- Alice's Halloween AdventureMisti Love-Fitzpatrick
FF; F/mf; caution; costume; satanism; goth; leather; cuffs; oral; naked; blood; ritual; majick; sacrifice; death; entomb; buried; cons; nc; XXX
28.10.20 - All Of MeJo
M/f; F/m; office; secretary; desk; oral; climax; choke; ghosts; revenge; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - Angel of HalloweenAkiyama Senju
F/f; collar; chastity; costume; pain; majick; toys; horror; church; nc; XX
28.10.20 - Angel PlayTigerstretch
F/m; F/f; supernatural; revenge; death; caution; extreme; latex; sex; bond; cuffs; oral; blood; gore; rope; force; exhib; hood; breathplay; spanking; pain; rape; nc; XXX
28.10.20 - Another Year, Another Slave to OwnKristin Kailey
M/f+; bond; rope; monsters; supernatural; gag; sex; naked; slave; petgirl; ponygirl; hucow; collar; oral; lactate; drug; bodymod; piercing; nc; XXX
29.10.21 - Aoife, the Queen MakerThe Technician
MF; halloween; hist; rom; fantasy; majick; marriage; sex; cons; X
30.10.12 - The Awful Account of the Haunted CostumeAmyAmy
Solo-M; M/m; latex; party; stocks; mitts; rubberwear; F/m; bdsm; crop; gag; blindfold; F/f; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; susp; trap; domme; cons/nc; X
30.10.17 - 2
FM; FM/fm; latex; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; susp; captive; trap; domme; F/m; hood; strip; pants; toys; insert; shave; fem; bodysuit; rubberdoll; mask; corset; costume; maid; tricked; drug; stab; blood; feed; oral; climax; cons/nc; XXX
- 3
M+/mf+; latex; party; discovery; rubberwear; rubberdoll; stuck; medic; strip; catsuit; curse; stab; death; majick; slither; pants; insert; hood; encase; envelop; torment; transform; chastity; corset; mind-control; enslave; cons/nc; XXX
- Barrel MonsterCoated
Solo-F; F/f; event; display; costume; neoprene; surfsuit; hood; gag; mask; barrel; liquid-latex; encase; public; surprise; scare; vibe; climax; stuck; cons; X
30.10.16 - The Beautiful CreatureDaviddrb6
Solo-F; MF; beach; swim; creature; scales; merman; bikini; strip; caress; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.14 - The BedCropsncuffs
F+/m; bond; ghosts; hotel; spreadeagle; bedtie; tease; oral; cons; reluct; X
29.10.22 - The Bed
- The Best Halloween Costume EverDarkStar
F/m; bond; rope; cd; fem; chain; costume; party; tape; mast; cons; X
30.10.11 - Bewitched and BoundGabriella Delbello
FM+/f; bond; rope; gag; display; water; dunk; public; stakes; tease; emb; cons; X
30.10.11 - Bitch's BrewJo
MMM; M+/f+; halloween; monsters; bar; crypt; boxed; humour; cons; X
30.10.12 - The Black RoomThe Technician
Solo-M; MF+/fm+; halloween; alien; hist; ritual; ceremony; bond; bdsm; whip; torment; portal; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX
30.10.12 - Blood DreamsCynthia Trusscot
FM+/mf+; haunted-house; display; capture; bond; rope; gag; chairtie; blood; donation; costumes; cons; X
26.10.19 - Bobbing for ApplesPVCnLeather
F/m; halloween; cd; maid; butler; party; bond; rope; blindfold; straps; bdsm; hum; sex; climax; reluct; X
30.10.12 - The Bondage HalloweenZenMaster Shawn
F/m; bond; chastity; bdsm; blackmail; hum; public; toys; cons/nc; X
31.10.07 - The Bones In The DungeonJackie Rabbit
M+/f+; bond; susp; witch; majick; dungeon; chain; bdsm; group; sex; oral; climax; medieval; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - The Bones In The Dungeon 7Jackie Rabbit
FM+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; dungeon; cell; naked; bdsm; whip; torment; hum; medieval; halloween; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
30.10.12 - BottledAmyAmy
mpov; transform; M2f; mpov; majick; cons; X
29.10.21 - Bound HalloweenMikel
Solo-M/F; MF; F/m; party; bond; cuffs; collar; hobble; leather; heels; chastity; corset; toys; tease; denial; climax; cons; X
30.10.14 - The Bound QueenThe Technician
MF; M/f; semi-hist; celtic; fantasy; dream; sex; anal; first; bdsm; spank; bond; outdoors; ritual; flog; transform; toys; climax; cons; X
30.10.15 - Brandy's RevengeLobo De la Sombra
F/m; halloween; drug; wrap; cotton; gag; bond; chain; display; costume; revenge; cons; X
30.10.14 - Bricked Up AliveOutcast
Solo-M; mpov; supernatural; encase; cell; captive; nc; X
30.10.23 - The BrideUnajet
M/f; frathouse; halloween; display; costume; latex; catsuit; electrodes; wrap; resin; encase; gag; tease; electro; nipple; labia; shock; public; climax; cons; X
30.10.17 - The BuildingAmyAmy
MF+; M/f; abandoned; explore; liquid; rubber; capture; chase; transform; F2other; M2other; insects; mind-control; force; enslave; feed; stuck; cons/nc; XX
30.10.15 - Butterfly LoveThe Technician
MF; sex; spider; web; mansion; caught; cheat; majick; naked; revenge; stuck; transform; gothic; horror; cons; X
29.10.22 - Butterfly LoveThe Technician
Other/f; naked; majick; dragon; celtic; halloween; oral; first; cons; X
29.10.22 - Candy Crush64Fordman
FF; F/f; M/f+; mast; oral; bond; captive; reluct; climax; costume; handcuffs; denial; gag; hogtie; chairtie; bedtie; majick; rope; tape; witch; nc/cons; X
30.10.16 - The Canewdon Witch TrialEmma Bond
MF+/f+; costume; event; display; corset; bond; stocks; sponge; tickle; tease; public; halloween; cons; X
30.10.12 - The Captive BansheeThe Technician
Solo-M; FM; F/m; inn; curse; banshee; fey; legend; dark-night; majick; transform; sex; climax; fairy; cons; X
30.10.16 - Carnevil OriginsRogueFX
F/mf; Machine/f; horror; transform; statue; web; strip; machine; buttplug; toys; M2f; F2doll; doll; kidnap; nc; XX
30.10.23 - Cassie's Curses: Goth CuriousZTVFemdomtales
F/f; bond; dream; mind-control; enclosed; coffin; majick; reluct; X
04.11.21 - The Charity ShopCropsncuffs
