Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Sam and Em

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; fpov; ponygirl; petgirl; latex; outdoors; hood; catsuit; strip; naked; rom; cons; X

Continues from

Chapter 21

I finally breathed a long sigh of relief the moment the van pulled back up to the stable. My body was exhausted from a day of delivering parcels and I still had a long journey until we were back home.
The sun was beginning the descent down the horizon, bringing the beautiful blue day to a bright orange, looking as if the star had set the sky on fire. Whilst it was amazing to look at, the dark clouds floating above me began to make me nervous, realising that the weather might not be as good for the journey home; I was getting desperate to return Becky back to Tanya's.

The driver's side door buzzed as I retreated the window back into its shell, allowing the cool evening air to travel into the vehicle. I went to press the button on the worn speaker, but to my surprise the entrance to the stables already began to open, the clanking of the gears was the first giveaway that the usually stationery gate was opening its doors, squeaking loudly with each inch of movement before it was finally fully open.
It wasn't the owner or Beth that opened the door, to my surprise a small group of people immediately began walking by, all normal people wearing normal clothing, trying not to look into my vehicle as if they were nervous about being spotted in such an establishment.

At the back of the group was a young woman, I would have assumed she was the same age as me. She gave the large group of people a wave and told them all to come again soon, but she noticed my parked vehicle before she managed to turn back to the stables.
My first thought was to duck down and hide, I didn't understand why but I could not shake the feeling that I shouldn't have been there; despite every right to do so. Instead, I continued to stare forwards as I watched the young woman approach out of the corner of my eye.

"Hi," she said with a staggering amount of enthusiasm, "Can I help you?"

I wanted to speak but almost immediately tripped on my words. I could not tell if it was because I was expecting Beth or the fact that the young woman was strikingly beautiful in my eyes, but I struggled to begin any sentence.
Her long brown hair gently moved against the wind, covering her face multiple times as she kept brushing it back. Her eyes were bright and pale, bringing all my attention towards them, almost forgetting that the small features of her face were also adorable, her cute button nose and light wrinkles around her mouth almost made me melt.

"Is everything okay?" she asked another question, this time a little more laughter in her voice as she noticed my awkwardness.

"Hi, I'm here to pick Becky up!" I finally managed to say in a short burst, hoping my voice wouldn't break or I would lose my way throughout the sentence.

Why was this so difficult?

"Oh! You're Sam!" Her face showed a large amount of emotion the moment she realised who I was, I didn't realise anyone behind this wall would know me, "It's wonderful to meet you, Beth told me all about what happened this morning. I'm Chloe, I work here part-time."

She reached her hand out to give me a shake and I immediately returned the favour, not knowing how to react in any way.
I began to think I'm losing it. A year ago I didn't care what anyone thought about me, I just did what I wanted to. It wasn't until I met Emily that I began to worry about small things like that. I realised how my words had an effect on people and how I emotionally reacted to them. My stomach always went into knots as I realised how I treated my dad all these years.

"Let me come in!" Chloe yelled as she ran across to the other side of the vehicle, "We can go in together!"

The van screeched as the door was pried open, the young woman jumped into the passenger seat without any hesitation and closed the door directly behind her. Her attitude never faltered despite all the creaks and cracks the van made during the short time she made herself comfortable, instead she began talking to me almost immediately as I began to drive the vehicle forwards.

"Becky was a real treat today, she only just began wearing the outfit this morning and already she had become accustomed to it, as well as all the other ponies." I could hear the excitement in her voice build the more she spoke about my friend, "She's a real sociable one. We even had a client come in last minute and she looked after them."

"Sociable?" I laughed to myself, "Are you sure we are talking about the same person?"

"Becky? Yeah, she's amazing. She's absolutely loving it."

I laughed to myself for a moment longer; thinking of the blonde girl spending the day dressed as a pony tickled me. I was glad she had fun though, she deserves some time off for what she went through.

"So… how many ponies do you have here?" I asked, not wanting the short journey to be silent.

"We have five right now. One is taking a break, Heather only just started and we have four others who have been here for a while now. Saffron, Abigail, Kathia and Lily."

I noticed a slightly higher pitch in her voice the moment she said that last name, indicating that this 'Lily' meant something to the young woman.

"So, how did you get this job?" I continued to ask her questions, genuinely I was curious about the reasons behind being here.

"I… uh, answered a job advert working at a horse stables… well, I thought it was… it wasn't until my interview with Harriet when she told me what actually happened here. It was a hard pill to swallow."

"And you didn't think about walking away?"

"I did, I wanted to walk away… it was too weird, at first."

"What changed that?"

"It was meeting one of the ponies for the first time that changed how I felt. They were so… innocent in some way. I know it's odd to say; with them being bound in latex and other restrictions, but it was so… so…"

"Special?" I finished her sentence for her.

"It was. There is nothing in the world quite like it. You work in a sex shop, don't you? Haven't you ever felt that way before?"

I smiled, "Yeah, me and my s… partner… fell in love with each other because of bondage. I honestly don't think we would be dating if it wasn't for it."

"It's strange where life takes you, I wouldn't have thought in a million year that I would be working in a job like this, that I would be looking after ponygirls for a living, but I would not change it for the world."

Silence once again returned to the vehicle, it had made its way along the wall and I began to pull into the middle of the square. The fountain came into view once more, the familiar sight that I remembered so well, all of the stable doors were open and the entire area seemed completely empty of any life.
As I parked the vehicle up, I noticed Chloe was staring out of the window to her left, taking in a view of something I could not spot. Once the vehicle was secure and the engine was off, I leaned forward to get a view of what took her attention.

