Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Part-Time Equine

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; fpov; ponygirl; latex; armbinder; harness; collar; catsuit; gag; outdoors; rom; cons; X

Continues from

Part 12

It was going to be a warm day. The sun had only been in the sky for a few hours and already I could see the sizzling heat bouncing off the concrete road. I was already dreading the idea of wearing that latex outfit for most of the day, I was unsure if Beth or Harriet would even have opened the stables for the day, let alone allow the ponygirls to dress head-to-toe in that thick material.

Both James and Jade remained silent for the entire drive to work, caring only for the cool wind to fly in through the windows and what little James' air conditioner could blow through. He begged us both for him to take us all to work, as he was already working at the stables for the day, that… and the windows on Jade's car didn't work and there was no AC. I could imagine us both sweating profusely before we even made it to work.

"How you doing back there?" James asked, looking into the rearview mirror at me with a large smile on his face.

I laughed back at him, "I'm good, thanks."

I must have been a sight to behold. As we weren't expecting such a hot day, I had to comb through Jade's clothes to find something light and breathable. I hated the idea of wearing a pair of jeans on the way to work, but it was all I had on me at the time. The only clean clothes I could find that did not suffocate my body, was a halloween costume that she wore a few years ago, a sexy maid costume.

It was a one piece outfit, a high dress that hardly covered anything down there, a shirt that easily showed off my breasts and a frilly apron that covered the black attire. I only wished the apron was detachable, then I could perhaps pretend the outfit was just a revealing dress. Luckily, I only had to wear it to the stables and then back home, the rest of the day I would be in the pony outfit.

However, despite the awkwardness of wearing a sexy halloween costume, it was surprisingly breathable, which was one thing I did not complain about.

It wasn't long before we had made it to the stables. I groaned to myself every single time the car stopped, ceasing the air flow through the windows and reminding me how hot the day was. If it was this bad now, I didn't want to imagine how it would be when the sun is at its highest point. The gate slowly opened and finally James drove through it, travelling too slowly to gain a breeze. The trees surrounding the property gave us a decent amount of shade, but that only lasted a few moments as the main square had no cover from the blazing sun.

To my surprise, Beth left the cool sanctuary of the house and ran towards us, waving her hands in her face to try her hardest to keep the heat at bay. Harriet was still recovering from her trip to the hospital, I doubted we would see her at all today.

"Morning guys!" Beth called out the moment she got close to us, "Do you mind if you go into the attic and try and find the summer outfits? It's going to be way too hot for the girls today."

Jade nodded and immediately began walking to the storage room. Summer outfits? No one had told me about them, I just assumed we would be wearing our usual attire for the day.

"Summer outfits?" I asked as I slowly opened the door of the car and stepped out. Immediately, I could feel the heat coming off the concrete ground, even through my shoes.

"Yeah, we have them for days like this. Could you go help Jade look for them? There should be enough for everyone here." As soon as she asked me that, her gaze went straight to James, "Hi there, you workin' today?"

"Yeah," James stated as he walked around the car to greet the older woman, "Harriet asked me to help with some small jobs."

"Well, she's in the summerhouse, let yourself in."

She kept the conversation short and sweet, I guess that it was too hot for the woman to concentrate. As soon as she was done talking, she walked with me towards the storage room, walking as fast as she could to escape the rays.

The storage room was extremely welcoming, stopping any heat from the outside world getting in. I took a moment to look around the room, realising that I had no idea where this 'attic' was. The storage room was tiny and it wasn't like they could hide anything in there. By the time Beth and I walked in, Jade had already moved some of the boxes around, leaving a part of the wall completely free. I had noticed on several occasions that this part of the wall was wooden, rather than the stone that covered the remainder of the walls. I always assumed it was a cosmetic choice, giving the room some personality instead of stone walls covering the entirety of the room. That's when I saw Jade place her fingers to the side of the wooden panel, within seconds it came free from the wall, opening up like a secret door and revealing a thin, tight staircase that travelled upwards.

I gasped as it felt like we uncovered a secret of sorts. It was like that moment in a thriller film, where the main character finds the villain's hidden hideout; usually kept behind a bookcase of sorts. Despite my gasp, I got no reaction from the two women as they casually walked up the rickety steps, each footstep causing a screeching from beneath them.

Swiftly, I followed the two women, keeping as close to them as possible. Mostly, it was just genuine curiosity on my part as I would be seeing a part of the stables I had never set eyes on before. I did wonder if any of the other ponygirls knew about this. I'm assuming anyone who had worked here over a year would have worn one of the 'summer outfits' and knew they must have been stored nearby.

The room wasn't as special as I thought it would be. The brickwork was visible and the floor was only a selection of wooden beams, leaving a small gap between the pieces below us. A few dozen cardboard boxes sat across the beams, slowly gathering dust from months of being unused. Jade pulled on a switch that hung from a lightbulb, painfully bringing the bulb to life and forcing it to illuminate the small space in a quiet, orange glow. That was when I noticed how empty the room actually was, with a small handful of large boxes on the ground and a number of items on a creaking, metal shelving unit that stood against the wall, there was literally nothing else that populated the small area.

