Machine fiction are stories and fantasies about machines, robots and/or sex with or sexual attraction to robots and robot-like beings or being controlled/used by robots and machines. This can range from metallic, non-humanoid machines to humanoid androids to computer programs, machines, nanobots or automated systems.
The stories here are where the character loses control and is taken over by the machine, once involved they have no say in how they are used, manipulated or handled until the machine or robot finishes with them. They could be transformed, bound, cocooned or even milked similar to a cow.
The transformations range from becoming a sexbot, cyborg or pleasure drone, whilst other stories write about being taken over by the machines and prepared, processed and packaged. Some are where people are treated like livestock, they can be processed, milked and kept as an animal by the machines controlling them.
Robot fetishism (also ASFR or technosexuality) is a fetishistic attraction to humanoid robots; also to people acting like robots or people dressed in robot costumes. There is also a fantasy that involves transformation into a robot. In these ways it is similar to the attraction to be transformation into statues or mannequins. All of the stories here can be viewed as a form of erotic objectification.
Warning! - The images and story related texts are presented here on this website as a fantasy only and should in no way be replicated by anyone. Any attempt to reproduce any of the scenes presented here either in text or picture form could result in serious injury or death. Under NO circumstances should you attempt to copy or emulate the fantasy scenes shown on this website.
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- My Personal Trainer 6: The Programming Update 2Jackie Rabbit
Machine/f; F/f; FF; fpov; naked; maid; machine; mind-control; mast; oral; cons; X
235 Stories

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- ASFR Collections
Various contributors’ lists of their favourite ASFR and related stories.
- All Under Control
EHY’s site featuring his android and statue stories. As the title suggests, the key theme is control fantasies, not all of them sexual.
- Dollstories
Stories of transformations into Dolls, Lovedolls, Realdolls, Rubberdolls, androids; maid-bots, being transformed or wanting to become a doll/android. Sister site to here.
- Maid-bot Stories is a story based website about the desire to be transformed into a maid-bot; sex-bot or an android, either by some form transformation or via a mind-control device; or to transform someone else into one to control.
- Legacy of Timeless Beauty
Large archive of stories of mannequins, robots, statues and dolls.
- The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
Stories section of mind control archive where people are transformed into robots
- Technosexuality FAQ
Informative FAQ about ASFR Everything you always wanted to know about robot fetishism and agalmatophilia but were afraid to ask.
- Fembot Central Forum
Discussion, stories, images and articles about Fembots.
- Fucking Machines
take kinky sex to a new level with our women fucked in many ways by sex toys and machines at speeds up to 350 RPM, leading to genuine orgasms
- ButtMachineBoys
The boys get to take a turn with the machines... Powerful fucking machines pound hot gay men hard and deep.
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