Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Pet Correction

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f+; FF; fpov; latex; petgirl; catsuit; hood; collar; gag; oral; rom; cons; X

Continues from

"You're free to go." Donna's words lingered in the air, causing the entire room to fall back into further silence.

Both Cleo and I stared deeply at the pet in the doorway, watching for the moment she would react to the news that she had been released from her sentence. However, that reaction never came. Her eyes stayed perfectly on the human as her brain processed what had just been announced. For a second, I expected Donna to begin laughing, stating that it was all a joke, but she kept a straight face the entire time, being much more serious than any of us had ever seen her.

"They are arranging transport as we speak," she continued, quickly wiping her eyes, "They should be here sometime this afternoon"

Still, nothing. Not a single eye twitch came from the white cat. She sat there, perfectly still, taking in everything Donna had said with no intention to react. Then, her eyes slowly began to fall, taking her gaze from the woman to the carpet that she sat down on. I wanted with all my heart to reassure Poppy that it was going to be okay, that she should see this as a good thing and that she was going to be home by tonight, where she could return to a normal/human life. Even if I could say anything, I wasn't sure I would have been able to form those words. How could I tell her that everything would have been okay, if my heart was slowly breaking?

I knew I would miss her, she became almost like a sister to me. She was someone who I saw everyday, who I slept next to, who I sat next to. She was sentenced at the same time together and we had gone through this entire ordeal at each other's side… and now I was going to have to say goodbye.

"Well… I should probably take you out of that outfit, you aren't exactly a prisoner anymore." Donna left the room as quietly as she could, stepping past the white cat in the doorway and going down the hall to her bedroom.

It left us all alone. The three pets of the household. Cleo stayed exactly where she was before the phone call, sitting comfortably on the sofa. She was still leaning forwards as she was before and had a thoughtful look on her face. It was a look I was familiar with, not from her; but one I've seen before from my Mother. It was the look of wanting to say something, running through her brain to find the exact sentence to say for that specific time and coming away with nothing. Remaining completely silent in the end.

I know what she wanted to say, I know what I wanted to say. We both wanted to congratulate her, to let her know we were proud of her, that we cared for her, that we loved… That we would miss her.

It was at that point where I noticed the extremely uncomfortable silence within the room. Poppy's face changed to one that made it look like she disassociated from the situation, staring off into space as she came to the realisation of what the woman's words meant. Cleo tried her hardest to act casual, as if the events surrounding her weren't happening or at least it didn't bother her. I just continued to stare at the white cat, realising that I wasn't going to be seeing her around the house again, this was the last time I was going to see her in that bright cat outfit. I knew I had to take it all in one last time before she was released from her bonds.

Here we were. Three complete strangers just occupying the same room as each other. It was almost as if we didn't spend all this time together, as if we didn't eat together, sleep together, all the laughs we had… all the hard times and all the precious moments we shared. At the end of the day, that was what we were, we were all strangers. I haven't had a full sentence with the two girls, nor did I know the names of the two girls I fell in love with, I did now know what kind of people they were outside of these walls… hell, I didn't even know why they were sentenced in the first place.

Despite all that, we were more than just strangers. We had a connection I knew I would never feel with anyone else. It was more than words, it was more than affection. It was something that I could not explain. It was a deep, loving care for each other to make sure we were all right, it was the understanding that we were all in the same situation and were going to survive this together.

Finally, I broke the silence in the room. The loose layer of latex crackled as I began to crawl towards Poppy. I threw my arms around her, hugging her as tight as possible, willing for my actions to say what my brain could not. Soon, I felt her hands hold me as tightly back, I felt her push her head into my neck as she tried to cover her tears and I felt her shoulders lift up and down so softly as the emotions took over her.

It wasn't long before we heard the sofa breathe from the weight being removed, a few quiet steps across the carpet and within seconds we felt the human embrace of Cleo cover us, holding us both in for the hug that we so desperately needed at that time. The taller girl kept quiet, she completely understood her emotions but kept a straight face the entire time, knowing the white cat needed us to be strong in this moment, we didn't want her to feel worse about leaving by seeing how upset we were.

We were happy for her.

"Okay, girls," Donna said, re-entering the room with a padlock key in her hand.

Whilst keeping a smile on her face, she briefly wiped her eye, indicating to us that she had a quiet moment to herself whilst finding the key to unlock Poppy's collar.

"Do you need my help at all?" Cleo asked, her voice still croaking lightly from the lack of use.

"No, I think it should just be me and Poppy," Donna said more calmly than I ever heard her speak before.

She ushered Poppy into the bathroom using her free hand, not saying a word the entire time. The white cat took one last look at both of us. We were going to see her again, but this was the last time she would see us as a pet… as an equal to us. It lasted a few seconds before she turned around and walked into the hallway, taking her time to reach the destination.

I watched the slow crawl of the creature, taking a moment to notice the gaze of our owner staring directly at me, mostly down at my crotch. As my cheeks began to burn red, I closed my legs as tight as I could, believing the woman probably saw that the blood had rushed to my genitals from the play with Cleo earlier, or she might have noticed how wet it still was; perhaps even how engorged my clit was from the black cat's tongue.

I slowly looked up, meeting her gaze.

"Actually… Nala," She said as she pondered, "Could you come with us? I have an idea."

I quickly glanced between the two humans. Cleo looked just as puzzled as I was, there was no reason for me to join the two women in the bathroom as this was just Poppy's time to be unlocked and released back into the real world. As I took my eyes away from the large cat towards our owner, I was met with a familiar comforting feeling, knowing that I was safe no matter what she had planned.

I slowly picked myself up and crawled closely behind the white cat, following her bouncing butt as she turned towards the small room. Donna followed very quickly, coming up close behind us and closing the door the moment she walked through it.

"Okay, I shouldn't be doing this," she started to say as she walked across to Poppy, "But I think it is a good idea and far better than the alternatives."

