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16 Stories Found
- Lockdown LoversDumpsterLife and Landfill_Racoon
MF; F+/f; mpov; fpov; bagged; bin; mast; caught; hum; messy; dumped; dumpster; sex; garbagetruck; compactor; compacted; disposal; landfill; transported; tape; cons; nc; XX
11.01.25 - The Risks of Dumpster SexDumpsterLife
MF; garbage; dumpster; trash; strip; mast; sex; truck; compacted; messy; cheat; revenge; caught; cons; XXX
03.04.24 - Sleeping With The Wrong ManDumpsterLife
F+/f; caught; revenge; trash; dumpster; messy; food; punish; urine; truck; compacted; buried; death; extreme; nc; XXX
27.01.22 - We Found Love In A Hopeless PlaceDumpsterLife
MF; Solo-M; mpov; foreplay; mast; oral; sex; bagged; cons; disposal; dumpster; garbage
12.12.19 - Amy's Pleasures: Fun in the CompactorDumpsterLife
Solo-F; naked; compactor; waste; trash; messy; mast; compacted; buried; caught; M/f; tease; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
13.10.19 - From Fantasy To RealityDumpsterLife
Solo-F; naked; trashbags; toys; insert; mast; cardboard; box; F/f; disposal; trashcan; kerbside; collection; truck; transported; transfer-station; M/f; discovery; hum; cons/reluct; X
08.06.19 - Jessie's JourneyDumpsterLife and Trash girl
Solo-M; sexbot; sex; disposal; dumpster; trash; messy; torment; stuck; collection; truck; compactor; conveyor; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X
20.05.19 - Dumping the SlutDumpsterLife and Kaylee
M/f; naked; bond; tape; trashbags; trashcan; waste; messy; gag; toys; insert; oral; mast; cum; dumpster; disposal; collection; truck; compactor; landfill; cons/reluct; X
20.05.19 - Escape From PrisonDumpsterLife
Solo-F; prison; dumpster; escape; trash; truck; collection; compacted; messy; stuck; landfill; MF/f; caught; punishment; hum; cons/nc; X
23.02.19 - University Woes 2: Francesca's PunishmentDumpsterLife
F+/f; revenge; drug; naked; bond; bagged; foodwaste; compactor; trashbags; messy; stuck; collection; truck; transport; landfill; buried; cons/nc; XX
20.01.19 - 1: The Lost Mobile
FF; college; canteen; foodwaste; dumpster; phone; lost; search; trashbags; messy; revenge; F/f; truck; collection; transport; compactor; waste; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X
09.01.19 - The Porn ShootDumpsterLife
Solo-F; actress; filmset; M+/f; naked; bond; tape; gag; dumpster; trashbags; discovery; oral; sex; climax; accident; truck; collection; messy; compacted; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; X
08.11.18 - Disposed Of 3: Hell For DanielleDumpsterLife
FM+/f; revenge; bond; tape; gag; naked; dumpster; messy; force; trash; stuck; torment; truck; collection; transported; landfill; buried; vibe; cons/nc; X
30.09.18 - 2
FM+/f; plan; revenge; kidnap; bond; cuffs; tape; naked; transported; dumpster; messy; trash; stuck; torment; vibe; cons/nc; X
18.08.18 - 1
FM/f; party; clean; trash; bag; chute; dumped; dumpster; stuck; messy; vibe; mast; hum; truck; collected; transported; compacted; landfill; rescue; cons/nc; X
20.05.18 - Dumping A Love RivalDumpsterLife
F/f; shoppingmall; revenge; trash; dumped; messy; naked; video; confession; compactor; garbage; compacted; transport; landfill; buried; nc; X