Gromet's PlazaBuried Stories

Bury Me Please

by Owlbear

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© Copyright 2024 - Owlbear - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; buried; mast; snorkel; beach; garden; cons; X

1 - It started at the beach

Dave and Jenny were a successful couple who while not filthy rich were certainly very well off. They had been married for a couple of years and their sex life had been great. Both had said that they weren't going to hide their fantasies from each other and as a result they had tried a good few things. Some they found great fun, but not everything. However, they both agreed that it was better to try something and not like it than to not try things and maybe regret it later.

But both had been holding back just a little with each thinking that their ultimate fantasy was probably a little too extreme even for the other. Ironically, both had pretty much the same fantasy. Jenny had always wanted to be buried alive for a few hours before then being dug back up, while Dave had always fantasised about burying someone in an unmarked grave, leaving them for some time before digging them back out again. But both had found that there were very few videos on the internet showing people being buried, except for extracts from low budget horror films and they were so obviously fake they weren't really of any interest, so both had decided that they must be some sort of freak for wanting to act it out.

But that changed when they went to a really secluded beach one summer.

They had found a holiday park by the coast in Cornwall, and while exploring the coastal paths had found a small cove with a beautiful beach but which was fairly tricky to get to as the path down to it was somewhat overgrown at the top of the cliff which also made it easy to miss, and the couple of times they had gone down there they hadn't seen anyone else around. It was the last full day before their holiday ended, and they decided to go down to the cove and do some snorkelling during the afternoon before having a picnic while watching the sun set.

They spent a little while snorkelling out to the rocks at the ends of the cove, watching the sea life and eventually got back to the beach a couple of hours before sunset, so decided to relax for a while and as there was no-one else around they decided to remove their swimsuits completely and sunbathe naked.

After a while, Jenny started to feel horny and felt that this could be a good time to reveal her hidden desire to be buried. She figured that lots of people play around with being buried in the sand (or at least partly buried) so it wouldn't seem to be as outlandish as just saying 'I want to be buried in the garden', and if Dave wasn't too shocked then maybe she could use it as a start point. She didn't know that Dave also had fantasies about burying someone, but he thought that would be too shocking for Jenny to hear, so had kept quiet about it.

"Dave," said Jenny. "Can I ask you to do something for me? As there's no-one around, I want you to bury me under the sand."

Dave was surprised, but managed to keep calm and ask "What, just your legs, or up to your neck, or what?"

"Just up to my neck. I used to do this when I was a kid and it was always fun feeling the sand cover most of me."

"Sure" replied Dave, and he started to scoop out a shallow hole wide enough and long enough for Jenny to lay in it with her shoulders and head sticking up at one end.

Once the hole was done, Jenny laid herself in it and when Dave raised his eyebrow she nodded and he started piling the sand back in, covering her legs, then her arms, and finally her torso, with her nipples being the last bits covered, after Dave gave them a quick kiss.

"Ooh, this feels really good," Jenny said, "but I think I know how to make it even better. Dig out a space for my head to go in, and then you can lay down above me and I can suck your cock. And even if someone did come along, they would just think you were lying on your front doing a bit of nude sunbathing while I could bring you off."

At this, Dave found he was rock hard, which Jenny noticed. "I think you like that idea as well," she said.

"Too right I do. If you're sure that's what you want to do then I'm up for it. Sorry about the pun."

A quick bit of digging later, and anyone passing by wouldn't have known that Jenny was even there, as Dave was laying down with his eyes closed enjoying the feel of Jenny's warm mouth surrounding his cock. He could swear that she had never managed to take him this deep before, but he wasn't going to complain. He was getting close to coming when he heard movement in the sand, and opening his eyes he saw a couple of guys walking towards him with some fishing gear.

"Enjoying the sun?" asked one of the strangers.

"Definitely" said Dave. "Figured that as there wasn't anyone around I could try for an all over tan."

"No problem," said the second guy. "I've done it here myself, as there's rarely anyone around to complain. Still, there's fish to be caught, and there's a spot just around the headland that's perfect so we'll leave you to it." And with that the guys wandered off. At that point the suction on his cock suddenly intensified, and Dave found himself coming deep in Jenny's throat almost before he realised how close he had been.

