Gromet's PlazaPonyGirl/PetGirl Stories

Sam and Em

by ForeverAltered

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© Copyright 2024 - ForeverAltered - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; fpov; chastity; cuffs; blindfold; tickle; naked; tease; denial; oral; latex; rom; cons; X

Continues from

Chapter 19

One…last… time.

It was an agreement that my sister and I made when we first started getting serious about each other. That one day, she would become my slave full time. She would wear the collar pretty much all the time, she would be more than happy to do everything I commanded and I would always take charge. However, it was clear that she had to get something out of the way first and that was her education, only after that, then she would forfeit her freedom to me.

I was loving every moment of this. It wasn't our usual bedroom, our usual house or even our usual town, but that did not stop my sister from tying me up and doing whatever she liked to me. It was an agreement that Emily and I would spend the night at her living quarters at the university, collecting and bagging away all of her items before she graduated from education altogether. To her, Dad and Jane, I was simply helping my sister out, as if it was my family duty to sort through her belongings and use Tanya's van to bring them back home. However, we had other plans. Having a whole apartment to ourselves, without the risk of our parents walking through the door… her mind had malicious intentions for my body and I was more than happy to be her guinea pig.

One…last…time. For one last time, I would be the slave for the night, as when the sun comes up tomorrow; she will be the one tied up.

It was the perfect plan. my sister and I got the night together in a place where we did not have to be quiet, I got some good points with our parents as they believed I was being helpful and we were only a short walk away from where Emily would graduate tomorrow, which meant we did not have to wake up early to get here.

I grinned to myself that everything came together so easily. We didn't last five seconds in this apartment before we made it to her bedroom and we were pulling off each other's clothes and teasing our bodies, I offered no resistance as she grabbed some handcuffs from an overnight bag I packed and tied my hands to the headboard, with my ankles being tied to the bottom of the bed; leaving me entirely helpless. She then wasted no time afterwards grabbing a blindfold and adding that to my helpless situation, cutting off my entire vision and making it impossible for me to guess what she was about to do next.

I knew I was supposed to be the dominant one in the relationship, and after tonight I will always be the one in charge, but a situation like this was one I never got tired of. I pulled against the metal restraints but soon knew that I was going nowhere. With the lack of sight, I could feel every single sensation on my body, making me very conscious that everything was on show and I was unable to stop my sister from doing whatever she liked.

Emily loved being the submissive, it was very natural for her to be controlled, as if it were baked into her DNA. However, she took a huge liking to being the one in charge. Tanya and I believed it was because whenever she took control, whatever she did to me; I would do the same back to her, but in a much more intense way. It was as if she was guiding me to her fetishes and her turn ons without having to audibly tell me. So, it seemed strange that she wanted to take control once again, when we have already gone over everything we both enjoy.

I began to feel a warm sensation on my feet. The undeniable touch of her smooth hands gently caressed the bottom of my feet, massaging them in some way before moving up my ankle. After about a minute of rubbing both ankles, she continued to move upwards, along the outside of my legs, this was when I felt the bed move from the weight of her body crawling up it. She was so gentle, the very light touch of her fingers crawling along my skin was enough to cover my entire body in goosebumps. Whilst it wasn't sexual at that point, I did find myself breathing a little heavier.

Her hands gradually travelled upwards, exploring the top of my legs, but not getting any closer to the part of me that craved attention. Instead, her fingers were reaching the bottom of my stomach whilst her thumbs were caressing my hip bones. I did not know why she was paying so much attention to the bottom of my body, I knew she was the dominant one in this situation, but it wasn't common for her to go on teasing for this long; that is, if what she was doing was teasing. I was unable to tell in my situation.

It only felt like a minute before she continued her adventure over my body, making sure to keep skin-to-skin contact the entire time during this process. The hairs on my body began to stand up once she reached my sides. Like most people, I was extremely sensitive from my hips to my armpits and her fingers were very gently exploring those parts of me. I knew it would be over soon, like how she was with the rest of my body, but my brain was already telling me to yell at her to stop. I began to bite my lip, trying hard to take my mind elsewhere as yelling at her to cease would certainly have ruined the mood.

That is when my worst fears came true. The light touches of her fingers were no longer light, each digit on her hands began wiggling in small motions, getting heavier and heavier with every second that passed. It was no longer teasing, Emily was knowingly tickling my helpless body.

"Oh my god, Emily… stop!" I yelled, trying to turn my body to get away despite my locked limbs.

No words came from her, nothing to soothe my brain that this was a one off incident. I could hear slight giggling within her breathing as she moved her body with mine, keeping her hands exactly where they were before my sudden jolt, but the fingers did not stop. I really wanted to believe it was just a jest, a joke to let me know how helpless I was in that situation, but she did not stop with the tickling despite my yelling and my body moving around.

