Buried Stories by Title
Stories A-D | Stories E-K | Stories L-R | Stories S-ZA-D
- AcquisitionJo
M/f; slave; naked; buried; crate; entomb; discarded; discovery; rescue; bond; cuffs; revenge; robbery; cons; X
30.06.12 - AngelinaUnknown
M+/mf; mum; tape; cocoon; kidnap; entomb; death; nc; XXX
01.11.05 - Area 22Jo
Solo-F; outdoors; caught; M/f; pit; buried; sand; stuck; cons/nc; X
07.09.12 - Auto Burial MortuarySubgamble
F/f; bond; latex; encase; buried; nc; X
24.07.07 - A Balance Struckanonseven77
M/m; captive; drug; bond; leather; sleepsack; electro; stimulation; edgeplay; torment; denial; wrap; bandages; cast; cocoon; intubate; basement; grave; cement; encase; buried; concealed; sendep; climax; cons/nc; XX
11.01.18 - Beauty in ReposeEvil Dolly
F/f; game; dress; lingerie; bond; straps; cuffs; intubate; casket; buried; entomb; gravestone; video; cons/nc; XX
- Beauty's RescueMark
F/f; M/f; bond; casket; buried; nc; XX
30.08.06 - Best Laid PlansJo
M/mf; naked; bond; cuffs; chain; buried; stuck; revenge; reluct; X
02.03.13 - The Body in the BasementOutcast
Solo-M; mast; cons; M+/m; encase; death; buried; permanent; anal; insert; concrete; nc; XXX
12.07.20 - Bondage BurialWingco
M/f; MF/f; F/f; bond; corset; gown; cuffs; gag; catheter; chastity; cage; casket; encase; store; transport; buried; toys; climax; cons; X
19.04.78 - Bondage Peril - The Concrete CryptMister Bondage
M/m; kidnap; captive; bond; straps; gag; crate; concrete; buried; encase; entomb; display; cons/nc; XX
18.08.14 - Borrowed TimeJo
Solo-F; M+/f; majick; mage; capture; bond; gag; cell; court; sentence; public; encase; buried; sand; cons/nc; X
09.06.12 - The BoxThndrshark
MF/f; D/s; slave; bond; shave; piercing; machine; anal; intubate; boxed; cement; encase; buried; entomb; permanent; cons/reluct; XX
12.11.07 - BubblesJo
M/f; wrap; tape; cocoon; bag; buried; display; cons; X
18.01.11 - The BurialTanyabound
MF/tg; cd; latex; outdoors; bond; gag; cartrunk; captive; boots; gag; hogtie; rope; hood; coffin; grave; cement; encase; buried; cons; X
04.05.17 - Burial of my FantasyS M Ackerman
Solo-F; M/f; kidnap; drug; bond; gag; electro; bdsm; coffin; buried; nc; X
16.07.10 - BuriedCdpx
Solo-F; latex; catsuit; gag; toys; insert; M/f; bodybag; encase; buried; cons; X
01.02.06 - Buried AliveTLC
M/f; bond; kidnap; buried; death; cons; XXX
01.02.06 - Buried AliveRatbert
M/f; entomb; sand; encase; concrete; cons; X
05.03.07 - Buried AliveClosetslave
F/m; buried; casket; cement; permanent; cons/nc; X
02.01.08 - Buried AliveLoRee666
MM/f; naked; boxed; dirt; packed; buried; stuck; denial; sex; climax; cons; X
02.07.15 - Buried at the BeachHyram
M/f; beach; buried; toys; cons; X
13.09.06 - Buried at the Beach: Never Too MuchHyram
M/f; bond; bedtie; cuffs; toys; buried; sand; blindfold; breathplay; climax; rom; cons; XX
26.03.23 - Buried Desireanonseven77
M/m; D/s; outdoors; casket; buried; encase; game; grownover; voy; mast; climax; cons; X
02.07.15 - Buried LoveUrbmon116
M/m; buried; sand; breathplay; cons; XX
10.10.06 - Buried Time and AgainNightWalker
M/f; lingerie; gown; satin; casket; encase; buried; entomb; cons; X
30.06.12 - Bury Me Please 1: It Started At The BeachOwlbear
M/f; buried; mast; snorkel; beach; garden; cons; X
18.05.24 - 2: And continued in a box
M/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; garden; shed; naked; rom; X
26.05.24 - 3: The nightclub
F/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; nightclub; hidden; naked; rom; cons; X
26.05.24 - 4: Restraining order?
