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50 Stories Found
- Our Game: Spouse’s VersionTechie and techster
M/f; M+/f+; Sbf; bond; clamps; gag; collar; electro; belt; cuffs; spreader; leash; straps; sex; toys; exhib; outdoors; cons; X
18.10.21 - Techster Earns a SpankingTechie and techster
F/m; bond; spanking; pillory; gag; blindfold; true; punishment; cons; X
15.04.21 - The Magic and Miracle of a Day OffTechie and techster
M/f; F/m; fpov; collar; cuffs; hobble; gag; mitts; denial; leash; display; shave; public; cons; X
10.03.21 - Male One-Bar-PrisonTechie and techster
F+/m; M+F+/m; bond; naked; strip; buttplug; display; spank; tawse; cons; XX
08.02.21 - Heat-shrink HandcuffsTechie and techster
M/f; M+/f+; bond; toys; tease; collar; oral; cons; X
25.01.21 - Locked in a One Bar PrisonTechie and techster
M/f; fpov; bond; insert; display; hum; naked; stuck; cons; X
24.12.20 - Home-made Bondage GearTechie and techster
F/m; bond; humbler; cuffs; zipties; collar; gag; whip; cons; XX
07.10.20 - HumbledTechie and techster
M+F+/m; bond; collar; electro; shock-collar; mitts; humbler; leash; cbt; blackmail; reluct; nc; XX
15.09.20 - Techster's Latest ExerciseTechie and techster
F/m+; mpov; ball-stretcher; blindfold; cuffs; dungeon; pillory; pipe; bdsm; cane; domme; cbt; pain; cons; XX
05.09.20 - Led by the NipplesTechie & Techster
F/f; bond; mittens; clamps; nipple; leash; slave; exhib; cons; X
02.09.20 - The Edging of TechsterTechie and techster
F/m; bond; mittens; collar; gag; hobble; cbt; oral; tease; vibe; denial; true; cuffs; spreader; public; exhib; outdoors; cons; XX
12.08.20 - A Day at the RacesTechie and techster
MF/mf; ponygirl; bond; outdoors; gag; plug; naked; cons; X
08.07.20 - The Empathy PupTechie & Techster
F/m; F+/m+; bond; collar; pet; costume; leash; mittens; humbler; chastity; electro; cons; XX
28.05.20 - Pet Treatment for a Cheating HusbandTechie & Techster
F/m; cheat; puppy; collar; leash; chastity; electro; mittens; humbler; cuffs; true; reluct; XX
04.05.20 - Quitting Smoking the Sybian WayTechie & Techster
Solo-F; mast; sybian; Sbf; bond; stocks; magnetic; straps; blindfold; gag; cons; X
20.04.20 - RevengeTechster & Techie
M/f; naked; collar; gag; mitts; anal; toys; sybian; cuffs; nipple; remote; slave; oral; tease; cons; X
24.03.20 - How Techie Bought Her New SybianTechster & Techie
FM/m; collar; chastity; cuffs; gag; maid; display; hobble; reluct; X
06.03.20 - The HoistTechster & Techie
Solo-M; construct; F+/m; FM/f; hoist; dungeon; cuffs; susp; hood; bdsm; whip; ball-stretcher; orgasm; video; cons; X
14.11.18 - The Tension RackTechie and techster
F/m; mittens; footstocks; chastity; whip; toys; electrostim; milking; M/f; vibe; electrostim; strapon; orgasm; true; cons; X
04.09.17 - Helping FriendsTechster & Techie
F/m; MF/m; naked; bond; handcuffs; leg-irons; collar; leash; chastity; ball-stretcher; bell; slave labor; tease; true; cons; X
08.09.16 - Wife on DisplayTechster & Techie
M/f; design; volunteer; bond; stocks; gag; tease; naked; electrosex; vibrate; crop; orgasm; subspace; aftercare; true; cons; X
14.11.15 - My Day as a DogTechster
F/m; naked; collar; shock; chastity; wrap; petplay; outdoors; discovery; bdsm; whip; hum; transport; display; munch; oral; denial; climax; true; cons/reluct; X
05.11.14 - Beta TesterTechster
F/m; domme; bond; cuffs; harness; hood; penalty; bdsm; crop; outdoors; stuck; cons; X
15.04.14 - The Mummy SpeaksTechster
F+/m; wrap; cocoon; intubate; chastity; electro; toys; tease; torment; sex; climax; cons; X
14.12.12 - The Underground Dungeon MakerTechie and techster
F+/m+; M/f; D/s; bond; X-frame; sawhorse; bdsm; torment; dungeon; chastity; milk; toys; insert; cons; XX
13.10.11 - Testing TimeTechster
F/m; bond; bdsm; hobble; X-frame; electro; cbt; true; cons; XX
06.05.10 - (Self) Bound to please herTechster
Sbm; F/m; chastity; bond; gag; bdsm; oral; cons; X
26.06.09 - What a Ride!!!!Techie and techster
Sbm; stocks; chastity; discovery; nipple; bdsm; subspace; XX
23.01.09 - Slave to my WritingTechster
F/m; bond; chastity; slave; collar; toys; anal; cons; X
20.07.08 - Just 20 feet of ChainTechster & Techie
M/f; bond; chain; toys; cons; X
22.12.06 - Her SongTechie & Techster
F/m; chastity; pony; M/f; bond; toys; cons; X
22.12.06 - The PostTechster & Techie
Sbf; M/f; bond; toys; cons; X
07.06.06 - Faced with A Stiff ProblemTechster & Techie
Sbm; F/m; bond; cons; X
07.06.06 - Our GameTechster
Sbf; M/f; bond; cons; X
27.01.05 - Steel Bound PetTechster
Sbm; toys; F/m; cons; X
24.02.04 - Electric LadyTechster
M/f; bond; electro; cons; X
06.03.03 - How I got my new $1000 Diamond Tennis BraceletTechster & Techie
F/m; bond; bdsm; slave; cons; XX
10.12.02 - Happy AnniversaryTechster & Techie
F/m; bond; slave; cons; XX
10.12.02 - The CollarTechster
M/f; bond; cons; X
25.09.02 - Stallions in the CorralTechster & Techie
F+/m+; pony; naked; harness; boots; outdoors; bond; electro; bdsm; crop; cart; race; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
22.09.02 - The $12.00 folding stocks and a sister’s revengethe Techster
- SnowboundTechster & Techie
- Trappedthe Techster
- Halloween BondageTechster & Techie
FM+/fm+; bond; collar; cuffs; spreader; electro; anal; cbt; leash; stocks; spank; costume; party; gag; climax; cons; X
08.12.01 - Sailor’s Selfbondage GearTechster & Techie
Sbm; F/m; M/f; susp; cuffs; gag; bdsm; sex; oral; toys; cons; X
12.09.01 - Would you...Techster
- On DisplayTechster
MF; M/f; F/m; bond; cuffs; spreader; chain; hood; insert; clamps; anal; electro; susp; public; straps; denial; mast; vag; cons; XX
- Mother’s Day GiftTechster
- The HorseTechster
- An Engineer’s Approach to SelfbondageTechster
Sbm; stocks; gag; stuck; caught; F/m; bdsm; spank; cons/reluct; X