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54 Stories Found
- A Late Night StrollDan
F+/m; bond; pain; hum; public; gag; chastity; cbt; torture; tape; noose; buttplug; electro; corset; naked; tape; armbinder; caught; piercing; clamps; cane; extreme; reluct; nc; XXX
13.07.21 - Slave Robots For WomenDaniel Guy
FF; FF/android; box; delivery; sexbot; latex; suit; collar; oral; sex; anal; threesome; climax; discovery; F/m+; conditioning; mind-control; packaged; transport; cons; X
24.02.19 - Gag Sentence 4Dan
M/f; court; punishment; prison; cell; warder; naked; ballgag; tape; hood; collar; bond; electro; shock; pain; torment; stuck; discovery; cons/nc; XX
10.12.18 - 3
M/f; court; punishment; prison; cell; warder; ballgag; leather; hood; strap; rawhide; wet; bond; force; breathplay; blackout; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
- 2
M/f; court; punishment; prison; shackles; gag; cell; warder; ballgag; bag; tape; hood; harness; bond; naked; breathplay; blackout; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
13.08.18 - 1
M/f; court; punishment; prison; shackles; gag; cell; warder; ballgag; bag; tape; hood; harness; bond; naked; peg-board; torment; pain; stuck; cons/nc; XX
06.06.18 - My Plans to Get CaughtJo Dancer
Sbm; cuffs; chain; handcuffs; collar; blindfold; display; F/m; voy; caught; sub; bdsm; spank; oral; mast; climax; cons; X
17.07.16 - Frat Party GarbageDangle
F/m; M+/m; college; frat; party; alcohol; chatup; caught; bully; strip; panties; bra; hum; force; anal; mast; oral; bond; climax; trashbags; bagged; kerbside; collected; truck; cons/nc; XX
02.07.16 - Hotter than Ice ScreamDaniel
M/f; latex; catsuit; hood; bond; armbinder; collar; cart; encase; electro; public; tease; torment; climax; cons; X
25.08.13 - The Pet StoreDaniel Wood
Solo-M; M/f+; store; cage; slave; bond; collar; stocks; inspection; sold; cons/nc; X
10.01.13 - Compost CornerDana
Solo-M; cd; outdoors; Sbm; collar; cuffs; rope; messy; nettles; denial; cons; X
18.11.12 - The Nude Marathoner 2: InitiationDannyinsilk
F/m; F/fm+; D/s; bond; naked; rope; blindfold; gag; display; chain; ponygirl; harness; training; cart; ponyboy; sex; climax; cons; X
03.11.12 - 1: Seduction
F+/m; naked; hotel; public; group; zipties; bond; hood; cuffs; emb; cons; X
- JD's version of 'The Blob'Jason Dance
Other/f; blob; capture; envelop; dissolve; digest; vore; hard; nc; XX
12.12.11 - Sci-Fi Club 4Dani
M/f; F/f; MM/fm; D/s; club; trap; caught; stuck; gag; sold; slave; bond; susp; sold; force; mind-control; harness; pet; cage; cons/nc; XX
02.10.11 - 3
Solo-F; F/f; M+/f; club; trap; caught; stuck; gag; bond; force; oral; service; slave; mind-control; cons/reluct; XX
- 2
F/f+; F/f; D/s; club; collar; hood; scifi; insert; toys; mind-control; latex; catsuit; leash; stage; poledance; sex; cons/reluct; X
- 1
Solo-F; M/f; F/f; D/s; collar; club; scifi; bdsm; armbinder; gag; nanotech; mind-control; cage; boots; bench; anal; cons/reluct; X
- The Art of Silk Surrender 13Dannyinsilk
