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4,213 Stories Found
- Sally's Subject: Dungeon VisitJack Peacock
F/m; bond; cuffs; headcage; frame; whip; chain; chastity; electro; punish; conditioning; sold; reluct; nc; XX
12.10.24 - Her CycleA Lovely Violin
M+/f; fantasy; mast; public; fucking-machine; electro; gag; strip; clamps; buttplug; toys; stocks; predicament; pain; nc; XX
06.10.24 - Forest GambleZephyr
M/f; mpov; fpov; bond; naked; outdoors; cuffs; gag; rope; spreadeagle; cheat; massage; public; roleplay; cons; rom; X
06.10.24 - A Conventional Affair 10Darkwolf
F+/f+; bond; petgirl; latex; bitchsuit; clamps; collar; leash; chastity; public; crop; straps; gag; buttplug; toys; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
01.10.24 - 9
F/f; bond; public; cuffs; gag; tease; armbinder; oral; climax; latex; leash; collar; buttplug; ponygirl; rom; cons; XX
27.08.24 - 8
F+/f+; bond; chastity; collar; cuffs; gag; convention; public; cage; leash; toys; latex; shop; cons; X
21.07.24 - 7
F+/f+; bond; chastity; rope; susp; clamps; latex; vacbed; gag; armbinder; collar; oral; leash; exhib; cons; X
23.06.24 - 6
F+/f+; bond; chastity; naked; public; exhib; collar; leash; cuffs; latex; gag; hood; rope; clamps; vacbed; susp; toys; armbinder; inflatable; hogtie; crop; tease; climax; cons; X
18.05.24 - 5
F+/f+; collar; leash; public; chastity; rom; cons; X
21.04.24 - 4
F+/f; bond; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; tease; remote; toys; mast; denial; oral; strapon; rom; cons; XX
17.02.24 - Desert Chronicles 7: BasementZephyr
MF; M/f; bond; rope; oral; sex; breast; gag; tape; spreadeagle; basement; blindfold; public; toys; discovery; cons; rom; XX
30.09.24 - Cuffed and CagedMikel
M/f; bond; cuffs; gag; cage; hood; leash; sex; Sbf; toys; stuck; cons; X
29.09.24 - Well Met 2Findar
MF/f; M/f+; bond; rope; toys; spank; mast; climax; costume; chairtie; gag; breathplay; oral; sex; cons; X
22.09.24 - 1
M/f+; Sbf; bond; outdoors; naked; gag; collar; cuffs; toys; remote; leash; caught; rope; crotchrope; tease; oral; spank; sex; cons; X
14.08.24 - Too Clever By HalfGuy le Bouc
F/m; F+/m; F/mf; bond; chastity; cuffs; collar; buttplug; cane; punish; gag; cbt; stuck; strapon; trick; cons; XX
22.09.24 - Half Dollar 2: Dime In ChangeJack Peacock
M/f; bond; roleplay; cell; chastity; cuffs; costume; cons; X
22.09.24 - Desert Chronicles 3: SiroccoZephyr
M/f; naked; outdoors; rope; spread; susp; whip; pain; rough; trick; gag; sex; cons; XX
22.09.24 - Desert Chronicles 2: MilkmaidZephyr
M+/f; bond; farm; wire; strip; spread; suction; tease; voy; milk; cons; X
15.09.24 - Steel BunnyMikel
F/f; bond; steel; bodymod; denial; corset; oral; armbinder; club; boots; cage; captive; costume; electro; slave; nc; XX
08.09.24 - Where No Man Has Gone BeforeGeetwo
M/f; fanfic; scifi; bond; cuffs; frame; gag; tease; sex; reluct; nc; XX
01.09.24 - The Exit Interview 4: Human ResourcesKitsune71
M/f; FM/f+; fpov; bond; kidnap; cuffs; sex; enclosed; gag; slave; oral; sold; nc; reluct; XX
01.09.24 - 3: Headhunted
M/f; fpov; bond; slave; cuffs; costume; maid; gag; chair; straps; brand; training; sex; oral; blindfold; kidnap; collar; leash; reluct; nc; XX
27.07.24 - Viking MarketBill M
M+/f; F+/f; bond; collar; rope; kidnap; cuffs; chain; slave; costume; punishment; nc; XX
20.08.24 - Amanda's HangupGeetwo
M+F+/f; F/f; bond; rope; gag; kidnap; susp; hogtie; tease; climax; toys; spank; reluct; X
20.08.24 - Evil Eva 7Ivy
F+/f; fpov; bond; naked; rope; collar; gag; hood; clamps; punish; susp; cane; slave; reluct; XX
07.08.24 - 6
F/mf; fpov; bond; rope; punish; gag; susp; flogger; naked; whip; hogtie; collar; cons; XX
