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235 Stories Found
- My Personal Trainer 6: The Programming Update 2Jackie Rabbit
Machine/f; F/f; FF; fpov; naked; maid; machine; mind-control; mast; oral; cons; X
22.12.24 - 5: The Programming Update
Machine/f; F/f; MF; fpov; machine; training; maid; bond; straps; chair; shave; mind-control; maidbot; oral; leash; whip; mast; voy; sex; spank; nc; XX
04.01.24 - 4
Machine/f; F+/f; machine; hum; training; whip; squirt; torture; climax; naked; slave; cons; XX
19.11.22 - 3
Machine/f; F+/f; hum; petplay; training; machine; voy; naked; outdoors; electro; bond; susp; whip; cuffs; mast; cons; reluct; XX
28.05.22 - 2
Machine/f; fpov; naked; hum; outdoors; D/s; mind-control; machine; program; petgirl; reluct; X
04.01.22 - 1
Solo-F; Machine/f; robots; delivery; modify; program; strip; naked; punish; hum; enslave; domme; cons; X
19.09.15 - Computer Controlled AsylumSteff
Machine/f; Sbf; fpov; machine; scifi; hood; latex; gag; strip; straitjacket; enema; toys; buttplug; tease; collar; climax; intubate; armbinder; susp; wrap; heatshrink; force-feed; cons; XX
02.02.24 - AI-VROutcast
M+/m; Machine/m; mpov; bond; machine; fantasy; vr; anal; oral; rape; group; voy; cons; reluct; nc; XXX
14.01.24 - With Utmost CareOutcast
Machine/m; bond; encase; medical; cuffs; buttplug; catheter; tease; denial; climax; nc; XX
17.09.23 - Dominant FembotSteff
Robot/f; M/f; fembot; tease; denial; public; convention; bite; rubberband; hood; latex; collar; toys; mum; gag; blindfold; climax; enema; oral; anal; sex; crop; leash; cage; corset; armbinder; remote; electro; cons; XX
10.10.22 - Botsuit TransformationMikel
F/m; M/f; bond; machine; suit; enclosed; trick; M2f; M2fembot; transform; mind-control; scifi; conditioning; cuffs; cons; reluct; XXX
06.04.22 - FunboxMikebanash
M/f; mpov; machine; tease; mast; bond; straps; bar; public; force; cons; X
27.12.21 - TurnedCowgirl Corral
Solo-F; M/f; fpov; machine; lactate; accident; bodymod; drug; transform; hucow; milking; force; training; nc; XX
10.04.21 - Kate's Automated Bondage PerilSensual Robert
Machine/f; anal; oral; vag; bond; denial; mind-control; machine; pain; program; spank; nc; XX
23.03.21 - CattleCorp 3: Reap What You SowKnottyNarrator
Machine/f; F/f; M/f; machine; bond; collar; leash; hum; pet; drug; gag; muzzle; buttplug; sex; whip; sold; cons; nc; XXX
07.03.21 - 2: Sowing Seeds
Machine/f; F/f; MF/f+; machine; collar; bond; cage; leash; hum; pet; gag; muzzle; buttplug; oral; sex; trick; nc; reluct; XX
05.02.21 - My Robot-led RelationshipSpencer
F/m; maid-bot; bond; chastity; gag; cuffs; chain; reluct; X
14.02.21 - CattleCorp: Breeding BitchKnottyNarrator
Machine/f; F/f; machine; collar; bond; cage; leash; hum; pet; gag; muzzle; oral; accident; nc; reluct; XX
03.01.21 - Double TroubleThe Technician
Machine/f; mpov; anal; bond; insert; cage; enclosed; club; party; stage; cane; spank; breast; twins; cons; XX
30.11.20 - The Bootmaker's Steam Machines 5Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
M/f; FM/f; machine; steampunk; historical; bond; gag; kidnap; blindfold; naked; stocks; whip; punish; nc; reluct; XX
14.10.20 - 4
M/f; bond; machine; steampunk; historical; supernatural; ghosts; tease; corset; cuffs; boots; leather; collar; fucking-machine; insert; basement; voyeur; cons; X
08.08.20 - 3
M/f; bond; machine; steampunk; historical; rope; corset; cuffs; boots; leather; collar; fucking-machine; insert; force; basement; voyeur; cons; X
24.06.20 - 2
M/f; machine; cuffs; collar; steampunk; boots; gloves; latex; bond; rom; basement; cons; X
24.05.20 - 1
