
To the 2023 All-Hallows edition of the Plaza

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Stories that are bound to entrap you, and keep you tied up for hours...

  1. Bricked Up Alive
    Solo-M; mpov; supernatural; encase; cell; captive; nc; X
  2. Carnevil Origins
    F/mf; Machine/f; horror; transform; statue; web; strip; machine; buttplug; toys; M2f; F2doll; doll; kidnap; nc; XX
  3. Costume Mistake
    Sbf; F/f; corset; chastity; halloween; costume; cuffs; gag; collar; clamps; toys; caught; leash; oral; paddle; public; denial; cons; XX
  4. Ghost Riders in the Halloween Sky
    The Technicican
    F+/f; halloween; hum; strip; public; maid; costume; majick; blindfold; cuffs; club; bond; susp; cane; strapon; anal; rope; spreadeagle; transported; supernatural; nc; XX
  5. Ghosts of Burkittsville
    F/f+; F+/m+; M+/f+; bond; gag; rope; supernatural; halloween; chairtie; susp; toys; bedtie; oral; sex; outdoors; nc; X
  6. Gingerbread House: Blood and Lust
    F/f; F/f+; supernatural; vampire; collar; chastity; gag; cuffs; susp; spreadeagle; oral; strapon; cons; X
  7. Halloween Display
    M/f; halloween; mum; display; public; corset; catheter; catsuit; pvc; leather; balletboots; armbinder; breathplay; fibreglass; encased; electro; toys; climax; cons; XX
  8. High School Haunted House: Twenty Years Later...
    Papa Palpatine
    M/f; mum; bond; wrap; saranwrap; tape; cons; X
  9. Maid Partitioned
    Krissie Krave
    M/f; F/f; halloween; costume; maid; maidbots; latex; oral; F2maidbot; public; hum; sex; stuck; toys; reluct; nc; XX
  10. My Costume
    The Technician
    M+/f; MF; fpov; majick; kidnap; bond; spreadeagle; gag; sex; cons; nc; X
  11. Perspective
    F/f; fpov; mind-control; halloween; costume; oral; reluct; nc; X
  12. Spirits of the Shaft
    FF; F/f; fpov; buttplug; toys; cuffs; spreadeagle; bedtie; oral; mast; blindfold; sendep; majick; collar; strapon; cons; nc; XX
  13. Supergirl
    FF; fpov; costume; halloween; toys; public; climax; electro; pvc; catsuit; sex; cons; X
  14. The Finger
    MF; sex; oral; supernatural; mast; toys; rom; cons; X
  15. The Green Lady
    The Technician
    FF; halloween; supernatural; oral; cons; X
  16. The House on Cemetery Hill
    Jackie Rabbit
    M/f; Solo-F; fpov; supernatural; mast; bedtie; spreadeagle; manacles; chain; sex; oral; cell; outdoors; susp; cons; nc; X
  17. The Screaming Tree
    The Technician
    M/f; supernatural; sex; naked; outdoors; sex; oral; anal; bond; rope; cons; XX

Go back to Halloween 22 | Halloween 21 | Halloween 20 | Halloween 19 | Halloween 18 | Halloween 17 | Halloween 16 | Halloween 15 | Halloween 14 | Halloween 13 | Halloween 12 | Halloween 11 | Halloween 10 | Halloween 09 | Halloween 08 | Halloween 07 | all halloween stories

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