02.06.24 - A Stockade Made For TwoCropsncuffs
M+/f+; bond; stocks; oral; sex; catsuit; leather; pegging; strapon; mast; drug; cons; reluct; X
04.08.24 - Mr. Williams Loves a Good CliffhangerAnonymous in NYC
F+/m; latex; maid; costume; cuffs; collar; chastity; denial; inf; cons; reluct; X
04.08.24 - The Lunch Date 2: The Dinner DateJack Peacock
M/f; D/s; collar; cuffs; cons; X
27.07.24 - 1
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; shackles; collar; cons; X
01.04.24 - From Vanilla Girlfriend to Femdom Wife, A Journey 11lockedup4eva
F+/m; F/f; bond; chastity; permanent; dungeon; chair; straps; collar; hum; cuffs; toys; climax; cons; XX
27.07.24 - 10
F/m; F/f; F/fm; dungeon; cuffs; gag; hood; chastity; flogger; analhook; tease; denial; toys; X-frame; clamps; club; contract; slave; mast; cons; reluct; XX
07.04.24 - The Chateau 30: The B & B & BBudman
MF/f; M/f; mpov; bond; hotel; objectify; whip; punish; cons; XX
21.07.24 - 29: Breaking my Fiancée
M/f; mpov; bond; outdoors; drug; strip; naked; rope; susp; predicament; one-bar-prison; sawhorse; pain; whip; reluct; blood; XXX
14.07.24 - 28: Nurse in a Hole
M+F+/f+; mpov; bond; objectify; oubliette; oral; mast; sendep; toys; remote; naked; cons; XX
07.07.24 - 27: The Doctor Reports
FM+/f; mpov; clamps; bond; chain; rope; tickle; oral; cons; X
30.06.24 - 26: Labor Day
M+F+/mf+; mpov; group; bond; cuffs; orgy; oral; sex; one-bar-prison; tease; denial; paddle; cons; X
23.06.24 - 25: Sex Toy Catalog
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; pain; oral; cuffs; susp; cons; X
15.06.24 - 24: The Cistern
M+F+/mf; MF; mpov; objectify; naked; outdoors; chastity; oral; exhib; oubliette; cuffs; mast; sex; cons; X
08.06.24 - 23: Piercings
M+F+/f; F/m; mpov; oral; piercing; bond; cuffs; toys; cons; X
26.05.24 - 23: Chastity Orgy
M+F+/f; mpov; group; objectify; collar; leash; mast; tease; denial; chastity; sex; anal; orgy; bond; strapon; cuffs; bond; cons; XX
02.06.24 - 21: Another Demerit Trial
M+F+/f; mpov; naked; objectify; cell; cuffs; strappado; susp; clamps; oral; piercing; cons; X
18.05.24 - 20: Hard Labor & a Doctor
M+F+/f; mpov; outdoors; whip; chain; naked; cons; XX
11.05.24 - 19: Fucked Up Slut
M+F+/f; bond; clothespins; objectify; sex; tickle; mast; orgy; rope; toys; pain; irritant; insects; strapon; cons; XXX
05.05.24 - 18: Bugs
F+M+/f; mpov; outdoors; objectify; punishment; cuffs; chain; tease; strapon; tickle; clothespins; trick; cons; XX
28.04.24 - 17: New Relationships & Trial Planning
F/m; group; objectify; slave; chastity; hum; cons; X
21.04.24 - 16: Tim in Trouble & Heath into Paula
M/f; MF/f; anal; group; cell; objectify; bond; cuffs; rope; toys; piercing; tease; breathplay; denial; sex; oral; cons; XX
13.04.24 - 15: New Products and Testing
F/f; M/f; MF/f; F/m; mpov; bond; naked; cuffs; susp; flogger; oral; cane; whip; objectify; outdoors; cons; X
07.04.24 - 14: Demerits Trial
M+F+/f; mpov; group; punishment; whip; objectify; cuffs; naked; sex; cons; XX
31.03.24 - 13: Lucija Takes Charge of Tim
M/f+; F/m; bond; cell; cuffs; chain; naked; cons; X
23.03.24 - 12: Lucija Learns to Suck Cock
F/f+; cell; rope; bond; cuffs; oral; clamps; training; electro; punish; cons; X
16.03.24 - 11: Lucija Becomes Family
F+M+/f; mpov; electro; collar; remote; machine; oral; objectify; cell; training; cons; XX
09.03.24 - 10: Hiring Lucija
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; objectify; cell; naked; outdoors; cuffs; chain; anal; cons; X
03.03.24 - 9: Slut Walk
M+F+/f; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; cell; mast; cuffs; outdoors; hobble; oral; toys; public; voy; spank; belt; punish; cons; XX
24.02.24 - 8: Tormenting The Slut
