Stories by Author S
⇚ R | Authors S | Featured Authors | T ⇛
- S BrightSelf Mummification Gone Wrong
- S FarrThe Back-Page Ad Xena’s Boutique 2
- S M Ackermansee stories below
- Sabinasee stories below
- SableswordAfter Dinner Tickle Hostage Corp Melody's Captivity The Tickle Barrel Triple Tickle Viper Madness Jackie and the Tickle Machines Tanya's Mistake
- Sabrina RavenMaddy’s New Lifestyle Rubber Skin Glue Maddy’s New Lifestyle
- SadistiqDesert Escapade 2 Hide & Seek A Turn on Knob
- Sahara McEyreSahara’s Chair
- Saint of FoolsThe Accident that Changed my Life
- SalokinIndulging Him
- Samantha_nwSissy Puppy
- Sammy 4187Is today Wednesday? The Listing Memories of a Small Town A Walk in the Rain The Key Club Nothing Can Go Wrong The Room Under the Stairs Susan’s Game Nothing Can Go Wrong
- Sandra Steeple-LangfordThe Beginning of My New Life Girls on Top Lesbos Connection The Love of a Woman The making of a Femboi My Awakening My New Boobs My New Husband The Quickie
- SandyThe Punishment Game
- Sara BladeSara Discovered Sara’s Terrifying Adventure Sara Kidnapped Sara, the Reluctant Rubberdoll Sara the Reluctant Rubberdoll
- SaturnWillow finds the Key
- ScarecrowThe Headbox Decompression 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grounded Invitation 2: Second Invitation
- ScarlettMaidBotSecret Desires
- Schattenrose Miriamsee stories below
- schmidtchenDas nächste Stadium 2 3 4
- ScoopdoopWife's Garbage
- ScottHere is what i did the other week Three Days as Missy
- Scott AkinsThe Mall Adventure 2 3
- Scott HarperFuck-bot Fuck-bot
- Scribe of DominaMoment of Truth Temple of Domina: Olyria Our Little Puppy Do You Mind
- ScubadudeRubber Breathing Therapy 2 Vacuum Balloon
- Scudder28The Cell
- SeahawkMy Wife Won’t Do It Art College Leather Jeans Racked
- sealed up goodDumpster Play
- SealsmoothUnder the Spell
- Sean DunneUnexpected Mind Blower Unexpected Mind Blower The Visit
- Sean InghamFrom the Fire into the Rubberpan
- Sean Malonesee stories below
- Secretive1Click 2: Who’s Counting 3: Turning the Tables Click 2: Who's Counting? 3: Turning the Tables Click
- SeidenkiIced and Locked The Bounty Hunter 1: Sometimes The Sex Shouldn't Be So Magical 2: Leather and Steel The Sculpture Of Bondage Super Custom Locks
- SekkerToo Good to Be True Too Good to Be True
- SeleneThe Box
- Self Bound CoupleDual Self Bondage
- Selfbound LatexsubFun Weekend My Predicament 4
- SelfBoundORDouble Jeopardy In a Pinch 2 The Mistress 2 Precious Cargo 1 2 The Villain
- selfbound_2000Balltied Belinda Chained on the Chair The Outage Samantha in the Shed Strapado
- SelfhelpAt His Mercy Bed Bondage Caged Self Bondage In the Closet
- SelftiedgrrlRoommate Fun Summer Fun A Typical Friday Night
- SenecaFantasies
- SengkangA Singapore Sub 1: Webcam Pleasure 2: MRT Adventure
- Sensual EroticThe Fetish Ball The Party Ultimate Selfbondage Tease Jennifer's Birthday A Walk in the Park : Prequel The Fetish Ball
