Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Sam and Em

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f+; fpov; ponygirl; petgirl; latex; hood; harness; gag; naked; chastity; outdoors; rom; cons; X

Continues from

Chapter 20

"Oh, come here you silly thing!" Tanya said.

Becky's thin body was enveloped quickly by the large shop owner, with the young woman's head being placed between Tanya's enormous breasts. It wasn't a normal day, I cannot think of any other time there had been this much hugging between us three. Becky herself wasn't much for contact or touching in general, yet here she was, cuddling both of us as if she was saying goodbye.

However, that was not the case, I would not let it. For the entire time Becky and Louise were talking about their special arrangement, I had a terrible knot in my stomach that never ceased. I didn't want to say anything to her, it wasn't my place to, but I knew I didn't want it to happen. At first, I believed it was envy, that I was somehow jealous of her situation, that she could have spent the rest of her life as a pet, without any worry in the world and having all of her needs met. I knew that Emily and I decided to go a different way with our lives and I would always be happy that we chose that, but I did have to admit the idea was still appealing in some ways.

The hug between the store owner and the younger woman went on for a bit only, swinging left to right to comfort Becky as much as possible before finally letting her go free from her large frame. Even then, Tanya moved to her face, placing both hands against the blonde girl's soft cheeks.

"Don't you worry about anything," the store owner stated as she puffed her cheeks over and over, "Sam and I will sort everything out for you, won't we?"

I nodded in approval, I was already thinking of how we could approach Louise, the last thing I wanted was to get on the wrong side of the camgirl, whilst we saw eye-to-eye on our previous encounter, it felt as if it would be super easy to lose that connection we had and see her ugly side.

Becky thanked us both, her voice as meek as ever. I knew it must have been difficult for her to come clean to me, she seemed so happy with the situation, so content with the way things were going to be, but it was the single bit of doubt that started at the back of her mind and constantly grew until she knew she couldn't go through with it and came to this conclusion. I was just glad she finally managed to talk to me about it, that she plucked up the courage to say what was on her mind instead of going ahead with something she was unsure of, something that she would hate.

A horrific thought entered my mind, imagining Becky spending the rest of her life as a pet and wanting out, wanting to return back to me and Tanya, but not being able to say or do anything and only going along with whatever Louise wanted of her.

I looked back at the young woman, still in Tanya's large arms; having the life squeezed from her. However, despite the roughness of Tanya's hugs, Becky had the largest smile on her face and that was something I had not seen in a long time, not since she agreed to be Louise's submissive.

I knew right there and then, that I had the courage to help Becky out, no matter what it was that I had to do.

Tanya finally let go of the girl and turned towards me with her hand on her hip, "So, is there anything else we all need to talk about?"

Both Becky and I were confused for a second. That was when I noticed the larger woman's eyeline, she wasn't looking at my eyes or even anywhere near my face. She was looking directly at my legs with a smirk on her face, specifically the crotch area.

How could I forget? I rolled my eyes, knowing she was expecting an answer from me to explain my recent circumstances. How did she know? Was it that obvious I was wearing a chastity belt? Could they see it from behind my leggings? I thought it was pretty close to the skin and nearly invisible whilst wearing clothing.

"C'mon, just say it." Tanya continued to poke at me, she knew exactly what happened but wanted me to say it.

"Fine!" I groaned, "You know that chastity belt I asked you to order? The one I wanted for Emily?"

"Yes?" Her smile grew.

"Well… she might have… put it on me, instead."

"HA!" An outburst came out of her before a large chuckle left her lips, "I knew it!"

"Is this really the time for this? Our attention should be on Becky's situation, not mine."

"Oh! That can wait. How did she do it? I want to know how she even knew about the belt and how you ended in it."

"Here we are," I sighed heavily to myself, placing the van in park in front of the large gates.

It was nearly the afternoon at this point, I had spent most of the morning driving. I stretched my body as fully as I could within the cramped space of the driver's seat, trying my hardest not to hit the quiet girl next to me. Becky sat forwards in her seat to give a close look at our destination, waking up from the long nap she had between here and Tanya's shop.

After the commotion this morning gave us, we all went right to work. Tanya gave me a rather small amount of parcels that needed to be delivered, with one being much larger than the others and having an address that was not familiar to me in the slightest… in fact, the address was much further away from the store than anywhere I had travelled to before, being a long two hour drive from the town Tanya's shop was in.

I did not understand why this place decided to buy from my boss, surely there were many other sex shops between us and them and I'm sure many of them sold the same types of products we did. It was clear the large woman understood my confusion but offered zero reasons as to why we were doing business with someone so far away.

"Just take your time when you get there, have a good look around," the store owner said with a wink when I brought the subject up with her.

That caused me little comfort. I loved Tanya so much, but I knew she always had something up her sleeve when she gave me little to no information about something, especially when it came to our products or the subject of bondage in general. The only relief she gave me was she allowed Becky to come with me. For one, it got her away from the area and away from the thoughts of the cam girl expecting her to be her full time pet. Also, Tanya was very protective of the quiet girl, especially with what happened this morning, I knew she would not let any harm come to her.

"Ha… Harr… Harriet's?" Becky tried her hardest to make sense of the sign on the front of the gate.

It was understandable, the writing was extremely difficult to read. It was black writing on a large, black gate, intentionally making it nearly impossible to even realise the writing was there to begin with. The country road I was parked on was well overgrown and not well maintained, seeing a large gate at the end of that was most likely a deterrent, anyone who was not supposed to be here would immediately want to turn around and return from where they came.

