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56 Stories Found⇓ eBook

  • All About ControlJack Peacock

    M/f; bond; cuffs; chair; straps; mittens; collar; cons; X

  • Edwardian StyleJack Peacock

    Sbf; M/f; costume; hobble; cuffs; collar; cons; X

  • Sally's Subject II: Put to the QuestionJack Peacock

    MF/mf; bond; prison; cuffs; chastity; collar; kidnap; nc; XX

  • Sally's Subject: Dungeon Visit

    F/m; bond; cuffs; headcage; frame; whip; chain; chastity; electro; punish; conditioning; sold; reluct; nc; XX

  • Half Dollar 2: Dime In ChangeJack Peacock

    M/f; bond; roleplay; cell; chastity; cuffs; costume; cons; X

  • 1

    M/f; bond; cuffs; roleplay; cell; chastity; cons; X

  • Session for Tortoise and HareJack Peacock

    Sbm; mpov; chastity; cuffs; mask; straps; predicament; cons; X

  • The Lunch Date 2: The Dinner DateJack Peacock

    M/f; D/s; collar; cuffs; cons; X

  • 1

    M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; shackles; collar; cons; X

  • Nature WalkJack Peacock

    M/f; fpov; outdoors; chastity; mittens; cuffs; chain; hood; collar; naked; gag; cons; X

  • Island III - Double StandardsJack Peacock

    M/f; D/s; slave; training; collar; bond; straps; bedtie; cuffs; gag; hood; chastity; chain; basement; punish; straitjacket; kidnap; cons; XX

  • One Way StreetJack Peacock

    M/f; M/mf+; F/mf; bond; strip; cuffs; hobble; chain; dungeon; cell; brank; chastity; electro; cage; gibbet; susp; cons; nc; XX

  • The NightmareJack Peacock

    M/f; fpov; bond; sex; cuffs; gag; straps; bedtie; roleplay; cons; nc; XX

  • Reversal of Fortune 3: TrialJack Peacock

    F+/m; mpov; prison; bond; kidnap; cuffs; electro; cage; torment; punish; trick; revenge; torture; nc; XXX

  • 2: Pretrial

    F+/m; mpov; bond; cuffs; prison; kidnap; punish; hum; susp; trick; electro; training; sold; nc; XX

  • 1

    F+/m; mpov; bond; cuffs; naked; chastity; prison; kidnap; electro; punish; hum; thumbcuffs; chairtie; straps; gag; blindfold; trick; nc; XX

  • Island II - North Island DiaryJack Peacock

    M/f+; M+/f+; bond; slave; training; collar; prison; cuffs; cell; punish; chastity; sex; strip; cons; XX

  • Island - New ArrivalsJack Peacock

    M+/f+; slave; training; collar; cuffs; bond; chain; prison; strip; sex; naked; cons; XX

  • Whispers in the Ear II: Seeing Is Not BelievingJack Peacock

    bond; latex; kidnap; catsuit; hood; table; vr; breathplay; sendep; straps; conditioning; trick; nc; XX

  • Whispers in the Ear

    bond; kidnap; latex; gasmask; mittens; catsuit; sendep; mind-control; breathplay; nc; X

  • Warehouse WasteJack Peacock

    Solo; bond; trash; bagged; cuffs; straps; stuck; cons; X

  • A Night in the DesertJack Peacock

    Sbf; caught; M/f; bond; cuffs; outdoors; naked; desert; hobble; shackles; prison; blindfold; kidnap; zipties; collar; cell; slave; training; chastity; rom; nc; reluct; XXX

  • Your Master Requires Thirty DaysJack Peacock

    M+/f+; fpov; bond; prison; chastity; straps; collar; cuffs; cage; shackles; reluct; XX

  • The IllustratorJack Peacock

    M/f; M/m; bond; cuffs; gag; predicament; torture; enclosed; chair; ironmaiden; gibbet; death; nc; XX

  • Your Master Requires Your Obedience 2Jack Peacock

    M+/f+; fpov; bond; prison; chastity; straps; collar; cuffs; training; slave; cons; reluct; XX

  • 1

    M+/f+; fpov; bond; prison; chastity; straps; collar; cuffs; cage; shackles; reluct; XX

