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5 Stories Found
- The Mistress and the three house guest that never leaveAngelfire
F/m+; D/s; bond; straitjacket; hobble; sleepsack; dungeon; slave; spank; sex; climax; cons; X
05.12.11 - HIMangel_doll_maid
Sbf; bodymod; piercing; Machine/f; D/s; electro; cons; X
10.10.06 - Another Way To GoAngel
F/m; angel; swallow; mast; digest; cons; X
17.02.06 - Bed & BondageAngel Joe
F/m; bond; cage; Sbm; cons; X
10.05.04 - David's Latex SubmissionAngelique93
F+/m; mum; hypno; latex; bond; reluct/nc; X