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88 Stories Found
- BottledAmyAmy
mpov; transform; M2f; mpov; majick; cons; X
29.10.21 - Ghosts of the HotelAmyAmy
MF; F/m; fpov; oral; sex; bodysuit; caught; costume; encase; iso; rubber; cons; X
28.10.20 - Cult of the CentipedeAmyAmy
bond; chain; horror; creature; temple; nc; XX
28.10.20 - Together we are Stronger 15: Loose EndsAmyAmy
Solo-F; Other/f; FM; F/fm; transform; rubber; alien; goo; encase; diner; meeting; reveal; hospital; rom; capture; drug; mind-control; conditioning; cage; implants; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
12.07.18 - 14: Heart Strings
Solo-F; Other/f; FM; transform; rubber; alien; goo; encase; investigation; diner; meeting; reveal; cons/nc; X
- 13: Easy Answers
Solo-F; Other/f; F/f; M/f; transform; rubber; alien; goo; fight; captive; rescue; encase; memories; mind-transfer; absorbed; discarded; space; cons/nc; X
- 12: Close Together and Far Apart
Solo-F; Other/f; F/fm+; transform; rubber; alien; encase; stuck; goo; public; fight; kidnap; captive; rescue; cons/nc; X
- 11: Binding Obligations
Solo-F; Other/f; F+; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; fight; kidnap; captive; flashback; dream; globe; reunite; assimilate; cons/nc; X
23.06.18 - 10: Where the Heart Is
Solo-F; Other/f; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; FF; warn; discovery; flashback; dream; F/fm; breast; arousal; mind-control; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
11.06.18 - 9: Sacred Places
M+/m; attack; Solo-F; Other/f; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; F/f; breast; desire; sex; mind-control; outdoors; island; discovery; globe; surprise; escape; cons/nc; X
31.05.18 - 8: Attraction
Solo-F; Other/f; transform; rubber; encase; stuck; F/m; reveal; goo; stimulant; sex; climax; F/f; breast; desire; mind-control; cons/nc; X
31.05.18 - 7: Repulsion
Solo-F; Other/f; transform; bodymod; rubber; encase; cocoon; stuck; dream; discovery; F/fm; bed; messy; goo; clean; sex; cons/nc; X
31.05.18 - 6: Drawing Closer
Solo-F; Other/f; blob; host; engulf; encase; overwhelm; grow; surround; insert; bodymod; pain; torment; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
26.05.18 - 5: New Bonds
Solo-F+; Other/f+; island; discovery; blob; host; engulf; encase; overwhelm; grow; surround; insert; bodymod; pain; torment; drug; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
26.05.18 - 4: Old Bonds
Solo-F+; M+/f+; police; station; locker; drugs; kidnap; threat; blackmail; hospital; recovery; memories; rubber; bond; island; discovery; blob; mast; denial; emb; cons/nc; X
26.05.18 - 3: Who You Are When I'm Not There
Solo-F; MF+; police; raid; laboratory; discovery; attack; shoot; drugs; dispense; arousal; crime; hospital; recovery; emb; escape; cons/nc; X
14.05.18 - 2: Old Affections
Solo-F; M/f; delivery; blackmail; threat; costume; FM+; police; office; memories; latex; emb; arousal; drugs; crime; briefing; no-sex; cons; X
14.05.18 - 1
Solo-F; FM; discovery; usb; porn; latex; challenge; desire; rom; emb; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
14.05.18 - Together Is Not An Option 3AmyAmy
M/f; latex; catsuit; rubber; hood; boots; gloves; corset; hobble; collar; cuffs; bond; nipple; encase; sendep; drugs; aphrodisiac; intense; pleasure; pain; sex; climax; cons; X
02.04.18 - 2
M/f; play; latex; catsuit; rubber; hood; boots; gloves; corset; hobble; collar; cuffs; bond; nipple; encase; sendep; tease; denial; cons; X
- 1
