Stories by The Technician

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  • Accidental SlaveThe Technician

    F+/f; fpov; revenge; naked; strip; rope; bond; spreadeagle; outdoors; public; hum; slave; reluct; XX

  • Alice in ThunderlandThe Technician

    Solo-F; packaged; helmet; vr; M/f; D/s; naked; dungeon; bond; cuffs; stocks; X-frame; rack; bdsm; spank; nipple; feathers; tease; torment; denial; climax; cons; X

  • Aoife, the Queen MakerThe Technician

    MF; halloween; hist; rom; fantasy; majick; marriage; sex; cons; X

  • The Beachfront BarThe Technician

    Solo-M; bar; tg; gay; M/m; entice; beach; kiss; M+/m; capture; bond; rope; insert; force; oral; anal; climax; offer; nc/cons; X

  • Because I Want To BeThe Technician

    Solo-M; FM/m; club; bond; cuffs; chain; hood; thong; stage; display; bdsm; spank; crop; torment; public; cons; X

  • Birching Miss BirchThe Technician

    F/f; FM/f; D/s; office; camp; cabin; enslave; strip; bdsm; spank; electro; punish; shave; tattoo; reward; hum; edgeplay; denial; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Birching Miss Birch 2The Technician

    F/f; D/s; camp; cabin; enslave; naked; bond; outdoors; bdsm; birch; electro; punish; shave; reward; toys; insert; denial; lesbian; mast; oral; climax; cons; X

  • Birching Miss Birch 3The Technician

    F/f; D/s; camp; cabin; enslave; naked; bond; outdoors; bdsm; electro; punish; denial; reward; toys; insert; edgeplay; lesbian; mast; oral; climax; cons; X

  • The Black RoomThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF+/fm+; halloween; alien; hist; ritual; ceremony; bond; bdsm; whip; torment; portal; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX

  • BlizzardThe Technician

    Solo-F; snow; blizzard; motel; strip; naked; mast; club; M+/f; drug; mask; carry; spank; exhib; group; oral; sex; anal; climax; mistake; fantasy; offer; nc/cons; X

  • Body SwapThe Technician

    M/f+; nc; force; bond; tape; captive; caught; punish; sentence; jail; future; bodyswap; surprise; revenge; cons/nc; XXX

  • The Bound QueenThe Technician

    MF; M/f; semi-hist; celtic; fantasy; dream; sex; anal; first; bdsm; spank; bond; outdoors; ritual; flog; transform; toys; climax; cons; X

  • Break Me!The Technician

    M/f; Sbf; naked; rope; gag; blindfold; bdsm; paddle; belt; whip; pain; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX

  • Bringing Down the CultThe Technician

    M+/f+; bond; toys; machine; sybian; mind-control; predicament; pillory; straps; kidnap; drug; paddle; pain; public; cane; nc; XX

  • The BunkerThe Technician

    F/f; M/f; Sbf; fpov; oral; vag; nipple; stretch; spreadeagle; caught; outdoors; climax; D/s; hum; naked; beach; cons; XX

  • The Bunker 2The Technician

    Sbf; MF/f+; FF; FF+; bond; fpov; tribbing; ballgag; collar; leash; hoist; straps; spreadeagle; susp; beach; caught; display; exhib; naked; public; spank; tattoo; cons; XX

  • Butterfly LoveThe Technician

    MF; sex; spider; web; mansion; caught; cheat; majick; naked; revenge; stuck; transform; gothic; horror; cons; X

  • Butterfly LoveThe Technician

    Other/f; naked; majick; dragon; celtic; halloween; oral; first; cons; X

  • The Candle FactoryThe Technician

    Sbf; factory; machine; naked; pole; insert; frame; clamps; process; plunge; hot; cold; vibrate; wetplay; caught; discovery; revenge; M/f; video; voy; wax; dipped; stuck; cons/nc; X

  • The Captive BansheeThe Technician

    Solo-M; FM; F/m; inn; curse; banshee; fey; legend; dark-night; majick; transform; sex; climax; fairy; cons; X

  • Chief Sec HFSS OrionThe Technician

    M+/f+; F+/f+; M+/m; F/m; scifi; group; sex; public; club; bond; X-frame; whip; buttplug; wrestle; electro; anal; strapon; mind-control; cons; nc; XX

  • The ChosenThe Technician

    Solo-F; machine; cube; encase; naked; display; festival; crowd; arousal; mast; saddle; ride; toys; insert; electro; climax; scifi; reluct/cons; X

  • Churning ButterThe Technician

    FM; F/m; M/f; police; alien; investigation; cell; transform; cat; scifi; breed; breast; extraterrestrial sex; vag; anal; climax; cons/nc; X

  • Collateral DamageThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF; M/f+; FF; nightclub; show; stage; contest; strippers; dance; oral; oral; bond; straps; sybian; bdsm; punish; electro; wrestle; oil; force; demon; angel; retribution; cons/nc; XX

  • Colony Ship EightThe Technician

    M+/f+; FM; Alien/f; scifi; spaceship; doomsday; asteroid; tribute; slave; collar; chain; toys; insert; nipple; naked; public; display; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • A Completely Consensual Reluctant GangbangThe Technician

    Solo-F; app; collar; desire; fantasy; MF+/f; park; public; capture; strip; naked; force; ravish; gangbang; sex; oral; anal; denial; lesbian; climax; cons; X