"Harriet's… Sta…S…" Becky continued to read, "What does that say?"

"Harriet's Stables," I groaned as I finally finished the long stretch.

"Harriet's Stables, sounds like a lovely place"

I looked over to the woman in the passenger seat and then to the large, black, foreboding gate and snickered to myself, she reminded me so much of my sister; always seeing the nicer things and ignoring almost anything negative. It was nice to see the complete change of mood she had, it was a complete contrast to the young lady this morning who was panicking about the choice she was making.

The van screeched and buzzed the moment I pressed the button to bring the driver's window down, the clear glass ached the entire time it retracted into the door, but eventually opened fully and allowed me to bring my arm out and press the button on the small, electronic box that stood outside the gate. The box itself was rather plain, being a soft grey colour with only the button and a worn speaker on the front, years of being in the elements was beginning to take its toll on the small device.

It cracked and sizzled as a female voice came in from the other side, "Hello?"

"Hi, my name is Sam. I have a delivery here for you from Tanya's?" I leant as far as I could outside my window.

Silence came from the machine for a moment, leaving both Becky and I alone as we waited for any kind of response to come back to us. We expected more of a conversation to come from the woman on the other end, but to our surprise the gate slowly began to open, large gears could be heard clanking together as it brought the two heavy doors apart and finally gave us a view to the world beyond it.

"Come on in," The voice continued, "Take the right path and park up next to the fountain, someone will be with you shortly."

"Thank you," I shouted back at the machine and got the vehicle ready to move again.

Becky seemed to get rather excited in her seat, "A fountain? This place is starting to sound really fancy!"

I let out a short laugh and began moving the vehicle forwards, allowing the gate to open fully before I passed it. The area behind it was much more welcoming and looked after, the bushes and trees on both sides of the road were cut back to make room for vehicles, the dirt path changed more to a recently gravelled road. Beyond that, a large building could be seen to our right, looking like a large wall with a small hoarse on one side. To our left was a long field, it looked as if it was made for horses with several wooden fences placed to give the creatures their own room, a small dirt path separated the fences to a large school with rubber matting and above that was three wooden huts, all looking very comfortable.

"Wow." Becky placed her face up against the window, "It looks so nice!"

I must admit it did, it gave me the feeling of comfort within seconds of driving through. It was odd to not see a single person around… or a horse. It was a warm, sunny day and usually horses are taken out as early as possible to get them out of the stables.

"I wonder what this person ordered from Tanya?" Becky continued to talk.

"I dunno, probably the same as anyone else who orders from us. No one knows what happens behind closed doors, everyone has their kinks." I began turning the car into the entrance of the building.

"That's true."

"I mean, look at Emily and me. No one knew what was happening with us for a long time."

"Uhh… yeah, sure."

I glanced towards the blonde haired girl, "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh nothing… except it was quite obvious you two had a thing for each other."

She went back to looking outside the moment she finished her sentence, as if there was nothing else she needed to add.

"A little context please?" I chuckled, still shocked by her statement.

"Oh… I just thought it was obvious the two of you liked each other, from the first moment I met you two."

"Well… the first moment we met, Emily and I were in our petplay outfits."


"So we couldn't speak or anything."

"I know… I just knew you two had a thing for each other."

"And you got that from the matching outfits? Not to mention that Emily made me orgasm with a remote vibrator."

"Yeah, it was obvious."

I laughed a little harder, "You do realise we don't make each other orgasm every single time we are in front of people? That was Tanya being mean to me."

"I know… oh… I guess that might helped to make me realise that."

"So… apart from the orgasm and us wearing matching outfits, what tipped you off?"

"Umm… I guess… I can't think of anything." I placed her finger on her chin as she desperately tried to remember the first day we met, "No, nothing really comes to mind."

I grinned ear to ear, "I love you so much, Becky. You are such a goofball."

As we passed the entrance behind the wall, we were greeted to a large, square area. On one side was a humble looking house that sat across from a collection of horse stables, every single door but one was open and revealed each one was empty. One stable has the bottom door closed whilst the top part of the door was open like the rest. The voice from the speaker was correct, right in the middle of the square was a working fountain, spraying water upwards a good few feet before coming back down onto the water below it.

I followed the voice’s instructions and parked right next to the fountain as Becky continued to look out of every single window of the vehicle to get a full view of the area. The warm sun baked down on the concrete ground and gave the entire property a welcoming and attractive glow. It was surprising to see the square was so empty as well as the field below the house, it made it seem as if no one was about at all. I looked in the rearview mirror, trying my hardest to see some form of motion come from the windows of the house without making it too obvious, but nothing seemed to indicate a person was there, at least not by the windows.

I sighed as I opened the door. It felt great to finally be able to stretch my limbs out, first my legs and then I arched my back before putting my arms up in the air, making sure to stretch every single muscle that had spent the last two hours not moving. Becky joined me almost immediately, walking towards me and standing by my side as she continued to take in the area around her, completely amazed by how lovely the area was.

"How much do you think?" she asked, making sure to whisper as quietly as possible in case anyone heard her.

I chuckled again, "How much is what?"

"How much do you think this place is worth? A million? Three Million?"

"Hmmm," I pretended to think, "Five million, three hundred and eighteen thousand and eight pounds."

"You're mocking me."

"No… I really think it's that amount."

"You are. That is 'boobies' backwards on a calculator."

"You're too smart for me, Becky," I gave her a soft wink.

As I turned around back to the young woman, her demeanour completely changed. At first I felt she was very comfortable with me and then suddenly she was completely stiff and still"

I suddenly got very concerned, "What's up?"