"No! No! No! Emily stop!" I screamed painfully through a forced laugh, "Please! No! Stop!"

She wasn't playing around anymore, her fingers were pushing into my sides, travelling up and down with every intention to make me as uncomfortable as possible. Throughout the whole ordeal, I was gritting my teeth, trying to overcome what she was willing to put me through. I managed to shake my body left to right to try and avoid it, but it wasn't long before she came up with a plan to stop this. She sat down on my bottom half, weighing my body down and keeping me in a single position.

"Oh, no! Emily stop please, I'm going to pee myself!" More of my cries went unanswered.

She did not stop, in fact I think she got faster and faster at it. Swipes up and down were changed to tickling the bottom of my stomach before moving back to my sides. She was getting all of the spots that she knew were where I was most sensitive. I couldn't even talk anymore. It was too much, too intense, too painful. I just thrashed my body around as much as I could, trying everything to get just a second of calm from her wandering hands. Trying to hold my bladder as tight as I could, the last thing I wanted was to let go of my body.

I gritted my teeth and went limp. I was exhausted after only a few minutes, her hands were reaching me anyway so I might as well conserve energy by just staying still. However, this worked in getting my sister's attention. The sinister Emily had disappeared momentarily and was replaced by the one I knew.

"Are you okay?" she asked, coming in close.

I just kept breathing, knowing that she was still in control and would easily return to the same motions as before.

"I'm… I'm okay," I whispered.

"Do… Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes please."

She slowly climbed off me, but the restraints stayed on. She wasn't done with me yet, whatever it was she had in mind for my body. I was just glad the tormenting had ceased, no longer did I have to endure her fingers against my sensitive skin, however… it was clear that I still had a while yet to go before I felt the restraints come off.

"Sam?" Emily asked, I could feel that she was still in the same place as when she stopped tickling me.

I lightly sighed, knowing that something wasn't going to go the way I planned, when she said my name in a questioning manner; I knew it meant she had something on her mind and she had to ask me about it to get it off her chest.

"Yeah?" I asked, dreading what was coming next.

"I… I found that small box under our bed."

Damn it! As much as I loved my sister with all my heart, her snooping was easily the first thing that still got on my nerves. It was something she still did after nearly a year of us being together, it was the reason she and I are together, it was the reason our relationship was centred so much around bondage, it was that first day I moved in and she began to snoop in my bondage box.

I had hoped it was something that eventually faded, especially as she had so much on her mind with her graduation so close, but she proved me wrong.

"That's your graduation gift, you left it alone… didn't you?"

It was a question I knew I wasn't going to like the answer to. I had everything planned out after tomorrow, we would come home after graduation, have a wonderful night together that included a long shower and an even longer evening in each other's arms and when the sun came up, I would lie out the slave collar and the item in the box on her bed and attach them one at a time. The item in the box was something I had ordered from Tanya a while back, when I was figuring out that Emily had an interest in everything she put me through.

I still remember the day she came back home and we spent the day at that bondage convention. She had an idea in her mind of how to get a competition going to interest potential customers, coming up with a punishment for either her, Becky or I; she even went out of her way to make sure I lost the competition and had to endure the punishment.

It was Tanya who told me how my sister's mind worked, that the punishment that came my way was just her wanting the same thing done to her, it was her way of letting me know what she was really into, without having to ask me verbally. Once I knew about it, I asked the store owner to order me the same thing for Emily.

The item that was in the box Emily was so curious about, was a chastity belt.

My sister murmured to herself, not answering the question I just threw at her.

"You left it alone, didn't you?" I asked once again, a more sterner tone in my voice, despite my current position.

I felt her body finally leave the bed, the mattress sunk upwards with the lack of her weight on top of it. The sound of her feet scraping across the carpet was so apparent to me, I could hear every step as she made her way back to the bag she packed for the night, the bag she brought the blindfold and handcuffs from.

I asked again, feeling like a teacher being angry with her student, "Emily?"

"I… I brought it with me." Her voice was so sweet as she fully acknowledged what she did, it cracked slightly as she knew it wasn't right for her to go through my belongings. Despite her fully knowing it was wrong, she was going to do it anyway.

"You… what?" I pulled against the restraints, yearning to be free and take control of the situation, "Emily, that wasn't for now, it was for when you graduated… Did you bring the box with you?"

"I took it out of the box."

"So… you know exactly what I got you!"

"Yes," She squeaked, I could hear rustling from the bag as she brought the belt out.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

I did not know what else to say., though I wasn't as surprised as I thought I would be. My body ceased trying to get out of the bonds, not like I was able to break them anyway. I just accepted the fact that Emily found the belt and brought it with us… I wasn't angry.

"Why does it look different to yours?" she asked.

I took a moment to answer her, I believed I was just processing the entire situation. I was going to be with Emily for the rest of my life, but how would I be able to hide presents away from her if she was just going to snoop around anyway. It wasn't like I told her about the gift, or that she saw me bring it into the house. She just randomly looked under the bed one day and opened a sealed box.

