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556 Stories Found
- Scanned, Shipped, PrintedBaron Law
F+/m; F/f; enclosed; sendep; sarcophagus; transported; sex; straps; tease; mast; buttplug; enema; toys; milking; stuck; cons; XX
23.02.25 - Just Another Box 3: Girl In A Box dot comGrimm Searcher
M/f; F/f; Sbf; machine; blackmail; bond; encase; enclosed; packaged; tease; denial; remote; climax; depilate; chair; straps; oral; latex; catsuit; mask; reluct; cons; XX
01.09.24 - How I Became Just Another Meatgirl 3Gromet
F+/f+; fpov; objectify; rope; bond; gag; feeding-tube; frottage; susp; packaged; naked; transported; cage; cuffs; electro; collar; training; oral; trick; hood; cons; X
14.10.23 - 2
Sbf; M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; straps; susp; mast; frottage; gag; denial; paddle; punish; sex; anal; tease; feeding-tube; packaged; display; cons; X
- 1
M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; sex; roleplay; spank; gag; susp; naked; anal; hood; piercing; frottage; feeding-tube; transported; cons; X
- Emma on Display 13-7Gromet
M+/f; fpov; objectify; public; display; naked; susp; transported; rope; gag; sold; piercing; feeding-tube; frottage; climax; cons; XX
22.07.23 - 13-6
M+/f; F/f; fpov; objectify; naked; display; public; susp; rope; transported; toys; grope; cons; nc; X
16.07.23 - 13-5
M/f; fpov; bond; objectify; public; display; susp; clamps; cuffs; spreader; toys; naked; gag; cons; XX
09.07.23 - 13-4
M/f; fpov; bond; objectify; public; display; susp; naked; gag; cons; XX
02.07.23 - 13-3
M+/f+; fpov; objectify; public; display; naked; susp; sold; cuffs; machine; force-feed; cons; XX
24.06.23 - 13-2
M/f; fpov; objectify; bond; rope; naked; sex; gag; display; susp; transported; cons; X
19.06.23 - 13-1
objectify; cons; X
13.06.23 - Denise In Yet Another Tight SpotGromet
F/f; MF/f; fpov; bond; public; display; pillory; spank; castle; rope; roleplay; costume; gag; scolds-bridle; susp; strip; flogger; enclosed; mast; cons; XX
21.06.23 - Denise In Another Tight Spot
F/f; fpov; gag; pillory; public; display; costume; strip; punishment; latex; sleepsack; entombed; encased; buried; cons; XX
10.01.23 - Denise In A Tight Spot
M/f; F/f; fpov; dungeon; gibbet; cage; ironmaiden; collar; scolds-bridle; public; display; rom; cons; X
10.01.23 - Denise Happily Finds Herself In Another Tight Spot
F/f; M+/f; bond; fpov; rope; bench; cell; dungeon; costume; roleplay; corset; hood; armbinder; blindfold; analhook; collar; clamps; pillory; public; oral; group; cons; X
24.06.23 - Emma on Display 12Gromet
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; display; objectify; naked; gag; susp; force-feed; vacuum; wrap; hood; transported; toys; oral; cons; XX
03.06.23 - 11
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; display; objectify; naked; gag; bagged; vacuum; susp; hood; climax; sold; transport; trick; buttplug; oil; cons; X
28.05.23 - 10
M/f; F/f; bond; rope; pregnancy; naked; display; objectify; gag; susp; cons; X
05.05.23 - 9
F/f; M/f; bond; rope; naked; gag; display; objectify; susp; collar; basement; sleepsack; mast; toys; cons; XX
05.05.23 - 8
M/f; FM+/f; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; toys; cook; machine; cage; susp; cons; XX
05.05.23 - 7
