Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Pet Correction

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f+; FF; fpov; petgirl; latex; hood; catsuit; public; shop; oral; caught; rom; cons; reluct; X

Continues from

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I could feel my heart beating heavily in my ears, becoming quicker at a rather alarming pace. I was sure someone watching me from the outside of the suit could have easily seen my heart beating against my chest. Though, it was all understandable. It was an uncomfortable and scary situation.

It hadn't been that often Cleo, Poppy and I had seen the world outside the property. It had only been a handful of times and that was only to have a quick shop for some items. Donna never liked the thought of us being alone in the house whilst she was outside and she always saw it as a good thing that we were in the public, being sociable with normal people.

For one, it was a form of punishment, a reminder of our situation compared to someone who wasn't in Pet Correction. The other reason was that she enjoyed showing us off, she loved talking about us to random strangers and it did us good to interact with others outside the property. Not that Donna cared much for punishing us, in fact… she always preferred the opposite. She cared too much for us three to bring anything negative our way.

However, this was a completely different story, punishment or not.

I looked around, amazed at all the lights and people. The sound of hundreds of people talking echoed through my ear drums. Taking us shopping in quiet stores was one thing, but Cleo, Poppy and I found ourselves in the middle of a giant shopping mall, at what must have been the busiest time to come.

Along with the hundreds of voices filling the air, everywhere we looked were eyes staring directly at us. It didn't matter if they were in groups, if they were a couple or even alone, it felt like everyone in the area kept glancing towards the three latex pets, about half of them looked as if they commented on the situation.

I wanted to leave, to return back to the solace and sanctuary of Donna's house. However, I knew we were here for a reason and our owner wouldn't leave until it was done. I don't think she even noticed the multiple glances towards us, the not so quiet comments and the laughter that happened between some of the people. It was all aimed towards us, Donna wasn't even aware of the many eyes on us and was only paying attention to what she needed to get.

It was a gamble to guess who actually knew about Pet Correction, after all, it was only shown on a late-night news program, that was before the newspapers got hold of the story and published it for the world to see. Some of the stares, the glances, the smiles and the laughter came from people who knew we were prisoners, who knew we did something bad enough to imprison our forms in a layer of latex, to gag our mouths and to spend our days crawling on all fours. The rest of them most likely assumed it was just a fetish, that Donna got a kick out of trapping our bodies in these outfits and we enjoyed being dominated and humiliated.

To all of them, we were freaks. The small group of us stood out like a sore thumb compared to the many others walking on their two feet, wearing their normal clothes and able to talk to each other about their normal, everyday lives. Never before had I been so aware of my body, that the material hugged very close to my butt, my breasts and the rest of my form. I wasn't naked, but I certainly felt like it and it wasn't like I could hide myself from the multiple eyes that could not retreat their gaze from us.

"Okay, so I need clothes, we need to get you all some food and I really want to get that new season that just came out on DVD," Donna stated as she stared at the piece of paper in her hands, a list of all the items we came here to get.

The new season referred to that show she liked to watch. The dirty cartoon that was full of sex, nudity and many other unspeakable things. I still did not know what Donna got out of watching it, there was just too much sex for my liking. However, I must admit I was eager to see where the series went. In the last episode we watched, the main female character had a choice to date one of two women, one was someone she called a friend, that she had known for nearly her entire life and the other was a new character, a sexy, dominant vixen who managed to turn the main character on with just her words.

Whilst I did not appreciate the naked bodies, characters having sex for no reason and every conversation being a sexual innuendo, I was really invested in the journey the character was going on.

"Donna! Donna!" A voice called out from the crowd.

It was odd hearing someone actually call out her voice. It was rare for us pets to hear someone say her name in general. Only the three times a month Catherine came to the house and the very rare time someone from the outside world came over.

All four of us turned our heads in the direction to see the woman from the flower shop, Lauren. She looked almost identical to how she looked when Donna and I came into the shop. Her eyes peered at us through the thick framed glasses, her hair was still in a messy bob, she was still wearing the apron from work that slightly hid a retro, band t-shirt and a pair of three-quarter length, black jeans.

Whilst her stares were exactly the same as everyone else's in the area, her eyes were kind and welcoming, as if she loved seeing us, compared to the hundreds of others who probably assumed we were into a weird fetish. The skin from her jeans to her worn out converse shoes were just as tattooed as her arms, it made me begin to question how much of her body was covered in ink.

She ran up to our owner whilst holding a paper bag in her hands, clearly just finished a small shopping trip before she caught us.

"Oh my god! You do have more!" She laughed lightly, whilst the laugh didn't last long, the grin afterwards stayed for much longer.

Donna jumped, she seemed like a happy schoolgirl, meeting a friend she hadn't seen in a while, "Hi Lauren!"

"Oh god! They are all so cute!"

"Oh, I haven't introduced you."

It was odd, it was like Donna was mimicking Lauren's speech. She seemed genuinely happy to see the flower shop worker, but it was as if she took her cues from the tattooed woman. Made me question if she knew how to interact with human beings, she had no issues with us pets; but people were a whole different subject. Catherine was probably the only girl I knew Donna could speak to as a friend and she seemed confident enough in front of strangers… but then again, whenever someone comes from Pet Correction, she seems to lose all of her nerve and takes a much more submissive role.

