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25 Stories Found
- A Plan Goes AwryJon Deets
M+/mf; kidnap; susp; bond; rope; strip; susp; pillory; buttplug; tease; denial; electro; whip; reluct; cons; X
24.11.24 - Slave Wife's La Domaine Experience: A True StoryJon Deets
M/f; true; party; bond; spreadeagle; rope; trick; auction; sex; toys; cons; X
07.01.21 - New Year's Eve GiftJon Deets
M/f; D/s; corset; lingerie; cuffs; collar; slave; bar; dinner; bond; display; game; bdsm; tease; grope; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
09.01.15 - Unplanned EveningJon Deets
M/f; M+/f; D/s; naked; cuffs; collar; bond; hogtie; transport; bar; dance; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
21.12.13 - Home InvasionJon Deets
M+/mf; force; bond; chairtie; strip; hum; rope; cuckold; sex; anal; climax; reluct/cons; XX
28.08.13 - Gala NightJon Deets
M/f; MF+/f; D/s; cuffs; collar; naked; bond; club; bdsm; gag; display; oral; climax; cons; X
07.07.13 - The RanchJon Deets
M+/f+; D/s; collar; lingerie; bond; rope; outdoors; susp; strip; auction; bdsm; whip; oral; sex; climax; fpov; cons; X
04.05.13 - A Visit to ParisJon Deets
M+/f; F/f; D/s; show; stage; striptease; bond; chain; cuffs; sawhorse; chair; oral; sex; climax; voy; cons/reluct; X
21.04.13 - A Day on the LakeJon Deets
M+/f; party; tease; bond; stocks; gag; sex; oral; climax; revenge; cons/reluct; X
26.02.13 - My Wife's Sunday NightJon Deets
MF/f+; lingerie; outfits; party; bond; strip; bdsm; tease; oral; sex; group; climax; true; cons; X
16.02.13 - My Wife's Friday NightJon Deets
M/f; MF+/f; D/s; club; dance; toys; insert; bond; oral; sex; climax; group; true; cons/reluct; X
10.01.13 - Sandra: The Indentured ProstituteJon Deets
M+/f; hotel; bond; rope; gag; sex; group; climax; cons/reluct; X
20.12.12 - New Mexico Training Session 2: Remedial WorkJon Deets
MF/f; D/s; naked; bond; cuffs; bdsm; conditioning; display; club; oral; group; sex; cons; X
08.10.12 - 1
MF/f; D/s; naked; bond; cuffs; susp; bdsm; paddle; conditioning; oral; group; anal; sex; cons; X
01.09.12 - How Sandra became IndenturedJon Deets
MF; M+f; bond; gag; neckties; hotel; sold; tease; enslave; sex; reluct; X
00.10.12 - The Abduction Game 2: The LimoJon Deets
MF; M+/f; bond; captive; strip; auction; sold; group; voy; mast; sex; climax; blackmail; reluct/nc; X
24.07.12 - Gone Wrong
M/f; bond; blindfold; gag; captive; transport; collar; strip; sex; oral; climax; voy; blackmail; cons/reluct; X
- She Lost the Bet 8: Caribbean Good TimesJon Deets
M+/f+; D/s; bond; rope; kidnap; captive; chain; collar; bdsm; crop; shave; sex; oral; group; hum; voy; cuckold; cons/reluct; XX
19.06.12 - 7: Budapest
M+/f+; club; dance; bond; rope; X-frame; stocks; voy; collar; sex; oral; group; hum; cons/reluct; XX
11.06.12 - 6: Vegas!
MF+/f; club; stage; dance; bond; rope; gag; shave; susp; bdsm; whip; stocks; voy; sex; oral; group; cons; XX
15.04.12 - 5: No Bet This Time!
MF+/f; MF/m; capture; bond; rope; gag; outdoors; susp; bdsm; whip; nipple; hum; voy; sex; oral; cons/reluct; XX
01.03.12 - 4: The Fourth Lost Bet
M/f; MF+/f; enslave; outfits; bond; display; collar; bdsm; crop; hum; petgirl; tail; mast; cons/reluct; XX
30.01.12 - 3: The Third Lost Bet
M+/f+; MF+/m; enslave; costume; dance; harem; bond; display; oral; anal; sex; group; cons/reluct; XX
30.01.12 - 2: Another Lost Bet
M/f; M+/f; slave; costume; strip; fondle; bond; gag; lapdance; oral; sex; group; cons/reluct; XX
10.01.12 - 1
M/f; M+/f; slave; costume; strip; fondle; bond; gag; sex; group; cons/reluct; X