  • The ConferenceThe Technician

    fantasy; sex; majick; monsters; supernatural; ghosts; anal; cons; nc; X

  • ContactThe Technician

    MF; Solo-F; Alien/f; scifi; space; craft; probes; video; explore; captive; strip; caress; impregnate; birth; educate; contacts; cons; X

  • The Copper LadyThe Technician

    M+F+/f+; halloween; ironmaiden; bond; tease; denial; party; rope; naked; oral; sex; anal; spreadeagle; cons; XX

  • Dancing to Louie LouieThe Technician

    Solo-F; M+/f+; scifi; alien; spaceship; dancer; naked; crash; escape; party; stage; contest; striptease; crowd; video; voy; cons; X

  • Danny BoyDanny BoyThe Technician

    MM; F+/m+; M/f+; mythical; halloween; succubus; sex; oral; anal; mast; climax; majick; transform; spell; banish; costume; cons/nc; X

  • DarleneThe Technician

    Sbf; M/f; chain; naked; caught; bond; spank; bdsm; nipple; hum; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Dead Writer’s SocietyThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF+/m; halloween; critic; ghosts; story; revenge; pastlives; madness; humour; cons/nc; X

  • Deal with a Horny DevilDeal with a Horny DevilThe Technician

    MF+; party; halloween; costume; devil; angel; tanning; machine; tease; dance; oral; sex; anal; climax; switch; trick; cons; X

  • Deal with the DevilThe Technician

    M/f; halloween; party; devil; deal; betray; eternal; rom; majick; cons; X

  • Deer SeasonThe Technician

    Sbf; outdoors; stuck; discovery; M/f; bond; cons; X

  • The Defiled OneThe Defiled OneThe Technician

    Solo-F; M+/f; psych; demon; majick; witch; spell; capture; mind-control; ritual; sacrifice; vore; halloween; oral; anal; sex; nympho; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Details MatterThe Technician

    MF; scifi; sex; rom; cons; X

  • The Devil's BullThe Technician

    M/f+; M/mf+; halloween; demon; club; stage; display; bond; susp; bdsm; torment; water; immerse; sybian; force; enslave; mythical beasts; oral; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX

  • The Devil's MarkThe Technician

    FF+; Other/f; costume; party; movie; devil; majick; bond; naked; sybian; tease; torment; electro; bdsm; brand; climax; cons/nc; XX

  • Diary of a Pain SlutThe Technician

    Solo-F; Sbf; M+/f; exhib; public; nudity; cuffs; nipple; pegs; electro; caught; bar; bdsm; spanking; hum; force; torment; mast; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; XX

  • Diary of a Pain Slut - Week 2The Technician

    Solo-F; Sbf; M+/f; exhib; nudity; video; online; cuffs; bdsm; crop; whip; paddle; electro; toys; insert; shock; torment; punish; climax; cons; XXX

  • Diary of a Pain Slut - Week 3The Technician

    Solo-F; F/f; D/s; exhib; nudity; video; online; cuffs; bdsm; machine; crop; whip; paddle; toys; insert; tease; punish; bar; strip; hot-sauce; mast; climax; cons; XX

  • Diary of a Pain Slut - Week 4The Technician

    Solo-F; F/f; MF+/fm+; D/s; naked; collar; video; online; cuffs; bdsm; machine; crop; whip; paddle; toys; insert; tease; punish; club; stage; display; stocks; contest; denial; climax; cons; XX

  • Diary of a Pain Slut - Week 5The Technician

    Solo-F; F/f+; MF+/f+; D/s; club; stage; liveshow; display; naked; cuffs; bdsm; spank; paddle; whip; crop; video; online; toys; tease; nipple; contest; hum; denial; oral; climax; cons; XX

  • Dinner and a ShowThe Technician

    Solo-F; M/f; naked; exhib; outdoors; bond; blindfold; surprise; display; stage; stocks; public-hum; bdsm; spank; public orgasm; sex; anal; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Donor XThe Technician

    Solo-M; clinic; future; scifi; sperm; mast; deposit; discovery; F/m; android; machine; clean; sterile; enema; force; probes; insert; shock; oral; sex; anal; climax; enslave; femdom; captive; cons/nc; X

  • Double TroubleThe Technician

    Machine/f; mpov; anal; bond; insert; cage; enclosed; club; party; stage; cane; spank; breast; twins; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 1The Technician

    Sbf; F/f; denial; breast; vag; anal; insert; gag; rope; ice-release; barn; attic; boots; caught; clamps; crop; toys; naked; program; reluct; XX

  • Down on the Farm 2The Technician

    F/f; bond; straps; farm; flogger; denial; lactate; cane; milking; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 3The Technician

    F/f; bond; rope; outdoors; public; naked; tribbing; electro; insert; toys; pain; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 4The Technician

    F/f; FM/f; F+/f; naked; outdoors; public; insert; buttplug; pain; denial; climax; spanking; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 5The Technician

    F/f; anal; denial; lesbian; oral; ponygirl; public; stables; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 6The Technician

    F/f; M+/f; bond; costume; denial; ponygirl; outdoors; public; hum; sex; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 7The Technician

    F/f; bond; electro; naked; tribbing; sex; leather; toys; insert; hood; collar; game; tease; denial; cons; XX

  • Down on the Farm 8The Technician

    FM+/fm+; collar; slave; wrestle; naked; oil; games; spank; ponygirl; race; oral; outdoors; exhib; rom; cons; XX