"There's… someone there." Her voice was quiet, she pointed her head towards the stable that was half closed.

I followed her gaze, taking my time and trying as hard as I could to be as discreet as possible. Soon enough, I glanced over towards the stable door, the room that was coated in darkness against the warm day now looked… shinier. I had to keep looking at it, unsure of what I was actually seeing, but by doing so I had to acknowledge that I saw the thing… it was definitely human and it was female from what I could see.

"H-hello?" I asked, slowly walking towards the stable door, "Are you the owner? We were just buzzed in"

No sound came from whoever was standing in the darkness, nor did I see any motion. The person was just standing there staring at us, I could tell it was an actual human as I watched its torso move up and down as it breathed. That's when a sudden realisation came to me, knowing full well that I had experienced the same thing as them, the shiny material that reflected what light it could was latex. It was clear the person in that room was bound in some shape or form and could not answer us, being a pet was almost second nature to me at this point and the hardest part was interacting with people when you are unable to verbally communicate with them.

Well… I think that was what was happening, all I could see at that point was the person's chest, their breasts bound behind the layer of tight material, I could not see their arms, legs or head to verify what kind of state they were in.

"Hi!" A voice called from behind us.

I instantly turned around, coming face-to-face with Becky; who was hiding behind me the entire time. Her eyes widened as she noticed where the voice came from and slowly rotated her body until she was focused on the owner of the voice. To our surprise, it came from an older woman. She was just a little taller than Becky and I and walked up to us with a welcoming and friendly smile. Her hair was a collection of browns and greys, clearly ageing gracefully, yet strangely her face was almost absent of wrinkles apart from a small selection around the corners of her mouth. Her rather attractive figure was hidden behind a worn t-shirt and faded jeans.

"Good morning," I chirped, trying to seem as friendly and as welcoming as she was. Afterall, she was the customer in this situation, "My name is Sam and this is Becky. We work at Tanya's? She's asked us to deliver a package for you, it's in the van."

Strangely, the older woman's gaze didn't seem to be on the van, but in the space between me and the blonde haired girl next to me.

"Thank you. It's really nice to see a happy couple working together, I think it makes the relationship stronger."

"Oh… sorry. What do you mean?"

"Aren't you two a couple?" She asked, tilting her head slightly but still transfixed on the space between us.

"Oh… no, we aren't. We just work together"

"Then why are you holding hands?"

My eyes shot downwards, we were indeed holding hands… Why did I not notice that? Becky must have reached out for me when we first noticed the silver figure in the stable and had not thought to let go. I pulled my hand up and shook Becky off, grinning awkwardly as it took much longer than I had anticipated. I immediately apologised to the lady the moment my hand was free.

She let out a hearty chuckle, "I'm just messing with you, I see it all the time; doesn't bother me anymore."

"We aren't a couple."

"Sure… sure. My name is Beth, I am the co-owner of this place. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Sam and this is… Becky," I stumbled on my words as I realised I had already introduced us.

"I know," the woman chuckled again, "So, what has Harriet ordered this time?"

"Oh, just some…" My brain went blank, quickly realising that I had focused so much on getting to this location that I never cared to look at the invoice and see the products listed.

This did not seem to annoy the older woman, as she happily strolled to the back of the van and opened the doors, revealing the large box that had been ordered at the very back, along with a selection of smaller parcels that were still to be delivered to other customers behind it. Despite the box being rather heavy, she managed to pull it out of the vehicle and place it on the ground with ease.

"Umm… Miss Beth? Sorry to ask, but who is that lady in that room?" Becky finally got the courage to stand in front of me and talk to the older lady, for some reason I found it very cute the way she called her 'Miss Beth'. I sometimes forget how innocent she can be, despite working in a sex shop and dreaming to be a full-time pet; Becky was very innocent.

The older woman continued to stare at the box for a moment, reading the list of items within from a piece of paper that was stapled on the top.

"Oh… it's nothing fun sadly. I was hoping Harriet ordered something fun, but it's just some more crops, a few harnesses and a new suit" Beth finally stood up, taking her attention away from the box and towards the young, blonde haired girl in front of me, "Oh, you mean Heather? The young lass in the stable?"

"Heather? Yeah, the person in silver."

A smile appeared on the older woman, this one wasn't similar to the cheeky grin we saw earlier, but it was a confident smile… I would even go as far as saying she was proud of the person we were talking about.

"Yeah, she started with us just last week. She's still getting used to how things work around here, so we decided to keep her in the stables when she isn't feeling overly sociable, she will get used to being a pony one day."

I butted in, "Pony? Sorry, do you mind if I ask what you guys do here?"

Beth's eyes looked between us, her grin completely fell and transformed into a wide, confused frown, "Did… did Tanya not tell you two what Harriet's Stables is?"

"No, she didn't say anything. We thought you just kept horses. She did tell us to take a look around though."

She looked as if she was going to start laughing again, but managed to keep it together, "No, we don't have any actual horses on site. We only have girls… well, women. Ponygirls. We specialise mostly in pony play."

"Pony play? Is that anything similar to pet play?"

"Yeah, it's pretty much the same, just different types of animal" She laughed lightly, "Have you two tried pet play before then?"

"Yeah. It's very popular in the store."

"Well then, would you like to say 'Hi' to Heather?" The older woman asked, "She's rather timid right now, but I'm sure she would like to meet you two?"

I jumped at the chance, "Yeah!", I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"No…" Becky answered in a timid voice.