The reason it looked so different was due to my experience. For Emily, I went with a smaller model, a lighter make that just covered the vital areas. I experienced that heavy belt for two whole weeks, by the end I hated that object with every bone in my body. This one was thinner in every way, allowing the user to wear it for longer periods without being uncomfortable. That was exactly what I had planned for my sister, if she was so interested in chastity belts, I'll have her wear one for as long as I wanted her to.

I explained this very reason to her, leaving out the part of how long I wanted her to wear it for. Whilst I had to wear mine for two weeks straight, I was happy for her to take it off often… I just wanted her to get used to having it on longer than that. Potentially, I wanted her to wear it for the rest of her life.

"Oh…" This was the only response she gave. Knowing that I had planned for her to go into chastity after her graduation, for her to experience the same thing I had to go through.

The world outside my blindfold went silent, for a second I began questioning my decision. Did Tanya and I get it wrong? Was she not interested in having that part of her freedom taken away? It was a big step… but I assumed that was what she wanted in the end. It was the same with the collar, I was the first to wear it, but she was the one who wanted it locked on her body.

"Emily?" I asked her name again, this time it was genuine worry that I did something bad.

I heard her body move, I believed she brought the belt up, as if showing me the object in her hands, "So… you wanted me to wear this?"


"How long for?"

"Well… let's start with two weeks," I chuckled, it was an odd reference to my time in the belt. Not exactly the best time to be joking, but I wanted to lighten the mood.

"You're sweet."

"You don't mind that I got it?"

"No… it was a good plan. I would have loved to receive it after I graduated."

"That's good, I'm glad you like it."

Why was I so relieved? She was the one who snooped through my belongings, I was the one in the right in this situation. I guess I was just so pleased that she liked it.

"I do… I do like it."

"Well, I can still give it to you tomorrow, if you want?" I bargained with her, "If you leave it until tomorrow, we can still do what I planned."

"Yes, yes. That is one idea."

I stuttered, "O-one idea? What else is there?"

"You are the one tied up… I am the one who is dominant right now." Her words came out so smoothly, the words hitting my ears like silk. I only heard this tone a few times before, it was the moment Emily fully became the domme, the moment she began to enjoy being in control.

"Em? I don't get it, it's for you… you wanted to wear the belt, right?"

"Yeah… yeah, I did."

"Then put it back and we can sort it tomorrow."

"That's tomorrow, though." I did not like her tone, she was enjoying this far too much, "It could belong to someone else today."

"Em… no!"

I squirmed around, this felt worse than the tickling earlier. I imagined she was watching over me with a sinister look on her face, knowing that she was going to take away my freedom just as I was going to do with her tomorrow. The last thing I wanted was to go back into that damn belt once again.

"It will only take a second." I heard her footsteps come closer to the bed.

"Em… no, I'll do anything, I swear."

Suddenly, my lips were covered, I quickly realised it was hers on mine. A soft kiss to remind me of her love, to let me know that she wouldn't do anything to harm me and that she was just enjoying the moment, although a little too much.

A soft moaning could be heard as the kiss went on for longer than I had thought. At first, I thought it was her moans I could hear, I noticed a little too late that it was actually me making that noise. Was I secretly enjoying this? I always enjoyed Emily taking control, but I thought this was going too far at first, but after the initial shock; I could feel my body was getting turned on. It was so extreme, so final in its own way. Like I had gotten caught in a trap that I had placed.

What was wrong with me?

Our lips finally separated, "I'll be gentle, I swear," Emily's words were so comforting to my ears.

"Okay," I mumbled an answer.

I wanted so much more at that moment. As my sister went downwards to begin placing the belt, I was mentally begging for more stimulation, an orgasm or two before she takes that right away from me and does as she pleases. It was only just as her lips left mine that I realised how truly turned on I was at that moment. A collection of her taking control, the teasing beforehand and the moment with the chastity belt had affected me more than I realised. The first thought I had was to beg, to plead with her to play with me until I was past the point of no return, to actually touch my sensitive clit with either her finger, tongue or any of the toys she might have brought.

However, as quickly as that thought came to mind, the realisation that Emily was fully in charge came crashing back down. She had complete power and was only going to do what she wanted at that moment. This was her game and all I could do was lay back and take whatever she had planned for me. I just wished I could see, if I could just remove the blindfold and see what Emily was doing, it would have put my mind at ease. Having the gift of sight removed had added so much to the moment, it was probably why I was so turned on at that point.

I instinctively moved my body the moment I felt that foreign object against my skin, but it was the only way Emily could put it on me, she had to place my belt under my body before beginning the process of locking me away. It wasn't dignified in any way and Emily said no words to put me at ease, I had to bear it for a little longer before it was locked on, then I would have no choice but to deal with it.