She grabbed the collar that hung loosely on the girl's neck, placing the key directly in front of the hole. She stopped for a split second, taking in the event that was happening in front of her. I believe Poppy felt the same way, knowing the moment that key entered the hole, the one thing that was keeping her as a prisoner was going to be taken off.

It only lasted a moment. The second the key went in, the entire thing opened with some force, like the device was spring-loaded. Donna immediately took the metal in both her hands and placed the item on the side; just out of reach of the poor girl. She looked naked… yes, she was still wearing the latex outfit that hugged her entire body, but the absence of that collar around her neck just didn't look right, I had never seen her with that off before.

Poppy only had a moment to feel the empty space below her head before Donna continued the removal of the items from her body, starting with the mask. She undid the seal that connected it to the rest of the suit and opened the invisible zip at the back of the mask, letting her short, pink hair fall out from behind the now open latex. After that, all she had to do was pull forward to release her head from its seal. She did that immediately, but slow enough not to cause her discomfort from removing the gag from her mouth too swiftly. I watched as several lines of spital connected her lips to the item that had been in her mouth this entire time, thinning and breaking off the moment the mask was placed too far away.

Her short hair shook as she instinctively pulled her head backwards, bringing her head as far away from the item as she could and breathing in the air without the use of the instrument in her mouth. Her hair was as pink as I remembered it with the beginning of her natural hair slowly forming in the roots.

The room went silent for a moment, allowing the sounds of her breaths to fill our ears. Donna shot the young woman a smile before placing the mask on the side and reaching towards the girl's back. In a swift move, she managed to pull the zip completely down; forcing the second skin to break away from her body. Immediately, the tightness of the suit began to fade and wrinkle from the release, our owner pulled the arms forwards to release Poppy's hands from their binds, in doing so also releasing the arms from the sleeves, bringing the young woman's naked torso to our attention.

Despite having seen her naked body a few times before, Poppy looked down at her large breasts, dangling free after the removal of the material and went to cover both of her nipples, forming an 'X' symbol with both of her arms. Donna did not stop, she got onto her knees and continued to pull the outfit down the girl's legs, Poppy did the same thing the moment her sex was free, trading one arm to reach down and cover her privates whilst the other arm moved to cover both the nipples, with one hand grabbing the breast entirely.

As the suit went to her ankles, Poppy took two steps back, freeing her bare feet from the suit and removing her body entirely from the prison that held her for a month and a half. She was completely naked in front of us, the most naked she had been this entire time. No suit… no collar… nothing, just her bare body.

My owner finally stood up and shook out the suit, allowing the legs to open up fully before placing the empty skin on the side of the sink. To my surprise, she was completely done with the pink-haired girl for the time being, instead she drew her attention to me.

"Okay, your turn," she said as she reached towards the back of my mask.

I jumped in my spot, knowing that I wasn't getting the same reward as the young woman who shared the bathroom with us. For all I knew, I was still spending the next ten and a half months wearing this god-forsaken suit, stuck within these walls. The zip got pulled up immediately, allowing my sweaty, blonde hair to fall out before my mask was pulled away too. I held my breath, realising it would be very uncomfortable if I were to be breathing at that point.

Donna wasn't being as slow with me, feeling as if I weren't supposed to be in this situation at all. She rushed through unzipping, she rushed through taking the mask off, even throwing the mask onto the ground the moment it was freed from me. What was happening?

Despite the speed of my release, it still felt so good to have the cool air of the house actually reach my skin. I enjoyed the moment for only a second before Donna reached behind me and began to undo the zip along my back, once again causing the material to loosen and fall away from my body.

"Can't be too long doing this," Donna said to herself as she pulled the zip all the way to the small of my back, "You're not to be released for another two weeks, but I don't have a spare suit. So… y'know, two birds."

She was going so quickly that she wasn't making any sense. What the hell did she mean by 'two birds?'

She began pulling at my paws, releasing the trapped hands within and allowing me to easily slide my arms away from the restrictive material. She grabbed the entire top of the suit and gently moved me onto my back where she continued tugging at the suit until it came free from my waist and travelled up my leg. It took a few more tugs than normal due to the broken zip at the bottom, tightening the entire suit below. However, before I knew it the outfit slid off my feet and I was nearly as free as the other naked girl in the room, the only difference was the collar around my neck.

My owner threw the outfit onto the floor in the exact same way she did with the mask before bringing me to my feet. The moment I got vertical, she turned around and grabbed the white suit that used to hug Poppy's body and opened it up, as if she was going to allow me to put my foot inside.

"Wait… stop!" My voice creaked and squeaked from lack of use.

I took a step back, trying to get some distance between me and the clothed woman.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Donna quickly looked between Poppy and I before talking, "Oh, well… your suit is busted and it will take a really long time to fix. So, as Poppy isn't using hers anymore, it makes more sense to give it to you. I don't have any other outfits in storage that would suit you."

In a way, it did make sense. Poppy and I were very similar in body types. We were the same height and pretty much the same weight, with the only real difference being the large balloons that covered her chest. It just seemed so quick and not enough explanation to what my owner was doing. That suit felt normal to me, it felt like a part of my body at this point. This meant that I would have to be getting used to wearing Poppy's second skin as if it were my own, I would look down at see a white body and looking through the world through her eyes.

It was logical, but I wasn't ready for such a change.

"Can… Can I just have some time? Please?" My voice sounded like it was actually begging, it didn't help that my voice kept breaking due to two weeks of not being used.

"I can't, I'm sorry," Donna looked remorseful for her actions, but it seemed like there was logic behind it, "I'm not allowed to remove your outfits except for your days off, I should really go through Pet Correction to have your suits changed round. However, it will take days to get an answer from them and it will take months to get your old suit fixed. It's not like I could just keep the suit off, that would be a penalty for sure.

Donna stood back up before continuing, "My idea was to put you in this outfit and then email Pet Correction for the change of suits and to request the fix. I just know if they found you out of your suit, then there will be hell to pay for both of us, but if they see you are wearing the suit Poppy wore… then they will see that you are still restricted and we are abiding by their rules."

