes closed just enjoying the water and what Ariana is doing. The sudden tongue on her pussy makes her whimper. A moment later a finger slips in and her knees go weak as a moan escapes.

Ariana knows exactly what to do to make her girlfriend happy and laps at Kate's lips with full energy while fingering her. Changing pace after a little while she replaces her tongue with a thumb and rubs Kate's clitoris as Kate feels her legs get weak. Ariana looks up at Kate's heaving chest.

"Ohh yes, yes!" Kate gasps.

Almost there, Ariana knows. She pushes her mouth back on her girlfriend's pussy lips and licks and sucks at her lover's intimate area, rubbing her nose up and down her girl's pussy until Kate grabs Ariana's head and pushes it firmly against her pussy as she orgasms with a deep sigh.

Kate's body tenses up and she writhes in pleasure. Sinking to the ground sitting in front of Ariana. Looking at her girlfriend with a happy smile between her knees. Ariana looks back at Kate and leans forward kissing Kate on the nose. After a few moments she quickly wipes her face and turns off the water before curling up against Kate holding her around her torso.

"I love you babe…" She whispers to Kate.

"Not as much as I love you," Kate teasingly replies. To which she gets a poke in her waist. Kate giggles and pokes back.

"Let's get out of here, My back hurts." Kate says after a few minutes.

Ariana clambers out of the shower and grabs a large towel for Kate. "Come, I'll dry you off boss."

She gently rubs Kate dry, blow dries her hair while wiping herself dry and finishes up by drying her own hair. Kate lets Ariana do her thing and quietly enjoys the treatment she’s getting. She knows Ariana likes doing this kind of stuff, acting like a little servant for Kate.

Kate doesn't return the favor of giving an orgasm to Ariana, instead she has her step into her chastity belt and locks on the leather garment snugly. Ariana will be frustrated with it soon enough, Kate evilly thinks.

6 - It's curtain day

Ariana says nothing about the belt. She often wears it and Kate has both keys. It always makes her feel owned and helpless, which she likes. She quietly guides Kate to bed and they crawl in together naked. When it's not winter, they usually sleep naked, snuggled up together. Ariana desires being near Kate. Her body pressed up against Kate's. She gets antsy if she's without her lover for more than a few hours anyway. But not being able to feel her… That's almost torturous for Ariana.

Kate just likes to hold Ariana and feel their skin touch. It's intimate and cute, she thinks.

They talk a bit more about their day, about Kate's work and her sometimes unreasonable guests and their complaints and after an hour or so they finally fall asleep.

Finally it's Tuesday, Ariana hasn't forgotten about the curtains. And today is the day. Today is curtain day.

But first Ariana needs Kate to do something. She'd been wearing the chastity belt for the last 4 days and she's tired of it. Kate only let her out in the morning before leaving for work and once more in the evening to use the toilet and wash herself. She's tired of using a spatula to try and relieve herself, she wants Kate to take care of business for her.

Kate promises to let her out in the evening if she's good today. Much to Ariana's chagrin but she obeys her lover without complaining too much.

Ariana then manages to talk Kate into driving to a large furniture store to get inspired and excitedly helps Kate pick an outfit for the day. Ariana picks a pair of bleached jeans and a thin beige top for Kate. And she herself wears her favorite moss green cotton pants with a similar top as Kate, but black. After dressing up she strikes a pose for Kate. What do you think?

Kate pinches her nipple. "Forgot your bra, dummy." And she walks out of the bedroom.

Ariana looks after Kate, miffed for calling her a dummy, and quickly looks for a bra.

Kate meanwhile pours some juice for them. "Ariana, are you ready?" She calls out. "Come, have some juice before we go." She continues preparing for their adventure. Kate is looking forward to spending a day out with Ariana but hopes they'll only find ugly curtains. She very much doesn't feel like replacing her current ones.

Ariana storms out of the bedroom into the kitchen and glugs her juice down before announcing she's ready.

"Alright then girlfriend. Let's goooooo!" Kate calls out and she holds up her arm for Ariana to hook into and they march to the elevator.

"Wait!" Ariana exclaims and runs back to the living room. "My phone and wallet!"

Kate smiles, "Hurry up babe, it'll be closing time by the time we get there if you're going to be forgetful like this."

"No it's not!" Comes her reply. "Where is my wallet Kate?"

"Ehh, in your hip bag maybe?"

Ariana looks for her little hip bag and decides to just take it. Stuffing her phone inside and as she returns to Kate she steals her phone as well that's sticking up from her jeans back pocket. "I hate it when people put their phone in tight jeans!" She scoffs as she puts Kate's phone in her bag as well.

"Hah, what do you care?"

"The phone will break. And it just looks stupid."

"So I shouldn't wear tight jeans?" Kate jokingly asks as she starts to turn around as if to change her outfit.

"Nooo, please. It looks too nice on you. Just don't put your phone in them."

Kate pinches Ariana's nose. "Are you done?"


"Then, let's go!" Kate drives them to the store Ariana chose, which is on the outskirts of the city, about an hour away according to the GPS, "Do you want to get some lunch as well?" Kate asks.

"No, well, yes, but there's a cafeteria at the store."

Kate laughs. "Ah? So you've got it all planned out?"

"Yes boss!" Ariana beams excitedly.

"Ok then, I'll just follow your lead."

Ariana looks out of the car window at the buildings flashing by, they cross the river, as they speed over the circular highway to the other side of town. Kate is asking all about Ariana's latest jobs and work. If she found a more regular income yet?

Of-course Kate knows most of this already, but hearing some new details and things is always nice. And, like most people, Ariana enjoys being valued for her efforts. She's at times feeling that she doesn't help much in earning their money. Even though that idea is not true anymore. With the accountant jobs she sometimes finds, there are days that she earns more in a day or two than Kate earns in a month, but that happens only sometimes. Still, these moments sort of off-set that inadequate feeling, Kate knows.

They arrive at the furniture store and find a parking spot near the entrance. Ariana grabs a flat cart and wants Kate to push her around on it. Kate indulges her girlfriend's silly request and Ariana sits cross legged on the cart pointing the way to the curtain section.

"Onwards!" Ariana calls out to her driver.

Kate carts her girlfriend around the store while looking at the other furniture, seeing her couch heavily discounted. She sees a nice lamp but barely gets time to look at things as Ariana hurries her along to what she thinks are curtains.

"Wait, what? Those are not curtains."

Kate looks at the pile of carpets. "No, those won't look nice on the wall." She says laughing. "But there is the cafeteria, let's grab a bite first." Kate points to the sign.

Ariana looks disappointed at the carpets and agrees to have lunch. 'No carts allowed in the cafeteria' A big sign says at the entrance.

"Aww, Miss Lazy has to walk now." Kate mocks Ariana as she helps her off the cart.

Ariana pokes Kate in her chest, "I'm not lazy! I'm smart!"

"Smart? You?" Kate laughs.

"I got you to drive me around didn't I?"

Kate looks at her girlfriend and grins. "You're right, genius. Come, let's go find food." She grabs Ariana's hand and they walk into the cafeteria.

"I'll have a hotdog," Ariana says to the waiter looking hungry. "Extra mustard please."

Kate decides on a huge piece of apple pie with vanilla ice cream and they both have a large cola.

As they wait, Ariana looks at Kate, "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing, just enjoying my time with you. It's been a while since we went out like this."

"Do you think we should go on trips more often?" Ariana wonders.

"Yea, why not… It's fun right?"

Ariana rubs her slippered foot on Kate's leg. "Wanna try those carpets in a bit?" She looks at her girlfriend deviously.

"Or one of those couches…" Kate responds with a wink.

They giggle.

Their food arrives and a large hotdog is placed in front of Kate. Ariana gets Apple Pie. And as they switch plates Ariana looks startled at the waiter walking away.

"What's up?" Kate asks, seeing her scared face.

"I, uh, what? It's nothing." Ariana stammers.

"Oh come on… I have known you longer than today. Something upset you. Tell me."

"The waiter," she hisses. "I know him."

Kate looks at the guy with a frown. "And?"

"He's my ex."

"From when?"

"4 or 5 years ago, my last boyfriend, David. We didn't end too well…" Her voice trails off and she looks scared as she sees David walk in their direction again, passing them to serve another table.

"Maybe he doesn't remember you…" Kate tries to calm Ariana down.

"Can we go? Now?" Ariana shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

"It’s that bad huh? Come now, he won't cause trouble at his workplace and I'm here to protect you."

Ariana relaxes. "Yea I guess you're right. What do you think?"

"I think you're overreacting." Kate says with her mouth full of pie. It's a really good pie.

Ariana thinks about that. She's not overreacting. She hates David, for what he did to her. But Kate doesn't know what happened. She slowly eats her hotdog. It's really good, but she's not really enjoying it. Constantly looking where David is and if she needs to escape.

Kate sees her discomfort but ignores it, trying to distract her from David with some smalltalk. As they finish up and walk up to the till, Ariana pulls out her wallet to pay thinking she evaded him she hears a male voice call out

"Ariana? Is that you? I thought I recognized you…"

Ariana freezes and doesn't respond. Kate squeezes Ariana's arm and they turn around looking at David, "Hello? Who are you?" Kate asks.