Solo-F; M/f; strip; kitchen; bench; sex; climax; offer; play; latex; catsuit; hood; boots; gloves; corset; hobble; desire; cons; X
- The Awful Account of the Haunted Costume 3AmyAmy
M+/mf+; latex; party; discovery; rubberwear; rubberdoll; stuck; medic; strip; catsuit; curse; stab; death; majick; slither; pants; insert; hood; encase; envelop; torment; transform; chastity; corset; mind-control; enslave; cons/nc; XXX
30.10.17 - 2
FM; FM/fm; latex; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; susp; captive; trap; domme; F/m; hood; strip; pants; toys; insert; shave; fem; bodysuit; rubberdoll; mask; corset; costume; maid; tricked; drug; stab; blood; feed; oral; climax; cons/nc; XXX
- 1
Solo-M; M/m; latex; party; stocks; mitts; rubberwear; F/m; bdsm; crop; gag; blindfold; F/f; bond; cuffs; gag; chain; susp; trap; domme; cons/nc; X
- Pretenders 4AmyAmy
M/f; maledom; latex; catsuit; corset; armbinder; boots; toys; insert; public; force; tease; torment; chastitybelt; F/f; piercing; kiss; handcuffs; straps; mast; oral; sex; denial; climax; cons/reluct; X
08.10.17 - 3
M/f; FM/f; maledom; bar; hotel; force; naked; bond; gag; leather; armbinder; stockings; frogtie; femdom; corset; strict; hogtie; tease; torment; strapon; toys; denial; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
- 2
F/m; chastity; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; femdom; bond; armbinder; hood; tease; denial; M/f; bar; hookup; toilet; force; maledom; handcuffs; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- 1
M/f; F/m; bond; tape; ribbon; chastity; latex; catsuit; corset; straitjacket; boots; femdom; tease; spank; denial; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- Return to the Doll House 3: Lauren & NilmaAmyAmy
F/m; latex; maid; naked; bodymod; M2f; transform; discovery; reveal; hist; tease; preg; cons/nc; X
23.02.17 - 2: Mistress Four
F+/m; latex; maid; accident; captive; bodymod; discovery; reveal; nectar; source; sex; climax; change; heat; pain; tendrils; duel; cons/nc; XX
- 1
F+/m; latex; maid; catsuit; bodysuit; chastity; corset; exam; inject; denial; tasks; F+/f; bond; susp; punish; accident; release; cons/nc; X
- The Secret Life of Rica 8: InevitableAmyAmy
F/f; M/f; collar; bond; gag; cuffs; strip; bdsm; belt; punish; blackmail; naked; pool; photo; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.12.15 - 7: An Unexpected Visitor
F/f; Solo-F; M/f; mistake; collar; capture; bond; tape; gag; chain; cuffs; strip; lingerie; hum; blackmail; enslave; cons/nc; X
- 6: Trade Negotiations
F/f; Solo-F; M/f; naked; bdsm; spank; hairbrush; work; lateshift; public; molest; torment; degrade; hum; cons/nc; X
- 5: Bea In Chains
F/f; lingerie; naked; bond; handcuffs; discovery; collar; hum; video; cons/reluct; X
- 4: Bea Investigates
Solo-F; F/f; voy; video; lingerie; toys; discovery; nightie; breast; kiss; strip; handcuffs; mast; cons/reluct; X
- 3: Essential Research
Solo-F; F/f; online; chat; video; striptease; dance; camera; spy; voy; naked; mast; cons/reluct; X
14.07.15 - 2
Solo-F; F/f; hum; fantasy; mast; climax; caught; therapy; sub; desire; cons/reluct; X
09.03.15 - 1
Solo-F; M/f; college; blackmail; favor; innuendo; denial; hum; anguish; stuck; porn; cons/nc; X
04.02.15 - Rica's Secret HalloweenAmyAmy
F/f; FM+/f; halloween; party; bond; rope; harness; latex; catsuit; collar; outdoors; leash; taxi; captive; costume; dream; cons/reluct; X
30.10.15 - The Pale RecluseAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; lost; capture; bond; latex; catsuit; drug; enslave; gasmask; torment; torture; cage; F/fm; transform; MF2other; spiderlike; hunt; sex; reluct/nc; XXX
