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257 Stories Found
- Twisted TailAlbarez9
MF; M/f; transform; mermaid; bodymod; incest; sex; hum; objectify; cons; nc; XXX
23.02.25 - LoveAlbarez9
FM/f; transform; hucow; bodymod; lactate; electro; collar; objectify; milking; reluct; nc; XX
15.02.25 - The KingAlbarez9
M+/f; transform; mermaid; kidnap; cuffs; collar; bodymod; oral; nc; XX
01.02.25 - Volunteering to Watch HerAndie
MF; transform; caught; majick; naked; strip; mast; anal; stuck; toys; permanent; cons; X
24.11.24 - The Ship's Queen 9: ConclusionJackie Rabbit
M+/f; fpov; transform; M2f; frame; naked; bond; tickle; collar; scifi; cuffs; chain; sex; cuckold; objectify; cons; XX
20.10.24 - 8: Prisoner Of The Xlant II
M/f; M+/f; fpov; frame; bond; transform; M2f; objectify; susp; whip; oral; collar; sex; scifi; naked; cons; XX
09.03.24 - 7: Prisoner of the Xlant
M/f; bond; frame; straps; naked; transform; M2f; scifi; cons; X
21.03.21 - 6: Sampling A Foreign Brew
M+/f; D/s; bond; scifi; transform; M2f; chain; bodymod; space; cuffs; susp; sold; naked; cons; X
02.04.20 - 5
M+/f; D/s; transform; M2f; bodymod; space; scifi; tease; cell; bond; cuffs; susp; sold; strip; naked; packaged; crate; delivery; cons; X
19.06.15 - 4
M+/f; D/s; transform; M2f; bodymod; space; scifi; tease; trial; bond; cuffs; hood; strip; naked; search; display; cell; cons; X
17.03.15 - 3
M+/f; D/s; transform; M2f; bodymod; space; scifi; tease; foot; strip; mast; denial; captive; bond; tape; gag; blindfold; susp; sex; anal; climax; cons; X
29.12.14 - Shared Existenceearlofnexus
M/f; MF/f; F/f+; enclosed; entomb; objectify; scifi; catheter; bodymod; mast; enema; transform; bond; sex; clamps; chastity; force-feed; cons; nc; XXX
11.05.24 - Change of Perspective 4earlofnexus
F/f; MF; transform; F2object; F2doll; sex; anal; discarded; bagged; trash; inflate; nc; XX
05.05.24 - 3
MF/f; transform; dog; collar; electro; cage; bodymod; cons; nc; X
28.04.24 - 2
Solo-F; M/f; transform; accident; doll; plastic; buttplug; shrink; reluct; XXX
23.02.21 - 1
F/m; M/f; transform; object; shrunk; cons; X
24.12.20 - The OrgAlbarez9
M/f; kidnap; drug; transform; bodymod; mermaid; sold; nc; XX
26.11.23 - My Little PiggyJasmine's Pet
F/m; transform; kidnap; costume; shave; humbler; bond; rope; cuffs; oral; bedtie; strapon; gag; pegging; anal; hum; tape; buttplug; cane; punish; mittens; cbt; depilate; chastity; feeding-tube; drug; permanent; trick; cons; reluct; nc; XXX
26.11.23 - Life on All FoursRubberH
M/m; transform; M2f; dog; kidnap; bodymod; conditioning; drug; sold; latex; extreme; nc; XXX
06.05.23 - Battery Hensearlofnexus
Sbf; M/f+; farm; cage; chain; chastity; gag; intubate; collar; toys; buttplug; mittens; force-feed; inseminate; objectify; bodymod; cons; XXX
23.04.23 - The Mermaid 5: The MermaidAlbarez9
M/f; bodymod; transform; mermaid; slave; kidnap; blackmail; gag; collar; nc; XX
12.05.22 - 4: The Journey
M/f; F/f; bodymod; transform; mermaid; slave; kidnap; drug; gag; force; bond; armbinder; clamps; hood; nc; XX
- 3: Slave Games
M/f; M+/f+; bodymod; transform; mermaid; slave; hum; mast; handjob; zipties; bond; oral; sex; sybian; machine; nc; XX
- 2: The Twist in the Tale
M/f; MF; bodymod; transform; mermaid; slave; sex; nc; XX
- 1: The Island
M/f; bodymod; transform; mermaid; kidnap; blackmail; drug; nc; XX
- Milstre RanchJustK
M/f; F/f; transform; cowgirls; hucow; lactate; milking; bodymod; fantasy; machine; rope; piercing; farm; majick; trick; reluct; XX
18.10.21 - The Female Transformation SpellSensual Robert
mpov; fortune-teller; M2f; collar; heels; majick; tricked; nc; X
21.03.21 - Pour Your Sugar on Me 3Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
MF; sex; transform; M2f; tg; mast; latex; scifi; future; cons; X
14.03.21 - 2
transform; M2f; tg; mast; F/f; latex; spank; paddle; strapon; bond; scifi; future; cons; X
07.03.21 - 1