F/f; costume; bond; genie; enslave; chain; cuffs; collar; oral; reluct; X
28.10.20 - Cheryl's CoffinWingco
M+/f; bond; cuffs; straps; enclosed; costume; blindfold; mittens; buried; cons; X
30.10.24 - The Chocolate WomanDaviddrb6
Other/f; Machine/f; F+/f; caramel; chocolate; encase; set; transform; F2confectionary; statue; display; shop; sold; cut-up; eaten; reluct/nc; X
30.10.15 - Chocolaty GoodnessDana
F/f; capture; bond; mold; chocolate; submerge; encase; transform; majick; bodyswap; cons/nc; X
31.10.09 - ClosureT S Fesseln
Solo-M; Sbf; cuffs; chain; F/m; fey; fable; sex; reluct/cons; X
31.10.09 - Clowning AroundJackie Rabbit
F+/f; fpov; anal; insert; impale; gag; hood; rope; susp; party; barn; costume; bodypaint; punish; display; naked; exhib; public; revenge; rough; reluct; XXX
28.10.20 - Clowning Around TooJackie Rabbit
F/f+; M/f+; fpov; ponygirl; outdoors; public; hum; strip; naked; straps; harness; cuffs; gag; whip; exhib; piercing; trick; sold; cons; reluct; nc; X
29.10.21 - Coffin DutyT S Fesseln
MF/f; bond; casket; costume; display; toys; electro; mast; cons; X
31.10.09 - Collateral DamageThe Technician
Solo-M; MF; M/f+; FF; nightclub; show; stage; contest; strippers; dance; oral; oral; bond; straps; sybian; bdsm; punish; electro; wrestle; oil; force; demon; angel; retribution; cons/nc; XX
30.10.16 - CollectionsJackie Rabbit
M/fm; mpov; cd; fem; supernatural; demon; costume; reluct; X
29.10.21 - The ConferenceThe Technician
fantasy; sex; majick; monsters; supernatural; ghosts; anal; cons; nc; X
28.10.20 - The Copper LadyThe Technician
M+F+/f+; halloween; ironmaiden; bond; tease; denial; party; rope; naked; oral; sex; anal; spreadeagle; cons; XX
30.10.24 - Costume MistakeMikel
Sbf; F/f; corset; chastity; halloween; costume; cuffs; gag; collar; clamps; toys; caught; leash; oral; paddle; public; denial; cons; XX
30.10.23 - The CostumesLobo De la Sombra
M/mf+; halloween; costume; entrap; encase; stuck; theatre; display; naked; transform; shrink; figurine; captive; cons/nc; X
30.10.15 - CovenGarden Variety
FM+/f; bond; cartrunk; motel; outdoors; group; rope; strip; bdsm; ceremony; objectify; shave; wax; piercing; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - 2
- 3
FM+/f+; FF; motel; outdoors; bond; naked; rope; susp; breast; bdsm; ceremony; toys; insert; objectify; tease; torment; lesbian; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- Covenant HouseLobo De la Sombra
M/f+; Other/f+; halloween; naked; capture; bond; shackles; bridle; display; ghosts; climax; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - CrossroadsTeann Daorsa
M/f; M/f+; M+/f; F+/m; bond; mind-control; majick; supernatural; latex; toys; sex; anal; reluct; nc; XX
28.10.20 - The Crystalline Inserthollow well
FF; F/f; gift; store; majick; dildo; insert; stuck; multi-orgasm; transform; entrap; lesbian; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.10.12 - Cult of the CentipedeAmyAmy
bond; chain; horror; creature; temple; nc; XX
28.10.20 - The Curious Case of the Haunted CostumeAmyAmy
Solo-F; F+/f; Other/f; costume; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; hood; bond; armbinder; gag; blindfold; tease; torment; nipple; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - The Curse of the Doverhexanaerobe
Solo-M; mast; legend; fantasy; dream; F+/m; captive; latex; catsuit; dungeon; cell; tease; torment; sex; climax; transform; M2other; denial; cons/reluct; X
30.10.15 - The Curse of the Slutty Fetish MaidJohn Bannergram
F/f; costume; maid; latex; spank; hum; party; office; cuffs; chain; ghosts; reluct; nc; XX
28.10.20 - Cutting It FineDaviddrb6
F/m; halloween; bond; cuffs; naked; femdom; tease; torment; pendulum; peril; cons; X
30.10.12 - Dancing to Louie LouieThe Technician
Solo-F; M+/f+; scifi; alien; spaceship; dancer; naked; crash; escape; party; stage; contest; striptease; crowd; video; voy; cons; X
30.10.15 - Danny BoyThe Technician
MM; F+/m+; M/f+; mythical; halloween; succubus; sex; oral; anal; mast; climax; majick; transform; spell; banish; costume; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Dark LadyCynthia Trusscot
Solo-M; M/f; discovery; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; transport; noose; ghosts; cons; X
30.10.12 - Dead Writer’s SocietyThe Technician
Solo-M; MF+/m; halloween; critic; ghosts; story; revenge; pastlives; madness; humour; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Deal with a Horny DevilThe Technician
MF+; party; halloween; costume; devil; angel; tanning; machine; tease; dance; oral; sex; anal; climax; switch; trick; cons; X
25.10.18 - Deal with the DevilThe Technician
M/f; halloween; party; devil; deal; betray; eternal; rom; majick; cons; X
30.10.12 - A Deal With The DevilJackie Rabbit
Solo-F; FF; F/f; D/s; show; costume; schoolgirl; devil; alcohol; performance; panties; captive; bond; enslave; femdom; prisoner; lesbian; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - The Defiled OneThe Technician
Solo-F; M+/f; psych; demon; majick; witch; spell; capture; mind-control; ritual; sacrifice; vore; halloween; oral; anal; sex; nympho; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.10.12 - The Devil in the MirrorTigerstretch
F/f; devil; halloween; latex; mast; enclosed; tease; cons; X
29.10.22 - The Devil's BullThe Technician
M/f+; M/mf+; halloween; demon; club; stage; display; bond; susp; bdsm; torment; water; immerse; sybian; force; enslave; mythical beasts; oral; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
30.10.12 - The Devil's Coursethepinkbishop
F/f; fpov; supernatural; fantasy; halloween; outdoors; naked; bond; armbinder; gag; tease; denial; collar; leash; piercing; cage; ponygirl; cons; nc; XX