As the strangers were heading away, he lifted himself up a little to remove his cock from Jenny's mouth and lay on his side. He looked down to see Jenny licking her lips with a huge smile. "That was great," she whispered. "Having you talk to strangers while I was sucking you made me come without even having to play with myself. So when it sounded like they were going I decided it was time for a salty drink."

"And very nice that was. But I didn't know you liked being buried in the sand. If I had known, we could have done this earlier in the week."

"Well I wasn't sure how you'd react. Wanting to be buried isn't exactly normal."

Dave looked thoughtful for a moment. "No, but as we seem to be in the mood for revelations, I should say that I have often fantasised about burying you as well. But I thought you'd be shocked by that, so I kept it to myself."

"It looks like we both have the same interest in burials after all. In that case, there's one more thing I want to try while we're here. Can you grab my snorkel and mask for me."

"I wonder if I can guess what you have in mind," said Dave as he fished the gear out of their bag. "Could it be that you want me to cover you over completely?"

"Oh yes. Just the thought of it is turning me on." And Jenny quickly donned the mask and snorkel and laid back in the hole so that the snorkel was pointing straight up.

Dave carefully pushed sand back into the hole all around her head, leaving her face till last. Then slowly pushed the sand over her mouth and nose, and finally over the mask leaving her in darkness. He then propped their bag up against the side of the snorkel, so if anyone was to come past they wouldn't notice it and it would appear as if he was on his own.

Every now and again he would see the sand move a little and figured that Jenny was bringing herself off, so left her to it.

The sun was getting near to the horizon, and Dave was about to dig Jenny up, when the 2 fishermen came back into sight. They waved as they passed by, and once they were out of sight he moved the bag and started to scoop the sand away from Jenny's head. Once her face was uncovered he removed the mask and snorkel and asked how she felt.

"I was enjoying myself a lot, so did you have to dig me out so soon?"

"Well it's getting close to sunset, so you've been under there for over 3 hours." Dave replied.

"What! It can't have been that long."

Dave cleared a bit more sand and lifted Jenny's head so she could see the sun.

"Oh. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun."

Dave dug her arms out, and together they cleared enough sand for Jenny to be able to get to her feet and dust herself off.

"The only downside of being buried in the sand while naked is that the sand gets everywhere. And I really mean everywhere. I'm going to need a serious shower when we get back to the chalet, and then you can fuck me silly. But not until I'm certain that I've got all the sand out of my pussy."

They sat down and proceeded to eat the picnic that they had brought with them, until the sun finally set, then dressed and made their way back to their chalet for the last night of their holiday. Once showered, shagged, and showered again, Dave decided they needed to have a talk about what had happened.

"So," Dave started, "you have a thing about being buried in the sand then."

"Weeeell, not just sand. It started when I was young with being partly buried in the sand by my parents, as a game, but as I got older I realised that thinking about being buried anywhere would get me turned on. I've always kept that to myself, because most people would get seriously weirded out if you go up to them and say 'please bury me in the garden'. But being so secluded and warm this afternoon, I felt I just had to take the risk. If you hadn't been into it I could have laughed it off as just bringing back silly memories from my childhood."

"So it's a good job that I've had fantasies in the past about finding someone that wanted to get buried. But getting buried like we did earlier in anything other than sand is likely to be dangerous. How easy was it to breathe?"

"It was fine. There was only a couple of inches of sand, so hardly any weight to worry about. Not sure what it would be like under soil though. Can we try it when we get back home?" asked Jenny.

"Probably. I'll need to check which parts of the garden are overlooked, as we wouldn't want any of the neighbours calling the police to say that I've done away with you."

"Ha ha. Yes, that would take some explaining, wouldn't it."

"OK, I don't know about you, but I'm knackered, and we need to pack up in the morning and then I need to drive us home, so let's get at least a bit of sleep."

Dave spent a good bit of time over the next few days thinking about what had happened at the beach, and hoped that it would lead to much more fun going forward. He also checked out the garden carefully, and found that there was one corner where no-one would see anything that they did, so he cleared some of the grass leaving it looking like a flower bed before the flowers went in. He also dug down to check that it was reasonable soil and not thick clay like they had at his parents house, but the soil was pretty good for at least 3 feet down (he didn't go any further). He figured that they wouldn't need to go down that far as just a few inches of soil above Jenny would be ample to class her as having been buried, so probably a 2 foot deep hole would be enough.

