To this special 2013 All-Hallows Edition of the Plaza

Stories that are Bound to entrap you, and keep you tied up for hours...
- The Devil's Bull
The Technician
M/f+; M/mf+; halloween; demon; club; stage; display; bond; susp; bdsm; torment; water; immerse; sybian; force; enslave; mythical beasts; oral; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX - Dark Lady
Cynthia Trusscot
Solo-M; M/f; discovery; bond; rope; gag; bfold; transport; noose; ghost; cons; X - il Diabla
The Technician
Solo-M; F/m; FM/m; club; stage; strippers; pole; tease; bond; x-frame; bdsm; paddle; stocks; anal; majick; climax; cons; X - Deal with the Devil
The Technician
M/f; halloween; party; devil; deal; betrayal; eternal; rom; majick; cons; X - The Sinister Story of the Haunted Costume*
Solo-F; F/f; other/f; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; chast; toys; insert; revenge; bond; chain; public; hum; halloween; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX - The Defiled One*
The Technician
Solo-F; M+/f; psych; demon; majick; witches; spell; capture; mc; ritual; sacrifice; vore; halloween; oral; anal; sex; nympho; climax; cons/reluct; X - Bobbing for Apples
F/m, halloween; cd; maid; butler; party; bond; rope; bfold; straps; bdsm; hum; sex; climax; reluct; X - Femmi Weed Too*
Jackie Rabbit
F/m; transform; bodymod; breasts; maid; cd; weeds; halloween; M2f; sex; cons; X - Covenant House
Lobo De la Sombra
M/f+; Other/f+; halloween; naked; captured; bond; shackles; bridle; display; ghost; climax; cons/nc; X - The Hunting Cabin
The Technician
MF+/f+; halloween; lake; lodge; outdoors; hist; fantasy; hunt; capture; bond; bdsm; branding; ritual; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X - Bitch's Brew
MMM; M+/f+; halloween; monsters; bar; crypt; boxed; humour; cons; X - The Black Room
The Technician
Solo-M; MF+/mf+; halloween; alien; hist; ritual; ceremony; bond; bdsm; whip; torment; portal; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX - The Ghost of Halloween Past
Solo-F; M+/f+; ghost; hist; bond; straps; rope; slave; chair; dunk; punish; torment; tickle; transform; denial; sex; climax; cons; X - Silk Dance*
F+/f+; sorority; pledge; cave; capture; spider; envenom; wrap; cocoon; susp; vore; cons/nc; X - Trick and Treat 2
F/m; Other/m; majick; bond; torment; tease; fantasy; oral; denial; climax; cons; X - Aoife, the Queen Maker
The Technician
MF; halloween; hist; rom; fantasy; majick; marriage; sex; cons; X - Cutting It Fine
F/m; halloween; bond; cuffs; naked; femdom; tease; torment; pendulum; peril; cons; X - Unwanted Bondage
Solo-F; machine; program; latex; catsuit; hood; gag; cuffs; encase; sen-dep; toys; climax; cons; X - Wrapped for Eternity*
M/m; halloween; wrap; bandages; insert; encase; display; stuck; cons/nc; X - The Bones In The Dungeon 7*
Jackie Rabbit
FM+/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; gag; dungeon; cell; naked; bdsm; whip; torment; hum; medieval; halloween; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX - All Of Me
M/f; F/m; office; secretary; desk; oral; climax; choke; ghost; revenge; cons/nc; XX - The Canewdon Witch Trial
Emma Bond
MF+/ff; costume; event; display; corset; bond; stocks; sponges; tickle; tease; public; halloween; cons; X - Halloween Pony*
I. Binder
M/f; MM/f+; party; costume; latex; catsuit; harness; bridle; boots; outdoors; cart; ponygirls; transport; bdsm; force; whip; float; captive; cons/nc; XX - A Halloween Story
MF; MF+/f; halloween; party; costumes; witch; spell; capture; bond; shackles; gag; entomb; force; mc; cons/nc; X

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Go back to Halloween 12 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 2010 | Halloween 2009 | Halloween 2008 | Halloween 2007 | all halloween stories
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