This was definitely not the way I imagined tonight to go.

"Please?" My question was barely a whisper.

"Hmmm?" Emily finally paused, "What's that?"

I didn't mean to say it, I just blurted it out. I knew she was fully in control, I wouldn't be unlocked unless I was in serious danger, but as I relaxed my body and accepted my fate, how sensitive I was down below came flooding over me. It was as if I needed to be touched right now and nothing else mattered. I needed sexual stimulation in any shape or form.

"Please… can you touch me?" I pleaded, my hips were already trying to grind against the air.

"Touch you?"

"I need it, so bad."

I felt out of line. Why was I asking that? I knew she would only give me what she wanted me to give, I had no say in the matter. If I received any sexual stimulation, it was only because she wanted it.

"Do… Do you want me to touch you?" Her question was so quiet, as if we shouldn't be talking about this, like someone else was in the room who didn't want me to get any pleasure.

"Yes-Yes… I need it!"

"Okay, let me have a think about it."

It wasn't a no. I was starting to smile, at least I had a chance to get something before being locked away. I would have settled with anything, her fingers, her mouth, her body grinding against mine, a toy… heck, I would be happy to have one hand unlocked and do it myself. I just knew if I was locked now, my body would not stop, it would be screaming for attention until it finally got it. Maybe Emily wasn't as mean a dominant as I thought she was, maybe she…


"I've decided against it," she laughed.

The rest of the night did not go too well for me either. I watched Emily as she was in the arms of pleasure and all I could do was watch. No freedom came to me, my arms and legs remained in the cuffs and the chastity belt showed no signs of being unlocked. The blindfold was the only piece to be taken away, but that only added to my torture. Emily wanted me to watch as she took position over my head, placing her sex on my lips and commanded me to pleasure her using my tongue.

That was the hardest part.

All I could do was watch as she thrusted her hips on top of me. Taking my tongue as deep as she could. I felt her fingers run through my hair, tensing up lightly with each lick I gave her. Everything that was happening was teasing me, wishing that I had the freedom to hold her in my arms and use her body for my own pleasure. It was the soft moans that escaped her lips that were the worst, either that or watching the small beads of sweat trickle down her form… or… was it knowing she was purposefully slowing her movements down to keep the inevitable orgasm at bay.

All that I knew was that I was just an object for her to use.

"Oh… god," she whispered, biting her bottom lip as she slowed her movement once again.

I knew I wasn't going to get an orgasm tonight, but it was torture to watch her deny herself that pleasure. I just wanted it… needed it. I had to watch the moment that it all gets too much for her, when she goes beyond the edge without the ability to return, when her limbs and digits tighten as she prepares herself for what was to come.

I needed that.

She let out a long, quiet sigh once the urge to cum began to fade. Only to begin thrusting shortly afterwards.

It was going to be a long night.

"Oh shoot! Oh shoot! Oh shoot!" Emily's panicked voice awoke me from my dreamy state.

The room was bright, almost too bright. The moment I began coming to, all I could see was white. Emily and I planned to wake up early to make the most of the day and the sun was brighter than I had imagined it being at this hour.

"Oh shoot! Oh shoot!" I heard Emily yell at herself once again, her hurried footsteps running across the wooden floor.

I stirred, trying my hardest to pull myself up. It took me a few moments to realise my hands and feet were still shackled to the bedframe and that dastardly chastity belt remained locked around my waist.

"Em?" I muttered.

She just repeated herself once more, "Oh shoot!"

"Em! Em! What's the matter?"

As painful as it was, I forced my eyes open to the image of a naked Em looking through the bag we packed together. Within seconds she brought out a crumpled graduation gown as well as the hat, crumpled due to an evening of being shoved in a bag with a collection of bondage items.

"We're late! Sam, get up!"

I let out a loud sigh, falling back on the bed, "It's still early, we have hours."

"We've overslept!"

"A-are you sure? I thought we set an alarm?"

"I forgot! After last night, I fell asleep before putting it on!"

The handcuffs clinked loudly against the bed frame as I pulled them, trying to will my body to get up despite the restraints.

"Did we miss the ceremony?"


"Then it's no big deal."

"It's starting right now! Everyone will be lining up to get their diplomas! Sam, please get up!"

I groaned loudly, the weight of the morning began to bore its way into my mind, "Em, I'm kinda still locked."

Her eyes shot over towards me, the collection of anger and stress dissipated immediately as she noticed my situation, "Oh, sorry."

Her gaze quickly went back towards the bag as she began searching it for the key.

"Great way to start the day," I groaned, falling back into the bed once more.

As soon as she had received the key, she made her way over to me and swiftly unlocked the two restraints shackling me to the frame. It was the best feeling in the world knowing my wrists and ankles were free from the metal locks and I could finally leave the bed. My limbs ached as I pushed them to get into a standing position. Once I got to the same height as Em, I stood still and waited for her to unlock all of me as I still had the chastity belt locked around my waist. However, I was surprised to see her still going through the bag and bringing out the short dress she had picked out for me to wear.

