To this special 2014 All-Hallows Edition of the Plaza

Stories that are Bound to entrap you, and keep you tied up for hours...
- The Gift
The Technician
Solo-F; FF; MF; outdoors; desert; car; pickup; majick; gift; transform; visions; crimes; police; arrest; cons/reluct; X - Halloween Party
F/fm; femdom; straitjacket; handcuff; long term; party; costumes; public; hum; sex; cons; X - Brandy's Revenge
Lobo De la Sombra
F/m; halloween; drug; wrap; cotton; gag; bond; chain; display; costume; revenge; cons; X - Distribution Curve
Solo-F; M/f; scifi; captive; cond; mc; vid; bodymod; bdsm; punish; pain; enslave; puppet; objectify; cons/nc; XX - A Visit from Saint Michael
The Technician
MF+/f+; Other/mf+; dungeon; bond; shackles; chain; strip; hum; bdsm; whip; torment; sex; oral; anal; transform; bodyswap; curse; cons/nc; XX - Stuffed
MF; other/f; fair; prize; toy; bond; ropes; gag; sex; oral; climax; transform; object; group; wash; cons/reluct; X - The Gardeners
Solo-F; FF; plant/f; greenhouse; plants; drug; tendrils; capture; encase; insert; bodymod; mc; zombie; cons/reluct; X - Trick And Treat 3: The Finale
Solo-M; F/m; succubus; spell; majick; transform; insert; tail; captive; enslave; stuck; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX - The Room
Lobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; M/f+; room; painting; dungeon; bond; gags; x-cross; straps; transformed; captive; display; object; stuck; cons/nc; X - The Guide
The Technician
Solo-F; M+/f; MF+; park; cave; halloween; ghost; psychic; paranormal; bond; rope; sex; group; denial; toys; climax; cons; X - The Crystalline Insert
hollow well
FF; F/f; gift; store; majick; dildo; insert; stuck; multi-orgasm; transform; entrap; les; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X - Reunion
Solo-F; FF/f; clothing; store; display; fitting; panties; corset; dress; shoes; bond; cuffs; collar; bdsm; paddle; punish; majick; spell; transform; cons/reluct; X - Dead Writer’s Society
The Technician
Solo-M; MF+/m; Halloween; critic; ghosts; stories; revenge; pastlives; madness; humour; cons/nc; X - Tales of Green Valley #13: Last Halloween
Tammy Murfin
FF; MFF; M/f; F/f; witch; spells; bagging; bond; naked; oral; sex; climax; revenge; bagged; disposal; cons/nc; X - The Beautiful Creature
Solo-F; MF; beach; swim; creature; scales; merman; bikini; strip; caress; sex; climax; cons; X - Danny Boy
The Technician
MM; F+/m+; M/f+; mythical; Halloween; succubus; sex; oral; anal; mast; climax; majick; transform; spell; banish; costumes; cons/nc; X - Self Destruction
Solo-F; latex; catsuit; chair; straps; hood; video; webcam; voy; nipple; torment; hum; caught; M/f; cons/nc; X - Eternal Devotion
FF; F/f; latex; catsuit; party; Halloween; costumes; cemetery; crypt; bond; tease; les; sex; climax; curse; stuck; cons/nc; X - A Deal With The Devil
Jackie Rabbit
Solo-F; FF; F/f; D/s; show; costumes; schoolgirl; devil; bourbon; performance; panties; captive; bond; enslave; femdom; prisoner; les; cons/nc; X - Coven
Garden Variety
FM+/f; bond; cartrunk; motel; outdoors; group; rope; strip; bdsm; ceremony; objectify; shave; wax; piercing; cons/reluct; X - Coven 2
Garden Variety
FM+/f; bond; cartrunk; motel; outdoors; group; rope; strip; bdsm; ceremony; objectify; shave; wax; piercing; cons/reluct; X - Coven 3
Garden Variety
FM+/ff; FF; motel; outdoors; bond; naked; rope; susp; breast; bdsm; ceremony; toys; insert; objectify; tease; torment; les; oral; sex; climax; cons; X - Bound Halloween
Solo-M/F; MF; F/m; party; bond; cuffs; collar; hobble; leather; heels; chast; corset; toys; tease; denial; climax; cons; X
05.11.14 - Robot Costume
Solo-M; MF+/m; robot; encase; foam; electrodes; toys; halloween; display; program; insert; shock; tease; torment; transport; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Go back to Halloween 13 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 2010 | Halloween 2009 | Halloween 2008 | Halloween 2007 | all halloween stories
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