30.10.24 - The Devil's MarkThe Technician
FF+; Other/f; costume; party; movie; devil; majick; bond; naked; sybian; tease; torment; electro; bdsm; brand; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - Distribution CurveAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; scifi; captive; conditioning; mind-control; video; bodymod; bdsm; punish; pain; enslave; puppet; objectify; cons/nc; XX
30.10.14 - The Divided WomanIron Rodd
F/f; MF/f; party; costume; naked; tease; fondle; insert; denial; oral; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Doll HouseJo
F/f+; bond; chair; straps; captive; naked; laboratory; alchemy; transform; lovedoll; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - Do You MindScribe of Domina
F/fm; bond; rope; chairtie; halloween; gag; voy; tease; denial; naked; cons; X
29.10.22 - Drive!!DPGSM
Solo-F; car; storm; mansion; F/f; drug; captive; gibbet; ironmaiden; bond; rope; tape; torment; punish; wrap; mum; sarcophagus; dream; cons/nc; XX
- Erotic Ghost EncounterSensual Robert
Solo-F; oral; vag; exhib; group; college; captive; nc; XX
28.10.20 - Eternal DevotionJessBaby
FF; F/f; latex; catsuit; party; halloween; costume; graveyard; crypt; bond; tease; lesbian; sex; climax; curse; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - The Faerie ChairT S Fesseln
MM; MF; honeymoon; cabin; remote; cellar; chair; fairytale; potion; tease; lingerie; corset; sex; climax; scare; elves; hunt; discovery; straps; chairtie; gag; stuck; mistake; locked-out; taken; cons/nc; XXX
30.10.17 - A Favor for Danny BoyThe Technician
M/f; F/f; mpov; party; costume; cd; buttplug; whip; strip; naked; crop; sex; fairy; trick; cons; X
29.10.21 - Femmi Weed TooJackie Rabbit
F/m; transform; bodymod; breast; maid; cd; weeds; halloween; M2f; sex; cons; X
30.10.12 - Fetish Fifi and the Quest for the Seven KeysBaron Law
F/m; M+F+/m; bond; halloween; cd; M2f; costume; corset; hood; gag; mittens; maid; cage; paddle; blindfold; leash; crop; X-frame; toys; tease; denial; cons; reluct; XX
30.10.24 - The Fetish Genie's LairAlatari Yassavi
Other/f; bond; genie; majick; catsuit; toys; buttplug; hood; chair; tease; denial; chain; chastity; chastity-bra; cons; XX
30.10.24 - The Fifth PhotographSwitchMan
MF/f; bond; display; dungeon; kidnap; slave; toys; reluct/nc; X
31.10.09 - The FingerBudman
MF; sex; oral; supernatural; mast; toys; rom; cons; X
30.10.23 - First Halloween HorrorElectroPainLover
F+/f+; MM/f+; halloween; handcuffs; shackles; strip; nude; kidnap; transport; first; bond; gag; hood; costume; stocks; bdsm; spank; cons/nc; X
30.10.16 - FunhouseTy M Goode
M/f+; college; frat; halloween; capture; wrap; mum; display; reluct/cons; X
31.10.09 - The GardenersAmyAmy
Solo-F; FF; plant/f; greenhouse; plant; drug; tendrils; capture; encase; insert; bodymod; mind-control; zombie; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - Ghost in the CageBudman
M/f; bond; cell; cuffs; basement; ghosts; stuck; death; cons; X
29.10.22 - Ghost LightningThe Technician
F+/f; MF; sex; ghosts; possession; cons; X
28.10.20 - Ghostly Encounterearlofnexus
F/f; cellar; ghosts; chastity; buttplug; toys; cuffs; chain; gag; trick; collar; enclosed; coffin; reluct; cons; XX
29.10.22 - The Ghost of Dixie HighwayThe Technician
Solo-M; halloween; highway; vehicle; hitch-hiker; MF; pickup; transport; offer; arousal; sex; climax; discovery; ghosts; cons; X
25.10.18 - The Ghost of Halloween Past64Fordman
Solo-F; M+/f+; ghosts; hist; bond; straps; rope; slave; chair; dunk; punish; torment; tickle; transform; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Ghost Riders in the Halloween SkyThe Technician
F+/f; halloween; hum; strip; public; maid; costume; majick; blindfold; cuffs; club; bond; susp; cane; strapon; anal; rope; spreadeagle; transported; supernatural; nc; XX
30.10.23 - Ghosts and Mummies and Beer - Oh My!Jo
MM/f+; naked; tape; wrap; mum; casket; insert; toys; spandex; bodybag; straps; bond; electro; tease; torment; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Ghosts of BurkittsvilleLancer175
F/f+; F+/m+; M+/f+; bond; gag; rope; supernatural; halloween; chairtie; susp; toys; bedtie; oral; sex; outdoors; nc; X
30.10.23 - The Ghosts Of Pickle ParkLancer175
M+F+/m+f+; mast; sex; rope; blindfold; gag; spreadeagle; captive; magic; horror; naked; nc; XX
29.10.22 - Ghosts of the HotelAmyAmy
MF; F/m; fpov; oral; sex; bodysuit; caught; costume; encase; iso; rubber; cons; X
28.10.20 - A Ghost's Story for HalloweenThe Technician
Solo-M; MF+/fm+; ghosts; party; costume; strip; naked; tease; display; shave; enslave; hum; hottub; anal; voy; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Ghost TownWilliam A. Lemieux
Solo-F; fpov; rubber; coat; toys; insert; latex; catsuit; hood; outdoors; mud; messy; ghosts; supernatural; cons; X
04.11.21 - The GiftThe Technician
Solo-F; FF; MF; outdoors; desert; car; pickup; majick; gift; transform; vision; crime; police; arrest; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - The Gingerbread House: A Night to RememberDarkwolf
F/f+; F+/f+; tg; M2f; bond; halloween; costume; public; club; rope; gag; oral; sex; buttplug; straitjacket; cuffs; switch; tease; denial; vampire; chastity; cons; XX
29.10.22 - The Gingerbread House - Blood and LustDarkwolf
F/f; F/f+; supernatural; vampire; collar; chastity; gag; cuffs; susp; spreadeagle; oral; strapon; cons; X
30.10.23 - A Girlfriend From HellFindar
M/f; mpov; supernatural; demon; bond; rope; strip; gag; tape; sex; oral; tease; toys; cuffs; flogger; chain; cons; XX
29.10.21 - Going to a Party?Remmy111
F/f; latex; catsuit; encase; transform; bodyswap; storage; nc; X