- Sensual RobertBoy-toy to Older Women 2 Perilous Walk in Heels Self-bondage on Display Time for Self-Bondage Mind-control Punishment Mummification Peril Wrapped in Silk 2 The Bridal Vow and Collar Captured Couple The Cuckold Dream/Nightmare Damsels in Peril Delilah: A Harem Sex Story The Elegant Bondage Party The Erotic Adventures of Batdude Ex-Girlfriend's Revenge Fantasy Bondage Sex Fucking the Stallion The Island of Kink 2 Jessica Monique Lace: Kong's Dong Love Bondage My Wife Locked Up My Cock NO! She's my... The Sacrifice The Secret Bondage Club 2 The Barbie Doll Experience : Beth and Karl's Ordeal The Doll Spell Carnivorous Planet Food of the Aliens The Giant Spider Nest The Giant Worm and the Mummified Damsels Out Of This World Dessert Kate's Automated Bondage Peril The Female Transformation Spell Milking the Male Bound and Gagged Gurl Boy-toy to Older Women 3 Bride Sold Call-girl is a Tranny Coming Out of the Closet Cross-dresser Tease The Forced French Maid Doll The Perfect French Maid Punished Crossdresser Satin Dreams Silk: A Game of Peril Sissy Maid and her Master 2 3 4 5: The Final Story : Prequel The Sissymaid Games The Sissy Resort A Slave Trader's Ordeal Sold to the Beast The Tranny Law Tranny Wedding 2: The Anniversary Party Tulip The Forgotten Ponygirl The Kennel Petgirl's Peril Planet of Women Erotic Ghost Encounter The Witch's Shemale Curse The Collar Experiment
- ServalPaul & Susan's Intitiation 2 The Competition 3 Meet Robert Squeeze Squeeze
- Servant JoannaReluctant Cam Girl Setting my Own Trap 2 3
- Server4TwoA New Beginning
- ServitudeA Joint Effort My First Flogging The Fuckbox
- SeteyanSlave Trade
- sexykarenKaren & Natalie Captured
- SeychelleLiving Doll
- sfmaster@att.netsee stories below
- SFTBlind Date The Doll in the Apartment The Doll in the Corner The Doll in the Park The Doll in the Room The Figurine A Gift for Him The Girl inside the Doll Guessing Game My Perfect Little Doll Some Assembly Required Vacuum Packed Dolly
- ShadedsunChange of Lifestyle Dream Weaver 1: A Week in Plastic 2: Origins and Dreams 3: Origins and Dreams - The Third Dream Interview With a Doll Perfect Subject Product Experience
- ShandraCoxx and NatalieCursed Hubby Doll
- ShannaShanna’s First Time
- SharonFirst Time Selfbondage with a Big Surprise Gift with a Twist Overnight Delivery
- Shawna SummersAlmost Damsel in Almost Distress 1 2 3 4 5 Bookstore Bound Fetish Factory Catfished by Mistress Zee Dolled Up To Rock and Roll Dressed for a Trick, or a Treat 2 3 Femboy Hooters A New Spin on Role Playing Games A New Spin on Role-Playing Games 1 2 3 Working for Halloween 2 3
- Sheila BMy Marge
- Shelly O'KellyWhat Witch Now?
- ShezmuMacchine
- ShinyDaneMaryAnn's First Rubber Experience
- ShinyhoodCaped... 2 Caught & Punished Chained DDPVC selfbondage! Into Your Birthday Suit...! PVC Rubber Bondage Dream Reality Kicks In Rubber Internet Fantasy Sleepsack fantasy
- ShmarmyHand Made by Robots
- Shogun TwhakkerHoney Baked Honeys 2: Randy's new job Pleasure Engine 2: Installation 3: Training The Moaning Forest 1 2 3
- ShokoladaReady for Transport Another Bag In The Pile A 'Birthday' Treat! Can It! Every Precaution Is Taken It's Trash Day Penny's Peril
- Shy RookieA Stubborn Ice Timer
- Sidsta1Sealed Inside
- SigidLori 2 22 Saturday Night Special
- Silent SatinThe Tryst
- silentDeeWhat About Dee?