30.10.15 - The BuildingAmyAmy
MF+; M/f; abandoned; explore; liquid; rubber; capture; chase; transform; F2other; M2other; insects; mind-control; force; enslave; feed; stuck; cons/nc; XX
30.10.15 - Narelle's Discovery 3: Delusion's EndAmyAmy
M/f; F/f; D/s; bond; chastity; enslave; torment; bdsm; punish; spank; tape; bagged; captive; tattoo; piercing; torture; cons/nc; XX
05.07.15 - 2: The Remedy
Solo-F; M/f; club; dance; drink; public; sex; bond; cuffs; murder; robbery; threat; rubber; hum; enslave; chastity; cons/nc; XX
- 1: A Doll's Story
Solo-F; M/f; fantasy; latex; suit; dollified; hood; bond; straps; stand; display; sexdoll; toys; insert; conditioning; video; armbinder; gag; enema; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
09.02.15 - A Doll StoryAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; fantasy; latex; suit; dollified; hood; bond; straps; stand; display; sexdoll; toys; insert; conditioning; video; armbinder; gag; enema; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX
09.02.15 - Original SinsAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; wartime; barn; bond; rope; susp; sex; climax; caught; F/fm; revenge; gun; machine; magnets; accident; dream; cons/nc; XX
09.01.15 - ReunionAmyAmy
Solo-F; F+/f; clothing; store; display; fitting; panties; corset; dress; shoes; bond; cuffs; collar; bdsm; paddle; punish; majick; spell; transform; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - The GardenersAmyAmy
Solo-F; FF; plant/f; greenhouse; plant; drug; tendrils; capture; encase; insert; bodymod; mind-control; transform; zombie; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - Distribution CurveAmyAmy
Solo-F; M/f; scifi; captive; conditioning; mind-control; video; bodymod; bdsm; punish; pain; enslave; puppet; objectify; cons/nc; XX
30.10.14 - The Sinister Story of the Haunted CostumeAmyAmy
Solo-F; F/f; Other/f; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; chastity; toys; insert; revenge; bond; chain; public; hum; halloween; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
30.10.13 - Betrayal 10: Unexpected TemptationsAmyAmy
Solo-F; MF; public; conversation; revelations; conclusion; slave; cons; X
23.08.13 - 9: Insomniac Sleeping Beauty
M+/f+; F/f; Solo-F; D/s; bond; rope; corset; susp; harness; gag; hood; bdsm; torment; stables; ponygirl; outdoors; force; toys; mast; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
- 8: The Master Plan
M+/f+; F/f; D/s; bond; rope; corset; susp; harness; gag; bdsm; cage; piercing; brand; torment; stables; ponygirl; cart; outdoors; force; chastity; oral; anal; denial; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX
17.07.13 - 7: Do Girls Love Ponies?
F/f+; M/f+; D/s; bond; armbinder; rope; susp; harness; gag; bdsm; electro; bdsm; torment; stables; ponygirl; cart; outdoors; force; oral; anal; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
07.07.13 - 6: When You Start To Want It
F/f; MF+/f+; D/s; bond; latex; armbinder; leather; gag; bdsm; piercing; transport; boots; corset; stables; ponygirl; outdoors; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
08.04.13 - 5: Problem Of Perception
F+/f+; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; latex; gag; bdsm; crop; punish; electro; torment; toys; insert; oral; mast; climax; cons/reluct; XX
26.03.13 - 4: Fooling Myself
F+/f+; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; latex; catsuit; gag; bdsm; cane; punish; torment; toys; insert; oral; climax; reluct; XX