"Okay… I guess that makes sense."

"I-I just can't make anymore mistakes, Nala." Donna's eyes fell as she said that.

"Can I just say one last thing to Poppy beforehand?"

Donna took another glance between us both before nodding her head lightly. She stood back, as if giving us both the floor to have one last talk with each other… Well, it would be the first talk we ever had. Not once had words been exchanged between us. It was a crazy realisation for me, I had spent every day with this woman, sleeping next to her, playing with her, eating next to her. She had become a close friend to me and this was the first and final time I would ever get the chance to say something.

Words evaded me as I tried to think of what to say. After a month and a half of us seeing each other, it had to be something good. I took my gaze away from my owner and looked across the room, staring at the poor girl who was still holding her private areas, hiding them from show. Despite this, we locked eyes.

"I'm going to miss you," I said, a small arrangement of tears forming below my eyes.

It was a simple sentence, yet it was so hard to say as it was my acknowledgment that she was going to leave us. This was it.

Her emotion stayed the same for a few seconds after that, staring at me intently as her brain processed the small amount of words that flew out of my mouth. It was the strangest feeling. In some ways it seemed as if I was conversing with a complete stranger, yet she was more to me than that… she was Poppy; my friend. This entire time we've been together we were pets, nothing more than cats being looked after by a lovely woman, but we weren't animals at that specific moment, we were two women who were staring at each other from two different sides of the room.

Her gaze continued for a little longer as the words continued to process. Then something clicked in her head and her arms dropped, both hands that covered her breasts and her sex fell to her sides before she walked the few steps over to me and embraced me in her arms. No words left her mouth. I held her back instantly, trying to make the most of the situation I possibly could. It didn't matter that I was hugging a completely naked woman whilst I was naked myself, that our breasts and nipples were pressed against each other. It was an entirely human embrace, with the memory of the times we were pets encouraging that moment for us.

I did not know Poppy, I didn't even know her real name. I had no clue regarding the events that brought her here, or the reason she was being pulled away from us. I cared for her… I loved her, and that was all that mattered at that time.

Donna was kind enough to give us our moment, the urgency before seemed to have taken a step back. Slowly, I felt Poppy's grip loosen around my body, her arms once again fell and she took a step back, returning to the spot she was before, only this time she ceased trying to cover her body up.

"Okay," I nodded to my owner, standing in front of the open white suit.

Donna didn't say anything, placing the suit as low as she could to allow me to put my foot in. She helped my foot reach the bottom paw of the outfit before doing the same with the other foot. The warmth of Poppy's body still radiated within the material, it felt so odd wearing something that had already been worn before, I would have thought Donna might have washed the outfit first before placing it on me.

I made the mistake of looking down the moment Donna got my second foot into position. My eyes glanced at the material below me, the soft interior to the shiny suit… right between the legs. I didn't hide my horrified look as I noticed the watery/jelly-like substance that coated it. Instead of saying something, I looked directly at Poppy who was trying to hide her nervousness, she knew exactly what I saw.

Poppy was aroused before the removal of the suit. The substance that covered the inside of the crotch was directly from her sex… but how? What caused her to be this turned on before being released.

That was when my eyes shot open and I remembered seeing her looking through the gap in the door when Cleo brought me to orgasm earlier. I remembered seeing her wide eyes, I assumed she was horrified by what she was seeing, instead it was turning her on. Before I knew it, Donna began pulling the outfit up as quickly as she could. I continued to look towards the ex white cat as the inevitable feeling swiftly came.


I did not know if that noise actually happened or if it was entirely my imagination, it was unpleasant nonetheless. Donna never noticed my discomfort as she placed my hands within the white paws and then immediately rushed to the back of the suit to zip that up, pulling it as tight as it could go until it reached its destination at the back of my neck. She then almost jumped across the room to reach the mask, pulling it open to give room to the large gag bit hidden within and pulled it towards my face.

I felt as if I had no time to react. The sweet moment between the human girl and I was over and I was just being shoved back where I belong. I automatically opened my mouth to allow the sealing of the hood, noticing the wet salvia of the pink-haired girl still on the mouthpiece. An internal cringe shuddered around my body the moment the gag entered my mouth. Donna got back to work again, sealing the back of the hood and connecting it to the rest of the suit, once again sealing my naked form once again in its prison cell. The exact moment my owner took a step back to admire the new white cat; I took a large gulp, knowing that I was swallowing the saliva of the previous owner, with her juices covering my most vital area.

It was the strangest sensation, I knew it would take a very long time to get used to this. I knelt down on the floor, staring down at the two paws in front of me. It never felt as if I was wearing Poppy's suit, instead it felt more like I was seeing the world through her eyes; like we had somehow switched brains.

Cleo was staring directly at me from the moment I had entered the room, looking me up and down, trying to get a sense of my form within the skin of the white cat. I occasionally looked towards her direction, probably freaking her out as if it weren't Poppy's eyes looking back at her. However, she was patient. Sitting comfortably and casually on the sofa as she waited for the pink haired girl to be finished.

I was banished from the bathroom the second my transformation was complete, told to wait with Cleo until Poppy had a wash and was returned to the clothes she came here in. It was almost strange to think of her wearing clothes, the entire idea of wearing anything but these suits almost felt foreign to me. I struggled to remember how it felt, the sensation of loose cloth moving around with each step, the feeling of a light breeze on my bare legs whilst wearing a skirt, just wearing bra and panties felt like a strange thought in my pet mind.

Whilst my brain was occupied by that thought, Cleo finally removed herself from the sofa and walked across the room towards me. Her large frame joined me on the ground, getting on her hands and knees as she stared into my eyes with her nose against the front of the mask. I dared not to move, this had never happened in the entire time I knew the large, black cat. Her eyes jolted from left to right, eyeing up each iris to fully grasp what just happened to me.

"Nala?" She asked, her voice was a tiny whisper.