  • A Favor for Danny BoyThe Technician

    M/f; F/f; mpov; party; costume; cd; buttplug; whip; strip; naked; crop; sex; fairy; trick; cons; X

  • The Forbidden BookThe Technician

    Solo-F; MF+; scifi; alien; planet; discovery; chain; cuffs; naked; outdoors; insert; mast; vibrate; climax; first-contact; telepathy; cons; X

  • The Forbidden TabletsThe Technician

    Solo-F; hist; plot; bribe; caught; F/f; MF/f; M+/f; punish; strip; flog; bond; public-hum; parade; donkey; messy; eggs; covered; bath; ties; used; oral; sex; anal; figging; depilate; tattoo; enslave; sharman; forgiven; cons/nc; XX

  • The Friday Night Card ClubThe Technician

    F+/f; club; rules; cheat; caught; punish; voy; display; hum; mast; oral; bdsm; spank; electro; shock; bullride; toys; insert; paddle; multi-climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Ghost LightningThe Technician

    F+/f; MF; sex; ghosts; possession; cons; X

  • The Ghost of Dixie HighwayThe Ghost of Dixie HighwayThe Technician

    Solo-M; halloween; highway; vehicle; hitch-hiker; MF; pickup; transport; offer; arousal; sex; climax; discovery; ghosts; cons; X

  • Ghost Riders in the Halloween SkyThe Technician

    F+/f; halloween; hum; strip; public; maid; costume; majick; blindfold; cuffs; club; bond; susp; cane; strapon; anal; rope; spreadeagle; transported; supernatural; nc; XX

  • A Ghost's Story for HalloweenThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF+/fm+; ghosts; party; costume; strip; naked; tease; display; shave; enslave; hum; hottub; anal; voy; climax; cons; X

  • The GiftThe GiftThe Technician

    Solo-F; FF; MF; outdoors; desert; car; pickup; majick; gift; transform; vision; crime; police; arrest; cons/reluct; X

  • GlorianaThe Technician

    Solo-M; testpilot; crash; scifi; alien; F/m; naked; vr; explore; sex; oral; anal; climax; cons; X

  • Going for the RecordThe Technician

    M/f; F+/f; D/s; bdsm; belt; bond; cuffs; club; stage; display; clothespins; toys; insert; pain; endurance; climax; cons/reluct; XX

  • The GraveyardThe Technician

    MF; rom; ghosts; sex; cons; X

  • The Green LadyThe Technician

    FF; halloween; supernatural; oral; cons; X

  • The GuideThe GuideThe Technician

    Solo-F; M+/f; MF+; park; cave; halloween; ghosts; psychic; paranormal; bond; rope; sex; group; denial; toys; climax; cons; X

  • Heaven or Hell?The Technician

    FM+/m; dream; bond; rope; frame; anal; spank; paddle; sex; cons; X

  • HothouseThe Technician

    Sbf; cuffs; susp; naked; toys; insert; program; sweat; stuck; caught; F/f; mast; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • How I Met Your MotherThe Technician

    F/m; F/fm; bond; rope; naked; spank; bdsm; voy; sex; climax; cons; X

  • The Hunting CabinThe Technician

    MF+/f+; halloween; lake; lodge; outdoors; hist; fantasy; hunt; capture; bond; bdsm; brand; ritual; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Husband to the FayThe Technician

    F+/m; tea; drug; halloween; susp; majick; fairy-mound; fairie; celtic; ritual; mast; climax; humour; cons; X

  • The Ice QueenThe Technician

    F/m; MM; tg; bi; fem; M2f; oral; anal; cons; X

  • I Hate My JobThe Technician

    Solo-F; Machine/f; scifi; space; asteroid; frustration; naked; exhib; bored; chair; engulf; electro; stimulate; tease; torment; shock; denial; climax; cons; X

  • il DiablaThe Technician

    Solo-M; F/m; FM/m; club; stage; strippers; pole; tease; bond; X-frame; bdsm; paddle; stocks; anal; majick; climax; cons; X

  • ImplantedThe Technician

    M/f; oral; naked; public; sex; anal; FF; mind-control; orgy; threesome; party; office; strip; cons; X

  • IntruderThe Technician

    M+/f+; scifi; space; discovery; Alien/mf+; mind-control; bond; naked; leather; bdsm; spank; X-frame; sawhorse; bullwhip; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX

  • The InvitationThe Technician

    Solo-M; costume; suit; halloween; car; chauffeur; mansion; party; bo-peep; bedroom; rom; sex; first; discovery; cons; X

  • Invitation to the PartyThe Technician

    mpov; naked; orgy; halloween; oral; anal; sex; cons; nc; X

  • Invited to the PartyThe Technician

    Solo-F; M+F+/f; mast; orgy; toys; piercing; naked; tease; oral; sex; anal; clamps; spank; paddle; cons; X

  • It's My PartyThe Technician

    F/f; MF/f; fpov; bond; hood; rope; shave; depilatory; chain; susp; naked; tease; oral; exhib; mast; straps; buttplug; strapon; anal; spank; cane; paddle; collar; slave; climax; cons; reluct; XX

  • I’ve Got The Trains To Keep Me CompanyThe Technician

    Solo-F; inheritance; farm; outbuilding; discovery; machine; glass-tubes; electrodes; steampunk; train; vibe; insert; mast; climax; cons; X

