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15 Stories Found
- Rubber RobinPlastiClown
M/m; capture; drug; naked; showercap; plastic; transform; inflatable; doll; bond; pvcwear; prisoner; anal; climax; mast; impregnate; reluct/nc; X
03.04.17 - Luthor Triumphant!PlastiClown
M/m; M/f; M+/m; captive; cuffs; cell; transform; inflatable; punchbag; nightclub; used; transport; hum; mast; sex; climax; revenge; reluct/nc; X
03.04.17 - Two Schauerkappe WeddingsPlastiClown
MF/m; F/f; captive; mind-control; plasticwear; rainwear; aprons; transform; majick; m2doll; F2doll; plastic; toys; punchbag; hum; preg; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
02.03.17 - Sorority SlavedollPlastiClown
Solo-M; F+/m; captive; witch; spell; wand; transform; m2doll; inflate; punchbag; enslave; M2f; plasticwear; M+/f; sex; climax; preg; hum; mast; cons/nc; X
02.03.17 - Revenge of the Punching BagsPlastiClown
Solo-M; island; vacation; discovery; capture; cage; transform; M2f/object; inflatable; slavedoll; auction; sex; climax; preg; birth; raincoat; cons/reluct; X
18.07.16 - Auction of an Inflated SlavedollPlastiClown
M/mf; MF+/mf; capture; majick; transform; inflatable; doll; plasticwear; tease; enslave; objectify; preg; sold; used; anal; mast; climax; cons/nc; X
13.06.16 - The Kitten Sisters Blow Up Dick TracyPlastiClown
F+/f; F+/m; captive; drug; majick; transform; inflatable; doll; plasticwear; tease; torment; enslave; stuck; prisoner; objectify; used; cons/nc; X
27.05.16 - SupergirlPlastiClown
F/f; supergirl; comic; capture; enslave; majick; transform; plastic; doll; inflate; objectify; tease; play; storage; cage; cupboard; deflate; lesbian; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
28.12.14 - Plastic CinderellaPlastiClown
F+/f+; fairytale; majick; transform; plastic; doll; auction; enslave; inflate; objectify; tease; play; punchbag; lesbian; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
28.12.14 - SchauerkappePlastiClown
MF/m; captive; mind-control; plasticwear; rainwear; aprons; transform; majick; m2doll; plastic; doll; toys; punchbag; hum; M2f; preg; mast; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
03.12.14 - Operation RubberdollPlastiClown
Solo-F; MF+/f; capture; drug; transform; rubberdoll; inflatable; enslave; prisoner; preg; lesbian; mast; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
14.11.14 - Message in a BottlePlastiClown
M+/mf; island; natives; majick; transform; doll; inflatable; slave; auction; preg; rainwear; sex; mast; climax; reluct; X
27.03.12 - The Worst Popeye Cartoon EverPlastiClown
M/m; spell; majick; transform; doll; inflate; rainwear; preg; slave; mast; anal; reluct/nc; X
22.02.12 - The Sissy Prince and The WitchPlastiClown
F/m; M/m; witch; majick; capture; transform; inflatable; doll; tease; torment; preg; sex; anal; mast; nc; X
14.02.12 - Well-Developed DollPlastiClown
Solo-F; F/f; witch; majick; transform; rubberdoll; inflate; rainwear; insert; sex; climax; nc; X