Despite only just saying my name, I could hear the soft croaking in her voice from lack of use. I nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact. It was obvious that I was locked in her suit, despite being the same size as the pink haired girl, we had slightly different proportions… one being her massive chest compared to my much smaller one. I knew Nala understood I was in the outfit, she knew the moment I crawled into the room. However, it was the understanding that I was most likely going to spend a long time within this bright white skin… maybe even the rest of my sentence. It was going to take us both a long time to process this and get used to the new me… the old Poppy. As strange as it was for her, it was most likely much stranger for me as I was the one who had to wear the outfit. When I looked in the mirror I had to understand that I was still the same person under the new white latex, nothing had changed since I was first introduced to this entire situation. I had to acknowledge that when I looked at the snow-coloured paws, that it was still the same fingers underneath the layer.

I was still me…

The door opened behind us causing the large, dark haired girl to immediately jump onto her feet, standing completely upright by the time the door had fully opened, only to be greeted by our owner. Donna shut us both a kind smile and closed the door slowly behind her. Despite the bright glow she had shone our way, both Cleo and I could tell the young woman was hurting inside. We felt the exact same.

It was a double-edged sword. We were so happy for Poppy, she had the chance to finally walk out of this house and be a free person. We were prisoners here after all, but there was no doubt that all three of us would miss her tremendously. She was our friend… no, she was more than that, we had gone through too much to just see her on friendly terms, she was our sister.

"Poppy has just jumped into the shower," Donna said in her sweetest voice, "C'mon, let's get breakfast ready, I bet you are all starving."

Cleo said nothing to her, she just stood in front of me like she did the moment the door started to open. Donna waited for a short moment, looking between the tall girl and I. The entire situation was very awkward, all of us wanted to say something… something to break the silence and make some light of the situation. I couldn't speak to begin with and neither Donna or Cleo had the correct words in their mind.

What instead happened was a stand-off of sorts, both girls wanting the other to say something to break the silence, yet neither could bring themselves to speak. Whilst even I could tell how awkward the situation was, I knew that I would have been the same in their shoes, I explored my brain to think of what I would have said at that moment; but nothing seemed appropriate. We were all faced with the blunt, honest truth… we were losing one of our family.

Donna nodded before walking away, heading in the direction of the kitchen. I knew we were all hurting at that moment, but I soon realised my stomach was crying out for some warm food inside it. Cleo continued standing, as if waiting to hear the young woman's footsteps disappear down the hall before relaxing, however I was surprised about what she said next.

"Stay here." The words exited the woman's mouth in a commanding tone.

She even pointed to the ground where I was lying before turning around and walking out of the door, herself heading towards the bathroom. I picked myself up and immediately followed, completely ignoring the order that was just given to me. As hard as I tried to keep silent behind the large woman, the stretching and snapping of the latex suit gave me away almost immediately.

She glanced back at me by the time she got to the bathroom door, looking down at my small frame with a disapproving stare as she noticed that I was only about a foot behind her. Despite this, I was not scolded for my actions, telling me that Cleo was expecting me to follow close behind her.

Her attention almost immediately went back towards the door, she placed one hand on the door handle and the other turned into a fist and knocked against the wooden material.


"Poppy? She asked gently. We both waited for a moment, silently and patiently, listening out for the all clear to open the door from the young woman behind it. I could not hear the shower running at all, which meant either she hadn't gone in yet or was already finished with it.

A meek voice called from the other side of the wooden door, "Yeah?"

"C-can I come in?"


I only then realised that this was the first time the two women had spoken to each other, the first time they interacted verbally since Poppy and I were sentenced. It must have felt as strange for them as it did when I spoke to Poppy just moments before, with a whole month and a bit of just interacting with our body language and actions.

Cleo opened the door slowly, causing a small amount of steam to leave the gap. The entire room was coated in a hot haze, the mirrors and tiled walls were coated in a layer of condensation and the partially nude form of the previous white cat was obscured slightly by the steam. She was in the process of wrapping a towel around her figure, leaving it just less than a second for both the large cat and I to see her naked self.

She took a few steps forward, illuminating her body a little better against the fog as she tightened the towel just above her chest. The smile was reassuring, knowing that she was in better spirits than just moments before, seemingly more comfortable with her body and generally more confident, a far cry from the Poppy who was covering her body earlier.

"Hi," Poppy smiled once again, acknowledging both the woman in the doorway and me on my hands and knees behind her.

"Hey… I just wanted to say…" Cleo struggled with her words, "I just wanted to say… good luck… with everything."

Poppy's smile faltered for a moment, as if what Cleo just said reminded her of the entire situation. I watched as her eyes glazed over and fell to the ground, remembering that this was the last day she would be with us and she would never feel this latex outfit against her skin.

She picked her eyes back up shortly afterward, looking at Cleo directly in the eyes.

"Is that all you came here to say?" The pink haired girl responded, "I'm not leaving yet, you could have said it later."

"I… I wanted to say it without Donna around."


There was a strange power shift between the two women. Usually Cleo was always the one in charge, taking control of the situation and being a mothering figure for both Poppy and I. However, it seemed now that Cleo wasn't in charge, she constantly struggled to say what was on her mind whilst Poppy seemed cool, calm and collected.

"I…" Cleo looked down and played with her fingers, "It's been a journey for all of us, despite being there for us all… Donna doesn't understand what it is like to be a…"

Cleo didn't finish the sentence, instead she pointed towards me. This is when I finally noticed that I was the only pet in this house. With Poppy leaving and Cleo on her day of freedom, I was the only person locked within the layers of bondage, I was the only person crawling on my hands and knees; looking up at all the 'humans'.

"Oh, I see."

"I just wanted to say… You've been good company since you arrived. I hope you do well out there, keep your head down and stay out of trouble."

Poppy laughed, "I'll try. I promise."

"Okay, I'll leave you to get changed."

The pink haired girl took a step forward, "Cleo! Can I just say something too?"

"Sure, of course."

