To the 2019 All-Hallows edition of the plaza
Stories that are Bound to entrap you, and keep you tied up for hours...
- What's a Girl to Do?
The Technician
Solo-F; naked; MF+; F/f+; party; halloween; tease; deep-throat; display; first; group; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons; X - Blood Dreams
Cynthia Trusscot
FM+/mf+; haunted-house; display; capture; bond; rope; gag; chairtie; blood; donation; costumes; cons; X - Husband to the Fay
The Technician
F+/m; tea; drug; halloween; susp; majick; fairy-mound; fairies; celtic; ritual; mast; climax; humor; cons; X - Horny Devils
Solo-F; FF; F/f; event; display; costume; latex; catsuit; hood; gag; harness; public; surprise; scare; vibe; climax; trick; stuck; cons; X - Something Within Me
The Technician
MF+; party; Halloween; costume; devil; angel; tanning; machine; tease; dance; oral; sex; anal; climax; switch; trick; cons; X - Jack O'Lantern
The Technician
Solo-M; investigate; mystery; party; halloween; costumes; MF+; FF/f; majick; ritual; hypno; succubus; oral; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X - Mental Ward
FF; hospital; explore; captives; torment; bond; straitjacket; cocoon; wrap; entomb; stuck; rescue; cons/nc; X - The Realm of Pleasure
The Technician
MF+; party; halloween; incantation; exhib; goddess; tease; F+/f; dance; M/f; flogging; nipple; oral; sex; anal; fantasy; climax; cons; X
Be fore warned ye mere mortals, venture into this dark area at your own peril. Beware the Goblin and other Ghouls that will attempt to steal your very soul!
- Nurse Freddy Krueger
Solo-F; hospital; horror; bond; extreme; pain; torment; nc; XXX
Go back to Halloween 18 | Halloween 17 | Halloween 16 | Halloween 15 | Halloween 14 | Halloween 13 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 07 | all halloween stories
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