31.10.09 - The GraveyardThe Technician
MF; rom; ghosts; sex; cons; X
28.10.20 - The Green LadyThe Technician
FF; halloween; supernatural; oral; cons; X
30.10.23 - The GuideThe Technician
Solo-F; M+/f; MF+; park; cave; halloween; ghosts; psychic; paranormal; bond; rope; sex; group; denial; toys; climax; cons; X
30.10.14 - Gwen and the Haunted HouseThe Storyteller
Solo-F; F/f; halloween; haunted-house; display; lingerie; cuffs; acting; audience; voy; stuck; strip; naked; hum; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.10.17 - Hailey and Lola 1: HalloweenVampire Medic
F+/f; cartrunk; lesbian; cocoon; leash; bedtie; karada; party; corset; cosplay; costume; crop; cuffs; leather; objectify; pvc; shower; goth; rom; cons; X
28.10.20 - Hallowed EveMegan Law
F/m; halloween; teen; costume; cd; public; cons; X
29.10.22 - Halloween CarnevilRogueFX
F/f; FF; Solo-F; transform; mannequin; majick; doll; horror; latex; corset; catsuit; robot; cons; nc; XX
28.10.20 - The Halloween CostumeTorquemaster
M/f; bond; F/f; latex; susp; cons; X
26.10.06 - The Halloween DecorationTobe Trashy
F/m; strip; naked; bond; tape; wrap; mitts; balltie; trashbags; bagged; object; outdoors; public; decoration; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.17 - A Halloween Disaster!Diplodicus
MF; undead; bodyswap; buried; haunt; cons; X
31.10.09 - Halloween DisplayJSmith
MF+/f+; mum; wrap; bandages; cons; X
30.01.02 - Halloween DisplayMikel
M/f; halloween; mum; display; public; corset; catheter; catsuit; pvc; leather; balletboots; armbinder; breathplay; fibreglass; encased; electro; toys; climax; cons; XX
30.10.23 - A Halloween Gone All WrongBucky Goldstein
M/f; F/m; oral; gag; blindfold; bond; cartrunk; cockcage; collar; cuffs; dungeon; hood; bedtie; college; dorm; transported; denial; enslave; facesit; first; vampire; horror; nc; XX
29.10.21 - Halloween HangingJDG
F/m; Solo-M; F+/m; bond; susp; rope; costume; outdoors; tease; nipple; toys; cons/reluct; X
30.10.11 - Halloween HarvestOrion
M/f; bond; halloween; costume; supernatural; cuffs; collar; kidnap; cons; nc; X
30.10.24 - Halloween Haunted House of History HorrorsLancer175
M+/m+f+; bond; gag; naked; clamps; rope; torture; noose; cuffs; oral; cage; scolds-bridle; sex; nc; XXX
29.10.21 - Halloween Hell for TimRestricted
Sbm; cuffs; gag; vacuum; stuck; cd; bodymod; curse; cons/nc; X
31.10.09 - Halloween HolidayRestricted
FM+/fm; F/m; bond; gag; tease; dream; witch; drug; wrap; bandages; stakes; public; naked; hum; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
31.10.07 - Halloween Hospital AdventureJackie Rabbit
F/m; fpov; naked; cuffs; halloween; asylum; strip; cell; ghosts; supernatural; mast; cons; X
30.10.24 - Halloween House PartyRestricted
F/m; MF/m; wrap; bandages; mud; coffin; ritual; majick; cons/nc; X
31.10.09 - Halloween HuntingMumman
Solo-F; latex; catsuit; corset; club; F/m; D/s; neoprene; bdsm; bond; dungeon; mast; cons/reluct; X
30.10.10 - Halloween MagicKevBowler300
M/f+; magic; transform; bond; public; cons; X
31.10.07 - Halloween MagicJackie Rabbit
F/m; M+/m; cuckold; cd; fem; oral; halloween; costume; mast; bond; cuffs; cons; X
30.10.24 - Halloween MermaidTyd Up
MF; F+/fm; costume; outdoors; party; wiccan; majick; spell; transform; mermaid; pirates; bond; shackles; naked; stuck; cons/reluct; X
30.10.12 - The Halloween MummyAbrank
F/m; bandages; wrap; electro; toys; public; cons; X
31.10.07 - Halloween Night in Lost RisingRestricted
Solo-M; F+/m; village; witch; drug; capture; wrap; bandages; entomb; tunnel; ghosts; train; stuck; nc; X
31.10.07 - Halloween PartyRupes
F/fm; femdom; straitjacket; handcuffs; long term; party; costume; public; hum; sex; cons; X
30.10.14 - Halloween PartyMiss's Pet
F/m; anal; collar; corset; gag; party; public; club; boots; cbt; costume; domme; electro; toys; latex; rom; X
28.10.20 - Halloween Party FunDodgerfan
F+/m; bond; toys; hum; revenge; reluct/nc; X
31.10.07 - Halloween PonyI. Binder
M/f; MM/f+; party; costume; latex; catsuit; harness; bridle; boots; outdoors; cart; ponygirl; transport; bdsm; force; whip; float; captive; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - Halloween SnacksMax Roper
MF; Other/fm; web; spider; wrap; cocoon; store; sting; stuck; vore; nc; X
30.10.11 - A Halloween StoryJo
MF; MF+/f; halloween; party; costume; witch; spell; capture; bond; shackles; gag; entomb; force; mind-control; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - A Halloween TailPhoebe
Solo-F; M/f; halloween; costume; party; cuffs; bond; ghosts; dream; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
31.10.07 - A Halloween TaleJackie Rabbit
Solo-F; M/f; halloween; treat; apparition; majick; strip; naked; chain; cuffs; collar; transport; party; cheat; village; medieval; captive; hood; gag; cons/reluct; X
30.10.15 - 2
Solo-F; M+/f; halloween; majick; captive; gag; strip; naked; bond; rope; cuffs; collar; transport; village; medieval; platform; susp; display; public; bdsm; whip; torment; sex; dream; cons/reluct; XX
- HalloweentieCynthia Trusscot
F/m; halloween; cd; wig; heels; fem; bond; cuffs; gag; alcove; hide; camera; pictures; cons; X
30.10.17 - A Halloween TransformationRestricted
MF+/f; halloween; costume; capture; strip; wrap; bandages; coffin; enclosed; cart; transport; cons/reluct; X
31.10.09 - The Halloween TrickJim Williams
F/m; mum; spandex; cocoon; cons; X
27.10.03 - Halloween WitchTeaSer
MF; bar; pickup; F/m; bond; oral; spell; majick; transform; object; dildo; stuck; insert; denial; cons/reluct; X
31.10.09 - The Handservant TaleZTVFemdomtales
F/m+; bond; costume; cuffs; chain; gag; box; enclosed; reluct; X