"What is all this stuff?" I asked, taking some more glances at the items.

Beth opened one of the boxes, bringing even smaller boxes out that each had writing on them, "These are all items that aren't used anymore, or aren't used that often. Harriet likes to keep them out of the way."

"So, what are these 'Summer outfits' you said about earlier?"

"Silver," Beth read the wording on one of the boxes and then handed it to me, "They are just like your regular outfits but without sleeves or legs, the material is slightly thinner and more breathable too."

"They look more like a swimsuit, rather than a catsuit," Jade added as she browsed through the box too, "Right, so we have Red for Abigail, Green for Lily and Purple for Kathia."

As she said the colours, she brought out each box and placed them on her arm, against her body.

"What about Saffron? Doesn't she have a summer outfit?" I questioned the girls again.

"She always wears her summer outfit," Beth answered with a hint of laughter in her voice.

It just occurred to me that she was correct. The entire time Saffron had been at the stables, she wore that outfit that had bare arms and legs, showing off her muscular physique to all of her clients. So that was what these outfits looked like.

Jade handed Beth some of the boxes before looking around, taking a look at some of the items She brought herself to the shelving unit, bringing her eyes across a selection of items that had not been stored away.

"I forgot about this stuff," she said, picking up a large, leather harness.

"What's that?" I asked yet another question.

"That's the first head harness Harriet brought," Beth joined in, "It was too heavy to wear for long periods sadly."

The harness was much thicker than the ones we wore everyday, whilst it had similar ears to the ones we wear, that was where the similarities ended. The bit gag was much more like a muzzle and a large blindfold was attached, meaning the wearer wouldn't have been able to see a thing. My heart skipped a beat just looking at that, imagining myself wearing it. Not only would I have had my arms bound, my legs on heels and a gag in my mouth, but to not have been able to see a thing would have been far too much for me.

"Oh Beth! Do you remember this too?" Jade dropped the old harness on the metal shelves before picking up a different item.

This item was one I was more familiar with, however I had never seen one in real life. I must admit, it was only something I had seen in adult videos on the Internet, not that it was something I would have wanted to admit to the two women in the room. It was a leather armbinder, surprisingly it was one of the last items I expected to see up here. Whilst we all wore latex and harnesses all day, there was something innocent about it all, something that didn't tell me I was being tied up everyday for someone else's pleasure. I never got that link between being a ponygirl and being a bound slave.

This item was the complete opposite of that, it was something that had an exact purpose and that was to bind the arms of the wearer together, leaving the rest of their body completely helpless.

Why would they have such an object here?

"I remember that," Beth said, walking up behind the dark haired girl, "That was Saffron's."

"Saffron's?" I asked, "Why did she wear that?"

"She had a client who came in very often, he loved the pony karts and enjoyed being pulled along by Saffron, he loved the idea of her being restricted so he brought her this armbinder to restrict her even further."

"… and she was okay with that?"

"She didn't mind. As long as he was happy, she was too."

"He hasn't been here for months," Jade added.

"Shame, he was here pretty much every week."

The two women went silent momentarily as Jade began to put the item back where it was. Whilst there were mute, my mind raced with the idea of having that on my body. I had to admit, wearing an armbinder was something that I always wanted to try, but that thought came second to one that was burning so brightly in my head. What if I wore it to the pony trials? What if I went through the entire routine with my hands bound behind my back. It wasn't something as mind blowing as a never before seen technique, but hopefully wearing it would impress the judges enough to get more points. It would mean I had to rely on my feet for my balance, if I were to fall over… there would be nothing I could do to catch myself, but it was something I wanted to try.

"Jade?" I asked, filling the room once more with noise.

Jade instantly looked back at me, not saying a word but waiting for me to speak.

"Do you think I could have it?"


"Well…" The two women stared at me, waiting patiently for what I was going to say next, "I was thinking about the Pony Trials."

"You want to wear the armbinder to the Pony Trials?" Jade questioned my thoughts, almost sounding disgusted by the idea.

"I thought it would look more impressive if I had that on."

"Are you kidding?" Jade's sour tone remained for a second, before being replaced by one of glee, "That's a great idea, let's go put it on now! You should definitely give it a test first."

Beth jumped in, grabbing the item from Jade's hands, "Ah! No, You can see to the other ponies, I'll help Heather put this on."

"Awww, why?"

"Knowing you two, you'll get distracted and want Heather all to yourself. At least I'll have some restraint" Beth placed the armbinder on top of the box she was holding under one arm, "Now Heather, are you sure you want to give this a go? It may seem a little advanced for you."

"I'm willing to give it a go. I'll wear it everyday if I have to, anything to help before…"

"… Before the trials?" Beth butted in, "Well, as long as you are sure."

Beth's attention went back to Jade, who was watching everything unfold in an excitable manner, as if she was about to burst. I knew she was already picturing me walking around with my arms tied behind my back, completely helpless to any touches or gropes she would send my way. I knew she wouldn't make it any easier for me, however I had to at least try it.