03.02.13 - 3: Getting To Know You
F/f; D/s; bond; chain; armbinder; gag; hogtie; susp; enslave; bdsm; whip; punish; torment; toys; oral; climax; reluct/nc; XX
20.01.13 - 2: The New You
MF+/f; D/s; party; display; hum; bdsm; enslave; punish; torment; oral; sex; climax; denial; reluct/nc; XX
10.01.13 - 1: First Betrayal
M/f; D/s; bdsm; bond; cuffs; chain; intubate; enslave; punish; torment; oral; denial; reluct/nc; XXX
12.12.12 - Trick Or TreatAmyAmy
M/f; MF/m; D/s; halloween; maid; latex; drug; bodyswap; bdsm; dungeon; catsuit; buried; concrete; torment; oral; climax; revenge; cons/nc; XX
30.10.12 - The Curious Case of the Haunted CostumeAmyAmy
Solo-F; F+/f; Other/f; halloween; costume; latex; catsuit; corset; boots; hood; bond; armbinder; gag; blindfold; tease; torment; nipple; cons/nc; X
30.10.12 - The Doll Hotel 10: The Slave's SlaveAmyAmy
F+/f; F/m; latex; maid; bond; susp; catsuit; chastity; corset; inflate; breathplay; denial; captive; reluct/nc; XX
08.08.10 - 9: Rebellion in Heaven
F+/f; F/m; latex; maid; bond; susp; catsuit; encase; chastity; corset; straitjacket; captive; reluct/nc; X
- 8: Deep Waters, Strong Currents
F+/fm; latex; maid; fem; cd; bond; susp; hobble; piercing; costume; oral; cons/nc; XX
30.07.10 - 7: Slaves and Maids, Above and Below
F+/fm; latex; maid; fem; cd; bond; susp; hobble; bagged; oral; anal; cons; X
14.07.10 - 6: Excellence in Conformity
F+/m; latex; corset; maid; fem; cd; bond; training; hum; cons/reluct; X
30.06.10 - 5: The Mysterious Nymph of the Rubber Garden
F+/m; latex; corset; maid; fem; cd; bdsm; training; enema; oral; toys; cons/reluct; XX
23.06.10 - 4: Just Punishments
F+/m; latex; corset; maid; fem; cd; bdsm; training; cons/reluct; X
10.06.10 - 3: Basic Maid Training, Advanced Failure
F+/fm; latex; corset; maid; fem; cd; bdsm; bagged; mast; reluct; XX
27.05.10 - 2: Be Careful What You Wish For
F+/m; latex; clothing; corset; boots; fem; cd; exam; shave; maid; reluct; X
15.05.10 - 1: The Road Less Travelled
Solo-M; latex; clothing; corset; boots; hotel; fem; mast; cons; X
15.05.10 - The Doll Factory 11: MetamorphosisAmyAmy
Machine/f; F/f; D/s; latex; bodymod; doll; rebirth; replicate; cocoon; cons; X
23.03.10 - 10: How to Program a Doll
Machine/f; M+/f; D/s; latex; bodymod; doll; electro; bdsm; replicant; oral; sex; cons/nc; X
16.03.10 - 9: Submission
Machine/f; F/f; D/s; latex; leather; bond; bdsm; susp; outdoors; petgirl; kennel; fantasy; cons/reluct; X
07.03.10 - 8: Doll Dreams
M+/f; Machine/f; F/f; dollsuit; latex; leather; bond; fantasy; bdsm; cons/reluct; XX
25.02.10 - 7: Anatomically Incorrect
F/f; M+/f; plastic; machine; bodymod; dollsuit; latex; leather; bond; cons/reluct; X
15.02.10 - 6: Only Myself to Blame
F/f; M+/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; plastic; machine; chastity; hum; mast; mind-control; bodymod; cons/reluct; X
04.02.10 - 5: Doll Parts
F/f; M/f; D/s; bond; bdsm; latex; machine; chastity; hum; oral; mind-control; cons/reluct; X
21.01.10 - 4: Doctor’s Orders
F/f; M/f; bond; latex; machine; susp; hum; drug; insert; abused; shave; mast; cons/reluct; X
21.01.10 - 3: Unexpected Visitor
Solo-F; FM/f; medical; bond; electronics; hum; mast; cons/reluct; X
04.01.10 - 2: Testing & Monitoring
Solo-F; FM/f; bond; medical; latex; electronics; mast; cons/reluct; X
21.12.09 - 1: Examination
F/f; bond; medical; exam; gag; insert; enema; mast; cons/reluct; X
21.12.09 - Little Shop of Rubber 4AmyAmy
F/f; latex; cons; X
02.07.06 - 3
- 2
MM/f; latex; cons/nc; X
22.02.06 - 1
F; latex; cons; X