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39 Stories Found
- A Sandy Walk on SandayWingco
F/f; nightwear; bond; collar; cuffs; chain; gag; outdoors; beach; caught; M/f; rescue; tease; kiss; sex; reveal; M/f+; naked; camp; tent; prepare; sleepingbag; cocoon; blindfold; cons; X
18.06.19 - Jenna's Final Journey 2Wingco
M/f; bond; casket; cuffs; collar; gag; blindfold; tease; fondle; kiss; rom; cellar; secret; sex; oral; climax; discovery; illness; plan; outdoors; dress; satin; heels; buried; encase; final; cons; X
27.05.18 - 1
Sbf; shop; casket; dress; satin; cuffs; collar; gag; blindfold; basement; floorboards; encase; stuck; hogtie; discovery; M/f; hum; bond; public; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
- Heather in the Highlands 4Wingco
M/f; Other/fm; MF+; castle; cellar; shackles; dress; stuck; ghosts; bond; gag; blindfold; tease; cell; chain; entomb; illness; reveal; discovery; plan; wedding; rom; sex; climax; cons; X
21.05.18 - 3
M/f; Other/fm; rom; castle; shackles; collar; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; dress; stuck; ghosts; arousal; tease; cellar; cell; chain; entomb; transform; M2f; first; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
- 2
M/f; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; castle; outdoors; shackles; dress; stuck; ghosts; fondle; tease; collar; cellar; cell; chain; entomb; rom; sex; climax; cons; X
- 1
Solo-F; outdoors; castle; camping; shackles; dress; stuck; ghosts; fondle; M/f; bond; rope; gag; blindfold; tease; collar; cell; chain; entomb; rom; sex; climax; cons; X
12.03.15 - Emma's Entombment 6Wingco
MM/f+; Other/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; discovery; tunnel; illness; buried; casket; sarcophagus; altar; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; death; cons/nc; XX
01.05.18 - 5
M+/mf; court; sentence; prison; cell; incarcerate; grief; outdoors; cuffs; pit; stakes; gallows; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; cons/nc; XX
15.11.15 - 4
M/f; archaeology; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; winch; entomb; arrest; M+f; abused; strip; torment; straps; jail; sentence; prison; cons/nc; XX
15.11.15 - 3
M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; discovery; winch; entomb; accident; stuck; sealed; cons/reluct; X
15.11.15 - 2
Solo-F; M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; assault; bond; rope; drug; force; cons/nc; XX
15.11.15 - 1
Solo-F; archaeology; digsite; tomb; tunnel; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; Sbf; encase; stuck; cons; X
15.11.15 - Shelley’s Silly SaturdayWingco
Solo-F; lingerie; gown; petticoats; garage; cuffs; gag; blindfold; casket; encase; camera; pictures; stuck; caught; M/f; locks; moved; tricked; true; cons; X
21.07.15 - Subterranean Sally 4Wingco
MF/f; FF; F/f; coffin; cage; buried; concrete; sealed; retrieval; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; cons; X
09.07.15 - 3
MF/f; M/f; M+/f+; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; coffin; cage; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; stuck; punish; cons/reluct; XX
30.09.14 - 2
M/f; MF/f; MF+/f; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; blindfold; X-frame; cage; latex; trip; expo; public; display; show; Machine/f; tease; kiss; FF; cons; X
05.02.15 - 1
Solo-F; M/f; coffin; steel; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; gag; blindfold; mask; bond; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; tease; cons; X
05.02.15 - The Spirits of Sumburgh 3: Welcome Home M’LadyWingco
Solo-F; Other/f; MF+/f; castle; dress; ghosts; dungeon; rack; manacles; gag; blindfold; bond; gibbet; cage; entomb; sealed; tease; cons; X
04.07.15 - 2: Master Henry
Solo-F; Other/f; MF+/f; castle; dress; ghosts; dungeon; rack; manacles; gag; blindfold; bond; gibbet; cage; entomb; tease; sex; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X
- 1
Solo-F; Other/f; castle; dress; bodice; dungeon; rack; manacles; gag; blindfold; ghosts; bond; tease; climax; cons; X
- Gemma’s GarageWingco
Solo-F; M/f; plant/f; strip; bond; vine; encase; wrap; insert; tease; gag; blindfold; mast; denial; climax; reluct/cons; X
13.06.14 - Sophia's Scottish SeclusionWingco
Sbf; M/f; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; blindfold; dress; corset; stables; bitgag; outdoors; sex; mast; toys; climax; cons; X
24.07.12 - Melanie's MysteryWingco
M/f; latex; wrap; bandages; wooden statue; encase; insert; toys; gag; ceremony; FM+/f; entomb; climax; cons; X
14.07.12 - Fiona's Fetish becomes Flora's FollyWingco
F/f; MF/f; M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; wrap; boxed; shackles; dungeon; casket; entomb; costume; toys; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
08.07.12 - Julia's JudgementWingco
M/f; M+/f; bond; rope; lingerie; tease; gag; captive; post; irons; cuffs; fondle; toys; insert; climax; cons/reluct; X
05.09.11 - Everything going Wright and Rosie in undiscovered Borneo 3Wingco
Sbf; F/f; MM/f+; bond; nude; cage; chain; collar; manacles; rope; blindfold; stuck; trunk; boxed; transport; tease; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
26.04.11 - 2
F/f; M/f; MF/f; bond; nude; cage; chain; collar; manacles; island; natives; trunk; boxed; tease; captive; mast; oral; sex; cons/nc; X
24.04.11 - Wingco learns her 3 R’sWingco
M/f; bond; rope; blindfold; outdoors; caught; M+/mf; torment; arrest; hum; cons/nc; XX
10.10.10 - Sectioning Sarah, leaving LouiseWingco
Ghosts/ff; F/f; asylum; straitjacket; bed; straps; gag; bond; tease; climax; cons; X
10.10.10 - Jesse in Jeopardy 2Wingco
M/f; F/f; bond; shackles; chain; cage; coffin; encase; vr; chastity; toys; mast; sex; cons; X
29.08.10 - 1
Sbf; gibbet; stuck; F/f; bond; shackles; corset; cell; MF+/f; encase; entomb; buried; cons/nc; X
10.05.10 - Jesse in Jeopardy 2Wingco
M/f; F/f; bond; shackles; chain; cage; coffin; encase; vr; chastity; toys; mast; sex; cons; X
28.08.10 - 1
Sbf; gibbet; stuck; F/f; bond; shackles; corset; cell; MF+/f; encase; entomb; buried; cons/nc; X
10.05.10 - Everything going Wright and Rosie in undiscovered BorneoWingco
Solo-F; nude; cage; chain; collar; island; natives; bond; captive; mast; sex; cons/nc; X
25.07.10 - Anya's AdventureWingco
plant/f; bond; slave; envelop; cocoon; insert; mast; bodymod; vore-ish; nc/cons; X
02.11.09 - 1
plant/f; bond; slave; envelop; cocoon; insert; mast; bodymod; reluct/cons; X
- Cindy's RevengeWingco
F/f+; F+/f; bond; casket; buried; nc; XX
02.09.06 - Bondage BurialWingco
M/f; MF/f; F/f; bond; corset; gown; cuffs; gag; catheter; chastity; cage; casket; encase; store; transport; buried; toys; climax; cons; X