F/f; MF; bond; cage; fetters; mast; sex; boxed; encased; exhib; X-frame; dungeon; nightclub; hidden; naked; cons; XX
26.05.24 - 5: The visitors
M+/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; garden; shed; naked; cons; X
26.05.24 - 6: A public(ish) burial
M+/f; mast; sex; boxed; buried; shackles; garden; naked; cons; X
02.06.24 - 7: Out in the open
M+/f; MF; mast; sex; packaged; buried; tricked; trash; farm; outdoors; naked; cons; X
02.06.24 - 8: A concrete plan
FM+/f; buried; enclosed; mast; oral; sex; climax; group; cons; X
08.06.24 - 9: The football match
FM+/f; buried; enclosed; mast; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
15.06.24 - 10: All good things...
FM+/f; buried; entombed; hoist; death; cons; X
15.06.24 - Can I Bury You?Walter
M/f; F/m; bond; cuffs; tickle; naked; outdoors; buried; rope; gag; tease; torment; toys; cons/reluct; X
23.05.12 - Charles' FuneralSteve Ford
F/m; FM+/m; domme; coffin; bond; wrap; encase; entomb; buried; revenge; cons/nc; X
22.09.11 - A Church DoJeza
F/m; church; cellar; strip; naked; bond; rope; hogtie; gag; pavers; hole; enclosed; entomb; stuck; revenge; cons/nc; X
20.12.14 - Cindy's Mud Bath WeekendUnderdog
M/f; bond; buried; mud; encase; tease; torment; toys; mast; climax; cons; X
22.11.10 - 2
MF/f; bond; buried; mud; encase; tease; torment; toys; urine; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
06.12.10 - Cindy's RevengeWingco
F/f+; F+/f; bond; casket; buried; nc; XX
02.09.06 - Construction SeasonSpandex Knave
F/m; bond; gag; rope; buried; outdoors; encase; hogtie; toys; denial; sex; oral; cons/reluct; X
19.01.12 - Cost EffectiveRyric
Solo-F; concrete; stuck; accident; entomb; reluct/nc; XX
02.01.08 - CuriosityRyric
FM/f; kidnap; bond; bodymod; piercing; cement; burial; entombed; nc; XX
03.05.10 - The CycleWendy Belltolls
M/f; drug; kidnap; bond; boxed; cement; encase; entomb; nc; X
30.01.10 - Deep in the ForestOutcast
M+/m; mum; plastic; tape; plaster; buried; nc; X
09.01.09 - The Directrix's Day at Bondage BeachPhantom
F/f+; buried; encased; latex; outdoors; beach; inflatable; gag; hood; mask; straitjacket; gel; predicament; nc; XX
01.09.24 - Dirty Little DebbieJo
M/f; bikini; beach; naked; public; bond; rope; tape; dirt; garden; buried; cons; X
12.12.11 - Diver Buried Aliveuser2389
M+/m; kidnap; buried; sand; divesuit; nc; XX
05.03.07 - Diver on the BeachSiobhann
Solo-M; FM+/m; neoprene; suit; airtank; mask; tape; captive; force; bond; rope; beach; pit; buried; stuck; climax; reluct/nc; XX
14.11.14 - Dream Come TruePlastersam
F/f; buried; mud; encase; outdoors; toys; cons; X
11.06.09 - Dumping HerDoctor Vader
M/f; F+/f; bond; armbinder; straps; transport; captive; coffin; buried; entomb; cons/nc; XX
- Emma's EntombmentWingco
Solo-F; archaeology; digsite; tomb; tunnel; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; Sbf; encase; stuck; cons; X
15.11.15 - 2
Solo-F; M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; assault; bond; rope; drug; force; cons/nc; XX
- 3