"I've found us a spot, and checked the ground, so we're good to go," Dave told Jenny.

"Ooh goodie. Can we try it this weekend?"

"Yep. We just need to work out how to keep you safe, and then we can go ahead."

"Well obviously I'll need to use the snorkel, but I think I'll use the facemask as well. I don't want to get dirt in my eyes."

"That's what I thought too. I can tape the snorkel to the side of the mask as well, so there won't be any way for it to fall over while I bury you. The other thing to decide is if you want to wear anything or if you'd rather do it starkers."

"Definitely naked. Part of my fantasy has always been the feel of the soil hitting my skin."

"In that case, roll on Saturday."

Saturday came around, and fortunately the weather was dry and not too hot - so perfect for digging. Dave dug out what he judged to be a large enough hole for Jenny to lay back in, but wasn't sure how deep to do it. Jenny had come out as well, and once she was in the area that wasn't overlooked had ditched her shorts and t-shirt in readiness, so Dave got her to lay in the hole so that he could judge the size. He had the length and width about right, but if he buried her right then her nipples would have stuck out like plants growing up through the soil, and while he was sure that he would enjoy that particular view, it wasn't what Jenny was after. So he got her to stand up and dug down a few more inches.

Jenny lay back down and this time when Dave looked from the side nothing of Jenny was visible. "OK, that looks to be deep enough, at least for the first time."

"Give me the snorkel and mask then."

"Here they are. Better make sure that you've got a good seal around the mask and that you can breathe fine."

She nodded her head, and lay back fully within the hole, looking up at the sky above her.

"Here goes then. I'll start at your feet, and if you have any issues and want me to stop then either raise a hand, or if you can't do that then shake your head and I'll get you out straight away." And with that, Dave picked up the shovel and dropped the first load of soil over Jenny's feet. He carefully moved along her legs, making sure that the soil in the hole was pretty much level with the surrounding earth. Just as he was about to drop the first load onto Jenny's pussy, she swung an arm over so that she could finger herself as it happened. So Dave teased her by dropping that load onto her stomach instead.

"'oil 'ort," she retorted (or at least tried to).

Dave laughed and then dropped the next load onto Jenny's crotch and continued to cover her up. For a moment, the soil over her hand could be seen to move a little, and he could hear her breathing speed up slightly. As he moved onto her breasts, he went a little slower, in case the weight caused Jenny problems with breathing. But she seemed to be having no issues so finally he covered up her nipples and started to fill in the areas around her head. Finally, he carefully poured soil over her face while making sure not to get any into the end of the snorkel, and after a couple of minutes the hole was completely filled in. Apart from the small pile of soil that wouldn't fit, and the end of a snorkel sticking 4 inches out of the ground, you wouldn't have known that anyone was there. Even the movement of her hand (if it was still moving) couldn't be seen.

Dave leant over to put an ear to the snorkel and could both feel the air movement and hear her breathing, and it sounded more like she was excited than having difficulties, so he left her to enjoy the moment.

After about 10 minutes, he decided that was long enough for her first time, and slowly started to clear the soil away from her head, using his hands (he didn't want to accidentally hit her with the shovel). As he cleared the facemask he could see the smile in her eyes that told him she had enjoyed herself. He rapidly cleared the rest of the soil from her head and then slid his hands behind her shoulders to pull her up to a sitting position (he figured that would be easier than digging the rest of her out with his hands). Jenny quickly removed the snorkel and mask and leant over to give him a kiss.

"That was everything I could have imagined" she said "and I want to do more and do it deeper. The only downside from that test was that I had to work on keeping my breathing going properly. Even just that much soil made it hard to take a deep breath, so I think I would rather be buried in a box when we try again so I don't have the soil crushing my chest. Maybe we could use a coffin?"

"I'm not sure how easy it would be to get a coffin, as they are pretty expensive, and how could we explain it to the neighbours if they saw it being delivered. It might be easier to either get a sturdy crate of some sort, or even for me to build a box for you."


Continues in

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