To my surprise, it was one of the ponygirls. It wasn't the silver one we had met before and it definitely wasn't Becky, I recalled she was placed into a blue suit. This creature wore a green suit, she rested her thin frame on the wall of the fountain, soaking up what little of the sun her skin absorbed as her outfit reflected the light and I was sure the black hood did little to help the poor girl enjoy the heat.
Chloe could not take her eyes away from her.

"Is she okay there?" I asked, "I don't want her falling into the fountain."

It was clear the wall she was lying on was thin, any movement forwards or backwards would have the creature falling off, if she was unfortunate to fall backwards, she would have fallen into the deep, clear water.

"No, she's fine. She always sleeps there, she hasn't fallen off since I started working here."

Her attention remained on the creature throughout our entire short conversation, it was clear this woman had much care for the sleeping girl, probably more care than she was willing to admit. It was cute to see, but I did not want to say anything. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to feel weird about the relationship they had with latex-bound pets. It might have been just mutual care for each other, but I was not one to interfere with that in any way, despite what good it may be.

"Okay, I need to find Becky," I said out loud, looking through all the windows just in case a flash of blue caught my attention, sadly the square remained as silent as it was when we parked up.

I opened the door of the vehicle and jumped out, Chloe soon joined me and stood by my side. Not even the older woman who put Becky into the suit could be seen, I hoped they were alright, I was starting to get nervous about my friend.

"She's okay. I'm sure they will be up any minute." Chloe tried to calm me down, understanding how I was feeling at that moment.

I nodded. I wanted to say something but my attention was taken away from the woman standing next to me, instead it went to a sudden noise I could hear in the air. A collection of hooves hitting the ground could be heard, sounding like a couple of horses were racing up towards the square, for a second I imagined three real horses coming through the entrance and greeting us.

It was surprisingly obscured when a collection of colours came from behind the wall. Silver, red, blue and purple ponygirls approached us running at full speed, the red ponygirl came towards us first, clearly being the most energetic of the bunch. The silver pony I knew as 'Heather' was a close second, however I noticed her face was much more red than the others. Behind them was Becky, still dressed in the bright blue outfit, she struggled to keep her balance on her new hooved feet, but managed to keep a decent speed. The purple girl stood next to her, it seemed like she was a very caring creature, the outfit highlighted her curvy body in comparison to her height, it felt as if hugging that creature would be an amazing experience.

The red pony was more than happy to show off her body. The red latex showed off the toned arms and legs of the creature, even highlighting her natural large breasts. I found my mouth salivating at the thought of those assets in my mouth.

"This is Abigail," Chloe laughed, introducing the tall pony in front of me.

She seemed more than happy to show herself off, knowing her body was addictive to look at, along with the fact the ponyplay outfit highlighted all the best parts of her body. I'm sure she even caught me staring at her huge chest a few times before I finally snapped out of it.
Behind the red pony was the purple pony, the moment she knew Becky was alright, she galloped to the front of the group and lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my small body and giving me the tightest, most loving hug I had ever felt from a stranger.

"… And this is Kathia," Chloe's laugh continued, "She loves her hugs."

The embrace felt as amazing as I thought it would. Her breasts pushed against my body, but that wasn't the best part of the interaction. Her arms were tight and loving, she even snuggled her head into my neck, making the entire embrace more intimate than I imagined, but in no way was it overwhelming or forced. It felt like pure love was oozing from the purple creature.
Her curly, black hair flowed out of the back of the head harness, bringing the scent of shampoo in my nose as it flowed in the wind.

Her frame might have been wider, but it was just as addictive to look at as the toned girl's. Both outfits highlighted the breasts and butts of the ponies, the stomach harness did well to highlight the bust and the hooved feet acted like high heels, bringing more attention to the backside and legs.
With both girls, I had the urge to bite their bodies. I imagined feeling their soft skin under the thin layer of the shiny material, I also imagined how their nipples would react to being aroused, would they manage to poke through the outfit? How would it feel if I sucked them?

I had to bring myself out of it. Becky approached me slowly, trying her hardest to keep on top of the hooved feet and not fall over. She kept the company of Heather, who stood at her side with each step to make sure she kept her balance. Each step was taken with even more care than the last, all until she was only just feet away, then she leant down and embraced me in her arms, Kathia moved out of the way just in time.

I hugged her back. Despite only leaving her for a few hours, I was so glad to have her returned back to me. Even her body was as addictive as the rest of the girls, her body may have been smaller, her bust and butt were not as prominent, but it was still amazing to have her in my arms. The sweet smell of her body entered my lungs; infused with the scent of latex.
I held her tighter than I ever had done before, I felt her do the same; although she tried her hardest not to push her hooved hands too far into my back.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, running one of my hands through her hair.

She nodded, breathing some noise through the gag and causing that same horse snort I had heard earlier.

"That's good. We better get you home then, don't want Tanya to begin worrying about us."

As I opened my eyes, I watched the older woman, Beth, walk through the entrance of the square. She looked rather out-of-breath and assumed she had walked all the way from the bottom of the field. As all the ponies came in at once, it was clear she was the one who had herded them up for the end of the day.

Despite how tired she seemed, she still shot me a smile as she approached us slowly, "You're back then? I was beginning to think we would be looking after Becky overnight."

I answered back with a chuckle, "No, I would never leave her behind. I'm sorry to be taking her off your hands, but I should get her back to our boss."

"Of course, of course. Tell her that I appreciate the fast service and tell her that you are always more than welcome to come over and hang with the ponies whenever you want."

"Thank you."

"And Becky, that suit might not be used for a while, so you can come back and be a pony any day. Honestly, it was a pleasure to have you here."

I watched as a huge grin appeared from behind the hood of my friend, she nodded quickly.

"Okay, Chloe. I'll take Lily and Abigail, are you happy to undress Heather and Kathia?"