"I'm David, I uh, I know Ariana from a few years ago." He responds. "And you are?"

"Her partner," Kate responds, letting the words hang between them.

"Partner huh?" David says, trying to guess if that means girlfriend or colleague, looking at Ariana who nods slightly. Her throat feels like it's in a knot.

Ariana clutches Kate's arm and gestures that she wants to leave.

Kate gets the hint. "Well, David. Clearly Ariana isn't too keen on seeing you. So goodbye." And she starts to turn, pushing Ariana to the cash register. "Go pay, I'm right next to you." She whispers. They move to the cashier.

David is not giving up and pushes past Kate blocking their way. "Hey girl, talk to me. I missed you." He says, reaching for Ariana's arm while ignoring Kate's scowl.

Ariana visibly tenses up.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Kate calls out.

David lets go of Ariana but remains in their way. Kate pushes David away, "Don't you see she doesn't want to talk to you? Fuck off!"

A few other customers look at the argument but nobody comes to help the girls.

"But I need to talk to her about what happened. She needs to know."

"Not now, not here, not ever!" Kate hisses. "Now fuck off or I'll kick you in the nuts."

The woman at the cash register follows the commotion and thinks David is a dick anyway, so she quietly presses her alarm button winking at Kate.

A few moments later 2 security guards rush in checking out the alarm and see their cashier point at a distraught looking Ariana, an upset Kate and a frustrated David.

"What's going on here?" They demand.

"This asshole here is bothering us and blocking our way." Kate yells pointing at David.

The guards frown and look at David. "That true David?"

"No,” David says, “I just want to talk to her, she's my ex."

"Then handle your private life in your own time. Stop bothering the customers. First and final warning."

Kate, done with the situation, wants to proceed to the cashier and finally pay for their lunch so they can get away from this nonsense and the onlookers.

David is fuming at Kate for being so unreasonable to him. All he wants is to explain himself and apologize.

"You!" The guard says looking at David, "Come with us." And they escort David away from the restaurant.

Kate pays at the cashier and guides Ariana out of the cafeteria. They sit down on an abandoned cart in the carpet section. "Hey, are you ok?" Kate wants to know as she wraps her arm around Ariana’s shoulders.

Ariana sniffles, "I ruined our day…"

"No babe, that asshole did.” Kate assures Ariana, “Do you want to go home? Or go somewhere else?"

"Let's take a quick look at the curtains before we go." Ariana says softly. "So you didn't drive us here for nothing."

"Alright then… All aboard!" Kate calls out to Ariana, acting more happy than she feels.

Ariana scoots onto the middle of the cart and Kate tries to race off but one of the wheels locks up as they start moving and they crash into a pile of pillows a few meters down the aisle. "Ow ow ow fuck!" Kate exclaims looking for Ariana who bumped head first into the pillow pile with a squeal.

Kate pulls at her girlfriend's leg to get her out and hears a laugh and snigger from the pillows.

"Come in, it's cozy here…" Ariana reaches out to grab Kate's arm. Kate is stronger, however, and pulls Ariana out. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Sorry about that."

"That's alright," Ariana laughs. "Look what I found." And she shows an ugly pink pillow with a sequin heart on it.

"Haha, that must've been there for years, Look at the dirt." Kate laughs.

"It's too ugly!" Ariana smirks.

"Come let's get out of here before someone notices the mess. Where are the curtains?" Kate asks.

Ariana walks away pulling Kate along by her hand to the furniture section hoping to find curtains but instead finds a demo bedroom and a fake living room, a kitchen setup. Suddenly she pulls Kate into a quiet corner and hides behind a large closet. She grabs Kate by the nape of her neck and pulls her in for a kiss. Kate returns the kiss passionately and they entangle behind the cabinet bumping into it with soft moans and gasps.

"Thanks for saving me again…" Ariana moans at Kate. "You're so brave!" And she forces her lips on Kates again kissing for a long time before letting go. "I love you so much…" Ariana whispers in Kate's ear. "Never let me go ok?"

Kate dumbly nods. "Ok girl."

Kate didn't feel brave, she was just angry. She looks Ariana in the eye, "I love you too." She finally says.

Ariana nods, "Fuck this maze of a store, let's get out of here." She whispers. Clearly looking for a reason to leave.

"Yes," Kate doesn't like the store much either. "Tooooo the carrrrr!" She commands with a forced cheer.

20 minutes of searching later they're back in the car and sit quiet for a moment.

"Soooo," Kate starts. "What now?"

Ariana looks out of the window, "I don't know. This is not at all what I had in mind…"

"Who was that guy, like really? Why were you so scared of him?" Kate wonders.

"He, uh, he. I. He did something to me." Ariana stammers.

A flash of anger comes over Kate. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Ariana leans over to Kate and rests her head on her shoulder. "Not really. I trusted him and he hurt me."

He raped her, Kate thinks. That fucking bastard. "Did he rape you?" Kate bluntly asks.

Ariana looks at her in shock. "Ehh, not really."

"Hmm," Kate says, "And you never talked about this with anyone?"

"No, never."

Definitely raped, Kate confirmed for herself. "Fuck!" she mutters.

She pulls Ariana over the shifter onto her lap and hugs her. They sit uncomfortably for a bit as Kate tries to think of a nice thing to say. "When… If… You're ever ready to talk about it, your past, anything… Let me know ok? We'll figure it out. You poor thing." She soothes Ariana.

Ariana simply nods, content in her brave girlfriend's care. She climbs back to her seat. "Let's go home, maybe we'll see something to do along the way."

"Sure thing babe!" Kate responds thinking, ‘This girl… Even after a year she amazes me with her crazy past. How does she manage to function, like at all?’

7 - David makes a move

The drive home is uneventful, Kate follows the circular highway, which is fast but boring.

Ariana sits quietly looking out the window. She doesn't feel like talking, at all. Kate has a million questions, but knows not to bother her girlfriend with them now. ‘All in good time,’ she thinks.

Arriving in their own part of the city Ariana hasn't said a single word since they left the store's parking lot.

As they wait for a traffic light Kate puts her hand on Ariana's knee, Ariana looks startled around. "Hey, what? Where are we?"

"Almost home sweetie." Kate says with a sweet voice, "It's still early, let's grab a drink and snack. Do you know a place?"

Thinking for a second, Ariana suggests, "Let's get dumplings from that place near my old apartment."

"Hah, dumplings, that's a long time ago."

Ariana nods, already thinking about the big lemonade she wants with it.

Kate drives to the restaurant and they find a seat near the window so they can watch the people outside. As they wait for their order Kate grabs Ariana's hand. "Hey, you're sure you're ok? You're so quiet."

"Yea I'm fine. I was just thinking about David… What he said."

"Oh forget that fuckhead. He's not worthy of your time." Kate quietly says.

"But he said I needed to know. What do I need to know?" Ariana looks worried.

Kate shrugs, "I don't know babe," immediately followed by the thought ‘don't care rather.’

She wishes she could snap her fingers and make Ariana forget about her rapist. "Hey, I need to head out for a minute, get something from the pharmacy before I forget."

"Eh ok? Now?" Ariana asks with sad eyes.

"Yea I'll forget otherwise, it's just my magnesium, but I don't want to run out."

"Be quick please, I don't want to be alone." Ariana implores Kate.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, I promise." Kate says reassuringly. Ariana sighs, looking out the window.

Kate takes this as her cue to leave. Quickly caresses Ariana's cheek and heads to the pharmacy.

Ariana looks longing after Kate as she sees her walk away. When she's out of sight she plays with her phone for a bit.

"There you are!" David sits down across from her.

Ariana looks at him wide eyed, "Y… You, why are you? How did you find me?"

"Oh come on, you always eat here." He smiles at her.

Ariana looks down at her phone. "I haven't been here in over a year."

"I got sent home from work and was just on my way home from the bus. And now you're here. What a happy coincidence. Where is your friend?"

Ariana doesn't respond and stares at her phone.

"Can we talk for a moment? Have you ever read my letter?"

Ariana shakes her head.

"Honey," he starts. "Please, listen to me."

Ariana looks at him with anger in her eyes and hisses, "I'm not your honey… Leave me al…"

David is unfazed and grabs her hand and before she can resist blurts out it wasn't him that took advantage of her that day.

Ariana blinks at him. "What? Not? I… Who? Huh?" She can't believe it.

"Remember, I was out buying oranges… My friend came into my apartment and found you."

Ariana stares at him in disbelief.

"You have to believe me… I had the best intentions with you, ok? Untying you go as I promised, playing out your fantasy if that's what you wanted. But Eric ruined everything."

Ariana's mouth hangs open. "All these years… I… You know, I hated you."

"I know, I know, and it's fine." David tells her.

Ariana finally realizes the gravity of David's words. "Who's Eric? He was touching me… And then he tried to kill me." She whispers, stumbling over her words.

"Kill you? I doubt that."

"He choked me and I couldn't breathe… I thought I was going to die David." Ariana has tears in her eyes now.

"Oh honey, I didn't know that. If I'd known I would've thrown him out of the window head first." David says sincerely.