"Well… what are you two waiting for? The girls will be here any moment, let's get back down there," Beth commanded us both.

"One last time, are you really sure about this?" The older woman asked as she watched me take off the halloween costume.

I kicked off the dress, launching it across the room, "I'm sure."

As swiftly as the dress came off, my shoes and underwear quickly followed, bringing my naked form in front of the older woman. Within a few quick movements, I went from being fully clothed to entirely naked. Beth snickered at me, laughing at how quickly I had done the act.

"It's odd, you were so nervous the first time I dressed you," she stated as she knelt down and began opening the box she retrieved from the attic, "That doesn't seem that long ago, does it?"

"Feels like I've been here forever," I replied, "I don't really remember life before working here."

It was a lie, I remembered my life all too well. Although, I could not remember any times that I actually enjoyed. I remembered the busy lights of the city that never turned off, no matter if it was morning, afternoon or evening; the city was constantly awake. I remembered working as many jobs as I could just to make rent, to live in the small space that I called my home.

Though, I would admit that it all felt so far away, like it was years ago, a past life and not only a small few months ago. Coming to live with Chloe was a complete change for me, a change that I constantly appreciated.

"What do you think?" Beth asked me, lifting the 'summer' version of my outfit out of the box.

I instantly began to laugh, shocked by the size of the outfit in comparison to the one I wore everyday. It did look like a swimming costume, looking identical to my outfit in every way apart from the sleeves and legs being removed. It made it look so small in comparison, almost comical in a way.

"Looks good" I nodded, trying not to say anything else otherwise I might have burst out laughing.

I truly felt as if she wanted to place a swimsuit on my body, I hadn't worn something like that since I was in school. She lowered the outfit, allowing me to put one leg inside it and then the other. After that, she began lifting it up my body, tightening around my crotch area and then helping me place both arms into their selective holes. The suit gave me the familiar feeling of it tightening around my body as she patted away the wrinkles within the latex before zipping the suit up entirely.

A short giggle left me, the sight of my bare legs but the similar feeling of the latex hugging my body was a strange combination. I always felt naked whilst wearing the pony outfit, but I still had that feeling of the material being tight against my skin. Strangely, I did not get the same feeling in this new outfit, instead I felt much more free. Yes, I could feel the tight latex around my shoulders, but having my bare arms and legs out felt as if I were truly naked in front of the older woman.

"So, how are you feeling?" Beth asked as she went to the old box, grabbing the boots, head and stomach harnesses out of it, "The auditions for the Pony Trials are coming up soon, that must be scary to think about."

I shot her a soft smile as I slowly walked around in a circle within the small room, getting used to the feeling of the air against my skin as I moved, "It is… I'm just trying not to think about it."

"Are you?"

I stopped in my tracks, she just shot that question out then acted as if it were nothing. With the boots in her hands, she walked over towards me and began placing them on my person. As she knelt down in front of me, I placed my hand on her to balance myself as I lifted my leg up, slotting my foot within the hoof.

"Yeah, I think I'm doing okay."

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that" She made sure my foot was snug within the item before shifting herself towards my other foot.

"I know, thanks."

The room went silent as she did the same for my other foot, making sure it was in tight before finally standing up. Beth was a rather tall woman, taller than me normally, wearing these pony boots was the only time we were the same height. As she finished down there, she got to the same eye level as me before continuing the conversation.

"You can tell me if there is anything wrong," she stated, with a small smile on her face.

It was a smile that I had only seen one time before, the exact same one she had when we first met, where she took me into one of the huts after a day together and I came clean to why I chose to live with Chloe, she was the only friend I had at the time and I truly felt as if I were using her. It hurt to come clean to the older woman, delving deep inside myself to uncover my true feelings was one of the most painful sensations I had ever felt, feeling like I was physically ripping a part of my body out.

I never wanted to feel that again. Instead of coming clean to Chloe, I decided that it would be better if I made things up to her, and be the best friend I could ever be for her. I wanted to say I achieved that, I always helped out with chores around the apartment, I was always there for her to talk to and I helped pay for food and bills.

Luckily, Beth kept the events of that day to herself, only she knew the reason I felt so guilty being here. I loved the older woman as if she were my real family, I saw her as if she was a parent or guardian, she was always there with words of wisdom and really cared for me and the other ponygirls. As much as I loved her, I did not want to tell her what was going on in my mind at that moment, how I was worried Jade and I would not make the Pony Trials, how we would fail before we even started as I hadn't found any way to stand out and be unique. How that could affect things at the stables, how I would be letting everyone down.

I hadn't been here long, but already I was charged with the responsibility of representing Harriet's Stable in dressage. It was so nice to begin with, learning all the techniques I needed to and mastering them rather quickly, getting Jade to be my trainer as we naturally worked together well and receiving that special dressage gear.