M/f; machine; cuffs; steampunk; boots; bond; rom; basement; cons; X
20.04.20 - The Last Free Man on EarthVarlance
Other/m; machine; bond; scifi; tease; gag; anal; collar; toys; sound; nc; XX
02.04.20 - ShimmerLFW
Other/f; machine; scifi; insert; nc; X
02.02.20 - Careful What you Sign up for 3Leexxx
F+/m; machine; hypno; reprogram; conditioning; naked; shower; shave; makeup; lingerie; fem; cd; sissy; tricked; cons; X
02.11.19 - FutureCom's New BaristaLFW
Machine/f; office; contract; service; ai; bodymod; controlled; mind-control; enslave; bond; cuffs; prepare; transform; insert; bladders; breast; lactate; milk; costume; objectify; drink; dispenser; tease; torment; orgasm; shock; cons/reluct; X
20.07.19 - A Platonic Relationship 6: Pain SlutThe Technician
Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; scifi; ai; mind-control; altered reality; fantasy; F+/f; D/s; kidnap; captive; naked; bond; X-frame; electro; shock; torment; M+/f; rescue; plan; prepare; escape; cons/nc; XX
14.06.19 - 5: Bucket Lists
Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; scifi; ai; mind-control; altered reality; naked; fantasy; F/f; lesbian; sex; M+/f; threesome; vag; anal; climax; toys; insert; cons; X
- 4: Espionage
Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; espionage; ai; mind-control; altered reality; naked; punish; prison; F+/f; lesbian; oral; M+/f; oral; sex; anal; climax; reveal; MF/f; discovery; cons/nc; X
19.03.19 - 3: Role Reversal
MF; Machine/fm; laboratory; ai; voy; mind-control; naked; unicorn; fantasy; switch; role-reversal; tease; punish; spank; sex; climax; reveal; cons; X
02.03.19 - 2: The Relationship Deepens
Solo-F; laboratory; mast; Machine/f; voy; naked; interface; tease; ai; MF; vr; implants; sex; climax; reveal; punish; spank; cons; X
02.03.19 - 1
Solo-F; laboratory; monitor; porn; mast; voy; Machine/f; naked; interface; bond; massage; tease; ai; fantasy; climax; cons; X
15.01.19 - Warm StorageLFW
Machine/f; facility; dystopian; bond; cuffs; implants; restraints; control; bodymod; inseminate; impregnate; birth; alien; lactate; collection; climax; dildo; insert; oral; force; gag; intubate; storage; nc; X
21.05.19 - Not Maid For CleaningDownTheHobbittHole
M/f; maid; punish; cuffs; bond; vehicle; carwash; machine; M+/f; hum; strip; process; wash; scrub; rinse; polish; clean; cons/nc; X
01.05.19 - Hospital EscalationLeexxx
Solo-F; lingerie; MF; job; offer; hospital; outfits; emb; reveal; tour; robots; cupboard; discovery; gag; caught; mistake; Robot/f; drug; restraints; armbinder; tattoo; collar; lube; arousal; dildo; plug; insert; diapers; climax; cons/nc; X
01.05.19 - The New Lindsey DavidsonLatexSuperGirl
Solo-F; factory; machine; naked; conveyor; process; glue; frame; automated; encase; objectify; packaged; delivery; F/f; ride; tease; climax; nc/cons; X
02.03.19 - The Robot Washing FactoryDownTheHobbittHole
Solo-M; factory; intruder; slip; caught; machine; capture; process; strip; wash; polish; buff; climax; conveyor; packaged; box; shipped; cons/nc; X
09.01.19 - The PodLFW
Solo-F; facility; naked; Machine/f; pod; device; automated; control; bond; stirrups; intubate; catheter; drug; bodymod; impregnate; breast; enlarge; milk; process; birth; stuck; cons; X
09.01.19 - Maintenance At The Laundry FactoryDownTheHobbittHole
Solo-M; factory; walkway; slip; conveyor; machine; strip; tub; wash; process; rinse; scrub; denial; packaged; bagged; box; encased; stuck; nc; X
09.01.19 - Careful What you Sign up for 2Leexxx
F+/m; machine; hypno; reprogram; conditioning; naked; shower; shave; makeup; lingerie; fem; cd; sissy; tricked; cons; X
16.12.18 - 1