The young woman next to me nodded, "Sure thing!"

"What about Becky?" I asked, finally taking my arms away from my friend.

"Well, I was thinking you might want to undress her?" Beth asked as she began to round up the two ponies she was undressing and move them into a stable.

"It's quite simple," Chloe added, "Just take out the outfit, roll it up and put it into the box with the hoof hands and feet."

"Are you happy to do it?"

"Uhhh, yeah sure. I have no problem with that" I looked Becky up and down, unsure on how I was going to do this, but if they said it was going to be easy; I had no reason to doubt them.

Beth pointed towards the stable where she dressed Becky before, "Perfect! The box is still in there with Becky's clothes, let us know if you have any trouble."

The blonde girl could barely contain her excitement as I walked her into the stable. I took a quick look around, the room was small and windowless, the flooring was made out of rubber, causing me to bounce with each step. On one side of the room was the open padded box and next to it was the clothes Becky wore before being placed into the outfit. Each item of clothing was neatly piled in order of heaviest to lightest, meaning her white underwear with pink hearts on it was right at the top.

As I took my attention to my friend, she kept moving around the small space, bouncing slightly on the flooring as she took in the last feelings of being a pony. I struggled to settle her, trying my hardest to stop her movements by placing both my hands on her shoulders and keeping her in place until the movements stopped.
Only then did I begin dismantling the outfit. I took off a selection of latches that connected the hood to the body of the outfit. Once it was completely free, I placed it into the box with great care, then swiftly moved onto the stomach harness, that was off faster than the hood, that too ended up in the box.

The hooved feet and hands were next. They were easy to take off once I realised there were small straps underneath the faux fur that coated each item. At this point, Becky's hood and gag was off, meaning she could talk; however she remained silent. Despite this, her breaths were heavy and deep, either meaning she was still tired from the run before or the intense feeling of being a ponygirl was still surging through her body.

With a few tugs, both hands and feet came free from their restraints, showing off the bare soles and palms the young woman hid under the overall outfit. I could see the relief on her face once the cool air hit her body.
After that, it was the simple case of unzipping the back of the blue latex to reveal her nude body underneath. She turned around without me even asking, allowing me to reach the zip on the back of her neck and pull it downwards, releasing her body from its final restraint.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I finally asked.

I was feeling a little awkward as I pulled the second skin away from her body, pulling the material down her arms, freeing the top half of her frame before pulling the entire outfit downwards to her ankles.

I could hear the excitement in her voice, "Yeah, I loved it. I loved it so much."

"I'm glad you liked it."

She lifted both of her feet up, finally freeing herself from the outfit and bringing her body back to her completely nude form. Despite the sadness of having her horse form taken from her, she seemed rather happy to be back to being naked. I rolled up the outfit just like Chloe said and began to place it back into the box. Becky once again wrapped her hands around me the moment this job was done, pressing her small breasts deep into mine and resting her head just below my chin.

"Thank you," she whispered lightly.

I did not know what she was thanking me for. It was Tanya's idea for us to come here. However, that same feeling from before came back, the realisation of how close I came to losing this poor girl. The entire journey I took was extremely painful whilst Becky enjoyed her time as a pony. The van was so silent for the whole trip, reminding me how silent it would have been if she continued down the path of being a pet for that camgirl.
However, that was not her fate. She was here, in my arms. The same sweet, caring girl I had known all this time… how could I have been so naive to let her go to some stranger.

I placed my arms around her, returning the hug with all the strength I could muster. One arm went along her back, pulling her further into me whilst the other arm reached to the back of her head, my fingers travelling through her soft, silky hair.

Inside my head, I promised that I would not let her go. I didn't care if I wanted to be a pet or a pony, I swore to myself that I would be there for her, I always wanted her in my life, no matter the cost, no matter what inconvenience that would be for either me or Emily.

I needed her.
I needed my Becky.

I think she felt the same, her arms tightened even more around me. This was no longer just a normal hug, this silent moment between us meant more than just that. It was clear we cared deeply for each other, if she just went along and became Louise's pet, we wouldn't have had today, we wouldn't have had this moment of meeting the ponygirls and realising how much Becky enjoyed herself as not just a pet; but a pony too.

I just loved seeing her happy, seeing her enjoy herself and find out more of what she enjoys. Right then, I wanted to take her home to Emily and look after her for the rest of my life, I didn't even want Tanya to have her. I wanted the small, blonde haired girl all to myself.

The hug finally began to separate, the tension in her arms lightened up slightly, allowing us room to move away from each other, but not enough for our bodies to leave each other entirely. I was pretty sure my arms around her did the same, whilst one hand finally moved away from the back of her head; both arms remained around her; not letting her go entirely.
Then it happened…

I could not tell you exactly how it happened, but our lips touched.
Beforehand, I saw her eyes closed as she reached up towards me, placing her thin, wanting lips on mine. However, she did not initiate it as my head was already reaching down towards her, my lips began to separate as they intended to land on hers and an audible smooch echoed through the small room as our skin touched.
It wasn't just a kiss, not one you would share with a friend or someone you cared about. This was passionate, arousing and intense. My hands caressed her bare back, well aware her entire body was fully nude, aware her wanting breasts were pressed against my clothed chest, her shaved leg running up and down mine.

It lasted nearly a whole minute, however that minute felt like hours. My brain was completely fogged up with my need for the young woman, that it took a while to come down from the high.
Our lips finally separated. I brought my head back and looked deeply into her eyes. For a moment, I expected Emily to be looking back at me, she was the only one who I had shared a kiss like that before with, but Becky's eyes stared into mine. Her hands were still locked behind my back, trying to push me back in for a longer kiss, maybe even more.