29.10.21 - Happy DolloweenJo
M+/f+; club; latex; catsuit; costume; sexdoll; maid; display; group; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Happy HalloweenJayJay
F/m; bond; oral; chastity; M/f; latex; bandages; wrap; cocoon; display; crate; intubate; encase; plaster; cons; X
02.05.06 - Happy Halloween!TeaSer
F/m; halloween; costume; spandex; bar; pickup; bond; cuffs; succubus; tease; torment; transport; oral; cons/nc; X
31.10.08 - Hauntedjoeblisad
Sbf; Other/f; cuffs; rope; gag; toys; insert; nipple; clamps; chastity; toys; ghosts; haunt; cons; X
31.10.08 - The Haunted FactoryJackrabbit
Solo-F; basement; ghosts; demon; dream; bond; bdsm; rack; susp; whip; gibbet; noose; display; torment; entrap; cons/nc; XX
30.10.10 - The Haunted HouseSchattenrose Miriam
Solo-F; accident; storm; mansion; shelter; stuck; explore; sleep; dream; mast; voices; awaken; ghosts; force; strip; bond; rope; oral; sex; anal; climax; noose; breathplay; susp; orgasm; death; body; absorbed; haunted; cons/nc; XXX
30.10.17 - Heather's Halloween HellKim Manners
MF; latex; costume; transform; party; bond; cuffs; sex; climax; stuck; cons; X
31.10.08 - High School Haunted HousePapa Palpatine
MF+/f; mum; teen; halloween; sarcophagus; wrap; tape; dream; bandages; stuck; chastity; cuffs; ritual; temple; reluct; X
29.10.22 - High School Haunted House: Twenty Years LaterPapa Palpatine
M/f; mum; bond; wrap; saranwrap; tape; cons; X
30.10.23 - Horny DevilsCoated
Solo-F; FF; F/f; event; display; costume; latex; catsuit; hood; gag; harness; public; surprise; scare; vibe; climax; trick; stuck; cons; X
26.10.19 - Horror of the White WormDaviddrb6
F+/f; captive; strip; bond; hogtie; rope; coven; worm; tease; swallow; eaten; soft; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - The Horse CostumeEF
F/m; bond; cuffs; collar; costume; cbt; torment; toys; insert; party; spank; reluct/cons; X
31.10.08 - Horse-O-WeenSouperVan
F/m; halloween; costume; cuffs; buttplug; chastity; diapers; urine; fart; oral; public; reluct; XX
29.10.22 - The House of the SpiderJohn Bannergram
Sbf; Other/f; spider; web; hum; milk; transform; hucow; halloween; mast; bedtie; chastity; tease; dungeon; naked; mum; drug; oral; denial; dream; reluct; XXX
29.10.22 - The House on Cemetery HillJackie Rabbit
M/f; Solo-F; fpov; supernatural; mast; bedtie; spreadeagle; manacles; chain; sex; oral; cell; outdoors; susp; cons; nc; X
30.10.23 - How I spent My HalloweenMikel
M/f; latex; catsuit; corset; leather; hobble; armbinder; hood; gag; bond; susp; toys; insert; chastity; public; club; display; tease; torment; denial; climax; cons; X
30.10.15 - How Not To Decorate For A PartyLobo De la Sombra
F/f+; house; dungeon; majick; mind-control; rack; chain; shackles; X-frame; stocks; transform; lovedoll; display; cons/reluct; X
30.10.12 - The Hunting CabinThe Technician
MF+/f+; halloween; lake; lodge; outdoors; hist; fantasy; hunt; capture; bond; bdsm; brand; ritual; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Husband to the FayThe Technician
F+/m; tea; drug; halloween; susp; majick; fairy-mound; fairie; celtic; ritual; mast; climax; humour; cons; X
26.10.19 - il DiablaThe Technician
Solo-M; F/m; FM/m; club; stage; strippers; pole; tease; bond; X-frame; bdsm; paddle; stocks; anal; majick; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - InvadedT S Fesseln
M/f; costume; bond; insert; gag; toys; display; climax; cons; X
30.10.10 - The InvitationThe Technician
Solo-M; costume; suit; halloween; car; chauffeur; mansion; party; bo-peep; bedroom; rom; sex; first; discovery; cons; X
30.10.16 - Invitation to the PartyThe Technician
mpov; naked; orgy; halloween; oral; anal; sex; cons; nc; X
30.10.24 - I Was Kidnapped by Lesbians from NeptuneJohn Bannergram
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; bond; alien; scifi; latex; catsuit; chain; cuffs; collar; trick; slave; public; toys; gag; oral; kidnap; reluct; cons; X
29.10.21 - Jabba's Palace PartyBaron Law
F/m; Machine/m; bond; halloween; party; darlex; catsuit; hood; mask; vr; enclosed; mum; wrap; fibreglass; toys; remote; tease; denial; transported; public; electro; climax; conditioning; cons; XX
30.10.24 - Jack O’ LanternThe Technician
Solo-M; investigate; mystery; party; halloween; costumes; MF+; FF/f; majick; ritual; hypno; succubus; oral; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X
26.10.19 - The Karodang HouseThe Technician
M+F+/f+; supernatural; halloween; party; game; naked; drug; mast; gag; sex; pillory; pain; climax; bond; sex; cons; XX
- La ChiaveThe Technician
MF; supernatural; fantasy; goddess; oral; sex; cons; X
29.10.20 - Lady FortunatoUnajet
MF; M/f; frathouse; halloween; basement; costume; latex; corset; bond; cuffs; gag; toys; insert; theme; display; alcove; bricks; tease; immurement; encase; tricked; camera; sealed-in; climax; cons/nc; X
30.10.17 - The Lions MouthT S Fesseln
Solo-F; mast; Other/f; bond; sex; cons/reluct; X
31.10.09 - Living Halloween Bondage Mummy for Trick or TreatersSlopoke
F/m; halloween; zentai; catsuit; sleepsack; bond; rope; wrap; bandages; susp; toys; porch; public; display; tease; denial; stuck; cons; X
25.10.18 - The LoopholeThe Technician
MF+/fm+; contract; devil; halloween; party; guests; exhib; voy; forced nudity; forced orgasm; pain; force; pain; sybian; toys; insert; electro; bdsm; torment; pillory; games; sex; oral; anal; cons/reluct; XX
30.10.15 - Magic Has a Price 2Jackie Rabbit
F/m; mpov; dungeon; cuffs; naked; oral; witch; strip; majick; sex; tease; cons; X
29.10.20 - Maidbot Partitioned 2: Part 1 The PartyKrissie Krave