F/m; machine; project; naked; restraints; bond; tricked; sendep; video; conditioning; hypno; reprogram; sissy; toys; insert; prostate; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
13.07.18 - The RobotMikel
Sbf; latex; catsuit; toys; insert; hood; boots; sendep; cuffs; gag; collar; hogtie; nipple; machine; Robot/f; bond; tease; torment; bdsm; whip; armbinder; corset; legbinder; voy; M+/f; control; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
12.11.18 - Space ForceCoated
F+; sorority; halloween; fundraising; F/f+; strip; naked; machine; latex; suit; helmet; encase; chairtie; straps; mindwipe; conditioning; mind-control; conversion; enslave; drones; cons/reluct; X
28.10.18 - Yoko's Experience 5: A Prisonic FairytaleTsukuyomi Shirabe
FF; prison; Machine/f; latex; boots; chair; restraints; straps; clamps; gag; inflate; stuck; punish; arousal; force; vibrate; tease; torment; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
13.07.18 - 4: The Space Trip
FF; spaceship; flight; latex; suit; boots; gloves; chair; Machine/f+; restraints; helmet; harness; inflate; stuck; vibrate; arousal; tease; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
24.02.18 - 3: The Escape Pod
Machine/f+; escape-pods; rubber; padding; chair; encase; restraints; facemask; plug; refusal; punish; inflate; stretch; drill; stuck; frustration; denial; cons/reluct; X
24.02.18 - 2: The Extended Program
Solo-F; parlour; Machine/f; rubber; boots; swimwear; treadmill; casket; restraints; gag; inflate; encase; stuck; massage; vibrate; arousal; stretch; denial; tease; torment; tickle; climax; cons; X
14.12.17 - 1: The Massage Center
Solo-F; parlour; Machine/f; rubber; boots; restraints; strip; swimwear; goggles; gag; inflate; stuck; massage; vibrate; arousal; tease; torment; tickle; climax; cons/reluct; X
14.12.17 - Cruel MachineBaobab
Machine/m; robot; capture; force; restraints; bond; torment; analhook; probed; insert; virus; kidnap; enslave; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
13.07.18 - Robotic Discipline MachineRon McIngle
Solo-F; Machine/f; college; grade; strip; discipline; interrogate; electrodes; profiles; spank; paddle; discovery; modify; files; mistake; cuffs; bond; breast; mast; denial; reward; vibe; climax; cons; X
27.04.18 - One SlipLeexxx
Solo-F; Machine/f; factory; prototype; system; process; scan; collar; force; gag; feed; strip; tattoo; piercing; head-harness; cuffs; inject; hormones; enema; probes; dildo; frame; encase; stuck; lactate; milking; M/f; oral; sex; anal; nc/reluct; X
27.04.18 - Reema's Meditation Chamber: Muzzle System Mk IITsukuyomi Shirabe
Solo-F; scifi; Machine/f; chamber; chair; clamps; collar; gag; restraints; sendep; immobilise; denial; cons; X
16.04.18 - Fine Piece of MeatSparkyMira
FF; factory; naked; explore; prank; fall; slip; machine; automated; conveyor; process; spray; marinate; grade; brand; wrap; saranwrap; encase; storage; stuck; M/f; discovery; shipped; cons/nc; X
16.04.18 - MARD-5000Ron McIngle
Solo-F; Machine/f; submission; control; bond; stimulate; mast; climax; bdsm; punish; spank; electro; chastity; force; exercise; conditioning; stuck; X
23.02.18 - Programming ErrorMikel
Solo-F; Machine/f; program; metal; restraints; collar; chastity; corset; gag; cuffs; toys; controlled; punished; discovery; M/f; change; process; suit; encase; stuck; sextoy; transport; used; electro; torment; objectify; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
02.12.17 - Donor XThe Technician
Solo-M; clinic; future; scifi; sperm; mast; deposit; discovery; F/m; android; machine; clean; sterile; enema; force; probes; insert; shock; oral; sex; anal; climax; enslave; femdom; captive; cons/nc; X