  • Jack O’ LanternThe Technician

    Solo-M; investigate; mystery; party; halloween; costumes; MF+; FF/f; majick; ritual; hypno; succubus; oral; discovery; rescue; cons/nc; X

  • Jack's PlaceThe Technician

    F/f; poolroom; game; bet; tease; strip; naked; audience; bdsm; paddle; spank; enslave; voy; cons/reluct; X

  • The Karodang HouseThe Technician

    M+F+/f+; supernatural; halloween; party; game; naked; drug; mast; gag; sex; pillory; pain; climax; bond; sex; cons; XX

  • Kelly’s QuestThe Technician

    Sbf; cuffs; barn; susp; stuck; caught; cons; X

  • Kelly’s Quest 2The Technician

    Sbf; barn; susp; caught; M/f; toys; electro; cons; X

  • Kelly’s Quest 3The Technician

    M/f+; bond; machine; electro; encase; toys; cons; X

  • Kelly’s Quest 4The Technician

    Sbf; susp; machine; stuck; MF/f+; D/s; brand; cons; X


  • La ChiaveThe Technician

    MF; supernatural; fantasy; goddess; oral; sex; cons; X

  • Lady Lucille's After Hours Game NightThe Technician

    F/f; club; public; game; spank; tawse; climax; wrestle; naked; oil; cons; X

  • Letter to SantaThe Technician

    MF+; Solo-M; M/f; family; gathering; dinner; story; santa; packaged; gift; letter; paddle; spank; anal; cons; X

  • The Little Black BookThe Technician

    Solo-M; gypsy; book; majick; payback; M/f; date; dinner; seduce; F/m; apartment; negligee; mind-control; tease; massage; oral; denial; sex; climax; tricked; cons; X

  • Living DollThe Technician

    Solo-F; FM+/f; bodymod; surgery; breast; implants; tattoo; Alien/f; offer; machine; transform; sexdoll; object; transported; reluct/cons; X

  • The LoopholeThe Technician

    MF+/fm+; contract; devil; halloween; party; guests; exhib; voy; forced nudity; forced orgasm; pain; force; pain; sybian; toys; insert; electro; bdsm; torment; pillory; games; sex; oral; anal; cons/reluct; XX

  • Losing The Super Bowl 2015The Technician

    FF; F+/f; wager; game; drink; costume; cheerleader; strip; spank; oral; cons; X

  • Losing the Super Bowl 2017The Technician

    F+/f+; office; wager; game; superbowl; drink; strip; nudity; punish; spank; tease; bodypaint; hum; enslave; cons/reluct; X

  • Losing the Super Bowl 2019The Technician

    F+; office; rivalry; bitch; F+/f+; ranch; retreat; naked; therapy; costumes; cheerleader; wager; games; forfeit; hum; boots; mitts; bitgag; reins; sleigh; ponygirls; outdoors; cons/reluct; X

  • Mary ChristmasThe Technician

    Sbf; susp; rope; cuffs; blindfold; lights; spreader; gift; discovery; mast; insert; climax; cons; X

  • The Master of the KollarThe Technician

    Solo-M; M/f+; collar; trap; murder; video; hum; investigate; captive; stuck; sex; anal; force; kidnap; enslave; trick; torment; reveal; cons/nc; XX

  • Matthew’s ChoiceThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF+; party; halloween; costume; demon; gods; devil; contract; loophole; promise; revise; tricked; trap; choice; MF; apartment; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Merit BadgeMerit BadgeThe Technician

    MFm+; Other/f; halloween; scouts; camp; fire; story; scare; spirit; devour; transform; cons/nc; X

  • MetamorphosisThe Technician

    Solo-F; scifi; laboratory; steal; ai; experiment; absorbed; bodymod; breast; fantasy; hand; insert; bond; rope; susp; lesbian; mast; pirates; bdsm; whip; interrogate; discovery; stuck; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • The Milking WheelThe Technician

    Solo-M; F+/m; femdom; future; crime; punish; shave; depilate; enema; public; hum; wheel; electro; shock; milk; torment; enslave; mast; sex; climax; cons/nc; XX

  • Mind FuckThe Technician

    Solo-M; F/m; scifi; bar; brothel; alien; F/m; tease; telepathy; mind-control; mind bridge; sex; climax; punish; cell; denial; asylum; stuck; cons; X

  • Mindy's Imaginary FriendThe Technician

    Solo-F; FM; fantasy; imaginary; dream; family; hospital; rom; cons; X

  • Mrs SuccubusThe Technician

    Solo-M; FM; bar; succubus; leprechaun; blessing; mind-read; offer; rom; sex; life-force; partnership; belief; halloween; parties; hist; cons; X

  • My CostumeThe Technician

    M+/f; MF; fpov; majick; kidnap; bond; spreadeagle; gag; sex; cons; nc; X

  • Naked In Las VegasThe Technician

    Solo-F; scifi; fantasy; exhib; mast; cons; X

  • NegotiationsThe Technician

    Solo-F; MF+; F+/f; M/f; accident; vision; witch; magic; incubus; gift; bond; rope; tease; torment; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • NewlywedsNewlywedsThe Technician

    MF; wedding; costumes; trick; group; cabin; punish; halloween; ghosts; outdoors; picnic; rom; sex; climax; cons/nc; X