Now it seemed like the roles had changed again. Watching from below, I noticed the attitudes of both girls switch automatically, with Cleo standing tall and waiting for the younger woman to say what was on her mind and Poppy being unable to meet her gaze and look down towards the floor. It seemed that both girls really struggled to say what they were truly thinking. I also noticed how close the two were since Poppy took that step forward, with both of their bodies in the doorway of the bathroom.

"I want to thank you for looking after me… for looking after Nala"

"Don't worry about it, you would do the same if you were in my shoes."

"I mean it, I hated the thought of coming here… I honestly thought my life as I knew it was going to end, but you showed us kindness and compassion. You made this entire experience much more bearable than it needed to be… so much so that I began to enjoy every moment with you."

A small smile grew on the young woman's face, she finally received the courage to look back up at the dark haired woman, then I noticed her smile seemed to widen. Cleo returned the smile, grinning almost ear-to-ear, realising the impact she had on both Poppy and I for just being a caring person. For that, we all grew into a happy, comfortable family, having a connection with each other that no one in the world would understand, something truly unique to us.

Then, the last thing I expected at that time happened.

I noticed Poppy's eyes looked through the black cat, not just seeing the woman standing in front of her, but the person she was deep inside. The person she was when locked within the latex suit, where words and basic human interaction have no meaning and the only way to connect was pure body language and love. The entire scene happened in slow motion for me; Poppy looked as if she fell forwards at first, but it was only a split second later when I noticed the reason behind this action. I watched through wide eyes as Poppy's lips landed directly on Cleo's, taking the tall woman by surprise, so much so an audible yelp escaped her sealed lips. The dark haired girl's arms hung in the air at her sides, not knowing what to do… However, they made no attempt to push the girl away or stop the situation.

I was as surprised as she was, the kiss was the last thing I expected from the pink haired girl. I knew she cared and loved us, but I never knew it meant that much to her. I was more surprised by the fact Cleo made no attempts to separate herself from Poppy, as I recalled her saying she wasn't into women when we made our agreement to sexually satisfy each other when it was our day of freedom.

Then finally her arms did something, no longer were they hanging in the air, but now they went around Poppy's small frame, wrapping the young woman in a tight embrace as Cleo's head turned and her lips pushed in deeper.

I felt my cheeks burn red, not out of embarrassment, but knowing that I was watching an intimate moment between the two and seeing something I shouldn't be seeing. I had no idea if there was romantic tension between the two girls before this happened, or if it was a last moment between the two humans. I also didn't know if it was just an instant of passion or if this was the beginning of a relationship between the two.

Whilst I had all these questions in my head, I could do nothing to answer them… it wasn't like I could directly ask them the cause of this sudden romance. That's when I noticed the two women were still kissing in front of me, nearly half a minute since their lips initially touched. I wanted to turn away and give them their privacy, crawl away and sit on the sofa or maybe even see what Donna was doing in the kitchen, but I struggled to take my eyes off them.

There was just something so sexy about the way the two girls were kissing, the way their lips never separated for even a moment, the way their hands explored each other's bodies, the soft, gentle moans that escaped every now and then. They wanted each other at that moment, no… they needed each other. They could not pull themselves away, just like I couldn't stop watching.

It was more than sexy, it was erotic… it was pure bliss just to spectate the interaction. I realised I was doing the exact same thing as Poppy did, watching Cleo and I through the crack of the door as she brought me to an intense orgasm. Whilst the two girls weren't at that stage yet, it was just as enticing as what the white cat saw earlier. I even had the same reaction as Poppy did, I noticed a yearning feeling develop from below, increasing the more I stared at the passion and wanting to be touched ever so badly.

Donna yelled through the house, letting us all know how much time we had until our breakfast was ready. It took a little longer than normal as three humans were going to be fed and one pet, instead of the usual one human and three pets.

Knowing they had that time, Cleo wasted no time leading the pink haired girl to the bedroom. The entire scenario escalated very fast. I knew the black cat had a high sex drive, otherwise she would not have made that deal with me and I had no doubt that Poppy was wanting sexual release, she was a very sexual creature anyways and was well aware of how her large breasts looked locked within it's latex form. I had lost count of the times Poppy rubbed her giant chest in my face or made me use them for a pillow. The fact I had her juices covering my sex was also another indicator of the sexual side of the previous white cat.

As I spent the evening of Poppy's first day of freedom within that cage outdoors, I was not aware if she managed to bring herself to orgasm when she had the chance, if she didn't that would have meant she had no release for the month and a half she had been here, that made perfect sense to why she was so sexually eager now.

Then again, two weeks without release is just as bad.

I followed the two girls towards the bedroom, realising I was probably overstepping my welcome by snooping, I just couldn't do anything else but watch. To my surprise, Poppy took charge and undid the knot on her towel and dropped it at her feet, showing her completely naked form to the black cat. A gentle push got Cleo's large frame on the bed. As nervous as she was, I could see the dark haired girl was ready to do anything Poppy said to sexually satisfy each other's appetite.

The pink haired girl crawled onto the bed and over Cleo's giant body, reaching her head and continuing with the large barrage of kisses. This time it was more voracious than ever, Poppy's hands cupped Cleo's cheeks as their lips once again touched, keeping wide to allow their tongues to massage each other's. Cleo wasted no time in groping the smaller girl, placing her hands over her breasts and rubbing her thumb over her pink nipples; teasing them with just her digits.

Poppy let out a soft, long but quiet moan as the dark haired girl played with her breasts, using her entire hand to bring pleasure to the smaller woman. It did not take long for their lips to finally break away from each other and Cleo's mouth instantly went towards Poppy's sensitive, erecting nipple, taking it entirely in her mouth with a forceful suction. This time, a louder moan escaped the girl, a mixture of pain and pleasure radiated from her body as the larger woman was no doubt gently biting the tender tissue along with the attacks from her tongue and lips.