M/f; M+/f+; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; kidnap; machine; susp; cons; nc; XX
29.04.23 - 6
M/f; bond; rope; naked; display; objectify; gag; susp; bedtie; frogtie; analhook; cook; trick; cons; XX
29.04.23 - 5
M/f; bond; rope; gag; naked; display; objectify; toys; buttplug; climax; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 4
M/f; fpov; bond; rope; display; objectify; gag; leash; susp; cuffs; collar; grope; climax; feeding-tube; X-frame; sex; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 3
M/f; fpov; bond; rope; leash; gag; cuffs; toys; buttplug; display; objectify; naked; piercing; sold; trick; cons; reluct; XX
11.01.23 - 2
MF/f; fpov; display; objectify; bond; rope; gag; public; outdoors; leash; susp; feeding-tube; toys; buttplug; cuffs; spreader; cons; XX
11.01.23 - 1
M/f; fpov; display; objectify; public; susp; naked; toys; insert; impale; bond; cuffs; climax; feeding-tube; rope; oral; cons; XX
05.12.22 - Captured and Broken 2Michele Cross
F+/m; bond; conditioning; slave; anal; oral; bagged; cage; collar; dungeon; casket; entomb; gasmask; hood; leash; mitts; nipple; gag; horse; crop; domme; facesit; heels; pain; piercing; nc; XX
28.05.23 - 1
F/m; bond; conditioning; smoke; gasmask; manacles; X-frame; dungeon; bodymod; crop; discipline; domme; leather; nc; XX
- Sarcophagusearlofnexus
F/m; M/f; bond; encase; sarcophagus; stuck; diapers; mast; sex; cons; X
15.09.22 - The Stox Box 5: Shock to the SystemJack Peacock
F/?; bond; packaged; stocks; sendep; electro; tricked; cons; XX
28.12.21 - 4: The Mask
F/?; bond; packaged; gasmask; breathplay; stocks; sendep; cons; nc; XX
11.11.21 - 3: The Sand Box
F/?; bond; packaged; gag; forniphilia; stocks; sendep; torture; trick; cons; nc; XX
06.09.21 - 2: My Dog Spot
F/?; bond; packaged; chastity; gag; forniphilia; stocks; sendep; trick; cons; nc; XX
21.06.21 - 1
bond; packaged; buried; stocks; mittens; sendep; trick; cons; nc; XX
04.06.21 - Sandra and BillMarie Donner
Sbf; ballgag; boxed; collar; cuffs; shackles; island; heels; packaged; stuck; accident; transport; cons; nc; X
25.09.21 - In a NutshellThe Old Man
M/f; bond; mum; enclosed; paper-mache; sex; tease; oral; toys; cons; X
31.03.21 - Natalie's New PositionKnottyNarrator
M+/f; encase; stuck; accident; oral; vag; machine; blindfold; ring-gag; factory; display; nc; X
24.12.20 - Tied Up for CharityYuti
F/m; bond; packaged; enslave; sold; rope; mpov; blindfold; party; cons; nc; X
12.09.20 - Merry Christmas From Everyone 4Davion
M/f; packaged; bond; sex; oral; crop; toys; paddle; machine; enslave; reluct; nc; XXX
29.08.20 - 3
M/f; sex; bond; gag; oral; cane; toys; cons; XX
- 2
Solo-F; Solo-M; M/f; packaged; bond; gag; latex; machine; mast; crop; toys; cons; X
- 1: Preparations
M/f; bond; packaged; box; sendep; latex; catsuit; gag; machine; mittens; collar; feet; toys; fucking-machine; clamps; cons; X
21.08.20 - Lisa in Another BoxVaughan
M/f; magic; bond; enclosed; tease; public; cons; reluct; X
12.07.20 - Supergirl's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Daymlod
FM+/f; bond; kidnap; drug; superhero; fanfic; anal; gag; sendep; enema; catheter; enslave; shackles; collar; table; nc; XX
04.07.20 - Fetish Magician 2: The Claustrophile - TomVaughan