Maybe… just maybe she was just trying to match Lauren's energy. To keep the interaction between them fresh and interesting.

"You've met Nala!" Donna pointed at me, "The white cat is Poppy and the black one is Cleo!"

She pointed at the other two pets as she said their names. Whilst Poppy stayed exactly where she was, Cleo crawled up to the new lady and sat down right in front of her.

"So, so cute!" Lauren squeaked.

She placed the bag on the ground and went straight for the large, black cat, placing her hands on her latex cheeks, rubbing them together and placing her face as close to Cleo's as possible.

"Way too cute" She continued, her voice becoming higher pitched with every word that escaped her.

When she was finished with Cleo, she made her way over to the white cat, who almost immediately backed away. That did not stop the store worker as she leapt towards Poppy and embraced her in her arms. Whilst this was happening, Cleo turned towards me. The pale skin I could see behind her mask was now a bright shade of red.

"This one's Poppy, right?" Lauren asked, tightening her grip on the poor girl.

"Yeah, that's Poppy. I would be careful with her though, she's a little melancholy at the moment," Donna stated.

"What's the matter? She's such a beautiful creature, what does she have to be sad for?"

"Well… she might be leaving us a little early."

"Why's that?"

"Her case has gone back to trial, there has been new evidence submitted that proves she was innocent. She's a little sad about leaving us."

"Well, that's understandable," Lauren hugged the white cat even tighter, "I'm sure she will be okay."

"She will."

The hug went on for a little longer before Lauren finally decided to let the poor girl go, gently returning her to her original position before turning towards me. Then it was my turn for a hug, which I gladly went on my knees to meet her halfway. It hadn't been long since we met her, but it was nice to see the store worker. She had a comforting energy that made me feel like everything was going to be okay, even with the multiple eyes staring directly at us.

"So, what are you guys doing here anyway?" Donna asked as she finally let go of me, "I thought you said the pets had to stay at the house?"

"I can take them for walks and to go out shopping, that's what we are doing now, actually."

"Do you mind if I join? I don't have to be back for a while yet."

"Sure thing!" Donna said with more excitement than she meant to give.

It felt so good having two humans with us, it gave Donna someone else to talk to. Obviously, she could always talk to us, but none of us were able to answer her. Lauren was someone who matched really well with Donna and probably got the quiet girl to talk much more than we could. I wonder how Lauren would react to seeing that DVD she wanted to get so much. I smiled under the mask. There were three outcomes, either she would have thought Donna was a pervert for liking such things, she could have been just as depraved and enjoyed it too or she would have been open minded and understand why our owner watched that show.

As Lauren left my side, I began to feel vulnerable once again. Knowing that she was taking most of the stares off me. Now with her gone, I had to make myself look around to confirm… Yes, people were still staring at me, directly at me. A small group of people even walked past us and had the nerve to point some of their fingers directly at me, which ended with a selection of laughs coming from the small group.

That was when my heart stopped. My eyes opened as I caught two of the people at the back of the group. It must have been a collection of seven women, all around the same age as me. Whilst I had no clue who five of them were, the two girls at the rear side continued to stare directly at me and neither of them were laughing. The way they looked, the way they moved sparked a part of my brain that didn't feel like it worked for a long time… they… reminded me of two people. Not just a reminder… They were those people.

They were two of my friends, two people that I had spent nearly everyday with before I was sentenced to my punishment. Why… Why weren't they laughing like the rest of the group? Did they know who I was? Did they know the group was laughing at a friend they hadn't seen in so long. It hadn't even been that long though. Hasn't it? I had only been locked away for a month and a half… I think. That wasn't too long in their world, but it felt like a lifetime ago to me.

I put my paw out as if to reach out to them and I began crawling towards the duo at the back. What were their names? I must remember their names. I called out, I didn't say anything in general, just a blurt of nonsense, I just wanted them to know that I was here, I was within reach of them… I was their old friend, I was here.

What were their names?

As they both took another glance at me, it felt like my mind caught fire. As if my brain had activated a memory that I struggled to remember. One of my friends had beautiful, caramel skin whilst the other was a pale white, much paler than mine. They both had black hair, they were both the same height… and their names were… their names were.

I called to them again, this time with much more force. However, that just caused air to blow into my gag and back down my throat again, causing me to choke on my own breath. They continued with the glances but did not stop, only following their new group of friends towards a store. They were almost out of sight.

No… please remember me, it's me… it's… it's…

I stopped.

They took one last glance before the entire group disappeared into the shop, their bodies blending in with the collection of clothes that were on display. I finally put my paw down, carefully connecting it to the floor as my brain continued to spark behind the mask.

… I did not want to think about that… I did not want to think about that… How could I remember the names of my friends if I couldn't even remember… No! I will not think about it, I don't need to think about it…

I immediately began thinking about my two friends, the pet they just saw was probably out of their minds already as they began looking through the large selection of clothes and accessories on display. For a moment… for a second… I pictured myself with them, sorting through the summer outfits to see what would suit me. Laughing… not a care in the world, nothing mattered at all.