It was all so nice knowing that I had everyone behind me, supporting me. However, that all changed with the appearance of the ex-judge. While she enjoyed what we showed her, she wasn't blown over by our performance, stating we would require something the judges had never seen before. How were we supposed to know what they hadn't seen? I had done my hardest to research it, scouring the Internet for any videos or articles and came up with nothing. The only choice we had was to try and figure out a technique that would be unique to us and hope no one had seen it yet, but that was when the block came in.

No matter what I did, I could not come up with anything. I visited the school at the stables nearly everyday, walking along the rubber flooring until something came to mind. I asked Jade nearly everyday if she had thought of anything, but she never had an answer for me. I even asked the ponygirls and none of them really knew about dressage. It was a mental block, one that I struggled to overcome.

"I'm… I'm fine." I put on a brave face as I finally answered the older woman.

She didn't answer me with words. Instead she did something that was much harder hitting. Without saying a single thing, she took a step towards me and placed her arms around me, wrapping me in the most gentle hug I had ever experienced. She knew I was suffering, I was too proud to admit otherwise but she saw through the mask that I wore. Seeing deeper inside me than I could have seen myself. I probably didn't even know I was hurting that badly, but she saw it all; as raw as it was.

I wanted to say something, to tell her I was alright. The moment I opened my mouth I had to immediately close it, because what came out wasn't words; but a whimper instead. Almost instantly, tears flooded my eyes before I even came to the realisation that I was sad and crying. What was happening? I wanted to pull myself away, wipe away the water from my eyes and show the older woman that I was doing fine. I wasn't sad from the situation, but I could not let go… I didn't even realise I was hugging her back. Her grip wasn't strong, she wasn't holding me and not letting me go, I could walk back at any time and get myself away from her… I just mentally couldn't.

It felt so good to have her embrace me, it felt as if something clicked in my brain and the tears couldn't stop. I wasn't making any noise, the tears silently left my eyes, falling down my cheek and wetting the poor woman's shoulder, everytime a tear dropped off my skin it was instantly replaced by another one crawling down.

"You need a break, hun." Her voice was so calming.

"A break?" I asked, my voice cracking at the two words, "That's the last thing I need, there is so much work to do."

I was right, the last thing I deserved at that time was a break from it all. It was a small amount of time between now and the audition and I needed to focus all my energy on that, I had little room for much else in my life.

"Ooooh! Abigail and Saffron are going away for the weekend!" Beth leant back as she loudly said, "I could ask them if they would like to take you too?"

I smiled, the woman was determined to make my day better, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

She returned the smile as we went back to looking at each other at eye level. She shot me a knowing wink, yet I was unsure on what the meaning was behind it. With that done, she finally let go of my body and picked up the stomach harness and the arm binder, leaving my head harness on the ground for the moment as she worked her way upwards.

A determined look appeared on her face, "Okay… turn around then."

'Left foot… right foot… left foot… right foot' Those were the only words that entered my head as Beth and I exited the stable.

The older woman made sure to walk slower than normal as she pulled my reins. I didn't know if she attached the reins to help keep me steady or to make sure that I didn't hide away in the stables. I must admit, I felt more vulnerable now than I ever had done before and I'm sure Beth knew I would feel this way. It was a weird sensation having the armbinder attached to my body. It fit very snugly between the top of the stomach harness and the bottom of the head hardness. Locking tight against my chest but still keeping the chest open. I stood in the stable for what felt like ages as I kept my arms behind my back with my hands together, Beth made sure to take her time when lacing up the harness, making sure each lace went into the correct hole and pulled them just tight enough to hold my arms in place, but not enough to make it uncomfortable at all.

As we left the stable, I tried pulling my hands apart, testing the strength of the item attached to my body. It was clear that it wasn't going to come off without the help of another person. I was stuck like this for the rest of the day.

It took long enough to get the armbinder on my body that the rest of the ponies had arrived and all been placed in their outfits. A collection of colours greeted the older woman and I with all ponies wearing their new summer outfits. Abigail, Kathia and Lily all stood around in the square wearing their usual colours, but with their legs and arms free of the tight material.

"Looking good, Kathia!" Beth exclaimed, staring at the young woman's bare skin whilst still pulling me with the reins, "Abigail, nice form! Oh Lily! You look so cute, look at that skin!"

All three girls seemed pleased by the praise they were receiving from the older lady, happily showing off their seasonal outfits whilst singing happily from their gags. Beth finally stopped as soon as we were in the middle of the entire group, Saffron, Abigail, Kathia and Lily all eventually stopped to stare at my form. Suddenly, I felt very self conscious, I knew I looked the exact same as the rest of the ponies, but having my arms tied behind my back made me much more vulnerable than I thought it would be.

All the girls looked stunning in their new attire. Whilst I was used to seeing Saffron's bare skin, it was only now how I noticed how toned Abigail's arms and legs were, I also noticed the soft freckles on Lily's skin that made it look so appealing, Kathia's skin was so smooth that I desperately wanted to rub my hands up and down her legs, only making me more aware of how I was unable to do that.