MF; transform; M2f; tg; bodymod; anal; oral; sex; bond; kidnap; blackmail; prison; clinic; scifi; future; cons; nc; XX
10.01.21 - Milking the MaleSensual Robert
F/m; F/m+; drug; bond; kidnap; oral; collar; leash; milking; transform; hucow; pain; nc; XXX
26.01.21 - The Bottling of Lindsey StirlingLatexSuperGirl
Solo-F; transform; bottle; beach; nc; X
08.08.20 - The Rubber WomanGarsponlin
Solo-F; F2doll; transform; bodymod; blind; gag; latex; bond; extreme; reluct; XXX
28.02.20 - Transformations Ball 5: MeredithVaughan
Solo-F; Solo-M; transform; mermaid; magic; cons; X
02.02.20 - 4: Heidi Seeque
Solo-F; Solo-M; transform; box; succubus; wings; tail; magic; cons; X
- 3: Adam and Eve
Solo-F; Solo-M; transform; box; stocks; magic; cons; X
- 2: The Skeltons
Solo-F; Solo-M; transform; skeleton; magic; cons; X
26.01.20 - 1: Jenny
Solo-F; transform; genie; magic; cons; X
26.01.20 - Lacey Is Just A Fish NowGarsponlin
M/f; transform; mermaid; latex; bodymod; cons; reluct; XXX
28.12.19 - A Suitable ArrangementConvolutedPlot
F/m+; superhero; rescue; costume; F/m; transform; skinsuit; stretch; envelop; cocoon; rom; hug; cons; X
04.06.19 - Sister's Mistake 2: Off My ChestSparkyMira
FM; majick; spell; transform; M2breasts; forget; tease; mast; hum; stuck; FF; college; lesbian; kiss; fondle; reveal; cons; X
04.06.19 - 1
Solo-M; F+/m; party; drink; majick; spell; transform; M2panties; worn; tease; laundry; hamper; forget; reform; cons; X
11.08.18 - The Cotton CrotchB.Tweenercheeks
MF; fantasy; desire; hypno; objectify; transform; M2object; panties; worn; used; messy; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
04.06.19 - Skinsuit SecurityConvolutedPlot
Solo-M; skinsuit; transform; M2f; device; display; gag; clothing; lockdown; punish; stuck; cons/nc; X
09.01.19 - Quality AssuranceConvolutedPlot
M/f; caught; reveal; skinsuit; F/m; experiment; transform; M2f; discovery; switch; change; arousal; kiss; desire; rejection; hum; cons/reluct; X
09.01.19 - Forced Dominatrix Transformationjeffapr202006
Solo-F; machine; altered reality; transform; domme; bodymod; latex; corset; boots; gloves; insert; mind-control; arousal; denial; stuck; climax; cons/nc; X
09.01.19 - Can I Borrow you for a Second?ConvolutedPlot
F/m; trick; zipper; transform; M2object; skinsuit; worn; arousal; first; mast; climax; remorse; reform; cons/reluct; X
05.09.18 - Undercover 3Lobo De la Sombra
Solo-M; transform; M2f; undercover; apartment; F+/f; new-life; lesbian; naked; tease; kiss; oral; group; sex; cons; X
11.08.18 - 2
Solo-M; transform; M2f; undercover; apartment; F+/f; new-life; lesbian; naked; tease; kiss; emb; mast; denial; caught; cons/reluct; X
29.09.17 - 1
Solo-M; MF; crime; caught; charges; punish; deal; transform; M2f; undercover; apartment; F+/f; introduction; new-life; tease; kiss; cons/reluct; X
05.02.17 - Transformation VignettesBaubleheadz
F/m; M/f; transform; M2f; F2furry; bodymod; majick; potion; bimbo; amputee; objectify; toys; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
20.05.18 - Only the singer knows the meaning of the songSuggs
Solo-M; yacht; storm; wreck; mermaid; tease; offer; vial; dream; M2merman; bodymod; scales; gills; swim; hunt; net; trap; cage; captive; cons/nc; X
16.04.18 - Girl PowerJulien Sorel
MF; M+/f; college; scifi; revenge; capture; bond; naked; metal; cocoon; encase; transform; F2object; boat; lake; hum; vibrate; arousal; engine-bay; hood; sensors; climax; reluct/nc; X
16.04.18 - Potted and PlantedJulien Sorel
MF; M/f; summercamp; science; geeks; enzyme; potion; plant; pot; photoynthesis; transform; F2plant; hydration; bodymod; breast; MF+; audience; fondle; photo; naked; party; display; cons/reluct; X
14.01.18 - Test Subjects WantedLaurie
F+/m; knockout; captive; bond; gag; mast; force; milk; conveyor; transform; M2leotard; wash; pressed; tricked; F2clothing; worn; used; sex; messy; cons/nc; X
13.12.17 - Telephone GirlJulien Sorel