I miss that.

I began blinking, realizing that I had not done that the entire time the group walked passed. Following that, I began to look around for the group. Whilst my past just walked by, I was still living in the future, with Donna, Poppy and Cleo.

Where did they go?"

I glanced all around, no one was near me. The two women and two pets were completely out of my sight, I looked down the rest of the mall and even behind me and there was no trace of any of them. How could they all just disappear? Whilst the two women were understandable, the two pets could not crawl that quick, they couldn't have just ran off.

H-how long was I staring at that group for?

I didn't want to look around anymore, the more I noticed my family weren't here with me, the more I noticed all of the eyes staring directly at me, now I was alone and could not share the attention with the others.

I got myself up and crawled as quickly as I could further down the hall. Glancing through all of the shop windows to try and find a familiar face.

No… they are not in there… nope, not in that one too… No, no pets there… Where the hell are they?

I looked through the windows of ten shops before I stopped, unfortunately, being bound in this outfit nearly everyday had restricted my mobility, I was already getting tired from this short sprint. It seemed the more I panicked, the more attention I received from the random shoppers nearby, however… no one helped, no one saw the group I was with and tried to show me where they were. They just looked at me and nothing more.

I wanted to scream.

"Oi! Come here!" A voice called out from behind me.

Before I had a moment to process what was going on, I felt a heavy pressure on the top of my back before being lifted up. I was turned by force to the sight of a buff security guard, a man who was as wide as he was tall, lifting me up entirely with just one hand. My paws fell to my sides and I just stared at him, scared of what he was going to do with me. He wasn't a young man, I could tell by the collection of gray hairs that filled his beard and he had the strength to lift my entire body in just one arm, lifting me up by the top of the back like someone picking up a cat.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asked loudly, looking my outfit up and down with an almost horrified look on his face.

It wasn't exactly like I could answer him, tell him that I was a prisoner for Pet Correction. I guess he was one of the few people who didn't know about it. It was then that he noticed our interaction was attracting the attention of many more customers than I had been when I was alone, nearly everyone in the area had stopped to see him grab me aggressively, some even got their phones out and started recording us.

"Oh… uh, you better come with me" He stuttered and commanded at the same time.

With that, he began walking me down the mall, keeping me in his grip the entire time.

"Told you I saw something weird" A voice stated from the darkness.

The security guard dragged me all the way to his office on the other side of the mall, the entire time I had hoped we'd run into Donna, or atleast Lauren so they could confirm my innocence. Unfortunately, his office seemed to be far away from any of the shops, it was in the back with the storage and janitor closet. As soon as we got into his office, he dropped me to the floor before closing the door behind us. The voice that came from deeper in the room belonged to another security guard; this one was staring at multiple computer screens, each screen showing a different side of the massive mall.

"I can see there are two more and they are with two normal looking women," The guy finally turned his chair to face me and his colleague.

This man was much younger than the one who grabbed me, he had long, light brown hair that was tied back in a ponytail, showing off his large eyes behind a pair of well-worn glasses. He wore the same uniform as the larger man, but it didn't fill out his thinner form as well, looking as if it was two sizes too big.

"D'you think it's something to do with that company?" He asked, looking my form up and down.

The larger man scoffed and walked over to what looked like a tannoy system, "What company?"

"I watched it on the news. It's called Pet Correction, they lock up people in these outfits rather than take them to prison, it's supposed to cut crime down and stop them re-offending."

"You serious? Sounds like something from your porn, Japanese manga things you like to read."

"I told you, I read them for the stories."

The larger man picked up the tannoy system and pressed the large red button on it, he opened his mouth to begin speaking, yet no words came out. He stood there for a couple of seconds before slamming the device back on the desk.

"What the hell do I even call this in?" He folded his arms, "Fucking, weird, bullshit!"

The room was so dark that I could not see the man's face from this distance, but I could tell he was angry at the situation. I did not know what I did to upset him so much, but I didn't want to do anything to push the situation further, so I kept quiet on my hands and knees; trying to avoid the stares of the thinner man.

"Let's get her out of the outfit, then she can tell us who the two women are and we can all their names." The larger man stated as he began walking towards me once again, "How the hell do you unlock this thing?"

"Looks like there is a zip by the crotch."

The man stopped, "Dude, if you're going to get weird about this, you can step outside! I'm not having you perv over her!"

The younger man looked rather insulted at the accusation, he tutted to himself before turning back to the screens. I felt one of the larger man's hands grab my collar, whilst the other was placed at the small of my back. With a little persuasion, I was forced onto my hands and knees; with my butt in the air. The second I was in that position, he let go of my body and I began to feel a pulling sensation just above my butt, on the suit where the zip was placed.

He tugged and tugged, over and over again I felt myself being lifted up slightly from his strength, at one point I was getting worried the zip would break off completely. I knew it wasn't going to get undone, Cleo had tried before to free that part of my body, but it must have been locked in some way and only Donna knew how to get it open.