It wasn't to my taste, but it was something that really caught Em's eye. It was a dark pink ruffled dress that cut off at the thighs. It was relatively low-cut but stopped just above the breasts. Sexy but respectable.

Despite the situation, it was a small shock to see her throw the dress towards me.

"Put it on, we don't have any time!" Em commanded, throwing her gown over her head.

I watched with wide eyes as her entirely naked body was covered by the large gown, it was a bit of a shock to see that she was going to go out in only that and literally nothing else underneath, no underwear, nothing to cover her bare form underneath.

"D-do you have the key to the belt?" I asked, placing the dress over my head in a similar manner.

She repeated herself once again, "We don't have the time."


"After the ceremony, I promise!"

Once again, she walked over to me and helped me get dressed. Just like Emily, it seemed like I was going to go naked underneath my outfit, mine being much shorter than hers. I began to wish we had picked out a longer dress the moment it was fully on my body, my first instinct was to pull it down further; but it did not budge despite all my efforts.

"C'mon, we are nearly there!" Emily yelled.

She was pulling my hand the entire way, from the apartment where she lived, to the part of the University where the graduation was being held. The entire time, our poor, bare feet sprinted across the many layers of carpet, concrete and whatever else they came into contact with. Emily was in such a rush, the moment I began trying to get my shoes on, she begged me to forget it and just leave them behind. Anything that cost us time was forgotten about.

So here we were, running around wearing hardly anything at all. Scared the entire time that she would be late for the ceremony, I was personally scared that a sudden wind would bring Emily's gown up and show the people nearby her bare butt… luckily, that never happened.

We were running for what felt like forever, with Emily holding my hand the entire time. Eventually, the tall walls of the university transformed into a vast, well kept field. On the field were rows and rows of chairs, put out specifically for this event, nearly each and every one of them had someone sat down on them and in front of the crowd was a large stage with an older gentleman giving a long, boring speech.

Emily quickly turned towards me and gave me a swift kiss, "Our parents should be somewhere here, I'll see you after the ceremony."

That was it. She finally let go of my hand and continued running towards a long line of other graduates, soon she was lost in a sea of faces that I did not recognise. I turned towards the large crowd, glancing over the faces to see if I could recognise my family. A wave from the crowd caught my attention, the large frame of my Father caught my eye and I began making my way over to them.

I smiled lightly, it was a relief that I didn't have to go down every row to find them. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my Dad and Jane, who luckily kept a seat open for me. It was nice to see them both dressed up well, my Dad was even wearing a three-piece suit and Jane was wearing an ankle-length lavender dress.

"Hey, Sam!" Jane's smile grew wider, "How is everything? How is Emily doing?"

"She's doing great, she was nervous this morning but she is doing alright now." I assumed that was what Emily was thinking, honestly, this morning had been so chaotic that I did not have the chance to ask her how she felt.

"I don't think you've met Emily's father, Mitch?"

I glanced over to Jane's side, the opposite where my dad was sitting. I felt my mouth widen at the sudden realisation that he was sitting there. He shot a smile in my direction as he stood up and offered a handshake. It occurred to me, there and then, that this was only the second time I had met him, the first time being in Tanya's shop, where I was locked in my pet outfit. He looked exactly as I remembered him, tall, skinny but well built. His face was easy on the eyes, with a determined stare and bright blonde hair that only just started to grey with age.

I took his hand, trying my hardest to greet him despite the awkwardness and numbness that I felt at that moment. Why was it such a shock? This was his only daughter's graduation day? Surely it would make sense that he was going to be here.

He shook my hand with a firm grip, said a quick 'Hello' and returned to his seat. It was only then that I noticed he was holding a large bouquet of flowers in his other hand. He was also wearing a suit, but it wasn't a shock to me as he was wearing a suit the first time I had met him.

"Take a seat," Dad whispered, making me fully aware that I was still standing in the middle of a crowd of sitting people.

I immediately sat down next to my dad, mentally acknowledging how awkward I was being. It made sense that he was here, but it was still so odd that he was here, sitting next to Jane and my dad as if they were all really good friends. It was a strange thought to think that Jane had been with that man before she met my dad, but then again, I would have assumed Emily would have thought the same if my mother was here to see her graduate.

Why was it so weird to see him here? I guess I just never thought about it that much. Emily really droned into me the idea that we were sisters and it always just felt like it was us four in this family, that is a possible explanation.

Maybe part of the awkwardness came from the idea that I could just walk up and talk to him. Not that I had the guts to actually do that. I had met him once before but I was in my pet play outfit, having a gagged mouth allowed me to converse with my body instead of my words; something that I was much more comfortable doing. In a way, I felt more exposed as a normal person than a pet.

