To this special 2011 All-Hallows edition of the plaza

You're walking through the woods, when you hear a sound...
You edge closer to try to find the source of the erie noises...
Only to find a large fire surrounded by dancing women...
They dance around the fire chanting as they go...
You see a burning effigy in the middle of the bonfire...
You creep closer to see clearer, only to see that they are witches!
But then you step on a stick, crack, the sounds echos through the woods...
You look up to discover the witches have discovered you...
You look closer at the effigy burning on the stake, only to realise that's it' you!
Run for your life, it's the Halloween Special Edition of the Plaza
On to the stories....
Click on the header links below to check out the stories
Stories that are Bound to entrap you, keep you tied up for hours...

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Still not scared enough! Want to see last years Halloween stories, don't say you weren't warned!
Halloween 07 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 12 | all halloween stories