"Damn it!" The man yelled again, dropping my body back to the floor.

He stomped all the way back to the desk, picked up the device and held down the red button before he got the chance to talk himself out of it.

"Attention! Could the owner of a missing…" He stopped before taking one more glance towards me, "A missing human… pet thing, please report to security. I repeat, could the owner of a missing human/pet, please report to security."

The man once again slammed the device back onto the table, however, he did not approach me once more, instead remaining by the table with a troubled look on his face.

"Why the hell do they do stuff like this?" he asked himself as he scratched his chin, "What happened to keeping this sort of stuff behind closed doors?"

"As I said, it might be to do something with that Pet Correction company I told you about?" His colleague pushed his glasses up as he turned around to grope me with his eyes once more.

"I don't believe that for a second, what complete nonsense!"

"It's true, I'll send you the link to the article I read later."

The taller man just grumbled to himself, resting his large body against the desk. An uncomfortable silence entered the room, one that I felt like I needed to remove. If I only had this mask off, I could tell them that I was part of that company and it wasn't my choice to wear this outfit, it wasn't my choice to come to this mall, either.

"Oh… here they come," The thinner man said, staring directly at the screen in front of him.

I turned my body to take a look, I saw a flash of Donna's pixelated body run past one of the screens, followed shortly by Lauren and the two other pets. I assumed they were just down the hallway and would be approaching the room I was in any second.

"Oh god! There are more of them," The taller security guard moaned in a quiet tone, he sounded defeated by the situation already.

"Told ya."

A selection of heavy knocks hit the door at a rapid pace, showing the worried state of the person on the other side. He approached the door swiftly and with caution, but the moment the door was open by an inch, Donna pulled it open all the way and ran towards me, completely ignoring the giant of a man that stood in her way.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Nala, I looked away for a second and you were gone." She knelt down and wrapped me in her arms, "You are not hurt are you?"

I shook my head.

"What the hell are you doing?" The man screamed, charging up to the young woman in front of me, "What is this crap? Is this how you guys get your kicks?"

Donna did not interact with the man, actually she completely ignored him. Despite me saying that I was okay, she still checked me over, running her hand along my back, arms, legs and even my rear end. I guess she had to make sure I was alright and I wasn't just putting on a brave face.

She gasped louder than I had ever heard her before, "Your zip's busted!"

"Yeah, I tried to get her out of that clown suit, she shouldn't be wearing that in public." The guard was talking as if my owner was deaf.

"Sir! You've busted her zip, that means we'll have to get the whole suit replaced."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Do you know how much these suits cost?"

Donna finally stood up and confronted the man, staring him down with her arms folded.

"Why the hell is she wearing that in the first place?" He was nearly jumping up and down with anger at this point.

"Sir. My name is Donna and I work for Pet Correction." She stated in a normal tone, as she did this he reached into her bag and brought out a card, handing it to him, "Pet Correction is a government funded organization that deals with young offenders."

He chuckled lightly, as if what both Donna and his colleague said were a complete joke, but his facial expression completely changed as he read the small card. I watched carefully as his eyes scanned the small print again and again, reading the words over as if he didn't believe them.

He audibly gulped, it was so loud that every single person in the room could hear it, even Lauren who was standing in the doorway; clearly confused at the situation. However, us pets have seen this before, in a similar situation. However, this man was extremely angry at us for being in the mall, clearly taking offence to our outfits in public. It was an odd sight to see that anger being pulled out of it at the same time the colour drained from his face.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," he apologised in a defeated tone as he passed the card back to her, "I didn't know, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day."

Donna swiped the card from the large man's hand, "It's not ending there! Do have tampered with and damaged government property! That suit you tugged at will have to be repaired, do you even know how much they cost?"

"No Ma'am, I don't."

"Thousands, each!" She placed her card back in her bag and continued confronting the man, "I'm going to have to talk to my supervisors about this and they will not be happy to know that this whole situation could have been avoided!"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, I really am." The man's tone did not change, he still sounded as defeated as before, yet the threats Donna threw at him didn't phase him at all.

"Maybe, there is a way I can calm my supervisors down, but it will be difficult. I can let this all go, but I only ask for one thing in return."

The man sighed, "What? What will it take?"

"Dinner! I would like a free meal for two at one of the nicest restaurants in this place!"

"Can I ask you something?" Lauren questioned as soon as the car came to a halt, settling in place right in front of the flower shop she worked at.

It was the first time anything was said during the short, awkwardly silent car ride home. Lauren stayed with us for the entire time, waiting as the security guard pulled a favour with one of the restaurants in the mall to get our owner the free meal she asked for. Donna was more than happy to give the flower-shop worker a lift back to her work, as she had walked to the mall, not knowing that her break was going to be spent trying to find out where I went.

"Sure, of course you can," Donna replied with her usual cheery voice.

"That meal you got from the security guard, who was it for?"

"Oh…" Donna looked up at the sky as if she was thinking really hard about it, "Well, it's Cleo's day out of the suit tomorrow, I was thinking I could treat her to a proper meal, she's been a very good girl recently."

"Ah, I see," the store worker replied, not seeming too affected with the answer.