That thought only stayed for a short moment as the realisation came to me that I was wearing nothing under my dress but the chastity belt.

"So, when you told us yesterday that you were coming here early, that was a lie?" My dad turned to me and whispered.

I shrunk slightly in my seat, "Yeah, I am sorry. We both got distracted."

"Ok. Got it."

Dad returned back to his normal position as quickly as possible. I didn't mean it, but I was sure my words stated more than I meant to give. Illuminating the idea that we spent the night having 'fun' instead of actually packing her things… which was much more true than I had originally thought.

The old man on the stage had finished his long speech and had directed his attention to the many students who were ready to graduate. The young people began walking on the stage one-by-one, collecting their awards after having their name called through the microphone. Each time their diplomas were placed in their hands, the audience gave a little clap.

"So… Mitch being here, kinda weird, right?" I turned back towards my dad, hoping to get his mind over what I just said moments before.

"Yeah, it is a little. But it's understandable."

"Did he say anything to you about coming here?"

"He called Jane last night and asked if it was okay. He seemed rather persistent."

"That's rather late notice."

My father turned towards me, "It was, but he's buying us all lunch after the ceremony to make up for it."

"Oh… that sounds… good."

I could not hide my distaste for that idea. Not only do I have to sit near and interact with him, I will also have to deal with him for a while longer afterwards. I shouldn't be too judging, maybe Emily would love to see Mitch and have a catch up. However, I could not deny how strange the situation would be.

"I hope you like vegan food," Dad added.


"He's taking us to a vegan restaurant," My dad's eyebrows raised as he said this, "We had a lot of time to talk before you got here."

"Oh… okay."

"We are going to meet his new partner there, apparently she was the one who turned him vegan."



I softly placed my elbow into my dad's side, "Well, I wonder why he never mentioned herbivore?"


"Herbivore? Like her before… but herbivore? Because she is a plant eater?"

He scoffed, "That's bad. Are you sure you aren't adopted?"

I quickly glanced at Mitch, it was clear that he was just out of reach of our conversation as long as we kept quiet about it. As I looked at him, I remembered the almost comically sized set of flowers that were still in his hand.

I chuckled lightly to myself, "I thought the bouquet of flowers was for Emily. I didn't realise it was a snack in case he got hungry."

This time he didn't scoff but took a bit longer to get back to me. He glanced over towards Emily's father before covering his mouth. I could hear a short, sharp exhale of breath come from him before his shoulders lightly began jumping upwards over and over, as if he was trying to hide his laughter.

I found myself laughing too, only my laughter was just at my dad's reaction to what I said. It took him a short while to regain his composure before he told me to be quiet, however he couldn't hide the laughter that was still in his voice.

"I'm sorry," I said before asking a genuine question, "What's Mitch's girlfriend's name?"

It was an honest question, I thought that as we were spending the afternoon with her, I should know a little more about the woman other than she was a vegan. However, this simple question got a response from my dad that I was not expecting. Once again his shoulders began jumping up and down, this time more frequently and his hand returned to his mouth.

I looked at him in awe, I didn't mean to say anything funny, yet he was acting as if I had said a third (and funnier) joke.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"Her name is…" It was all he could say before his laughing fit continued again, the entire time he was trying to be as quiet as possible to not get the attention of Jane or Mitch.

"What is it?" I repeated the question.

"Her name is Daisy."

I let out an accidental, forceful snort before covering my mouth to hide any and all sound. It was too much for either of us to take and we ended up silently laughing with each other. However, I could not completely hide the sound, causing a weakened groan to escape my lips despite all my effort not to do so. I'm not sure if it helped, but Dad seemed to react to the weird noise I was making and shoved me lightly before doing everything to hold it together.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jane turn around and look at us both, I wasn't looking at her directly but I could tell she wasn't happy with either of us.

"Emily is going to be up soon," she stated quietly in a tone that sounded like she was scolding a toddler, "I hope that doesn't interfere with whatever you two are doing?"

"Sorry," Dad managed to say between the laughs.

"I'm sorry," I added.

We continued giggling in silence for a few moments longer, the entire time my father and I threw light jabs into each other's side to try and get us to stop. The eventual decline of the joke slowly brought us both to reality. As we brought our attention back to the stage, the old man behind the podium looked down at a sheet of paper before calling out yet another name of the list.

This time, it was a name that I finally recognised, "Emily Lea Webster!"

Emily elegantly walked onto the stage, keeping her hands solid against her sides to decrease the chance of wind blowing the gown up and showing the entire crowd that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She tried her hardest to hide her embarrassment, which she did extremely well. I formed a grin that went ear to ear. Here it was, the one moment that Emily had been reaching for since we met. The entire summer we had together it was a frequent point of our conversations and now I was seeing her get her diploma. All of her hard work was for this one moment.