  • The Stox Box 5: Shock to the SystemJack Peacock

    F/?; bond; packaged; stocks; sendep; electro; tricked; cons; XX

  • 4: The Mask

    F/?; bond; packaged; gasmask; breathplay; stocks; sendep; cons; nc; XX

  • 3: The Sand Box

    F/?; bond; packaged; gag; forniphilia; stocks; sendep; torture; trick; cons; nc; XX

  • 2: My Dog Spot

    F/?; bond; packaged; chastity; gag; forniphilia; stocks; sendep; trick; cons; nc; XX

  • 1

    bond; packaged; buried; stocks; mittens; sendep; trick; cons; nc; XX

  • The Prop Room 3: Special FXJack Peacock

    M/f; bond; chastity; cuffs; bedtie; blindfold; gag; sex; D/s; roleplay; prison; trick; rom; cons; X

  • 2: On Location

    M/f; bond; roleplay; costume; asylum; cell; straitjacket; cuffs; chair; gag; sendep; chastity; rom; cons; X

  • Your Master Requires Your Perfection 5Jack Peacock

    M/f; slave; chair; chastity; cuffs; bond; cons; XX

  • 4

    M+/f+; bond; naked; prison; cuffs; training; slave; chastity; collar; punish; gag; cage; chair; reluct; cons; XX

  • 3

    M+/f+; bond; naked; prison; cuffs; training; slave; chastity; collar; hood; punish; cage; reluct; cons; XX

  • 2

    M+/f+; bond; naked; prison; cuffs; training; slave; chastity; collar; punish; reluct; cons; XX

  • 1

    M+/f+; bond; naked; prison; cuffs; training; slave; chastity; collar; reluct; nc; XX

  • Your Master Requires Your Allegiance 3Jack Peacock

    M+/f+; slave; training; prison; bond; cuffs; naked; chastity; punish; reluct; cons; XX

  • 2

    M+/f+; slave; training; prison; bond; cuffs; naked; chastity; punish; electro; reluct; cons; XX

  • 1

    M+/f+; slave; training; prison; bond; cuffs; naked; strip; chastity; reluct; cons; XX

  • Your Master Requires Your Attendance 3Jack Peacock

    M+/f+; prison; training; slave; bond; stocks; gag; chastity; collar; punish; reluct; cons; XX

  • 2

    M+/f+; prison; slave; training; bond; collar; chastity; punish; stocks; straitjacket; reluct; X

  • 1

    M/f; kidnap; bond; cuffs; chain; collar; blindfold; prison; chastity; slave; training; nc; X

  • Your Master Requires Your Presence 2Jack Peacock

    M/f; M+/f; slave; training; prison; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; tease; chastity; blindfold; electro; punish; reluct; cons; X

  • 1

    M/f; M+/f; slave; kidnap; bond; cuffs; gag; naked; training; chastity; prison; reluct; nc; X

  • Your Master Requires Your CompanyJack Peacock

    M+/f+; bond; kidnap; collar; cuffs; prison; hood; strip; naked; gag; cons; nc; XX

  • VacancyJack Peacock

    Sbf; M/f; fpov; chastity; latex; catsuit; hood; cuffs; hobble; gasmask; collar; caught; bond; blackmail; reluct; XX

  • The Forest PathJack Peacock

    Sbf; M/f; fpov; chastity; cuffs; zipties; outdoors; gag; hood; collar; blackmail; reluct; XX

  • Perspectives 3Jack Peacock

    M/f; cage; handcuffs; straps; captive; naked; public; rom; XX

  • 2

    M/f; bond; blindfold; straps; captive; naked; sendep; reluct; XX

  • 1

    M/f; bond; blindfold; cage; collar; gag; straps; breathplay; captive; naked; sendep; reluct; XX

  • ThursdaysJack Peacock

    M/f; mpov; handcuffs; fetters; naked; rom; cons; X

  • The Prop Room 1Jack Peacock

    Sbf; M/f; fpov; cuffs; chain; caught; costume; cons; X

  • SecretsJack Peacock

    M/f; bond; cuffs; D/s; cons; X

  • Attention to DetailJack Peacock

    M/f; outdoors; bond; cuffs; roleplay; rom; cons; X