I watched the entire thing from the door, feeling too awkward to crawl inside the room yet having no desire to leave the two women alone. I wanted to give the two some privacy, as I was sure a pet walking in on their action was the last thing they wanted at that time, but I was also sure they both knew I was there in the doorway, watching the events unfold with eager eyes. I felt awkward just standing there, voyeuring them in this vital moment; but it felt more comfortable to me then the other two options I had at that time.

"Oh god, Poppy," Cleo mumbled.

I once again focused on the action, this time Poppy did the same to Cleo, she lifted up the white vest that hung tightly against her large frame, taking her free nipple into her mouth whilst her hand played with the other. It was so action packed for who was participating. Cleo seemed nervous about playing with me and that was just bringing each other to orgasm using our hands and tongue, I had assumed Poppy was a quiet girl, probably sexually experimental but too shy to actually do anything. But here they were in front of me, pretty much devouring each other's bodies.

"Oh, Poppy… Oh, oh, Poppy," Cleo continued to moan under her breath.

The pink haired girl did not stop at just the nipples. She began to kiss and nibble at her stomach and then she went downwards. I watched closely, anticipating what was going to come next. She made sure to take her time with the attacks from her lips, kissing as slowly as she could down her stomach until she reached the top of the white, tight shorts Cleo was wearing. The fabric was so thin I could tell the black cat was eagerly awaiting what Poppy had in store for her.

The kisses continued, Poppy's thin fingers grabbed the top of the shorts, digging her nails lightly into the light fabric as she began pulling them down with ease. In a quick motion, the pink haired girl managed to pull the shorts off entirely, leaving the black cat as naked as she was. Instantly, she returned to her position, placing her lips below her stomach and very gently and tenderly travelling downwards.

Cleo made a combination of moans before once again saying her name, "Poppy… oh, god… Poppy, Poppy, POPPY!"

The dark haired girl almost jumped up as the lips finally made contact with her sex, this dramatic moment only lasted for a second before Poppy's tongue began to explore and turn Cleo's bones into jelly, causing her to fall back onto the bed. A short chuckle was heard from the smaller woman as she continued to lick down below, fully understanding what she was doing to the larger cat.

A collection of moans that left Cleo confirmed that Poppy had her exactly where she wanted her. The entire time we three pets had lived together, Cleo was always the one in charge, the alpha animal. However, this time Poppy was fully in charge of the situation, controlling Cleo's needs and desires with just her tongue and lips. It was enticing seeing how many different techniques the pink haired girl did, how differently her tongue moved caused a different reaction and a combination of kissing her now engorged clit and licking around it was almost too much for the black haired cat to bear.

Cleo and I had brought each other to an orgasm before, but neither of us were experienced enough with another woman to fully understand how to do it correctly. What Poppy was doing was on another level, bringing the black cat to a world beyond our own as she was lost in a haze of sexual pleasure. Poppy must have been experienced with women to have done this to her.

Finally, Poppy's lips left Cleo's sex as she knelt back up on the bed. Cleo was huffing and puffing, seemingly close to an orgasm before the pleasure stopped, but instead of complaining and begging for more, she just watched closely to see what the pink haired girl did next, anticipating more pleasure to come her way in a different form.

Poppy's fingers grabbed a hold of Cleo's waist, their legs became tangled as Poppy had spread hers wide, placing her left leg underneath Cleo's and her right leg above the other. With her hands gripped tight around the waist, Poppy pulled herself forward, bringing her sex closer and closer to Cleo's until they both touched.

The smaller girl let out a quiet moan, grinding as slowly as possible against the black cat's, as she was already close to an orgasm, Cleo's panting was much louder than hers, also placing her hands around the smaller waist and wanting it faster and harder.

I knew I was seeing something I had never laid eyes on before. I was used to kissing and oral, those were experiences I had before, but seeing two women having sex in person was completely new to me. I didn't even know that was how it worked, I understood the grinding more than anyone, I can't remember how many times I had brought myself pleasure by doing it to inanimate objects and toys, but this was a whole different level.

Poppy's moans gradually became as loud as Cleo's, getting higher and higher to the point I could imagine Donna walking around the corner and telling everyone off, even me for being a voyeur to the situation. Still, I could not look away. It was so… sexual, so full of energy and entertaining in many ways to watch. I was fully aware just watching the action was doing things to my brain with the begging down below becoming more and more apparent. If I had access to my sex, I knew I would be touching myself. Hell, if I wasn't in this outfit… I would probably join them.

They were both so close to cumming, Cleo was completely out of it, riding the waves of pleasure before the big wave would come and hit her. Poppy was more in control, but it was clear she would not be able to hold on much longer, her body was shaking and coated in a layer of sweat, her hands and legs were trembling. I really wanted to watch them both orgasm at the same time, seeing the point of absolute pleasure hit them at once would have been the best thing at that point for me. If I couldn't get in on the action, this was the second best thing.

That was when I noticed the feeling, the sensation of a figure behind me without actually looking behind myself. Feeling numb throughout my body, I steadily looked back and my fears were confirmed. Donna was standing right behind me, her attention grabbed by the two caught in passion.

I imagined her screaming at the two women, condemning them for falling for their lust. Telling off the large cat and pointing a finger at the now free girl for pleasuring a prisoner. After the punishments I had endured in this place, I was fully understanding of what breaking the rules could mean for anyone living under this roof. Despite the calm nature of our owner, I knew she would put her foot down if needed.

It was a complete surprise to me when I saw her look down at me with her large eyes, a piercing grin sitting underneath them. She looked more amused than angry, telling me that they weren't going to be punished for their actions.

"Let's leave these two alone," she stated in a whisper, "C'mon, breakfast is ready."

She hooked a few fingers into my metal collar and began pulling me away from the door. Desperately, I pulled at the carpet, imagining that I was digging my claws into the soft material below me. It was all for nothing as the grip the woman held on me was too strong and I was instantly pulled away from the sight of the two girls in complete pleasure.