I stared at the blonde girl, it was clear she was uncomfortable about the creature in the stable. It was odd to see, usually she was excited about anything and everything Petplay, especially if it's not something she's seen before.

"No?" I asked.

Her eyes glanced towards me as answered back, "Uh… yeah?"



Becky seemed to slowly come out of her shell, hopefully my enthusiasm was enough to peek her interesting in meeting the ponygirl. A soft smile slowly formed as she caught how excited I was, of course I wanted this 'Heather', I was willing to learn everything about every form of fetish.

Beth's hands sat on her hips, "So… is that 'Yes' or 'No'?"

"Yes!" Becky and I said in unison.

"Well, come on over then!"

The older woman walked past us, leaving the package on the floor by the van. We immediately followed, Becky was still rather reluctant and walked very slowly; keeping her hand in mine and placing her free hand on my arm, forcing me to stroll at the same speed as Beth reached the door to the stable within seconds and we were still only by the van.

"C'mon, c'mon! She's not gonna bite!" She yelled at us, unbolting the door and letting it swing outward.

Becky's pace slowed even more, now there was nothing between us and the silver creature that lurked in the shadows of the room. I could not even see them anymore, I assumed she took a step back from the door the moment she knew we were walking over to see her. Maybe she was just as shy as we were?

"Heather?!" The woman yelled into the nearly pitch-black room, "I just told them you aren't going to bite, I shouldn't have to say the same thing to you. I can promise everyone here that there will be no biting today!"

Not a sound could be heard in any form of response.

"Heather? C'mon! They are really nice people, I am sure you will get along great with them"

What came next was something I did not expect. Whilst this ponygirl was yet to be seen by us, a noise erupted from the room that took Becky and I by surprise. It was a realistic horse snort, echoing through the stable, it was so real that I actually expected a real horse to be within those walls. What followed after was a collection of slow heavy stomps that sounded like they began at the very back of the room and painfully slowly made their way to the front.

I felt my heart beating in my throat the entire time, getting worse as the footsteps of the creature inside got closer. Becky's body was held tighter against me, so much so I could feel the material of her bra pressing against my back and the heat of her breath against my neck, her breathing became more rapid as she anticipated the creature's arrival.

Then it happened, a flash of silver against the warm sun, bringing this 'ponygirl' from the void to the light. The bright illumination of this creature's skin was the first thing I could focus on until she fully exited the safety of the stable. When she finally stepped into the daylight, it seemed that the intensity of the light on the silver material faded and covered the entirety of the being in front of me, showing both Becky and I the full Ponygirl outfit in all its glory.

"Awww, it's nice to finally see you Heather" Beth giggled, making fun of the Pony's anxiety.

I was in awe… Yes, I had seen latex outfits multiple times before and I always thought I had seen everything, even Becky's almost see-through outfit was a sight to behold. However, this was on a whole different level, making the pet suits Emily and I wear look rather basic in comparison. The figure-hugging, silver skin covered almost the entirety of the girl, from the neck all the way down to her feet was almost chrome-like. This was broken up in a selection of black parts, her feet and hands were bound in what looked like hooves, very realistic compared to an actual horse, between the black hooves and silver latex was what looked like charcoal coloured faux fur, covering from the wrists to her elbows and from her ankles to her knees.

Around the stomach was what looked like a black corset, starting from just below the creature's breasts and ending just above her pelvis, covering the stomach almost entirely. This seemingly helped to highlight the silver skin of the creature, showing off her crotch area and bringing attention to her chest. I almost failed to notice the collection of metal hoops that hung off the stomach harness, obviously designed to attach items to the creature… either that or to lock them up in a specific place.

Finally, the last aspect of the pony Becky and I noticed was the hood that covered the woman's head. It was the exact same black as the stomach harness and hooves, starting at the bottom of the neck, looking more like a posture collar with a ring on the front, before the leather-like material carried on up the creature's head, entirely enveloping her head and ending in two fake, yet realistic horse ears. The horse ears were almost eerily real, even to the point of having fake hair poke out from inside it, whilst those ears were a treat to look at; I could see the real, human ears were completely covered by the hood. Only the face of the woman was fully on show, her bright, blue eyes looked at us in a pleading manner, begging us to be nice people and kind to her.

The only part of her face that was obscured was her mouth, being gagged seemed typically to be common in every form of pet and ponyplay. However, instead of being part of her hood, like how mine and Emily's were, she instead had a bit gag attached to the head harness, allowing us to see her teeth resting on the piece of bondage. Whilst at first it looked like a normal bit gig; one that I have seen on Tanya's shelves time and time again, I noticed this one was different as it had what looked like a vent in the middle of the item.

At the back of the hood was what I assumed to be the real woman's hair, coming out in a ponytail and finishing just above the back of her neck. Despite how short her hair was, it was a beautiful auburn colour, bouncing with every small movement the bound creature made. As we took everything in, she continued to look between us, pleading desperately with her eyes and resting the weight of her body on either foot at different times. It looked like Heather was exactly the same height as I was, but stood about half a foot taller than me due to the thick hooves that clicked on the ground.

"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about, Heather!" The older woman told the girl off as if she was a child or a pet, "Everyone who comes here is nice, we would never allow anyone to come in who would hurt you"

Beth placed her hands on her hips, rotating her body left to right as she stood a small distance away from us three, not interfering in any way to allow the pony to interact with Becky and me without any outside influence. Heather's eyes glanced towards her owner, continuing the pleading look but this time for a different reason, she wanted the older woman to be between us so she could be the sociable one, something that I completely understood. I knew from experience that the inability to talk to someone whilst in the pet outfit was beyond terrifying. The thought that a fully-abled person could do or say whatever they wanted to you and you were in a bound, vulnerable, speechless state was indescribable, someone who had never been bound in a petsuit would never be able to understand the feeling that suit gave you.