  • A Night at the ClubThe Technician

    F+/f+; bdsm; fetish; slave; public; milking; catsuit; cons; X

  • Night ThingsThe Technician

    Other/f; Other/m; scifi; tease; dream; denial; mast; anal; reluct; X

  • No Rest for the WickedThe Technician

    M+/m+f+; oral; anal; sex; paddle; sybian; nc; XX

  • Olive OylyThe Technician

    Solo-F; fantasy; bond; rope; naked; stage; audience; public; MF+/f; hum; expose; shave; force; bdsm; spank; arousal; sex; mast; oral; rim; threesome; pain-slut; climax; passout; reveal; afterlife; choice; nc/cons; X

  • Our Only Hope 1The Technician

    MM/f; fucking-machine; toys; bond; kidnap; nc; X

  • Our Only Hope 2The Technician

    F/f; M/f; pain; whip; X-frame; reluct; nc; XX

  • Our Only Hope 3The Technician

    M/f; bond; whip; pain; sissy; reluct; nc; XX

  • Our Only Hope 4The Technician

    MF; cons; sex; slave; bond; pain; torture; electro; nc; XX

  • Our Only Hope 5The Technician

    Solo-M; lapdance; strip; dance; cons; X

  • Our Only Hope 6The Technician

    M/f+; sybian; clothespins; gag; pain; clamps; predicament; tease; nc; XX

  • Our Only Hope 7The Technician

    M/f+m+; F/m; F/f; tease; denial; bond; slave; D/s; rack; cane; pain;

  • Our Only Hope 8The Technician

    M/f; bond; public; hum; electro; pain; predicament; reluct; nc; X

  • Our Only Hope 9The Technician

    M/f; bond; public; cons; X

  • The Party BusThe Technician

    M+F+/mf; halloween; devil; orgy; naked; straps; paddle; orgy; bus; cuffs; oral; anal; cons; XX

  • Party GuestThe Technician

    group; halloween; party; costume; oral; strip; naked; paddle; sex; succubus; game; supernatural; cons; X

  • The Perfect SetupThe Technician

    FM+; F+/f; F/m; femdom; game; cards; wager; penalty; shave; spank; hum; climax; slave; entrap; castrate; bodymod; fem; maid; cons/nc; X

  • The Pink LadiesThe Technician

    Alien/mf+; abducted; scifi; spaceship; prepare; massage; spank; arousal; denial; sex; climax; cons/nc; X

  • A Platonic RelationshipThe Technician

    Solo-F; laboratory; monitor; porn; mast; voy; Machine/f; naked; interface; bond; massage; tease; ai; fantasy; climax; cons; X

  • A Platonic Relationship 2: The Relationship DeepensThe Technician

    Solo-F; laboratory; mast; Machine/f; voy; naked; interface; tease; ai; MF; vr; implants; sex; climax; reveal; punish; spank; cons; X

  • A Platonic Relationship 3: Role ReversalThe Technician

    MF; Machine/fm; laboratory; ai; voy; mind-control; naked; unicorn; fantasy; switch; role-reversal; tease; punish; spank; sex; climax; reveal; cons; X

  • A Platonic Relationship 4: EspionageThe Technician

    Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; espionage; ai; mind-control; altered reality; naked; punish; prison; F+/f; lesbian; oral; M+/f; oral; sex; anal; climax; reveal; MF/f; discovery; cons/nc; X

  • A Platonic Relationship 5: Bucket ListsThe Technician

    Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; scifi; ai; mind-control; altered reality; naked; fantasy; F/f; lesbian; sex; M+/f; threesome; vag; anal; climax; toys; insert; cons; X

  • A Platonic Relationship 6: Pain SlutThe Technician

    Solo-F; Machine/f; laboratory; scifi; ai; mind-control; altered reality; fantasy; F+/f; D/s; kidnap; captive; naked; bond; X-frame; electro; shock; torment; M+/f; rescue; plan; prepare; escape; cons/nc; XX

  • Pool PartyThe Technician

    F+/f; M+/f; bond; anal; oral; orgy; sex; exhib; nc; X

  • Portal Project - The Lottery GamesThe Technician

    M+/f+; scifi; portal; dimension; video; competition; game; F+; naked; force; race; bond; wrestle; display; tease; bdsm; punish; flog; cane; spanking; public; oral; anal; sex; climax; enslave; sold; cons/reluct; X

  • Prisoner of the Tookies 1The Technician

    F/f; M/f; bond; chain; oral; sex; mast; scifi; reluct; nc; X

  • Prisoner of the Tookies 2The Technician

    M+/f+; scifi; fantasy; machine; hum; ritual; fucking-machine; mast; nc; reluct; XX

  • Prisoner of the Tookies 3The Technician

    M+/f+; bond; public; exhib; pain; whip; clamps; toys; reluct; nc; XX

  • The Queen BThe Technician

    Solo-F; MF; outdoors; spandex; toys; fantasy; bond; discovery; mast; video; climax; cons; X

  • A Queen in NeedThe Technician

    Solo-M; outdoors; hike; vision; F/m; fey; transport; majick; timetravel; hist; castle; witch; stakes; bound; condemned; queen; chamber; strip; toys; insert; mast; voy; oral; fingers; sex; climax; mate; release; discovery; cons; X

  • The Realm of PleasureThe Technician

    MF+; party; halloween; incantation; exhib; goddess; tease; F+/f; dance; M/f; flogging; nipple; oral; sex; anal; fantasy; climax; cons; X