An echo of claps rose up from the cloud as she made her way across the stage and received her award from one of the many lecturers on the stage. The claps from the crowd were drowned out by my own. Without realising I had stood up and was clapping my hands as hard as I could. Emily turned around and stared directly into the crowd, directly at me. I knew that I probably looked ridiculous, that I was applauding loudly, that I was standing in a sea of people sitting, but it mattered so much to me that she was up there, getting exactly what she deserved.

My lone claps were soon joined by others, Dad, Jane and even Mitch had stood up and begun applauding Emily's success. She smiled. It was the same goofy smile that I had seen thousands of times before. When I first moved into the house and asked Emily about her past relationships, it was the same smile she had when she snorted out of embarrassment. When I was walking her on that public trail and we were almost caught by her neighbour, she had the same smile then. I had seen it so often in our short relationship, but it was a smile that I would die to see one more time. 


I yawned, stretching my hands out as much as I could, even that did not feel enough to push out the exhaustion from my body. Yesterday went on for much longer than we thought it would. Whilst the meal with the girlfriend started off with lunch, the conversation went on much longer than any of us anticipated. It seemed that she was very interested in meeting Emily and getting to know her personally. Throughout the entire time at the restaurant, this Daisy woman would constantly throw questions to my sister to learn more about her. I guess it was to be suspected, we only knew about Mitch's girlfriend for half a day, but she was probably very curious about her partner's daughter.

In the end, it didn't feel like we were celebrating Emily's graduation, that word hardly came up over the meal. It began to feel like a small interrogation for my sister, as if Daisy was trying to learn everything about the poor girl over a very small amount of time.

I understood that she was exhausted after the event. As soon as we stepped foot back into the safety of our home, we dragged each other to the bedroom where we immediately collapsed from exhaustion and tried to hide ourselves away from the outside world. Within a few minutes, Emily was fast asleep and there was no hope in waking her up. I, however, remained awake for a little over an hour afterwards, whilst the events of the night previously had faded from my body, it was difficult for my brain to shut off completely.

I was still locked within the belt, the talk of being released from it was never brought up. When Emily fell asleep, I gave up all hopes of having my freedom returned and tried to take my mind off it. However, that was harder than I had hoped, as I never received any orgasms from our time in her apartment and it was something that never ceased to be wanted. I needed pleasure and my body and my want was never going to forget how desperately I craved it.

It took a while before my brain could focus on nothing and I could finally rest.

Emily was in the same state this morning. Being rudely interrupted from my sleep by the alarm clock wasn't the nicest way to start the morning, being unable to wake my snoring sister was another blow to my day. As she didn't open her eyes, that meant I had to go through the entire day at work with that thing around my waist, a constant reminder of my need to cum.

It was going to be a warm day. As I parked the van behind the shop, I noticed the warehouse door was open and Becky's car was also parked up. It was strange as she wasn't supposed to be at work today. For a second, I did wonder if she came in to sneak into that petsuit again, maybe giving it one last go before she becomes a pet full time. I turned the engine off and got out of the car, trying to keep my waist as still as possible as the belt was unrelenting at reminding me of my circumstances.

I had a small smirk on my face as I entered the building, remembering that day that Becky was locked in the suit, whilst it wasn't that long ago; it did begin to feel like a fond memory to look back on. It wasn't her fault though, being curious is typical in this job, I was one who was curious one too many times. Even I found myself locked in the same suit that held Becky, and that was after seeing what it did to her.

"Hello? Becky?" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the empty room.

The warehouse was as dark and lifeless as it always was, a stark contrast to the busy side of the shop floor on the other end of the building. Only a small selection of stock was scattered around, waiting to be released from the boxes and to be put on show. However, that was nothing compared to the unusual looking boxes at the back of the room, hidden slightly from the accumulated darkness. They looked like moving boxes, ordinary cardboard ones that were wrapped in a collection of packing tape.

"Becky?" I asked again.

It was clear that she wasn't hiding in the backroom, so I swiftly made my way to the front of the store. The shine from the floor reflected the morning sun, forcing the shop to become brighter naturally, without the use of electrical lights, the sun also shone off a selection of latex outfits that were hung up for purchase.

That is where I found Becky, her eyes glancing over the pet play section, staring directly at the type of pet suits that she found herself accidentally locked in. It was the only item so far that Tanya decided to sell from that company.

"Becky?" I asked, slowly walking up to her.

She took a moment to take her gaze away from the wonderful collection of costumes, making it clear that she knew I was in the shop as I didn't startle her. I joined her at her side before she went back to the clothing on the hangers. The exact suit she was looking at was a bluer version of the one she got herself and I got ourselves stuck in. Seeing it on show, without a body inside it, it was clear it was much more see through then I had realised.

I broke the silence once more, "You looked good in that suit, I enjoyed having you behind the counter with me that one time."