As I looked into her perfect eyes, I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Hey… hey," I tried to sooth her by talking as softly as I can, placing my hand forward to make some form of contact. It was bad that the first parts of the girl's body I wanted to touch were her most vital parts, both her crotch and breasts looked so inviting in that outfit.

Her eyes widened as she looked at my hand and then to me, unsure on what to do with my open palm. There was something so cute about how helpless she was, how nervous her trembling figure was presented to us. It was the way her bound hands hung helplessly in the air, being completely useless stubs now, there was nothing the woman could do with them that was helpful in any way. It was the way her knees and ankles turned inwards, showing us how nervous and unsure about her body she was. It looked like her anxiety was completely taking over her body, yet it somehow added to the attractiveness of the silver creature.

"You are so beautiful" A voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see Becky completely transfixed on the pony, her eyes widened but hyper focused on the figure in front of her. Heather's eyes dropped instantly to the ground, it was clear she wasn't used to getting compliments; especially when so much of her body was on show. It was so strange to see someone intimidated by Becky, easily one of the most shy, quiet and socially awkward people I knew, especially as the auburn-haired girl was both taller and wider than the young woman who was still holding my hand.

She finally let go of me, dragging her fingers away from between mine before taking a few steps forwards. No hesitation came from her as she placed her hand on the pony's body, resting her palm on her thigh. I couldn't help but watch with a wide open mouth, it was a complete contrast to the Becky from just moments before, the woman who had spent nearly the entire time here hiding behind me and scared of the silver creature lurking in the darkness. Now, she approached that same mysterious creature with some form of hidden confidence I had never seen before.

"Oooh, she's beautiful!" The blonde haired girl said as she stared directly into Heather's deep eyes. This lasted a few moments before she finally broke her gaze and looked in my direction, "I like her!"

"Do you mind if I ask what exactly you do here?" I quizzed the older woman, "I understand you keep ponygirls here, but why? I can't see the whole point of it"

Beth looked at me for a moment before looking upwards towards the sky, it seemed like she was trying her hardest to give me a good answer, "So… you've told me that you've had experience with pet play, in what way?"

"Well… me and my sis-" I stopped my voice there, realising what I was actually about to say. Whilst my family, Tanya and Becky were comfortable with what Emily and I got up to, I shouldn't presume everyone would see our situation the same way, "…Me and my partner have tried it many times before. We have our own suits at the shop, sometimes I wear mine and she's in control or the other way round… occasionally we wear ours at the same time with someone else looking after us"

Beth sported a huge grin as I said that last part, "Very adventurous. How do you feel when you are out of the suit but your 'partner' is in one? How does it feel when you are comfortable with her on your lap or when she stares directly at you through the mask and sees straight through you."

"It… it feels good, I must admit."

"And why's that?"

"Well… I guess it's the feeling of love. When Emily is the pet, she can't communicate but she has complete trust in me. I get this overwhelming feeling of being loved by her, that I mean more to her than anything else in that moment. It's also super addictive to feel her body within the latex… God, I could hold her for hours and not get tired"

I let out a long, slow breath, realising to myself that I had never actually thought too deeply about what it was I enjoyed about pet play… how it felt to have Emily in that outfit. She always looked so cute, I wish I could have kept her that way forever, but I know I would miss the human side too much.

Beth nodded to herself before asking another question, "And the other way? How do you feel when you are in the suit and you have someone's attention?"

I nervously laughed to myself, finding it rather awkward to talk about this subject out loud to someone, "Umm… It's sexy. You feel naked, yet protected at the same time. You feel every curve that's on show, you feel bound and restricted in so many ways and yet, you feel more free than if you were naked. There is no words to describe the feeling"

The older woman stared at me, this time the grin had transformed into a full smile, reminding me so much of Tanya, "There you go then, you know the answer"

"Is it really that simple? You hire girls to dress up as ponies and you get clients in to spend time with them?"

"Yes, that's it. Most of the time the girls realise stuff about themselves, it's like being locked in these outfits make them think more about who they actually are. It's amazing to see the revelations that some people can come to once they have spent some time restricted. It's the same the other way, some of our clients realise who they are when they spend the day with an adorable ponygirl. Apart from that, it's very simple."

"It's very simple," I repeated what she said.

After agreeing with each other, we look into the stable behind us, the dark room where the silver pony stood in the void a while ago. This time, Heather was laid on her back, resting on the comfortable rubber matting as Becky laid on top of her; her head against the pony's chest. Becky's eyes were closed, slowly falling asleep as her head was lifted up and down from the rhythm of Heather's breathing.

Not that long before, the silver creature frightened the quiet girl, the feeling of her hand trembling as it held mine was still at the front of my mind, it was a sensation I would not likely forget for a long time, but at that moment that was all forgotten by Becky as she rested up against her new friend. It was a cute scene, despite the sexual figure of the pony, her bound form and the overall feeling of bondage and BDSM; this moment felt so pure and innocent, to the point I actually was beginning to hate the idea of waking her up.

"Hey, let's leave them be for a bit," Beth said in a hush tone as she looked over my shoulder, her view entirely on the two occupants of the stable.

I spoke back at the same volume, "We can't stay for long, there are still plenty of deliveries to be made today."

"Well, you still have some time. Just give them a few more minutes, would you like to see where we store all the items?"