Ariana looks at him, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of-course. A man needs to take care of his girl, right?" David tells her. "What good is a man if he can't protect his lover."

Ariana smiles through her tears at his sweet words. Thinking how Kate also always protects her.

David feels victorious, he turned Ariana around and she seems to believe his story. Warming up to him as she did years ago. He realizes how much he missed being around her and enjoys having Ariana's attention a lot. He takes a gamble and asks her to meet him again.

Ariana looks at him smiling. "No, I can't, I shouldn't. Kate won't allow it…"

"Oh yea… Her, where is she anyway? Leaving you all alone out here?" David wonders.

"I don't know. She had to get something real quick."

David looks worried for a second. Feeling he should hurry now. "So how about it? We should meet again. Catch up and go on a bit of a date? It can be our little secret he whispers at her."

"A date?" Ariana giggles. "Maybe you're single, but I'm not. I'm with Kate now."

"I'm single for you…" David tries.

Ariana is taken aback for a few seconds but finally says "I can't, I'm with Kate."

"Fine, I understand, it's too soon. But call me if you change your mind." He writes his number on her hand. "Please call me, ok? I'm not the bad guy you think I am."

Ariana nods. Unsure what to think of this development.

David gets up and kisses her on the cheek, whispering "Goodbye darling… I'll wait for you… Call me." and leaves.

Ariana looks after him walking away, her mind in turmoil. Barely 5 minutes have passed and he managed to flip her world upside down.

Meanwhile Kate has found her pills and hurries back, she's worried for Ariana. She doesn't need magnesium, but wanted to give her lover a few minutes alone to hopefully 'reset' the situation to a less moody one. She learned that sometimes that works.

Heading into the restaurant she bumps into David as he accidentally shoves her out of the way as he comes out of the door.

Kate curses and calls out after him to watch out. To which David turns his head and the two have a little face off.

They both recognize each other immediately. David for a moment freezes, Kate's abrasive attitude fresh in his memory.

Kate’s blood boils seeing David for the 2nd time today and before he can react she kicks him in the balls. “That’s for eh… rap… for uhm, Ariana. You asshole!” She curses at poor David.

“Fuck you, you fucking bitch!” David grunts in pain and doubles over as Kate swings her leg again to knee him in the forehead.

Kate moves in for the 2nd kick when she hears Ariana’s voice, “Kate! Stop… What are you doing?”

Ariana rushes past Kate and crouches next to David caressing his face as David sinks down and sits on the pavement still holding his crotch with both hands. His face has drained of color.

Ariana looks menacing at Kate, who stops in her tracks. “What the fuck Kate?”

8 - Their first fight

Ariana sees Kate fidget around looking lost. Or perhaps she’s surprised Ariana rushed to David's aid instead of helping her kick his ass.

Focussing on David, Ariana asks him if he’s OK. But David is hurting too much to respond properly, he just moans something unintelligible.

Ariana looks at Kate again and scolds her, “Look what you did dummy. Now what?”

“Why is he here?” Kate asks with an angry voice.

“He uh… he… we just talked for a minute.” Ariana says.

"We're going home…" Kate reaches for her arm and pulls Ariana to her feet, painfully tugging on her wrist.

"No! Kate! Stop! David needs help… Hey… You're hurting me."

But Kate doesn't listen and rushes Ariana to her car not waiting for someone to call the cops. Or to spend another second near David. Arriving at the car she shoves Ariana in the passenger seat.

As Kate gets in, Ariana looks at her and takes a breath to speak, "Not a word Ariana!" Kate yells at her. "Not a single word! I don't want to hear it." And with tears in her eyes Kate drives them home.

Ariana is getting angry now and wonders what she did wrong, "Kate… I, let me…"


Kate slaps Ariana across her cheek.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!" She yells.

Ariana yelps in shock and looks fearful at Kate and touches her burning cheek. Kate had never hit her in anger before.

Arriving at their building Kate navigates the parking level with squeaky tires, sloppily parks the car and stomps to the elevator. Ariana follows quietly, unsure what to do or think.

Kate pulls Ariana into the elevator and they rise to the 12th floor and into their home where Kate sits her down on the couch and tells her to stay and be quiet. She then marches into the kitchen and Ariana hears Kate burst into tears. Big heaving sobs. After a few moments she tries to calm down so she can talk to Ariana properly. 'Get a grip stupid, get a grip!' Kate thinks to herself.

Ariana hears her girlfriend break down and peeks into the kitchen, seeing Kate leaning on the counter, her face wet with tears.

"Kate…?" Ariana tries.

"How could you?" Kate yells in an accusing tone.

"How could I what… Kate?"

"How can you face that asshole and just talk to him? Didn't he rape you?"

"He didn't rape me Kate…" Ariana says quietly.

Staring at Ariana for a few moments she rages on, "And so what if he didn't, you're with me, remember? You're my girlfriend. Mine! You don't get to talk to your ex behind my back!"

"But I didn't, stupid!" Ariana suddenly feels very angry. "We just talked and I didn't even want to… He simply sat down and wouldn't leave…"

"And you believe your rapist?" Kate shouts angrily through her tears. "I told you to forget him!"

"Oh fuck you! You don't know anything!" Ariana shouts back, she wants to leave and go far away from Kate. Grabbing her phone and wallet she heads for the elevator.

"Ariana! Ariana! Please, don't go!" Kate cries after her, realizing she fucked up big time. "Ariana! Please come back!"

But Ariana doesn't listen and flees into the elevator.

Kate sinks to the floor crying, her world collapsing around her.

Downstairs, for the first time in a year, Ariana literally has nowhere to go and has no idea what to do. Her home is a hostile mess. She has no real friends or family nearby. Aside from maybe Sheila on the 4th floor, if she's even home. Or Chloe, Kate's friendly co-worker, but Ariana doesn't know where she lives. She sighs deeply and sits in the tiled lobby thinking about her next move. 'That fucking Kate and her jealousy. And dickhead David, messing up her life. What the fucking fuck.' She thinks angrily.

She looks at her hand, sees his number and sends him a message asking if he’s ok. And apologizes for Kate’s aggressive behavior. But also that he should leave her alone and stop ruining her life.

Within 10 seconds she gets a reply that he’s hurting but will be fine and asks her to meet him for drinks. Promising he'll make it all up to Ariana.

She sends a reply telling him to leave her alone and blocks the number. "But now he has my number…" She mumbles, "Shit!"

Kate comes storming out of the elevator and almost trips over Ariana's legs. Looking bewildered at her girlfriend, "There you are!" And she drops down next to Ariana clutching her arm.

Ariana doesn't know what to do with this. Usually the roles are reversed and Kate saves the day. Not this time. Sitting passively with a crying Kate on her knee Ariana decides they better go back up to their flat before someone sees them. She squirms out from under Kate and tries to get up.

Kate pulls her down, "No, please! Don't leave. I’m sorry. I need you."

"Come, stupid, we're going upstairs." Ariana urges Kate to follow her.

Kate looks at her with teary eyes, "We have no upstairs. It's a flat."

"Just come…" Ariana tugs on Kate's arm.

They wait for the elevator. When it finally arrives a man comes out looking at the 2 disheveled girls covered in tears. He stares at them for a moment, thinking he should say 'hi' or ask if they're ok. But then decides against it, not saying anything, thinking, fucking lesbians… Nothing but drama.

As they step into the elevator, Dana, Kate’s friend from the 4th floor, enters the lobby and sees the pair disappear looking like a right mess. And thinks there's trouble in paradise. Wondering what’s going on with them.

Ariana meanwhile pushes Kate off of her and orders the elevator up. Sticking out her tongue at the man leering at them. She had seen Kate do that from time to time too to staring men. The man frowns as the door closes wondering what the hell is wrong with those 2.

Dana greets her downstairs neighbor. "Hi Chris, what's up with them?" She asks.

"Fucking lesbians, always drama…" He grumbles without thinking.

"Hey now. I'm not always drama. Right?"

He looks at her, remembering she lives with a woman too, and sighs, walking away without a word.

Dana smirks. Idiots, all of them. And jogs up the stairs up to her flat hoping Sheila is already home too.

Back on the 12th floor Ariana sits Kate down on the couch who immediately slumps down over it. Ariana sits on the other end and is mostly just angry now.

Kate calms down a bit and feels stupid for losing control this badly. She sits up and looks around looking for something to wipe her tears away and goes to find tissues or something.

Ariana stares at the TV's black shape. She doesn't know what to do and wonders how this day could get any worse.

Kate comes back with a box of tissues, wiping her face. She grabs another tissue and wipes Ariana's face somewhat clean as well. "Hey…" She starts.

Ariana looks at her upset. "Fuck you." She scoffs.

Kate looks hurt. "Don't be mad babe, I'm sorry."

"You hit me…" Ariana says with the pain still fresh in her memory. "You tell me to shut up and that I can’t talk to people? And you attack David? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"But you and him…" Kate’s voice uncertain, "Forgive me. Please. I lost control." Kate leans over and wants to kiss Ariana who pulls away. "Nuh-uh, you don't get to kiss me." Ariana refuses. "What's wrong with you Kate?"