M/f; magic; enclosed; box; mast; oral; sex; cons; X
28.06.20 - 2a: The Claustrophile - Hannah
- ElectroplatedMikel
M/f; Sbf; bond; straps; cuffs; gag; corset; chastity; toys; permanent; metal; statue; encased; reluct; nc; XXX
14.06.20 - The FuckboxServitude
M/f; box; packaged; object; sex; anal; toys; cons; X
30.04.20 - The Vivarium 3Garsponlin
FF; F/f; glass; bottle; encased; sealed; bond; tape; gag; costume; latex; suit; straps; objectify; display; worm; strapon; sex; trick; cons; X
08.03.20 - 2
- 1
F/f; fetish; naked; glass; bottle; encased; sealed; bond; tape; gag; costume; latex; suit; straps; objectify; display; worm; FF; lesbian; strapon; sex; discovery; trick; cons; X
02.06.19 - Self-shippedYuti
F/m; Sbm; packaged; transport; enslave; sold; reluct; nc; X
06.03.20 - Bound in a Suitcase 3: The BarnGromet
MMF/f; kidnap; force; strip; naked; bond; gag; hood; bagged; transport; captive; suspension; bdsm; spank; nipple; torment; submissive; oral; sex; anal; denial; climax; cons; X
16.02.20 - 2
MM/f; trunk; discovery; trick; tease; force; strip; bond; gag; encase; object; transport; storage; stuck; denial; climax; cons; X
08.12.19 - 1
Solo-F; M/f; discovery; encase; spandex; bond; rope; gag; object; used; cartrunk; transport; threesome; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
08.12.19 - A Life Boxed AwayJordan D
Solo-F; F2doll; accident; enslave; transform; bodymod; nc; XX
28.01.20 - Bubble BathBaubleheadz
F/f; FM+/f; encased; rubber; bond; sex; oral; anal; objectify; cons; X
08.01.20 - All Bagged UpUncomfortablyNumb
F/m; bond; gag; sex; rope; balltie; bagged; tape; palletwrap; pumpgag; breathplay; objectify; cuckold; cons; XX
04.01.20 - The Handmade Basket 3Garsponlin
M/f; basket; bond; sex; shrinkwrap; reluct; nc; kidnap; sold; slave; XX
08.12.19 - 2
M/f; basket; bond; shrinkwrap; reluct; nc; kidnap; sold; slave; XX
24.11.19 - 1
M/f; craftsman; wicker; basket; offer; naked; bond; rope; balltie; gag; wrap; shrink; bagged; encase; objectify; packaged; shipped; cons; X
11.01.19 - The Metal WomanGarsponlin
M/f; bond; armour; permanent; gag; blindfold; cons; X
24.11.19 - Lindsey Stirling’s Onahole TransformationLatexSuperGirl
Solo-F; transform; shrink; object; nc; X
14.11.19 - Jasmin My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 2: JeanetteGarsponlin
MF; bond; sex; climax; M/f; drug; prepare; strip; shave; corset; gag; hood; intubate; toys; insert; glue; nipple; encase; bottle; sealed; display; objectify; voy; stuck; cons/nc; X
22.08.19 - 1
M/f; bottle; fantasy; strip; naked; shave; depilate; bond; chain; corset; gag; hood; intubate; toys; insert; glue; nipple; encase; sealed; display; objectify; voy; trick; stuck; cons; X
20.05.19 - Jasmine My Gorgeous Girl in a Bottle 3: Julie
MF; M/f; sex; climax; bond; latex; prepare; corset; gag; hood; permanent; intubate; toys; insert; glue; encase; bottle; sealed; display; objectify; nc; XXX
26.01.20 - A Water Illusion?Vaughan
FF; magic-act; escapology; challenge; offer; prepare; M+/f+; magician; camera; video; cage; cuffs; shackles; collar; padlocks; water; tank; submerge; curtain; switch; audience; reveal; rescue; cons; X
20.07.19 - The Fish TankGarsponlin
