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31 Stories Found
- The Stone Basin Coven 2Loras Pa6
F/m; F+/m; costume; tunic; witch; demon; majick; battle; tricked; spell; telepathy; mind-control; bodysuit; ceremony; bonding; vine; spreadeagle; rom; tease; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.17 - The Stone Basin CovenLoras Pa6
Solo-M; party; costume; F/m; F+/m; armbinder; bond; cocoon; gag; latex; mind-control; tricked; witch; majick; ceremony; bonding; frogtie; rom; tease; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
30.10.16 - The Hypno-Seduction of LanaLoras Pa6
MF; M/f; hypno; command; mind-control; conditioning; bond; pantyhose; gag; heels; game; toys; denial; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
31.07.15 - Accidental Inheritance 5: StuckLoras Pa6
F/m; chastity; program; mind-control; conditioning; denial; video; collar; puppy; petplay; stuck; mast; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
25.07.15 - 4: Bimbofication
F/m; M/f; chastity; demands; program; device; mind-control; bond; cuffs; chairtie; bimbo; conditioning; stuck; oral; cons/reluct; X
- 3: Linda
F/m; F/fm; M/f; chastity; mind-control; blackmail; demands; bond; chairtie; bdsm; punish; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
05.07.15 - 2: Anniversary Gift
F/m; M/f; D/s; chastity; mind-control; bond; rope; gag; corset; blindfold; bdsm; spank; toys; sybian; climax; cons/reluct; X
25.06.15 - 1
F/m; bar; dance; tease; nylons; discovery; chastity; mind-control; conditioning; slave; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
25.06.15 - New Lessons of Love 6: DecisionsLoras Pa6
FM; F+/m+; femdom; chastity; group; therapy; blindfold; outdoors; collar; gag; police; investigation; rom; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
14.08.14 - 5: Hot Night in the Woods
FM; F+/m+; femdom; chastity; group; dream; escape; captive; force; gun; bond; gag; police; interrogate; cons/nc; X
- 4: Day Two - The Individual Sessions
FM; F+/m+; M+/f+; femdom; group; therapy; counselling; dream; bond; chastity; seduce; rom; mast; cons; X
18.07.14 - 3: The First Sessions Pt2
F/m; F+/m+; M+/f+; femdom; group; therapy; counselling; bond; hood; toys; insert; shock; demonstration; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
18.07.14 - 2: The First Sessions
F/m; F+/m+; M+/f+; femdom; group; therapy; counselling; bond; hood; gag; toys; insert; shock; race; cons; X
11.05.14 - 1
F/m; F+/m+; femdom; group; therapy; counselling; bond; scarves; gag; chastity; cons; X
15.04.14 - Another Slaviversary 5: EpilogueLoras Pa6
F/fm; D/s; femdom; bond; bdsm; sleepsack; leather; f-suit; chastity; toys; electro; torment; oral; sex; climax; denial; cons; X
17.11.13 - 4: Recovery and Loss
F/fm; D/s; femdom; bond; bdsm; sleepsack; straitjacket; chastity; toys; electro; club; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
18.10.13 - 3: Shifting Mindsets
F/fm; FM+/f; D/s; femdom; catsuit; bond; gag; hood; bdsm; crop; electro; susp; dungeon; suit; club; stocks; display; cons; XX
07.10.13 - 2: Interrupted Celebration
F/fm; FM+/m; D/s; femdom; kidnap; force; cuffs; bond; gag; bdsm; crop; dungeon; collar; chain; latex; suit; hood; cons/nc; XXX
26.09.13 - 1: The Slut's Slaviversary
F/fm; M/f; D/s; femdom; bond; chastity; collar; gag; bdsm; crop; enema; sleepsack; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
09.09.13 - Slaviversary 4: Little Boy's Random Memories Pt 2Loras Pa6
F/m; FM/f; MF/m; D/s; captive; cell; chain; collar; bdsm; crop; whip; enema; enslave; ceremony; latex; gag; oral; sex; climax; mpov; cons/reluct; XX
28.08.13 - 3: Little Boy's Random Memories Pt 1
F/m; FM/f; D/s; captive; cell; chain; collar; shock; electro; bdsm; crop; whip; enema; enslave; latex; gag; oral; anal; climax; mpov; cons/reluct; XX
10.08.13 - 2: The Slut's Story
F/m; FM/f; D/s; captive; cell; chain; collar; shock; conditioning; bdsm; crop; whip; enema; enslave; gag; oral; climax; cons/reluct; XX
17.07.13 - 1
F/m; F/f; D/s; kidnap; captive; cell; chain; collar; shock; conditioning; bdsm; enema; enslave; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
07.07.13 - Revenge 7: DeceptionsLoras Pa6
F+/m; F+/fm; M/f+; femdom; assault; kidnap; panicroom; fight; captive; stocks; cuffs; dungeon; sendep; bond; gag; blindfold; tease; cons/nc; XX
07.04.12 - 6: Life and Loss
F+/m; femdom; stocks; bond; bdsm; punish; medical; birth; death; sex; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
03.02.14 - 5: Legacy of Pain
F+/m; Machine/m; femdom; conditioning; mind-control; electro; torture; susp; cuffs; bond; bdsm; shock; medical; cons/nc; XX
24.01.14 - 4: A New Purpose in Life
F+/m; F/f; femdom; stocks; chastity; cuffs; bond; hospital; therapy; bdsm; punish; enema; cons/reluct; X
14.01.14 - 3: A Day in the Park
F/m; M+/mf; femdom; chastity; kidnap; bond; hood; captive; collar; rescue; cons/nc; X
21.12.13 - 2: The Start of a New Tradition
F/fm; M/f; femdom; bond; cuffs; chastity; stocks; bdsm; nipple; crop; anal; sex; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X
11.12.13 - 1: Trial of Love
F+/m; femdom; court; trial; cuffs; chastity; electro; prison; torment; tricked; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
26.11.13 - A Surprised MummyLoras Pa6
F/m; F/fm; bond; darlex; sleepsack; straitjacket; gag; hood; hobble; tease; toys; sex; climax; cons; X