"I thought…" Kate starts, "Do you still like him?"

"Oh you stupid bitch!" Ariana bursts with anger. "When have I ever been disloyal to you? Have I EVER looked at other people? Showed any interest? Huh?"

"Never…" Kate says quietly.

"Then why the fuck are you like this? You stupid jealous moron!" Ariana shouts.

Kate sits quietly.

Ariana is right of-course and rages on, "Then you beat up David and slap me like I'm some cheap whore? Tell me to shut up?! Ittai nanina no!?" (What the fuck!?) She calls out in Japanese.

"I know… I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Kate says with a dejected voice.

"Do you really think that after all these years I still care for a guy that I hated all that time?"

"I don't know…"

"Ugh! You're so fucking stupid sometimes!" Ariana accuses Kate and scoots away from her looking angrily out the window.

Kate’s mind races. She's desperately trying to calm her thoughts and emotions but can't get a grasp on why she's like this. Is it panic because he mistreated Ariana and wants to protect her before she believes his lies? Or simply because he's Ariana's ex?

She can't put it into logical words or thoughts.

Kate’s mind races. 'Did I get it all wrong? And what did she mean with he didn't rape her? Did I misinterpret everything then?' Nothing makes sense and the only thing she knows for certain is that she needs to find a way to make things whole with Ariana.

She reaches out to Ariana across the couch and squeezes her thigh. "Ariana, my love…" Kate starts. Ariana looks at her angrily. "Please, I don't know what came over me. I, ehh, I’m an idiot." Kate admits defeat.

Ariana says nothing and looks away but Kate shakes Ariana's leg. "Hey, listen to me. I need you, ok?"

Ariana's head snaps back, looking intently at Kate. "Really?"

'Yes!' Kate thinks, she's biting. And she continues, "Really really, girlfriend." She forces a smile.

Ariana thinks for a second. "Prove it!"

"Anything my love, I'll do anything if you can forgive me." Kate pleads with Ariana.

Ariana reaches for Kate's face with her hand. Caressing her cheek. "Anything huh?" In her head she's measuring out a powerful swing and considers slapping Kate in the face to get some payback. It'd be so easy, and justified… But she can't slap her boss, that doesn't feel right. Instead she motions for Kate to come closer.

Kate forces herself onto Ariana with such force they almost fall flat on the couch as they clumsily kiss and Ariana senses Kate's desperation and finally believes her. Just like she did when they fell in love a year ago.

Ariana believes she can sense love through a kiss or some kind of affection and feels her anger melt away.

Feeling redeemed Kate eventually sits back down and pulls Ariana close and holds her like she's a big teddy bear. "And what of this David?" Kate inquires cautiously.

"He's just a dickhead from my past." Ariana lies.

He used to be a dickhead… Now he's her misunderstood and beat up ex-boyfriend. She remembers his sweet words from the restaurant and smiles inward and wonders what would have happened to the two of them if she'd be more thoughtful back then.

9 - The porno stunt kit

Several days later Ariana still looks at Kate with uncertain eyes but is starting to get past their fight. She didn't hear from David and the event fades away. Kate tries very hard to be normal and act like their mishap was just a misunderstanding.

Ariana isn't too sure, she still feels the sting of Kate’s slap and Kate’s aggression towards David is completely alien to her. She never saw Kate so completely out of line. It scares her. She wonders what Kate will do to her if she herself would do something Kate doesn’t like.

But on the other hand, she also felt her love and knows it's real… Milling over those conflicting thoughts Ariana can’t wrap her head around it.

The following Wednesday Kate is gone. It's her day off, usually the women stay home and do something together. The day before they had lounged around on the balcony with cold drinks all afternoon. Looking in the kitchen and bathroom she realizes Kate has snuck out and is indeed not home.

Kate had never left without saying anything before. She looks all over the place for a note and finally sends a message to Kate asking where she is, but there is no response.

Knocked out of her routine Ariana sits at the kitchen table poking at her yogurt with a spoon. She wonders where Kate is. Why didn't she say goodbye?

She hates being without her Kate.

Despite their recent issues she loves Kate dearly. Should she wait for Kate to come back or go do something? Looking at her phone for the millionth time there is still no reply.

Ariana sighs longingly.

Kate meanwhile is on a mission. She had secretly looked up pictures of strap-ons and figured she would surprise Ariana with one and hopefully make up for her misstep. Kate feels incredibly guilty at how irrational she behaved and hates seeing Ariana looking scared at her every time she raises her hand for anything.

Not trusting the 'we-deliver-in-a-anonymous-brown-box' shipping promises Kate decided to go check out a sex shop and see the thing before buying it. But not in her city, she remembers Ariana's worry of being recognized from a while ago when they went out to get bondage gear.

So she had spent a few days looking for strap-on harnesses online and thinks the shop where they bought their cuffs and collar has the one she wants.

While she looked at dozens of images and some videos it became clear that most women use a similar and very affordable leather harness kind of thing. So she thought that such a harness would be the best option. But then she spotted a form fitting harness with a wide fabric waistband and an internal vibrator, and she had set her mind on getting that specific model.

The waistband can be adjusted to conform to her body and as such should stay comfortably in place. It reminds her of a reinforced garter belt or body shaping underwear. In the back there are the 'traditional' 2 straps down over her butt joining into a wider front panel that would sit over her crotch and hold the dildo. Through a steel ring in front any dildo with a flared base would fit.

It sounds too good to be true. And for the price… It is quite pricey. It must be good, right?

Driving in an unknown city has her lost and stuck in traffic. Taking wrong turns a few times trying to escape the traffic jam. But eventually Kate arrives at the familiar looking sex shop. Sitting in front of the building for 10 minutes as she gathers all her courage before heading into the store.

She feels very much out of place in this world. Briefly looking around she feels awkward looking at anything. And after a few minutes of wandering around she gives up and marches to the cash register where a bored looking man is reading a magazine. Not the same guy as last time.

"Hello miss, can I help you?" He looks up from his magazine.

"Uh, yes, I hope so. I saw online that you sell this?" She holds up a photo on her phone.

"Oh certainly, I have a few of those still in stock."

"You do? Ehh, ok." She nervously responds.

The man looks at her with a sigh. "They're over there, 2nd aisle, in the middle somewhere, or otherwise the 3rd aisle."

"Oh, ok. Thanks…" She mumbles, and walks away looking for the strap-on harness.

‘Typical wannabe,’ the man thinks bored. Not expecting her to buy anything and to only waste his time.

Kate explores the 2nd aisle thinking the man from last time was much nicer. But as indicated, she finds what she's looking for. Picking up a box which simply has a picture of a woman wearing the harness and some branding on it and not much else.

Walking back to the register, "Found it," And she forces an awkward smile.

"Yep, that's the one. Dildo's not included, neither are the batteries." He is a little more interested now.

"O…" Fuck she thinks, now I have to actually choose a dildo too? "Ehh, which ones will fit in it? And can I see, ehh, this?” She gestures at the box.

"Sure, take a look. And for the dildo, anything from the pink one there," He points at a pink dildo, "Until you see plugs on the same side. Just match the round base to see the compatible ones."

He's motioning at a 20 meter long aisle full of dildos, plugs and other phallus shaped monstrosities.

Kate swallows nervously. "Oh, I see, thanks," She mumbles. And strolls by the dozens, if not hundreds, of dildos. Her mind is running wild with what she should get. Long, short? Thick? Ribbed? Black? Blue? Pink? Tentacle? Bendy? What the fuck…

What's the average male penis size? She wonders. Must be like 15 centimeters? Maybe 5 centimeters in diameter? Hmm. She can't remember if she ever paid attention to that at all other than 'big' or 'not big' as a measurement. She thinks about Ariana's petite body and if such a thing would fit. And in her butt no less… She has no idea.

Oh what has she gotten herself into.

"Need any help or advice with that?" She hears the cashier call out. Startled, Kate assures him she'll manage and not wanting to look stupid she quickly picks 2 dildos.

One about 6 centimeters thick and 25 cm long and another of 4 cm thick and 19 cm long. The smaller one is hot pink with little glittery specs in the material. It reminds her of My Little Pony. The other is black and smooth with an acorn shaped tip.

The man smirks at the big phallus. "Sure about that one?"

"Ehh yea, it's for my friend." As if that explains everything.

"Uh-huh," the man replies with concern. "It's really big though. Not recommended for newbies."

"We'll see." Kate says flustered. Wishing she could just run away.

"Alright then." He says, and scans the items, "That'll be $239,69"

Geez, Kate thinks, swiping her credit card. In her eagerness to leave she forgets to look inside the box of the harness.

Bagging up the dildos he says, "Have fun with your friend," and the man wishes her a good day with an amused look. He’s pleasantly surprised to see Kate buy something.

She'd done it. It's real now. She's gonna fuck her girlfriend tonight. Kate walks to her car in a daze. Not fully realizing she's walking around in public with a box showing a picture of a sex toy on it.

Ariana sits in her home-office, trying to do some work. She has a translation job for a Japanese firm but she can't focus on it. Not knowing where Kate is has her distracted. She also wishes she could find another accountant job instead. In the past she found several easy offerings that paid thousands of dollars. Much better than the hundreds she typically makes. It's been several months since she found one like it.