To a normal person, seeing a storage room for a stable would have been a fairly pointless process, a typical place like this would only hold equine products and would not be in the best conditions, but this was no ordinary place. It intrigued me as to what items this place would have in storage, I'm sure I would recognise plenty of products Tanya sold as well as a few things that would spark my imagination.

"Sure," I smiled at the older woman.

She instantly began walking to the other side of the room Becky and Heather were in, as it was the last stable in the wall, I could not imagine there was much room between that and the beginning of the next wall. Beth pulled on the handle of a thin door, one that looked very similar to all the other doors to the stables and opened it as far as it could go. Just like before, the warm day hid the interior in shadows, forcing me to try and focus my eyes on what lurked inside as I slowly began making my way forward. Several metal boxes came into view, sitting comfortably on sturdy wooden shelves, as well as several items that were placed on hooks that travelled across the four walls of the small room.

Beth followed me inside, watching me closely as I took in the minimal items. Most of the metal boxes were already open, revealing padding that kept the ponyplay outfits safe whilst in storage, only two of them were shut. On the top of the shelves were a few unused harnesses for various parts of the body, some were for the head and the rest were for the stomach, every single one was open and ready to be locked onto someone's body. Most of the hooks along the walls weren't in use, it didn't look like the items that would be hung on them were being used, it looked more like the hooks were screwed in place and then left alone. The few hooks that were in use held what looked like horse reins and riding crops.

"Wow…" I spun around slowly to take everything in.

It wasn't anything special, it did not look like the items were on display to be seen or to be presentable in any way, it looked like everything was just stored away, out of sight from the customers.

"It's impressive," I added to my earlier remark.

"So you enjoy petplay then?" The older woman asked, placing her fingers gently on a hung riding crop and following the item's length downward.

"Yeah, I love it. It's such a surreal experience, just like this"

"It is surreal, I agree with you on that," she nodded.

The room went silent for a moment as we both took the time to appreciate our surroundings.

She fully turned around to face me before asking, "Do you want to give it a go?"


"Do you want to give it a go?" She repeated herself, "We have an outfit free? Its owner is taking some time away from the stables, she is a little bit smaller than you but the outfit should fit without any issues."

I rubbed my neck as I took in what the older woman was saying, as much as I wanted to, I was still working, "Umm, I should really get going soon. Maybe next time?"

"Sure, that's no problem at all".

The woman was so calm and collected as she asked me that question, looking at me as if she knew I was desperate to give it a go. Ponyplay wasn't something I had ever thought about, but I couldn't deny the desire to be locked in the suit just like Heather was. As good as the idea sounded, I had to remember the parcels in the back of the vehicle that were still waiting to be delivered, they were a priority.

"So, next time then?" Beth wanted to confirm one last time.

"Yeah, next time."

Suddenly, Becky's voice boomed from the entrance of the room, "What's happening next time?"

We both immediately stared at the door, the young woman stood between us and the outside world, her body partially in shadow due to the hot day outside. She wiped at her eyes, trying to wake herself up from the short nap she took on the ponygirl, at the same time I scrambled to think of how to correctly word the conversation the older woman and I just had. The clacking of heavy heels on the concrete ground confirmed Heather had escaped the stable and soon her frame appeared directly behind Becky, her eyes were just as curious as the blonde girl's.

"Oh… I… we…" I stumbled on my words as my brain failed to put them together.

"I asked Sam here if she wanted to wear one of the outfits for a while?" Beth said with an unreasonable amount of confidence, "Unfortunately, she still has some work left to do, so she can't."

Becky immediately beamed, the sleep falling out of her body as she had received some renewed energy, "Oh, can I try? Can I? Can I? Can I?"

She was bobbing up and down and nearly vibrating at the chance. I sighed much louder than I cared to admit, it was very obvious that she would jump at the chance to try something like this out. Afterall, she had spent several months working up the courage to try one of the pet outfits out, it wasn't a surprise at all that she would want to try her hand at being a pony too.

"We still have orders to deliver," I said in a quiet tone, "I said to Beth we can give it a go next time."

Becky's mood instantly changed, she stopped jumping on the spot and began to look down at the floor, the idea of being a pony was suddenly very short lived, "Oh…"

"Or… you could leave Becky here with me? You can do your deliveries and come back for her later?" The older woman smiled as she said this, knowing how little control Becky had of herself at this point, "Actually, the outfit would be a perfect fit for her."

Instantly Becky lit up once more, "Please, Sam?! Please? Please?"

"Fine! I'm not going to be gone long, so don't get too used to it!" I rested my hand on my palm as I gave in to the young woman's demands.


"Great!" Beth matched the enthusiasm of the young woman and reached towards a particular box, sliding it across the floor until the daylight from the door illuminated it.

She unbolted both latches on the side of the box before opening up to reveal the contents. Just like the others, it had a thick foam base, but this time a folded, beautiful blue suit sat inside the container, looking ready to be picked up and used, which Beth did almost immediately; holding it up for us all to see.

It was identical in every way to the suit Heather had on, the only small differences being the colour and the actual size. This suit looked way too small for me to wear comfortably, it was easily more suited for Becky's small frame. Heather's outfit looked more my size as we shared very similar builds.

Becky could hardly contain her excitement, running into the room and up to the older woman and instantly ready to be transformed into a ponygirl. I took a step away from the two, giving Beth and Becky as much room as they needed, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Heather who looked on at the scene with a bemused tone. It seemed the silver pony had become more comfortable around the two strangers she only met today. I completely understood why she was with Becky, she was a rather comforting person, but it was clear she was happy being next to me too.

