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8 Stories Found
- Viper MadnessSablesword
M/f; D/s; snake; bite; venom; treatment; bond; rope; bedtie; dream; straps; harness; test; massage; caress; cons; X
13.10.19 - The Tickle BarrelSablesword
M+/f; D/s; fantasy; halfling; goblin; naked; bond; rope; barrel; majick; feathers; tickle; tease; ritual; slave; collar; cons; X
08.03.19 - After Dinner TickleSablesword
M/f; D/s; fantasy; halfling; goblin; slave; collar; feet; bond; rope; tickle; tease; sex; cons; X
14.11.18 - Hostage CorpSablesword
Solo-F; M+/f+; alien; furry; space; slave; bond; cuffs; gag; capsule; encase; conditioning; train; punish; tease; auction; sold; sex; climax; cons; X
11.12.13 - Triple TickleSablesword
MF+/f+; captive; bond; chain; stocks; punish; tickle; fetters; machine; torment; tease; nonhuman; reluct; X
14.05.13 - Melody's CaptivitySablesword
M/f; scifi; captive; bond; straps; tease; tickle; bell; dance; sex; climax; cons; X
20.12.12 - Tanya's MistakeSablesword
Solo-F; Robot/f; program; bond; rope; naked; tickle; torment; scifi; cons/reluct; X
01.12.12 - Jackie and the Tickle MachinesSablesword
Solo-F; robots/f; capture; bond; strip; naked; tease; tickle; torment; scifi; nc/reluct; X