To this special 2014 All-Hallows edition of the plaza

There are some that say on Halloween, the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at its thinnest. This allows the spirits of that dark unknown place to more freely walk among us..
You wander through the cemetary, this was supposed to be a short cut home, but on this night it could turn into a longer journey ...
You hear every one of your footsteps as they touch the bare earth, you think to yourself why did I venture out on All-Hallows Eve...
Every snap of a twig, every wisp of the wind thru the branches, the very air that you breathe, all combines to the feeling of unease...
You walk on, every muscle tense, every sense on high-alert, you hear a sound like something rapping on stone, the sounds continues...
You feel drawn to the sound, like it's calling after you, your heart beats faster you feel that's it's almost in your throat, sweat forms on your brow, your limbs shake with fear...
As you near the sound at it's source you see nothing, the sound continues drawing you ever closer, the sound of tapping now deafening, you look at where to sound is coming from - a grave stone...
You let out a blood-curling scream as you look at the face of the tombstone, there lies a name you know all too well, your own...
Run while you still have a chance, get home and enjoy the Halloween Special Edition 2014.
On to the stories....
Click on the header links below to check out the stories
Stories that are Bound to entrap you, keep you tied up for hours...

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Still not scared enough! Want to see previous years Halloween stories, don't say you weren't warned!
Halloween 07 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 13 | all halloween stories