To this special 10th Anniversary 2017 All-Hallows edition of the plaza

Picture this, you are walking alone down Main Street USA, the Moon is full, actually it's a blood moon...
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise, is that just the chill or something else...
A strangled scream echoes out from behind you, was it an owl, or a banshee...
The street appears to be eerily empty, where is everyone on this All-Hallows Eve...
You spot something in the corner of your vision, you turn to look, try to establish what it was...
It may just have been a cat you tell yourself, though not entirely convinced, you begin to doubt your senses, you look again to try to see just what spooked you...
A trashcan lid hits the floor, you jump at the sound, your senses on heightened alert, and you feel that you're being followed or someone or something is watching you...
Suddenly a mist forms in front of you, seemingly oozing out of the very ground you're walking on, the mist rises and gets thicker, the smell reaches your nose and then claws at your very throat...
Sulphur! You realise it smells just like sulphur, "How the hell.." then suddenly it hits you, like a kick to the chest, you feel your 'flight or fight' responses kicking in, you're all alone, scared nearly to death...
"It's just a mist", you try to calm yourself, "water droplets suspended in the air..." you thought, just as they turned to ice crystals...
You then seen someone walking towards you, the mist seems to part for them, it's a Movie Mogul with a contract for you!
RUN! Run as fast as you can, get away and return home, It's time to stay in the safety of your own home, lock the doors, and get cosy in front of the fire and read the excellent stories of the 10th Anniversary 2017 Edition of the Halloween Special.
On to the stories....
Click on the header links below to check out the stories
Stories that are Bound to entrap you, keep you tied up for hours...

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Still not scared enough! Want to see previous years Halloween stories, don't say you weren't warned!
Halloween 07 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 13 | Halloween 14 | Halloween 15 | Halloween 16 | all halloween stories