MF/f+; plan; tank; decoration; F/f+; capture; bodymod; surgery; amputation; prepare; liquid-latex; coated; sendep; objectify; insert; submerge; float; display; shock; drug; denial; M/f; sex; climax; trick; enslave; cons/nc; X
20.07.19 - Living FigurinesDenkira7
M/f+; kidnap; captive; drug; bond; naked; encase; plastic; suit; insert; objectify; figurine; display; stuck; torment; sendep; nc; XX
19.06.19 - Ink and ConcreteDenkira7
F/f; kidnap; captive; bond; stocks; cement; encase; prepare; tattoo; bodymod; torture; pain; objectify; piercing; nipple; tease; hum; display; bdsm; punish; denial; climax; nc; XXX
19.06.19 - Extreme Magic Vignette: LamppostsVaughan
M/mf+; magic-act; magician; camera; video; outdoors; bond; handcuffs; wrap; cocoon; curtain; switch; audience; doll; strip; emb; tease; reveal; cons; X
19.06.19 - Brianna the Alligator GirlGarsponlin
Solo-F; request; actress; FM; office; desire; sex; FM/f; strip; naked; shave; depilate; prepare; gag; hood; toys; insert; animal; skin; foam; encase; sealed; cage; stuck; trick; petgirl; cons/reluct; X
20.05.19 - June's Suit of ArmorMikel
Solo-F; leather; clothing; corset; chastity; toys; insert; Machine/f; encase; tease; torment; denial; shock; M/f; controlled; conditioning; steel; armour; entrap; stuck; bdsm; enslave; cons/reluct; X
11.01.19 - The Living StatueVaughan
MF/f; magic-act; stage; volunteer; box; encased; collar; chain; water; ice; funnel; crucible; molten; metal; insert; transform; F2statue; strip; display; cons; X
09.12.18 - How Did I End Up in This Box?Vaughan
Solo-F; advert; magician; lingerie; clothes; MF+/f; stage; show; magic-act; steel; box; rope; cuffs; locks; encased; stuck; strip; reveal; cons; X
09.12.18 - At the Charity DinnerVaughan
M/f+; magic-act; stage; event; volunteer; headbox; chair; illusion; arrows; board; bench; stock; jigsaw; steel; insert; boxed; cuffs; shackles; encased; challenge; padlocks; switch; reveal; cons; X
09.12.18 - Tantalised 2Steve Spandex
F/f; F/f+; basement; force; revenge; bond; tape; armbinder; pantyhose; nylons; cocoon; gag; encase; wrap; stuck; struggle; climax; reluct/nc; X
11.11.18 - 1
F/f; basement; force; pantyhose; nylons; bond; armbinder; cocoon; tape; gag; encase; wrap; stuck; reluct/nc; X
- The EquinoxMarlocke
Solo-F; Other/f; laboratory; research; specimen; blob; capture; encase; latex; bond; insert; probes; stuck; stimulate; climax; cons/nc; X
11.11.18 - Tammy's Bondage Application 5SouthernTied
MF+/f+; captive; bond; wrapped; bandages; sleepsack; latex; encased; drug; crate; packaged; stuck; F+/f+; dungeon; straps; rope; gag; toys; strapon; voy; oral; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
13.09.18 - 4
Solo-F; M+/f; blackmail; instructions; bond; gag; latex; costume; breast; piercing; tattoo; force; hum; public; dream; captive; strip; naked; outdoors; wheelchair; straps; bond; remote; truck; transport; toys; insert; climax; reluct; X
- 3
Solo-F; M+/f; blackmail; instructions; bond; gag; latex; costume; corset; collar; boots; breast; enlarge; caught; hum; public; force; captive; tape; wrap; chest; encased; strip; group; studio; video; blackmail; mast; oral; anal; sex; climax; reluct; X
- 2
Solo-F; M/f; F/f; blackmail; hostage; instructions; bond; gag; tease; latex; corset; collar; boots; breast; enlarge; consequences; drug; public; hum; force; captive; mold; lesbian; oral; climax; reluct/nc; X