She smiled lightly, remembering the memory as fondly as I did. However, the smile did not last.

"What's the matter?" I asked, turning towards her.

"Oh… nothing." She dismissed my question but trembled at the answer.


"It's… nothing, honestly."

"Beck, something is wrong. I can tell."

"It's just…"

"I can help you, just please let me know."

The room went silent once more, her line of sight finally shifted from the suits and went directly to the floor. I could tell something was wrong but I didn't want to ask her again, I wanted her to come to me regarding her issue. It was odd seeing her so emotionally troubled by something, she was usually so stoic. Then it happened, it was the last thing I expected her to do. Her shoulders began shaking up and down so swiftly before she covered her mouth. A short, subtle whine left her mouth as tears formed in her eyes.

"I… I don't want to do it," she whispered, the room was so silent that I could hear what she was saying so easily.

I knew exactly what she meant by it though. The topic was never stated in our short conversation, but I knew she was talking about being a pet slave for Louise, the camgirl.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her without bringing her in for a full hug, "I thought you were looking forward to it? You seemed so excited."

"I was," she sniffled, "But I can't go through with it, it's too much!"

"What's too much? Talk to me."

"Just everything. The idea of being a pet for the rest of my life, giving my whole life up just to be a slave? I don't even know her that well and I am just going to give everything up for her?!"

Admittedly, parts of what she said sounded rather ideal. The idea of being a pet for the rest of my life was something that genuinely sounded nice, but fantasy and reality were two completely different things. The actual act of getting rid of all her belongings, moving out and quitting her job was easily too much for her to handle.

To my surprise, she placed both arms around me and hugged me in the tightest embrace I had ever felt in my life. I cared for Becky, I would even go as far to say that I loved her as a friend, but this is the first time we had actually properly cuddled each other, Becky just wasn't that type of person, she always struggled with physical touch. This meant so much more than I realised. She was scared, she was giving up her entire life for someone she had just met and she was terrified she was going to lose it all, just for a fetish.

She reminded me so much of Emily when she first found my bondage box, it was that initial curiosity that just grew and grew. She was so open-minded to everything and craved it the more we delved into the world of BDSM. The idea of being pets full time was something that constantly played on her mind and it seemed as if nothing could satisfy her thirst for domination and submission. Fortunately, Emily had me to look after her, I was eager to try anything she wanted to, but I was there to pull the reins if it ever got too much. Even when Louise first introduced the idea of being a full-time pet, I was there to help my sister see where her life should lead her, not having the fantasy take over her mind.

Sadly, Becky did not have a person to bring her to reality. No one to be as sexually adventurous as she wanted to be. I had Emily and Tanya was never into women. When Emily and I turned down Louise's offer, Becky jumped in for the chance to be her pet, a role that I didn't want to say no to as I felt bad for the young woman, so many times she wanted to try being a pet… just once, when my sister and I spend many hours outside of work with Tanya in our pet suits.

She even jumped at the chance to wear Emily's outfit to that bondage convention, a role that Emily had filled herself. I felt too bad to ask her to think of this fantasy more clearly, and now I felt even worse for not doing so. Now the wonderful woman was having a mental breakdown in my arms, torn between her choice to continue along her path or run the other way.

"Are you sure you don't want to go through with it?" I asked quietly in her ear.

"I'm sure… I really am."

I placed my arms around her, hugging her back, "Leave it to me," I said in her ear.

She whimpered lightly as I felt her hold on me become a little more tighter, "Thank you."

We hugged for a little longer, I was happy to stand there for as long as she needed. I was more than happy to help her out. Emily and I have had our fair share of scrapes before too and we always had each other to get ourselves through it. I wanted to be there for Becky, to let her know that she is not alone in any choice she made.

Talking to Louise would be the hardest thing to do, I was unsure on how she would react with Becky pulling out of the arrangement. I prayed to myself that she would take it well, Louise was a person who scared me in a number of ways and I really did not want to get on the bad side of her. I was hoping that Tanya would help in some way, she was a tough woman and saw us all as her own pets. Even so, I hoped to avoid any confrontations with the cam girl.

Getting Tanya to re-hire Becky would be the easiest part, for both parties. It would mean the shopkeeper didn't have to look for anyone to hire to take over her job, as well as all the training it would take to get them to her level. For Becky, it would mean some income coming in for all of her necessary requirements and perhaps repurchasing some of the items she had already sold.

It was too late to pull out of moving, but I was sure between us all, we could help find her somewhere to stay, even if it was temporary. Heck, Emily's bed hasn't been slept in for months, maybe even nearly a year. If it comes to that, we can make room for her at the house.

"It will be okay, everything will be fine," I whispered again, this time much more confident on how we would handle this situation.

"Samantha?" She asked, finally pulling away from me.


"Are… are you wearing a chastity belt?"


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