MF+/f; mpov; bond; cell; objectify; toys; tease; rope; chain; anal; messy; hum; cons; XX
17.02.24 - 7: Settling In
F/f; MF; mpov; bond; hum; objectify; rope; cell; mast; toys; cons; XX
10.02.24 - 6: A Bondage Orgy Continues
M+F+/f; mpov; group; orgy; hood; hum; objectify; gag; oral; sex; anal; bond; rope; messy; cons; XX
04.02.24 - 5: A Bondage Orgy Preparation
M/f; M+F+/f; mpov; bond; cuffs; hum; enema; group; chain; rope; dungeon; cell; naked; blindfold; hood; gag; straps; objectify; cons; XX
27.01.24 - Wife HuntBill M
M+/f; bond; rope; cuffs; outdoors; western; chain; reluct; nc; X
14.07.24 - Subspace - Emma's Fetish Cruise Adventure 22: GiGibentbliss
F/f+; chastity; bond; naked; machine; feet; tickle; mask; mast; oral; tease; denial; hood; blackmail; cons; XX
07.07.24 - 21: Demo With Janice 2 - Emma Tops
F/f+; F/m+f+; chastity; bond; oral; exhib; hood; collar; cuffs; straps; naked; tease; denial; pillory; fiddle; group; paddle; mast; rim; climax; strapon; pegging; cons; reluct; XX
08.06.24 - 20: Conjugal Visits
F+/f; chastity; cuffs; electro; chain; punish; naked; prison; stocks; gag; urine; cane; mittens; inf; tease; cons; reluct; XX
11.05.24 - 19: An Unworthy Turn
F/f+; M+/f; chastity; doll; electro; maid; costume; naked; corset; oral; punishment; strapon; switch; feet; bond; cons; reluct; nc; XX
13.04.24 - 18: Torture Room Tour and Experience
F+/f+; F+/m; bond; chastity; armbinder; leash; prison; cuffs; chain; toys; whip; machine; tentacles; gag; chair; predicament; torment; susp; mask; milking; sawhorse; clamps; hood; buttplug; punish; oral; cons; reluct; XXX
03.03.24 - 17: Bound To Serve Time
F/f; bond; chastity; enclosed; gasmask; enclosed; lactate; bodymod; enema; cuffs; electro; prison; armbinder; clamps; spandex; cons; XXX
27.01.24 - The Shoot 6Findar
M+/f+; chastity; toys; remote; corset; cuffs; latex; hood; gag; collar; F2doll; costume; cons; X
07.07.24 - 5
M/f; bond; latex; public; cuffs; collar; oral; cons; X
23.06.24 - 4
M/f; M/f+; bond; toys; gag; rope; strip; armbinder; collar; cuffs; shave; one-bar-prison; mast; cons; reluct; XX
11.05.24 - 3
M+/f; bond; rope; corset; lingerie; roleplay; photoshoot; crop; climax; spreader; gag; strip; blindfold; toys; susp; cons; reluct; XX
13.04.24 - 2
F/m; M/f; F/f; lingerie; sex; corset; shop; stockings; armbinder; bond; hobble; neck-corset; gag; inflatable; toys; climax; reluct; cons; XX
17.02.24 - 1
M+/f; bond; rope; climax; cons; X
21.01.24 - Eight Days in a Binding ContractBobbie
M/m; M+/m; mpov; bond; buttplug; urine; sendep; chastity; mum; electro; breathplay; sound; cuffs; gag; toys; true; anal; hum; oral; hood; straps; bench; analhook; mast; shave; X-frame; whip; rim; pillory; susp; chair; predicament; cons; XXX
02.07.24 - Marie and Mrs Stamford 2Nightgerbil
F/f; fpov; chastity; roleplay; gag; punish; spank; paddle; caught; hum; cons; X
23.06.24 - 1
F/f; fpov; chastity; roleplay; punish; spank; cane; hum; cons; X
- Miss TaylorPlayVr
F+/m; mpov; leather; trenchcoat; enclosed; hotel; caught; susp; bond; gag; sleepsack; nc; X
08.06.24 - Date NightMaschan
?/f; bond; collar; blindfold; rope; cuffs; susp; tease; toys; climax; cons; X
26.05.24 - The Property of Dana and Tracy 4: Show Time IIJackie Rabbit
F+/f; fpov; cage; public; naked; petgirl; collar; leash; exhib; cons; X
18.05.24 - 3: Show Time
F+/f; fpov; mast; petgirl; outdoors; leash; collar; cage; transported; cons; X
11.02.24 - The Maid Fucklips 2lexi
F/f; MF/f; F+/f; fpov; tg; slave; bond; maid; gag; hood; collar; cuffs; susp; punish; cane; drug; straitjacket; enclosed; sendep; enema; buttplug; depilate; oral; sex; anal; reluct; nc; XX
18.05.24 - 1