"Oh shit!" I cried, realising what I had just done.

I fully let go of the body of the young woman, keeping my distance away from her but making sure she was standing normally before I tore my arms away from her, I did not want her to fall over.

"Oh shit! Oh shit!" my cries turned into yells, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay" She tried her best to calm me down.

"No, it's not. We have to get home! I… I can't believe I did that."

The guilt came over me so swiftly. The fact that I passionately kissed someone who wasn't my sister, the fact that I let her leave my mind for a brief moment and allowed my wants and needs to be transferred to the young woman in front of me.
It hurt, it was the most painful experience I had ever felt that wasn't a physical pain.

"We have to get home, NOW!" I yelled, running to the door of the stable.

Becky's voice squeaked in return, "Sam! I'm still naked!"

I huffed, staring across the room towards the now full box, with the collection of Becky's clothing sitting right next to it. In the exact same position it was before this entire situation happened. I huffed again, sprinting to the other side of the room and picking them up. As I brought the clothes to Becky, I helped get every single item of clothing on as quickly as possible, her underwear, jeans, shirt and jacket went on as fast as I could. The only part I didn't help with was the shoes. Already, I was running towards the van as the blonde haired girl scuttled behind me, trying her hardest to place her small feet inside them.

"Bye guys, see you soon!" Beth waved as she left the stable with the human versions of the ponies I saw just moments before.

Her words fell on deaf ears, the moment I got into the driver's seat, I ignited the engine and reversed the car, driving out of the stables as quickly as I could.
We passed the gate and were on the main road before I had the time to think, to think of what just happened and how I was going to break the news to Emily.
She was probably waiting at home, unaware of my infidelity. This feeling caused my eyes to tear up, blurring the world in front of me.

How could I do such a thing?

I choked back the tears, not wanting to cry in front of the young, scared girl. I'm sure Becky was feeling the same amount of guilt I was, knowing we cared deeply about each other, but knowing we should not have crossed that line.
It was hard to accept what I did. I knew it was wrong, but my body told me it was right. I was sure Becky was just as confused as I was, maybe even more so.

It was a long trip back home, the entire ride we sat in silence. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Becky wanted to initiate a conversation, to try her hardest to defuse what happened. However, I was in no mood to speak, I just wanted to make sense of the events beforehand and what it meant for my future with the love of my life.

The weather turned shortly after our departure, causing heavy rain to fall down from the sky, covering my windshield at the same time it coated the roads with water. I was speeding, knowing that nothing mattered apart from getting home quickly. I was coming completely clean to Emily, hoping she would understand why I did it, maybe she could even make sense out of it; which was more than I could do at that time.

Maybe… she would hate me. Maybe she would storm away or kick me out of the room. I could imagine her screaming at me, begging me to tell her why it happened. Why wasn't she good enough to have? Why was I kissing other girls when she was right there?
I knew this didn't sound like her, but at that point I was living every scenario that could happen. Despite all the thoughts that went through my mind, it didn't matter as Emily was the only one with the answer on how this would change our lives, that was when I finally told her what happened in that stable.

The ride home was almost as painful as the guilt I was feeling. Spending the entire two hour trip back to the town whilst not speaking to the girl in the passenger seat tore into my heart.
My heart fluttered as I saw the sign for my hometown. By this time the sun had long set, the wet weather had passed but the roads were still soaked, my heart was in my throat as we travelled along the road to the house, ending in a small, dirt track that finished at the bungalow.

Despite the dark night, the bungalow was bright and welcoming. All the lights were on in the house; despite the fact our parents weren't home and I saw the figure of Emily sitting on our bed, reading from a book with headphones in her ears.

I was in pain, every inch of me hurt. I opened the door of the van the moment the engine died down, causing the metalwork to screech in return.

"Sam! Sam!" Becky pleaded, opening her door and running to the other side to me, "What are you going to tell her? Is she going to hate me?"

"I don't know," I replied in a numb state.

I began walking forwards towards the door, the young woman next to me grabbed the back of my shirt, holding on to me without touching my skin and keeping a small distance behind.
The entire time I felt the tug on my shirt, along with the short whimpers that escaped the woman's mouth. She kept close as I walked up the few steps and rang the doorbell, somehow I felt like I didn't deserve to be let in without permission.

No longer was my heart in my throat, no longer were my hands shaking in anticipation of what might happen between us tonight. Right there and then, I was completely numb.
The door opened slowly, allowing the light from inside the house to bleed out onto the decking, Emily opened the door fully once she noticed me standing.

"Hey!" she said with a loving smile, one that hurt me more than I thought it would, "Why did you ring the doorbell? The door was open and you could've just come in?"

"We… we need to talk," I responded.

Suddenly her smile dropped, looking as if I just gave her the worst news possible without even beginning to say what actually happened. Despite her expression, she looked behind me and saw the small frame of Becky hiding.

"Hi Becky," she said, "Come in, let's talk about it inside."

Emily walked backwards into the building. I swiftly followed her, still feeling the pulling of the bottom of my shirt as Becky remained close. Closing the door behind her once we were all through.

"What's the matter?" Emily asked, this time more of a nervous tone in her voice.

"Can we talk about it in the bedroom?" I heard the numbness still in my voice.

"Uh, sure. Becky, please make yourself at home." My sister pointed towards the well lit living room.

I felt Becky's grip on the back of my shirt finally loosen as she made her way into the room illuminated for her, "Yeah, sure."

As soon as she sat down on the sofa, Emily took my hand and rushed me into our bedroom. She swiftly closed the book she was reading and placed them on the other bed, along with the headphones she was wearing, she then turned towards me with her hands together.

"What's the matter?" Her voice sounded quite urgent.