M/f; archaeology; digsite; tomb; sarcophagus; strip; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; discovery; winch; entomb; accident; stuck; sealed; cons/reluct; X
- 4
M/f; archaeology; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; belt; encase; winch; entomb; arrest; M+f; abused; strip; torment; straps; jail; sentence; prison; cons/nc; XX
- 5
M+/mf; court; sentence; prison; cell; incarcerate; grief; outdoors; cuffs; pit; stakes; gallows; sarcophagus; silkgown; cuffs; collar; encase; entomb; sealed; cons/nc; XX
- Equal SentenceRyric
M+/f; kidnap; bond; medical; buried; cement; nc; X
12.11.07 - EquilibriumJohn Fitzbe
FF; quicksand; mast; sink; cons; X
28.06.20 - Fantasies FulfilledRestricted
F/m; M/f; bond; kidnap; mum; crate; shipped; buried; cons/nc; X
30.05.06 - Final FarewellHerbie Ham
MF/f; bond; slave; coffin; buried; cons; X
03.08.07 - Final WeekendWendy Belltolls
M/f; buried; death; cons; XXX
20.03.06 - Finding a NicheDaviddrb6
M/f; bond; tape; gag; captive; bricks; walled; buried; entomb; nc; XX
23.05.12 - Floored - The Consequences of BetrayalClosetslave
F/m; drug; bond; scarves; gag; trunk; buried; concrete; revenge; oral; mast; sex; climax; nc; XX
12.12.11 - The Forest PeopleWendy Belltolls
MF/f; ritual; buried; cons; X
31.07.08 - Formula 54Darkraptor1
M+/f+; latex; cocoon; captive; bond; drugged; mast; torment; buried; sealed; reluct/nc; X
29.04.12 - For the Joy of MudKnotty Master
Solo-F; mud; sink; pit; Sbf; mast; outdoors; stuck; cons; X
30.01.10 - Friends Like TheseDoctor Vader
F+/f; cuffs; bodybelt; collar; gag; bond; captive; kidnap; casket; sarcophagus; encase; entomb; revenge; cons/nc; XX
10.06.12 - The FuneralTLC
M/f; casket; transport; buried; death; cons; XXX
20.03.06 - The GardenHerbie Ham
Solo-M; M/m; D/s; garden; boxed; slave; chain; buried; fantasy; stuck; cons/reluct; X
14.11.14 - Good Fences Don’t always make Good Neighbors...Captain Lance
FM; F+/m; M/f; bond; latex; outdoors; gag; buried; oral; sex; fantasy; toys; cons; X
22.11.10 - The Grave DecisionMumwrap
MF; MF+/f; prepare; bodybag; transport; hearse; mortuary; slab; makeup; catheter; drawer; storage; casket; dress; chapel; service; public; buried; entomb; gravestone; dream; recovery; cons; X
03.07.16 - The GraveyardTLC
MF; buried; mortuary; necro; cons; XX
06.03.07 - The HelperUnknown
F/m; entomb; cons; X
24.07.07 - Hidden AwayWalledup
M/m; captive; bond; rope; gag; drug; cartrunk; transport; chain; shackles; basement; immurement; entomb; stuck; mast; cons/nc; X
13.06.16 - Hi there!Darkraptor1
M/f; slave; bond; mum; wrap; enclosed; buried; cons; X
02.02.06 - Holding up the BuildingRyric
MF/f; kidnap; bodymod; surgery; entomb; display; nc; XX
12.11.07 - Into the Rubber GraveDarkraptor1
M+/m; latex; bond; bagged; encase; entomb; buried; nc; XX
07.01.09 - Island of No EscapeWalledup
Solo-M; map; treasure; island; M/m; captive; bond; gag; tricked; rope; quicksand; sink; stuck; mast; cons/nc; XX
22.05.16 - The Journey DownNotNormal
F/m; bond; buried; quicksand; stuck; cons; XX
17.01.07 - Just for Funanonseven77
M/m; straps; casket; catheter; intubate; electro; encase; entomb; buried; dirt; concrete; stuck; tease; torment; denial; cons; XX