Ariana sometimes thinks she's stupid for being so attached to Kate. Pretty much her whole world revolves around her, being with her. And in a way she likes it like that… It gives her a sense of purpose. But at the same time she hates being so lost when Kate is not around. It makes her feel useless.

She wonders if Kate knows how she suffers sometimes because of her absence. She wants to be with Kate forever, nothing else really matters to Ariana. And she fantasizes about being married to Kate for the thousandth time since Kate took care of her after her collar accident in Miami. What would that be like, married life?

Around 3PM Kate finally gets home. Ariana is desperate to see her, to touch her, hear her voice.

Hearing the front door unlock she jumps out of her chair, knocking it over, and races from her office into the hallway. She bumps into Kate who stumbles back into the little vestibule that leads to the elevator.

"Ow!" Kate exclaims in surprise. Dropping her packages.

"KAAHAATE!" Ariana calls out. "You're back! Where were you?" She motions Kate inside carrying the bigger box inside that Kate had dropped.

"Hey girl," Kate greets her girlfriend.

Ariana hugs Kate and won't let go kissing her neck and cheek. "I missed you this morning baby." She coos. "Where did you go? Tell me?"

"Hey hey, relax Ariana, I've only been gone for a few hours."

"But they were loooong hours."

"I was on an adventure." Kate says cryptically.

"An adventure without me?" Ariana pouts.

"More like a secret mission… I got something for you, just you wait."

"A surprise? Did you buy me a gift?" Ariana picks up the plastic wrapped box again and shakes it.

"Can I open it? And this?" She points at the anonymous white bag Kate put next to the shoe rack.

"Not yet sweetie, let's have a drink, catch up." Kate takes the box she had wrapped in plastic supermarket bags from Ariana and slides it next to the shoe rack as well. "Come," Kate says, "Tell me about your day. Did you sleep ok? Finished any work?"

Ariana walks along with Kate looking over her shoulder to the mysterious box. She's super curious but she also wants to chat with Kate. She complains how lonely she's been all day, and how she tried to work on her Japanese translation but couldn't find the right words. So now it's all a mess with Katakana and Hiragana all mixed up.

Kate doesn't really know what that means but she says that sounds messy and laughs. "But you can fix it right?" She asks Ariana.

"Of-course." Ariana says, "I need to start over and use words from the right alphabet next time. I'll probably do it tomorrow."

"The right alphabet huh?" Kate ponders. "Why can't Japanese have just 1 alphabet? It'll be so much easier… You have 3 right?"

"Why does the roman alphabet have so many sounds?" Ariana retorts. Kate doesn't know what that means either and just smiles.

"Where did you go?" Ariana asks again.

"Oh for a drive, I had to pick up the boxes."

"What did you buy?"

"It's a secret!" Kate sternly says. "Promise you won't peek."

"Ok boss…" Ariana pouts. "Hey, do you want something to drink?"

"Sure, wine please."

Ariana runs into the kitchen eager to be of service to her lover and pours 2 large glasses of wine. Carefully walking back to the living room she hands a glass to Kate.

"Mmm, thanks sweetie. So you'll try your translation again tomorrow?"

"Yea maybe." Ariana vaguely responds, plucking at Kate's shirt and playing with her hair.

They sip their wine in silence. Ariana mimicking Kate's hand movement pretending she knows how to enjoy wine. She likes the taste of wine and how it makes her drunk sometimes. But she doesn't know anything about it other than that it's made of grapes. Kate on the other hand has all kinds of favorite bottles and years.

Ariana thinks back to when they went to a wine tasting event a few weeks ago. She couldn't really appreciate the tiny glasses and different kinds of grapes and fermenting or whatever. Kate had found it very fascinating and loved learning all about that kind of stuff. But Ariana thought all the talking was boring and had soon wandered off and explored the vineyard they had in a greenhouse. Looking at the vines, hearing the birds, smelling plants and humid air. Much more fun.

She was soon caught and sent back to the group though, cutting her exploration short.

"Did you have lunch yet?" Ariana asks. "Want something to eat?"

"No, I'm fine, I stopped at Starbucks on the way. How about you?"

Ariana, envious of Kate's Starbucks lunch, murmurs she only had a stupid peanut butter sandwich.

"Hah, but peanut butter is nice, I like it." Kate says. "And dinner? Any idea yet?"

"Eh, I'll make lasagna if you want?"

Kate thinks that sounds delicious. They both love lasagna and pasta, which, by default, calls for more wine… Another reason to love Lasagna, she thinks.

10 - Dinner and a show

Ariana and Kate chat for a while. Talking about all kinds of things like the weird clouds Ariana saw today and considering going to the supermarket but not wanting to go alone. A movie trailer she thought was funny. In between their chitchat Ariana keeps trying to prod Kate and find out what she's up to with her surprise. But Kate is careful not to spoil the surprise.

She then brings up that she has been wondering why she's so attached and dependent on Kate, asking if Kate knows what's up with that. Kate doesn't know but promises she'll figure it out, unless it is love's addiction leading her on.

Ariana frowns at that statement and then laughs. "So I'm addicted to you? Is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah why not? People get addicted to all kinds of things right? Why not other people?"

Ariana winks at Kate. "Right…" She had never heard of anyone getting addicted to someone else.

"I'm going to cook. Wanna help out?" Ariana asks Kate.

"Uh, can you manage? I have to check some things on the laptop."

"Oh, ok… But come help when you're done, right?"

"I will," Kate promises.

Ariana disappears into the kitchen and Kate retrieves her purchases from the hallway and puts them in the bedroom. She closes the door and starts unpacking.

Pulling out the harness she admires the purple color and soft velvet-like material but is a bit confused by the straps and buckles. Shaking the thing, the straps shift and she figures out which side is up and slips it on over her clothes. It fits like a weird garter belt or maybe a climber's harness. ‘Yes, that's it,’ she thinks.

She bought a 'porno-stunt-kit'.

She laughs quietly at her silliness. Adjusting the buckles, the harness shapes to her hips and fits a lot better and feels really snug. Like a tight pair of jeans. Taking off the harness she looks at how the vibrator works. This is a small pokey bit on the crotch strap that simply rests against her clitoris. Easy enough, she thinks. A small gate can be opened and it takes 2 AAA batteries. Alright, she thinks. Looking for batteries and finding none, she takes the batteries out of the air refresher that's in the closet.

bzzzt the thing softly sounds.

Turning off the vibrator she looks at how to attach the dildo and finds it's just a matter of wringing the flared base through the steel ring. ‘Aha!’ She thinks. Kate puts the harness away in her vaguely defined half of their closet and heads to the kitchen.

Having almost the same size they often share clothes and don't really have their own section anymore other than some specific things and fitted stuff like Kate’s uniform and some pants, as she is a lot taller than Ariana. Kate enters the kitchen, thinking about how to surprise Ariana, she sees her girlfriend look at the oven.

"Still need any help?" She asks Ariana.

"No, it's already in the oven. Look."

Kate glances at the oven and sees a huge dish with lasagna heating up. Lots of cheese and some big slices of tomato on top. "Looks good!" Kate compliments her lover as she leans against the kitchen table.

Ariana sits on the table and shimmies around Kate pinning her hips between her knees.


Kate rests her arms on Ariana's shoulders. "Yes babe?"

They look each other in the eyes.

"Did you think about what we talked about last week?"

"Your sexy fantasy?" Kate knows.

Ariana nods. "Did you?"

"I did…" Kate starts. "And I'll make you a deal."

Ariana's eyes widened, "yes?" She breathes expectantly.

"I'll do it, but at first not anal." Kate says with a serious voice, "See how we get along…"

Ariana looks at Kate for a moment and then her arms shoot up around Kate's torso. Hugging her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. So, so much!" She whispers.

Kate is surprised by Ariana's strong response and just hugs her back quietly.

"I know your surprise now…" Ariana continues.

"No you don't" Kate laughs.

"I dooooo!" She exclaims. "You already bought something for it."

"You'll find out soon girl." Kate remarks. "Maybe next week?"

Ariana leans back with a worried look, "Why wait a week?"

Kate strokes her face and laughs. "Just kidding sweetie."

"You're such a tease." Ariana smirks, hopping off the table to check on the lasagna. "Almost done!"

"Let's eat outside," Kate suggests.

"Eh sure, go set the table please." Ariana tells Kate. "I have to change."

Kate grabs some plates, cutlery and wine glasses and steps out on their balcony. ‘What a lovely afternoon,’ she thinks, wiping the table before setting it for dinner.

Ariana comes out onto the balcony looking stunning in a long cotton dress Kate has never seen before. It's form fitting around her torso and loose from her waist down. All green with thin white lines criss-cross in a semi random pattern. "Tadah!" She twirls around in front of Kate. "What do you think? Oh… Food."

Before Kate can reply she hurries inside to get the lasagna. A moment later she comes out again and puts a huge dish on the table smelling of melted cheese. Kate looks at her girlfriend and admires her figure.

"You look stunning Ariana," Kate gasps at her girlfriend. "Where did you find that?"

