Transformation Stories by Author
Authors A-D | Authors E-K | Authors L-R | Authors ST | Authors U-ZA-D
- AgfindersThank God for Science
- Albarez9The King Love The Mermaid 1: The Island 2: The Twist in the Tale 3: Slave Games 4: The Journey 5: The Mermaid The Org Twisted Tail
- AmyAmyThe Building The Gardeners Reunion
- AndieVolunteering to Watch Her
- B.TweenercheeksThe Cotton Crotch
- Baron WasteThe Pills
- BaubleheadzNot Knowing can be Dangerous and Fun! Part 1: First Bauble 2: Second Bauble 3: Second Bauble - Their Experience Transformation Vignettes
- CaptianHarlockThe Amulet Cory Forever a Maids shoes A Gift and an Old Flame Universal Remote
- CircuitbreakerOoze 2
- ConvolutedPlotCan I Borrow you for a Second? Quality Assurance Skinsuit Security A Suitable Arrangement
- Corset StilettoPower of the Ring
- CropsncuffsThe Spell
- DanaChocolaty Goodness A Whole New You
- Doctor VaderAnimal Cruelty
- DougAll New Doggie Baxter Her Burro Shelly
- earlofnexusBattery Hens Change of Perspective 1 2 3 4 Shared Existence
- EidoReunion Awry
- EnemyThineBe Careful What You Wish For
- Eris LoboAn Untangling of Strings
- GarsponlinLacey Is Just A Fish Now The Rubber Woman
- GrimboUncle Pete's Box
- Happy When TiedGift or Curse
- hollow wellThe Crystalline Insert
- Jackie RabbitBikini Beach Body In A Bottle Femmi Weed Too The Ship's Queen 2 3 4 5 6: Sampling A Foreign Brew 7: Prisoner of the Xlant 8: Prisoner Of The Xlant II 9: Conclusion
- Janet HarrisThe Genie of the Lamp
- JARThe Vacuum in my Life 2 3
- Jasmine's PetMy Little Piggy
- Jason ReedSole Man
- jeffapr202006Forced Dominatrix Transformation
- Jerod666Sold to Hollie Stevens
- JezaFor 400 Years
- JoBovinity School Fempire The Herd It's Only Money Making Up Lost Time 'Twas the night after Christmas ... Welcome
- Joanne Marie AndrewsThe Salon Fantasy
- JoeDream come true
- JohnsanPetra's Magical Birthday Surprise
- JR ParzWomanizer, Another Tale
- Julien SorelEvangeline Girl Power Potted and Planted The Reluctant Cow Telephone Girl
- JustKMilstre Ranch
- Kim MannersSuiting Danielle 2
- Kimberley Robbe-GrilletKimberley's Night at the Museum
- Kinky KatieFrom One Prison to Another
- LatexSuperGirlThe Bottling of Lindsey Stirling
- LaurieTest Subjects Wanted
- LilithBeing Jenny
- Lobo De la Sombrasee stories below
- Lycra GGSRU: An Exciting Present 2: Consequences 3: A Downward Slope
- Lylani BellicTaming Tani
- Mark GooleySuicide Is Painless
- Michelle StevensA Change for the Better
- Misti Love-FitzpatrickPour Your Sugar on Me 2 3
- Nate WalisHer Contract Entails 2 3 4 I Was a Gaijin Bikegirl Siren in Stockings
- NebulosoHedonia 2
- P-FunkThe Rubber Milkmaid
- Paul G JutrasSRU: Bodystocking Wind Up Robin
- reaper2014Soul Bound
- Redneck RubberPsychiatrists Help
- Remmy111Going to a Party?
- RestrictedRevenge on John
- Robotunit8Another day at the ‘Office’ Sarah’s Pony Play
- RubberbandoBeth's Wardrobe Janet's Zentaisuit The Mime In The Box Pokemon: May's Blankie Secret of the Seamstress The Spandex Touch Zentai Among Us
- RubberHLife on All Fours
- RubbersuggsThe Tiger in the Night
Lobo De la Sombra (see their stories page)
- Alien Technology
- The Babe Bomb
- 2
- Bad Bargain
- 2
- Battle Morn
- Best Laid Plans
- Billy
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Boys Will Be...
- Brandon's Final Command
- Brenda
- 2
- Bryan's Story
- Cedric
- Returns... Sort Of
- Celestial Body Shop
- The Competition
- The Costumes
- Djinn
- Four Corners
- 2: Steve/Stephanie
- 3: Neil/Nell
- 4: Taylor/Taylor
- 5: Andrew/Andrea
- 6: The Three Points
- Gina
- Giving Back
- His Fondest Desire
- Home Is The Princess
- The Host
- Interactive
- Jess' Camping Adventure
- Jim and Christina
- Jolene
- Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
- Magic Poker
- Never Dick With A Goddess
- North & South
- Oops!
- A Pair Of Lais
- Perfect Dildo
- The Perfect Party Costumes
- Rick & Mike
- 2
- Robert's Dream
- Sector 27
- See or Be
- Selene
- Size Matters
- A Slight Miscalculation
- A Slight Recalculation
- Stephen
- Undercover
- 2
- 3
- Understanding
- 2
- Virtual Unreality
- A Witches Mistake
- Wrong Target
- Sensual RobertThe Female Transformation Spell Milking the Male
- Shelly O'KellyWhat Witch Now?
- SparkyMiraSister's Mistake 2: Off My Chest
- StephanieClosing Pandora's Box
- SuggsOnly the singer knows the meaning of the song
- Sukey Cox"Be Careful what you wish for..."
- Sup2Don't Be Trippin Escape The Field Trip 1: Miss. Shepard 2: Tina 3: Kelly, Tom & Kyle 4: Jeremy & Amber
- TeaSerHalloween Witch
- The Old ManSomething Sweet
- The TechnicianChurning Butter Danny Boy The Secret Book of Spells Three Wishes Wish Granted
- Tiny Sexy GirlForeverlast...
- Tony-BThe Apartment The Body Swap The Planets
- Trash Mousesee stories below
- Tyd UpHalloween Mermaid
Trash Mouse
- All I Want for Christmas
- Am I
- Anywhere She Wants
- Bigger is Always Better
- Furry Fun
- Getting up Close...
- Like, Wow!
- The Mad in Science
- Petticoats and Frills
- Rewind
- Something Fun and New
- Striptease
- To Save a Dragon
- UnknownChanging Room Chocolate
- UnrealA Little Head Roomies
- VaughanTransformations Ball 1: Jenny 2: The Skeltons 3: Adam and Eve 4: Heidi Seeque 5: Meredith
- Victor"Latex Is a Girl's Best Friend"
- Victoria’s Little SecretAn Unexpected Change
- XVXNight Creatures Satyr Day Nights Fever
- 64FordmanFamily Ties 2: Let the Games Begin Stuffed