I sat down on our bed, almost forgetting how stiff the chastity belt around my waist could be, trying my hardest to find the correct words to say. I did not want to hurt her but I also knew I could not lie to her, if I went even a day without telling her about the kiss, I knew I would never live it down.

"I…I…" I tried to begin my sentence, tears began forming in my eyes once again, "I don't want to hurt you."

She kept a brave face, she went onto her knees and placed her hands over mine, "You won't. You can never hurt me, just please say whatever you need to say."

"I… I really don't want to hurt you," The same words fell out again.

"Trust me, you won't. Please just say what you have to."

More tears formed in my eyes, some even breaking off and falling down my cheeks. Coming clean was much harder than I thought it would be. A part of me wanted to nationalise that it was an accident, a mistake between two women in a moment of passion, but it was no mistake. I intended on kissing Becky and that was what hurt most.
What hurt even more was Emily looking up at me with her pure blue eyes, begging to know what was causing me such pain.

"I… I kissed Becky," I mumbled.

"You kissed Becky?" She remained calm and emotionless as she repeated what I said.

"Yes… I kissed her."

"How? In what way?"

"In…" I took a moment to stop my voice from breaking, "In the same way I kiss you."

"Oh… okay," She leant backwards, keeping her hands over mine, "What caused it?"

To my surprise, she was keeping very calm throughout the entire conversation. I managed to get out the events of the entire day, how Tanya asked me to deliver that parcel, how we met all the ponies and what they did at the stables. How I left Becky there whilst I delivered the other parcels and kissed her after I returned to pick her up.

"Like real ponygirls?" Emily asked, she was grinning as I told her about that insane place.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah, they have clients who cuddle and talk to them. It's supposed to be a calming experience."

"Well, we would know. How comfortable are you when Becky or I are wearing those outfits, it's an insane experience. Maybe you can take me there one day?"

I looked at her with a shocked expression, how could she easily change the conversation to the stables and the ponies who inhabit it. I completely understood that it sounded unrealistic, but there was more at stake here.

"Emily?" I asked, wanting to bring the conversation back to Becky and me.

"Oh, yeah. The kiss"


"What do you want me to say?"


"Do you want me to punish you? I guess I could spank you, or maybe keep you in that belt for longer? Oooh, we have a crop here, I think?"

"Emily? This isn't a joke."

"I know it isn't."

"I kissed Becky, I meant it, it was.."

"I know."

"Then please be serious about this."

"I am serious. You kissed Becky because you love her. You care deeply about her."

"I love you!" More tears formed down my face, "I care deeply about you, I love you so, so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you someday!"

Her face softened even more, "You want to marry me?"

"Of course I do, I love you!"

"Awwww, come here"

She reached up and kissed me. It was a soft, passionate kiss, but not as intense as the kiss earlier with Becky. I tried to keep my lips on hers but the whimpering got in the way, I brought my head away from her, feeling the guilt come back in full force.

"I want to marry you too," she smiled, my heart melted as I saw this, making this whole situation worse.

"I would be so happy if you did. It doesn't matter though, I cheated on you."

"You didn't, you silly goose!"

"I did, I kissed Becky in that same way."

"Would it make you feel better if I kissed Becky?"

"No, it wouldn't."

"Oh, that's a shame," she said with a wink, "What if I got Tanya to kiss you in the same way? Then you've passionately kissed all of us."

I looked up at her after wiping away the tears from my eyes, "Why are you being like this? So nice? Why aren't you hating me?"

"Because you didn't do anything wrong."

"I kissed-"

"-Becky, I know" She finished my sentence but continued swiftly afterwards, "At the end of the day, I love you and you love me. We both love Tanya and we both love Becky."

"But this was different."

"Sammy!" She shook me, as if trying to wake me up from whatever state my mind was in, "I can't pretend we have a normal life, I can't pretend that we have a normal relationship, you are my step-sister, after all. Nothing that's happened to us is what ordinary people go through. How often have we orgasmed in front of other people? Heck, it wasn't that long ago when Tanya had us tied up with Becky as we came right next to each other!"


"I even forced to you have an orgasm at that convention, you came in front of so many people! Heck, a random person brought you to orgasm when you were her guinea pig for that domme session."

"That wasn't you?"

"No, I was next to you, but it wasn't me that brought you over the edge."


"Sammy, what I'm trying to say is… we don't have a normal relationship and we probably never will. From the moment you moved in, bondage, pet play and a whole list of other things were a part of our lives. From then, we brought so many people into our relationship. We are going to be passionate with other people, we will kiss and be kissed by people who aren't each other, we will have orgasms from complete strangers."


"I will not change a thing. The moment I found your bondage box underneath your bed, I knew things will never be normal for us and at the end of the day, we will always come home to each other" Her smile returned, "At the end of the day, we have each other in our hearts and we will both spend the rest of our lives together. I don't care if you kiss Becky, I don't care if Tanya treats you as a pet. I only care that your love for me never falters."

"It won't. I promise you it won't." I smiled back.

"Perfect." She reached up and kissed me once more, it was a gentle kiss that ended almost as quickly as it started, bringing her back to the same position as before seconds after the movement, "So, when are you going to marry me?"

I laughed, wiping away the last tears from my eyes. It was such a relief that Emily saw life this way. Our worlds have changed so much since she graduated, it seemed like all the things she spoke about happened a lifetime ago.

"Becky didn't go through with it, you know that?" I said whilst playing with her hands.

"With what?"

"With spending her life with that camgirl? She decided against it."

"Oh, thank god," Emily collapsed on top of me, "I was so worried about her."

"You didn't want her to go through with it?"

"Of course not, did you?"

"No, I hated the idea."

"Good, I am glad we are both on the same page."