12.08.15 - Kate & the QuicksandClosetslave
F/m; quicksand; stuck; sinking; nc; X
31.07.08 - Kyle's Rotten DayMister Bondage
Solo-M; mudbanks; caught; stuck; sinking; submerge; buried; cons/nc; XX
- Laid To RestRob C
F/m; coffin; grave; encase; buried; entomb; cons; X
05.01.11 - The Last Day of Her 29th YearDoctor Vader
M/f; drug; kidnap; bond; straps; collar; gag; transport; cartrunk; crate; buried; cons/nc; X
23.01.13 - 2: The Death of Doctor Vader
F/f; M/f; drug; capture; bond; gag; machine; ingest; torment; buried; revenge; cons/nc; X
15.02.13 - 3: The Final Act
M/f; bond; rope; gag; cartrunk; oildrum; trash; messy; encase; dumped; torment; sex; cons/reluct; XX
15.02.13 - The LetterHerbie Ham
M/f; overalls; mum; wrap; tape; multi-layer; cocoon; objectify; outdoors; buried; entomb; cons; X
30.08.06 - The Long WeekendRupes
F/m; bond; leather; straitjacket; legbinder; hood; chain; harness; locks; casket; buried; stuck; cuffs; denim; boots; femdom; mast; sex; climax; cons; X
22.08.15 - Lost at SeaDoctor Vader
F/f; captive; drug; bond; gag; boxed; torment; toys; insert; buried; encase; revenge; cons/nc; XX
23.01.13 - The Machine - Model 2afg_1977@hotmail.com
Machine/f; mum; straitjacket; enclosed; buried; cons; X
01.02.06 - Mary, Mary, Quite ContraryJo
F/f; drug; bond; transport; barrel; buried; sealed; dirt; tubes; nc; XX
12.12.11 - My 48 Hour AdventureBart Stevenson
M+/m; beach; sand; buried; naked; mask; snorkel; stuck; rim; oral; climax; true; cons; X
06.08.14 - My Final Resting PlaceBadspyro
F/f; latex; mum; wrap; enclosed; buried; cons; entomb; toys; XX
02.05.06 - My Only Horror FilmJackie Rabbit
MF+/f; capture; bond; gag; susp; bdsm; torment; rack; machine; insert; punish; buried; coffin; oral; sex; climax; cons; XX
31.03.11 - Nice Sunny Day on the Nude Beach in Jamaica!Bart Stevenson
F/m; buried; sand; public; cons; X
17.01.07 - No LitteringTammy Murfin
MF+; MF+/f; camping; outdoors; bond; rope; susp; oral; sex; anal; gag; trash; bagged; bog; sink; stuck; buried; cons/nc; XX
03.07.16 - No More SecretsWendy Belltolls
FM; quicksand; buried; cons; X
06.03.07 - On the 29thJohn Fitzbe
FF; F/f; handcuffs; chain; bedtie; pain; mast; oral; foot; breathplay; climax; buried; encase; cement; death; reluct/cons; XXX
04.08.17 - The PartyRestricted
MF/m; mum; crate; shipped; buried; cons; X
10.05.06 - The Pinay in the PitJo
Solo-F; M/f; outdoors; caught; pit; mud; sink; naked; submerge; hum; cons/nc; X
19.01.12 - The PondJo
M/f; D/s; collar; cuffs; tape; wrap; buried; pond; water; conditioning; cons; X
09.11.11 - The Premature BurialRuru
M/f; drugged; buried; casket; corset; pantyhose; enclosed; denial; climax; nc/reluct; X
30.06.10 - Retired from Active BondageJenny
M/f; bagged; gag; boxed; foam; encase; transport; buried; bond; chastity; vacuum; transport; sex; cons; X
16.02.08 - The Return HomeJeza
F/m; strip; bond; rope; gag; sex; climax; carpet; wrap; encase; buried; concrete; disposal; cons/nc; XX
- Samantha's BurialCynthia Trusscot
M/f; bond; rope; gag; coffin; encase; transport; buried; cons; X