M/f; maledom; captive; bond; electro; shock; transform; F2object; objectify; telephone; piercing; hum; hide; mast; vibe; climax; cons/nc; X
13.12.17 - EvangelineJulien Sorel
M/f; studio; escape; drug; immobilise; strip; naked; pose; coating; transform; F2statue; solidify; objectify; buff; polish; stuck; display; climax; reluct/nc; X
13.12.17 - Another day at the ‘Office’Robotunit8
Solo-F; call-centre; roleplay; character; transform; bodymod; breast; age-regression; M/f; mind-control; scifi; portal; distortion; oral; climax; rechange; date; proposal; sex; cons; X
29.09.17 - The Reluctant CowJulien Sorel
M/f; MF+/f; F/f; transform; chemical; bodymod; breast; hucow; barn; udders; lactate; machine; milk; paddocks; display; stuck; hum; sex; climax; cons/nc; X
03.09.17 - Psychiatrists HelpRedneck Rubber
Solo-M; F/m; psych; session; drug; latex; catsuit; hood; boots; encase; transform; mf2rubberdoll; shemale; fem; breast; corset; tease; stuck; permanent; mast; oral; anal; sex; climax; cons; X
03.09.17 - The AmuletCaptianHarlock
Solo-F; amulet; transform; cat; animal; clothing; porcelain-bust; display; jewelery store; robbery; necklace; cabinet; store; switch; stuck; permanent; cons/reluct; X
03.09.17 - Reunion AwryEido
Alien/f; M/f; flight; crash; jungle; capture; bond; vine; transform; mind-control; encase; enwrap; susp; web; mutations; plant; insert; tendrils; impregnate; sex; climax; bodymod; M2f; cons/nc; XX
05.02.17 - The PillsBaron Waste
MF; laboratory; mice; discovery; pills; bodymod; transform; breast; growth; horny; objectify; toys; insatiable; sex; climax; X
05.02.17 - Bikini Beach Body In A BottleJackie Rabbit
F/m; caught; bond; punish; bdsm; crop; transform; bodymod; breast; M2f; pills; femmiweed; sex; cons; X
05.02.17 - A Gift and an Old FlameCaptianHarlock
Solo-F; transform; F2object; lovedoll; boxed; delivery; M/f; inflate; used; store; latex; bond; mannequin; mind-control; stuck; FM; bodyswap; tricked; window; display; sex; climax; cons/reluct; XX
18.07.16 - Boys Will Be...Lobo De la Sombra
M+; storm; cave; machine; transform; M2f; robbery; naked; switchback; getaway; shopping; leather; stuck; mast; lesbian; climax; cons; X
10.07.16 - CoryCaptianHarlock
F/m; transform; plastic; M2object; balloon; inflate; helium; float; tease; objectify; F/f; F2object; mannequin; gown; worn; cupboard; store; stuck; cons; X
16.06.16 - Universal RemoteCaptianHarlock
F/m; F/f; remote; transform; M2object; shoes; worn; walkedon; mast-with; F2object; dildo; used; pantyhose; mf2object; phone; mast; climax; cons; X
02.06.16 - Giving BackLobo De la Sombra
Solo-M; crime; shot; transform; M2f; genie; enslave; breast; M/f; oral; pleasure; cons/reluct; X
02.06.16 - Forever a Maids shoesCaptianHarlock
F/m; witch; revenge; transform; M2object; shoes; worn; maid; latex; memoryloss; objectify; stuck; cons/nc; X
02.06.16 - ShellyDoug
M/f; roleplay; dogsuit; collar; leash; crate; doctor; transform; surgery; bodymod; latexsuit; dogfood; outdoors; licence; cons; X
07.02.16 - Petra's Magical Birthday SurpriseJohnsan
MF; show; surprise; majick; M/f+; transform; mold; liquify; flatten; F2object; F2statue; doll; latex; F2clothing; F2object; tease; sex; climax; cons; X
07.02.16 - The CostumesLobo De la Sombra
M/mf+; costume; halloween; bodysuit; transform; cell; display; stuck; public; shrink; mf2object; figurine; cons/nc; X
07.02.16 - The BuildingAmyAmy
MF+; M/f; abandoned; explore; liquid; rubber; capture; chase; transform; F2other; M2other; insects; mind-control; force; enslave; feed; stuck; cons/nc; XX
30.10.15 - Home Is The PrincessLobo De la Sombra
MF+/f; Solo-F; hist; outdoors; discovery; naked; mute; rescue; majick; transform; bodyswap; revenge; capture; cons/nc; X
17.10.15 - Kimberley's Night at the MuseumKimberley Robbe-Grillet
Solo-F; museum; display; costume; haremwear; cuffs; chain; dance; transform; transport; bottle; encase; stuck; mast; climax; cons; X