Ariana giggles. "I made it myself!"

"Whoa. Really? Well done!" Kate compliments her girl.

"I found a website where you can download patterns." Ariana explains. "It's not so hard if you try enough times." She smiles proudly at Kate.

Kate can't keep her eyes off Ariana. "You look lovely in the dress, really."

"Hey now." Ariana laughs, "Let's eat before it gets cold."

"Ehh yes…" Kate replies, the smell makes her hungry she realizes.

Ariana loads up their plates and they eat enjoying the view, more wine and each other. Kate asks all about Ariana's sewing activities, if she can make other things. Like shirts or pants? Ariana doesn't really know, she just tried this dress for now. And it took her 3 attempts to get it right.

"And you did all that secretly? And without a sewing machine?" Kate wonders.

Ariana looks at Kate, "It's fine right? A little surprise for you since you want me to try new things!"

"Yes yes," Kate rushes to say. "I just mean, I had no idea."

Ariana laughs. "I'll make something for you too, I'll look for a design. You'll see."

Kate loves Ariana, finally doing something on her own accord and is very impressed by her first attempt.

Finishing dinner Ariana cleans off the table as Kate divides her attention between the sunset and looking at Ariana. ‘She should wear dresses more often,’ Kate thinks. ‘It looks so good on her.’

Ariana notices Kate staring at her again. "Earth to Kate, earth to Kate! Hello!" She teases.

Kate repeats her thought out loud, "You should wear dresses more often sweetie, it looks so good on you."

"I usually wear skirts… I'm sure you noticed." Ariana says.

"Yes but that's different." Kate assures her.

11 - The experiment

Ariana heads inside leaving Kate on the balcony thinking her dress is a great success. She thinks what Kate would like if she made something for her. Maybe a dress too? Similar to hers? But Kate never wears long dresses like this. Maybe a matching skirt to her dress. Or a nice top to wear when she goes out? Ariana has to think about that.

Ariana does the dishes and cleans up the kitchen. Wiping some spilt pasta sauce from the floor as she sees Kate come in. "Kate?" Ariana calls out.


"Wanna go to bed early? Or cuddle on the couch?" Ariana suggests.

"Let's head to bed, I feel a bit tired." Kate lies, seeing her chance. She helps Ariana finish up in the kitchen and Kate guides her lover to the bedroom when they're done. "Get in babe, I'll join you soon."

Ariana slips the dress off her otherwise naked body and crawls into bed. Kate comes in a few moments later, clicking off the light. Ariana is waiting for Kate under the sheets and wonders what she's doing in the dark.

"Hey, come, Kate? What are you doing?"

"Just a minute." Kate says while struggling with her harness.

She manages to pull it on and fumbles with the hip straps to make it tighter. She has the pink dildo stick out of the steel ring and quietly finds her way to the bed. Ariana rolls on her side so Kate can spoon her from behind. They love that position. But Kate doesn't wiggle up close to Ariana this time. Instead she strokes Ariana's pussy until she feels it getting wet.

Dipping in 2 fingers she wets the dildo a bit and rolls on her side to snuggle up against Ariana. Ariana moans softly at Kate's attention and is caught off-guard as she feels the tip of something squishy push into her pussy.

"Ohhhh," Ariana gasps. "I knew iiiiit…"

Kate pushes in a bit deeper and finds the position hard to maintain. Wiggling a bit she pulls out. And Ariana whimpers in disappointment.

But Kate is not done yet of-course. She reaches under Ariana's hip and scoops her up so she rolls on her stomach. Ariana moans in excitement. Here it comes, she thinks. She'd been dreaming about this for weeks.

Kate positions herself on Ariana's upper legs. Not entirely sure how men do this, but she makes a best effort and carefully slips the dildo between Ariana's lips from behind. She slips in with ease until her crotch rests on Arianas butt.

Ariana meanwhile whimpers and almost orgasms just from Kate touching her. She manages to contain herself for now and receives the dildo greedily pushing her butt up against Kate. Reaching behind her back for Kate.

Kate grabs her arms and holds them pinned to her back leaning on them while she starts to pump into her girl. She remembers liking this from her last boyfriend.

"Yess, yesssss" Ariana gasps "More, ohh, ow, yeah!"

Kate, encouraged by Ariana's excited gasps, thrusts deeper and with longer strokes, finding her rhythm. She pants and finds she enjoys the sex, pinning Ariana under her, she completely forgot about the vibrator and loves the power she has over her girl.

Ariana can't believe her luck, secretly she had missed being penetrated by a cock on the regular and only very occasionally had masturbated with her dildo on her own. But that's not the same and she always felt guilty towards Kate. Now she's being taken by her partner and loves it. She squirms under Kate's assault and moans and gasps while being shaken to her core every time Kate thrusts into her.

After a few minutes Ariana orgasms with a loud throaty moan and shudders under Kate, who panting from her exertions, slumps down on Ariana's back pushing the dildo all the way into her.

"God, fucking, dammit" Kate sighs, that's awesome.

Ariana gasps for air and tries to unscramble her brain from what just happened to her and weakly struggles her arms free, groping at the bedsheets and moaning in the afterglow of her intense orgasm.

"Out, get… Move." Ariana struggles under her breath.

Kate rolls off of Ariana and lets the dildo pop out. Looking at her girl's sweaty face from the side. "How, was, that?" Kate pants in a whisper.

Ariana wraps her arms around Kate and just smiles for a minute. Trying to find words. “You can't imagine how much I missed sex like this." She murmurs at Kate.

Kate smiles and thinks she indeed can't, as she doesn't miss sex like this at all. But she does like that Ariana likes it and is certainly up for more, soon. Kate gets out of bed and removes the harness, dropping it to the floor. She puts on a t-shirt and invites Ariana to join her on the balcony so they can watch the city lights and cool down.

Ariana reaches out to Kate "Carry me please…"

Kate frowns but obliges the request, lifting Ariana up with an arm behind her back and one under her knees. She carries her naked girlfriend to the balcony and they sit on the lounge bed on the balcony looking out over the city.

Ariana clings to Kate, "I love you Kate." She whispers.

"Love you too babe." Kate replies. Sitting quietly for a moment, "That was fun huh?"

Ariana moans softly, "You have no idea, please do more of that."

Ariana and Kate find their new way of lovemaking a lot of fun and Kate discovers she can exert a bit more control over Ariana in bed, similar to when she uses the remote controlled vibrator. Not that she really needs more control as she's not really the domineering type but she enjoys pinning Ariana down in whichever way and sees her struggle as she has her way with her.

Ariana loves Kate so much more for indulging in her fantasy and the strap-on becomes an often used toy in their sex games.

Kate and Ariana experiment with all kinds of positions and locations in the flat. Bent over the kitchen table. On the balcony, the couch. Ariana once insisted on using her cuffs, the helpless feeling was so good. Kate finds that taking her girl from behind is her favorite, but also the more traditional missionary works very well for her.

Ariana is up for anything as long as Kate keeps it somewhat gentle and greedily accepts what she can get from Kate. She quickly gets curious about the bigger dildo and they try it a few times but it's too big. Ariana can't take the full length and finds its girth difficult to handle.

Eventually they try anal as well. Ultimately it's not as bad as Kate thought. But Kate doesn't really think it's appropriate and very much prefers regular sex. Ariana is disappointed at this but is happy nonetheless with how they evolved their relationship to a higher level. Arguing for herself that the few times Kate does do anal it's all the more special.

When Ariana asks if she should reverse roles they try that as well, but they both agree it's better if Kate does the fucking.

Eventually Ariana comes up with a design for a skirt for Kate. She spent days looking for the perfect skirt pattern for her lover before finally deciding she should stop trying to make it perfect and just pick a model that looks ok and get on with it. It takes her 5 attempts before she gives up on it. Without a sewing machine the threads keep coming out. Her dress is falling apart too.

Ariana eventually gives up making clothes as she thinks it is way too much work, and she quits her hobby after many failed attempts to replicate her form fitting underwear from years ago.

12 - History lesson

Ariana never mentions the curtains again to Kate and decides for herself that sand color, or 'old' brown as she called it, is actually nice.

A week or so later Ariana sits Kate down for a serious talk. She has decided to tell Kate about her past. Ariana starts with David. She tells Kate what she thought he did to her, and what he told her recently. Kate only half believes any of what David had said and still feels anger towards him. Silently vowing that if she ever sees him again she'll kick him in the nuts again. She is however relieved Ariana wasn't raped but 'merely' touched up and choked, supposedly by a friend of David. Horrible as that may be, it's way less bad than being raped, she argues for herself.

Looking relieved, Kate is glad Ariana finally confided in her and told her about her misadventure and she praises Ariana for her bravery in telling her.

But Ariana isn't finished yet.

"Kate, but there is more. You should know everything… If you want to hear it."

"More?" Kate asks with worry. "What more? What else did he do?"

Ariana looks pained at her lover. "Other boyfriends and me being stupid…" She whispers.

Kate looks unsure. "Wasn't David enough trouble?" She tries to make a bit of a joke and lighten the mood.

"He was just the last of many, Kate… After him I thought I would never find a trustworthy guy any more. I gave up. That's why I built my box."

