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21 Stories Found
- Camping for FoodLancer175
FF; M+/f+; hard; eaten; cannibalism; toys; kidnap; drug; bond; gag; outdoors; tape; death; extreme; nc; XXX
13.04.24 - Ghosts of BurkittsvilleLancer175
F/f+; F+/m+; M+/f+; bond; gag; rope; supernatural; halloween; chairtie; susp; toys; bedtie; oral; sex; outdoors; nc; X
30.10.23 - The Farmer's DaughtersLancer175
F+/m+; M+/f+; bond; rope; gag; susp; barn; strip; zipties; anal; oral; milk; sex; tease; reluct; XX
25.08.23 - The Cooking ClassLancer175
M/f+; hard; cook; trick; drug; naked; rope; frame; mast; force; insert; food; torture; death; extreme; caution; XXX
14.05.23 - Strip Poker BondageLancer175
MF/mf; F+/m+; FM+/f; F/fm+; group; bond; strip; rope; gag; poker; game; oral; sex; nipple; clamps; cons; reluct; X
07.02.23 - The Ghosts Of Pickle ParkLancer175
M+F+/m+f+; mast; sex; rope; blindfold; gag; spreadeagle; captive; magic; horror; naked; nc; XX
29.10.22 - The Doctor Is InLancer175
F/mf+; bond; strip; tape; gag; chair; gynochair; urine; enema; wheelchair; cbt; clamps; revenge; nc; XX
21.08.22 - Double ScoopLancer175
M/f; food; messy; bond; rope; gag; toys; insert; oral; sex; cons; X
30.05.22 - Good Neighbor DanLancer175
M/f+; F/mf; bond; rope; tape; gag; sex; toys; buttplug; oral; bedtie; cons; X
14.03.22 - Den Mothers Merit BadgesLancer175
M+/f+; bond; rope; strip; naked; hogtie; milf; tape; frogtie; sex; spreadeagle; bedtie; mum; bandages; punish; breast-torture; chair; reluct; XX
20.01.22 - Shoe Store RobberyLancer175
M/mf+; bond; tape; gag; lactate; nylons; cbt; sex; cuffs; oral; roleplay; reluct; cons; X
21.12.21 - Halloween Haunted House of History HorrorsLancer175
M+/m+f+; bond; gag; naked; clamps; rope; torture; noose; cuffs; oral; cage; scolds-bridle; sex; nc; XXX
29.10.21 - The Athletic Trainer 2Lancer175
F/fm; M/f+; wrap; bandages; rope; bagged; gag; drug; trap; revenge; nipple; susp; oral; sex; nc; X
09.03.11 - 1
F/m; wrap; bandages; saranwrap; gag; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
19.02.11 - The Sleep Study 2: Sleep TightLancer175
M/f; drug; capture; bond; encase; nylons; tape; nipple; entomb; toys; sex; revenge; nc; X
16.09.10 - 1
F/m; drug; encase; nylons; tape; wrap; breathplay; electro; toys; anal; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X
08.09.10 - The FantasyLancer175
F/f; bond; oral; sex; toys; climax; caught; M/f; cons; X
03.08.10 - The Medic Class 3: The Final ExamLancer175
M/f+; F+/m; bandages; wrap; encase; tease; toys; mast; sex; cons; X
04.06.10 - 2: The Potter's Wheel
F/fm; tape; bond; wrap; encase; tease; toys; oral; mast; cons; X
22.05.10 - 1: Basic Training
FM/f; tape; bandages; wrap; bond; oral; sex; cons; X
11.05.10 - Football PhysicalsLancer175
FF/m+; medical; bond; mast; FF; toys; M+/f+; sex; cons/reluct; X