It seemed to be very little effort for Donna to pull me away, dragging me down the hallway without a care in the world. The soft sounds of the moaning coming from the bedroom soon became echoes and then I could barely hear anything at all, despite their moans becoming more and more louder; almost to the point of yelling at the pleasure that overcame them.

This was it.

Donna, Cleo and Poppy all stood outside the property, anticipating the arrival of the car to take Poppy back home. It was odd seeing the pink haired girl's body being covered in clothes. A pair of shorts, a t-shirt and a jacket hung loosely over her slim body, along with a pair of converse trainers over her feet.

She looked so normal standing next to our owner, her clothes looking rather tomboyish compared to Donna's flower dress; blowing softly in the wind. The odd thing was seeing Cleo standing next to Donna, a almost see through vest and shorts was a complete contrast to the other two, however I noticed Cleo tried her hardest to cover the bottom half of her body, grasping both hands in front of each other to cover what I assumed was a soaked private area.

I internally giggled at the thought. The two women didn't expect that they had been seen by both human and pet eyes, every single person under this roof knew what happened between them both. After Donna dragged me away, she soon began feeding me on the sofa, casually watching TV as I sucked the warm, blended food from the metal container as both Donna and Cleo finished up their session and finally joined us for breakfast.

A long, awkward silence filled the room as they sat at the table and quietly had their meal. I recalled Donna giving me a knowing look and smiling to herself as she continued to hold me as I ate.

It was a lovely last meal for us all. It wasn't long after that when we got a call for an ETA on Poppy's ride home. Here we were, all outside of the property we all called home, three humans and a pet; waiting for the inevitable to happen.

The silence stayed since the two women joined us for breakfast. At first it was awkward, but soon it was the realisation that none of us had anything to say at that moment. What would you say to someone you were most likely never going to see again, someone who you spent everyday with, someone that you loved dearly yet didn't know a single thing about them.

At least with me, I didn't have the ability to speak. No matter what happened, I would not be able to interact verbally with the now free woman, that was lucky as I could not think of a single thing to say to her at that point. We had our moment in the bathroom before I was sealed within the white suit, but there was so much more to say… and yet nothing at the same time.

"The car should be here any minute" Donna obviously stated.

It wasn't any more information, no one learned anything from that sentence and we all knew it would be minutes, if not seconds until a car came around the corner. It was something to break the ice, to get some conversation in the air. I guess Donna hoped it would get all the girls talking before Poppy leaves this property for good, but the quiet group remained just as muted as they were before.

All three continued to stare at the road. It was surreal to be honest. I knew they all had something they wanted to say to each other. I've seen the love all three had for each other, I've seen the good and the bad. It could not end like this, it couldn't end with nothing.

I made the point of moving first. I might not have been able to say something to Poppy, but in the month we all knew each other; we all were able to connect beyond words. All three sets of eyes glanced in my direction as I got off the ground and crawled in front of the pink haired girl, raising my paws up as high as they could go whilst resting on my knees. It was a universal code that we all knew, it was a statement to say we wanted a cuddle, attention and generally fussed with.

Poppy's smile melted my heart, wasting no time kneeling down to my level to embrace me in her arms. We held each other so many times before, this time it felt so different. For one, it was the sensation of her individual fingers on my back, the second was her being taller than me at the moment and lastly this was going to be our last embrace, who knew if we would see each other in the real world.

"Awww, that's sweet" The comment came from Donna.

It was painful to feel Poppy's grip let go, bringing me to the ground once more. Despite the pain, the moment between us caused a chain reaction. Poppy turned to Donna and wrapped her in a hug too, an action that our owner happily complied with.

Donna whispered in her ear, "Please look after yourself."

From where I sat, I could hear the emotion in her voice. The words came out almost weakly, as if Donna would have started crying if she put any more effort into them.

"I will. Thank you so much, for everything" Poppy responded, holding the woman tighter, "You are amazing, I'm gonna miss you so much!"

I knew more words could have been exchanged between the two women, but we all noticed the sound of a car engine making its way down the road. We all looked towards the entrance as our fears were realised, the same exact car appeared from behind the foliage and eagerly made its way towards the metal gate.

"Oh, I better let him in" Donna finally let go and reached into her pocket, bringing out the wireless fob and pressing a button to bring the security gate to life.

The metal creaked and clacked as it opened up very slowly, almost to the car's annoyance. The sound of the engine puttering and whining was much louder than the metal frame opening as wide as it could.

Poppy made her way to the large, dark haired woman and embraced her in the exact same way she did with Poppy.

"Look after yourself, Kiddo," Cleo reassured the pink haired girl with a cheery tone.

Cleo's large arms completely covered her back as she rested her head on top of the smaller woman's head. It was strange to see the two interact after their session this morning. Despite kissing, pleasuring each other and bringing themselves to orgasm, their last goodbye was rather tame in comparison. They held each other as more than friends, hugging each other tightly and clearly showing love between the two, but I observed no more kissing and nothing more intimate than a close cuddle.

The car made its way forward a few feet, puttering the entire time and stopping right in the middle of the gate's opening, stopping the contraption from closing. It was then that I noticed it was the exact same car that had brought me here to begin with. The unmarked police car wasn't glamorous by any means, it wasn't even a care made within the last decade. The frame of the vehicle painfully groaned the moment the driver's door was opened and a figure took a step out of it.

"Mister Grumpypants!" Donna yelled at the top of her lungs, almost grateful to see the ill-tempered man who brought us here.

The man looked around with sunken eyes, a cap covering the top of his head and a collection of grey hairs in his eyebrows and stubble.

"Oh, it's you guys." The man had no energy in his voice, "I was told I'm picking someone up?"

He wiped his index finger underneath his nose the moment he finished his sentence. I guess it was nice he remembered us, although I guess it hadn't been long since we first arrived.

"Yeah, that's me," Poppy said, finally finishing the hug with Cleo.

"In the back."

He was a man of few sentences, nodding in the direction of the back of the car before returning behind the wheel and wasting no time closing the door and causing the vehicle to groan once again.