F/f; M/f; fpov; tg; kidnap; slave; oral; strip; chair; straps; gag; dungeon; spank; paddle; cuffs; urine; enema; sex; anal; straitjacket; buttplug; hood; nc; XX
11.05.24 - Then It Probably IsKitsune71
MF/f; M/f+; fpov; bond; rope; model; gag; sex; mast; roleplay; costume; zipties; hogtie; corset; strip; strappado; spank; anal; drug; trick; sold; cons; reluct; nc; XX
05.05.24 - Brag's Female 3LilCthulhu
M/f; bond; outdoors; drug; training; buttplug; toys; gag; naked; collar; sex; reluct; XX
05.05.24 - 2
M/f; bond; outdoors; drug; rope; buttplug; toys; gag; naked; enslave; spank; crop; training; nc; XX
- 1
M/f; outdoors; drug; bond; rope; gag; buttplug; toys; spank; kidnap; nc; XX
- Synthesis: A Mass Effect StoryTheLargeEmpty
F/f; fanfic; bond; naked; armbinder; piercing; gag; buttplug; toys; collar; scifi; stuck; cons; X
28.04.24 - Nature WalkJack Peacock
M/f; fpov; outdoors; chastity; mittens; cuffs; chain; hood; collar; naked; gag; cons; X
28.04.24 - Island III - Double StandardsJack Peacock
M/f; D/s; slave; training; collar; bond; straps; bedtie; cuffs; gag; hood; chastity; chain; basement; punish; straitjacket; kidnap; cons; XX
08.04.24 - Reality Television Star Continued 6: Amanda Night's Nocturnal Nightmares TwoEl Hijo Del Sooprbrane
F/f; kidnap; bond; torture; hum; electro; objectify; enclosed; mast; toys; collar; corset; predicament; hood; gag; armbinder; chastity; straitjacket; legbinder; drug; milking; forcefeeding; enema; extreme; nc; XXX
03.04.24 - 5: Amanda Night's Nocturnal Nightmares Part One
F/f; bond; gag; latex; chain; kidnap; chastity; toys; buttplug; remote; torture; sendep; force-feed; drug; armbinder; frame; clamps; predicament; electro; nc; XXX
25.02.24 - Button's SquareGuy le Bouc
F+/mf; bond; slave; dungeon; shop; cuffs; costume; latex; chair; straps; hood; toys; remote; fucking-machine; cons; X
01.04.24 - My LadyPaultt
M+/f; mpov; bond; naked; straps; enclosed; transported; cuffs; collar; caught; urine; shackles; cell; chain; scolds-bridle; oral; cons; X
31.03.24 - Servitium Amoris IITransAmy
F+/f+; F/f; F/m; M/m; kidnap; sold; bond; bodymod; ponygirl; outdoors; collar; cuffs; tg; M2f; sex; oral; anal; tease; armbinder; hum; mittens; hood; petgirl; latex; catgirl; toys; buttplug; electro; piercing; ponyboy; dungeon; ranch; brand; cons; nc; XX
23.03.24 - Give And Take Roommatesbentbliss
M+/f; bond; anal; group; rope; hogtie; outdoors; mast; hum; tease; climax; messy; buttplug; hum; XX
16.03.24 - If It Seems Too Good To Be TrueKitsune71
M/f; bond; cuffs; model; costume; rope; gag; sex; bedtie; oral; anal; reluct; nc; XX
25.02.24 - CapturedRon McIngle
M/f; kidnap; punishment; slave; bond; naked; whip; sex; rope; spank; outdoors; chain; cane; anal; nc; reluct; cons; XXX
18.02.24 - Public Punishment Uniform 4: Electric JanePervmont
F/f; bond; public; gag; oral; chastity; toys; buttplug; permanent; punish; mittens; clamps; piercing; hum; tease; denial; inflatable; collar; leash; bodymod; corset; enema; trick; arrest; reluct; nc; XXX
10.02.24 - 3: Pat(ty)
Sbm; M/m; F/mf+; mpov; cd; chastity; public; uniform; stuck; cuffs; toys; buttplug; bodymod; collar; piercing; gag; inflatable; torment; cuffs; armbinder; cell; enema; force-feed; hum; oral; zipties; anal; permanent; cane; extreme; reluct; nc; XXX
02.02.24 - Recipe for a Lazy DommeAnne Tuen
F/m; Sbm; bond; machine; cd; true; hood; electro; gag; diaper; collar; toys; sleepsack; straps; cons; X
02.02.24 - The Phantom GroperFindar
F/f; Sbf; bond; fanfic; chloroform; drug; rack; straps; blindfold; gag; strip; mast; rope; reluct; X
02.02.24 - A Mirror in the Dark 4Julius Kai
F/f; fpov; bond; cage; collar; leash; gag; cuffs; oral; spank; dungeon; bench; chastity; blindfold; mittens; toys; buttplug; cons; XX