11.01.12 - The Sands of TimeMichelle
F+/f; bond; boxed; buried; toys; cons; X
24.03.08 - The Sand TrapSpandex Knave
F/m; bond; spandex; outdoors; buried; beach; cons; X
09.04.09 - The Slave Woman's Grave Keeperhollow well
M+/f; F/f; sarcophagus; buried; desert; naked; abused; chain; piercing; stuck; fantasy; majick; spell; portal; sendep; tease; cons/nc; X
11.09.17 - Sleeping BeautySchattenrose Miriam
M/f; fantasy; dress; stockings; graveyard; prepare; drug; relaxant; casket; tease; caress; mast; sex; climax; facial; encase; entomb; buried; tricked; death; cons; XX
06.02.16 - Solid RevengeUnajet
F/m; FM+/m; captive; bond; tape; steel; enclosed; outdoors; trench; punish; revenge; strip; torment; buried; concrete; prolong; sendep; death; cons/nc; XXX
11.01.18 - Somebody's GameDoctor Vader
F+/f; capture; bond; gag; bag; transport; casket; straps; buried; reluct/nc; X
20.07.12 - Subterranean SallyWingco
Solo-F; M/f; coffin; steel; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; gag; blindfold; mask; bond; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; tease; cons; X
05.02.15 - 2
M/f; MF/f; MF+/f; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; blindfold; X-frame; cage; latex; trip; expo; public; display; show; Machine/f; tease; kiss; FF; cons; X
- 3
MF/f; M/f; M+/f+; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; coffin; cage; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; stuck; punish; cons/reluct; XX
30.09.14 - 4
MF/f; FF; F/f; coffin; cage; buried; concrete; sealed; retrieval; bond; cuffs; gag; blindfold; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; cons; X
09.07.15 - Suffering for his ArtOutcast
M+/m; encase; concrete; wetsuit; sold; cons; X
13.02.21 - Susan Dumps her BoyfriendRestricted
F/m; bagged; bond; hood; gag; transport; coffin; buried; cons/nc; X
03.05.10 - That Sinking FeelingSteve Spandex
Solo-F; M/f; drug; kidnap; bond; gag; blindfold; captive; escape; quicksand; stuck; sinking; rescue; enslave; cons/nc; X
13.03.15 - TighterOutcast
M+/m; encased; anal; buried; catheter; buttplug; sendep; trick; cons; X
19.02.23 - Toby's TaleRestricted
Other/m; envelop; wrap; quicksand; death; nc; XXX
10.05.06 - Total EnclosureMummygirl
F/f; D/s; mum; wrap; latex; encase; plaster; buried; cons; XXX
01.02.06 - True BurialNakeddreamer
Solo-M; M/m; buried; naked; dirt; public; cons; true; X
30.06.12 - Unexpected DisposalRiptieron
Solo-F; sink; engulf; entrap; messy; stuck; M/f; encase; buried; nc; XX
22.11.10 - The Wedding MakeoverJo
M/f; wedding; crate; boxed; transport; buried; naked; slave; bond; collar; piercing; brand; cage; oral; sex; cons; XX
28.11.11 - What a BeachKaol
F/m; tape; bond; naked; buried; beach; public; tease; sex; climax; cons; X
14.08.12 - Who Knew?Darkraptor1
M/f; D/s; mum; wrap; encase; buried; kidnap; reluct; X
27.06.06 - Wishes can come trueCaptain Lance
M+/f; mud; messy; bagged; encase; sink; breathplay; climax; cons; X
16.07.10 - X Marks The SpotJo
M+/f; capture; bond; gag; sack; bagged; pirates; chest; boxed; buried; reluct/cons; X