"Same old Mister Grumpypants." Donna laughed lightly to herself as she turned back towards the two girls, "I like him."

"Well, I guess this is it," The pink haired girl stated as she pulled herself away from the tall woman.

Their hands glided down each other's shoulders, down their arms and finally their hands passed each other. Their fingers intertwined as Poppy took her first few steps towards the entrance. I watched as a pained expression came over Cleo's face as their fingers finally left each other, the dark haired girl placed both of her hands into fists, trying her hardest to just let Poppy go peacefully.

"Take care of yourself," Donna placed her hand on Poppy's upper arm, joining her in the short walk towards the car.

No more words left the pink haired girl, there wasn't anymore to say but we all wished that there was. We wished it didn't have to end like this… we wished it didn't have to end at all. Despite being prisoners, it was a loving, comfortable life. Some days I wished I was at home with Mama and Papa, but I had to admit that most days I was happy being between the black and white cats.

Poppy gave us all one last look, her eyes went to me, then to Cleo and quickly glanced towards Donna. The two exchanged one last hug before she finally entered the car. The door closed behind her, this time the car made no noise as it accepted the one we all loved inside it. Our owner took a few steps backwards, waving at the vehicle as it came to life and reversed out of the gate's opening.

I jumped from where I sat, crawling as fast as I could towards the gate's entrance, but making sure not to step past the metal contraption. Cleo joined me, standing beside me as we both watched the car reverse backwards, turning around before making the journey back up the dirt path.

Poppy's wide eyes met us as the car turned, placing herself against the window with her nose and hands pressed up against the glass. I imagined she was trying to give us all one last hug before we said our final goodbye.

This moment lasted only a second, the vehicle's wheels spun forward and dragged itself up the road. Shooting out of the property's boundaries as fast as it could, leaving us with the view of the pink haired girl looking through the back window, trying to set her eyes on us one last time before the machine once again disappeared behind the foliage.

She was gone…

"Bye Poppy!" Donna yelled at the top of her lungs as she continued waving, despite the fact she would no longer be able to see us, "Bye Mister Grumpypants!"

Donna finally stopped waving after a few seconds and joined us behind the open gate. We continued to stare at the road, just like before but with the pink haired girl absent from our party. Our owner noticed our glum faces, but still remained perky despite our sour moods.

"She'll be fine." A smile grew on her face, "It's Poppy, we all know she is a tough girl."

Cleo and I remained silent, not reacting to the woman's words in any way.

She continued, "She has all her family to get back to, do you remember how many people came here to see her? Can you imagine the party she will have when she gets back?"

Still nothing but silence. The gate began to creak and cry as it began the process to close.

"It's going to be tough." Her smile faltered slightly, "But we have to realise she is happy now, with her family."

I wanted to say that we were her family, I would have said it without hesitation if it wasn't for this gag in my mouth.

"Tell you what," Donna once again continued, "I'll ask the company and see if we can exchange letters with her, see how well she is doing?"

Cleo finally broke her silence, "Yeah, that would be nice."

"Yeah it will."

"So… are you looking forward to your date then?" Cleo tried to change the subject.

Donna grabbed her arm, "Oh! I really can't wait, this evening cannot come soon enough!"

"So, you will be leaving Nala and I alone tonight? Is that allowed?"

Donna's grin returned, "Yeah, I can have a normal life as well as look after you lot. According to our guidelines, as long as all pets are secured within the property, I can leave the house for three hours to do with as I wish."

"Oh, that's good. Gives you a long time with Lauren then."

"Yeah, although… don't expect me home tonight, I'm hoping she is happy if I spend the night at hers."

Donna ended that sentence with a wink.

Cleo grinned back, "That's more than three hours."

"I know, but rules are meant to be broken. Like two pets having sex with each other… sometimes you have to look away"

"You saw!"

"Yeah. It's technically against the rules, but as Poppy was free from Pet Correction, I didn't think much harm would come from it." Donna said the whole thing with a large smile on her face, "However, say if you and Nala did anything, then that would be a punishment."

Both mine and Cleo's eyes shot open, quickly glancing at each other with a knowing look, almost instantly after we both looked away, trying not to give Donna any clues that anything happened between the black cat and I.

"Oh, shoot!" Donna jumped, "What time is it? I better get ready for the date tonight!"

Our owner's flower dress flapped in the wind as she sprinted towards the house. I watched the metal frame pass my line of vision, finally ending in a large clunk as the gate finally closed, causing the metal throughout the entire property to creak and settle, looking as if the entire outside property took one breath at the moment of closure.

Cleo sighed and sat down on the floor next to me, she rested her hands on the ground, both of our eyes still staring at the road that took our friend away.

"Looks like we are going to have to be more careful," Cleo joked, "With Poppy gone, Donna's eyes are going to be more on us, so if we still want to make this deal work, we will have to make sure to pick the best time to play around."

I nodded lightly, I knew she was wanting to make me feel better, but all I wanted at that moment was to have Poppy here with us, to be a full family.

"You know what Donna said, Poppy is going home… That's the goal for all of us, right? Just imagine her getting home and being greeted by her entire family, I wish I could see that."

I finally let my eyes go away from the road, meeting Cleo's gaze as she stared down at me.

"Donna's hopefully going out for the night, you know what that means?" She leant down closer to me.

I shook my head.

"We… can… finally… watch… NORMAL T!" She went down even further and petted my latex mask, "No dirty cartoons, no giant breasted princess being fucked by monsters… normal fucking TV!"

She returned back to her original position, sitting down with her hands on the ground, her head looking upwards towards the sky, "Oh, we can watch an action film… oooh! I wonder if there is any horror on tonight. Do you like horror? Why don't we check a TV guide and see what normal films are on tonight?"

As she looked down at me, I turned towards her and pushed my body right up to hers, resting my head against her chest, letting out a soft sight as I got myself comfortable on her lap.

She let out a sigh too and began patting my latex form, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"Or… maybe we can stay here for a little longer."


End of Chapter One

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