The blonde haired girl wasted no time getting her clothes off, her coat and shoes were thrown off her body the moment she got close to Beth, leaving her shoes on the floor and her coat sitting on the shelves next to the other boxes. Her shirt and bottoms were next, being placed directly on the coat and leaving the thin girl just in her underwear; an interesting mix of plain white material with a lacey back.

It was cute.

Becky returned to standing in front of the older woman, preparing her body for the feeling of latex against her soft skin, "I'm ready!"

Beth laughed lightly, "Keep going."

"Uhhh, really?"

"Yeah, do you think Heather is wearing anything underneath her suit?"

All three of us looked at the silver pony standing next to me, her cheeks were flushed red the moment we glared over her perfect form, clearly there was nothing between the outside material and the naked body underneath, I could just about see the poor girl's nipples through the shining silver. It made perfect sense, Emily and I never wore anything under the outfits. Initially it was a dumb rule I made for Emily to follow, to get her completely naked the first time she ever tried latex, then it just became normal for us to be nude whilst being pets. I would have thought it would have been uncomfortable wearing underwear inside the outfit, it made complete sense in my head.

"Oh… okay" Becky did not hesitate to unclip her bra and kick off her underwear, leaving them on the shelf also.

I couldn't help but smile, her body was cute. Despite not being able to see anything from this angle, all I could do was stare at her cute, small butt as Beth began to help her into the suit, seeing the goosebumps travel across her body the moment the material made contact with her skin.

"Ah, I see why Sam didn't want to wear this," Becky told the older woman, "She didn't want everyone to see her chastity belt!"

My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head, I stamped my foot on the floor as I yelled out the blonde girl's name, making it very clear that I didn't want her to talk about that when in front of people we hardly knew.I froze up completely, unable to move a single part of my body as I went defensive, knowing that both the ponygirl and the older woman had hundreds of questions and thoughts going through their mind the moment that secret slipped out of the blonde girl's mouth.

"Ooops, sorry Sam," Becky said in a genuine tone.

My entire focus was on the now naked girl as the suit was slipped up her leg, covering her soft skin with the layer of blue latex that reflected the natural light in the room. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see the older woman turn to me once more, this time a clear, wide smile on her face.

"Well, well… you are full of secrets, aren't you?" I could hear the humour in the tone of her voice.

I could even make out the figure of Heather to the left of me, looking me up and down just out of my focus, taking in the idea that I had a metal cage underneath the layers of clothing that covered my body. How did it get like this? I ordered this belt for Emily to wear, she was supposed to be the one locked up, but here I was, a few hours from home; where the key rested on my sister's body, embarrassed by the fact that more and more people knew of the device that sealed onto my body. I left out a sigh, knowing I was already exhausted from telling people about it.

"Here," I lifted up my shirt enough to show off my bare stomach, revealing the metal device that travelled upwards from my underwear and hung tightly against my waist, the padlock was in full view of everyone in the storage room.

Heather bent over to look at it closely, she was surprisingly curious for a pony that was nervous to see us not that long ago. She gently placed her hoof against the metal frame, tapping the object as if she was making sure it wouldn't budge.

"Who has the key?" Beth asked, at this point the suit was up to Becky's butt, sealing that adorable part of her body within the latex.

"My Sis-" I stopped myself, I wasn't talking in front of Tanya and wasn't sure how these two people would react to our taboo relationship, "My partner, she's at home at the moment and probably loving the fact you guys can see this"

Beth chuckled again, "I'm sure she is, you can put your shirt back down now, hun"

I dropped my shirt, realising I was beginning to feel flustered. My cheeks were still burning red from Becky's comment but having to show that part of me off to two strangers took its toll, it was just to stop any unnecessary questions that would no doubt would have been asked, if people can't see it; they want to know all about it.

I finally took my gaze away from Becky, noticing that Heather was still hovering close to me, her bright, blue eyes continued to look me up and down.

"What?" I asked.

I didn't know if she could tell I was frustrated, or if it was just her way of communicating, but how the pony reacted next completely took me by surprise. She placed both of her arms around me and hugged me as tight as she could, at the same time resting her restrained head on my shoulder. She reminded me so much of Emily, whenever she was in her suit she loved her hugs. I always thought it was due to not being able to speak, that physical connection was a form of communication in its own way. I also thought it was because she felt cute in the outfit, as if she was some form of animal that anyone who saw her just fell in love with.

The way Heather hugged me, I soon came to realise that both were true. Yes, she was a very pretty girl, if not a little awkward, but I felt my heart jump slightly the moment she embraced me that way. The way her arms went limp to avoid digging her hooves into my back but at the same time kept the rest of her arm strong to fully embrace my body, the way her soft hair brushed against my nose, tickling it softly and the soft scent of perfume I could smell as she was so close to me.

Soon, I was beginning to realise the magic of ponygirls.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in the comfort the creature gave me. Hearing her quiet breathing in my ear as her breaths tickled the back of my neck, the far away scent of vanilla and her firm yet comfortable grip on around me all helped me calm down. As if it took me to a different place, the noise in my head, all the issues that had plagued my life and the overwhelming anxiety that followed me daily had all gone quiet… the entire world went quiet. It felt like the connection between the silver pony and I was the only thing that mattered at the moment, as if we were the only people in the world right then and the rest of the world disappeared into a void.

I wished I could have stayed in that moment, to just spend as much time as I could holding onto the mysterious, young woman who clung onto me. Now I fully understood why Becky fell asleep on her, there was no feeling in the universe that even came close to what I was experiencing at that time.