"What'cha think, Saff?" Beth turned towards the tall, dark skinned horse, moving my body in such a way that my restraints were more on show, "Do you like it? I think it really suits Heather."

Saffron nodded, clapping her hooves together. It was the only way we could express our feelings whilst bound in our pony forms, the clapping of the hooves meant she loved what she saw; despite it being an item originally made for herself.

"I'm glad you like it," Beth smiled before turning to the rest of the girls, "Listen, Heather here will be wearing this arm binder for the foreseeable future, she wants to learn to walk and run with her arms bound behind her back, please can you all take special care of her as she will be unable to use her hands at all like this."

The girls all snorted in agreement whilst nodding their heads. I looked around, seeing all the girls understand what kind of situation I was in made me feel much better, it was all for the best as it helped towards my dressage points. As I looked around, I noticed Jade looking at me from the entrance of one of the stables, looking me up and down with a smirk on her face; telling me that she was already planning on how she could torment her helpless submissive.

Beth continued yelling to the group despite the conversation change, "Okay girls, it is a warm day and it will be very hot by this afternoon. Please look after yourselves, don't be nervous asking for a break or a drink of water. We will ask all the clients to have some water on them and I'll be checking up on every single one of you every twenty minutes. I will not risk anyone getting heat stroke."

"Also we are having a new system in place," she continued, "We have noticed more and more clients are booking their times with you in advance, so to make no mistakes, Harriet and I have ordered these."

The older woman reached into her pocket and brought out a small, rectangular shaped item, it was made from copper with large black writing etched into the front, highlighting the word against the reflective background. The words 'RESERVED' could be easily seen from where I was standing.

"All ponies who are pre-booked will have one of these clipped on the front of their collars" She continued speaking as she took out a small notebook from another pocket, "Heather and Lily have been pre-booked for today. So Heather, can you come forward please?"

I looked at the group with wide eyes. It was always a surprise to hear when someone is interested in meeting me, the fact that a person was interested enough in me to book in advance was breathtaking. Lily made complete sense, she was easily the most approachable, sexy and loveable pony at the stables, it wasn't uncommon for her to be booked. I was nothing special, every single person here had more going for them than I did, why were they so interested in me?

Beth was still holding onto my reins, meaning that even if I wanted to, I couldn't move away from the older woman at all. I took a few steps forward, still taking every step as slowly as possible in order not to accidentally fall over, the sounds of the hooves clacking on the concrete echoed throughout the square as I approached her.

"There we go," Beth said in a comforting tone, similar to how you would talk to a pet if they did what you wanted.

She opened the latch on top of the rectangular item and swiftly placed it over the clip that was built into the head harness, what was essentially a collar. A small, insignificant click could be heard as the two items connected, the woman let go of the item and took a small step back, seeing how I looked with my new 'accessory' attached.

"You look good." She smiled at me.

The eyes of all the ponies looked over me, staring directly at the 'RESERVED' sign that now hung at my neck. I had felt like an object many times since starting at this job, I've been seen as just a pony and a sexual object for someone else's pleasure, but this felt completely different. The words on the front of the item reminded me of when someone book a restaurant, to them it was nothing but a table in a building. That was how I felt like at that moment, an object for someone to book in advance to use.

Despite how much I hated being degraded by this thing on my collar, there was a part of me that enjoyed it deep down. It was a side of me that I had not yet explored, but felt it very often whilst locked within the restraints I wore nearly everyday. I could not deny that there was something sexual about being owned and controlled, being someone's plaything, even if it only lasted a moment.

All the girls surrounded me, their vibrant colours filling my vision as they got closer and closer, intrigued entirely by the new object clipped onto my outfit. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw the older woman look up.

"Perfect, James!" Beth called out from behind the ponies, "Could you leave it here, by the fountain?"

As the older woman's attention was taken away from the scene in front of her, so were the rest of the girls. All of them drew their gaze from me and looked towards the entrance of the square, focusing on the young man who was carrying a blue box. I must admit, even I had my attention taken away from the situation. I was quick to spot Jade's brother as he made his way to where Beth stated, placing the box just by the fountain and opening it up swiftly, showing off the contents inside.

Inside the box were over a dozen water bottles, each one shimmering in the sunlight whilst resting in a large selection of ice. I glazed my eyes over the liquid, mentally licking my lips as I imagined pouring it down my throat. The day had only just begun and I was almost begging for the refreshing drink. Whilst I had my attention on that, the girls immediately sprung into action and surrounded the young man. It was a constant action the ponies made every single time James was about. It didn't matter that everyone but Kathia was in a committed relationship, they yearned for the man's attention and didn't stop until they received it.

Saffron was first, jumping ahead of everyone else and instantly getting into a kneeling position, allowing the young man to run his hands over her head harness. Abigail got to him second, strutting behind him and placing her head on his shoulders whilst hugging him from behind with her hooves. Kathia was the last to get to him, but embraced him in a tight hug. Being the smallest girl out of the three, she managed to get in between the pony who was on her knees and the pony behind him that stood nearly a foot taller than the poor man.