"Oh… So what happened before him then?" Kate softly asks.

"Ehh, well, my first boyfriend. He was a lot older than me, like 42, a true gentleman I thought. Always wearing nice suits and he had a driver who picked me up. But when we finally got to having sex he made many rules…" Ariana starts telling her story.

"Like the no-underwear-for-dates rule?" Kate interrupts.

"Yes… And I was really stupid for him, he made me think that all men have a title, like 'Daddy', 'Sir' or 'Boss'. He wanted me to call him 'Boss'. And I liked it because he enjoyed it. He was some kind of business CEO I thought. But it turns out he was an arms dealer. He wanted me to join him at one of his parties and I met the Japanese minister of defense." She smiles weirdly at Kate.

Kate nods surprised. "Ok. But that doesn't sound too bad… Aside from him being an arms dealer? Parties, meeting important people… Right?"

"No, the bad starts after the party. I thought he was in love with me and I imagined we would marry. Or that was my stupid fantasy anyway. After the party he tricked me into his sex and domination games… He had sex with me many times but even after 3 months I was still a virgin."

"Ehh, what? Tricked? How does that work? And how can you be a virgin if you had sex?" Kate asks, confused.

"Well, we were finally going to have normal sex. Our first time, and I really wanted it too." Ariana remembers with a dreamy look in her eyes. "But I didn't want a kid, and he refused to use a condom. So he suggested we do anal. He promised to be gentle… He wasn't at all gentle and I felt violated. He convinced me that's how sex works and I couldn't stay away from him so it went on for quite a while. In the end he tied me up in his bathroom until I sort of agreed to have unprotected sex. We did, and I thought I was pregnant for 2 months… But I finally decided I would not see him again after that night. I guess I needed his abuse huh? How fucking stupid am I?" Ariana finishes her rambling, a tear running down her cheek.

"And you were 18 then? And he was your first real boyfriend?" Kate asks, wiping away the tears.

Ariana nods.

"I guess you just didn't know any better then? But why didn't you break up with him sooner?" Kate asks.

"I tried… Every week, I hated him. But also every time I craved his attention and his commanding presence." Ariana looks down. "I'm so sorry Kate…"

"Don't apologize for that sweetie. Never ever apologize for things like that…" Kate insists. "Come…" She reaches out her arms to embrace Ariana.

Ariana leans into Kate and lets her hold her. "But… I'm so stupid. Every week he had some new humiliating game or trick, I had to masturbate in a restaurant once and he called me a slut for it… Or he would shove me out of his hotel into the lobby naked when he…"

Kate squeezes her girlfriend tightly. Shushing her, whispering to her to be quiet. She doesn't want to hear every detail, finding it upsets her greatly. She whispers soothing words into Ariana's ear. Telling her she was just inexperienced and fell in love with the wrong guy.

Ariana softly cries. "When my mom found out I was not doing well in school after breaking up with him she said to get my life in order and not talk to her until I did… I never heard from her again, as you know."

"Oh sweetie…" Kate says, not finding the right words. Then after a few moments. "So 2 bad boyfriends? That's really unlucky, huh? But most women have a few bad men in their lives…"

"No Kate, 3… After Matt there was another, maybe 2 years after. Brian was his name. He was alright at first. But when he discovered I'm not so assertive he turned me into his personal servant. Kinda like you do… But in a stupid way."

"Oh…" Kate feels like crying now too. Almost wishing she'd never asked Ariana to talk about her past.

"Yes, like he would have friends over to watch a movie and he invited me too and I had to serve them drinks and snacks. And clean his house, do many chores. But I broke up with him when I walked in on his new girlfriend…"

"That's good." Kate says sullen. "And then you found David?"

Ariana nods, "Yes maybe a year after. He was really nice up until the end. We tried bondage before but he was too rough. So I didn't want it. It scared me. But he was really nice about it, like he cared. Then later he said he wanted to try again and do better. But then his friend, or him… You know, and I left him too. I was so upset…"

Kate says nothing. So many bad choices and bad luck… It's unbelievable. "But you're so smart Ariana. How eh, you know. How could you never find a good man…" She clumsily asks.

"I don't know Kate. Maybe I'm just stupid… I told you before, I'm screwed up. But you never believed me…" Ariana softly says.

"I still don't believe it." Kate assures her. "You're so sweet and clever…"

"I slept with many bad men, Kate. Many one night stands or in nightclubs. Before David. I don't even remember them all, or their names. All with my poor judgment and they just wanted me for sex or something. And at the office… The guys never respected me when I worked there. Maybe nobody ever respected me? Or they know that I’m weak? But you were always nice to me."

"Shh shh, you're not weak, sweetie." Kate shushes her. She doesn't want to hear the rest. Kate had found out about what her office co-workers thought of Ariana before she had quit her job there herself. She thought it was appalling the way they talked about Ariana and unknown to Ariana was one of the reasons she quit in the first place. "But you're fine now. Right? You found me. Does that make you happy?" Kate wants to know.

Ariana nods with a spark in her eyes. "Yes Kate, very much. I've always thought you saved me."

"See, so it's not all bad." Kate assures her. She desperately wants to talk to someone about this. Maybe Lisa, Kate's sister, has something smart to say. She really hopes so.

They sit for a few moments and Kate tries to cheer Ariana up with silly jokes and assurances about how she improved her life over the last 18 months or so. Ariana's vulnerable state reminds Kate of how she found Ariana in her apartment last year when she had visited Ariana in her home for the first time to check on her when she pretended to be sick.

The women hug closely and Ariana snuggles up to Kate. Ariana knows Kate is trying to be sweet and helpful but her mind is a mess and it's very apparent.

Over the next few days Ariana is more quiet and on herself than usual, and Kate keeps trying to cheer her up while she impatiently waits for Lisa, her sister, to be in town that weekend. Ariana feels bad for Kate for having to hear about her shitty life.

Kate on the other hand says it's good that she talked about it, but doesn't really know what to do or say to help her poor girlfriend.

Lisa finally arrives on Saturday and after work Kate heads out to meet Lisa for a one-on-one. The two women sit in a secluded spot in the local donut shop with a drink and Lisa sits with her mouth agape when Kate finishes talking.

"What, the, fuck… Who… Why didn't you know this before? Fucking hell…" Lisa stammers.

Kate shrugs, "Does it matter, like really? I would have eventually fallen in love just the same I’m sure. She’s my best friend, you know?"

"Yes but, what the fuck Kate. How is Ariana not in a mental institute?" Lisa asks. "I mean, she's sweet and all, but all that pent up misery and the emotions… What's going on in her mind? Do you even know? Is that why she's so submissive to you?"

"Yea I guess. But I think it's just who she is…" Kate sighs. "And the world around her readily exploits it… Including me, I guess. But I don't know what to do with it Lisa. What can I possibly do to help her? She hates the world and people and I am sure it's because of what happened. How can I fix that for example?"

Lisa sits for a moment, "I don't know sis, just do what you already do I guess… If you truly love her and don't mind her emotional damage… Do more. Indulge her. Never let her go and protect her."

"That is, if there is emotional damage, right?" Kate wonders.

"How can a young fragile woman not be emotionally fucked up after all that Kate? Come on, be realistic…" Lisa scoffs at her. “Of-course she’s damaged… We just don’t know how badly.”

"I don't know, ok? I don't know. Maybe she’ll just be depressed… But I was hoping you'd have some advice for me." Kate sighs.

"Ehh, no. I have no idea. Just be the best person you can be for her and keep her away from men I guess?" Lisa thinks. She then says, "I do know now why she's acting like a kid so much…"

"Oh?" Kate looks surprised. "You only met her twice, so how do…"

"I know, but hear me out…” Lisa interjects, “Wouldn't you like to stay an innocent kid forever after going through 4-5 years of abusive relationships?" Lisa asks.

"Yea I guess… Like a coping mechanism?" Kate speculates.

"I sure hope so." Lisa says, "I would hate to see you get hurt if she goes psycho or jumps off a balcony or something."

Kate looks upset at Lisa. "Hey! Ariana is not like that!"

"I sure hope so." Lisa says again.

Kate and Lisa talk for a bit more but ultimately do not come to any smart solutions, Lisa even went so far to suggest that Kate maybe should find a better woman. Someone without a bad history.

Kate then decides this talk is going nowhere and changes the subject. In the end she goes home none the wiser but vows to herself to try and never bring up the past and hopes Ariana can be happy with what Kate has to offer her.

Hopefully Ariana won't go nuts someday.

13 - The collar

Kate pampers her girlfriend more and more over the next few weeks and their bondage games are on the back burner. So much so that when Kate comes home from work one day she finds Ariana with a pained face as she had pushed the strap-on dildo into her vagina and locked on her chastity belt.

The dildo didn't settle very well and caused Ariana a lot of discomfort all afternoon.

Kate quickly unlocks the belt and scolds Ariana for being stupid and reckless. But seeing her girlfriend's depressed look she locks the belt back on, without the dildo. Telling her she's not getting out anytime soon, as a punishment.

"Please think better next time Ariana. What if you get hurt and I can't save you in time?"