Donna became silent once more, taking her stare back to the steering wheel in front of her, she began tracing her finger along the outside of the car's logo.

"I was… well, only if you wanted to. I was perhaps thinking… maybe, to see… if you maybe wanted to come along? You don't have to if you don't want to, I guess you seem like the kind of person who would have a busy life outside of work… So, I'll completely understand if you say no, I was going to ask you first anyway… the whole asking Cleo to join me was a joke… I was trying to make you laugh… Sorry, you don't have to join me if you want? As I said, I'll completely understand."

Donna's voice was so quiet I could barely hear her, despite how quiet the car was. She just kept mumbling to herself, as if she didn't want to seem too serious about asking Lauren out on a date, but it was clear her intent was genuine, the whole reason she got the tickets from the guard was to ask Lauren out on a date.

Donna continued to mumble and Lauren just stared at her, watching all the words fall out of her mouth with a long grin on her face, "Donna?" She finally asked.


"Can I come with you? To the restaurant?"

"Uh… yeah, sure… of course you can."

"That is unless you want to take Cleo?"

"Oh, I'm sure she won't mind."

"Perfect. How about you pick me up here, six o'clock?"

"Looking forward to it." Donna's cheeks burned red at the thought. They had a date planned.

Lauren opened the passenger door of the car and let herself out, "Right, see you then."

She closed the door and gave our owner a slight wink before walking through the shop doors. The moment she was out of view, Donna screamed at the top of her lungs, dancing in her seat. Cleo, Poppy and I watched in complete silence as the woman celebrated her upcoming plans, pumping her arms in the air, moving her body side-to-side and even seeing a song to herself at the top of her lungs. The song in question was a 'love song' from that filthy cartoon she liked so much.

It was a weird, awkward moment, but it was so nice to see her this happy.

She stopped suddenly, placing her hands back onto the steering wheel as Lauren's form re-entered the outside world, coming out of the darkness of the shop and sprinting towards the passenger door. She opened it the moment she got within reaching distance.

"Sorry! Forgot my bag!" She yelled in an apologetic tone, reaching for the paper bag she had at the mall that she had left by her feet.

She shot another wink at our owner before shutting the door once more and returning back to the shop.

Donna wasted no time getting the car into reverse and driving away, wanting to avoid any more awkwardness. Despite being spotted by Lauren, she continued to move her body left to right in a dancing fashion as she drove down the road to home. It was nice to see her so happy, after everything she had done for us, she deserved some true happiness in her life.

My glee for my owner lasted for only a moment. As much as I was happy for her, my thoughts immediately returned to something much closer to myself, to the one thing that covered my entire body. From everything that happened today, I had almost forgotten about the aggressive tugs the security guard did to my body in order to free me from my bonds. The same tugs that warped the zip on the most vital part of my body. What did that mean? Would I be freed from the suit for a period of time? or would I have a completely new outfit altogether.

I didn't like the thought of that, the idea of wearing another suit made goosebumps form on my body. I liked this outfit, the one that I wore nearly everyday, the one that I saw as a part of myself, it was a second layer of skin that felt like it was fused to me in some shape or form. It was part of my identity, now that it was broken… it felt strange, unfamiliar, as if it was being pulled away from my body, ripped off to be replaced by something different.

However, there was something far more urgent that needed to be sorted and it had to be sorted soon. I was going to have to put on a brave face and tell Donna something I told her multiple times a day, but due to the situation with the warped zip; I probably wouldn't like how the situation would be sorted.

I had to tell Donna that I needed the toilet.

"Hey… hey," Donna whispered.

I was too tired to open my eyes, but I could tell her words were not meant for me, they were meant for the creature behind me. I didn't know what time it was, the room was still dark so it must have been early in the morning. The cat behind me stirred, for the entire night I rested my back against her front, her large paws were wrapped around my body to bring me comfort; but now they were being moved. I tried to make myself comfortable on the ground alone, feeling Cleo's large body moving away from me and following our owner out of the room. I tried my hardest to ignore them, it was far too early to even think about waking up and the realm of sleep continued to call to me, bringing me towards it within seconds of the two exiting the room.

I knew I was in the living room. For some reason, I did not feel comfortable sleeping in the bedroom with Donna and Poppy. It might have been the drama that yesterday caused, or it might have been my recent exposure that had left me feeling more vulnerable than ever. The moment we got in, I told Donna about me needing to use the bathroom and she wasted no time reaching behind me, grabbing the zip with both hands and ripping a massive hole underneath me.

Whilst I was grateful I could finally relieve myself, I didn't enjoy feeling the suit breaking. It was a strange sensation, like the tight tension I felt on every inch of my skin, a feeling that I had become used to over the month and a half of being here just cease to be. The hole at the bottom of my suit loosened the material, making it feel baggy in comparison to how it used to feel. It now felt as if I was actually wearing a large piece of clothing, rather than the second skin, naked feel it had before.

I tried to avoid the thought for now. I did not want to get worked up this early in the morning, I wanted to go back to sleep, go back to my dream. What was it I dreamt about? I remembered walking on my own two feet, walking through the mall we were in yesterday, surrounded by my friends, knowing that I was going home to my parents afterwards. … it was a nice dream.