We both shared a soft smile, relief exited our bodies at the same time. For Emily, it was the relief that one of our best friends wasn't going to sell her body to a stranger to achieve a fantasy. For me, it was the fact that Emily took the kiss extremely well, better than I imagined she would.

"You should have seen her today, she was so happy being a pony; as if it came completely natural for her," I grinned as I said this.

"I should come along some time, sounds like fun."

"That would be good. I would love to go there again."

We shared a simple smile together, looking deep into each other's eyes as the relief washed over me, the guilt continued to remain and I doubted I would ever be rid of it, but I could finally feel like breathing again with Emily's trust still within me. She slowly lifted herself off me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Is Becky staying the night?" she asked, keeping her face as close as possible to mine, "I could make up an extra plate for dinner tonight if she is?"

"No, I should really be getting her back to Tanya's before she closes the shop." I used my sister's body as leverage to lift myself off the bed, the tight device around my waist made movements like this very difficult on my own.

Emily placed her arm around my back as we walked in unison to the door, "You don't want to keep her waiting."


My sister pulled the door open, we were immediately met with the timid face of the girl I had spent the day with. She looked up at both of us with her large, bright, pleading eyes as she played with her fingers trying her hardest to perk up the courage to talk to Emily about the whole situation.

"Emily… I… I…" She stammered, the anxiety took over her body and left her almost shaking, "I'm so…"


It was a quick movement that left me speechless. Emily didn't allow the poor girl to continue the sentence, instead placing her hands around the girl's soft cheeks and leaning down until both of their lips were touching. Becky squeaked out of pure shock the moment Emily made contact with her, there was no movement made from either girl for a moment, allowing the connection to go on for much longer than I had anticipated. Emily did not plant multiple kisses on the girl's thin lips, nor did she part open her mouth with her tongue. Despite this, the kiss looked as passionate as the earlier one felt, even allowing Becky's eyes to flutter and close seconds after the initial shock wore off.

Emily turned her head slightly before pulling herself away from her. My sister's immediate smile was warming and made it seem like the whole situation was somewhat of a joke, but I knew this might have been the beginning of something neither of us was fully prepared for. It took a while longer for Becky to come back to earth, realising what just happened, she immediately went back to looking guilty, but this time she was turned towards me.

"Sam, I'm sorry! I didn't realise she was going to do that," she pleaded.

My hand reached for her shoulder, trying to comfort her as best I could, "Don't worry, about it. Emily and I have talked and it's no big deal."

"Oh wow, that's good to hear."

Emily leant down again, this time placing another kiss on her cheek instead of her lips, "It's really good. Now let's get you back."

My sister began walking down the corridor as Becky was still slowly coming down from her high. I watched the short, blonde haired girl look forward trying to process everything that happened today. Eventually, her gaze finally latched onto me, looking up towards me with a wide, open smile. Behind her, Emily reached the end of the corridor and spun around, giving me the goofiest grin, showing me all of her white teeth with the tip of tongue sticking between them, excited from the concept that she just kissed the poor innocent girl in front of me.

The sun had gone from the day completely. It was far beyond the horizon, causing the sky to burn out into darkness. Once this happened, the selection of street lights illuminated the cement path underneath them, lighting up Tanya's shop along with the rest of the buildings by it and on the other side of the road.

The van spluttered and creaked up until I parked the vehicle in front of the shop. I turned off the engine and ran into the store along with my sister and Becky. The warm light of the shop was welcoming to the dark world outside, more welcoming than the look Tanya gave us the moment we stepped through the door.

"What time do you call this?" she barked, "I was getting worried."

She was already in the process of getting out from behind the counter and making her way towards the door with a large group of keys in her hand and her mobile phone in the other.

She continued, "I've been trying to call you all day!"

We said a collection of apologies to the plump woman, both Becky and I. Surprisingly, even Emily apologised once, despite not having a reason to.

"Well, you are here now. That is all that matters, did you have a good day?"

She wasted no time walking past us, making sure the doors were fully closed before placing the key into the lock and bolting the top and bottom of it.

"Yeah, it was good. It was definitely eye-opening" I said, remembering the events of the day.

"It's a whole new world, isn't it? I went there a few years back and I found it insane what they did, but I guessed it opened my mind up to the idea of pet play. So, you guys have Harriet's Stables to thank for me looking after you so many times."

I nodded.

The woman looked between us all, trying to look each one of us in the eyes as she realised we were being too quiet.

"What's the matter?" she asked, sounding concerned, "You guys are far too silent."

"Nothing, it's just been a long day," I said in a sigh.

Becky yawned, "Been a long day."

"Oh yeah!" I suddenly perked up, "You should have seen it, Tanya. Becky was placed into one of the horse outfits! It was so cute!"

"Oh, that is sweet." A soft smile appeared on the store owner, "Did you take a picture?"

"Crap! Sorry, I forgot to."

"Ah, that's a shame. Just means we have to visit there again someday."

Becky instantly became alert to the prospect of returning to the stables, "That sounds great."

"Yeah, Emily expressed interest in going too," I chimed in.

"I'll give them a call sometime this week and see if we can arrange something. Looks like I need to get Becky home, she's looking like she can fall asleep any minute now."

Tanya switched off the light to the floor, bringing the entirety of the front of the shop in darkness. The light from the warehouse beamed through, acting as a guide to the back of the building.
The shop owner placed her arm around the blonde haired girl and instantly began talking about her time as a pony, Emily and I followed close behind her, trying to keep track of what the young woman spoke of.


Three heavy taps boomed from the entrance to the shop, vibrating on the glass door that was just closed and locked minutes before. Somehow, the noise rattled through my system as if I was extremely sensitive to it, but before I had the chance to react, it happened again.