02.12.17 - A New Breeditsasecret
Solo-M; MF; MF/m; farm; cheat; caught; video; revenge; drug; captive; bond; gag; machine; process; shave; brand; hucow; carwash; scrub; chemical; hotwax; cockring; permanent; milking; cons/reluct; X
18.10.17 - When Correctly Viewed, Everything is LewdThe Technician
Solo-M; robotics; machine; caught; F/m; toys; insert; stuck; torment; edgeplay; denial; electro; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
17.08.17 - Terra ByteThe Technician
Solo-F; FF; Machine/f; scifi; ai; interface; hologram; contest; sentient; secret; rom; house; chip; implants; vr; lover; kiss; sex; cons; X
18.07.17 - I’ve Got The Trains To Keep Me CompanyThe Technician
Solo-F; inheritance; farm; outbuilding; discovery; machine; glass-tubes; electrodes; steampunk; train; vibe; insert; mast; climax; cons; X
18.07.17 - Tonya's EntanglementElectroPainLover
Sbf; Machine/f; machine; ai; basement; cuffs; chain; straps; spreadeagle; chastity; anal; vag; susp; electro; sex; force; torment; torture; denial; orgasm; cons/nc; XX
17.07.17 - Trip To The Chocolate FactoryDownTheHobbittHole
Solo-unisex; machines/unisex; factory; tour; strip; naked; wash; scrub; wet; messy; soap; foam; encase; chocolate; mold; process; packaged; display; hum; nc; X
04.05.17 - I Hate My JobThe Technician
Solo-F; Machine/f; scifi; space; asteroid; frustration; naked; exhib; bored; chair; engulf; electro; stimulate; tease; torment; shock; denial; climax; cons; X
04.05.17 - Cub Reporter Becomes a Human Cowhomeboundboy
Solo-F; M+/f; machine; bond; cuffs; cups; milking; stuck; breast; enlarge; hormones; lactate; insert; stimulate; hucow; objectify; cons/nc; X
27.04.17 - Synthia 2ElectroPainLover
F/m; bdsm; cbt; surgery; magnets; cuffs; discipline; gynoid; kidnap; nipple; scifi; tease; dungeon; torment; spank; slave; permanent; climax; reluct/nc; XX
09.02.17 - 1
Solo-M; chastity; cbt; buttplug; leather; club; F/m; handcuffs; clamps; cuffs; discipline; electro; gynoid; kidnap; nipple; scifi; torment; tricked; reluct; cons/nc; X
15.11.16 - The LaundromatDownTheHobbittHole
Solo-F; laundromat; accident; Machine/f; process; strip; wash; scrub; foam; insert; denial; dryer; packaged; bagged; conveyor; cons/nc; X
09.02.17 - Aoi Gets Cleaned UpSuperdude103194
Solo-F; Machine/f; robots; clean; messy; lazy; caught; tape; bond; wrap; gag; packaged; boxed; trash; sealed; dumped; stuck; cons/nc; X
09.02.17 - Sandra's OrdealLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; Machine/f; scifi; spaceship; accident; life-support; drug; wrap; cocoon; encase; stuck; gag; tighten; rescue; freeze; cons/reluct; X
05.02.17 - Moving AprilHotangelsxxx
Solo-F; bikini; poolchair; mast; Machine+/f; fold; wrap; encase; foam; gag; blindfold; tickle; transport; truck; store; stuck; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.02.17 - The Abandoned Warehouseblarg
Solo-F; espionage; factory; walkway; fall; Machine/f; bond; cuffs; susp; process; wash; diapers; inf; crib; enclosed; hum; stuck; cons/nc; X
05.02.17 - Automart64Fordman
MM/f; Machine/f; cuffs; hogtie; messy; bagged; trash; dumpster; compacted; dumped; truck; landfill; rescue; nc; X
29.01.17 - A Weekend as a Sex SlaveHappyCamper
Solo-F; ai; robots/f; machine; latex; collar; captive; playroom; bond; X-frame; nipple; stocks; tease; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
15.11.16 - Lady Sally Blackrook: En Pointe!Gincrack
M+/f; fight; capture; force; strip; bond; straps; frame; machine; phallus; insert; torment; punish; pain; stakes; ball; weights; cons/nc; XX
02.09.16 - Lady Sally Blackrook: Tormenting Technology!