F/mf; MF/mf; maid-bot; maid; costume; latex; cd; trick; buttplug; revenge; M2f; M2maidbot; collar; leash; bond; public; transform; pillory; crop; whip; climax; tribbing; pegging; remote; reluct; cons; XX
30.10.24 - 2: Part 2 The Aftermath
F/mf; M+/mf; maid-bot; M2maidbot; F2maidbot; M2f; mast; denial; collar; public; hum; oral; transform; sex; bond; chair; kidnap; nc; XX
- Maid for a RescueNingyou Macher
Solo-F; maid-bot; F2maidbot; kidnap; reluct; X
29.10.22 - Maid for a StealNingyou Macher
F/f; fpov; maid-bot; transform; F2maidbot; maid; costume; corset; collar; burglar; caught; reluct; X
29.10.21 - Maid PartitionedKrissie Krave
M/f; F/f; halloween; costume; maid; maidbots; latex; oral; F2maidbot; public; hum; sex; stuck; toys; reluct; nc; XX
30.10.23 - The MansionGreyRose
Solo-F; accident; fog; mansion; Other/f; FM+/f; spirit; shower; naked; voy; captive; bond; sawhorse; punish; climax; enslave; cons/nc; X
25.10.18 - Mary's MummyLee
MF/f; drug; kidnap; bond; hood; gag; wrap; bandages; intubate; toys; insert; tens; coffin; display; tease; reluct; X
31.10.08 - The MasqueT S Fesseln
M/f; D/s; event; bond; rope; gag; mask; spandex; bdsm; spank; crop; tease; nipple; wax; toys; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
31.10.08 - Matthew’s ChoiceThe Technician
Solo-M; MF+; party; halloween; costume; demon; gods; devil; contract; loophole; promise; revise; tricked; trap; choice; MF; apartment; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.17 - The MazeM88
F/fm+; captive; latex; gimpsuit; bond; hood; maze; torment; tease; bdsm; whip; toys; messy; urine; cum; challenge; chairtie; pigsuit; electro; torture; force; cons/nc; XXX
30.10.15 - Mental WardDPGSM
FF; hospital; explore; captive; torment; bond; straitjacket; cocoon; wrap; entomb; stuck; rescue; cons/nc; X
26.10.19 - Merit BadgeThe Technician
MFm+; scouts; camp; fire; story; scare; spirit; devour; transform; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - MistakeZTVFemdomtales
F/m; costume; party; breathplay; smother; dungeon; sex; nc; XX
04.11.21 - The Monster's BrideDaviddrb6
M/f; bond; naked; table; electro; bodymod; transform; climax; cons; X
30.10.11 - Mrs SuccubusThe Technician
Solo-M; FM; bar; succubus; leprechaun; blessing; mind-read; offer; rom; sex; life-force; partnership; belief; halloween; parties; hist; cons; X
30.10.17 - My CostumeThe Technician
M+/f; MF; fpov; majick; kidnap; bond; spreadeagle; gag; sex; cons; nc; X
30.10.23 - My Wife Is a Real Witch64Fordman
FM; F/m; FM+; witch; majick; partyroom; transform; M2object; game; tease; denial; bond; cuffs; M2f; costume; party; dogsuit; petplay; leash; collar; gag; cons/reluct; X
30.10.15 - A Necessary Evilanaerobe
Solo-M; graveyard; tomb; crypt; mast; fantasy; F/m; bond; collar; cuffs; chain; torment; Other/m; entomb; stuck; possession; cons/nc; X
30.10.15 - A New HauntT S Fesseln
M/f+; halloween; costume; shack; bodyparts; display; caught; bond; rope; hogtie; tease; nipple; toys; climax; reluct/cons; X
31.10.08 - NewlywedsThe Technician
MF; wedding; costumes; trick; group; cabin; punish; halloween; ghosts; outdoors; picnic; rom; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
25.10.18 - Now Not To Decorate For A PartyLobo De la Sombra
F/f+; house; dungeon; majick; mind-control; rack; chain; shackles; X-frame; stocks; transform; lovedoll; display; cons/reluct; X
31.10.07 - Nurse Freddy KruegerAbbacor
Solo-F; hospital; horror; bond; extreme; pain; torment; nc; XXX
26.10.19 - One Goes In, One Comes OutCropsncuffs
Solo-F; house; basement; plant/f; tentacles; entrap; engulf; insert; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.10.10 - One Hot Witch's BrewLobo De la Sombra
M/f; costume; display; gloves; mask; stuck; insert; toys; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.11 - The Pale RecluseAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; lost; capture; bond; latex; catsuit; drug; enslave; gasmask; torment; torture; cage; F/fm; transform; MF2other; spiderlike; hunt; sex; reluct/nc; XXX
30.10.15 - The Party BusThe Technician
M+F+/mf; halloween; devil; orgy; naked; straps; paddle; orgy; bus; cuffs; oral; anal; cons; XX
29.10.22 - The Party FavorM Twain
Solo-F; MM/f; costume; party; alice; public; nudity; display; electro; exhib; gag; nosex; cons; X
30.10.12 - Party GuestThe Technician
group; halloween; party; costume; oral; strip; naked; paddle; sex; succubus; game; supernatural; cons; X
30.10.24 - The Passion FlowerDil Apsus
Solo-F; plant/f; garden; shed; pruning; tendrils; wrap; bond; strip; gag; cocoon; insert; orally; anal; vag; stuck; feed; foodsource; vore; grow; flower; cons/nc; XX
30.10.17 - Pay Me!Jo
Solo-F; F/f; witch; majick; transform; display; betray; revenge; cons/nc; X
30.10.11 - The Perfect Party CostumesLobo De la Sombra
MMM; M+/f+; party; costume; majick; transform; M2f; cheerleader; mind-control; strip; naked; enslave; cons/reluct; X
30.10.12 - Perils of Phil: WebbedBaron Law
F/m; halloween; costume; catsuit; hood; gag; buttplug; inflatable; toys; bond; rope; web; glue; remote; electro; cons; X
30.10.24 - PerspectiveTigerstretch
F/f; fpov; mind-control; halloween; costume; oral; reluct; nc; X
30.10.23 - Peter, Peter Pumpkin EaterJo
M/f; bond; tape; frogtie; naked; outdoors; pumpkin; encase; messy; stuck; cons/reluct; X
30.10.11 - Pin CushionJayJay
F/f+; witch; majick; curse; transform; torture; bond; steel; pillories; bdsm; plant; piercing; chastity; water; wax; reluct/nc; XXX
30.10.11 - A Queen in NeedThe Technician
Solo-M; outdoors; hike; vision; F/m; fey; transport; majick; timetravel; hist; castle; witch; stakes; bound; condemned; queen; chamber; strip; toys; insert; mast; voy; oral; fingers; sex; climax; mate; release; discovery; cons; X