I smiled to myself as I began to feel myself drift off once more.

After a few minutes, the door to the room once again opened. No voices were heard and not a single sound alerted me, nothing that caused me to stir. That was, until I felt an arm reach round me, exactly as it was before when Cleo was holding me earlier. I shuffled my body, trying to get myself comfortable next to hers, wanting nothing more right then, than to close my eyes within the comfort of her embrace.

It was a nice thought.

Unfortunately, my idea was soon thwarted as the hand began moving upwards, it began at the bottom of my stomach and began moving upwards, before long, a hand was grabbing my breast. Despite the suit being baggier than before, from the breasts upwards, the suit didn't change that much. It was understandable for the mask, as it was a separate piece from the rest of the suit and our faces were locked in underneath, but it was interesting that the chests and shoulders were almost unaffected by the tear in the suit, allowing the person behind me to easily find and hold my boobs.

I immediately opened my eyes and looked down, it was a human hand holding me, not a paw and definitely not Donna's. It was easy for me to forget that it was Cleo's day of freedom. I did not have the luxury of knowing what the day was, the week, heck… I could probably forget the month as easily too. That, combined with yesterday's events completely took my mind off what was going to happen today. Being honest, it was a shock that I even remembered that Donna had that date tonight.

I turned around slowly, shuffling my body in the same spot until I came face-to-face with the person behind me. It was Cleo, not that I assumed it would have been anyone else. Seeing her without her suit on was always a mind fuck, it was strange as this was Cleo in everyway, it was the same person I had seen everyday, same person I slept next to every night, but it was like looking at a completely different person. The black latex was now replaced by her natural body, covered only with the paper thin shirt and shorts Donna provided her with. Her skin was so pale, her short, black hair was nearly the same colour as her suit, but it was her eyes, they were exactly the same as before, they were what told me I was looking at Cleo. Those large, light blue eyes that looked directly into mine, telling me exactly what she was thinking at that moment.

She wanted me.

Damn… I wasn't exacting this so soon. We had our deal, but this was only seconds after she was released…why was she so desperate for pleasure? I… I… I… I couldn't think at that moment, she began rubbing her thumb very lightly over my nipples, bringing them to attention and forcing them to poke through the suit. That, combined with a couple of light bites on my neck drove me to think of other things at that time.

I wanted to hear her speak, just a few words to be whispered in my ear, just something to remind me of how she sounds, to remind me that she wasn't a pet anymore, that she was a human, taking complete control of the situation. A light groan escaped the mask, I couldn't hold it in as she knew exactly what to do to get me going. Not that it was difficult at that moment, spending the last two weeks without any pleasure was enough to get me in the mood within seconds and my nipples clearly showed it, poking through the layers of latex and begging for more, begging to be released.

"Mmmmmmph!" I groaned again, Cleo wasted no time getting what she wanted, she stopped biting my neck and went straight to my breasts, bringing my bound nipple into her mouth and sucking it hard, even going as far as to bite it very lightly.

She chuckled to herself, knowing exactly what all of her actions were doing, pulling me very quickly towards the world of pleasure. Her eyes took in every little movement my body involuntarily made. Watching my eyes as they rolled back as her tongue licked the latex covering my sensitive areas, the way my paws kept moving up and down, as if they wanted to join in but didn't know what to do and the way my hips moved up and down, like I was trying to get pleasure from the air. I needed something there, but I knew Cleo was in full control, I couldn't get something unless she herself wanted it.

Finally, she moved. Coming from the back of me, to sitting on top of me. Her knees around my waist and her hands on my shoulders, using her weight to keep me down, not that I would move. I needed her at that moment, as much as she needed me. However, it was the way she looked into my eyes that kept me in place. It wasn't just a deal between two sexually frustrated cats anymore, she stared me down like I was a piece of meat, it was a stare that said she wanted my body, she didn't want love, affection… she wanted pure, hard pleasure and I was the only one who could give it to her at that moment.

How frustrated must she have been? I watched carefully as he rolled her tongue across the top of her lips, taking her gaze from the mask in front of her, down to my wanting breasts and even further down to my private area. But… they weren't so private anymore. It was fully open, for her to see and potentially explore. There was no longer latex between us.

I gulped. Not knowing what to do. Sure, we had orgasms together before, I touched her and she touched me, but that was always on the outside of the suit… this was a whole new level. She gave me no time to think. Within seconds of eyeing my body up, she pulled the top off her body, causing her giant breasts to free themselves from behind the fabric, bouncing free until they settled above her stomach. After throwing the top across the room, she immediately bent down and once again took my nipple into her mouth, biting it lightly and pulling it until it managed to break free from her fangs. I groaned under the mask, it was a mixture of pain and pleasure that I wasn't used to, but enough for me to want more, enough for me to want to take it further.

I decided to go fully into it. It was a struggle to remember that we were on the floor of the living room, nearly in the middle and anyone who walked in would notice fornication between the black cat and I. There was no way we would be able to recover in time, especially as one half of Cleo's outfit was across the room at that moment.

