To the 2020 All-Hallows edition of the plaza

When I took over running the Plaza last year, Gromet didn't say anything about the curse of the Halloween special. I think that's why he insisted on finishing it off in 2019, as the last thing he did for the site. Now I understand. He wanted the full year as a head start, to out-run it. Hoping that by now he'd be far enough away that the spirits wouldn't catch him, that they'd only find me.
All those dead and haunted writers, with kinky stories to tell, that won't be denied. Those tales must be told. I dare not risk what might happen to me if we try to escape it. The veil between this world and the next is weak this time of year. The spirits are strong, and they need to share the intensity of their imaginings with you, dear readers. You need to help me beat back the curse for another year. Revel in their kinks, delve deeply into their madness, and give yourself over to the pleasures of this, the 2020 Gromet's Plaza Halloween Special.
I know you're strong enough to make it back with your sanity intact. Even from those stories of fear, horror, and depravation. And if you don't, well... perhaps you'll distract the spirits for long enough that the rest of us may escape.
Don't worry Gromet. Run, you kinky boy, run. We've got this.
You have be warned!
On to the stories....
Click on the header links below to check out the stories
Stories that are Bound to entrap you, keep you tied up for hours...

Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
Still not scared enough! Want to see previous years Halloween stories, don't say you weren't warned!
Halloween 07 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 13 | Halloween 14 | Halloween 15 | Halloween 16 | Halloween 17 | Halloween 18 | Halloween 19 | all halloween stories