- SilkSJManSlippery Hairdresser Slippery Hairdresser 2
- SimmeryThe Interactive Bondage Museum
- SimpletonSpring Break 2
- SimsTwelve Hours
- SimskinMeet the Parents
- SindewellA Perfect Dream Second Adventure
- Single Kinky GuyA Best Friends, Friend
- SinnswapThe Visit 2
- SinsubMy Life as a Robot
- SinthiaBest Laid Plans: Golf Course Edition Best Laid Plans: Ravine Edition Plugged Stuffed Stocking 2: Redux 3: Round Three Stumped
- sin_dysee stories below
- SiobhannSharon Alone Confessions to my Lust Party Decorations Late in the Evening Pegging Class: A Bondage College Misadventure Tardy to Class Diver on the Beach Juliette's Garbage Party Michelle and the Python Diver on the Beach Vampires Banquet
- SionblackDenied One
- Sir DomJoined Punishment Mel's Day Off
- Sir JamesGina’s Flight into Reality
- Sir PsychoFirst Time Shock Outdoor Key Dash Sucking for Freedom
- Sir Stephensee stories below
- SirborService in His Name Working at Club U Capture and Training Facility 3: Becoming Lucy 4: Shemale Training
- sissy susanCareful What You Wish For
- Sissy SuzyI Promised Myself This so I’m Going to Do It!
- SissyJaylaFirst Session Nightmare 2: Nightmare Continues
- sissykelli92Blackmailed For The First Time Caught By His Wife
- Sissy_MayuriAlmost All Nighter
- Sketch ZeppelinThe Jealous Type
- Skin75The Stable Girl and the Stallion
- SkinOwnerThe House John Built
- Skull DuggeryDiary of Carolyn
- Slave AdenThe Football Match
- slave jjMistress Maya
- Slave ManchesterHappy Anniversary, my slave! Happy Anniversary, my slave!
- Slave SparkyMistress Candy
- Slave VictoriaAlone in the House A Night of Pleasure Sunny Day The Trials of Slave Victoria 2
- slave4teamviewerA Controlled Life 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- slavek999A Fantasy Session with Mistress Mistress Sends Me on a Trip Next Session with Mistress
- slavelockedBitchboy
- slavepaul8The Farm
- slaveplaydohPlaydoh Submits
- slaveslut Sonjaslaveslut Sonja
- SlaveVikkiThe Day I Became Her Slave The Day I Became Her Slave
- SlaveVMCA Slave's Afternoon
- SlbConvention
- SleepsackPleasure Bound Chapter 1: Anticipation
- SlikaNurses in Rubber Tina's Rubber Seduction
- SlinkyThe Wardrobe
- SlopokeLiving Halloween Bondage Mummy for Trick or Treaters Living Halloween Bondage Mummy for Trick or Treaters
- SlowpokeBachelorette Party Favor
- Slut DonnaHotel Bound
- slutannaAnd It Started In The Woods
- slut_jennieAn Afternoon in the Woods A Close Call in the Woods A Day In The Woods The Gamble 2 Late Night Adventure Late Night Drive Risky Self-Bondage Session Self-bondage in Abandoned Factory Building An Afternoon in the Woods A Day In The Woods Late Night Adventure Late Night Drive
- slut_tracyThe Sound of High Heels The Sound of High Heels
- SmellyTightsGaggerJust One Name
- SmoothskiA Night Out
- SmutmiesterBind Him, Stuff Him & Wrap Him One Stiff Wrap 2 Fun with Fleece
- SmuttmistressLatex Playtime 2 3
- smwsurvMatch of the Day
- SnakeThree Billy Goats Gruff
- SnapAlice Takes a Vacation A Very Special Delivery Alice Takes a Vacation A Very Special Delivery
- SnarkyJeanBound for Discovery
- sndr007Jefferey & Jennifer
- SneakerslaveRubber Epiphany Rubber Epiphany
- SnowdropvioletViolet Lovedoll 10: For Master's Sake 11: Craving for Ownership 8: The Perfect Toy 9: A Slave's Pleasure
- Sockless74Boxed Tight Shipping Tight Storage 2
- SoftiNeighborly Love
- softtightsNylon Bondage
- Sogosee stories below
- Solitary ThoughtsIndifferent to Suffering