My stomach spun in a circle. We've had customers want to come in after we close, but these bumps felt different, they were slow, heavy and were completely intentional to sound this way.
All four of us stopped in our tracks, keeping the exact same positions we were before the noise began.

Tanya was the first to break free of our frozen state, finally taking a look behind her as she held the short, blonde girl under her arm. I watched carefully as her arm unintentionally tightened as if she was trying to bring Becky closer to her.
That confirmed who was at the door. I let out a long breath and turned around, first it was my neck and then the rest of my body followed until my entire body was in the direction of the entrance.

There she was, in the darkness of the outside world looking in. Her more than perfect body pressed up against the glass, her wide eyes lighting up from the minimum illumination the warehouse provided us. It was Louise.
I heard the bodies of the people I cared for most turn around behind me, all four of us staring at the intruder, despite seeing us all look at her; she playfully knocked against the glass three more times.


It was like the beginning of a horror film, expecting the glass to break under her pressure, or the curvy woman somehow finding a way to break the door down. Neither of these things happened, but the silence that followed her movements was almost as uncomfortable as her figure against the black night behind her.

"I'm sorry, Becky," I quietly mumbled.

Without looking, my hand reached out towards the shop owner, my palm open and ready to feel the cold metal of the keys against my skin. Tanya knew what I needed to do and wasted no time passing them to me, with all the keys jingling their typical tune.
I couldn't turn around to face the girl I spent the day with, the girl I kissed so passionately just hours before. My heart wanted to leap from my chest, it was telling me to protect her at all cost, but I knew I had to let Louise in, it knew that this event had to happen one way or another.
The two women were going to spend their lives together as owner and pet. Becky could not just walk away from that without a confrontation of any kind.

"Sam…" Her voice whimpered, adding to the pain.

The walk towards the door was one of the worst experiences I had ever felt. Knowing that I had let this woman back into her life and only Becky was the one who had the power to stop this. Tanya, Emily and I were all there for her, all supporting her no matter what happened this evening, but the final say had to come from the short, blonde girl. We had no power over her decision.

My eyes glanced over the keys, I wanted to pretend that I had trouble finding the correct one for the front door, I wanted to delay this as much as possible. Sadly, this wasn't to be true, the key I needed was the first one that fell into my gaze, ready and willing to be used again tonight.
The key slid in easier than normal and unlocked without needed any force, the bolts at the top and bottom of the door were the exact same.
I wanted to plead with the inanimate objects to be difficult with me, seize up or just make it harder to open them, It seemed that they were all too keen to bring that woman in.

With everything unlocked, she pressed against the door and walked in, her boots clicking across the laminated flooring with each step. As always, her body was a feast for the eyes. Her giant breasts pushed against the shirt she was wearing, begging to be freed from the clothing that trapped them, her legs were in a much better position, only a short, leopard-print skirt covered the bottom half of her body, thigh high boots climbed up her legs; leaving only a small amount of skin between the skirt and boots. Perfect make-up was applied to her face and crimson false nails covered her natural ones.

It was these same false nails that began pointing towards Becky. The girl that was the complete opposite of the woman next to me, the index finger extended; pointing directly at the timid girl.

"I've been waiting for you all day." Her voice was somewhat of a screech and yet tried to remain calm, "What the hell happened?"

The woman completely ignored everyone in the room except for Becky, despite me being right next to her and Tanya's arms surrounding the girl she was talking to, even Emily was closer to Louise and it was like she wasn't even there.
I saw the camgirl's hand begin to tremble, she kept her nail pointing in Becky's direction for a little longer before finally bringing her arm back to her side.

Becky's eyes were wider than I had ever seen before, it was clear that she was fully scared of the intruder despite their multiple interactions in the past, but this time it was the reasoning behind Louise's entrance that probably scared her the most. As she continued to stare, no words escaped the poor girl's lips.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" she continued, "I've been so patient with you, we have spoke over this many, many times and today was the day we agreed on this becoming final."

Still nothing from the short, blonde haired girl.

"We've had so many dates, we've talked over and over about how our lives will be together, I've tried so hard to be nice… and you've fucked everything up by ignoring me today" Despite the sadness in the girl's voice, all four of us heard the sinister turn her words took.

"Louise…" I said as quietly as I could, taking a short step towards her with my hand being placed on her shoulder, "We can talk-"

"NO!" She spun towards me, forcing my hand away from her, that same nail began pointing towards me this time, "I have worked way too fucking hard for this! I don't care if she has changed her mind, she's coming home with me!"

"No… that's not-"

"I do not fucking care, Samantha! My house is ready for her, I have spent hundreds on items, I was so excited for this and to get nothing on the day she was supposed to arrive is not acceptable!"

I felt sorry for her, I could imagine it being tough to go through all that effort and not get a pet in return, but I also could tell how anxious Becky was getting, hiding further and further into Tanya's arm the louder the woman's voice got.

Her hisses continued, "I don't care if you are scared, I don't care if you have changed your mind, I cannot let you go. Come with me, please."

"…N-no" Becky's voice broke immediately, "I c-can't, I'm sorry."

Her already grim look became even deeper, wrinkles formed on her forehead and around her mouth and she gave the young woman the worst look imaginable.

"I do not fucking care! You can and you will! I'm not taking no for an answer, I came here today for a pet and I am not leaving without one."

"Please… just leave" Becky's tone weakened. I could hear the sadness in her words, the tears that began to form in her eyes and it broke my heart in every way imaginable.

"What did I just say?! I'm not leaving without one."

"You heard her." I managed to stay calm, "She doesn't want to go with you, please leave."

"Listen!" She barked, "I've asked you to be my pets and you turned me down. Becky wanted to be my pet, I did not ask her, she came to me. I have been more than welcoming to her, I have done so much to ensure this was going to happen and to not hear from her all day is unacceptable. She was the one that wanted to be my pet and I'm here to start our new lives together."