- 1
Solo-F; M/f; blackmail; kidnap; hostage; bank; instructions; bond; gag; tease; latex; catsuit; hood; collar; exercise; toys; insert; nipple; shock; consequences; drug; mast; climax; encased; captive; cons/reluct; X
- Julie Becomes a Magician's AssistantVaughan
M/f; MF/f; magic-act; props; bond; cuffs; saw-trick; magic; tickle; cabinet; strip; emb; costume; encased; insert; divided; seperate; bodyparts; bodyswap; box; compression; climax; cons; X
31.08.18 - An After-Baseball Bagging in the Locker RoomNabville
Solo-M; naked; lockerroom; F+/m; revenge; capture; bagged; cocoon; packaged; cartrunk; kidnap; cons/nc; X
31.08.18 - Warehouse RunNabville
M+/f; kidnap; bond; rope; strip; sack; bagged; packaged; transport; cons/nc; X
24.06.18 - Sarah's Friend 3Andrea Jordan
F/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; chain; tease; torment; play; breathplay; encase; thighs; trap; suitcase; glue; stuck; chastity; force; facesit; switch; femdom; lesbian; kiss; first; rom; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
26.05.18 - 2
Solo-F+; mast; F/f; D/s; tease; torment; pool; play; breathplay; encase; thighs; trap; sauna; box; locker; apartment; bdsm; bond; cuffs; bike-lock; chastity; facesit; femdom; lesbian; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
- 1
F/f; D/s; gym; tease; torment; encase; thighs; trap; locker; apartment; bdsm; bond; cuffs; chastity; facesit; femdom; bi-curious; lesbian; oral; denial; climax; cons; X
- Making Nina ScreamUnajet
M/f; prepare; flirt; entice; entrap; strip; bond; tape; toys; insert; straps; armbinder; gag; posture-collar; hood; spank; tricked; bagged; kidnap; cartrunk; enslave; oral; climax; cons/nc; X
26.05.18 - Drastic MeasuresTonya Souther
Solo-M; MF+/m; war; change; test; mast; captive; drug; prepare; depilate; intubate; sendep; encase; resin; objectify; tease; climax; stuck; cons/nc; X
20.05.18 - An Unexpected PleasureLaundryboy
Solo-M; laundrybag; bagged; garage; caught; F/m; bond; stuck; M+/m; cartrunk; transport; laundry; dirty; cons; X
14.05.18 - InducedNomad Writer
Solo-M; breakdown; stuck; discovery; drug; captive; F/m; bond; straitjacket; encase; mind-control; conditioning; tease; denial; milk; scent; control; climax; nc/cons; X
14.05.18 - The Penalty BoxTyjord
F/m; D/s; punish; denial; lycra; hum; bdsm; bond; gag; restraints; collar; box; encase; enema; leather; bodybag; cbt; torment; strapon; anal; F+/m; prepare; catheter; intubate; latex; corset; casket; sendep; enclosed; susp; cons/reluct; XX
01.05.18 - Emma's Entombment 6Wingco
MM/f+; Other/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; discovery; tunnel; illness; buried; casket; sarcophagus; altar; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; death; cons/nc; XX
01.05.18 - DesiresMikel
M/f; D/s; catsuit; neoprene; recovery; slave; objectify; long term; leather; corset; collar; hood; boots; bond; sendep; permanent; sealed; boxed; sextoy; used; discarded; cons; X
01.05.18 - Stone Gardens Incarceration SystemVisitorCenter
MF+/fm+; Unisex; facility; incarcerate; prison; prepare; enema; restraints; intubate; catheter; boxed; encase; inflate; sealed; electro; stimulate; punish; isolation; machine; sendep; mind-control; stuck; cons/nc; X