Lily tried to sprint in front of the purple girl, but was immediately pulled backwards as Beth wrestled to get the 'RESERVED' sign locked onto the front of her neck. It did not take long until the older woman won the battle and finally let go of the green pony. Afterwards, Lily happily skipped towards the young man and nuzzled her head into his free shoulder.

I kept back, I did not know how to react to the man as I was with Jade. I fully agreed that James was a very attractive person and was easy to look at… especially when he was working. However, I did not want to do something that would upset the person I loved. Even so, I had met James multiple times outside of the stables, I did not feel the need to show my affection now.

The day went on like normal. Several people made their way into the square the moment the gates were opened. Lily was one of the first ponies to go as she was booked for the earliest slot, taking her client down towards the field. Kathia was the second to go, apparently her client was a regular of hers as they seemed to be on very familiar terms.

It was a surprise to see an entire group of women come through the entrance. Three older women made their way into the square and seemed very interested in Saffron. Apparently, the dark skinned pony's history of pulling the cart was something the trio were very interested in seeing. Soon, they also took Abigail with them, completely overblown from the power of the two ponies.

That left me alone in the square, despite being booked beforehand, it did seem that whoever was interested in seeing me was late. The sun glared onto the concrete ground, causing a heavy shimmering around the entire property, I soon felt the heat simmering over my legs. This caused me to take shelter within one of the stables. I really wanted to wait outside and look presentable for when my client came through the entrance, but the cool shade of the dark room was just too inviting at that moment.

The moment I retreated I remembered how quiet the area was without any of the ponies around. Everyone went down to the field the moment their clients showed up, it made sense as the square was getting way too warm to be in, it was a lovely say so it would have been a shame to spend it in the dark like I was, at least the grass in the field was much cooler than the concrete and there were plenty of trees around to give both the ponies and the humans some shade.

However, I hated being in the stables alone. I think it was just how silent it was, nothing at all could be heard except the groaning of the wood. No people and nothing from the outside world, it just feels as if everything else just ceases to exist, a silence beyond silence. What made it even worse was that it gave you a lot of time to think, there was hardly anything else to stimulate your senses, so going into your brain was a very logical and easy thing to do.

However, I did not want to go into my brain at that moment. All that my mind was telling was how much of a failure I was at that moment, how much my pride was falling as I could not come up with any other way to please the dressage judges apart from binding my hands behind my back. I needed to come up with more, I needed to come up with something original and unique… something that meant something…

However, nothing ever came to me, no matter how hard I tried; my brain was as silent to me as the square was.

Fuck! I am a failure.

At that moment, I gritted my teeth and kicked the wooden wall of the stable I was in. Again… and again… and again.

Why can't I just think of one thing to do? Just one stupid technique… why is my brain so empty?

I continued kicking, imagining breaking through the wooden material and my leg hanging through into the other side. I imagined Beth and Harriet being extremely angry and disappointed with me, letting me go from the job and forcing me to pay for the repairs. Maybe that was what I wanted? To be fired from this job… but why? Why did that thought suddenly come to mind?

"Hey, hey, hey!" A voice came from the entrance to the dark room.

I turned around, imagining Beth or Jade to come in. Someone who I can yell at, someone who would understand what I was going through and could handle me in this situation, both women have seen me like this before and they both knew the best ways to calm me down.

However, it wasn't either of them. To my surprise, Chloe was standing in front of me, her slim body shimmering and illuminated from the bright, hot light outside. I didn't even realise she was here, I did not see her earlier when everyone was in the square. She came in closer to me with a soft smile on her face, trying her hardest to make me feel better, I jolted slightly as she placed her hands over my cheeks and rubbed her thumbs below my eyes, taking a large selection of tears I did not even know were there.

"Heather…" she said softly, taking her hands back and rubbing her now wet thumbs through her shirt, "Please don't get yourself too worked up, we all understand you are going through a difficult time, but please do not let it get to you."

It was tough to hear those words come out of her mouth. Chloe was my friend, but we never had any conversations like this. Beth had always seen me at my worst and knew exactly what to say to calm me down, Jade could do the same but knew there was a loving connection between us both, so she could use that intimacy to return me to normal.

Chloe and I weren't like that, I loved her with all my heart and I would not be at these stables if it wasn't for her. She was always there for me when I needed help, but she had never seen me this bad before. It was a side of me I wished not to show anyone, but it was also a side of me that came up a little too often recently.

"You are doing so well" Chloe continued to say, she came closer to me and began adjusting the straps that connected my arm restraints to the stomach harness. "I am really proud of you, you went from someone who escaped her past life to return to her home town… something I knew you didn't want to do… then you started here. I knew you didn't like the idea of working here either, but you have done so well, you are learning dressage mere months after starting work here, something that takes ponies years to master."

She looked up to me with that same soft smile as she finished adjusting the bonds on my body, "What I mean to say is, you went through two obstacles that you didn't enjoy… to become the proud and powerful woman standing in front of me. You might not feel like you've come a long way, but you really have. I am really proud of you."