F/m; F/fm; FM+/fm; silk; bond; rope; X-frame; display; bdsm; spank; cape; nude; outdoors; cons/reluct; X
12.08.11 - 12
F/m; silk; cd; bond; rope; hood; cape; outdoors; emb; discovery; nude; display; cons; X
- 11
FM+/fm; D/s; bond; rope; naked; group; outdoors; chastity; collar; game; oral; sex; cons; X
- 10
M/f; Sbmf; FM+/fm; D/s; bond; rope; naked; group; outdoors; chastity; collar; oral; sex; cons; X
- 9
F/fm; FM/fm; silk; bond; rope; store; gag; toys; oral; anal; sex; cons/reluct; X
- 8
F/m; M/f; silk; bond; rope; outdoors; gag; naked; hum; sex; cons; X
- 7
F/fm; FM; silk; bond; cuffs; rack; bdsm; display; oral; mast; cons; X
- 6
FM; silk; clothing; store; F/fm; bond; cuffs; rack; bdsm; display; cons; X
- 5
Sbm; silk; scarves; cd; FM+/m; bond; rope; outdoors; party; cons; X
- 4
F/m; FM+/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; touch; cons; X
- 3
F/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; cons; X
- 2
F/m; bond; silk; scarf; display; cons; X
- 1
F/m; nude; art; blindfold; bond; silk; cons; X
- Pleasure PoledDana
Sbf; naked; cuffs; nipple; messy; insert; toys; computer; cons; X
04.01.11 - Medical TestDaniel Guy
MF/f; F/f; wrap; cocoon; bond; electro; breathplay; mast; cons/reluct; X
27.09.10 - SomnambulistDan Dofogh
Solo-F; dream; bond; spandex; sleepsack; electro; cons; X
06.04.10 - Sarah’s DilemmaDan C
Sbf; cuffs; rope; tape; gag; toys; caught; M/f; bond; sex; cons; X
01.02.10 - Chocolaty GoodnessDana
F/f; capture; bond; mold; chocolate; submerge; encase; transform; majick; bodyswap; cons/nc; X
30.10.09 - ConsequencesDana
M/f; D/s; bond; cuffs; outdoors; wrap; bagged; reluct/cons; X
31.08.08 - A Whole New YouDana
M/mf; M2f; magic; transform; age-regression; revenge; mind-control; nc; X
02.04.08 - The BaitDana
M+/f; kidnap; bond; spandex; bodymod; scifi; nc; X
27.01.08 - Three Ways to PainDana
Sbm; pain; hum; fem; messy; cons; XX
29.09.07 - Virtual meets Real LifeDanaLiz
M/f; bond; Sbf; mast; vr; toys; cons; X
26.09.07 - EggboundDana
Sbm; cuffs; rope; nipple; gag; pantyhose; eggs; caught; emb; F/m; bdsm; cane; spank; messy; climax; true; cons; X
20.02.07 - Drawing ClassDan Dofogh
F/f; bond; susp; cons; X
15.01.07 - An Exciting TimeDana
Sbm; cd; lingerie; stockings; rope; gag; cupboard; caught; cons; X
18.09.06 - The PoleDan Dofogh
F; bond; cons; X
20.03.04 - Hey, Hey, HeyDan Dofogh
Sbf; gag; rope; hogtie; cons; X
01.02.04 - Art ShowDan Dofogh & BabyDoll
F/f; bond; boxed; transport; cons; X
24.01.04 - The Mummification PoleDaniel Guy
Sbm; M/m; mum; wrap; cocoon; encase; breathplay; stuck; cons/nc; X
12.09.03 - Dungeon Of DenialDangermouse
F+/f; bond; tease; tickle; reluct; X
16.03.03 - Tight And CaughtMartha & Dan
Sbm; F/m; cons; X
10.12.02 - ImpulseDana Sauter
Sbf; hood; outdoors; toys; cons; X
14.10.01 - The HangupDana Sauter
Sbm; cuffs; stuck; caught; F/m; cons; X
08.10.01 - The Big NightDana Sauter
Sbm; fem; cd; cuffs; outdoors; cons; X
12.09.01 - Linda & KristiDan Dofogh
Sbf; caught; MF/f+; bond; kidnap; cartrunk; oral; toys; cons/nc; X