- SoloistThe Dance Fantasy Here, Kitty The Kits Living Art Naivete Old Baldy Oops! Tension Time Out
- someone_807Complete Control
- Sophia UsherCaptured Escort 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The New Housekeeper 2: The Transformation
- SouperVanHorse-O-Ween A Touching Halloween Game
- SouthernTiedFirst Date Tammy’s Valentine Bind The Adventures of Vacuman & Sucgirl Tammy's Bondage Application 2 3 4 5 Tammy’s Valentine Bind
- Southrooksee stories below
- soxpupPut Away
- Spandex KnaveConstruction Season The Sand Trap Spandex Kid vs. Spider Vixen Construction Season The Sand Trap
- Spandex NinjaBondage Lesson The Robot Master and the Late Night Guest
- SpankerTantalising Self Bondage Tease
- SparkyMirasee stories below
- SpearfishMature Dominants At Play
- SpencerEmmy Gail and Bailey Karen The Last Donor Millie My Dominant Hair Stylist Nina Pub Quiz My Robot-led Relationship
- Spike JonesEncased for a Lifetime I Will control you Sir Vincent's Christmas Party
- SpinnerHow tight it is
- SpndxmdSaturday Slave
- Spooky BoogyThe Church of Bliss 1: Communion 2: Baptism 3: Mortification 4 5: Pilgrimage 6: Apotheosis Production Line Slick Vocation
- SpoonbenderThe Boxvan Shields
- Spread EagleCaged for Freedom 2 3 Magnificent
- SprinttriA Naked and Shackled Walk in the Rain Naked Walk in the Woods Self Bondage Discovered in the Woods Walking in the Woods Shackled and Naked
- SPXSpandex Bondage Resort Spandex Bondage Resort
- SquireSquire's Surprise
- sspringer3Becoming Art
- ST99Hard Dreams 2 Hard Stabling
- StanJean
- Stanley93Wishful Thinking
- Stany SwavThe Beekeepers Wife Cherie in Glass
- StavrosNimrod's Novelty
- Stavros LambriConquering Phobos The Drip
- Stealthbindersee stories below
- Stefanie PerkinsLatex Pleasure Doll
- Steffsee stories below
- SteinarThe Summer Job
- StephanieClosing Pandora's Box
- Stephanie EvansA Bagel for Breakfast
- Stephanie RoseThe Pet 2
- Stephanie1963Tables Turned
- Stephanie_CDLeather & Steel Leather & Steel
- Stephen CharlesSamantha
- Stephen L'arossDreamweaver
- Stephen ParslowCathy's Latex Torment
- SteveMy Fantasy For Maxine 2 Shifting Roles 2 Steve's Pleasure The Office Party
- Steve FordCharles' Funeral Charles' Funeral
- Steve FowlerAn Experiment in Self Bondage
- Steve Spandexsee stories below
- StevenCaged & Left Punished by my Sister-In-Law
- StiffmeisterHolly Dolly
- StigThump!
- StigmaStarfarer
- Stingray 5Sylvia’s Bunny
- StooRecycling a Flatmate 2 Stu's First Day Trick Or Trash Trick Or Trash
- Strand AnklerThe Madam A Nice Change in Plans What Might Have Been
- Strange MindBunny Hopping to Freedom
- StrangeBrewPersonal Assistant
- StrangeHobbiesLonely Girl Mummified Floating
- StraptightSleepsack Punishment
- StreamKnownPresents
- StricterJess in the Box Jess in the Box
- StrictlyboundFor Her Pleasure
- StuOops Wrong Bin 2
- Stu & Trash GirlPranked by my Boyfriend
- StuartThe Tree of Lights
- Studboundsee stories below
- subcentcalmaleWoodland Weekend
- Subdriversee stories below
- SubDude55Bondage Magic
- SubgambleAlmost Stuck Caught and Enslaved Cyber Date Internet Mistress Julie's Mummification Linda's Revenge Internet Dominatrix Auto Burial Mortuary Auto Burial Mortuary
- SubJadeThe Exercise Bike
- SubKitten73Long Awaited
- submaleMr Smith meets his Mistess
- subphil3Living Our Fantasies 2 More Fantasies Come to Life 2 3 4
- substance78Art
- SubwolfEverything I Could Ever Want
- Suck SlutThe Fucktoy
- SuggsThe Gloop Only the singer knows the meaning of the song
- Sukey Cox"Be Careful what you wish for..."
