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15 Stories Found
- AI-VROutcast
M+/m; Machine/m; mpov; bond; machine; fantasy; vr; anal; oral; rape; group; voy; cons; reluct; nc; XXX
14.01.24 - Bricked Up AliveOutcast
Solo-M; mpov; supernatural; encase; cell; captive; nc; X
30.10.23 - ImprisonedOutcast
F/m; mpov; bond; straps; table; wheelchair; mast; tease; immobility; rom; cons; X
06.10.23 - With Utmost CareOutcast
Machine/m; bond; encase; medical; cuffs; buttplug; catheter; tease; denial; climax; nc; XX
17.09.23 - TighterOutcast
M+/m; encased; anal; buried; catheter; buttplug; sendep; trick; cons; X
19.02.23 - Suffering for his ArtOutcast
M+/m; encase; concrete; wetsuit; sold; cons; X
13.02.21 - The Body in the BasementOutcast
Solo-M; mast; cons; M+/m; encase; death; buried; permanent; anal; insert; concrete; nc; XXX
12.07.20 - Serving Ro-anOutcast
F/m; F+/m+; drug; captive; naked; encase; plaster; cast; bandages; temple; altar; worship; ritual; permanent; alcove; objectify; sex; climax; nc/cons; X
12.10.16 - StuckOutcast
Solo-M; factory; accident; glue; stuck; encase; discovery; storage; cons/nc; X
12.08.15 - StonedOutcast
M/m; D/s; bond; encase; concrete; permanent; display; toys; mast; anal; climax; cons; X
19.01.13 - Stew for DinnerOutcast
F/m; drug; kidnap; bond; tease; bodymod; surgery; vore; oral; nc/reluct; XXX
11.11.10 - The Boy in the Iron MaskOutcast
M/m; D/s; bond; bdsm; encase; steel; electro; susp; insert; anal; cons/reluct; XX
26.04.10 - PlasteredOutcast
F/m; plaster; mold; cast; bond; cuffs; gag; intubate; encase; revenge; FM+/m; accident; entomb; permanent; cons/nc; X
10.02.09 - Deep in the ForestOutcast
M+/m; gangsters; punishment; captive; bond; bandages; plaster; cast; wrap; plastic; tape; cocoon; transport; forest; buried; reluct/nc; X
09.01.09 - Exhibition slaveOutcast
M/m; D/s; bond; bodymod; surgery; encase; resin; display; cons; XX