"I know Kate, I just made a mistake ok? How long should I wear the belt?" Ariana says.

Kate hugs her girlfriend and holds her close, "We'll see… Why did you do it anyway?"

"I missed our bondage, you've been so nice to me lately…" Ariana says quietly. "I felt like being helpless for you. I'm sorry."

Kate looks at her with loving eyes. "Please be careful next time sweetie. I don't want you to get hurt, ok?"

The women head out for dinner in the city center a few minutes later. They go to Ariana's favorite Japanese restaurant where Ariana eats so much ramen that her stomach hurts. Kate is not really a ramen person and instead orders sliced beef with black pepper sauce and rice.

While they eat and enjoy the evening they talk about their day. Ariana had some luck and found another one of those outlandish administration jobs, and is expecting a big payday soon. Kate had another tiresome day at work, But being together they both quickly forget about the stress and mistakes of the day.

Back home Kate seduces Ariana into wearing her cuffs and connects her wrists together and her ankles with a padlock. Kate then wants to put on the collar, but Ariana scoots away from it as soon as the steel touches her neck. She's still unwilling to let anything touch her neck after the shock collar incident.

"You know, I could just force you to wear it. You're already helpless…" Kate says jokingly.

"If you do, I'll hate you all week Kate." Ariana snaps back at her. "You know it still hurts!"

"I know, I know. How about the hood? Or the gag?"

Ariana violently shakes her head. She had tried those a few days ago and couldn't do it.

"Alright, then you'll wear the chastity belt until you change your mind… Double punishment." Kate promises with a smile.

"Kaahaate! Noooo!" Ariana pleads, thinking that it might take months.

Kate just holds up the collar and says, "Or this… Your choice. But as your boss I would love to see you wearing your collar again." She half jokes.

Ariana says nothing and struggles in her bonds. After thinking for a few seconds she offers to give Kate an orgasm every day if she doesn't have to wear the belt for months.

"We'll see about that…" Kate laughs, giving her a kiss.

Ariana feels helpless and struggles with her impossible choice and pretends to go to sleep, unsure of how serious Kate is with her punishments. With her wrists linked together she can't even cuddle with Kate… ‘So unfair,’ she thinks.

The next morning, before she leaves for work, Kate removes the padlocks from Ariana's cuffs, leaving her to sleep. She puts the belt key on Ariana's phone. Giving her the choice of freedom. But she also carefully bolts the collar on Ariana's neck. Placing the Torx driver on the washing machine in plain sight of the door. Finally she writes a note to Ariana that she loves her dearly. The challenge for the day is to wear the collar. If she can find the Torx driver she can remove the collar. But she can also choose to wear the collar and show Kate what a strong woman she is. And sticks the note to the bedroom door.

When Ariana wakes up almost an hour later she sees the key on her phone and quickly unlocks the belt. She smiles at Kate's kindness and is thankful her punishment was a bit of a ruse. She lazes around in bed for a while playing with her phone before starting her day. Ariana gets out of bed and wanders into the bathroom. As she looks at herself in the mirror she notices the collar on her neck and screams in horror.

“Nononononono!” She screams at her reflection, tugging on the unyielding steel. After a few moments she sinks to the floor in tears weeping, clutching the collar with both hands.

"That fucking Kate!" She's furious at her girlfriend. How dare she!?

Ariana sends angry and misspelled messages to Kate calling her a mean bitch and more hurtful remarks. A moment later she sends she's sorry and begs for Kate to come home and remove the collar. Or she can come to the hotel so that Kate can release her.

Kate's only reply is that she's being very rude and should apologize properly that evening. Then she lets Ariana know she should stop overreacting. In a 3rd message Ariana is told that she has been wearing the collar for hours by now and she should think about that. And in a final message Kate instructs Ariana that she should read her note on the door.

"Note? What fucking note?" Ariana yells at her phone. She didn't see a note. Ariana goes looking for a note, checking the bathroom door. She checks the front-door and finally finds the piece of paper on the floor near the bedroom door where it had fallen down.

Finally getting the challenge Kate has thought up for her she frantically searches for the Torx driver but doesn't think to look in the little spare room where the washing machine is. She doesn't check under the bed or the couch. And just rushes around the flat looking in all the wrong spots without thinking.

All the while she imagines that the steel collar is burning and shocking her neck. She gets very worked up and tugs and pulls so hard on the collar that she actually makes a red mark on her skin. After what feels like an eternity but in reality has been less than 15 minutes she gives up and calls Sheila, who lives on the 4th floor, on the phone and asks if she can help her.

A few minutes later Sheila comes rushing to the 12th floor, worried for her hysterical friend. She inspects the note and then the collar but she doesn't recognize the bolt. Calling it a star screw. Ariana remains stuck for the time being.

Sheila tries to comfort Ariana but the girl is so distracted with getting the collar off she doesn't listen. Sheila has to go to work and leaves a distraught Ariana behind, wishing her good luck and to keep searching for the screwdriver. On her way down to her flat she sends a message to Kate that she thinks Kate is being very mean to treat Ariana like this.

40 minutes later, when Sheila has a spare moment at the pharmacy where she works, she sees Kate's reply. It's saying that Ariana needs to overcome her fear. Sheila thinks about that for a second but then has to focus on her work as a customer comes in and soon forgets about Arianas plight.

Ariana meanwhile finally calms down a little. Having exerted herself for the last 2 hours she falls down on her bed thinking what a bitch Kate is. Hating Kate for what she did.

She then thinks about the collar and what harm is it doing really? She feels around the damn thing for the thousandth time and concludes it's not actually hurting her. Getting up from the bed she stares at herself in the tall closet mirror and gives up. She can't take it anymore. Falling back down on the bed she forces her eyes closed and tries to sleep. At least then she can ignore the fucking collar.

Kate at work feels guilty for what she did. But she also knows it's the push Ariana probably needs to overcome her fears. She didn't expect Ariana to be so rude and mean with her messages though. And re-reading them throughout the day saddens her. And Sheila? Ariana clearly had sought help from her. What would she do? Did she release the collar?

Kate sighs, hoping Ariana would still be able to love her when she gets home tonight.

Ariana sleeps a fitful sleep for a few hours and finally wakes up with a start. It's about 2PM. She feels worn out and hot. Her clothes feel dirty from getting sweaty as she slept under the blankets in them. Throwing her outfit in the laundry she looks at herself in the big mirror again, this time she admires the collar. It looks cute on her, she thinks. And considers Kate was probably right to lock the collar on in her sleep.

Remembering how mean she was earlier with her messages she sends a heart emoji to Kate. She'll understand.

Kate hears the message come in but is dealing with a large group of guests that has just arrived. She's dying to know if it's from Ariana and what she has sent her but she can't look for another 30-odd minutes and it has her distracted. 2 couples end up in the wrong rooms and she's scolded by an older man for almost pushing a door closed in his face.

Kate doesn't really care as she stares at the single heart emoji a minute later. Apparently Ariana had found the screwdriver. Now she's curious if the collar will be on or off when she gets home.

Ariana of-course didn't find the screwdriver, but she does have another idea. She's quickly becoming more comfortable with the collar and accepts that she should just ignore the thing and live with it. She then considers the original purpose of the collar, or how she sees it anyway and goes looking for the chain and padlocks.

Clicking the first lock shut through the first link of the chain and her collar she wonders what she should attach herself to. Spotting the radiator pipe next to the balcony door she tries that. She can reach the couch and sit on it. But not much else. That's fine, she thinks. And without thinking it through she clicks the lock shut locking herself into place.

Ariana sits coyly on the couch thinking about what to do now. Realization setting in… Her phone is out of reach, even the TV remote is too far on the other end of the couch. When she gets thirsty, or has to pee, she can't even do that. Immediately regretting her hasty decision. Kate will be upset again for her stupid actions.

Sitting bored on the couch she eventually falls asleep again sleeping through the rest of the afternoon until she hears the front door smack shut.

"Hey Ariana? I'm Home!" Kate calls out, carrying a large pizza. She finds her girlfriend naked on the couch rubbing her eyes. "Hey sleepyhead. Sorr…" Kate starts to apologize for her stunt.

"Kate! Come here!" Ariana calls out, reaching out to Kate for a hug. "I'm so, so, so sorry for earlier. I was just upset with the collar. I'll never do it again…" She apologizes to Kate.

"That's alright girl, did you remove the collar as I said you could?" Kate asks, realizing her dumb question as the chain rattles around her lover.

"No… I couldn't find the thing to remove it. I looked everywhere. But then I realized it's not hurting me so I added the chain." Ariana timidly confesses.

Kate gives her girlfriend a good look and looks her in the eyes. Saying nothing she just kisses her intensely. Ariana greedily responds and the women kiss passionately for minutes.

"So you don't hate me then?" Kate asks with a smirk.

"No! Well, yes! I mean, I did. But now I know it was the right thing, Kate!" Ariana replies.

The two eat their pizza, Kate feeding slices of pepperoni to Ariana as she can't reach the pizza box. And finally she is released so the couple can spend their evening together cuddling on the couch in comfort.

Ariana is feeling happy with Kate being so smart and knowing what to do all the time.


Continues in

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