- SummerMei 2
- SundelTeaching the Teacher
- Sup2Don't Be Trippin Escape The Field Trip 1: Miss. Shepard 2: Tina 3: Kelly, Tom & Kyle 4: Jeremy & Amber
- Superdude103194Aoi Gets Cleaned Up Aoi Gets Cleaned Up
- SurayaHer Birthday
- SurfinbirdsCocoon Self Bondage Latex Tight Latex Tight Wrap Cocoon Selfbondage Latex Tight Latex
- Susan CI was Caught in Self Bondage by my Mom 3 Self Suspension Gone Wrong Kidnapped and Sold at the Slave Auction My First Bondage The Storm
- SuthrnLrdOne Hour Unwinding in Surrender
- SuttonKathie’s Mistake Lisa 2 What Was I Thinking 2 Lynne The Survey 2
- SuziCUltimate & Last Fantasy? The Bad Neighbour The Birthday Present Willpower
- suzy maidMy Selfbondage Session
- Sweet CharleneIn-Tents Bondage
- SweetAngiedollA Dream come True Licked to Doll The Real Doll
- SwiftIn the Mountains Teen Selfbondage
- SwitchfunctionAfterwork Stress Relief Afterwork Stress Relief
- SwitchMansee stories below
- SybianTurnabout
- Sylvia AndersonLong Weekend C/D & S/B Adventure
- SynJo’s Lunch Break
- SynikallWhere Are You?
- syrynsmythKeyholder Demoness Keyholder Demoness 3 Spirits of the Shaft
S M Ackerman
- Almost Deserved Retribution
- Coal Faced
- A Farm Girl Punished
- 2
- 3
- 4
- A Good Girl
- Grandma & I
- I Need a lot of Bottle
- 2
- I Should Not Be Doing This
- Life Returns to Torment
- Loren in Trouble
- My Mine Trouble
- 2
- 3
- My Tail
- A New Beginning, A New Year
- 2: The Other Side Of The Fence
- A Normal Adventure!
- The Rain Coat
- Risk
- 2
- Thrill Seeking
- The Tree
- The Trunk
- A Walk on the Dark Side
- What a Drag
- Taking the Gamble
- A Day Dream Corrupted
- Fantasy Land Visited
- How Did I Get Myself Here
- A True Fairy Tale
- 2
- 3
- UFO's & all that Jazz
- What a Thrill
- I Made a Mistake…
- The Process Of Learning
- Thought & Time
- Burial of my Fantasy
- Living Tech Ltd
- Time To Pass
- College Dumpster Dive
- Dirty Filthy Sex
- Sacked
- 2
- 3: Mai's Invitation
- Scary Thirty
- An Unwanted Education
- Burial of my Fantasy
- The Machine Restarts Everything
- Robot-Dominatrix
- Robotrix
- 2
- A Time Travellers Experiences
- The Giant's Wand
- The Wand
- 2: Emily
- Ponies and Play
- Pony Racer (The Beginning)
- What a Thrill
- The White Horse
Schattenrose Miriam
- Sleeping Beauty
- A Special Gift
- 2: The Good Purpose
- 3: Mandy becomes Amy's Doll
- The Man without Hair
- The Date
- Moretta Stultified her Master
- Therapy
- Trapped in the Dumpster
- 2: Aftermath
- 3: Trapped in the Dumpster Again
- 4: The First Playtime
- 5: Playtime at the Beach
- 6: Another good use for Saran Wrap
- 7: A Self-made Present
- 8: The Egg
- Sleeping Beauty
- The Haunted House
Sean Malone
- Comfort
- Flatmates
- A Tale of Possession
- Tempted
- A Matter of Preservation
- A Girl from Dora
- Julia's First Day on the Pleasure Planet
- Lured to the Pleasure Planet
- A Spy from Kiran
- The Sting
- Candy's Hobby