  • The Redhead in the Killer KollarThe Technician

    Solo-M; house; remote; video; M/f; naked; collar; slave; stuck; mast; force; MF+/f; D/s; bdsm; display; rocking-horse; toys; insert; electro; vibe; tease; torment; pain; multi-climax; reveal; trick; cons/nc; X

  • Relatives from Out of TownRelatives from Out of TownThe Technician

    Solo-M; MF; fey; warning; witch; magic; spell; potion; reveal; halloween; party; boat; rom; entice; drug; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Right or WrongThe Technician

    FM; M/f; payback; strip; spank; anal; climax; gameshow; MF+/f; contest; bond; frame; spreadeagle; public-hum; public-shaving; bdsm; spanking; cane; tawse; audience; betray; punish; cons/nc; XX

  • The RitualThe Technician

    MF; village; chosen; ritual; Solo-F; rope; stakes; blindfold; M+/f; offering; worship; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Rogue One 1The Technician

    MF; sex; virgin; oral; anal; scifi; cons; X

  • Rogue One 2The Technician

    MF; MFF; naked; oral; sex; anal; pegging; strapon; group; scifi; cons; X

  • Rogue One 3The Technician

    M/f; cuffs; spreader; punish; paddle; tawse; crop; sex; scifi; cons; X

  • RSVPThe Technician

    F/f; F+M+/f+m+; fpov; collar; leash; catsuit; strip; naked; public; party; oral; sex; anal; rope; climax; supernatural; reluct; cons; XX


  • SaM's Place 1: The InvitationThe Technician

    Solo-F; F/f; M/f+; club; bdsm; bond; naked; slave; whip; display; nipple; clit; torment; punish; cons/reluct; XX

  • SaM's Place 2: A Punishment and a DemotionThe Technician

    Solo-F; F/f; MF+/fm+; club; bdsm; bond; slave; whip; electro; display; torment; paddle; punish; hum; cons/nc; XX

  • SaM's Place 3: Humiliation and RevengeThe Technician

    Solo-F; F/fm+; FM+/m; college; dance; naked; hum; bdsm; bond; whip; spank; susp; outdoors; display; hotel; torment; revenge; punish; hum; video; sex; anal; climax; cons/nc; XX

  • SaM's Place 4: Pledges and RevengeThe Technician

    F/m; F+/f+; FM+/f; college; pledge; naked; electro; hum; bdsm; enema; bond; paddle; spank; susp; outdoors; shave; drug; display; hotel; torment; revenge; punish; video; sex; anal; climax; cons/nc; XX

  • SaM's Place 5: Final JudgementThe Technician

    FM+/f+; F/f+; MF+/f; show; stage; display; animal; beast; college; masks; drug; hum; catfight; video; bdsm; bond; torment; revenge; punish; enslave; sex; anal; climax; cons/nc; XX

  • The Screaming TreeThe Technician

    M/f; supernatural; sex; naked; outdoors; sex; oral; anal; bond; rope; cons; XX

  • A Second Visit from Saint MichaelThe Technician

    Solo-M; M+/f+; Other/m+; ranch; captive; slave; auction; bond; strip; hum; bdsm; whip; flog; torment; oral; freeze; revenge; punish; cons/nc; XX

  • The Secret Book of SpellsThe Technician

    Solo-M; M/f; auction; locker; book; majick; transform; telekinesis; mind-control; strip; emb; asylum; nurse; uniform; breast; casino; roulette; security; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Self-Sub SusyThe Technician

    Solo-F; M/f; bond; cuffs; chain; electro; outdoors; exhib; mast; climax; cons; X

  • Self-Sub Susy 2The Technician

    Sbf; cuffs; chain; electro; outdoors; caught; M/f; bond; bdsm; enema; torment; climax; cons/nc; XXX

  • Self-Sub Susy 3The Technician

    MF+/f; D/s; bond; rope; outdoors; bdsm; whip; torment; toys; electro; sex; climax; group; cons/nc; XX

  • Self-Sub Susy 4The Technician

    MF+/f; D/s; bond; rope; outdoors; bdsm; stocks; torment; toys; electro; sex; climax; group; cons/nc; XX

  • Self-Sub Susy 5The Technician

    MF+/f; D/s; bond; rope; outdoors; bdsm; stocks; torment; toys; electro; sex; climax; group; cons/nc; XX

  • Serene Sisters of SibylThe Technician

    F+/f; bond; rope; straps; cuffs; spreadeagle; outdoors; pain; oral; tease; toys; force; strapon; whip; majick; celtic; cons; nc; X

  • The Slime Pit at The O ClubThe Technician

    FF+; F+/f; club; naked; exhib; fetish; bond; slide; slime; display; public; toys; insert; enslave; oral; mast; climax; cons; X

  • SlipperedThe Technician

    M/f; fpov; spank; naked; slave; punish; cons; X

  • Slowly, SlowlyThe Technician

    Solo-F; M/f; Machine/f; naked; bond; cuffs; toys; insert; electro; nipple; program; tease; torment; denial; climax; sex; cons/reluct; XX

  • The Society - Party CrashersThe Technician

    MF+/f+; D/s; party; costume; mask; slave; naked; bdsm; punish; whip; crop; strip; exhib; toys; climax; cons/reluct; XXX

  • The Society - Witness ProtectionThe Technician

    FM+/f; D/s; club; captive; bond; susp; strip; shave; depilate; hum; enslave; bdsm; whip; display; climax; cons/nc; XXX