30.10.17 - Real Estate NightmareZephyr
Solo-F; realtor; house; inspection; pool; Other/f; hose; bond; horror; susp; M/f; strip; nipple; arousal; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
25.10.18 - A Real FoxLobo De la Sombra
M/f; shop; bully; mask; transform; F/m; M2f; furry; fox; naked; nipple; tease; mast; denial; revenge; enslave; sold; cons/nc; X
30.10.17 - The Realm of PleasureThe Technician
MF+; party; halloween; incantation; exhib; goddess; tease; F+/f; dance; M/f; flogging; nipple; oral; sex; anal; fantasy; climax; cons; X
26.10.19 - The Real Story of Hansel and GretalJackie Rabbit
MF; F/fm; outdoors; naked; drug; bond; majick; witch; transform; cook; eat; vore; oral; sex; cons/nc; X
30.10.11 - Relatives from Out of TownThe Technician
Solo-M; MF; fey; warning; witch; magic; spell; potion; reveal; halloween; party; boat; rom; entice; drug; sex; climax; cons; X
25.10.18 - ReunionAmyAmy
Solo-F; F+/f; clothing; store; display; fitting; panties; corset; dress; shoes; bond; cuffs; collar; bdsm; paddle; punish; majick; spell; transform; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - Rica's Secret HalloweenAmyAmy
F/f; FM+/f; halloween; party; bond; rope; harness; latex; catsuit; collar; outdoors; leash; taxi; captive; costume; dream; cons/reluct; X
30.10.15 - Robot CostumeMikel
Solo-M; MF+/m; robots; encase; foam; electrodes; toys; halloween; display; program; insert; shock; tease; torment; transport; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - The RoomLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f+; room; painting; dungeon; bond; gag; X-frame; straps; transform; captive; display; object; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - RSVPThe Technician
F/f; F+M+/f+m+; fpov; collar; leash; catsuit; strip; naked; public; party; oral; sex; anal; rope; climax; supernatural; reluct; cons; XX
- The Screaming TreeThe Technician
M/f; supernatural; sex; naked; outdoors; sex; oral; anal; bond; rope; cons; XX
30.10.23 - A Second Visit from Saint MichaelThe Technician
Solo-M; M+/f+; Other/m+; ranch; captive; slave; auction; bond; strip; hum; bdsm; whip; flog; torment; oral; freeze; revenge; punish; cons/nc; XX
30.10.16 - The Secret of the Maidbot FactoryMelissa M
Solo-F; maid-bot; F2maidbot; halloween; costume; collar; transform; ghosts; supernatural; cons; X
30.10.24 - Self DestructionM88
Solo-F; latex; catsuit; chair; straps; hood; video; webcam; voy; nipple; torment; hum; caught; M/f; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Serene Sisters of SibylThe Technician
F+/f; bond; rope; straps; cuffs; spreadeagle; outdoors; pain; oral; tease; toys; force; strapon; whip; majick; celtic; cons; nc; X
28.10.20 - Should Have Looked UpDruid5
Solo-F; halloween; outdoors; woods; Other/f; drider; capture; wrap; cocoon; susp; breastfeed; tease; arousal; mast; climax; transform; F2drider; reluct/nc; X
25.10.18 - Showing Some SpiritT S Fesseln
M/f; latex; outfits; stockings; toys; bond; armbinder; collar; tease; torment; denial; public; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Silk DanceJo
F+/f+; sorority; pledge; cave; capture; spider; envenom; wrap; cocoon; susp; vore; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - The Sinister Story of the Haunted CostumeAmyAmy
Solo-F; F/f; Other/f; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; chastity; toys; insert; revenge; bond; chain; public; hum; halloween; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - A Small BoxVaughan
FF; bond; stocks; box; magic; packaged; enclosed; cons; X
28.10.20 - Something SweetRaye De Lobos
F+/m; drug; strip; bond; encase; chocolate; statue; display; reluct; X
31.10.07 - Something Within MeThe Technician
MF+; party; halloween; costume; devil; angel; tanning; machine; tease; dance; oral; sex; anal; climax; switch; trick; cons; X
26.10.19 - Space ForceCoated
F+; sorority; halloween; fundraising; F/f+; strip; naked; machine; latex; suit; helmet; encase; chairtie; straps; mindwipe; conditioning; mind-control; conversion; enslave; drones; cons/reluct; X
25.10.18 - Spirits of the Shaftsyrynsmyth
FF; F/f; fpov; buttplug; toys; cuffs; spreadeagle; bedtie; oral; mast; blindfold; sendep; majick; collar; strapon; cons; nc; XX
30.10.23 - Spirit Trapbentbliss
FM/f; M/f+; bond; cuffs; corset; leash; public; dungeon; toys; electro; chain; ghosts; supernatural; cage; hood; cons; reluct; nc; XX
28.10.20 - The Stone Basin CovenLoras Pa6
Solo-M; party; costume; F/m; F+/m; armbinder; bond; cocoon; gag; latex; mind-control; tricked; witch; majick; ceremony; bonding; frogtie; rom; tease; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.16 - The Stone Basin Coven 2Loras Pa6
F/m; F+/m; costume; tunic; witch; demon; majick; battle; tricked; spell; telepathy; mind-control; bodysuit; ceremony; bonding; vine; spreadeagle; rom; tease; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.17 - Stuffed64Fordman
MF; Other/f; fair; prize; toys; bond; rope; gag; sex; oral; climax; transform; object; group; wash; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - SupergirlTigerstretch
FF; fpov; costume; halloween; toys; public; climax; electro; pvc; catsuit; sex; cons; X
30.10.23 - Tales of Green Valley #13: Last HalloweenTammy Murfin
FF; MF+; M/f; F/f; witch; spell; bagged; bond; naked; oral; sex; climax; revenge; bagged; disposal; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - That Good StoryAndy Latex
Solo-F; F+/f; club; latex; waitress; tease; fondle; stage; tank; display; rescue; reporter; interview; reveal; alien; bodysuit; heels; capture; bagged; worm; swallow; cocoon; enslave; torment; pleasure; cons/nc; XX