- The Challenge 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- Chance Meeting
- Controlled Experiment 1: Introduction to Chastity
- 2: Tammy Gets Belted
- 3-1: Life in Chastity
- 3-2: Compelled Into Bondage
- 3-3: Charlotte is Cropped
- 4-1: Tammy Meets a Master
- 4-2: Tammy in Chains
- 5-1: Veronica Receives Her Belt
- 5-2: Not A Hint of Scandal
- 6-1: Charlotte in Chains
- 6-2: A New World
- 6-3: Love Is Not A Game
- 7: Through a Glass, Darkly
- 8: The Contract
- 9-1: Veronica in Submission
- 9-2: The Bondage Masque
- 10: Final Project Report
- Davinia 1: Jungle Odyssey
- 2: Erin's Submission
- 3-1: Lady Samantha and the Crop
- 3-2: A Harsh Mistress Indeed
- 3-3: A Close Shave
- 4-1: Sir Ian and the Rings
- 4-2: Davinia in the Dungeon
- 5-1: Lady Samantha and the Lash
- 5-2: Signing Bonus
- 5-3: In The Oil Servicing Business
- 6-1: The Sacrifice
- 6-2: Davinia's Reward
- 7-1: The Oil Minister
- 7-2: Epilogue
- Drug Test
- The High Cost of Used Books
- I Married a Sex Slave
- 2: Domestic Bliss
- 3: The Masked Intruder
- 4a: Tormented Toni
- 4b: Tormented Toni
- Janet in Training 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- The Latex Debutante 1
- 2
- A Matter of Class
- A Matter of Class 1
- 2
- 3
- A Matter of Trust
- Moth to the Flame 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- My Birthday Spanking
- My Bondage Valentine
- My Indebted Slave
- Office Discipline
- The Penultimate Truth 1
- 2
- Politically Incorrect
- Secretaries Revenge
- Sharon's Outcall
- Stocks and Bonds
- Superbowl Sex Slave
- Thanksgiving in Thrall 1: Re-united in Submission
- 2: Black Friday
- 3: Cabin Fever
- The Torment of Lorraine Baker
- Transparent Like Glass
- Snowbound 1: A Brush With Death
- 2: The Bondage Imperative
- 3: A Strange Job Offer
- 4: Shared Captivity
- 5: Wage Slavery
- 6: Kate Gets Flogged
- 7: Cassandra is Whipped!
- 8: Cabin Fever
- 9: The Discipline Society
- 10: Sleeping Arrangements
- 11: Notice of Discipline
- 12: Fringe Benefits
- 13: The Return of Valerie Newman
- 14: Spring Fever
- 15: Cassandra Takes Beth
- 16: The Bonds of Money
- 17: The Bondage Evaluation
- 18: Winning The Lottery
- 19: Epilogue
- The Standard of Living
- Gina Goes Topless
- The Mile High Club
- Not Such a Cruel Summer
- The Server
- After Midnight
- The Door
- Have Fun
- High Chair
- Honey
- Imagine
- Melt Down
- Midnight
- Once Upon a Time
- Satisfied
- Sin_dy’s Surprise
- Sin_dy Stretched
- Sin_dy Surprised Again
- Surprised Again
- Wagon Trained
- WAM It!
- Box Cutter
- Prison Bound
- Sindy's Saturday
Sir Stephen
- Just Deserts
- Vore-Acious Appetite
- Beg For It
- Border Crossing
- Career Opportunities
- The Christmas Competition
- Community Service
- Handling Handler
- Head Count
- Item #37
- The New Coach
- Pampered Pet
- The Ponygirl Whisperer
- Tour Guide
- The Waiting is the Hardest Part
- Why?