"Shut up! Just shut up! Becky is coming home with me!"

A long, painful silence filled the room. I looked from the woman towards Becky one last time, the woman was screaming and shouting, yelling across the room as spit escaped her mouth. Pointing towards the young woman as if she wasn't human anymore, as if she was property that actually belonged to her.
Tears began to fall down the blonde girl's cheeks, despite the support of all the women that surrounded her. She was completely terrified.

I… I could not take it anymore.


A red mist filled my vision. The heartbreak I was feeling whilst looking at the girl I had spent the day with became too much. The anger I felt as I watched Louise scream and shout also became too much, enough to fill me with hatred, hatred towards the intruder in the room.

At first she was standing, but it seemed like she instantly moved backwards with her hand reaching up towards her cheek. My hand moved from being by my side, to being left in the air with a warm, stinging sensation falling against my palm.

I had hit her, slapped her with all the strength I could muster in that short amount of time. The sound of my hand colliding with her cheek echoed through the four walls of the store. I couldn't take her words anymore, I could not take her presence anymore.
I hated her with my entire being.

It seemed as if everything went into slow motion. Watching the woman look back at me with tears filling her eyes, her hand soothing the swift pain she felt and her cheek already becoming red from the encounter.
I looked over towards the three other women in the world, the three women that I cared so dearly for.

Tanya finally let her arm go from the short, blonde haired girl, placing both hands over her wide-open mouth. Emily, who I always saw as the pacifist of the group, went and covered her eyes as if to shield herself away from the violence in front of her. Becky, who was probably more startled by the sudden, stinging echo of the slap, chose to cover her ears.

Louise looked at me with wide eyes, startled by my sudden action. This failed to vent the anger from my body, the words played in my mind like an unwanted song I couldn't shake off, the way she shouted at me, the way she wanted to command Becky as if she wasn't even a human being.


My throat began to hurt the moment the last word fell out. However, my point had been proven and the woman turned around to leave whilst holding her cheek the entire time. She took one last look at Emily, as if apologising with her eyes or seeing the girl she could have had before I removed that possibility.
The floor was the last thing she stared at as she once again opened the entrance door and silently walked off into the night.

I did not have any more strength inside my body, I knew it was all talk and that the cam girl could probably easily take me on, but luckily she took the hint and fled.
As the figure began travelling away from the shop, I began to feel sad for the woman, I began to feel guilty that I took everything out on her. Yes, I hated her and I did want her to leave, but I had never spoken that way to anyone before in my life. Not even the constant shouting matches I used to have with my Dad forced that side out of me.

I stood still, replaying the last minute in my head as if trying to make full sense over what happened. In this time, Tanya walked over to be and reclaimed the keys, taking no time to lock the front door.
It clicked, telling us that no one else from the outside world could get in. Tanya turned towards me, wrapping me in possibly the tightest hug I had ever felt from her squeezing me further into her breasts that I had ever been before.
This lasted around a minute before she finally let me go, she looked me deep in the eyes and only said one, quiet sentence.

"Let's all go home." She let me have a soft smile.

I felt better. With the support of Tanya, it seemed like my frantic screaming wasn't too harsh of a punishment for the cam girl.
Tanya finally left me alone, walking towards the short, blonde haired girl and bringing her arm around her thin body, trying to move her towards the warehouse before any more words could be said.

"Thank you, Sam," Becky squeaked, trying to look around Tanya's wide arm at me. Her voice was genuine, free of the sadness that began building just minutes before.

However, by the time I looked up, the two women had passed the door to the warehouse, out of the room and away from the screaming lunatic.
Emily stayed in place, watching me in a curious manner. I never wanted her to see me that way and I did not know how she would react to seeing me scream that loudly. Finally, I managed to move away from the door and approach the woman who had my heart. At that moment I just wanted a hug, I just wanted to be held and feel a calm surge through my body.

As I placed my arms around her, I was surprised that she positioned her hands on my cheeks, bringing me in for a loving kiss as my arms tightened across her back. It was the same passionate kiss from before… wait… no, it was more. She turned in and kissed my lips over and over again, her tongue almost instantly went past them; massaging my own tongue and slow breaths and sighs left her mouth and nose as if she had trouble concentrating on breathing.

It was a kiss I had felt only a few times before, usually before we made love. It was when Emily was so aroused that she needed more than what I could give her. I managed to pull away from her attacks, just enough to get a sentence out.

"What brought this on?" I whispered, just in case Tanya and Becky were still in ear shot.

"No talk, just… kiss," Emily said between deep breaths.

I laughed, Emily was very much against violence of any kind. The only time we would cause each other physical pain was when we were playing and slapping each other on the butts.

"Why?" I asked again.

She finally stopped, taking a moment to look me in the eyes, "The key… it's in my bedside drawer."

"The what?"

"The key?" she looked down at my bottom half, "It's in my bedside drawer for when we get home."

"My… chastity key?"

She nodded.
It was then I finally knew. It was seeing me stand up against someone, protecting those who mattered most to me that turned her on so much. The slap was probably the one thing that went too far for her, but the overall message was very clear to my sister, arousing parts of her body enough for a shift in our dynamic, I was no longer her slave.

"Let's get you home then," I playfully kissed her again.

She looked at me in the eyes once more, a smile slowly formed that was enough for my knees to buckle, she was so beautiful at that moment and I could not wait to get her back to bed to do what I wanted to her.
Her tongue came back out, being bitten between the two layers of white teeth as many thoughts came to her mind, many thoughts of what was going to happen to her that night.

"Yes, Mistress," she whispered.


Continues in

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