Her mouth began the flurry of gentle bits down my stomach, down… down… down. Oh, she was intentionally slow at doing it, knowing that it drove me crazy everytime she brought her lips to my body. Down… down… down… Oh… god!

I jolted as I felt the skin of her skin graze against the skin just above my exposed sex. Not only was this the first time anyone here actually touched it with their bare hands, but it was the first time I had ever let a woman near that part of me. At least before there was something between our bodies. It was too late now to stop it… even if I could stop it, would I have wanted it to be stopped before it went too far? Did I… did I…

My brain lost all thought as I felt her warm breath against my sensitive skin. It felt so good to actually have that physical connection with someone. I didn't know if I wanted to close my eyes for this or to look down and actually take it all in. I decided to keep my eyes open and look down at the black cat. I wanted to see her perform the action. To my surprise, she was looking up at me as if she was doing the exact same with me, wanting to see my reaction as she took full control of my sex.

She gave me a quick wink, a very similar wink to what Lauren did to Donna. It lasted for less than a second, soon afterwards she brought her tongue directly onto my sex, lapping it up and down at a decent pace before going further inside me.

Oh… god…

My eyes rolled to the back of my head once more. It was a strange sensation, a very intense feeling that was both comforting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I have received orally on a few occasions before, but this was a whole different level. I assumed it was also Cleo's first time with a woman, but she knew exactly what she was doing, she knew what she wanted from me and she was working to get it as fast, as intense and as pleasurable as possible.

Only a few seconds went by before she travelled deeper inside me, pushing past the open and bringing her tongue directly to my clit, causing me to jolt even further the moment they both touched. It was far more intense than what she was doing before, it was like hitting a spot further inside me than anything had touched before. Each time her tongue brushed over it, it was like a spark over a match, just striking the sensitive area time after time, any second the spark would illuminate the tip of the match… I didn't know what would happen then.

It was so good… fuck… I didn't realise how much I needed this. For a second, it felt like all my worries were far away, the situation with the suit, how little I remembered about my past life, I could even set aside my worries about my family; for only a brief moment. I brought my paws up to my breasts, trying in all hope to stimulate them at the same time as my sex. Sadly, the two layers of latex continued to stop all contact with my body and I stopped trying, I needed to focus on what the tall girl was doing as that was more important at that moment. It was beautiful and fulfilling.

I forgot for a moment that Cleo was watching me, trying her hardest to notice all my little motions as the pleasure slowly took control over my body. Even watching my pathetic attempt to stimulate the orbs on my chest to bring the glee to a whole new level. In return, she carefully placed her hands through the hole in the suit, trying her hardest not to break the zip further and widen the gap. Very carefully her hands travelled up, the palms of her hands brushing against my bare skin, travelling up my stomach and continuing upwards towards their destination.

It was another odd sensation, but one that I loved in a different way than the continuous pleasure I was getting below. It was the feeling of her soft palms against my skin, her pure, real skin against mine. Her tongue did not cease for the entire time, but I was more focused on the connection between our two bodies, the light touches of her fingertips reaching the bottom of my breasts, it felt like static being transferred between our two bodies.

I let out another groan, this time it was much softer but still intense in its own way. Her fingers finally reached my nipples and she wasted no time in playing with them. They were as sensitive as before, being brought to attention once again for her own needs and pleasure. Although it was a different pleasure she was getting, seeing the blissful, agonising state her fingers and tongue brought me to.

It was a struggle to remain quiet against her actions, hearing her moan quietly as my taste filled her mouth was getting harder and harder to bear, through gritted teeth. I couldn't risk Donna walking in and catching us in this act, despite not knowing what exactly she would do finding two prisoners pleasuring each other.

As much as I tried to focus, I kept finding my eyes rolling to the back of my head. It was too much to focus on visually, so my body forced my eyes closed to allow me to ride the pleasure mentally instead. The moment I closed my eyes, I visualised a running river travelling in the middle of the woods, going down a bank to create a small waterfall. It was small, it was quiet, but the more the tongue explored below and the faster it got, the more unsettled the river became, until the water began to overflow, flooding the grass on both sides of it and forcing the waterfall to become more powerful, shooting the water out at the bottom rather than the quiet trickling it once had been.

Oh… god.

My eyes shot open, realising the water was just a visual metaphor for what was happening below. It all came too quickly, usually my orgasms were a slow burn, building up from a small spark deep inside me and growing bigger and bigger until it pulsated throughout my body. This wasn't what happened here. I didn't know if it was the skin-on-skin contact or that she was just that talented with her tongue, but my body bypassed that process entirely.

Whilst I was waiting for the spark to ignite the match inside me, I didn't realise the flame was already lit, burning brightly and quickly and only growing until it was right in front of me. I… I couldn't stop it. It was too much, the pleasure pushed through but there was much more than I had imagined it being, it was like I couldn't process how extreme it felt.

Maybe it were her hands, her fingers continued to tease and torture my nipples the entire time she licked me. My brain couldn't handle it all at once. My paws reached down and placed themselves on top of her head, no matter how hard I tried to push her head off me, I was in no state and had no strength to remove her from my body.