- Wrong Place, Wrong Time
- The Kingdom
- 1: Enter Jodie
- 2: The Hunt
- 3: Train of Thought
- 4: Storming the Castle
- 5: Pop Quiz
- 6: The Old Man's Widow
- 7: Delta November Foxtrot
- 8: Hazardous Plants and Extracts
- 9: The Auction
- 10: Forbidden Fruit
- 11: Hun (Brandy's Story)
- 12: Peach
- 13: Window Shopping
- 14: Sympathy for the Devil
- 15: Nights and Days
- 16: Pain is Temporary
- Bluetooth Connected
- Breanna's Holiday Surprise
- Cassandra The Cyborg
- Friends with an A.I
- I Guess I Can Do That
- Kalyn's Accident
- Lynda Gets Serviced
- Lynda in Stock
- Lynda on the Job
- Maid to Serve
- 2
- Nerf This!
- New Profession
- Party Doll
- Plans Doll Apart
- A Prank Gone Awry
- Programming Toys
- Sexy Sam Doll
- Veronica Gets Dolled Up
- A Wasp's Sting
- 2: Power Burns
- 3: Scarlet Orders
- Fine Piece of Meat
- Sister's Mistake
- 2: Off My Chest
- Bluetooth Connected
- Cassandra The Cyborg
- Friends with an A.I
- Maid to Serve
- 2
- Robo-Maid Alice
- A Weird Way to be Maid
- Best Laid Plans
- Caught Red Handed
- Adult Toy Store Adventures - 1: Girlfriend in Leather
- 2: Robbed & Bound
- Appropriate Action
- Batgirl - The Return 1: Back at it
- 2: Funerals and Wills
- 3: A Meeting of Ways
- 4: Making Plans and Progress
- 5: The Attempt
- 6: The Aftermath
- 7: The Next Plot
- 8: Cause & Affect
- 9: She's Back
- 10: Meeting Face to Face
- 11: The Last Train
- 12: Aftermath
- Batgirl vs the Professor 1: The Hunt Begins
- 2: Meeting the Professor
- 3: Mind Bender
- 4: Results
- 5: Annie Goodbody
- 6: In the Testing Center
- 7: Plans and Flashbacks
- 8: Escape Attempt
- 9: Visitors
- 10: Aftermath
- 11: The Next Victims
- 12: The Results
- 13: Intruders
- 14: Return to Real Life
- Best Laid Plans
- Captured Cougar
- Coach in a Bind
- The Costume Party
- The Costume Party 2: A Bunny's Tale
- The Costume Party 3: The Naughty Nurse
- The Costume Party 4: Magic Tricks
- The Costume Party 5: The Farmer's Wife
- The Costume Party 6: After the Party
- Country Girl Sexy
- A Happy Turn of Events
- A New Workout Program
- Nurse Bondage
- A Pleasant Little Ride in the Country
- Research Visit
- 2: The Doctor is in...
- 3: Turn about is fair play
- Castle in the Swamp
- The Hired Help’s Play Toy
- 2
- Power Outage
- They Don’t Make Them Like They Used Too!
- A Walk in the Back Yard
- Genetic Manipulated Cocoon
- Kandy Kane
- 2: Hard Kandy
- The Packing Game
- The Aquarium
- Best Deal I Ever Made
- Bio Tech
- Elves and Orcs… The Game
- Explore Inc
- 2: Back Again
- 3: The Island?
- Guest of the Ghosts
- 2
- In Bondage and Love
- 3
- 2
- Kitten Trap
- Korean Games
- Like Mother, Like Daughter
- Mile High Club
- 2: The New Toys
- The New Office Decoration
- 2
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
- Once You've Had Black You Never Go Back
- 2: Not Going Back
- Tanestran's Inventions
- 2: Larissa Returns
- They Don't Make Them Like They Used Too!
- Ultimate Party Experience
- Cassandra’s Camping Trip
- The Club
- Explore Inc
- 2: Back Again
- 3: The Island?
- Good Girl Christmas
- House Sitting
- Roslyn the Volunteer Pet
- 2
- Rubber Asylum
- Tentacle Swimsuit
- Feeding Trixie’s Sack Worm
- Passion Fruit
- Computer Controlled Asylum
- Dominant Fembot
- Explore Inc
- 2: Back Again
- 3: The Island?