Her smile widened, she looked as if she was beginning to cry too, "So… just don't let anything get to you. You've done so well and you have everyone here behind you no matter what happens."

I nodded, I wanted to hug her but I knew if I did that I would not be able to control my emotions, the last thing I wanted at that time was to begin sobbing uncontrollably over my friend.

"Reserved, huh?" I saw her eyes as they fell to the sigh in front of my neck, "I better get going before your clients get here."

She tapped the side of my body before she made her way outside, but stopped immediately before she exited the room.

"Umm, you have two people waiting outside," she stated, looking back into the cold, dark room.

It was a complete surprise to me that two people had booked time with me, it wasn't uncommon for it to happen but this was the first time it had happened to me. At first, I expected to see that Donna woman again, which gave me completely mixed feelings, luckily it was two people I had never seen before.

It was a couple, a young man and women; although it was clear they both were a few years older than me. They both watched me exit the stables with anxious anticipation. As if they were happy to see me, yet were both extremely nervous about meeting a latex ponygirl.

Chloe noticed how shy they were and decided to stick next to me, holding my reins in her hand and pulling me along just like Beth did before, slowly we approached the couple and stopped just feet in front of them.

They looked rather similar, both wore thick glasses and had pale skin and black hair, their clothes matched this look and was a collection of blacks, greys and white. It was almost odd seeing such a colour-deprived couple standing in the bright sun, contrasted against the bright coloured flowers in the square that climbed up the wall. They didn't look gothic by any means, but colourfully vacant.

"Hi, I'm Chloe" My friend held out her free hand, making sure not to let go of my reins.

"Hi," The couple said in unison.

"What are your names?"

"I'm Jim and this is Phoebe," The man took the lead on the conversation, "It's Phoebe's birthday today and she wanted to celebrate it a different way this time."

"Well, you've definitely come to the right place. Have you been here before?"

"No, first time. We found the website online and decided to have a go at it. We've had an interest in BDSM since we met six years ago and Phoebe's always wanted to try animal role-play. We didn't even know if the website was real, but we thought we'd give it a go."

The man seemed so sociable, happily talking for the woman next to him. This 'Phoebe' looked very anxious about the whole thing, the entire time her partner was talking to Chloe, she could not take her eyes from me. She stared at me as if she wanted to say or do something, yet kept silent the whole time.

"Well, I'm glad you both came. This is Heather, I'm sure you read her profile online as you've booked her. She's very shy, but gets comfortable around people quickly. She's new, only been here for a few months but she's come a very long way since she started, she's currently learning dressage and is going to represent the stables at this year's 'Pony Trials."

"Wow, that's cool."

"Yeah, her trainer is somewhere nearby, but I'm not exactly sure where." Chloe took a quick look around before turning back to me, "Well, I'll let you all get to it. I'll take Heather off her reins, if you want to make your way to the field, it's much cooler down there."

"Can you stay with us?" The woman finally spoke up, despite her awkwardness.

This completely took my friend by surprise. Usually clients prefer alone time with us ponies, especially if they are a couple. What happens between a pony and their client is between the two or more consenting adults. Chloe turned around and looked directly at me, it was clear she was completely confused by this request, it wouldn't have been nice for her to deny the woman what she wants, but it was clear Chloe had no idea how to approach this situation.

"Ummm, I can find her owner if you would like?" I noticed Chloe's grip on the reins tighten, "Her name is Jade, she is here today… I will go find her, if you all want to make your way…"

"Please don't leave us alone," Phoebe grabbed her partner's arm as she said this, a worrying tone could be heard in her voice, sounding more as if I was going to attack her rather than spend time with her.

"What's… what's the matter?"

"Umm, she really wants to do this, but she is really shy," her boyfriend chimed in.

"Oh… I thought you booked Heather?"

"We did. It's just Phoebe suffers really badly with social anxiety" Jim tried to pry his arm out of her hands, "She really wants to do this, it's just the actual act of interacting with another person."

"Oh, I get it. Would she prefer a one-on-one with Heather?"

"No, thank you," Phoebe yelled her answer, "Can you please come with us?"

"Uh, sure. I will be happy to help out. Would you like me to tell you more about Heather as we walk?"

"Yeah… that sounds good."

It was so strange, this 'Phoebe' woman was easily a few years older than Chloe and I, yet the way Chloe spoke to her sounded as if she was speaking to someone younger than her. I guess it was just the way I interpreted her speech. It was clear the older woman really wanted to do this, but we completely understood how anxiety could change the situation for her. The fact that she even arrived at the stables was an achievement of sorts.

"Did you know when Heather started here, she was very similar to how you were now?" Chloe said as she dragged me to the entrance of the square, heading towards the field.

"Was she?" Jim asked.

Phoebe returned to her partner's arm, standing on the opposite side of him to me as we walked together in a group, it was clear she was specifically nervous about me.