M+/f; bond; machine; strip; frame; straps; mittens; insert; fucking-machine; electro; torture; oral; nc; XX
18.03.22 - Lady Sally Blackrook
M+/f; fight; capture; strip; bond; straps; frame; machine; phallus; insert; electro; shock; torment; force; climax; oral; cons/nc; X
24.07.16 - The ContraptionBaobab
M/m; machine; strip; shave; dye; encase; netting; cocoon; insert; nozzle; sauce; milking; cbt; video; bag; chute; dumpster; M+/m; viagra; anal; stuck; climax; cons/nc; XX
02.09.16 - Take it Like a Sheep! 3: Do Machines Dream of Sheep?Riptieron
Solo-F; naked; Machine/f; process; automatic; program; capture; clamps; locks; trolley; phallus; insert; gag; enema; inseminate; feed; breast; milk; torment; cycle; cum; climax; wash; packed; boxed; storage; cons/nc; XX
03.07.16 - 2: Julia on a Stick
Solo-F; naked; Machine/f; process; automatic; program; capture; clamps; locks; phallus; insert; gag; enema; inseminate; torment; cycle; cum; climax; cons; X
16.06.16 - 1
Solo-F; farm; process; machine; automatic; capture; cuffs; sling; shave; insert; inseminate; climax; cons/reluct; X
11.10.15 - A Most Fitting EndingLobo De la Sombra
MF; M+/mf; mansion; robbery; force; strip; bond; gag; machine; scan; robots; program; trashbags; encase; disposal; dumpster; cons/nc; X
18.05.16 - Don't Piss-Off the EngineersJkwashboy
Solo-M; shower; program; machine; wash; scrub; process; chemical; heat; stuck; nc; X
02.05.16 - Polished, Processed & WrappedMélodie
Solo-M; factory; machine; conveyor; caught; process; wash; polish; wrapped; encase; boxed; crate; storage; climax; cons/nc; X
28.09.15 - Laundry Prank goes Wrong by Launderingwoman
Solo-M; F/m; prank; washing-machine; inside; hide; stuck; cycle; wash; rinse; mast; caught; bond; susp; washingline; outdoors; cons/reluct; X
28.09.15 - The BequestRupes
MF+; Sbf; Solo-M; F/m; chair; straps; discovery; dungeon; program; gibbet; encase; naked; tease; collar; enslave; machine; cons; X
19.09.15 - Birthday GiftAnon
M/f; Machine/f; D/s; strip; naked; bond; cuffs; susp; probes; insert; breast; tease; torment; climax; sex; anal; cons; X
14.07.15 - The KegMélodie
Solo-F; MM/f; factory; machine; process; keg; stuck; polish; strip; climax; encase; packaged; boxed; store; trapped; cons/nc; X
26.05.15 - Bottling ProblemsMélodie
Solo-F; MM/f; Machine/f; factory; product; bottle; caps; capture; bond; wrap; gag; process; insert; filled; palletised; store; warehouse; cons/nc; X
10.05.15 - The Curtain FactoryMélodie
Solo-F; factory; inspection; fall; machine; sewed; fabric; process; fold; bagged; boxed; packaged; shipped; stuck; cons/nc; X
17.04.15 - WashedMélodie
Solo-F; M+/f; hotel; robots; laundry; chute; basket; automatic; conveyor; machine; wash; cycle; dryer; stuck; sheets; folder; encase; store; reluct/nc; X
13.03.15 - Kierra in VRRob
Solo-F; vr; machine; suit; toys; insert; program; dungeon; M/f; D/s; bdsm; stocks; cage; whip; brand; force; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
27.01.15 - My Butler James 9b: Gloria's Last SceneJackie Rabbit
Machine+/f; MF/f; D/s; maid; rescue; video; voy; robots; capture; strip; naked; probes; exam; susp; insert; force; electro; torture; disposal; cons/nc; XXX
29.12.14 - My Butler James 9a: The Pay Per View HeiressJackie Rabbit
Machine+/f; Sbf; M/f; D/s; robots; naked; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; hogtie; hum; force; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
29.12.14 - My Butler James 8: Jessica's Worst EnemyJackie Rabbit
Machine+/f; FM+/f; F/m; M+/f; D/s; robots; naked; heels; tease; bond; straps; shock; conditioning; mind-control; force; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
16.12.14 - 7: Jessica's Play Toy
Machine+/f; FM+/f; F/m; D/s; bond; straps; uniform; maid; lapdance; striptease; susp; electro; shock; force; climax; cons/reluct; X
22.08.14 - TrashedLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; Machine/f; M/f; spandex; clothing; boots; laboratory; machine; process; straps; gag; tease; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
01.09.14 - ClockworkLobo De la Sombra
FM/fm; drug; captive; bond; naked; straps; machine; electro; tease; torment; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
01.09.14 - TactileMikel
Solo-F; Machine/f; robots; program; wrap; tape; cocoon; packaged; boxed; gag; breast; electro; steel-wire; dress; toys; insert; climax; denial; cons; X