- Ginny's Pet
- I Was Just Trying It On
- Roslyn the Volunteer Pet
- 2: Roslyn's New Suit
Steve Spandex
- The Call of the Cuffs
- In a Tight Spot
- Long Time Bound
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Melissa’s Quality Time
- A Moment of Madness
- Nicki’s Self-Bondage Mishap
- Suzy’s Day Off
- Tracy-Janine’s Finest Hour
- Unforeseen Circumstances
- 2
- All I want for Christmas... is to be tied up
- A Binding Contract
- Continually Increasing Bondage
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Embedded
- 2
- 3
- Ever Increasing Bondage
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Ingrid’s Initiation
- Life's Ups and Downs
- Long Time Bound
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- Lucy - My No.1 Fan
- Melissa's Revenge
- Outward Bound
- The Secrets of Shackleton Grange
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11: Strung Up, Bogged Down and Hung Out to Dry
- 12: The Training Room
- 13: And So to Sleep
- 14: The Wheel and the Well
- 15: A Plethora of Tortures
- 16: Saskia the Amateur Sleuth
- 17: The Party
- 18: A Clearer View of Things
- 19: The Padded Cell
- 20: The Training Room - Revisited
- 21: Saskia's Unexpected Discovery
- 22: Dolores' Little Secret
- 23: Saskia's Plans Take Shape
- 24: A Shift in the Balance of Power
- 25: Dolores Alone
- 26: A Taste of Her Own Medicine
- 27: The Dawning of a New Era
- 28: Tying Up a Few Loose Ends
- Silent Street
- Anna's Self Storage Adventure
- Kate's Catch-22 Conundrum
- Tantalised
- 2
- That Sinking Feeling
- That Sinking Feeling
- The Birthday Gift
- The Brothers
- The Business Trips
- Call-In Sex
- The Contract
- Corporate Greed
- Curiosity
- Dear Abby
- Doing Penance with Pastor Dan
- The Favor
- Fraternity Tradition
- The Heir
- House Guest
- The Interview
- Journey of Discovery
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- The Jumbo Sale
- Limerick
- The Marriage Secret
- My Best Birthday
- Naughty Boy
- The Neighbor Kid
- The Nerd
- Never Lie to a Whore
- Perfect Class
- Persons of Principle
- The Prisoner
- The Professor
- The Renter 1&2
- 3&4
- 5&6
- 7&8
- 9&10
- 11&12
- 13&14
- 15&16
- 17&18
- 19&20
- 21&22
- 23,24&25
- Sam's Diary 1&2
- 3&4
- 5&6
- 7&8
- 9,10&11
- 12,13&14
- 15&16
- 17,18&19
- 20&21
- 22&23
- 24&25
- 26,27&28
- 29&30
- The Sure Winner
- The Test of Trust
- This is Your Life
- Tim
- The Trance
- The Twins
- The Verdict
- The Wayward Fantasy
- We Dare You
- The Wedding Gift
- Cruise In
- Day at the Office
- The Display Model
- Down on the Farm
- Eagerly Captive
- Extreme Packing
- Her Ordeal
- Hotel Visit
- Insert Tab A into Slot B
- A Lot of Packaging
- Oil Change
- Shipping Terminal
- Stored Away
- Valentines Gift
- The Body Puzzle
- 2
- Bondage Fake
- Leather or Knot 1: First Impressions
- 2: Dan's First Modeling Session
- 3: Things Get Personal
- 4: Amanda’s in a Bind
- 5: Dan's Private Modeling Session
- 6: Honesty is the Best Policy
- 7: The Employment Agreement
- 8: Dan’s Preparation & Amanda’s Decision
- 9: The J-2010 Training Harness & Amanda’s Mistake
- 10: Linda's New Job
- 11: On the Job Training
- 12: The Final Tests
- 13: Test Results
- Monique's Profession
- Shackles
- A Slave to Fashion
- Susan’s Return
- 2
- The Wedding Gown
- The Fifth Photograph
Note stories by 64Fordman listed here
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