03.10.15 - Her BurroDoug
F/m; M/f; petplay; transform; surgery; bodymod; F2petgirl; kennel; mount; pet; m2burro; paddocks; cart; sex; cons; X
03.10.15 - BaxterDoug
MF; F/m; petplay; dogsuit; outdoors; transform; clinic; surgery; bodymod; m2canine; M2f; cage; kennel; mount; pet; sex; cons/reluct; X
03.09.15 - All New DoggieDoug
MF; F/m; petplay; transform; surgery; bodymod; m2canine; M2f; cage; kennel; mount; pet; sex; cons/reluct; X
03.09.15 - Beth's WardrobeRubberbando
FM; bedroom; makeout; spandex; caught; wardrobe; transform; M2object; unitard; worn; mast; climax; cons; X
29.08.15 - Thank God for ScienceAgfinders
M/f; science; dna; drug; bodymod; transform; breast; enlarge; tease; oral; sex; climax; cons; X
21.08.15 - Robert's DreamLobo De la Sombra
Solo-M; mast; dream; rope; bond; transform; M2f; captive; blindfold; kidnap; transport; enslave; cons/reluct; X
21.08.15 - Four Corners 6: The Three PointsLobo De la Sombra
Solo-M+; transform; majick; M2f; Solo-F+; MF; M/f; clubhouse; change; choice; tease; cons; X
11.05.15 - 5: Andrew/Andrea
Solo-M; transform; M2f; Solo-F; F/f; bar; majick; transport; cave; strip; nipple; tease; oral; strapon; climax; cons; X
31.03.15 - 4: Taylor/Taylor
Solo-M; transform; M2f; Solo-F; MF; bar; tease; wine; strip; first; oral; nipple; sex; climax; cons; X
16.12.14 - 3: Neil/Nell
Solo-M; transform; M2f; F/m; D/s; bar; tease; femdom; oral; denial; slave; Sbm; cuffs; spreadeagle; gag; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
15.11.14 - 2: Steve/Stephanie
Solo-MF; transform; M2f; M/f; tease; fondle; strip; bond; gag; bdsm; punish; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X
18.09.14 - Secret of the SeamstressRubberbando
Solo-M; F/m; machine; spandex; suit; fitting; emb; mast; climax; transform; M2object; material; spool; cons; X
08.03.15 - SRU: An Exciting Present 3: A Downward SlopeLycra GG
MF; Solo-F; majick; transform; bodymod; clothing; spandex; corset; hotpants; pheromones; mind-control; stuck; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
29.12.14 - 2: Consequences
MF; wizard; gift; boxed; clothing; spandex; gstring; majick; transform; bodymod; pheromones; climax; sex; mind-control; stuck; cons/reluct; X
17.11.14 - 1
MF; wizard; gift; boxed; clothing; spandex; gstring; majick; transform; bodymod; climax; sex; mind-control; stuck; cons/reluct; X
19.10.14 - The Secret Book of SpellsThe Technician
Solo-M; M/f; auction; locker; book; majick; transform; telekinesis; mind-control; strip; emb; asylum; nurse; uniform; breast; casino; roulette; security; sex; climax; cons; X
29.12.14 - Size MattersLobo De la Sombra
Solo-F; MF; reporter; story; robbery; transform; breast; enlarge; bond; rope; sex; cons; X
03.12.14 - The Babe Bomb 2Lobo De la Sombra
MM; military; device; virus; dna; modify; transform; M2f; breast; bimbo; F+/m+; nympho; sex; cons/reluct; X
15.11.14 - Stuffed64Fordman
MF; Other/f; fair; prize; toys; bond; rope; gag; sex; oral; climax; transform; object; group; wash; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - ReunionAmyAmy
Solo-F; F+/f; clothing; store; display; fitting; panties; corset; dress; shoes; bond; cuffs; collar; bdsm; paddle; punish; majick; spell; transform; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - The GardenersAmyAmy
Solo-F; FF; plant/f; greenhouse; plant; drug; tendrils; capture; encase; insert; bodymod; mind-control; transform; zombie; cons/reluct; X
30.10.14 - Danny BoyThe Technician
MM; F+/m+; M/f+; mythical; halloween; succubus; sex; oral; anal; mast; climax; majick; transform; spell; banish; costume; cons/nc; X
30.10.14 - Never Dick With A GoddessLobo De la Sombra
FM; FM/m; bar; goddess; majick; transform; bodymod; M2f; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X
00.09.14 - WelcomeJo
Solo-F; space; planet; explore; naked; plant; drug; tendrils; bond; insert; transform; cons; X