Eventually, it came to an end. I felt Heather's hold loosen on me as I persuaded my eyes to open, bringing me back to the small storage room that was occupied by Becky and the older woman. I glanced at the creature next to me, the shy state from before returning to her, not realising the trip she just took me on.

"Thank you," I nodded towards her.

At this point, Becky was almost done in her transformation. The suit completely covered her body, enveloping her small figure in a beautiful, blue tone. Similar hooves to Heather's adorned her body, bringing her an inch taller than before and forcing her hands into a helpless and bound state. Beth was just in the process of adding the hood onto the outfit, covering the young woman's blonde hair with thick leather. The excitement on Becky's face was all too obvious, her legs springing her body up and down as she waited impatiently for the next part to be added to her body. Finally, the hood came down over her neck, the collar part of the outfit was locked snugly into place against her throat, then the older woman adjusted the rest of it, allowing only Becky's face to be seen as the rest of her head was covered by the thick material. A cute pair of realistic horse ears sat at the very top of the hood, moving softly in reaction to the girl's head looking round. It was adorable to watch as she felt the weight of the false ears, yet was unable to see them.

"Okay, last one" Beth finally got the final item out, it was what looked like a bit-gag, identical to the one attached to Heather's hood, the older woman pointed to the middle of the item, "When I lock this on, your mouth will go here. There is a collection of small balls inside this, if you breathe out through your mouth, it will rattle the balls and create a sound very similar to a horse's snort. It's like how whistles make sounds."

"Cool!" Becky's enthusiasm never wavered for a moment, she opened her mouth as wide as possible, allowing Beth all the room she needed to attach the object to her body.

It was a quick motion, one side attached to one side of the hood with a quick latch, then she attached the other side of the gag to the opposite side of the hood, placing the item within the open mouth of the girl. As Becky's mouth rested, her teeth and lips fell onto the leather bit, causing her mouth to always be open.

"How is that? Is it comfortable?"

Becky looked down her nose at the item, trying her hardest to see what it looked like when it was locked to her body. She let out a sigh, which immediately travelled into the gag and forced the snort sound to boom out, surprising her. Heather immediately started laughing, trying her hardest to be silent but causing small amounts of air to escape from her mouth, her gag too.

Soon, the two ponies fell into a fit of laughter, both giggling at the sounds they both were making and the surprised expression of the blonde girl as she got used to the new outfit. It reminded me so much of the time Emily and I first started using the bondage box, the amount of times we would laugh at the absurdness of the situation or the very fact of Emily being so awkward whilst her body was restrained.

I smiled lightly, enjoying this small moment between the two bound women as they failed to cease their chuckling.

Beth forced herself up, "You better get going, you said you have a lot of deliveries to get through, I don't think they are going to stop anytime soon."

I looked between the two ponies, the colours of silver and blue haunting my eyes, clearly the expression I had on my face seemed different to how I was feeling, perhaps the thought of leaving Becky here whilst I drive over an hour away caused me subconscious grief as the older woman took in my concerned look.

"Don't you worry," she continued, "Becky will still be here when you get back, but she'll probably be a tired girl."

I nodded, I didn't want to say anything as I was sure I would have said the wrong thing. Before I had anytime to overthink, I turned around and walked outside towards the vehicle.

"C'mon girls! The day is far too nice to be spending it in here!" Beth's voice echoed from the small room, booming over the fits of giggles that continued.

I reached my vehicle, opened the door and slumped into the driver's seat. Once I closed the door, all the sounds from the outside world completely ceased, allowing me a moment to think and forcing the silence to enter my brain. It was an odd sensation, travelling all the way here with one of my best friends as my companion and then leaving the area completely alone. I half expected to hear Becky's voice interrupt my moment, saying whatever it was on her mind and just generally being annoying in the cutest way possible.

Already, I was missing her company.

For a second… I imagined myself away from this place. I imagined my vehicle was parked on that damn street that I've seen many times by now, the street where that camgirl lived. I imagined that Becky went through with it, went to live with that woman for the rest of her life as her pet, that I was leaving her in that building rather than that amazing older woman and silver pony.

Then the silence of the car hit me, her absence from my life as she would have walked out of it completely. That loving company she gave me all the way here, completely gone.

However… she wasn't leaving me completely anymore. She was in a happy place right now and I was coming back for her. The silence was interrupted as I switched on the ignition, causing the engine to give out a quiet roar. I reached for the gear stick and felt the nervousness in my fingers. I quickly looked down at my hand and saw it shaking softly; struggling to get all my strength in my digits.

Why was that thought affecting me so much? Was I really that scared about leaving her here?

I let out a long sigh before whispering to myself, "I'm coming back for her… I'm coming back for her."

Finally, I grasped the head of the stick, pushing the vehicle into reverse. As I looked up, I watched the silver pony walk out of the stable, followed by the less stable blue pony and finally Beth. The hooved feet were practically high heels, something I doubt Becky ever wore. Her face lit up as she looked up towards me, even with the hood surrounding her head and the gag in her mouth; I could see her bright smile. She lifted her hooved hand up, giving me a limp wave before she continued to follow Heather.

The car's engine roared as I drove past the entrance to the stables. I smiled to myself, imagining Becky in all sorts of situations as I spent the day delivering parcels. I was proud of Becky, for finally sticking up for herself and putting her needs first and because of that, she was spending the day doing something I knew she would love.

With that thought in mind, I finally began to feel the strength return to my fingers.


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