"Yeah, she's been my friend for years, we used to go to college together. When she found out I worked here, she was very curious about the stables but was still scared when she first arrived."

"Hear that Phoebe? It's perfectly normal."

"Yeah, the first pony she met was a lovely girl called Kathia. She's the most obedient and friendly pony here, yet she can get carried away and can be overwhelming for a new person. She loves her hugs. You did well to choose Heather, she is very patient and understanding."

I could hear the shy woman murmur to herself as we made our way down the field, she noticed every single client and ponygirl in the area, Chloe made sure to pick a spot that was far away from everyone else, giving the poor girl room away from any other social situation. In the end, we travelled much further than I thought we would, travelling past the boundaries of the property and eventually ending up on the new field that Beth had purchased.

The familiar scene of the tree on the hill filled my vision, reminding me of the first time I had met Saffron and we had that race. It was a beautiful spot that I wanted to revisit, being far away from the stables to be alone, but not too far to be out of reach if we needed to return suddenly. What I completely forgot about was how quiet this area was, just the soft sounds of birds whistling and trees moving, nothing else.

"Here, I think this will be a lovely spot for you two" Chloe said, stopping underneath the cool shelter the tree gave us.

I stopped close to Chloe and took a look at the view, completely forgetting that the entire field was on show from this location, the entire area up to the square laid out before us. I could see Saffron running around one of the paddocks as the collection of women stared at her in awe. Kathia and Lily were being more comforting creatures, lying on the dry grass as their clients cuddled up to them. Abigail was standing up in the school with her client, the smaller woman was running her hands over the pony's toned arms and legs.

Between them was Beth, keeping a close eye on all the ponies and making sure that everyone was hydrated. I saw the woman look around two to three times before catching us all outside the property, giving us a short wave to acknowledge she knew where we were.

"How old is Heather?" The woman asked, taking our attention away from the view.

Chloe turned around, returning to her professional self in front of the two people, "She is twenty-one, the same age as me."

"Ooooh, I am twenty-six."

Slowly, the young woman got out of her shell. Warming gradually within my presence. No longer was she hiding behind her partner, actually standing closer to us than he was at that moment. It could have been Chloe's soothing voice that brought her out of her shell, or maybe the fact that we could see the entirety of the property now and she knew there was nothing to be terrified of. I wanted to say that I helped in some way, but I knew I wasn't being as comforting as I usually was.

I was certain it was because I felt her discomfort from being here, but I could not accept that as I have had multiple clients before who were just as uncomfortable as she was and I took full control over that situation to ease them. Perhaps it was the arm restraints, it made me feel more vulnerable than usual and that could explain my nervousness.

"I like the latex outfit, it looks so lovely," Phoebe stated.

I felt Chloe hold my reins a little tighter, "Would you like to give it a touch?"

Chloe pulled me forwards, bringing me closer to the shy girl. It seemed as if the woman gained some courage and began placing her hand out. I stopped in my tracks within reaching distance of her, not wanting to get too close and cause her to get anxious once more. Her fingers gingerly touched my shoulder before she brought her hand back, instead of retreating it back to her side, she brought her hand back out and placed it on the side of my stomach, instantly bringing it down to the top of my thighs.

She chuckled to herself, "It feels amazing!"

I gritted my teeth on the bit gag as her hand travelled to my stomach, the lightness of her fingers against my sensitive body was a lot to bare whilst remaining so stoic. It was difficult to repress the urge to laugh and move away from the woman, the last thing I wanted was to make her feel bad about what she was doing or potentially running back to the shelter her boyfriend provided her. If I had access to my arms, I would playfully place my hooved hands around hers, maybe gently guiding them to other areas of my body, but I did not have that option, I had to bear it until her mind decided to interact with me in some other way.

She was still doing it! I was hoping something else would have grabbed her attention sooner or later, but her fingers still jabbed lightly into my stomach, this time they were slowly travelling back to my side. Chloe offered no assistance, trying her hardest to somehow figure out how to interact with the woman further, happy that she was finally in physical contact with me but not wanting to change the scenario too quickly.

I lifted up my left leg and brought it heavily onto the ground, leaving a hooved imprint onto the dried mud below me. I then did the same with the right foot, then left, then right, left, right. I continued to do it over and over again, to Phoebe it looked like I was enjoying the attention I was getting from her, but it was a coping mechanism for me, if I could just focus on lifting my legs up; I could take all the attention away from my body's screams, begging for her to stop. I was hoping it looked cute to both of my clients.

Finally, I looked up at the sky, trying my hardest to take all my attention away and giving it to the limited clouds that moved slowly above us, for a moment I felt a sense of calm. No longer did I feel her wondering fingers over me, I felt nothing.

That was for a small moment. As quickly as it left a new sensation came over me, one that was just as intense but in a completely different way. I breathed in automatically, loudly and heavily as I was coming to terms with what I felt. I looked back down at the woman and then down to my body.

My eyes opened wide, noticing her hand over my left breast with her index finger and thumb over my extremely sensitive nipple, poking through the layer of latex.


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