Oh, no… oh, no…

I leant back, I didn't know what was happening but I felt that the sensation was processing into something new. Her motions might have been too much for me, but it looked like it was going to happen no matter if I had the ability to process it or not. My body slowly began to seize up, my arms and legs tightened with all the strength left in them as the overwhelming waves of pleasure travelled inwards, focusing everything into one small point down below.

Light whimpers, moans, groans and all other types of noises left my mouth as I took one last glance towards the door, making sure that Donna wasn't going to walk in mid-orgasm. To my surprise, the door was already partially open and an eye could be seen poking through. I tried to focus, making sure it wasn't our owner, the white around the eyes confirmed that it was Poppy looking through, being a voyeur to our sexual encounter.

She didn't look shocked, she didn't look disgusted or in any way changed to catching us in the act. She just watched through curious eyes, taking in every single movement I made to the sensation of the tongue down there. We locked eyes, but only for a moment. I let out another whimper as my body forced my eyes shut, bringing my arms and legs in as tight as possible as the burning light inside me shone brighter and more fierce. It was now coming no matter what.

My body jolted violently, forcing every inch of me to spasm uncontrollably as the waves pushed out from deep inside, hitting me over and over again once it was finally let free. Her tongue did not cease, continuing to do the exact same motion as it was doing from the very beginning. I was now being watched by both girls as the orgasm fully came over me, bringing the greatest pleasure I had ever felt in my life. It was intense, unbelievable. I wanted more, I never wanted her lips to leave mine, I wanted her to stay down there and just continue doing exactly what she was doing before. The orgasm wasn't even fully over and I was thinking about the next one.

I let out a last shudder along with a drawn out sigh as the flames left me, dying slowly as all sensation faded out. Finally, she brought her hands out of my suit and lifted her head up, licking her lips as slowly as possible whilst giving out a sinful moan. She knew exactly what she did to me and she was loving every moment of it, taking in the glory of bringing that pleasure to me and seeing my body as a trophy of sorts.

She opened her mouth, I knew she was going to say something that would make my cheeks burn red and something that would have acknowledged her power over me. However, the sound of the phone ringing caught us all off guard, both Cleo and I jumped at the sound and even Poppy jumped from behind the door. It felt like we were all in trouble for what just happened, whoever was on the other end of the phone knew what we did and was going to scorn us.

Cleo jumped up and ran to the other side of the room, picking up the top she tossed away just moments before, giving her just enough time to pull it on before Donna walked in and picked the phone up. The now open door revealed Poppy sitting there, looking into the room. Cleo acted as casually as possible, taking a seat on the sofa. I moved myself in such a way that it covered the bottom of my outfit. I did not want Donna to see below; I was probably soaking wet from before, if not it would have been bright red from all the attention.

After greeting the person on the other end of the phone, our owner remained silent, taking in all the information the caller gave her. I still expected her to turn around and give a stern look to both Cleo and I but she just stayed in place. I began to think that Pet Correction had cameras all over the place, or every room bugged in some way. After spending that time in the cage, I felt like there was nothing this organisation would do to punish the pets under them.

"Okay… okay," Donna said in a dull tone, the fingers on her free hand playing with parts of her dress, "Yeah, yeah… sure. Thank you for telling me. Okay… see you later. Thanks again."

She put the phone back down and remained silent. Looking directly at the device and not giving us any emotions to work with. We didn't know if she was angry, sad, annoyed, happy or anything, so it was hard to gauge what news she just received. It was so silent that I could still hear my heart pumping through my chest, at this point I was unsure if it was still coming from the high from earlier, or if it was the sudden change of tone in the room. She turned around, leaning her back against the wall. Her gaze went up to the freed cat, sitting casually on the sofa, then it went to me and then finally to the white cat, who took a few more steps into the room and sat down at the entrance.

"Poppy…" She said, her voice was as quiet as anything yet we could all hear her so well.

Both Cleo and I looked between the owner and the white cat. Waiting impatiently for the next words to come out of her mouth.

She cleared her throat before talking again, "Poppy… that was the court on the line. They brought your case forward."

Now my heart was pounding heavier, vibrating violently against my chest as if it was about to burst out, I even noticed Cleo leaned forwards on the sofa.

A small, weakened smile appeared on the woman's lips, "Poppy… you're free to go."

Dear Ms Odette

I hope you and your husband are doing well? Since I last contacted you, one of the other pets at the property has had their sentence reduced and will be leaving our house very shortly. As this will leave me with just two pets, it is unclear whether we will still be moving or not, once my superiors get back to me regarding our situation, I will let you know the outcome.

I also wanted to share with you some good news. I haven't told your daughter this as I wanted it to be a surprise, but I managed to get the punishment overturned and allow you to see your daughter when she is released from her suit for the day. Please let me know if you would still like to come down and see her, I know she would be more than happy to see you.

Other than that, she has been perfect. Well, except for a situation with a security guard, but I am happy to tell you about that when we next see you.

Once again, I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you again.

Best wishes, Donna X


Continues in

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