  • Something Within MeThe Technician

    MF+; party; halloween; costume; devil; angel; tanning; machine; tease; dance; oral; sex; anal; climax; switch; trick; cons; X

  • A Special Gift for ChristmasThe Technician

    MF; Solo-F; M/f; anniversary; gift; motel; disguise; wig; bar; mistake; lingerie; lube; first; anal; climax; rom; cons; X

  • SpelunkerThe Technician

    Sbf; M/f; caught; rope; cave; public; cons; X

  • Spying on HubbyThe Technician

    MF; secret; follow; warehouse; mistake; F+/f; strip; naked; bond; bench; display; M/f; demonstration; machine; bdsm; spank; paddle; pain; orgasm; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • Storm of the CenturyThe Technician

    F+/f; Solo-M; witch; majick; bond; rope; naked; outdoors; ceremony; bdsm; flog; torment; electro; toys; strapon; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Sucker BetThe Technician

    M/f; F/f; D/s; party; wager; naked; bond; rope; toys; insert; stuck; hum; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Take Your Wife to Work DayThe Technician

    Sbf; M/f; bond; outdoors; rope; gag; toys; spreader; caught; exhib; cons; XX

  • TankedThe Technician

    M/f; D/s; drug; capture; encase; sendep; conditioning; mind-control; display; hum; strip; tease; electro; denial; mast; climax; revenge; cons; X

  • Terra ByteThe Technician

    Solo-F; FF; Machine/f; scifi; ai; interface; hologram; contest; sentient; secret; rom; house; chip; implants; vr; lover; kiss; sex; cons; X

  • They Aren't Leprachauns!They Aren't Leprachauns!The Technician

    MF; magic; spell; runes; circle; fey; imps; naked; F+/f; tease; arousal; nipple; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • The Three Amigos At The Purple OysterThe Technician

    MM; F/m; F/f; club; strip; spank; pain; gag; paddle; petplay; public; naked; anal; oral; straps; cons; XXX

  • Three J's and an S Go To Mardi GrasThe Technician

    F+/f; MF+; costume; public; latex; pasties; lapdance; display; tease; exhib; flash; strip; naked; toys; insert; oral; sex; climax; cons; X

  • Three J's and an S Take a Summer JobThe Technician

    F+/f; M/f+; D/s; blackmail; force; strip; hum; oral; anal; bdsm; straps; video; caught; revenge; cons/nc; XX

  • Three WishesThe Technician

    Solo-M; genie; majick; bottle; wish; outdoors; transform; M2f; D/s; cons; X

  • Timelooper 1The Technician

    M/f; M/m+; F/f+; mpov; bitgag; blindfold; bond; belt; breast; collar; party; alien; cbt; D/s; pain; pony; electro; scifi; cons; XX

  • Timelooper 2: A Mistress on TrialThe Technician

    M/f; F/f; anal; oral; bond; clothespins; cuffs; sybian; party; stage; femdom; naked; revenge; strapon; scifi; timetravel; force; trial; contest; cons; XX

  • Timelooper 3: A Day at the RacesThe Technician

    M/f; club; party; mansion; ponyboy; ponygirl; racetrack; scifi; M+/f; mast; hum; cons; X

  • Timelooper 4: Doc's Final StoryThe Technician

    M/f; F/f+; armbinder; pillory; party; bdsm; domme; spank; scifi; cons; XX

  • A Traitor Among UsThe Technician

    M+F+/f; M/f; F/f; bond; naked; slave; spank; pain; electro; D/s; hum; public; figging; cons; XX

  • TrucebreakerThe Technician

    M/f; M+/f; F/f; nc; facial; gangbang; anal; oral; spanking; electro; forced orgasm; XX

  • The Tune UpThe Technician

    Solo-F; F/f; M/f; narrative; counselling; therapy; naked; spanking; slap; brushes; tears; lesbian; mast; sex; climax; cons; X

  • 28 - A Halloween StoryThe Technician

    M/f; party; halloween; victim; drug; mind-control; strip; bond; rope; sex; climax; F/m; witch; cum; drain; majick; revenge; death; cons/nc; XX

  • 23 and MeThe Technician

    M+/f; office; wager; naked; exhib; voy; mast; MF+/f; club; stage; display; spanking; bdsm; tease; torment; sex; anal; climax; rom; cons; X

  • A Visit from Saint MichaelA Visit from Saint MichaelThe Technician

    MF+/f+; Other/fm+; dungeon; bond; shackles; chain; strip; hum; bdsm; whip; torment; sex; oral; anal; transform; bodyswap; curse; cons/nc; XX

  • W and Little D 1: CaptureThe Technician

    mpov; kidnap; nc; X

  • W and Little D 2: On the Trail of EvilThe Technician

    M+/f; mpov; analhook; race; toys; tease; paddle; kidnap; cons; XX

  • W and Little D 3: Finn's Fetish Factory FunhouseThe Technician

    F/f; bond; wrestle; ribbon; hogtie; club; bikini; naked; strip; cons; X

  • W and Little D 4: The GasmanThe Technician

    mpov; kidnap; X

  • W and Little D 5: The Divine General Agua AminThe Technician

    M+/f+; mpov; slave; cage; oral; anal; nc; XXX

  • W and Little D 6: The General’s SisterThe Technician

    M+/fm; bond; slave; kidnap; chain; cuffs; spreadeagle; whip; punish; rape; sex; anal; nc; XXX