30.10.17 - They Aren't Leprachauns!The Technician
MF; magic; spell; runes; circle; fey; imps; naked; F+/f; tease; arousal; nipple; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
25.10.18 - Three Wicked WitchesCynthia Trusscot
M+/f+; costume; bond; rope; display; public; stakes; chain; fondle; cons/reluct; X
30.10.11 - A Touching Halloween GameSouperVan
M/f; bond; gag; table; halloween; public; grope; pain; torment; reluct; XXX
29.10.22 - The Trick and the TreatA Pensive Pen
Solo-M; M/f; captive; bond; susp; hood; electro; torture; sadist; club; costume; F/m; transform; M2f; retribution; hell; cons/nc; XXX
30.10.15 - Trick and TreatGrumpy
Solo-M; F/m; majick; bond; cuffs; spreader; naked; tease; torment; cbt; mast; denial; climax; reluct/nc; X
30.10.12 - Trick and Treat 2Grumpy
F/m; Other/m; majick; bond; torment; tease; fantasy; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
30.10.12 - Trick And Treat 3: The FinaleGrumpy
Solo-M; F/m; succubus; spell; majick; transform; insert; tail; captive; enslave; stuck; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.10.14 - Tricked and Treated by a Goddessbentbliss
F/m; M/m; F/mf; fem; chastity; trick; cd; costume; hum; office; party; oral; cuffs; reluct; XX
28.10.20 - Trick Or TrashStoo
M/f; captive; bond; gag; tape; cupboard; bagged; trash; carried; dumpster; stuck; nc; X
31.10.08 - Trick or TreatNewplay
F+/m; bond; rope; cbt; outdoors; cons/nc; X
31.10.09 - Trick Or TreatAmyAmy
M/f; MF/m; D/s; maid; latex; drug; bodyswap; bdsm; dungeon; buried; concrete; torment; oral; climax; revenge; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - Turnabout SurpriseEF
F/m; bond; latex; catsuit; electro; cage; display; reluct; X
31.10.08 - 28 - A Halloween StoryThe Technician
M/f; party; halloween; victim; drug; mind-control; strip; bond; rope; sex; climax; F/m; witch; cum; drain; majick; revenge; death; cons/nc; XX
30.10.17 - Two GhostsAbrank
M/f; F/fm; D/s; halloween; kidnap; captive; bond; chain; costume; chastity; slave; bdsm; electro; torment; cellar; reluct/nc; XX
31.10.07 - Underview ResortDarkraptor1
MF+; Other/fm+; latex; wrap; bandages; leather; bond; pet; cage; susp; nc; XX
31.10.09 - Unwanted BondageM88
Solo-F; machine; program; latex; catsuit; hood; gag; cuffs; encase; sendep; toys; climax; cons; X
31.10.13 - Vampires BanquetSiobhann
MF+/mf; nightclub; alley; drug; capture; bond; rope; gag; strip; naked; hide; sex; caught; mansion; kitchen; prepare; vampire; cut; feed; climax; vore; soft; cons/reluct; X
30.10.16 - A Very Kinky Hallowe’enNick Crosby
F/f; lingerie; bond; rope; gag; tape; hogtie; tease; mast; oral; climax; cons; X
30.10.10 - A Vicar Tames A DevilEmma Bond
M/f; strip; enema; latex; catsuit; boots; tail; bond; cuffs; chain; armbinder; harness; toys; insert; hood; nipple; electro; tease; torment; public; denial; climax; sex; cons; X
30.10.15 - A Visit from Saint MichaelThe Technician
MF+/f+; Other/fm+; dungeon; bond; shackles; chain; strip; hum; bdsm; whip; torment; sex; oral; anal; transform; bodyswap; curse; cons/nc; XX
30.10.14 - WerewolfieThe Technician
MF; oral; anal; party; catsuit; cosplay; creampie; drug; pheromones; exhib; majick; naked; spandex; transform; voy; werewolf; rom; nc; X
29.10.22 - What a Halloween!Rojo Caliente
F/m; leather; bond; gag; straitjacket; collar; leash; toys; public; tease; torment; mast; climax; denial; cons; X
27.10.03 - What is a TreatIgor Stravinsky
M/m; bond; electro; gag; mum; toys; public; cons; reluct; X
28.10.20 - What's a Girl to Do?The Technician
Solo-F; naked; MF+; F/f+; party; halloween; tease; deepthroat; display; first; group; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons; X
26.10.19 - Witch Hunt on HalloweenRestricted
Solo-M; F/m; outdoors; woods; cottage; drug; bond; captive; witch; majick; succubus; transform; cellar; chain; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
31.10.07 - The Witching Hourbbmf@cs.com
Sbm; F/m; F+/m; bond; mum; wrap; cocoon; entomb; cons/reluct; X
10.06.03 - Witch MountainThe Technician
F+/m; mpov; supernatural; naked; strip; bond; rope; sex; tease; denial; climax; anal; reluct; cons; X
29.10.21 - The Witch's Shemale CurseSensual Robert
F/m; M/m; insert; gag; packaged; boots; capture; M2f; revenge; witch; horror; nc; X
28.10.20 - Witch's Vibesbentbliss
F/m+; majick; witch; transform; toys; mast; oral; shop; halloween; costume; cd; M2f; latex; F2doll; inflate; F2m; revenge; futa; bond; sex; naked; cuffs; collar; reluct; nc; XX
30.10.24 - Wrapped for EternityWingatn
M/m; halloween; wrap; bandages; insert; encase; display; stuck; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - Wrapped up in the HolidayLeviticus
M/f; bond; encase; mum; bandages; public; display; cons; X
- Sorority House IntruderInferno
M/f+; bond; tape; rope; magic; nc; X
- 2
- 3
- Uninvited GuestInferno
M/f+; bond; tape; mum; snakes; magic; nc; X
- Tourist Trap RevisitedInferno
M/f+; bond; tape; rope; kidnap; nc; X
- 2
- Revenge of the Killer Klowns!Inferno
Other/f+; bond; tape; wrap; cocoon; sci-fi; nc; X
- Gold RushInferno
M/f+; bond; tape; rope; magic; nc; X
- Endless Wrapture 1Inferno
M/f+; F/f; bond; tape; rope; magic; nc; X
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Persona non grataInferno
M/f+; bond; tape; rope; kidnap; nc; X
- Perilous IslandInferno
F/f+; bond; tape; snake; quicksand; sinking; buried; nc; X
- Evil Toys 1Inferno
Other/f+; bond; tape; rope; dolls; nc; X
- 2
- The ExInferno
M/ff; bond; tape; wrap; cocoon; nc; X
- Leprechaun's ReturnInferno
M/f+; bond; rope; magic; snake; nc; X
- The House of MischiefInferno
Other/f+; bond; tape; wrap; cocoon; nc; X