Search for Stories
62 Stories Found
- The Arts ConferenceZack
MF/f; bond; cuffs; reluct/nc; XX
06.05.17 - Iron AgeZack
Solo-F; M+/f+; captive; enslave; collar; chain; naked; bdsm; cane; sold; slave; object; drug; sex; climax; scifi; reluct/nc; XX
14.05.13 - ScoopedZack
Solo-F; MF/f+; kidnap; bond; shackles; chain; cell; bdsm; whip; cane; gag; captive; reluct/nc; XXX
10.01.13 - MisunderstandingsZack
F+/f+; Alien/f; scifi; naked; bond; rope; bdsm; crop; captive; net; ponygirl; drug; mast; cons/nc; XX
28.11.12 - The Great Marvolo 3Zack
M+/f; F+/f; D/s; slave; captive; shackles; collar; bond; rope; gag; bdsm; crop; chain; locks; stage; perform; escapology; cell; kennel; cellar; trunk; kidnap; hist; sex; climax; reluct/cons; XXX
23.05.12 - 2
F+/f+; M/f; D/s; jail; shackles; collar; bond; rope; gag; naked; bdsm; crop; chain; hum; cell; cage; hist; enslave; shave; sex; climax; nc/reluct; XXX
23.03.12 - 1
F/f+; M/f; D/s; bond; rope; gag; naked; bdsm; crop; chain; magic-act; hist; lesbian; first; oral; climax; cons/nc; XX
20.02.12 - Kristen and the Little Old LadiesZack
F+/f+; FF; captive; bond; enslave; chain; bdsm; pain; cane; torment; conditioning; cage; plank; electro; oral; mast; nc/cons; XXX
19.09.11 - SolsticeZack
M/f; F+/f; bond; bdsm; crop; gag; stocks; cellar; witch; occult; hist; captive; hum; rom; sex; cons/nc; XX
15.07.11 - The Hungarian BrideZack
M/f; M/mf; bond; rope; spank; outdoors; kidnap; cartrunk; blackmail; cons/nc; X
21.05.10 - Kristen Finds a JobZack
M/f; F/f; bond; bdsm; kidnap; slave; boxed; gag; cons/nc; X
28.06.09 - Vikings in the MistZack
M+/f+; bond; capture; rope; costume; oral; sex; cons; X
19.04.09 - Patience and VirtueZack
M+F/f; bond; kidnap; vr; scifi; F+/f; captive; slave; bdsm; oral; reluct/nc; X
03.11.08 - The Merry-Go-RoundZack
Sbf; outdoors; stuck; caught; M/f; bond; bdsm; rom; hum; cons/reluct; X
05.09.08 - Test Day at the RanchZack
MF/f+; stables; bond; ponygirl; armbinder; harness; bitgag; cart; nipple; bdsm; whip; outdoors; reluct/nc; XX
29.07.08 - Geeks and Greeks on GorZack
MF+/f+; bdsm; gor; cons/nc; X
15.05.06 - Community Service 2: At the RanchZack
MF/f+; bond; pony; nc; X
05.05.06 - 1
F+/f; bond; nc; X
20.12.02 - Fair ExchangeZack
FM/f; bond; kidnap; nc; X
18.09.04 - The Herb Plot 11Zack
MM/f; bond; kidnap; slave; nc; XX
06.09.04 - 10
- 9
- 7 & 8
- 6
M+/f+; bond; slave; nc; XX
12.07.04 - 5
M+/f+; bond; kidnap; nc; X
12.07.04 - 4
M+/f+; bond; kidnap; nc; X
10.06.04 - 3
M+/f+; bond; kidnap; nc; X
20.05.04 - 2
M/f; bond; cons; X
10.05.04 - 1
MF; bond; cons; X
30.04.04 - Traditional Ceremony 2Zack
M+/f+; bond; kidnap; cons; X
01.07.03 - 1
- Community ServiceZack
F+/f; MF+/f+; bond; zipties; ponygirl; harness; bitgag; cart; crop; bdsm; outdoors; brand; sex; reluct/nc; XX
20.12.02 - Toll RoadZack
M/f; bond; nc; X
30.09.02 - Transporting CathyZack
M/f; kidnap; bond; nc; X
12.09.02 - Island AdventureZack
MF/f; bond; nc; X
05.08.02 - The ZealotsZack
MF/f; kidnap; bond; slave; cons; X
23.07.02 - TreedZack
Sbf; gor; fantasy; bond; cons; X
23.07.02 - The SearchZack
MF/f+; bond; pony; slave; nc/cons; X
23.07.02 - Bride of the Sun God 3Zack
F/f+; bond; slave; nc/cons; XX
23.07.02 - 2
MF/f; bond; slave; nc/cons; X
- 1
MF/f; bond; slave; nc/cons; X
- Loneliness SuspendedZack
Sbf; susp; cons; XX
16.07.02 - Kristen & the Moot Court 3Zack
bond; reluct; XX
16.07.02 - 2
- 1
- Ghosts of Kristen's PastZack
F/f; Sbf; bond; reluct; XX
16.07.02 - Field Survey 3Zack
futuristic; bond; slave; nc; X
16.06.02 - 2
- 1
M/f; futuristic; bond; slave; nc; X
- Foreclosure 3Zack
MF/f; bond; prisoner; nc; XX
03.06.02 - 2
- 1
- Banker's HoursZack
F/f; bond; susp; nc; XX
22.05.02 - Monkey BusinessZack
M/f; Apes/f; kidnap; bond; nc; apes; XXX
14.05.02 - Frontier DaysZack
M/f; bond; cons; X
08.05.02 - The Gold Mine 3Zack
M/f; bond; kidnap; slave; nc; XXX
18.04.02 - 2
- 1
- Kept in the DarkZack
Sbf; cons; X
16.01.02 - Igor & IvanZack
Sbf; bond; reluct/cons; X
22.06.01 - The BilboZack
Sbf; bond; cons; X
22.06.01 - Kristen in CustodyZack
F/f; Sbf; bond; reluct; XX