  • W and Little D 7: Rescue and ReturnThe Technician

    M+f/m; bond; oral; sex; anal; nc; XX

  • WerewolfieThe Technician

    MF; oral; anal; party; catsuit; cosplay; creampie; drug; pheromones; exhib; majick; naked; spandex; transform; voy; werewolf; rom; nc; X

  • What Happens in VegasThe Technician

    MF+; hotel; Vegas; casino; reunion; poledance; strip; truck; video; display; public; exhib; voy; mast; climax; cons; X

  • What's a Girl to Do?The Technician

    Solo-F; naked; MF+; F/f+; party; halloween; tease; deepthroat; display; first; group; oral; sex; anal; climax; cons; X

  • When Correctly Viewed, Everything is LewdThe Technician

    Solo-M; robotics; machine; caught; F/m; toys; insert; stuck; torment; edgeplay; denial; electro; oral; climax; cons/reluct; X

  • The WisherThe Technician

    MF; scifi; alien; majick; sex; mind-control; cons; X

  • Wish GrantedThe Technician

    Solo-M; M/f; Other/f; D/s; genie; majick; transform; wish; naked; oral; anal; sex; climax; merge; cons; X

  • Witch MountainThe Technician

    F+/m; mpov; supernatural; naked; strip; bond; rope; sex; tease; denial; climax; anal; reluct; cons; X

  • XeneRoberta Lives ForeverThe Technician

    F/f; Other/f; scifi; future; group; anal; sex; oral; force; X-frame; whip; drug; pain; robot; cons; XX

  • Ye Olde Water Faire 1The Technician

    M/f+; sybian; naked; public; fair; toys; predicament; tease; machine; electro; pain; force; cons; XX

  • Ye Olde Water Faire 2: The CarouselThe Technician

    Machine/f; fpov; susp; edgeplay; dunking; dunk-tank; carnival; naked; public; cons; X

  • Ye Olde Water Faire 3: The RaceThe Technician

    M/f; fpov; sex; water; sex; rough; anal; oral; orgy; carnival; reluct; XX

  • Ye Olde Water Faire 4: The Ferris WheelThe Technician

    Other/mf; fpov; bond; machine; straps; ferris-wheel; party; public; outdoors; electro; pain; pain-slut; water; cons; XX

  • You Ain't Seen Nothin' YetThe Technician

    M+/f+; scifi; space; club; striptease; dance; naked; body-shifter; transform; hermaphrodite; combat; wrestle; sex; M2f; cheat; weird; cons/nc; X

Tales from the Psych Ward

  • 1: Of One MindThe Technician

    Solo-M; M/mf; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; bdsm; slap; straps; force; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX

  • 2: I'm Baaaaack!

    Solo-M; M/mf; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; bdsm; susp; cuffs; collar; electro; paddle; force; anal; climax; cons/reluct; XX

  • 3: The Mind of a Witness

    Solo-M; MM/f; fantasy; altered reality; capture; strip; bdsm; susp; force; sex; anal; insert; climax; nc; XXX

  • 4: Cassandra

    Solo-MF; M+/f+; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; bdsm; cuffs; barrel; club; tattoo; torment; force; oral; climax; nc/reluct; XX

  • 5: The Pony Farm

    Solo-MF; MF+/fm+; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; bdsm; toys; insert; electro; ponygirl/boy; harness; hood; tack; cart; race; reluct/cons; X

  • 6: We Are Not Alone

    Solo-MF; MF+/fm+; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; bdsm; bond; straps; wheel; water; submerge; electro; torment; cage; display; sex; climax; reluct/cons; XX

  • 7: Again a Witness

    Solo-M; F/fm+; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; capture; taser; drug; latex; catsuit; strapon; bond; rope; torment; sex; climax; nc/cons; XX

  • 8: The Final Chapter

    Solo-MF; MF/mf+; D/s; fantasy; altered reality; stage; tattoo; display; collar; bond; rope; medical; scan; implants; cons; X

Three J's and an S Go Skiing

  • Three J's and an S Go SkiingThe Technician

    F+/f; D/s; naked; outdoors; snow; tease; hottub; oral; mast; climax; cons; X

  • Three J's and an S Go Skiing

  • Day 2

    F+/f; FM; D/s; naked; outdoors; snow; stuck; collar; tease; hottub; oral; climax; cons; X

  • Day 3

    F+/f; F+/m+; F/f; D/s; naked; outdoors; snow; collar; tease; hottub; voy; video; bond; electro; bdsm; paddle; torment; mast; oral; climax; cons; X

  • Day 4

    MF; F+/f; FM/f+; D/s; naked; collar; hottub; contest; bond; susp; electro; bdsm; paddle; tease; torment; climax; cons; XX

  • Day 5

    MF; F+/f; M/f; D/s; naked; collar; hottub; bond; gag; susp; electro; tease; torment; mast; sex; anal; climax; cons; X

  • Day 6

    MF+; F/f; D/s; naked; collar; hottub; bond; cuffs; chain; sybian; gag; blindfold; stocks; bdsm; paddle; nipple; tease; torment; mast; climax; cons; X

  • Day 6 Part 2

    MF+; F+/f; D/s; naked; bond; cuffs; X-frame; bdsm; paddle; torment; public; sex; climax; cons; X

Stories By Site